Ulrich Mosel
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German physicist
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Why Is Ulrich Mosel Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ulrich Mosel is a German theoretical physicist, professor emeritus at Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany Ulrich Mosel studied mathematics and physics at the J.W. Goethe University at Frankfurt a.M., Germany, from 1962 - 1968. He finished his studies with a degree of 'Diplom Physiker' in 1967. After that he worked with Walter Greiner and received his PhD in physics in 1968 with a thesis entitled "Investigation of collective potential energy surfaces of nuclei: superheavy nuclei". At that time he worked on a theoretical description of the structure of heavy and superheavy nuclei.
Ulrich Mosel's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Transport-theoretical Description of Nuclear Reactions (2011) (338)
- Gluons and the Quark Sea at High Energies: Distributions, Polarization, Tomography (2011) (287)
- Production of energetic particles in heavy ion collisions (1990) (281)
- On the stability of superheavy nuclei against fission (1969) (242)
- Thermal properties of nuclei (1976) (171)
- Dilepton production in heavy-ion collisions (1990) (145)
- Kaon versus antikaon production at SIS energies (1996) (116)
- The spectral function of the rho meson in nuclear matter (1997) (116)
- On the critical distance in fusion reactions (1975) (108)
- Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled channel approach for energies m(N) less than S**(1/2) less than 2-GeV. 2. Photon induced results (2002) (105)
- New approach to fragmentation reactions: The nuclear lattice model☆ (1985) (101)
- Many-body theory of high-energy heavy-ion reactions (1990) (101)
- Unitary model for meson-nucleon scattering (1997) (100)
- Photon and meson induced reactions on the nucleon (1998) (94)
- The two-center shell model (1971) (94)
- A new treatment of the collective nuclear hamiltonian (1969) (89)
- Transport-theoretical analysis of relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1993) (85)
- Electron-and neutrino-nucleus scattering from the quasielastic to the resonance region (2008) (84)
- The nuclear lattice model of proton-induced multi-fragmentation reactions (1986) (83)
- Hadronic spectral functions in nuclear matter (2003) (80)
- Analysis of kaon production at SIS energies (1997) (75)
- Investigation of the stability of superheavy nuclei aroundZ=114 andZ=164 (1969) (75)
- Charged current neutrino-nucleus interactions at intermediate energies (2006) (74)
- Coupled-channel analysis of the omega-meson production in pi N and gamma N reactions for c.m. energies up to 2-GeV (2004) (67)
- A Coupled-channel analysis of K Lambda production in the nucleon resonance region (2005) (66)
- Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled-channel approach for energies m N <(s)<2 GeV. I. Pion-induced results and hadronic parameters (2002) (66)
- Photoproduction of πmesons from nuclei (2002) (65)
- η production in nucleon-nucleon collisions (1991) (63)
- Neutrino Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei: Importance for Long-Baseline Experiments (2016) (63)
- Coupled-channel analysis of ω-meson production in π N and γ N reactions for c.m. energies up to 2 GeV (2005) (63)
- Modification of the omega-meson lifetime in nuclear matter. (2008) (62)
- The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC (2022) (62)
- Potential energy surfaces for heavy nuclei in the two-center model (1971) (61)
- Energy reconstruction in quasielastic scattering in the MiniBooNE and T2K experiments (2012) (60)
- Self-consistent calculations for highly excited compound nuclei (1974) (59)
- Hadron attenuation in deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering (2004) (56)
- Investigation of the collective potential-energy-surface (1968) (56)
