William F. Albright
Most Influential Person Across History
American archaeologist, biblical scholar, philologist, and expert on ceramics
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William F. Albrightreligious-studies Degrees
Religious Studies
Historical Rank
Biblical Studies
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Religious Studies Anthropology
William F. Albright's Degrees
- PhD Semitic Languages Johns Hopkins University
- Masters Oriental Studies Johns Hopkins University
- Bachelors Classical Languages Johns Hopkins University
Why Is William F. Albright Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, William Foxwell Albright was an American archaeologist, biblical scholar, philologist, and expert on ceramics. He is considered "one of the twentieth century's most influential American biblical scholars", having become known to the public in 1948 for his role in the authentication of the Dead Sea Scrolls. His scholarly reputation arose as a leading theorist and practitioner of biblical archaeology.
William F. Albright's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Archaeology in Palestine (1921) (162)
- From the stone age to Christianity (1941) (129)
- The ancient Near East : an anthology of texts and pictures (1958) (91)
- Abram the Hebrew a New Archaeological Interpretation (1961) (87)
- The Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from Sinai and Their Decipherment (1948) (83)
- Dunand's New Byblos Volume: A Lycian at the Byblian Court (1959) (75)
- The Jordan Valley in the Bronze Age (75)
- Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan: A Historical Analysis of Two Contrasting Faiths (1968) (73)
- Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Egyptian Slaves from the Eighteenth Century B. C. (1954) (67)
- From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process (1941) (62)
- New Light on the Early History of Phoenician Colonization (1941) (60)
- The Five Books of Moses (1943) (60)
- The Israelite Conquest of Canaan in the Light of Archaeology (1939) (59)
- The Phoenician Inscriptions of the Tenth Century B. C. from Byblus (1947) (58)
- Cuneiform Material for Egyptian Prosopography 1500-1200 B. C. (1946) (57)
- The Biblical period from Abraham to Ezra (1963) (56)
- The Egyptian Correspondence of Abimilki, Prince of Tyre (1937) (55)
- The River Jordan (1968) (53)
- An Indirect Synchronism between Egypt and Mesopotamia, cir. 1730 B. C. (1945) (52)
- The Bible and the ancient Near East : essays in honor of William Foxwell Albright (1961) (52)
- The Eighteenth-Century Princes of Byblos and the Chronology of Middle Bronze (1964) (52)
- Some Oriental Glosses on the Homeric Problem (1950) (52)
- The 1957 Excavation at Beth-Zur (1969) (51)
- An Unrecognized Amarna Letter from Ugarit (1944) (48)
- The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim. I A: The Bronze Age Pottery of the Fourth Campaign (1931) (47)
- A Prince of Taanach in the Fifteenth Century B. C. (1944) (46)
- Some Important Recent Discoveries: Alphabetic Origins and the Idrimi Statue (1950) (44)
- Contributions to the Historical Geography of Palestine (42)
- Stratigraphic Confirmation of the Low Mesopotamian Chronology (1956) (41)
- The Chronology of a South Palestinian City, Tell el-ʿAjjûl (1938) (41)
- An Ostracon from Calah and the North-Israelite Diaspora (1958) (40)
- The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim. Vol. 1: The Pottery of the First Three Campaigns (1933) (40)
- The Babylonian Matter in the Predeuteronomic Primeval History (JE) in Gen 1-11 (1939) (39)
