Ulf Hannerz
Swedish anthropologist, (1942– ), Sweden
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Areas of Specialization: Urban and Media Anthropology
Ulf Hannerz is an emeritus professor of social anthropology at Stockholm University, which is where he also earned his Ph.D. As an anthropologist, he has focused his research on urban and media anthropology. His research has taken him to locations in the United States, the Caribbean, and West Africa.
His current interests involve post-Cold War future facing scenarios with impacts on a global scale. He examines apocalyptic predictions as a product of culture and spread around the world by way of ubiquitous technology. He has written books such as World Watching: Streetcorners and Newsbeats on a Journey through Anthropology and Writing Future Worlds: An Anthropologist Explores Global Scenarios.
Hannerz served as chair of the International Advisory Board for the Institute of Social Anthropology’s Austrian Academy of Sciences from 2012–16, and is still a member today. He was the editor of anthropology for the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2001. In 2010, he was awarded the Anders Retzius gold medal by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a former director of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study.
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According to Wikipedia, Ulf Hannerz, is a Swedish anthropologist. He is currently an emeritus professor of social anthropology at Stockholm University. He is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences., the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Ulf Hannerz's Published Works
Published Works
- Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture (1990) (1695)
- Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning (1991) (1433)
- Transnational Connections: Culture, People, Places (1996) (1363)
- Being there... and there... and there! (2003) (591)
- Soulside: Inquiries into Ghetto Culture and Community (1969) (577)
- Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology (1980) (492)
- The world in creolisation (1987) (448)
- Notes on the Global Ecumene (1989) (243)
- Scenarios for Peripheral Cultures (1991) (171)
- Foreign News: Exploring the World of Foreign Correspondents (2004) (124)
- Exotics at Home: Anthropologies, Others, American Modernity (1999) (106)
- Two Faces of Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Politics (2005) (96)
- Gossip, networks and culture in a black American ghetto* (1967) (94)
- Culture between center and periphery: Toward a macroanthropology (1989) (82)
- Reflections on varieties of culturespeak (1999) (72)
- Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning. (1993) (72)
- The global ecumene as a network of networks Ulf Mannerz (2002) (63)
- Sophiatown: The View From Afar (1994) (62)
- Introduction Worlds of journalism (2006) (56)
- Introduction: The shaping of national anthropologies (1982) (49)
- When culture is everywhere: Reflections on a favorite concept (1993) (40)
- Anthropology's World: Life in a Twenty-First-Century Discipline (2010) (39)
- Diversity Is Our Business (2010) (36)
- Scale and Social Relations [and Comments and Reply] (1978) (35)
- Small Countries: Structures and Sensibilities (2017) (30)
- Global Assemblages: Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems (2006) (29)
- Nationalism and Internationalism in the Post-Cold War Era (2000) (28)
- Foreign Correspondents and the Varieties of Cosmopolitanism (2007) (28)
- The world in creolization (2019) (27)
- Among the Foreign Correspondents: Reflections on Anthropological Styles and Audiences (2002) (22)
- Macro-scenarios. Anthropology and the debate over contemporary and future worlds (2003) (19)
- The nation in the global village (1994) (18)
- Studying Down, Up, Sideways, Through, Backwards, Forwards, Away and at Home: Reflections on the Field Worries of an Expansive Discipline (2020) (17)
- The Rhetoric of Soul: Identification in Negro Society (1968) (15)
- Introduction (2006) (13)
- Reporting from Jerusalem (1998) (13)
- Opinions: What business anthropology is, what it might become… and what, perhaps, it should not be (2012) (12)
