Wilbert J. McKeachie
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American psychologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Wilbert James "Bill" McKeachie was an American psychologist. He served as president of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Foundation and the American Association of Higher Education. He was a longtime faculty member at the University of Michigan and the initial author of McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers, a widely read book on college teaching that was first published in 1951 and more recently in its 14th edition in 2013.
Wilbert J. McKeachie's Published Works
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Published Works
- Reliability and Predictive Validity of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Mslq) (1993) (3262)
- McKeachie's teaching tips : strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (1994) (2190)
- The Making of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (2005) (939)
- Student ratings: The validity of use. (1997) (609)
- Research on College Teaching: The Historical Background. (1990) (350)
- Student Ratings of Faculty: A Reprise. (1979) (298)
- College student intrinsic and/or extrinsic motivation and learning (2003) (286)
- Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher. Eighth Edition. (1963) (282)
- Test Anxiety: Deficits in Information Processing. (1981) (211)
- Student motivation, cognition, and learning : essays in honor of Wilbert J. McKeachie (1994) (197)
- Two types of test-anxious students: support for an information processing model (1987) (173)
- Teaching Learning Strategies (1985) (159)
- 7: The Evaluation of Teachers in Higher Education (1975) (158)
- McKeachie''s Teaching Tips (1999) (158)
- Dimensions of student evaluations of teaching. (1964) (148)
- Improving undergraduate education through faculty development (1985) (121)
- Inferring students' cognitive structures and their development using the "ordered tree technique." (1986) (117)
- Student Ratings of Faculty. (1969) (114)
- Creationist vs. Evolutionary Beliefs: Effects on Learning Biology (2002) (105)
- Liberal Education, Study in Depth, and the Arts and Sciences Major--Psychology. (1991) (101)
- The Decline and Fall of the Laws of Learning1,2 (1974) (95)
- Correlation of teacher personality variables and student ratings. (1963) (94)
- Class Size, Large Classes, and Multiple Sections. (1980) (92)
- Relieving anxiety in classroom examinations. (1955) (87)
- 6: Effective College Teaching (1975) (84)
- Teaching a Course in Learning to Learn (1987) (84)
- An experimental comparison of recitation, discussion, and tutorial methods in college teaching. (1954) (80)
- The Multisource Nature of Learning: An Introduction (1990) (80)
- The Role of Colleagues in the Evaluation of College Teaching. (1980) (78)
- Cooperative versus competitive discussion methods in teaching introductory psychology. (1967) (74)
- Individual differences in students' retention of knowledge and conceptual structures learned in university and high school courses: the case of test anxiety (1997) (73)
- Does anxiety disrupt information processing or does poor information processing lead to anxiety (1984) (69)
- Psychology in America's Bicentennial Year (1976) (69)
- Changes in scores on the Northwestern Misconceptions Test in six elementary psychology courses. (1960) (62)
- Scholarship in Psychology: A Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century. (1998) (60)
- Improving Undergraduate Education through Faculty Development. An Analysis of Effective Programs and Practices. (1986) (57)
- Good Teaching Makes a Difference—And we Know What It Is (2007) (56)
- Student ratings of instructors: A validity study. (1958) (55)
- Research on College Teaching. (1972) (54)
- Using Student Ratings and Consultation to Improve Instruction. (1980) (52)
- Research on College Teaching: A Review. (1970) (52)
- Faculty perceptions of teaching support and teaching efficacy in Taiwan (2010) (52)
- Cognitive skills and their transfer: Discussion (1987) (51)