- The Nebuchadnezzar and Neriglissar Chronicles (1956) (39)
- Archaeology and the Religion of Israel (1942) (39)
- The Land of Damascus between 1850 and 1750 B. C. (1941) (39)
- Some Archaeological and Topographical Results of a Trip through Palestine (1923) (38)
- The Song of Deborah in the Light of Archaeology (1936) (37)
- The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research (1961) (37)
- A Case of Lèse-Majesté in Pre-Israelite Lachish, with Some Remarks on the Israelite Conquest (1942) (37)
- An Archaic Hebrew Proverb in an Amarna Letter from Central Palestine (1943) (37)
- The Westminster historical atlas to the Bible (1945) (37)
- The Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions and their decipherment (1969) (37)
- Two Little Understood Amarna Letters from the Middle Jordan Valley (1943) (36)
- The Kyle Memorial Excavation at Bethel (1934) (36)
- Further Light on Synchronisms between Egypt and Asia in the Period 935-685 B. C. (1956) (36)
- A Re-Interpretation of an Amarna Letter from Byblos (EA 82) (1948) (36)
- Nuzi : report on the excavations at Yorgan Tepa near Kirkuk, Iraq, conducted by Harvard University in conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia, 1927-1931 (1939) (35)
- Exploring in Sinai with the University of California African Expedition (1948) (34)
- The rôle of the Canaanites in the history of civilization (1942) (34)
- The Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of Israel (1945) (33)
- The Date of the Kapara Period at Gozan (Tell Halaf) (1956) (33)
- Two Cressets from Marisa and the Pillars of Jachin and Boaz (1942) (33)
- Further Observations on the Chronology of Alalakh (1957) (33)
- A Tablet of the Amarna Age from Gezer (1943) (32)
- The Seal of Eliakim and the Latest Preexilic History of Judah, with Some Observations on Ezekiel (1932) (32)
- The Hebrew Union College Annual (1940) (32)
- The Oracles of Balaam (1944) (32)
- Recent Progress in North-Canaanite Research (1938) (31)
- A Teacher to a Man of Shechem about 1400 B. C. (1942) (31)
- Further Light on the History of Middle-Bronze Byblos (1965) (31)
- The Canaanite God Ḥaurôn (Ḥôrôn) (1936) (30)
- Recent discoveries in Bible lands (1955) (30)
- The town of Selle (Zaru) in the 'Amarnah Tablets (1924) (30)
- The Fourth Joint Campaign of Excavation at Tell Beit Mirsim (1932) (30)
- Rib-Adda of Byblos and the Affairs of Tyre (EA 89) (1950) (30)
- The First Month of Excavation at Bethel (1934) (29)
- New Israelite and Pre-Israelite Sites: The Spring Trip of 1929 (1929) (29)
- Joint Excavation at Tell Beit Mirsim (1932) (29)
- The Archaeology of Palestine and the Bible (1932) (28)
- A Votive Stele Erected by Ben-Hadad I of Damascus to the God Melcarth (1942) (27)
- The Gezer Calendar (1943) (27)
- The vocalization of the Egyptian syllabic orthography (1974) (27)
- A Biblical Fragment from the Maccabaean Age: The Nash Papyrus (1937) (27)
- Stüdien over de El-Amarnabrieven en het Oude-Testament inzonderheid uit historisch Oogpunt. Jakobus de Koning (1947) (27)
- A Third Revision of the Early Chronology of Western Asia (1942) (27)
- The Date and Personality of the Chronicler (26)
- Excavations at Kish (1932) (26)
- Some Canaanite-Phoenician Sources of Hebrew Wisdom (1969) (26)
- Early-Bronze Pottery from Bâb ed-Drâ' in Moab (1944) (26)
- What Were the Cherubim? (1938) (24)
- The Hebrew Expression for "Making a Covenant" in Pre-Israelite Documents (1951) (24)
- The Archæological Results of an Expedition to Moab and the Dead Sea (1924) (24)
