Thomas Willwacher
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German mathematician
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Thomas Willwachermathematics Degrees
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Algebraic Topology
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Thomas Willwacher's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Zurich
- Masters Mathematics University of Zurich
Why Is Thomas Willwacher Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas Hans Willwacher is a German mathematician and mathematical physicist working as a Professor at the Institute of Mathematics, ETH Zurich. Biography Willwacher completed his PhD at ETH Zurich in 2009 with a thesis on "Cyclic Formality", under the supervision of Giovanni Felder, Alberto Cattaneo, and Anton Alekseev. He was later a Junior member of the Harvard Society of Fellows.
Thomas Willwacher's Published Works
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Published Works
- Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging (2012) (556)
- iLamps: geometrically aware and self-configuring projectors (2005) (286)
- iLamps: geometrically aware and self-configuring projectors (2003) (227)
- RFIG lamps: interacting with a self-describing world via photosensing wireless tags and projectors (2004) (185)
- M. Kontsevich’s graph complex and the Grothendieck–Teichmüller Lie algebra (2010) (155)
- Reconstruction of hidden 3D shapes using diffuse reflections (2012) (128)
- Operadic Twisting -- with an application to Deligne's conjecture (2012) (70)
- Quadric Transfer for Immersive Curved Screen Displays (2004) (62)
- Equivalence of formalities of the little discs operad (2009) (50)
- RFIG lamps: interacting with a self-describing world via photosensing wireless tags and projectors (2005) (48)
- Seamless multi-projector display on curved screens (2003) (41)
- The Oriented Graph Complexes (2013) (41)
- The rational homotopy of mapping spaces of E${}_n$ operads (2017) (40)
- Frequency Analysis of Transient Light Transport with Applications in Bare Sensor Imaging (2012) (39)
- Cartoon dioramas in motion (2002) (38)
- Differentials on graph complexes (2014) (36)
- Cartoon dioramas in motion (2005) (36)
- Relative (non-)formality of the little cubes operads and the algebraic Cerf lemma (2014) (31)
- Triviality of the higher formality theorem (2013) (31)
- The homotopy braces formality morphism (2011) (30)
- P. Etingof's conjecture about Drinfeld associators (2014) (28)
- A Counterexample to the Quantizability of Modules (2007) (26)
- Stable cohomology of polyvector fields (2011) (25)
- Kontsevich's graph complex, GRT, and the deformation complex of the sheaf of polyvector fields (2012) (25)
- Multiple edges in M. Kontsevich's graph complexes and computations of the dimensions and Euler characteristics (2015) (24)
- Deformation Theory of Lie Bialgebra Properads (2015) (24)
- Props of ribbon graphs, involutive Lie bialgebras and moduli spaces of curves M_g,n (2015) (24)
- Formality of cyclic cochains (2008) (23)
- Representation Homology, Lie Algebra Cohomology and Derived Harish-Chandra Homomorphism (2014) (23)
- Ultra-fast Lensless Computational Imaging through 5D Frequency Analysis of Time-resolved Light Transport (2013) (21)
- On the (ir)rationality of Kontsevich weights (2008) (21)
- A model for configuration spaces of points (2016) (21)
- Commutative hairy graphs and representations of Out (Fr) (2016) (20)
- The character map in deformation quantization (2009) (18)
- Real models for the framed little $n$-disks operads (2017) (18)
- A Note on Br-infinity and KS-infinity formality (2011) (18)
- Classification of universal formality maps for quantizations of Lie bialgebras (2016) (17)
- Differentials on graph complexes II: hairy graphs (2015) (16)
- The intrinsic formality of $E_n$-operads (2015) (15)
- Cyclic Cohomology of the Weyl Algebra (2008) (14)
- The Deformation Complex is a Homotopy Invariant of a Homotopy Algebra (2013) (14)
- Oriented hairy graphs and moduli spaces of curves (2020) (13)
