Washington Yotto Ochieng
Most Influential Person Now
Professor in Positioning & Navigation Systems at Imperial College London
Why Is Washington Yotto Ochieng Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Washington Yotto Ochieng is a Kenyan academic who is Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. Previously, he was Head of the Centre for Transport Studies and Co-Director of the Institute for Security Science and Technology together with Deeph Chana. Ochieng is a Senior Security Science Fellow in ISST. He also serves as Director of the Engineering Geomatics Group and Chair of Positioning and Navigation Systems.
Washington Yotto Ochieng's Published Works
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Published Works
- Current map-matching algorithms for transport applications: State-of-the art and future research directions (2007) (872)
- A general map matching algorithm for transport telematics applications (2003) (394)
- A High Accuracy Fuzzy Logic Based Map Matching Algorithm for Road Transport (2006) (239)
- Evaluation of cold ironing and speed reduction policies to reduce ship emissions near and at ports (2014) (150)
- An Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Integrating GPS and Low Cost Dead Reckoning System Data for Vehicle Performance and Emissions Monitoring (2003) (149)
- GPS Integrity and Potential Impact on Aviation Safety (2003) (147)
- Factors Affecting Air Traffic Controller Workload: Multivariate Analysis Based on Simulation Modeling of Controller Workload (2002) (118)
- Modelling shared space users via rule-based social force model (2015) (110)
- Integrity of map-matching algorithms (2006) (103)
- Resilience assessment for interdependent urban infrastructure systems using dynamic network flow models (2019) (88)
- A measurement domain receiver autonomous integrity monitoring algorithm (2006) (77)
- Failure Modes and Models for Integrated GPS/INS Systems (2007) (77)
- A gradient boosting decision tree based GPS signal reception classification algorithm (2020) (71)
- En-Route Sector Capacity Estimation Methodologies: An International Survey (2005) (67)
- Carrier phase-based integrity monitoring for high-accuracy positioning (2009) (66)
- The effect of the London congestion charge on road casualties: an intervention analysis (2007) (65)
- A Multi-Objective GA-based Optimisation for Holistic Manufacturing,transportation and Assembly of Precast Construction (2016) (63)
- Integrity of an integrated GPS/INS system in the presence of slowly growing errors. Part I: A critical review (2007) (56)
- A Novel Online Data-Driven Algorithm for Detecting UAV Navigation Sensor Faults (2017) (52)
- Enhanced Precise Point Positioning for GNSS Users (2012) (51)
- Validation of Map Matching Algorithms using High Precision Positioning with GPS (2005) (49)
- Airport surface operations: A holistic framework for operations modeling and risk management (2014) (45)
- Estimation of European Airspace Capacity from a Model of Controller Workload (2002) (44)
- Optimal supply chain resilience with consideration of failure propagation and repair logistics (2020) (43)
- A method to estimate air traffic controller mental workload based on traffic clearances (2014) (43)
- Multi-Constellation GNSS Multipath Mitigation Using Consistency Checking (2011) (43)
- Data Based Framework to Identify the Most Significant Performance Shaping Factors in Railway Operations (2015) (40)
- A new IMU-aided multiple GNSS fault detection and exclusion algorithm for integrated navigation in urban environments (2021) (39)
- Robustness analysis of the European air traffic network (2015) (39)
- The Factors Affecting Airspace Capacity in Europe: A Cross-Sectional Time-Series Analysis Using Simulated Controller Workload Data (2004) (35)
- Environmental Balance of Shipping Emissions Reduction Strategies (2015) (35)
- Integration of GPS and dead reckoning for real-time vehicle performance and emissions monitoring (2002) (35)
- Integrity of an integrated GPS/INS system in the presence of slowly growing errors. Part II: analysis (2007) (34)