- Alalakh and Chronology (1943) (24)
- The Beth-Shemesh Tablet in Alphabetic Cuneiform (1964) (24)
- A Royal Stele of the New Empire from Galilee (1928) (24)
- The First Campaign at Tell el-Kheleifeh (Ezion-geber) (1938) (24)
- New Light from Egypt on the Chronology and History of Israel and Judah (1953) (23)
- Clay Figurines of Babylonia and Assyria (1931) (23)
- Cilicia and Babylonia under the Chaldaean Kings (1950) (23)
- A Documentary History of Primitivism and Related Ideas (1936) (22)
- Editorial Note on the Jerusalem Scrolls (1948) (22)
- New Egyptian Data on Palestine in the Patriarchal Age (1941) (21)
- Bronze Age Mounds of Northern Palestine and the Hauran: The Spring Trip of the School in Jerusalem (1925) (21)
- New Light on the History of Western Asia in the Second Millennium B. C. (Continued) (1940) (21)
- A Note on Early Sabaean Chronology (1956) (20)
- Are the 'Ain Feshkha Scrolls a Hoax? (1949) (20)
- King Joiachin in Exile (1942) (20)
- Mesopotamian Origins. The Basic Population of the near East (1930) (20)
- A Babylonian Geographical Treatise on Sargon of Akkad's Empire (20)
- Preliminary Report on Epigraphic Research in North-Western Wâdî Ḥaḍramawt and at al-'Abar (1963) (20)
- New Light on the History of Western Asia in the Second Millennium B. C. (1940) (20)
- New Light on Early Recensions of the Hebrew Bible (1955) (19)
- Book Review: Alternative Chronology (1952) (19)
- The Elimination of King "So" (1963) (19)
- Two Letters from Ugarit (Ras Shamrah) (1941) (19)
- Khorsabad, Part I: Excavations in the Palace and at a City Gate (1937) (17)
- The So-Called Enigmatic Inscription from Byblus (1949) (17)
- The Tell el-Amarna Tablets (1940) (16)
- The Excavations at Tell Beit Mirsim (1926) (16)
- The Goddess of Life and Wisdom (1920) (16)
- Excavations and Results at Tell el-Fûl (Gibeah of Saul) (15)
- Contributions to Biblical Archaeology and Philology (15)
- The Chalcolithic Age in Palestine (1932) (14)
- Studia Orientalia Ioanni Pedersen Septuagenario A. D. VII Id. Nov. Anno MCMLIII a Collegis Discipulis Amicis Dicata (1956) (14)
- A New Chronological Classification of Palestinian Archaeology (1922) (14)
- History, archaeology and Christian humanism (1964) (14)
- The Temple of Hibis in El Khargeh Oasis (1945) (14)
- Some Remarks On the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy Xxxii (1959) (12)
- Archaeology and the Date of the Hebrew Conquest of Palestine (1935) (12)
- The Mouth of the Rivers (1919) (12)
- Ostracon No. 6043 from Ezion-geber (1941) (12)
- The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim. Vol. II: The Bronze Age (1936) (11)
- The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery (1950) (11)
- Some Recent Publications Received by the Editor (1945) (11)
- Further Light on the History of Israel from Lachish and Megiddo (1937) (11)
- The Ancient Near East and the Religion of Israel (1940) (11)
- The excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim in Palestine (1932) (11)
- Notes on Egypto-Semitic Etymology. II (1918) (10)
- I Have Considered the Days (1942) (10)
- Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection (1943) (10)
- An Aramaean Magical Text in Hebrew from the Seventh Century B. C. (1939) (9)
- Researches of the School in Western Judaea (1924) (9)
- The Chronology of Middle Bronze I (Early Bronze-Middle Bronze) (1962) (9)
- A New Campaign of Excavation at Gibeah of Saul (1933) (9)
- Notes on Egypto-Semitic Etymology. III (9)