- The obstruction to the existence of a loopless star product (2013) (13)
- Models for the n ‐Swiss Cheese operads (2015) (12)
- (Non-)formality of the extended Swiss Cheese operads (2017) (11)
- Hochschild-Pirashvili homology on suspensions and representations of Out(F_n) (2015) (11)
- String topology and configuration spaces of two points (2019) (11)
- Deformation quantization and the Gerstenhaber structure on the homology of knot spaces (2015) (11)
- An Explicit Two Step Quantization of Poisson Structures and Lie Bialgebras (2016) (9)
- Grothendieck–Teichmüller and Batalin–Vilkovisky (2010) (9)
- Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary (2018) (8)
- Quadric Transfer for Immersive Curved Display (2004) (8)
- A Direct Computation of the Cohomology of the Braces Operad (2014) (8)
- The dimensions and Euler characteristics of M. Kontsevich's graph complexes (2014) (8)
- Real moduli space of stable rational curves revisted (2019) (7)
- The homotopy theory of operad subcategories (2017) (7)
- Chern-Simons forms and higher character maps of Lie representations (2015) (7)
- On Quantizable Odd Lie Bialgebras (2015) (7)
- Logarithms and deformation quantization (2014) (7)
- The cubical complex of a permutation group representation - or however you want to call it (2011) (7)
- Weight two compactly supported cohomology of moduli spaces of curves (2021) (6)
- Characteristic Classes in Deformation Quantization (2012) (6)
- Jointly orthogonal polynomials (2013) (5)
- A Note on the Koszul Complex in Deformation Quantization (2010) (5)
- On the rational homotopy type of embedding spaces of manifolds in $R^n$ (2020) (5)
- Multi-Projector Imagery on Curved Surfaces (2003) (5)
- Operadic Torsors (2014) (5)
- Mapping Spaces for DG Hopf Cooperads and Homotopy Automorphisms of the Rationalization of $E_n$-operads (2020) (5)
- The Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller group action on differential forms and formality morphism of chains (2013) (5)
- On L∞-Morphisms of Cyclic Chains (2008) (4)
- The Grothendieck-Teichmüller Group (2014) (4)
- A model for framed configuration spaces of points (2018) (3)
- Stable cohomology of graph complexes (2021) (3)
- Pre-Lie Pairs and Triviality of the Lie Bracket on the Twisted Hairy Graph Complexes (2017) (3)
- On the homotopy type of the spaces of spherical knots in $R^n$ (2020) (3)
- The weight two compactly supported Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of curves (2021) (2)
- An explicit formula for quantization of Lie bialgebras (2015) (2)
- On truncated mapping spaces of $E_n$ operads. (2019) (2)
- The homotopy category of unitary operads as a full subcategory of the homotopy category of all operads (2017) (2)
- On the delooping of (framed) embedding spaces (2018) (2)
- Cartoon dioramas in motion (2005) (1)
- Appears in ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Conference Proceedings (2003) (1)
- Algorithmic Cleansing of Metered Building Performance Data (2015) (1)
- A(nother) model for the framed little disks operad (2018) (0)
- Equivalence of formalities of the little discs (0)
- On Quantizable Odd Lie Bialgebras (2016) (0)
- The Oriented Graph Complexes (2014) (0)
- Ultra-fast Lensless Computational Imaging through 5D Frequency Analysis of Time-resolved Light Transport (2013) (0)
- Koszulness of the prop of involutive Lie bialgebras 2 (2014) (0)
- Models for configuration spaces of points via obstruction theory I (2023) (0)
- The homotopy theory of operad subcategories (2018) (0)
- An Explicit Two Step Quantization of Poisson Structures and Lie Bialgebras (2018) (0)
- Configuration Spaces of Surfaces (2019) (0)
- M. Kontsevich’s graph complex and the Grothendieck–Teichmüller Lie algebra (2014) (0)
- Stable cohomology of graph complexes in odd dimensions (2022) (0)
- Logarithms and deformation quantization (2016) (0)
- Lecture notes: Basic group and representation theory (2014) (0)
- Differentials on graph complexes II: hairy graphs (2017) (0)
- Grothendieck–Teichmüller and Batalin–Vilkovisky (2014) (0)
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