Tibor Radó
Most Influential Person Across History
Hungarian mathematician
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Tibor Radómathematics Degrees
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Differential Geometry
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Measure Theory
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Tibor Radó's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Szeged
Why Is Tibor Radó Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Tibor Radó was a Hungarian mathematician who moved to the United States after World War I. Biography Radó was born in Budapest and between 1913 and 1915 attended the Polytechnic Institute, studying civil engineering. In World War I, he became a First Lieutenant in the Hungarian Army and was captured on the Russian Front. He escaped from a Siberian prisoner camp and, traveling thousands of miles across Arctic wasteland, managed to return to Hungary.
Tibor Radó's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- On non-computable functions (1962) (262)
- Continuous Transformations in Analysis (1955) (223)
- The problem of the least area and the problem of Plateau (1930) (124)
- On the Problem of Plateau (1933) (109)
- On Surface Area. (1945) (105)
- Subharmonic functions and surfaces of negative curvature (1933) (85)
- Computer Studies of Turing Machine Problems (1965) (83)
- On Plateau's Problem (1930) (80)
- Continuous transformations in analysis with an introduction to algebraic topology (1955) (75)
- Length and area (1948) (59)
- Über eine nicht fortsetzbare Riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeit (1924) (58)
- Zu einem Satze von S. Bernstein über Minimalflächen im Großen (1927) (30)
- The Isoperimetric Inequality on the Sphere (1935) (29)
- The isoperimetric inequality and the Lebesgue definition of surface area (1947) (29)
- On the Problem of Plateau / Subharmonic Functions (1971) (27)
- Subharmonic functions and minimal surfaces (1933) (26)
- Über den analytischen Charakter der Minimalflächen (1926) (22)
- Some Remarks on the Problem of Plateau. (1930) (22)
- On Schreier systems in free groups (1948) (20)
- On covering theorems (1958) (19)
- On the infinitesimal rigidity of surfaces (1952) (18)
- On continuous mappings of Peano spaces (1945) (16)
- A lemma on the topological index (1936) (15)
- A theory of absolutely continuous transformations in the plane (1941) (15)
- Über das Flächenmaß rektifizierbarer Flächen (1928) (14)
- On convex functions (1935) (13)
- Minimal surfaces in the large (1971) (12)
- Two-dimensional concepts of bounded variation and absolute continuity (1947) (11)
- On absolutely continuous transformations in the plane (1938) (11)
- On the infinitesimal rigidity of surfaces of revolution (1953) (10)
- MEASURE AND AREA (1961) (10)
- Convergence in length and convergence in area (1942) (9)
- On Mathematical Life in Hungary (1932) (8)
- On continuous transformations in the plane (1936) (8)
- On a Computer Program for Obtaining Irreducible Representations for Two-Level Multiple Input-Output Logical Systems (1963) (7)
- Density theorems for outer measures in $n$-space (1958) (7)
- Das Hilbertsche Theorem über den analytischen Charakter der Lösungen der partiellen Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung (1926) (6)
- What is the Area of a Surface (1943) (6)
- An approach to artificial intelligence (1964) (6)
- Über die erste Randwertaufgabe für Δu=0 (1925) (6)
- Über zweidimensionale reguläre Variationsprobleme der Form ∫∫F(p, q)dxdy=Minimum (1929) (6)
- A new geometrical interpretation of the Lebesgue area of a surface (1948) (6)
- Bemerkung über die konformen Abbildungen konvexer Gebiete (1930) (6)
- Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning. G. Polya (1956) (5)
- On the semi-continuity of double integrals in parametric form (1942) (5)
- Bemerkung zur Arbeit des Herrn Bieberbach: Über die Einordnung des Hauptsatzes der Uniformisierung in die Weierstraßsche Funktionentheorie (Math. Annalen 78) (1923) (5)