- Remarks on the Chronology of Early Bronze IV-Middle Bronze IIA in Phoenicia and Syria-Palestine (1966) (9)
- The American Excavations at Tell Beit Mirsim. (8)
- An Anthropoid Clay Coffin from Sahâb in Transjordan (1932) (8)
- Recent Progress in Palestinian Archaeology: Samaria-Sebaste III and Hazor I (1958) (8)
- The Fall Trip of the School in Jerusalem: From Jerusalem to Gaza and Back (1925) (8)
- The Location of the Garden of Eden (1922) (8)
- Soundings at Ader, a Bronze Age City of Moab (1934) (8)
- The Book of Judges and Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Kings (1971) (8)
- Abu Geili@@@Saqadi and Dar el-Mek (1952) (7)
- Egypto-Semitic Studies (1931) (7)
- New Horizons in Biblical Research (1966) (7)
- Organs of Statecraft in the Israelite Monarchy (1965) (7)
- Notes on Egypto-Semitic Etymology (1918) (7)
- The Near East and the Foundations for Civilization. Robert J. Braidwood. (1954) (7)
- Historical Analysis of Archaeological Evidence: Megiddo and the Song of Deborah (1940) (6)
- The First Campaign of Excavation at Beth-zur (1931) (6)
- Ur Excavations, Vol. V: The Ziggurat and Its Surroundings (1944) (6)
- The Historical Framework of Palestinian Archaeology between 2100 and 1600 B. C. (E. B. IV, M. B. I, M. B. IIA-B) (1973) (6)
- The published works of William Foxwell Albright: A comprehensive bibliography (1975) (6)
- Palestine in the Light of Archaeology (1932) (6)
- The Lachish Letters after Five Years (1941) (5)
- Analytical concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan containing about 311,000 references, subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek originals : with the literal meaning and pronunciation of each; designed for the simplest reader of the English Bible (1955) (5)
- Archaeology and the Religion of Israel: The Ayer Lectures of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, 1941 (1956) (5)
- Correspondence with Professor Einar Gjerstad on the Chronology of "Cypriote" Pottery from Early Iron Levels in Palestine (1953) (5)
- The "Natural Force" of Moses in the Light of Ugaritic (1944) (5)
- The Home of Balaam (5)
- The Early Arabian Necropolis of Ain Jawan: A Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Site on the Persian Gulf (1950) (5)
- Specimens of Late Ugaritic Prose (1958) (5)
- The Names Shaddai and Abram (1935) (5)
- Recent Progress in the Late Prehistory of Palestine (1931) (5)
- The Smaller Beth-Shan Stele of Sethos I (1309-1290 B. C.) (1952) (5)
- A Roman-Byzantine Burial Cave in Northern Palestine (1953) (5)
- The Conquests of Nabonidus in Arabia (1925) (5)
- The Excavations at Dura-Europos: Preliminary Report of Sixth Season of Work, October, 1932-March 1933 (1937) (5)
- Archaeology in Palestine (1922) (4)
- Islam and the Religions of the Ancient Orient (1940) (4)
- Archæological and Topographical Explorations in Palestine and Syria (1933) (4)
- Gilgames and Engidu, Mesopotamian Genii of Fecundity (4)
- A Brief History of Judah from the Days of Josiah to Alexander the Great (1946) (4)
- The Legend of King Keret: A Canaanite Epic of the Bronze Age (1946) (4)
- The Babylonian Temple-Tower and the Altar of Burnt-Offering (4)
- Soundings at the Supposed Site of Old Testament Anathoth (1936) (4)
- The Names "Nazareth" and "Nazoraean" (1946) (4)
- From Jerusalem to Baghdad down the Euphrates (1926) (4)
- The Creation of the Composite Bow in Canaanite Mythology (1942) (4)
- How Well Can We Know the Ancient near East (1936) (3)
- The Late Bronze Town at Modern Djett (1946) (3)
- The Amarna letters from Palestine ; Syria, the Philistines, and Phoenicia (1966) (3)