- Modelling of Particulate Matter Mass Emissions From a Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle (2006) (34)
- The human performance railway operational index - a novel approach to assess human performance for railway operations (2018) (33)
- Integrated method for the UAV navigation sensor anomaly detection (2017) (32)
- Day-to-day dynamic traffic assignment with imperfect information, bounded rationality and information sharing (2018) (32)
- 3DWireless Network Localization from Inconsistent Distance Observations (2007) (32)
- Integrated method for the UAV navigation sensor anomaly detection (2017) (32)
- Performance requirements of future Trajectory Prediction and Conflict Detection and Resolution tools within SESAR and NextGen: Framework for the derivation and discussion (2014) (31)
- GLONASS Aided GPS Ambiguity Fixed Precise Point Positioning (2013) (31)
- Integrated design of transport infrastructure and public spaces considering human behavior: A review of state-of-the-art methods and tools (2019) (31)
- Detecting Multiple failures in GPS/INS integrated system: A Novel architecture for Integrity Monitoring (2009) (31)
- A Systemic Modeling of Ground Handling Services Using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (2016) (31)
- An integrated solution for lane level irregular driving detection on highways (2015) (30)
- Integrity Monitoring for Carrier Phase Ambiguities (2010) (29)
- Performance Evaluation of a Novel 4D Trajectory Prediction Model for Civil Aircraft (2008) (29)
- Integrated Positioning Algorithms for Transport Telematics Applications (2004) (28)
- Development and Assessment of Taxonomy for Performance-Shaping Factors for Railway Operations (2012) (27)
- Performance of rate detector algorithms for an integrated GPS/INS system in the presence of slowly growing error (2012) (27)
- Statistical Characteristics and Community Analysis of Urban Road Networks (2019) (26)
- The carrier-multipath observable: a new carrier-phase multipath mitigation technique (2014) (26)
- ADS-B System Failure Modes and Models (2014) (25)
- A spatial and temporal analysis of safety-belt usage and safety-belt laws. (2004) (25)
- Optimal hub selection for rapid medical deliveries using unmanned aerial vehicles (2020) (25)
- Analysis of anomalies in ADS-B and its GPS data (2016) (24)
- Robust identification of air traffic flow patterns in Metroplex terminal areas under demand uncertainty (2017) (24)
- GPS Signal Reception Classification Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (2018) (23)
- The Effects of Navigation Sensors and Spatial Road Network Data Quality on the Performance of Map Matching Algorithms (2009) (23)
- Benchmark analysis for robustness of multi-scale urban road networks under global disruptions (2020) (22)
- On the Effect of Localization Errors on Geographic Routing in Sensor Networks (2008) (21)
- Potential Performance Levels of a Combined Galileo/GPS Navigation System (2001) (21)
- Characterisation of GNSS Space Service Volume (2014) (21)
- Precise Point Positioning and Integrity Monitoring with GPS and GLONASS (2011) (20)
- A Framework for Assessing the Quality of Aviation Safety Databases (2014) (19)
- Improving GPS Code Phase Positioning Accuracy in Urban Environments Using Machine Learning (2021) (19)
- Agent-based day-to-day traffic network model with information percolation (2017) (19)
- Advanced Transport Telematics Positioning Requirements: An Assessment of GPS Performance in Greater London (1999) (19)
- A safety assessment framework for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) system (2015) (19)
- The vehicle emissions and performance monitoring system: analysis of tailpipe emissions and vehicle performance (2004) (19)
- Motion Field Estimation for a Dynamic Scene Using a 3D LiDAR (2014) (18)
- Integrity monitoring algorithms for airport surface movement (2011) (18)
- An overview of lessons learnt from ERTMS implementation in European railways (2012) (18)
- Air Traffic Control Complexity and Safety (2007) (18)
- Pseudorange error prediction for adaptive tightly coupled GNSS/IMU navigation in urban areas (2021) (17)