- Writing Future Worlds (2016) (12)
- Flows, boundaries and hybrids (2019) (11)
- Theorizing through the New World? Not really (2006) (10)
- Afterthoughts: world watching (2010) (10)
- Social Borders: Definitions of Diversity [and Comments and Reply] (1975) (10)
- The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis. ALISDAIR ROGERS and STEVEN VERTOVEC, eds (1996) (9)
- Roots of black manhood (1969) (9)
- The withering away of the Nation? an afterword (1993) (9)
- Why a successful concept should not be discarded. Commentaries. Author's reply (1999) (9)
- Editorial: The neo-liberal culture complex and universities : A case for urgent anthropology? (2007) (8)
- Introduction: Exploring Small Countries (2017) (7)
- Methods in an African Urban Study (1976) (7)
- Center–Periphery Relationships (2015) (7)
- Washington and Kafanchan : A View of Urban Anthropology (1982) (7)
- The management of danger (2019) (7)
- Research in the Black Ghetto: a Review of the Sixties1 (1974) (7)
- Twenty years of Swedish social anthropology: 1960–1980 (1982) (6)
- The Study of Afro-American Cultural Dynamics (1971) (6)
- Afterword : the long march of anthropology. (2009) (5)
- Scenes from African Urban Life: Collected Copperbelt Essays. (1993) (5)
- Afterword: Anthropology's Global Ecumene (2007) (4)
- The Second Language: An Anthropological View. (1973) (4)
- To be a European citizen (2012) (4)
- Book Reviews : Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Orgnization of Culture Difference. Edited by Fredrik Barth. Bergen and Oslo: Universi tetsforlaget, London: George Allen & Un- win, 1969. 153 pp. No Price indicated (1970) (3)
- Introduction: Defining the national (1993) (3)
- Introduction: : Nationalism and Internationalism in the Post-Cold War Era (2012) (2)
- Chapter 10. Blood and Other Precious Resources: Vulnerability and Social Cohesion on the Maldives (2017) (2)
- Immigrants in Sweden: An introduction (1986) (2)
- Tools of identity and imagination (2019) (2)
- Chapter 8. Two Countries in the Alps: Austrian and Swiss Presentations of Self for Internal and Global Consumption (2017) (2)
- Marginal entrepreneurship and economic change in the Cayman Islands (2019) (2)
- Chapter 9. Serbia and the Surplus of History: Being Small, Large, and Small Again (2017) (2)
- “The First Draft Of History”: Notes On Events And Cultural Turbulence (2010) (2)
- Perspectives toward Cosmopolitanism as a Cultural Resource (2004) (2)
- Problems in the Analysis of Urban Cultural Organization (1978) (2)
- The grounds of the nation—state (2012) (2)
- A Detective Story Writer: Exploring Stockholm as It Once Was (2013) (2)
- Confessions of a Hoosier Anthropologist (2014) (2)
- Writing Futures (2015) (2)
- History and anthropology in Scandinavia: An introduction (1985) (1)
- Center-Periphery Relations and Creolisation in Contemporary Culture (2014) (1)
- Chapter 11. Belize: A Country but Not a Nation (2017) (1)
- Chapter 8 Soft Power (2016) (1)
- Scenarios for the Twenty-first Century World (2008) (1)
- Soulside: Inquiries into Ghetto Culture and Community.@@@White Ethics and Black Power: The Emergence of the West Side Organization. (1971) (1)
- GENERAL/THEORETICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Social Memory. James Fentress and Chris Wickham (1993) (1)
- The Reorganization of Culture in Space (1996) (1)
- Cultural Diversity in the Global Ecumene (1997) (1)
- Chapter 1. “100% Pure New Zealand”: National Branding and the Paradoxes of Scale (2017) (1)
- Chapter 6 Contemporary Habitats of Meaning (2016) (1)
- Chapter 13. An Emirate Goes Global: Th e Cultural Making of Abu Dhabi (2017) (1)
- Swedish Anthropology : Past and Present (2018) (1)
- Chapter 14. Smiles and Smallness: Jokes in Yemen and Palestine (2017) (1)
- Other transnationals (2019) (1)
- Studies in Cosmopolitanism (2005) (1)
- Complex societies and anthropology: A perspective from 1979* (1979) (1)
- Anthropologists everywhere : getting to know your colleagues (2012) (1)
- Anthropological Research, Action, and Education in Modern Nations: With Special Reference to the U.S.A. [and Comments and Reply] (1968) (1)
- Cosmopolitanism: Three Faces (2018) (1)
