Tohru Eguchi
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Japanese physicist
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Tohru Eguchi's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Tokyo
- Masters Physics University of Tokyo
- Bachelors Physics University of Tokyo
Why Is Tohru Eguchi Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Tohru Eguchi was a Japanese theoretical physicist. Life and career Tohru Eguchi was a professor at the University of Tokyo, and then at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University, of which he was acting director in 2009. From 2012, he was a specially-appointed professor at Rikkyo University. He dealt in particular with differential geometric methods in physics, with Superstring theory, Conformal field theory, Topological quantum field theory, Lattice gauge theory, Quantum gravity, and the Theory of Gravitation.
Tohru Eguchi's Published Works
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Published Works
- Gravitation, Gauge Theories and Differential Geometry (1980) (1379)
- Reduction of Dynamical Degrees of Freedom in the Large N Gauge Theory (1982) (631)
- Asymptotically flat self-dual solutions to euclidean gravity (1978) (508)
- Notes on the K3 Surface and the Mathieu Group M 24 (2010) (317)
- Superconformal Algebras and String Compactification on Manifolds with SU(N) Holonomy (1989) (280)
- Quantum Gravity and World Topology (1976) (241)
- Study of N = 2 superconformal field theories in 4 dimensions (1996) (237)
- New approach to collective phenomena in superconductivity models (1976) (236)
- Conformal and current algebras on a general Riemann surface (1987) (228)
- N = 2 superconformal models as topological field theories (1990) (209)
- Deformations of conformal field theories and soliton equations (1989) (201)
- Quantum cohomology and Virasoro algebra (1997) (179)
- Character formulas for the N = 4 superconformal algebra (1988) (172)
- Penner type matrix model and Seiberg-Witten theory (2009) (168)
- Note on twisted elliptic genus of K3 surface (2010) (163)
- The Topological CP 1 Model and the Large-N Matrix Integral (1994) (149)
- Topological strings and Nekrasov's formulas (2003) (140)
- Prepotentials of N = 2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Soliton Equations (1995) (135)
- Intracranial vertebral artery dissections: clinical, radiological features, and surgical considerations. (1994) (134)
- On the unitary representations of N=2 and N=4 superconformal algebras (1988) (132)
- Unitary representations of the N=4 superconformal algebra (1987) (126)
- Gravitational Quantum Cohomology (1996) (126)
- Modular bootstrap of boundary N = 2 Liouville theory (2003) (109)
- Seiberg-Witten theory, matrix model and AGT relation (2010) (109)
- SL(2,R)/U(1) Supercoset and Elliptic Genera of Non-compact Calabi-Yau Manifolds (2004) (91)
- Simplification of quenching procedure for large N spin models (1983) (89)
- Non-holomorphic modular forms and SL(2,R)/U(1) superconformal field theory (2010) (81)
- On the Genus Expansion in the Topological String Theory (1994) (80)
- Topological $\sigma$-Models and Large-$N$ Matrix Integral (1995) (72)
- $N=2$ Superconformal Field Theories in $4$ Dimensions and A-D-E Classification (1996) (70)
- Chiral bosonization on a Riemann surface (1987) (70)
- Strings in U(N) lattice gauge theory (1979) (66)
- RB silencing compromises the DNA damage-induced G2/M checkpoint and causes deregulated expression of the ECT2 oncogene (2007) (61)
- A Membrane-Bound Archaeal Lon Protease Displays ATP-Independent Proteolytic Activity towards Unfolded Proteins and ATP-Dependent Activity for Folded Proteins (2002) (61)
- New Approach to the Quantized String Theory (1980) (60)
- {Sine-Gordon} Theory at Rational Values of the Coupling Constant and Minimal Conformal Models (1990) (58)
- Superconformal algebras and mock theta functions 2: Rademacher expansion for K3 surface (2009) (58)
- Seiberg-Witten Curve for the E-String Theory (2002) (56)
- Extended model of elementary particles based on an analogy with superconductivity (1974) (55)
- Topological Strings, Flat Coordinates and Gravitational Descendants (1993) (55)
- Modular invariance in superstring on Calabi–Yau n -fold with A−D−E singularity (2000) (54)
- Superconformal algebras and mock theta functions (2008) (54)
- String Theory on G_2 Manifolds Based on Gepner Construction (2001) (49)