- Search for medium modifications of the rho meson. (2007) (52)
- Neutrino-induced reactions on nuclei (2016) (52)
- Subthreshold K + -production in proton-nucleus reactions (1990) (52)
- A relativistic effective interaction for heavy-ion collisions (1992) (51)
- Light Vector Mesons in the Nuclear Medium (2008) (50)
- The ρ spectral function in a relativistic resonance model (2000) (49)
- Pion-production in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies (1996) (49)
- Antisymmetrization effects in heavy ion potentials (1977) (48)
- η photoproduction in the resonance energy region (2007) (48)
- On QCD sum rules for vector mesons in nuclear medium (1998) (47)
- Viscosity in heavy ion reactions demonstrated for 16O + 16O☆ (1974) (47)
- Antiproton production in p-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions within a relativistic transport approach☆ (1991) (46)
- Dilepton production in proton-induced reactions at SIS energies with the GiBUU transport model (2012) (45)
- Subthreshold particle production in heavy ion collisions (1991) (45)
- Molecular configurations in heavy-ion collisions (1978) (44)
- The spectral function of the ω meson in nuclear matter from a coupled-channel resonance model (2006) (43)
- On the relationship between the level-structures in spherical and deformed nuclei (1970) (42)
- Formation of hypernuclei in high energy reactions within a covariant transport model (2009) (42)
- High energy γ-rays: A probe for momentum- and energy-distributions in the reaction zone? (1986) (42)
- Energy reconstruction in the long-baseline neutrino experiment. (2013) (41)
- Covariant calculation of K+ production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at SIS energies (1992) (41)
- ETA and dilepton production in heavy-ion reactions (1992) (41)
- Baryon flow from SIS to AGS energies (1999) (40)
- Microscopic description of nuclear friction in heavy ion collisions (1976) (39)
- Heavy meson production in proton-nucleus reactions with empirical spectral functions (1996) (39)
- e+ e- pair production from gamma A reactions (1999) (39)
- Photoproduction of pions and etas in nuclei (1996) (38)
- ω attenuation in nuclei (2006) (38)
- Squeeze-out of nuclear matter in peripheral heavy-ion collisions and momentum-dependent effective interactions (2000) (38)
- A chirally invariant fermionic field theory for nuclear matter (1987) (38)
- Pion production in the MiniBooNE experiment (2012) (38)
- Neutrino-nucleus scattering reexamined: Quasielastic scattering and pion production entanglement and implications for neutrino energy reconstruction (2010) (37)
- Aspects of thermal and chemical equilibration of hadronic matter (2000) (36)
- eta-photoproduction in the resonance energy region (2006) (36)
- Microscopic theory of photon production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions (1987) (36)
- A new treatment of Boltzmann-like collision integrals in nuclear kinetic equations (1993) (35)
- Hard-photon production within a self-consistent transport approach to heavy-ion collisions (1989) (35)
- Effects of pion and delta selfenergies in nucleus-nucleus reactions (1993) (34)
- Limitation on complete fusion during heavy-ion collisions (1974) (34)
- Electron and photon induced reactions on nuclei in the nucleon resonance region (1999) (34)
- Attenuation of ? mesons in ?A reactions (2005) (33)
- Role of baryonic resonances in the dilepton emission in nucleon-nucleon collisions (2003) (33)
- One pion production in neutrino reactions: Including nonresonant background (2010) (32)
- Dilepton production in nucleon-nucleon interactions☆ (1994) (32)
- Neutrino event generators: foundation, status and future (2019) (32)
- Asymptotically correct shell model for asymmetric fission (1971) (32)
- Hadron formation and attenuation in deep inelastic lepton scattering off nuclei (2003) (32)
- Coupling of baryon resonances to the Nω channel (2000) (32)