- A note on convergence in length (1948) (4)
- Simplification of the Covering Problem for Multiple Output Logical Networks (1966) (4)
- The Cauchy area of a Fréchet surface (1948) (4)
- A uniqueness theorem for Haar measure (1959) (4)
- Sub-Harmonic Functions (1937) (4)
- A Remark on the Area of Surfaces (1936) (4)
- Convergence in area (1949) (4)
- On the derivative of Lebesgue area of continuous surfaces (1938) (4)
- On multiplicity functions associated with Lebesgue area (1955) (3)
- An iterative process in the problem of plateau (1933) (3)
- On The Space of Oriented Lines in Euclidean Three-Space (1957) (3)
- On a Stretching Process for Surfaces (1939) (3)
- On cyclic additivity theorems (1949) (3)
- Implementation of Logic (1962) (3)
- On essentially absolutely continuous plane transformations (1949) (3)
- On Continuous Path-Surfaces of Zero Area (1943) (3)
- A generalization of Nelson's algorithm for obtaining prime implicants (1965) (3)
- An approach to singular homology theory. (1951) (2)
- Some remarks on the problem of Geöcze (1944) (2)
- On reduced Carathéodory outer measures (1958) (2)
- Lebesgue area and Hausdorff measure (1957) (2)
- Continuous transformations in R2 (1955) (2)
- Differentiable transformations in Rn (1955) (2)
- On generalized Jacobians (1950) (2)
- On the Functional of Mr. Douglas (1931) (2)
- On density theorems for outer measures (1960) (2)
- Can we Teach Good Mathematics to Undergraduates (1948) (2)
- On a Lemma of McShane (1941) (2)
- On n-Dimensional Concepts of Bounded Variation, Absolute Continuity and Generalized Jacobian. (1949) (2)
- Review: H. Hadwiger, Vorlesungen über Inhalt, Oberfläche und Isoperimetrie (1959) (1)
- Review: L. Cesari, Surface area (1956) (1)
- Bounded variation and absolute continuity in Rn (1955) (1)
- The transformation of double integrals (1943) (1)
- Examples of subharmonic functions (1937) (1)
- On a Problem of Geocze (1943) (1)
- Note on an inequality of Steiner (1941) (1)
- On a Converse of Kneser's Transversality Theorem (1935) (1)
- On Cyclic Transitivity (1947) (1)
- Bemerkung über das Doppelintegral ∫∫(1+p2+q2)1/2dxdy (1927) (1)
- Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von Herrn Ch. H. Müntz über das Plateausche Problem (Math. Annalen 94, S. 53–96) (1927) (1)
- On Rigidity Properties of Developable Surfaces (1958) (1)
- Minimal surfaces in the small (1933) (0)
- Integral means of subharmonic functions (1937) (0)
- Functions of rectangles (1944) (0)
- The simultaneous problem in the parametric form. Generalizations (1933) (0)
- Background in topology (1955) (0)
- The non-parametric problem (1971) (0)
- Book Review: Development of the sciences. (1943) (0)
- Background in Analysis (1955) (0)
- On upper semicontinuous functions (1950) (0)
- Representation of subharmonic functions in terms of potentials (1971) (0)
- Problems for Solution: 4171-4175 (1945) (0)
- Analogies between harmonic and subharmonic functions (1937) (0)
- Harmonic majorants of subharmonic functions (1971) (0)
- Topological study of continuous transformations in Rn (1955) (0)
- Solution of a problem of F. Riesz on the harmonic majorants of subharmonic functions (1937) (0)
- Review: Oystein Ore, Frank Schlesinger, Henry Margenau, John Arrend Timm, Chester Ray Longwell, Lorande Loss Woodruff, Walter Richard Miles and John Farquhar Fulton, Development of the sciences. Second series (1943) (0)
- Ein Beispiel zur Theorie der konformen Abbildung (0)
- Definition and preliminary discussion of subharmonic functions (1971) (0)
- On general cohomology theory (1953) (0)
- The problem of Plateau in the parametric form (1933) (0)
- Arc length and related topics (1948) (0)
- Erratum: `` On a Computer Program for Obtaining Irreducible Representations for Two-Level Multiple Input-Output Logical Systems'' (1963) (0)
- Curves and surfaces (1971) (0)
- Criteria and constructions for subharmonic functions (1937) (0)
- On Semi-Continuity (1942) (0)
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