- Geometric transitions, Chern–Simons gauge theory and Veneziano type amplitudes (2003) (47)
- Quantum Cohomology at Higher Genus: Topological Recursion Relations and Virasoro Conditions (1998) (46)
- CFT description of string theory compactified on non-compact manifolds with G2 holonomy (2001) (43)
- Conifold Type Singularities, N=2 Liouville and SL(2;R)/U(1) Theories (2004) (43)
- Seiberg-Witten curve for E string theory revisited (2002) (40)
- Planar random surfaces on the lattice (1982) (39)
- The number of random surfaces on the lattice and the large-N gauge theory (1982) (39)
- Treatment of bilateral mycotic intracavernous carotid aneurysms. Case report. (1982) (39)
- Differential equations for conformal characters in moduli space (1988) (38)
- Toda lattice hierarchy and the topological description of the c = 1 string theory (1994) (38)
- Quantum Cohomology and Free Field Representation (1997) (36)
- Convenience of the computed tomography perfusion method for cerebral vasospasm detection after subarachnoid hemorrhage. (2007) (35)
- EC-IC bypass 10 years later: is it valuable? (1996) (34)
- Hidden fermionic symmetry in conformal topological field theories (1991) (34)
- Distribution of flux vacua around singular points in Calabi-Yau moduli space (2005) (34)
- Five-dimensional gauge theories and local mirror symmetry (2000) (29)
- Intracranial Vertebral Artery Dissections (1994) (29)
- Effect of Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) ligand (FL) on antitumor activity of gilteritinib, a FLT3 inhibitor, in mice xenografted with FL-overexpressing cells (2019) (29)
- Supercoset CFT’s for String Theories on Non-compact Special Holonomy Manifolds (2003) (28)
- Differential equations for characters of Virasoro and affine lie algebras (1989) (26)
- Nonrenormalizable interactions and eigenvalue condition (1978) (26)
- The Wilson lattice fermion and the recovery of chiral symmetry near the continuum limit (1983) (25)
- Baryons, diquarks and strings☆ (1975) (24)
- Traumatic intracavernous aneurysm of the internal carotid artery following surgery for chronic sinusitis. (1980) (24)
- Improved lattice action for Wilson fermions (1984) (23)
- Branches of = 1 vacua and Argyres-Douglas points (2003) (22)
- Liouville field, modular forms and elliptic genera (2006) (20)
- Relationship between contrast enhancement on computed tomography and cerebral vasospasm in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. (1983) (20)
- Modular forms and elliptic genera for ALE spaces (2008) (20)
- Twisted Elliptic Genus for K3 and Borcherds Product (2011) (20)
- Expression levels of NF-Y target genes changed by CDKN1B correlate with clinical prognosis in multiple cancers. (2009) (20)
- D-branes in singular Calabi-Yau n fold and N=2 Liouville theory (2000) (20)
- Topological field theories and the space-time singularity (1991) (19)
- $ \mathcal{N} = 4 $ superconformal algebra and the entropy of hyperKähler manifolds (2009) (18)
- W ∞ algebra in a two-dimensional black hole (1992) (18)
- Gauge-fixing degeneracies and confinement in non-Abelian gauge theories (1978) (17)
- A New Description of the E6 Singularity (1996) (17)
- Potent anti-tumor activity of a macrocycle-quinoxalinone class pan-Cdk inhibitor in vitro and in vivo (2011) (17)
- Topological gravity in genus 2 with two primary fields (2000) (17)
- Glioblastoma multiforme of the cerebellum in an elderly man. (2004) (16)
- ADE singularities and coset models (2001) (16)
- Biological characterization of 2-aminothiazole-derived Cdk4/6 selective inhibitor in vitro and in vivo (2010) (14)
- Enriques moonshine (2013) (14)
- Topological invariants and absence of an axial anomaly for a Euclidean Taub-NUT (Newman-Unti-Tamburino) metric (1978) (14)
- Expression levels of p18INK4C modify the cellular efficacy of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors via regulation of Mcl-1 expression in tumor cell lines (2009) (13)
- c=1 Liouville theory perturbed by the black-hole mass operator (1993) (12)
- Extracranial-intracranial bypass to the proximal posterior cerebral artery and to the proximal middle cerebral artery for multiple occlusive cerebrovascular disease. (1983) (11)
- N = 2 MOONSHINE (2012) (11)
- Treatment of bilateral spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistula by Hamby's method combined with an extracranial-intracranial bypass procedure. (1982) (11)