- Resilience Analysis of Transport Networks by Combining Variable Message Signs With Agent-Based Day-to-Day Dynamic Learning (2020) (17)
- Air traffic predictability framework – Development, performance evaluation and application (2014) (17)
- A Least Squares Collocation Method for Accuracy Improvement of Mobile LiDAR Systems (2015) (16)
- Integrated solution for anomalous driving detection based on BeiDou/GPS/IMU measurements (2016) (16)
- High-accuracy four-dimensional trajectory prediction for civil aircraft (2012) (16)
- The impact of airport characteristics on airport surface accidents and incidents. (2015) (16)
- Fixed ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with FDE RAIM (2012) (16)
- Long-range Collision Avoidance for Shared Space Simulation based on Social Forces (2014) (16)
- Integration of GPS with a WiFi high accuracy ranging functionality (2013) (15)
- Robustness Analysis of Urban Road Networks from Topological and Operational Perspectives (2020) (15)
- Modelling runway incursion severity. (2015) (15)
- Weighted RAIM for APV: The Ideal Protection Level (2010) (15)
- A Robust Indoor Positioning and Auto-Localisation Algorithm (2007) (14)
- A Data Based Framework to Identify the Most Significant Performance Shaping Factors in Railway Operations (2014) (14)
- Development of a vehicle emissions monitoring system (2005) (14)
- A fast and efficient integrity computation for non-precision approach performance assessment (2010) (14)
- GNSS/INS Integration with Integrity Monitoring for UAV No-fly Zone Management (2020) (14)
- Combining Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Wrapping for Vehicle Driving Event Detection Using Smartphones (2019) (13)
- Resilience Analysis of Urban Road Networks Based on Adaptive Signal Controls: Day-to-Day Traffic Dynamics with Deep Reinforcement Learning (2020) (13)
- Helicopter Accident Analysis (2014) (13)
- Impact of European Railway Traffic Management System on Human Performance in Railway Operations (2013) (13)
- User Level Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Seamless Positioning in All Conditions and Environments (2006) (13)
- Integrity monitoring of fixed ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solutions (2013) (13)
- Recovery from equipment failures in ATC: Determination of contextual factors (2007) (13)
- An analysis and model for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) continuity (2017) (11)
- An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Maritime Collision Avoidance Route Planning (2014) (11)
- Calibration and Validation of a Shared Space Model: Case Study (2016) (11)
- A multistage multinational triangulation approach to hazard identification in night-time offshore helicopter operations (2012) (11)
- The impact of single engine taxiing on aircraft fuel consumption and pollutant emissions (2018) (11)
- A research agenda on systems approaches to infrastructure (2020) (11)
- ADS-B: Probabilistic Safety Assessment (2017) (11)
- Application of the Improved FOCUSS for Arrival Time Estimation (IFATE) algorithm to WLAN high accuracy positioning services (2012) (10)
- Identifying Airspace Capacity Factors in the Air Traffic Management System (2012) (10)
- Smart road stud based two-lane traffic surveillance (2020) (10)
- Investigating the Truth of Heinrich's Pyramid in Offshore Helicopter Transportation (2013) (10)
- User Level Integrity Monitoring and Quality Control for High Accuracy Positioning Using GPS/INS Measurements (2008) (10)
- An Efficient Worst User Location Algorithm for the Generation of the Galileo Integrity Flag (2005) (10)
- A framework for the classification and prioritization of arrival and departure routes in Multi-Airport Systems Terminal Manoeuvring Areas (2015) (10)
- Framework for ADS-B Performance Assessment: the London TMA Case Study (2014) (10)
- Airport Surface Movement - Performance Requirements, Architecture Considerations & Integrity Algorithms (2007) (10)
- Strategic Conflict Detection and Resolution Using Aircraft Intent Information (2010) (10)
- Extreme value theory-based integrity monitoring of global navigation satellite systems (2013) (9)