- Inclusive $\omega$ photoproduction off nuclei (2003) (31)
- Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments (2022) (31)
- e+e− Production in proton-neutron collisions (1989) (31)
- Meson mT-scaling in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies (1998) (30)
- Photoabsorption on nuclei (1996) (30)
- The NN→NΔ cross section in nuclear matter (2003) (30)
- Thermal properties of nuclei: The implications of Levinson's theorem (1985) (30)
- The cranked harmonic oscillator in coordinate space (1978) (30)
- Time dependent hadronization via HERMES and EMC data consistency (2008) (29)
- Many-body interactions of neutrinos with nuclei: Observables (2012) (29)
- Asymmetry in nuclear fission (1973) (28)
- Energies and electromagnetic moments of deformed nuclei in the rare-earth region (1980) (28)
- Self-consistent calculation of rotational states in the rare earth region with an effective ground state interaction (1979) (28)
- Hadrons in the nuclear medium (1998) (27)
- ETA production in heavy ion collisions (1989) (27)
- Self-consistent cranking calculations for 20Ne (1976) (27)
- Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled-channel approach for energiesmN (2002) (27)
- High energy γ-ray emission in heavy-ion collisions☆ (1986) (27)
- Fragment-Shell Influences in Nuclear Fission (1971) (26)
- Electromagnetic couplings of nucleon resonances (1996) (26)
- Fission properties of heavy and superheavy nuclei (1972) (26)
- Pion - nucleus reactions in a microscopic transport model (1993) (25)
- Pion production in proton proton collisions in a covariant one boson exchange model (1996) (25)
- Transport model comparison studies of intermediate-energy HI collisions (2022) (25)
- Dynamical and thermal aspects of relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1991) (25)
- Mean field approach to pion production in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions (1984) (24)
- Photoproduction of η -mesons off nuclei for Eγ ⩽ 2.2 GeV (2008) (24)
- Charmonium suppression with cc̄ dissociation by strings (1998) (23)
- e+ e- pairs from pi- A reactions: Comment (1999) (23)
- Working Group Report: Neutrinos (2013) (23)
- Yrast lines of light nuclei (A = 24–60) (1980) (22)
- Dilepton production in proton-proton and quasifree proton-neutron reactions at 1.25 GeV (2010) (22)
- Perspectives of e +e - production in pp, pd and pBe reactions at SIS energies ? ? Work supported by (2000) (22)
- Low-energy ππ photoproduction off nuclei (2004) (22)
- Path Integrals in Field Theory: An Introduction (2003) (22)
- Breathing mode in an improved transport approach (2010) (22)
- Transverse flow of fragments in the relativistic BUU model (1990) (21)
- Transport theoretical approach to the nucleon spectral function in nuclear matter (2000) (21)
- Quenching of resonance production in heavy-ion collisions at 1–2AGeV (2001) (21)
- Microscopic approach to subthreshold pion production in heavy-ion collisions (1985) (21)
- Kaon production and propagation at intermediate relativistic energies (2005) (21)
- Influence of the nuclear medium on inclusive electron and neutrino scattering off nuclei (2007) (20)
- In-medium broadening of nucleon resonances (2001) (20)
- Three-body collisions in Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck theory (2007) (20)
- Low-energy pions in nuclear matter and ππ photoproduction within a BUU transport model (2005) (20)
- Nuclear deformation energy in the two-center shell model (1970) (20)
- Relativistic BUU approach with momentum-dependent mean fields (1992) (20)
- The relativistic buu approach: Analysis of retardation effects and meson-field radiation☆ (1990) (20)
- Photoproduction of mesons in nuclei at GeV energies (1999) (20)
- Off-shell effects on particle production (1999) (19)
- Kaon and hyperon production in antiproton-induced reactions on nuclei (2011) (19)
- Optical potentials for elastic heavy ion scattering (1976) (19)