- Lipstick as a Determiner of First Impressions of Personality: An Experiment for the General Psychology Course (1952) (49)
- Individual conformity to attitudes of classroom groups. (1954) (48)
- An Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting University Promotion Decisions: A Brief Report. (1978) (47)
- Procedures and Techniques of Teaching: A Survey of Experimental Studies. (1962) (45)
- Student affiliation motives, teacher warmth, and academic achievement. (1966) (44)
- Student-centered versus instructor-centered instruction. (1954) (42)
- Can Evaluating Instruction Improve Teaching (1987) (41)
- Helping Students Learn How To Learn. (2000) (39)
- The teaching of psychology: a survey research since 1942. (1955) (39)
- Teaching and Learning in the College Classroom. A Review of the Research Literature (1986) and November 1987 Supplement. (1987) (37)
- Improving lectures by understanding students' information processing (1980) (36)
- Learning, cognition, and college teaching (1980) (35)
- Writing through time: longitudinal studies of the effects of new technology on writing (2001) (34)
- Personality and independent study. (1959) (34)
- Students, groups, and teaching methods. (1958) (33)
- Effects of Instructor/Course Evaluations on Student Course Selection. (1981) (32)
- Aptitude, Anxiety, Study Habits, and Academic Achievement. (1970) (31)
- Critical elements in training university teachers (1997) (30)
- Instructional Evaluation: Current Issues and Possible Improvements (1987) (30)
- Effective Teaching: Facilitative vs. Directive Style (1978) (28)
- The Use of Student Ratings in Promotion Decisions. (1984) (27)
- Studies of college teaching : experimental results, theoretical interpretations, and new perspectives (1984) (26)
- The rewards of teaching (1982) (26)
- The Relationship between Test Anxiety and Self-Regulation on Students' Motivation and Learning. (1998) (24)
- The Role of Faculty Evaluation in Enhancing College Teaching. (1983) (23)
- A Small Study Assessing Teacher Effectiveness: Does Learning Last?. (1978) (21)
- Psychology at age 75: the psychology teacher comes into his own. (1968) (20)
- Use of the Ordered-Tree Technique to Assess Students' Initial Knowledge and Conceptual Learning (1989) (19)
- Learning, Thinking, and Thorndike (1990) (18)
- The problem-oriented approach to teaching psychology. (1954) (18)
- Student achievement motives, achievement cues, and academic achievement. (1968) (16)
- National Symposium on the Applications of Psychology to the Teaching and Learning of Music. (1981) (13)
- Academic Delay of Gratification as a Volitional Strategy. (1998) (13)
- Anxiety in the College Classroom (2014) (12)
- Enhancing Productivity in Postsecondary Education (1982) (12)
- Learner Cognitive-Motivational Characteristics and Perceptions of Computer Conferencing Use (1994) (11)
- Individualized teaching in elementary psychology. (1960) (11)
- Implications of cognitive psychology for college teaching (1980) (11)
- Multiple Discriminant Analysis of Student Ratings of College Teachers. (1975) (10)
- College Grades: A Rationale and Mild Defense. (1976) (10)
- Spatial Strategies: Critique and Educational Implications (1984) (10)
- A Note on Validity of Student Ratings of Teaching. (1979) (10)
- Emotion Regulation and Test Anxiety: The Contribution of Academic Delay of Gratification. (2000) (9)
- Teaching psychology on television. (1952) (9)
- Some thoughts about teaching the beginning course in psychology (1967) (9)
- Faculty as a renewable resource (1983) (9)
- Recent research on university learning and teaching: implications for practice and future research (1992) (9)
- The Improvement of Instruction (1960) (9)
- What Theories Underlie the Practice of Faculty Development (1991) (9)
- Self-Scoring: A Self-Monitoring Procedure (1988) (8)
- The compleat scholar: Faculty development for those who teach psychology. (1993) (8)
- Student Characteristics Related to Achievement in Introductory Psychology Courses. (1973) (8)
- A Social Psychology of Group Processes for Decision-Making. (1966) (8)