- Effects of Navigation Sensors and Digital Map Quality on Performance of Map-Matching Algorithms (2006) (9)
- GIS and genetic algorithm based integrated optimization for rail transit system planning (2020) (9)
- Harmonisation of Category-III Precision Approach Navigation System Performance Requirements (2010) (8)
- ARAIM for LPV-200: The Ideal Protection Level (2010) (8)
- An Integrated Urban Positioning Algorithm Using Matching, Particle Swam Optimized Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System and a Spatial City Model (2020) (8)
- EDITORIAL: Special Issue: Intelligent Vehicle Navigation (Part1) (2008) (8)
- A comparative study of k-NN and hazard-based models for incident duration prediction (2014) (8)
- User Level Integrity Monitoring and Quality Control for Seamless Positioning in all Conditions and Environments (2007) (8)
- Technologies to Measure Indicators for Variable Road User Charging (2007) (8)
- Improving Fixed-ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (PPP) Convergence Time and Accuracy by using GLONASS (2012) (8)
- A Novel Rear-End Collision Detection Algorithm Based on GNSS Fusion and ANFIS (2017) (7)
- Effect of antenna location on GNSS positioning for ITS applications (2016) (7)
- A Difference Test Method for Early Detection of Slowly Growing Errors in GNSS Positioning (2007) (7)
- A Highly Accurate and Computationally Efficient Method for Predicting RAIM Holes (2005) (7)
- From ‘Our Air Is Not for Sale’ to ‘Airtrack’: The Part Privatization of the UK's Airspac (2004) (7)
- A Trend Analysis of Air Traffic Occurrences in the UK Airspace (2003) (7)
- Endogenous stochastic optimisation for relief distribution assisted with unmanned aerial vehicles (2020) (7)
- Identifying significant traffic flow patterns in Multi-Airport Systems Terminal Manoeuvring Areas under uncertainty (2016) (7)
- Holistic Approach to Airport Surface Safety (2012) (7)
- Urban bus positioning: Location based services and high level system architecture (2020) (6)
- New time-differenced carrier phase approach to GNSS/INS integration (2022) (6)
- Characterizing the Distribution of Safety Occurrences in Aviation (2009) (6)
- Fundamentals of safety management: the offshore helicopter transportation system model (2016) (6)
- High-performance trajectory prediction for civil aircraft (2010) (6)
- Effect of Working Experience on Air Traffic Controller Eye Movement (2021) (6)
- A causal factors analysis of aircraft incidents due to radar limitations: The Norway case study (2015) (6)
- A Novel Positioning and Integrity Monitoring Algorithm for a Multiple Constellation Receiver (2011) (6)
- A New Faulty GNSS Measurement Detection and Exclusion Algorithm for Urban Vehicle Positioning (2021) (6)
- Robustness and Topology Analysis of European Air Traffic Network Using Complex Network Theory (2015) (6)
- Joint apron-runway assignment for airport surface operations (2022) (5)
- Controller recovery from equipment failures in air traffic control: A framework for the quantitative assessment of the recovery context (2014) (5)
- RAIM in dual frequency / multi constellation APV/LPV operations in aeronautics (2010) (5)
- A 15-Year Multivariate Analysis Of Worldwide Offshore Helicopter Accidents (2013) (5)
- Using dual‐polarization GPS antenna with optimized adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system to improve single point positioning accuracy in urban canyons (2021) (5)
- Sensitivity analysis of the vestigial signal defence-based civil GNSS spoofing detection method (2017) (5)
- Integrated use of GPS and EGNOS Carrier Phase Observations for High Precision Kinematic Positioning (2002) (5)
- Performance Potential of a Combined Galileo/GPS Navigation System (2001) (5)
- Effects of Speed Reduction Policies near Ports (2014) (5)
- Design of a GNSS: Coverage, Accuracy and Integrity (1995) (5)
- Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction for Signalized Intersections with Low-Frequency Floating Car Data (2019) (5)
- Positioning algorithms for transport telematics applications (2004) (5)
- Integrity Performance Models for a Combined Galileo/GPS Navigation System (2001) (5)