- Flow patterns for collective rotations in heavy nuclei (1979) (19)
- Backbending in Ne 22 (1979) (19)
- Fragment formation in proton induced reactions within a BUU transport model (2007) (19)
- Fields, Symmetries, and Quarks (1989) (18)
- Production of charged pions off nuclei with 3–30 GeV incident protons and pions (2009) (18)
- Pion-induced double-charge exchange reactions in the Δ resonance region (2006) (18)
- Role of the pion electromagnetic form factor in the $\Delta(1232) \to \gamma^\ast N$ timelike transition (2015) (18)
- e+ e- pairs from pi- A reactions (1997) (18)
- Photoproduction of $ \omega$ mesons on nuclei near the production threshold (2010) (17)
- Dilepton anisotropy from p + Be and Ca + Ca collisions at BEVALAC energies (1996) (17)
- Analysis of intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions within a relativistic transport model (1991) (17)
- NN→NNπ reaction near threshold in a covariant one-boson-exchange model (1996) (17)
- Yrast line versus entrance channel limitation in heavy ion induced fusion reactions (1978) (17)
- Nuclear matter spectral functions by transport theory (2001) (17)
- Experimental approaches for determining in-medium properties of hadrons from photo-nuclear reactions (2011) (16)
- Current distributions for rotating nuclei (1980) (16)
- Local thermodynamic properties and equilibration in relativistic heavy-ion collisions☆ (1990) (16)
- Hadronization of a quark-gluon plasma in the chromodielectric model (1998) (16)
- Pionic transparency in semi-exclusive electroproduction off nuclei (2008) (16)
- Addendum to “Muon-neutrino-induced charged-current pion production on nuclei” (2017) (16)
- Neutrino-nucleus interactions (2012) (16)
- Pion production in high-energy neutrino reactions with nuclei (2015) (16)
- Even-odd-staggering in γ-bands (1970) (16)
- Spin-$\frac{5}{2}$ resonance contributions to the pion-induced reactions for energies $\sqrt{s} \leq 2.0$ GeV (2004) (16)
- Coherent Photoproduction of Pions on Nuclei in a relativistic, non-local Model (1998) (16)
- Kaon and pion production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2004) (16)
- Transverse Momentum Analysis in the Relativistic Buu Approach (1989) (15)
- Relativistic potentials for a counterstreaming nuclear-matter scenario with a covariant momentum-dependent interaction (1993) (15)
- Sensitivity of neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements to 2p2h excitations (2018) (15)
- Adiabatic approach to subbarrier fusion cross section (1985) (15)
- Hard protons from heavy-ion collisions (1988) (15)
- Formation of double-Λ hypernuclei at PANDA (2011) (15)
- Surface and volume effects in the photoabsorption of nuclei (2004) (15)
- Neutrino-induced coherent pion production off nuclei reexamined (2009) (15)
- Neutrino- and antineutrino-induced reactions with nuclei between 1 and 50 GeV (2012) (15)
- Generalized pair field in fast rotating nuclei (1982) (15)
- Neutrino-induced pion production at energies relevant for the MiniBooNE and K2K experiments (2009) (14)
- Kinetic energy contributions to heavy ion potentials (1975) (14)
- Investigating in-medium properties of the ω meson via the ω→π0γ decay (2013) (14)
- A Relativistic two-nucleon model for A(p, K+)(Lambda) B reaction (2005) (14)
- Cranking-HFB calculations of the yrastline for the nuclei232Th,234,236,238U,248Cm (1981) (14)
- Selfconsistent calculations of heavy ion potentials, demonstrated for 16O + 16O☆ (1975) (14)
- e+ e− production from pp reactions at BEVALAC energies (1999) (14)
- Analysis of flow effects in relativistic heavy-ion collisions within the CBUU approach (1998) (14)
- The Coriolis attenuation in odd-A nuclei (1984) (13)
- Short-Range Correlations in Nuclear Matter at Finite Temperatures and High Densities ⋆ (2003) (13)
- πN→ωNin a coupled-channel approach (2002) (13)
- Photon production in nucleon-nucleon collisions (1991) (13)
- Pion and eta photoproduction in nuclei (1994) (13)