- Preliminary Reports on Tell El-Ful (1922) (3)
- A Supplement to Jeremiah: The Lachish Ostraca (1936) (3)
- ARCHEOLOGY: Ancient History of Western Asia, India and Crete. (1955) (3)
- A New Hebrew Word for "Glaze" in Proverbs 26: 23 (1945) (3)
- Some Notes on the Stele of Ben-Hadad (1943) (3)
- The Excavations at Ascalon (1922) (3)
- Observations on the Date of the Pottery-Bearing Stratum of Mughâret Abū Usba' (1942) (3)
- Megiddo II: Seasons of 1935-39 (1949) (3)
- From the Patriarchs to Moses II. Moses out of Egypt (1973) (3)
- Archaeological Exploration and Excavation in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria during 1936 (1937) (3)
- The Names "Israel" and "Judah" with an Excursus on the Etymology of Todah and Torah (3)
- Historical and Mythical Elements in the Story of Joseph (3)
- The Cambridge Ancient History (1966) (3)
- The Oldest Hebrew Letters: The Lachish Ostraca (1938) (3)
- The Evolution of the West-Semitic Divinity An-Anat-Attâ (1925) (3)
- Progress in Palestinian Archæology during the Year 1928 (1929) (3)
- The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim. Volume III, The Iron Age (1944) (3)
- The scrolls and Christianity: Historical and theological significance (1969) (3)
- The Supposed Babylonian Derivation of the Logos (3)
- The Third Campaign at Tell Beit Mirsim (1930) (3)
- From the Patriarchs to Moses: From Abraham to Joseph (1973) (3)
- The Chaldaean Inscriptions in Proto-Arabic Script (1952) (2)
- A Reëxamination of the Lachish Letters (1939) (2)
- The Inscription from Gezer at the School in Jerusalem (1935) (2)
- The Protosinaitic Inscriptions (1938) (2)
- Report of the Director of the School in Jerusalem 1922-1923 (1922) (2)
- The Chronology of the Minaean Kings of Arabia (1953) (2)
- The Chronology of Ancient South Arabia in the Light of the First Campaign of Excavation in Qataban (1950) (2)
- The Furniture of El in Canaanite Mythology (1943) (2)
- James Llewellyn Starkey, Excavator of Lachish (1938) (2)
- The Excavation of the Conway High Place at Petra (1935) (2)
- Recent Books on Archaeology and Ancient History (1955) (2)
- Some Cruces in the Langdon Epic (2)
- Among the Canaanite Mounds of Eastern Galilee (1928) (2)
- The History of Palestine and Syria (1934) (2)
- Philological Method in the Identification of Anatolian Place-Names (1925) (2)
- Two Great Discoveries Bearing on the Old and New Testaments (1935) (2)
- Are the Ephod and the Teraphim Mentioned in Ugaritic Literature? (1941) (2)
- Further Observations on the Name Yahweh and Its Modifications in Proper Names (2)
- A Parallel Between Indic And Babylonian Sacrificial Ritual (1934) (2)
- The Traditional Home of the Syrian Daniel (1953) (2)
- The Egypto-Canaanite Deity Haurôn (1941) (2)
- The Expression bajjom hahu': Is It an Eschatological terminus technicus? (1936) (2)
- Light on the Jewish State in Persian Times (1934) (2)
- How to Study the Archaeology of Palestine (1933) (2)
- A New Samaritan Inscription (1941) (2)
- Some Comments on the 'Ammân Citadel Inscription (1970) (2)
- Some Observations favoring the Palestinian Origin of the Gospel of John (1924) (2)
- Nelson Glueck in Memoriam (1971) (1)
- The Topography of the Tribe of Issachar. (1)
- Magan, Meluha, and the Synchronism between Menes and Narām-šin (1921) (1)
- More Light on the Canaanite Epic of Aleyân Baal and Môt (1933) (1)
- Eric Voegelin: Order and History (1961) (1)
- Elihu Grant (1942) (1)
- The Eighth Campaign of Sargon (1)
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. XVII (1938) (1)