- End-to-End Testing of an Integrated Centimetric Positioning Test-Bed (2007) (5)
- A Core Constellation Based Multiple-GNSS Positioning and Integrity Monitoring Algorithm (2014) (4)
- Evaluation of the Capability of Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast to Meet the Requirements of Future Airborne Surveillance Applications (2016) (4)
- A Human Performance Operational Railway Index to Estimate Operators’ Error Probability (2012) (4)
- A Review of Navigation Involving General Aviation Pilots Flying under Visual Flight Rules (2018) (4)
- Integrated GNSS/DR/road segment information system for variable road user charging (2017) (4)
- The Use of Panel Data Analysis Techniques in Airspace Capacity Estimation (2006) (4)
- A Regional Space Segment Health Monitor for Local GPS Integrity Monitoring (2011) (4)
- Technologies to measure indicators for road user charging (2010) (4)
- Levels of Organization in Multi-Airport Systems (2015) (4)
- Role of Air Travel Demand Elasticities in Reducing Aviation's Carbon Dioxide Emissions (2012) (4)
- Developing Safety Indicators for New Zealand Airspace: Analysis of Loss-of-Separation Incidents (2006) (4)
- A spatial and temporal analysis of seat-belt usage and seat-belt laws (2002) (4)
- Planning of General Aviation Pilots Using Interviews (2017) (4)
- Trend Analysis of Controller-Caused Airspace Incidents in New Zealand, 1994-2002 (2004) (4)
- A Required Navigation Performance Based Approach to Monitor the Accuracy and Integrity Performance of UAVs for Delivery Applications (2018) (4)
- Impact of European Railway Traffic Management System on Human Performance in Railway Operations European Findings (2013) (4)
- Multi-Constellation RAIM in the Presence of Multiple Faults-a Bottom Up Approach (2012) (3)
- Towards A Complete FMEA Method to Assess the Performance of GPS system for GPS based applications (2005) (3)
- Night-time offshore helicopter operations: a survey of risk levels per phase of flight, flying recency requirement and visual approach technique (2015) (3)
- Improving Ambiguity Validation and Integrity Monitoring of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) (2013) (3)
- A Dynamic Network Flow Model for Interdependent Infrastructure and Supply Chain Networks with Uncertain Asset Operability (2017) (3)
- A New Algorithm for Lane Level Irregular Driving Identification (2015) (3)
- Development of a Test Bed Facility for High Accuracy Positioning in Difficult Environments (2005) (3)
- GNSS/Electronic Compass/Road Segment Information Fusion for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Avoidance Application (2017) (3)
- Impact of New GPS Signals on Positioning Accuracy for Urban Bus Operations (2020) (3)
- A Study of ADS-B Data Evaluation and Related Problems (2013) (3)
- Part Privatization of United Kingdom’s Airspace: National Air Traffic Services’ Experience One Year On (2003) (3)
- Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Fixed Ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (2014) (3)
- Integrated Trajectory-Location-Routing for Rapid Humanitarian Deliveries using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2018) (3)
- Traffic volume measurement based on a single smart road stud (2022) (2)
- Low Cost Intelligent Pervasive Location Tracking (iPLOT) in All Environments for the Management of Crime (2006) (2)
- An Incentive Based Road Traffic Control Mechanism for Covid-19 Pandemic Alike Emergency Preparedness and Response (2022) (2)
- Data-driven distributionally robust generation of time-varying flow corridor networks under demand uncertainty (2022) (2)
- A Novel GNSS Interference Detection Method Based on Smoothed Pseudo-Wigner–Hough Transform (2021) (2)
- Modeling Microscopic Particulate Matter Emissions from a Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle using Gaseous Emission Rates (2006) (2)
- Recent Developments in the European Railway Networks and their Impact on Safety (2012) (2)
- Seamless Positioning in All Conditions and Environments: SPACE (2005) (2)
- Framework to Assess an Area Control Centre's Operating Cost-efficiency: a Case Study (2015) (2)