- Deeply inelastic pions in the exclusive reaction p(e,e{sup '}{pi}{sup +})n above the resonance region (2008) (13)
- Vector mesons and baryon resonances in nuclear matter (2001) (13)
- Detailed study of nuclear charge and mass densities. (I). Surface and asymptotic properties (1982) (13)
- Muon-neutrino-induced charged-current cross section without pions: Theoretical analysis (2017) (13)
- Hadron formation in high energy photonuclear reactions (2002) (13)
- Dominant angular momentum of gross structure in inelastic 12C+12C(2+) scattering☆ (1983) (12)
- Probing nuclear expansion dynamics with π−/π+-spectra (1997) (12)
- Spin-(5/2) fields in hadron physics (2009) (12)
- Influence of the momentum dependence of nuclear interactions on heavy-ion potentials (1988) (12)
- Exclusive K+ production in proton-nucleus collisions (2003) (12)
- Angular-momentum-projected cranked hfb approach to the study of nuclear rotations (1985) (12)
- In-medium modifications of theS11(1535)resonance andηphotoproduction (2003) (12)
- Resonance lifetime in Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck theory: Observable consequences (2001) (12)
- Many-Body Interactions of Neutrinos with Nuclei - Observables (2012) (12)
- $2\pi$ production in the Giessen coupled-channel model (2014) (11)
- Neutrino induced pion production at MiniBooNE and K2K energies (2008) (11)
- Role of N*(1650) in the near threshold pp --> p Lambda K+ and pp --> p Sigma0 K+ reactions (2000) (11)
- Self-consistent heavy-ion potentials (1976) (11)
- Reaction mechanisms at MINERνA (2014) (11)
- Pi N ---> omega N in a coupled channel approach (2001) (11)
- Deep exclusive charged pi electroproduction above the resonance region (2010) (11)
- Neutrino nucleus reactions within the GiBUU model (2011) (11)
- Exclusive pion production in proton-nucleus collisions and the relativistic two nucleon dynamics * (1995) (11)
- Hypernuclear production by the (γ,K + ) reaction within a relativistic model (2007) (11)
- Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov Cranking Analysis of Gyromagnetic Factors of High-Spin States in 170 Yb, 172 Yb, and 174 Yb (1981) (10)
- Neutral current neutrino-nucleus interactions at intermediate energies (2006) (10)
- Comparison of predictions for alignment in inelastic scattering of (1982) (10)
- Short range correlations and spectral functions in asymmetric nuclear matter (2005) (10)
- Pion production in the T2K experiment (2013) (10)
- Influence of strongly coupled inelastic excitations on the optical potential for12C+12C (1982) (10)
- Pion production in the MiniBooNE (2011) (10)
- Realistic interactions and dilepton production off pp-collisions (1996) (10)
- Dynamics of heavy ion reactions and the nuclear equation of state (1990) (10)
- (p,π±) correlations in central heavy-ion collisions at 1 ÷ 2 AGeV (1999) (10)
- E − Pair Production from Γa Reactions (1999) (10)
- Neutrino interactions with nucleons and nuclei at intermediate energies (2006) (10)
- Dilepton production in nucleon-nucleon collisions reexamined (2008) (10)
- In-medium properties of hadrons—observables II (2003) (10)
- Anti-kaon induced reactions on the nucleon (2000) (10)
- Hadrons in nuclei from high (200 GeV) to low (1 GeV) energies (2007) (9)
- Fission barriers for light elements (A = 180–212)☆ (1971) (9)
- The effect of electro-magnetic formfactors on dilepton production off pp-collisions (1996) (9)
- Deep exclusive electroproduction of π + from data measured with the HERMES detector at DESY (2009) (9)
- Path Integrals in Field Theory (2004) (9)
- Coherent photoproduction of pions on spin-zero nuclei in a relativistic, non-local model (1998) (9)
- Hadrons in Medium - Theory Confronts Experiment (2007) (9)
- Influence of shell structure on multipole pairing (1983) (9)
- D ec 2 01 5 Rôle of the pion electromagnetic form factor in the ∆ ( 1232 ) → γ ∗ N timelike transition (2015) (8)