- Chester Charlton McCown in Memoriam (1958) (1)
- Some Observations on the New Material for the History of the Alphabet (1954) (1)
- A Hebrew Letter from the Twelfth Century B.C. (1939) (1)
- The Solar Barks of Morning and Evening (1918) (1)
- Western Asia in the Twentieth Century B.C.: The Archives of Mari (1937) (1)
- Remarks on Dr. Stekelis's Late Prehistoric Chronology (1943) (1)
- In Memoriam Warren Joseph Moulton, 1865-1947 (1947) (1)
- On the Date of the Scrolls from 'Ain Feshkha and the Nash Papyrus (1949) (1)
- Palestine in Third Dimension (1942) (1)
- Bultmann's History and Eschatology (1958) (1)
- Anath and the Dragon (1941) (1)
- Coptic Sounds. Part I: The Main Currents of Their History (1934) (1)
- New Canaanite Historical and Mythological Data (1936) (1)
- New Identifications of Ancient Towns (1923) (1)
- Notes on the Topography of Ancient Mesopotamia (1)
- The Babylonian Sage Ut-Napisti m Ruqu (1)
- Reports on Excavations in the Near and Middle East (1960) (1)
- George Andrew Reisner, 1867-1942 (1942) (1)
- A Companion to the Old Testament (1947) (1)
- Ur Excavations, Vol. III, Archaic Seal-Impressions (1937) (1)
- The Haverford symposium on archaeology and the Bible (1938) (1)
- An indexed bibliography of the writings of William Foxwell Albright (1941) (1)
- A Revolution in the Chronology of Ancient Western Asia (1938) (1)
- Ea-mummu and Anu-adapa in the Panegyric of Cyrus (1926) (1)
- The Name of Bildad the Shuhite (1927) (1)
- The New Cuneiform Vocabulary of Egyptian Words (1926) (1)
- The Second Campaign at Tell Beit Mirsim (Kiriath-Sepher) (1928) (1)
- The Hebrew Heritage (1936) (1)
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. XVI (1938) (1)
- The Sumerians. Their history, culture, and character. Samuel Noah Kramer. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1963. xiv + 355 pp. Illus. $ 7.95 (1963) (1)
- Edward Robinson and Charles Cutler Torrey (1950) (1)
- The Danish Excavations at Shiloh (1923) (1)
- The End of "Calneh in Shinar" (1944) (1)
- Archaeology in Palestine and Syria during 1933 (1934) (1)
- Petroleum and Bitumen in Antiquity (1938) (1)
- Shinar-Šanḡar and Its Monarch Amraphel (1924) (1)
- Excavations during 1933 in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria (1934) (1)
- Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. XVII (1938) (1)
- Toledoth ha-Halakah (History of the Halakah) (1936) (1)
- Some Notes on the Nabataean Goddess 'Al-Kutba' and Related Matters (1959) (1)
- A Misunderstood Syrian Place-Name- Dana and Tyana (1)
- Some Books on the Bible in the Light of Archaeology (1962) (1)
- A Summary of Archaeological Research during 1934 in Palestine, Transjordan, and Syria (1935) (1)
- Ivory and Apes of Ophir (1921) (1)
- Some Tombs of Tell en-Nasbeh (1932) (1)
- The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. I, Ch. IV. The Evidence of Language (1967) (1)
- Archaeological Exploration and Excavation in Palestine and Syria, 1935 (1936) (1)
- The Cuneiform Tablet from Beth-Shemesh (1934) (1)
- Some Publications Received by the Editor (1945) (1)
- The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim (Joint Expedition of the Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary and the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem), Vol. III, The Iron Age (1944) (1)
- The Discovery of an Aramaic Inscription Relating to King Uzziah (1931) (1)
- The Early Evolution of the Hebrew Alphabet (1936) (1)
- The Excavations of Dura-Europos. Preliminary Report of Sixth Season of Work, October, 1932-March, 1933 (1937) (1)