- iPLOT - an intelligent pervasive location tracking system (2006) (2)
- High Performance Navigation Algorithms for Aviation - Results of Approach and Airport Surface Movement Tests (2008) (2)
- A High Integrity Positioning Method for Ad-Hoc Networks (2006) (2)
- Main Wheel Prerotation and Ground Taxi Driven by Electric Taxi System (2019) (2)
- 4D Trajectory Generation for Guidance Module of a UAV for a Gate-to-Gate Flight in Presence of Turbulence (2016) (2)
- The Use of Airborne Differential GPS to Detect Coordinate and Calibration Errors in DME Navigation Aids (1994) (2)
- Reducing GPS Wide Lane Ambiguity Resolution Time: A Novel Carrier Phase Multipath Mitigation Technique (2013) (2)
- A Holistic Approach to Carrier-Phase Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (CRAIM) (2011) (2)
- A Dual w-Test Based Quality Control Algorithm for Integrated IMU/GNSS Navigation in Urban Areas (2022) (2)
- Impact Analysis of Demand Management on Runway Configuration in Metroplex Airports (2020) (2)
- System Design and Networking Protocols for Wireless Positioning (2007) (2)
- Novel Integrity Concept for CAT III Precision Approaches and Taxiing: Extended GBAS (E-GBAS) (2011) (2)
- Accuracy evaluation of a new generic Trajectory Prediction model for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2021) (2)
- New methods for dual constellation single receiver positioning and integrity monitoring (2013) (2)
- GNSS-based High Accuracy Positioning for Railway Applications (2016) (2)
- Mixed traffic modelling involving pedestrian dynamics for integrated street designs: a review (2016) (2)
- Design tools for GNSS (1995) (2)
- Monitoring real-time vehicle performance and emissions (2003) (2)
- Every Nano-Second Counts: Estimating the Galileo Integrity Chain Clock Offsets Globally in a Single Epoch (2005) (1)
- Augumentation of GPS and GALILEO with GBAS: High Level Impact Study of Category-II/III Approaches and ASMGCS on Avionics Receiver Architecture (2006) (1)
- Quantitative Measures for GPS Based Road User Charging (2008) (1)
- Fixed Ambiguity Precise Point Positioning (PPP) Using Tropospheric Corrections Based on Numeric Weather Modeling (NWM) (2013) (1)
- An Area Computation Based Method for RAIM Holes Assessment (2006) (1)
- Predictive Safety Through Survey Interviewing - Developing a Task-Based Hazard Identification Survey Process in Offshore Helicopter Operations (2020) (1)
- An Open-Source Real-Time L1/L2 Dual Frequency Software Receiver with an Open Source GPS-Disciplined Clock – Design, Implementation and Test (2014) (1)
- An Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Factors Affecting Aircraft Conflicts Based on Simulation Modelling (2003) (1)
- Airspace safety in New Zealand: A causal analysis of controller caused airspace incidents between 1994-2002 (2004) (1)
- Development of Air Traffic Complexity Metric for Indian En-Route Airspace (2005) (1)
- Design features of D-GNSS reference stations (1996) (1)
- Initial evidence-based analysis of risk levels per phases of flight, recency requirements and visual approach design in nighttime offshore helicopter operations (2014) (1)
- Developing Safety Indicators for New Zealand Airspace (2006) (1)
- Assessing the Hazards of Nighttime Offshore Helicopter Operations (2012) (1)
- Quantifying the epistemic uncertainty in ground-motion maps (2012) (1)
- Single epoch estimation of the Galileo integrity chain sensor station clock offsets (2007) (1)
- Dynamic Runway Configurations and Flexible Arrival/Departure Tradeoffs in Metroplex Airports (2018) (1)
- An Analytical Model for BDS B1 Spreading Code Self-Interference Evaluation Considering NH Code Effects (2017) (1)
- Road Transport Navigation Requirements in Urban Areas: An Assessment of the Performance of GPS and the Design of a LAAS (2000) (1)
- Recovery from Equipment Failures in Air Traffic Control (ATC): The Findings from an International Survey of Controllers (2007) (1)
- Evaluation of cold ironing and speed reduction policies to reduce ship emissions near and at ports (2014) (1)
- A General Method for Accurate Assessment of GNSS FDE Holes (2006) (1)