- Time-odd terms in the nuclear hamiltonian at high angular momenta (1985) (8)
- Neutrino-induced coherent pion production (2007) (8)
- Collective rotations and skyrme forces (1977) (8)
- Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Nucleon in the Time-like Region ∗ (1994) (8)
- Erratum: Many-body interactions of neutrinos with nuclei: Observables [Phys. Rev. C 86, 014614 (2012)] (2014) (8)
- Hartree-Fock calculations for highly deformed systems (1973) (8)
- Nuclear shadowing at low photon energies (2001) (8)
- Color transparency in hadronic attenuation of $\rho^0$ mesons (2010) (8)
- Exactly projected coupled-channel potentials (1984) (8)
- Anisotropy of dilepton emission from nucleon-nucleon interactions (1995) (8)
- Evidence for resonance matter at SIS (1993) (8)
- A relativistic two-nucleon model for (p, π) reactions (1991) (8)
- η production in 40Ca+40Ca reactions between 0.8 and 2 GeV/A (1991) (8)
- Non-Linear Derivative Interactions in Relativistic Hadrodynamics (2009) (8)
- A quark transport theory to describe nucleon-nucleon collisions☆ (1993) (8)
- Magnetic Moments of High Spin States (1981) (7)
- Quark initial state interaction in deep inelastic scattering and the Drell-Yan process (2004) (7)
- Photon production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions☆ (1990) (7)
- Two- and three-body color flux tubes in the chromodielectric model (2004) (7)
- Microscopic calculation of pion production cross section in the 16O + 16O reaction (1986) (7)
- Off-shell pions in Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck transport theory ∗ (2002) (7)
- Probing hadronic polarizations with dilepton anisotropies (1996) (7)
- A new numerical method to solve non-linear coupled differential equations for various field theory models (1987) (7)
- Influence of the continuum on level-densities (1973) (7)
- Bremsstrahlung in heavy-ion molecular resonances (1985) (7)
- Erratum to: Dilepton production in proton-induced reactions at SIS energies with the GiBUU transport model (2012) (7)
- Exact first- and second-order distorted-wave born methods (1983) (7)
- Pion production in neutrino interactions with nuclei (2009) (7)
- Neutrino-nucleus interactions in the T2K experiment (2010) (6)
- Incoherent rho0 electroproduction off nuclei (2002) (6)
- Shadowing effect on pion spectra from intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions (1986) (6)
- J/ψ-dissociation by a color electric flux tube (1997) (6)
- Dipole excitations in fission fragments (1971) (6)
- Neutrino scattering with nuclei - Theory of low energy nuclear effects and its applications (2008) (6)
- Excitation-energy dependence of Coulomb barriers (1976) (6)
- Inclusion of pairing into strutinsky-type cranking calculations (1979) (6)
- Application of the Strutinsky method to the rotational motion of 20Ne (1976) (6)
- Cross sections for A(e,e′)X reactions (2018) (6)
- The pair field of rotating 24Mg (1981) (6)
- Primakoff production of $\pi^0$, $\eta$ and $\eta'$ in the Coulomb field of a nucleus (2011) (6)
- Flow patterns for collective quadrupole vibrations in heavy nuclei (1984) (6)
- Dilepton production at SIS energies with the GiBUU transport model (2012) (5)
- ηelectroproduction on nuclei in the nucleon resonance region (2003) (5)
- Decay anisotropy of e+e− sources from pN and pd collisions (1995) (5)
- Spectral functions of quarks in quark matter (2001) (5)
- Isospin equilibration in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1998) (5)
- Sea effects in the chiral quark soliton model (1990) (5)
- Microscopic investigations on the fragmentation of heavy nuclei (1988) (5)
- Modification of the omega-meson lifetime in nuclear matter (vol 100, 192302, 2008) (2015) (5)
- Test of nuclear currents in transverse electron scattering (1983) (5)
- Microscopic analysis of deeply inelastic heavy-ion collisions (1991) (5)
- Nearside-farside analyses of heavy-ion direct reactions to the continuum (1984) (5)