- Evaluating the introductory psychology course (1966) (8)
- A program for training teachers of psychology. (1951) (8)
- Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the Year 1969: Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives. (1970) (8)
- Improving Teaching Effectiveness. (1971) (7)
- Interaction of achievement cues and facilitating anxiety in the achievement of women. (1969) (7)
- Retention of general psychology. (1957) (7)
- Use of Student Ratings in Evaluation of College Teaching. Final Report. (1975) (6)
- Teaching, Learning, and Thinking About Teaching and Learning (1999) (6)
- Religion, Sex, Social Class, Probability of Success, and Student Personality (1963) (6)
- Report of the recording secretary (1968) (5)
- Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the year 1970: Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives. September 6, 1970 Miami Beach, Florida and October 3 and 4 1970 Washington, D.C. (1971) (5)
- Teaching, Teaching Teaching, and Research on Teaching (1987) (5)
- Instructor's manual to accompany Psychology (1966) (5)
- Lessons to be learned from large behavioral research organizations. (1984) (4)
- Obituary: Roger Williams Heyns (1918-1995). (1997) (4)
- Grading the Graders (2003) (4)
- Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the Year 1973: Minutes of the Annual Meeting and Special Meeting of the Council of Representatives. (1974) (4)
- Teaching psychology: Research and experience. (1986) (4)
- William James's Talks to Teachers (1899) and McKeachie's Teaching Tips (1999) (2003) (4)
- Improving undergraduate instruction in psychology: Report of a study group supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Grant Foundation which met at Cornell University, June 27 to August 16, 1951. (1952) (4)
- Teaching psychology by telephone. (1958) (4)
- McConnell: Mischievous but not malevolent! (1997) (3)
- Objectives of the general psychology course. (1954) (3)
- The Instructor Faces Automation (1960) (3)
- Psychology in business (1960) (3)
- Looking at the Bologna Declaration from across the Atlantic (2004) (3)
- Letters: Teaching Evaluations (2004) (2)
- Studies of Student Ratings of Faculty. Final Report. (1971) (2)
- A study of admissions procedures to a PhD program in psychology. (1973) (2)
- Admission to Graduate Work in Psychology. (1972) (2)
- Obituary: Erasmus (Bob) Hoch (1914-2008). (2010) (2)
- Cognitive Schemas in Social Perception. (1989) (2)
- The psychology department and society. (1972) (2)
- Undergraduate curricula in psychology: Report of the Michigan conference supported by the National Science Foundation. (1961) (2)
- James V. McConnell (1925–1990) (1990) (2)
- Obituary: Norman R. F. Maier (1900-1977). (1979) (2)
- Research on the Characteristics of Effective Teaching. Final Report. (1968) (2)
- Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the year 1971: Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives. (1972) (2)
- Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the year 1968: Minutes of the annual meeting of the Council of Representatives. September 1, 1968, San Francisco, California and October 5 and 6, 1968, Washington, D.C. (1969) (2)
- Teaching Effectiveness and Course Evaluation: The Role of Academic Delay of Gratification. (2001) (2)
- The Relationship Between Student-Teacher Compatibility of Cognitive Structure and Student Performance (1970) (2)
- A Mastery Approach in College Classrooms. (1989) (1)
- Stanford C. Ericksen (1911–2000). (2001) (1)
- Current Research on Teaching Effectiveness (1962) (1)
- Higher Education's Choices (1987) (1)
- Psychology : the short course (1972) (1)
- 1981–82 Annual Report (1982) (1)
- Undergraduate Education in Psychology from the 1950's Through the 1990's. (1982) (1)
- TV for College Instruction (1958) (1)
- Jensen's AAAS Fellowship. (1977) (1)
- Reactions from a Former Department Chairman. (1976) (1)
- Size of Class and Institution as a Factor in the Enjoyment of Teaching1 (1961) (1)
- Group Decision MAKES DEMOCRACY WORK 1 (1951) (1)