- Rigid limit in = 2 supergravity and weak-gravity conjecture (2007) (11)
- New form of duality (1971) (10)
- Use of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in empyema after cranioplasty (2004) (10)
- Classification of unquantized Yang--Mills fields (1976) (10)
- On the duality structure of ππ, Kπ phase shifts (1972) (10)
- Benign aqueductal cyst causing bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia after external ventricular drainage. Case report. (2000) (10)
- Crossing invariant solution of baryon exchange degeneracy and reggeon FD ratios (1973) (9)
- $${\mathcal{N}=2}$$ Superconformal Algebra and the Entropy of Calabi–Yau Manifolds (2010) (9)
- A new description of the E 6 singularity (1997) (8)
- Monte Carlo simulation of quantum string theory (1982) (8)
- Generalization of Calabi-Yau/Landau-Ginzburg correspondence (1999) (8)
- Compact formulas for the completed mock modular forms (2014) (8)
- Colored magnetic monopoles (1975) (8)
- W ∞ Algebra in Two-Dimensional Black Holes (1993) (7)
- Supercoset and Elliptic Genera of Non-compact Calabi-Yau Manifolds (2004) (7)
- Topological σ-models and the large-N matrix integrals (1995) (7)
- Integrability condition in loop space (1980) (6)
- [Some considerations on surgical approaches to the anterior communicating artery aneurysms--radiological study of 122 cases]. (1984) (6)
- [Posterior subtemporal transtentorial approach for a lower basilar trunk aneurysm (author's transl)]. (1979) (6)
- A resolution of the question of ππ and Kπ “anomalies” (1973) (6)
- Baryon duality solutions with the harmonic-oscillator spectrum and the amplitude signs in πN→πΔ (1974) (6)
- Seiberg-Witten Theory and S-Duality (1999) (6)
- Poles and zeros in ππ scattering amplitudes (1974) (6)
- Duality in ${\cal N}=4$ Liouville theory and moonshine phenomena (2016) (6)
- Duality in N=4 Liouville Theory and Moonshine Phenomena (2016) (5)
- EC/IC bypass using a long-vein graft (2002) (5)
- Oculomotor palsy caused by aneurysm clip: report of two cases. (1981) (4)
- Infinite Analysis: Proceedings of the RIMS Research Project 1991 (1992) (4)
- [Extra-intracranial bypass and internal carotid artery ligation in one-stage operation for intracavernous and giant carotid aneurysm]. (1983) (4)
- Algebra in Two-Dimensional Black Hole (1992) (4)
- Group Theoretic Analysis of Conformal Invariant Field Theories (1986) (4)
- Evolution of Traumatic Intracerebral Hematoma (1979) (4)
- [Changes in content of excitatory amino acids in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid]. (1990) (4)
- S-duality and Strong Coupling Behavior of Large N Gauge Theories with N=4 Supersymmetry (1998) (4)
- Virial Theorems on Instantons (1977) (4)
- [Long vein graft for EC/IC bypass surgery]. (1983) (4)
- [Experimental study on hypertensive crises in epileptic seizures--changes in pial artery diameter, intracranial pressure and regional cerebral blood flow]. (1995) (3)
- Clinicopathological study on craniopharyngioma with sebaceous differentiation. (1993) (3)
- Integrable model of random surfaces (1984) (3)
- Duality in exotic peaks (1972) (3)
- Huge intraoral aneurysm presenting with dysphagia and dyspnea successfully treated with STA-MCA anastomosis and ICA ligation: case report. (1981) (3)
- [Anterior communicating artery aneurysm with bilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion. Case report]. (1983) (3)
- [Acute epidural hematoma]. (2004) (3)
- [Postoperative intracranial hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency: report of two cases]. (1992) (2)
- Expression levels of p 18 INK 4 C modify the cellular efficacy of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors via regulation of Mcl-1 expression in tumor cell lines (2009) (2)
- Gravitational instantons (1979) (2)
- The effect of lesionectomy and the perilesional GABAergic neuronal changes in alumina cream-induced focal motor epilepsy in cats. (1998) (2)
- Expression levels of p18 INK4C modify the cellular efficacy of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors via regulation of Mcl-1 expression in tumor cell lines (2009) (2)
- Variational approach to strong-coupling quantum chromodynamics (1979) (2)
- [STA-MCA anastomosis]. (1983) (2)
- [Changes in CBF pattern after bypass surgery studied by CT with Xe enhancement]. (1983) (2)
- Methods in non-perturbative field theory (1984) (2)
- Size of Hematoma and Time Course of Intracranial Pressure in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage (1983) (2)