- Cranked Hartree-Fock calculations of high spin states in 162Yb with the skyrme interaction (1978) (5)
- Dynamical fragmentation of flux tubes in the Friedberg-Lee model☆ (1997) (4)
- Next-to-leading order versus quark off-shellness and intrinsickTin the Drell-Yan process (2006) (4)
- Test of vibrational current distributions in transverse electron scattering (1983) (4)
- Microscopic investigations of pion production in heavy-ion collisions (1987) (4)
- Heavy-Ion Fusion Reactions (1984) (4)
- Low energy onset of nuclear shadowing in photoabsorption (2000) (4)
- GiBUU and Shallow Inelastic Scattering (2013) (4)
- Giessen coupled-channel model for pion- and photon-induced reactions (2012) (4)
- Dense Nuclear Matter Equation of State from Heavy-Ion Collisions (2023) (4)
- Hadrons in Nuclei (2003) (4)
- Hadrons in medium (2005) (4)
- Particle production within a selfconsistent transport approach to heavy-ion collisions (1989) (4)
- Phenomenological model for the Drell-Yan process: Reexamined (2009) (4)
- Multipole pair fields at finite temperature (1983) (4)
- Description of fully differential Drell-Yan pair production (2011) (4)
- B(M1)-transition probabilities in odd-A nuclei (1985) (4)
- A dynamical model of color confinement (1996) (4)
- Photon and electron induced particle production on nuclei (2001) (4)
- Short-Range Correlations in Nuclear Matter (4)
- Neutrinos at FPF (2022) (4)
- Correlation between molecular resonances of well-matched channels in the weak coupling model (1981) (4)
- Self-consistent mean-field wavefunctions of nucleon and delta for the cranked Chiral soliton bag☆☆☆ (1989) (4)
- Production of fragments with and without strangeness within a combined BUU+SMM approach (2008) (3)
- Polarization effects for elastic and inelastic scattering with an adiabatic-propagator approximation (1983) (3)
- Neutrino Interactions with Nuclei (2007) (3)
- Production of eta-mesons in collisions of nucleons and delta-resonances (1994) (3)
- Entanglement of Quasielastic Scattering and Pion Production (2011) (3)
- In-Medium Properties of Vector Mesons in a Transport Approach (2011) (3)
- Primakoff production of 0 , and 0 in the Coulomb field of a nucleus (2011) (3)
- Solution of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov problem in the canonical representation (1984) (3)
- Rotational motion at finite temperature (1983) (3)
- Missing Nucleon Resonances in Kaon Production with Pions and Photons (2000) (3)
- Nuclear Effects in Generators: the Path Forward (2011) (3)
- In-medium effects on hypernuclear formation (2012) (3)
- QCD sum rules and vector mesons (1999) (3)
- Snowmass 2021 LoI: Neutrino-induced Shallow- and Deep-Inelastic Scattering (2020) (3)
- Comparison of GiBUU calculations with MiniBooNE pion production data (2013) (3)
- Hadrons and nuclei far away from equilibrium (1995) (3)
- Prediction for the transverse momentum distribution of Drell-Yan dileptons at GSI PANDA (2005) (3)
- Thermal and chemical equilibration of hadronic matter (2000) (3)
- Dilepton Production in Transport-based Approaches (2014) (3)
- Nucleon Resonances in Kaon Photoproduction (1999) (3)
- Meson Production in Proton-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions* (1993) (2)
- The generator of the low-lying quadrupole vibration (1986) (2)
- Structure and formation of molecules (1982) (2)
- Pion Electroproduction and Pion-induced Dileptonproduction on the Nucleon (1998) (2)
- Meson Production on the Nucleon in the Giessen K-Matrix Approach (2005) (2)
- Finite nuclei in a pure fermionic chiral field theory (1987) (2)
- Modification of the ω-Meson Lifetime in Nuclear Matter (2020) (2)
- Influence of the nucleon spectral function in photon and electron induced reactions on nuclei (2003) (2)
- Quasielastic Scattering at MiniBooNE Energies (2009) (2)
- Perspectives of production in , and Be reactions at SIS energies (2001) (2)
- The B = 2 system in the chiral σ-model with quarks (1987) (2)