- Chapter VI: The Improvement of Instruction (1960) (1)
- National Symposium on the Applications of Psychology to the Teaching and Learning of Music: Session 3: Motivation and creativity. (1983) (1)
- A program for training college teachers of psychology: Mark II. (1959) (1)
- Toward an educational psychology of higher education (1969) (1)
- The organization of a large department of psychology. (1969) (1)
- Functions of APA: An Exchange of Letters. (1966) (1)
- Report from February Council of Representatives Meeting (1989) (0)
- Teaching through Research: A Guide for College Teaching in Developing Countries. (1968) (0)
- Final report : research oppotunities in postsecondary education for the National Institute of Education (1976) (0)
- Review outline of psychology (1962) (0)
- APA's organizational state may be critical but not in extremis. (1971) (0)
- A public policy conference for psychologists. (1969) (0)
- Psychology : the short course / by Wilbert James McKeachie and Charlotte Lackner Doyle (1972) (0)
- Psychology : instructor's resource guide to accompany (1976) (0)
- Teaching psychology: a handbook : readings from Teaching of psychology (1990) (0)
- Experiences with the Wolfle Committee Curriculum. (1961) (0)
- Objectives of Undergraduate Instruction in Psychology. (1952) (0)
- Vol11#2_Research on a College Teaching (1972) (0)
- Pressures on the Curriculum. (1961) (0)
- La educación superior (1970) (0)
- Review of A First Look at Psychology. (1969) (0)
- Report from the August Council of Representatives Meeting (1998) (0)
- Personal Adjustment Courses. (1952) (0)
- What Does a New Faculty Member Need to Know (2001) (0)
- Report from August Council of Representatives Meeting (1990) (0)
- Psychology : student workbook to accompany (1976) (0)
- Goals and Activities of Male and Female College Students. (1971) (0)
- Control of Learning Beliefsand Self-Efficacy for (1998) (0)
- Review of For a science of social man. (1955) (0)
- Three Model Curricula for the Major. (1961) (0)
- Suggestions for Research. (1961) (0)
- Instructional Evaluation: Current Issues and Future Directions. (1985) (0)
- Technical Training in Psychology. (1952) (0)
- Delay of Gratification and Test Anxiety 2 (2012) (0)
- Readings in introductory psychology : with a set of principles of elementary psychology (1951) (0)
- Certification of Psychologists (1958) (0)
- Research Opportunities in Postsecondary Education for the National Institute of Education. Final Report. (1976) (0)
- Adapting lifelong learning to Adults: Principles and Practice (1978) (0)
- Ambivalance in Graduate Education. (1964) (0)
- Textbooks: Problems of Professors and Publishers. (1976) (0)
- The Adolescent in School. (1953) (0)
- The Beginning Course. (1961) (0)
- An honors program in psychology. (1960) (0)
- The Experimental-Statistical Area. (1961) (0)
- The Recommended Curriculum. (1952) (0)
- Preprofessional and Vocational Training. (1961) (0)
- Three Problems of General Education (1955) (0)
- Society for the Teaching of Psychology News (1998) (0)
- Officers, boards, committees, and representatives of the American Psychological Association 1965-66. (1965) (0)
- Research Problems Underlying the Curriculum in Psychology. (1952) (0)
- Report from February Council of Representatives Meeting (1991) (0)
- Book reviews (1974) (0)
- Offering Course Options: Personality, Option (2007) (0)
- A Guide for Evaluating Research Plans in Psychology and Education. (1968) (0)
- Undergraduate Education in the Next Decade: Discussion (1982) (0)
- Current Enrollment Trends and CollegeTeaching (1955) (0)
- Problems in the Implementation of the Curriculum. (1952) (0)
- Abstracts of recent articles published in Teaching of Psychology (2020) (0)
- College Teaching and Student Motivation (1954) (0)
- Teaching Evaluations [2] (multiple letters) (2004) (0)
- What Theories Underlie thePractice of FacultyDevelopment (1991) (0)
- Psychology and education. (1992) (0)
- Psychology : test item and course evaluation booklet to accompany (1976) (0)
- John W. Reed (1987) (0)
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