- Removal of the degeneracy in the dual resonance model (1971) (2)
- New scheme of dual models and exotic peaks (1973) (2)
- [Intraspinal lipoma in an infant: a case report of MRI study]. (1988) (1)
- [The relationship between contrast enhancement on CT and cerebral vasospasm in patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage]. (1982) (1)
- Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimensional random surfaces (1985) (1)
- Superconformal Field Theories in 4 Dimensions and ADE Classification (1996) (1)
- [Sequential changes in content of excitatory amino acids in the epileptic focus during seizure]. (1991) (1)
- Topical symposium on high energy physics (1983) (1)
- [The migration of cefotiam to cerebrospinal fluid]. (1983) (1)
- Determination of the coupling strength from duality and unitarity (1971) (1)
- Immunohistochemical changes of perilesional GABA neurons in alumina cream‐induced focal motor epilepsy (1995) (1)
- Our surgical tactics for cerebral aneurysms, especially modified pterional approach and transcondylar and fossa approach (2004) (1)
- String Theory and Moonshine Phenomenon (2017) (1)
- Part III : Applications of Differential Geometry to Physics (2011) (1)
- [Intracerebellar Hematoma following microsurgical STA-cortical MCA bypass surgery (author's transl)]. (1977) (1)
- The change of immunoreacive somatostatin contents of cerebrospinal fluid and brain in the development of cat amygdaloid kindling. (1990) (1)
- Selection of Candidates for EC/IC Bypass and Evaluation of the Benefit of This Surgery Through a SPECT Study (1988) (1)
- Recent Developments in the Theory of Large N Gauge Fields (Recent development in gauge theory and integrable systems ) (1982) (0)
- Lattice gauge theory and the large N reduction (2014) (0)
- Group Theoretical Methods in Physics: Yamada Conference XL; XX International Colloquium (1995) (0)
- Finite-Energy Sum Rule and Current Algebra*) (1971) (0)
- Differential Equations in Moduli Space (1989) (0)
- Summary(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) (2009) (0)
- Poles and zeros in $pi$$pi$ scattering amplitudes (1974) (0)
- Topological σ-Models and the Large-N Techniques (1997) (0)
- Compact formulas for the completed mock modular forms (2014) (0)
- Recent developments in the theory of large N gauge fields (1983) (0)
- Duality constraints and the baryon spectrum (1974) (0)
- 316 EGUCHI AND HANSON tions to the path (2004) (0)
- Liouville Theory Perturbed by the BlackHole Mass Operator (2008) (0)
- O-23-342 Mildhypothermia in neurosurgery (1997) (0)
- Diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke based on time-to-peak and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. (2002) (0)
- Treatment Strategy for Poormgtrade Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients (2014) (0)
- Intraoperative Mild Hypothermia in Neurosurgery (2004) (0)
- [Subacute epidural hematoma of the posterior fossa--a case study (author's transl)]. (1978) (0)
- S-10. Electromyographical Analysis of the Patients with Cervical Cord Lesion (1973) (0)
- [Present status of cerebrovascular-bypass]. (1980) (0)
- Surgery of Cavernous Angioma in the Pons (1994) (0)
- Measurement of the CSF Velocity Using Cine-mode MRI (1991) (0)
- Surgery of the VA-PICA Aneurysm: Influence of the Various Positioning on Its Approach and Exposure (2012) (0)
- [Changes in seizure-triggering threshold and after discharge duration in seizure susceptibility]. (1992) (0)
- [Evolution of traumatic intracerebral hematoma (author's transl)]. (1979) (0)
- [Indication of EC/IC bypass for an occlusive cerebrovascular disease]. (1993) (0)
- A Toda hierarchy for the nonequivariant Gromov-Witten theory of P 1 was proposed in the mid 1990 ’ s in a series of papers by the physicists (2006) (0)
- Topological Gravity, Two-Dimensional (2006) (0)
- Twisted Elliptic Genus for K3 and Borcherds Product (2012) (0)
- 1 Theoretical Particle and High Energy Physics Group Research Subjects: The Unification of Elementary Particles&Fundamental Interactions (2004) (0)
- Analysis of Lon protease from hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 (2000) (0)
- Professor Nambu, string theory, and the moonshine phenomenon (2016) (0)
- 2 , R ) / U ( 1 ) Superconformal Field Theory (2018) (0)
- Theories and the Period Integrals (1993) (0)
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