- Low energy kaon photoproduction from nuclei (1999) (2)
- Chiral Symmetry in Nuclei -- Theoretical Expectations and Hard Facts (2008) (2)
- A nearside-farside analysis of deep inelastic reactions (1983) (2)
- Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions at the LBNF Near Detector (2015) (2)
- RPA description of the electric polarizability of the nucleon (1995) (2)
- Analysis of baryon resonances in the coupled-channel Giessen model (2008) (2)
- 0 20 70 69 v 2 7 O ct 2 00 2 Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled-channel approach for energies m N < √ s < 2 GeV II : photon-induced results (2019) (2)
- Weak Interactions of Quarks and Leptons (1999) (2)
- Generators of collective vibrations in heavy nuclei (1988) (2)
- Hadronic in-Medium Effects with Elementary Probes (2000) (2)
- Resonance life time in BUU: observable consequences (2001) (2)
- Mass dependence and isospin dependence of short-range correlated pairs (2016) (2)
- Ground state correlations in deep inelastic scattering and the Drell-Yan process (2003) (2)
- Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions around 1 GeV (2011) (2)
- Strangeness production in antiproton-nucleus annihilation (2012) (2)
- ION-ION optical potentials in a relativistic model☆ (1989) (2)
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- 03 10 07 4 v 1 2 8 O ct 2 00 3 Hadrons in Nuclei (2003) (0)
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- Coherent Photoproduction of Dileptons on Light Nuclei - a New Means to Learn about Vector Mesons (1999) (0)
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- Comment on: e + e − pairs from π − A reactions ∗ (1999) (0)
- Off-shell pions in the BUU transport theory (2002) (0)
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- Neutrino-Interactions with nuclei and Long Baseline Experiments (2016) (0)
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- Hadron attenuation at HERMES and Jefferson Lab (2005) (0)
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- CP Invariance of Electroweak Interactions (1999) (0)
- In-medium hadrons: Properties, interaction and formation (2006) (0)
- 0 50 50 09 v 1 3 M ay 2 00 5 High energy electroproduction off complex nuclei (2005) (0)
- UGI-97-25 e + e − pairs from π − A reactions ∗ (1997) (0)
- Quark‐Gluon Plasma or ‘Classical’ Hadronic Physics? (2000) (0)
- Nuclear ‘molecular’ states (1982) (0)
- Transition Rates and Green’s Functions (2004) (0)
- Theory of low energy nuclear effects (2009) (0)
- Moving rho-mesons at finite temperature (2002) (0)
- Meson m T -scaling in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies 1 Work supported by BMBF and GSI Darmstad (1997) (0)
- HADRONS IN MEDIUM – THEORY MEETS EXPERIMENT MENU 2007 11 th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon September 10-14 , 2007 IKP , Forschungzentrum Jülich , Germany (2008) (0)
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- 3 0 Ju l 2 01 3 Pion production in the MiniBooNE experiment (0)
- Evaluation of Path Integrals (2004) (0)
- Hadron formation in electron induced reactions at HERMES energies (2003) (0)
- 03 10 0 v 2 2 9 M ay 2 00 6 Interactions of multi-quark states in the chromodielectric model (2022) (0)
- Incoherent ρ 0 electroproduction off nuclei (2003) (0)
- Investigating in-medium properties of the \omega{} meson via the \omega{} -> \pi^0\gamma{} decay (2012) (0)
- The Path Integral in Quantum Theory (2004) (0)
- Pions and kaons at 1-2 A GeV : Effect of in-medium NN → N ∆ cross section (2004) (0)
- Electroweak Interactions of Quarks and Leptons (1999) (0)
- 0 21 00 79 v 1 2 5 O ct 2 00 2 Photoproduction of φ mesons from nuclei (0)
- Bag Models of Hadrons (1999) (0)
- Hadronization in nuclear DIS and ultra‐relativistic HIC (2005) (0)
- THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A Inclusive ω photoproduction off nuclei (0)
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