- An Integrated Algorithm Based on BeiDou/GPS/IMU and its Application for Anomalous Driving Detection (2016) (0)
- Adaptive Air-Data Smoothing Estimation with Customized Wind Model Based on Flight Data (2022) (0)
- Analysis of Airspace Infringements in European Airspace (2014) (0)
- EDITORAL : Special Issue : Intelligent Vehicle Navigation ( i VN ) (2008) (0)
- Index (1995) (0)
- An Assessment of the RAIM Performance of a Combined Galileo/GPS Navigation System Using the MDE Algorithm (2002) (0)
- Interviews of General Aviation Pilots: An Insight to Airspace Infringements (2017) (0)
- An Agent-Based Day-to-Day Traffic Evolution Model Using Percolation Theory (2016) (0)
- Wheel maintenance in rolling stock: safety challenges in the defect detection process (2018) (0)
- Tightly Coupled INS/APS Passive Single Beacon Navigation (2023) (0)
- Editorial: Special Issue: Intelligent Vehicle Navigation (ivn) (2016) (0)
- EDITORIAL: Special Issue: Intelligent Vehicle Navigation (Part 2) (2010) (0)
- New signals and systems: extending the applications of GNSS (2013) (0)
- Recovery from Equipment Failures in Air Traffic Control: A Probabilistic Assessment of Context (PSAM-0267) (2006) (0)
- Experimental techniques for instantaneous vehicle emissions measurement (2004) (0)
- Trajectory prediction and conflict resolution for Enroute-to-enroute Seamless Air traffic management – TESA (2011) (0)
- Intersection Safety through Traffic Violation Detection (2019) (0)
- The Improvement of the Positioning Accuracy in Search and Rescue with Two Satellites (2016) (0)
- Towards hazards prediction This article investigates the capability of GNSS aided smart sensor network positioning and Radio Frequency technology to monitor 3D deformation associated with volcanic activity and other comparable hazardous events (2009) (0)
- EGNOS Service Management Operations Aligned with User Domain Operational Needs (2004) (0)
- TN4: implementation of a PPP user-module (2009) (0)
- Joint Vulnerability Analysis of Urban Rail Transit and Utility Networks (2016) (0)
- A Reverse Approach to Antenna Specifications for London Buses Next-generation Positioning System (2016) (0)
- Technological Evolution: A Paradigm Shift in Future ATC (2011) (0)
- A New Carrier Phase Multipath Mitigation Technique for Ionosphere-free Combination (2014) (0)
- Six Hidden Changes in Mobility During Covid-19 and Their Impact on Future Transport Technologies and Research Direction (2022) (0)
- Technologies to measure indicators for road charging (2010) (0)
- TN6: test execution (2009) (0)
- Optimal Rail Transit System Planning Using a Geographic Information System and a Genetic Algorithm (2016) (0)
- Can Financial Subsidy Increase Electric Vehicle (EV) Penetration---Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment (2023) (0)
- Editorial Board (2012) (0)
- A Beidou Based Multiple-GNSS Positioning Algorithm for Mission Critical Applications (2015) (0)
- Integrity Monitoring for Precise Point Positioning (2014) (0)
- M20/A20 Congestion Prediction with Post-Brexit Border Delays (2018) (0)
- Sector Capacity Estimation Based on Differentiated Routes and Busy Levels (2018) (0)
- Understanding common human driving semantics for autonomous vehicles (2023) (0)
- Extending the applications and improving the efficiency of positioning through the exploitation of new GNSS signals (2009) (0)
- Evolution of Air Traffic Management Concept of Operations and Its Impact on the System Architecture (2016) (0)
- Integrity and Potential Impact on Aviation Safety (2003) (0)
- Multi-objective Optimization of Airport Runway Scheduling under Uncertain Conditions (2019) (0)
- Smart Road Stud-Empowered Vehicle Magnetic Field Distribution and Vehicle Detection (2023) (0)
- Editorial Board (2013) (0)
- Understanding City-Wide Ride-Sourcing Travel Flow: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach (2021) (0)
- 30th European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control: Proceedings (2012) (0)
- Historical Review of Air Traffic Management System Concept of Operations (2013) (0)
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