- The Network of Perspectives - Between the Division of Labor and Occupational Subcultures (2015) (1)
- Chapter 2. After 22 July 2011: Norwegians Together (2017) (1)
- 1. Media and the World as a Single Place (2019) (1)
- World Watching (2019) (1)
- What negros mean by ‘soul” (1968) (1)
- Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World (review) (2005) (1)
- Chapter 16. Swedish Encounters: End Notes of a Native Son (2017) (1)
- Some Comments on the Anthropology of Ethnicity in the United States (1976) (1976) (1)
- Chapter 3 Playing with Maps (2016) (0)
- Anthropology's Other Press: Training Ground, Playground, Underground (1987) (0)
- GENERAL AND ETHNOLOGY: The Vice Lords: Warriors of the Streets. R. Lincoln Keiser. Foreword by George and Louise Spindler (1970) (0)
- 6. World Stories (2019) (0)
- Chapter 4. Red Dot on the Map: Singapore, Size, and the Problems of Success (2017) (0)
- Afropolitan Horizons (2022) (0)
- Tomas gerholm in memoriam (1995) (0)
- Chapter 5. “Wi Likkle but Wi Tallawah”: Soft Power and Smallness in Jamaica (2017) (0)
- Acknowledgments to Referees (1998) (0)
- Chapter 2 When Pundits Go Global (2016) (0)
- Erich H. Jacoby, 1903–1979 (1981) (0)
- Chapter 7 Culture: Between XL and S (2016) (0)
- Steel Bands, Rastas, and Mrs. Thatcher (1994) (0)
- Chapter 6. On Chutzpah Countries and “Shitty Little Countries” (2017) (0)
- Neighbors in a south Swedish village (2019) (0)
- Sami anthropology today (1978) (0)
- S weden, Anthropology in (2018) (0)
- The Great Chernichewski (1973) (0)
- Chapter 9 Scenarios from Everywhere (2016) (0)
- American Theater State:: Reflections on Political Culture (2016) (0)
- Chapter 1 The “One Big Thing” Quintet & Co (2016) (0)
- Afropolitan Horizons: Essays toward a Literary Anthropology of Nigeria (2022) (0)
- From Khartoum to Quebec (2012) (0)
- 5. Routines, Relationships, Responses (2019) (0)
- Cultural and Social Dynamics “The First Draft of History”: Notes on Events and Cultural Turbulence (2010) (0)
- Futures An Anthropologist ’ s View of Global Scenarios by Ulf Hannerz (2015) (0)
- The Territorial Experience: Human Ecology as Symbolic Interaction by E. Gordon Ericksen; Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology by Ulf Hannerz (1983) (0)
- Anthropologists Answer Four Questions about the Pandemic (2021) (0)
- Mediations in the global ecumene (2020) (0)
- Operation Outreach : Anthropology and the Public in a World of Information Crowding (2011) (0)
- Winners, losers and ethnic flux (2018) (0)
- 2. The Landscape of News (2019) (0)
- 4. Regions and Stories (2019) (0)
- Washington and Kafanchan (2019) (0)
- A detective story writer (2019) (0)
- Chapter 5 Reporting from the Future (2016) (0)
- The Rhetoric of Soul (2017) (0)
- The little nation (2012) (0)
- Chapter 15. Greater Than Its Size: Ireland in Literature and Life (2017) (0)
- World Order of Languages, Public Anthropology, Translations (2019) (0)
- Research in the Black Ghetto: a Review of the Sixties (1974) (0)
- Chapter 3. The Scandinavian Cluster: Small Countries with Big Egos (2017) (0)
- Afterword. East Asia: Being There and Being Elsewhere 310 (2021) (0)
- Chapter 4 Side Shows: Eurabia, MexAmerica (2016) (0)
- The View from Goffman.Jason Ditton (1983) (0)
- A POLISH POPE AMONG THE MAYA : On community and globality (2002) (0)
- Chapter 12. A War and After: Sierra Leone Reconnects, Within Itself and with the World (2017) (0)
- Books Received (1970) (0)
- The notion of ghetto culture (2019) (0)
- Fredrik Barth (1928–2016) (2016) (0)
- Prologue: Atlantis and 1984 (2016) (0)
- The Vega day symposium 1988: Culture in complex societies (1989) (0)
- Chapter 7. Portugal and the Dynamics of Smallness (2017) (0)
- The Vega day symposium 1995: Culture and voice in social anthropology (1995) (0)
- Objectivity and Cultural Divergence , edited by S. C. Brown (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984). (1989) (0)
- 7. Writing Time (2019) (0)
- Foreword : Creolisation on the Move (2012) (0)
- Lost Words and Lost Worlds: Modernity and the Language of Everyday Life in Late Nineteenth-Century Stockholm. Allan Pred (1991) (0)
- Studying sideways: my grandfather’s cousin, missionary in China (2021) (0)
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