- News from the School in Jerusalem (1934) (1)
- A Trial Excavation in the Mound of Bethel (1928) (1)
- Tell en-Naṣbeh. Vol. I: Archaeological and Historical Results. Chester Charlton McCownTell en-Naṣbeh. Vol. II: The Pottery. Joseph Carson Wampler (1948) (1)
- Archaeological Publications by Paul W. Lapp and G. Ernest Wright (1961) (1)
- An Appreciation of the Retiring Director of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem (1936) (1)
- The Continuing Revolution in Biblical Research (1963) (1)
- Comment on Recently Received Publications (1947) (1)
- Books Received by the Editor (1943) (1)
- An Archaic South-Arabian Inscription in Vertical Columns (1955) (1)
- Comments on Books Received by the Editor (1936) (0)
- Matbe'ot erets Yisra'el (Coins of Palestine) (1936) (0)
- Notes from the President's Desk (1948) (0)
- Some Recent Archaeological Publications (1937) (0)
- Archaeological Progress in Palestine (1922) (0)
- Letter from W. F. Albright to Emmett L. Bennett Jr., February 15, 1965 (1965) (0)
- More Books and Journals Received from Abroad (1946) (0)
- Written Remains as Material for the Ancient Historian: Review Notices (Cont.) (1967) (0)
- Recent Books on the Archæology of Palestine (1932) (0)
- Some Recent Books on the Near East (1939) (0)
- Reports of Excavations in the Near and Middle East (Outside of Palestine and Syria Proper) (Continued) (1961) (0)
- The Seal Impression from Jericho and the Treasurers of the Second Temple (1957) (0)
- On the Early South-Arabic Inscription in Vertical Columns (1955) (0)
- James Hardy Ropes and Dana Carleton Munro, in Memoriam (1933) (0)
- I Menes and Narâm-Sin (1920) (0)
- Acknowledgment to Dr. Hildegard Lewy (1945) (0)
- News from the Schools (1937) (0)
- Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie, 1853-1942 (1942) (0)
- An Authoritative Introduction to Biblical Archaeology (1941) (0)
- Gibeah of Saul and Benjamin (1922) (0)
- From the School in Jerusalem (1935) (0)
- Uttu, the Sumerian God of Commerce (0)
- Tawfiq Canaan in Memoriam (1964) (0)
- Book Review: Indispensable Guide (1959) (0)
- Recent Books on the Archaeology of Syria (1951) (0)
- Romain Butin in Memoriam (1938) (0)
- George Ernest Wright and the Biblical Archaeologist (1963) (0)
- The Third Wall of Jerusalem (1925) (0)
- Notes on the Temple 'Awwâm and the Archaic Bronze Statue (1952) (0)
- Albert Henry Detweiler: In Memoriam (1970) (0)
- The Copper Spatula of Byblus and Proverbs 18: 18 (1943) (0)
- The Archaeological Background of the Hebrew Prophets of the Eighth Century (1940) (0)
- Some Notes on the Early Babylonian Text of the Atraḫasîs Epic (1924) (0)
- Two Books on Ancient near Eastern Religion (1949) (0)
- Question and answer session with William F. Albright after his lecture, Archaeology and the Hebrew patriarchs (1962) (0)
- The Words for "Year" in Egyptian and Sumerian (1935) (0)
- Albright's Archaeology of Palestine and the Bible (1934) (0)
- Archaeological News (1929) (0)
- In Reply to Dr. Gaster's Observations (1944) (0)
- The Original Account of the Fall of Samaria in II Kings (1964) (0)
- Some Recent Archaeological Publications (Continued) (1965) (0)
- Book Review:The Secret Sayings of Jesus Robert M. Grant, David Noel Freedman (1962) (0)
- Further Observations on the Chronology of the Early Second Millennium B. C. (1952) (0)
- Some Recently Received Books on the Near East (1952) (0)
- On a Drastic Current Reduction of South-Arabian Chronology (1957) (0)
- Book Review: Archaeology and the Living Word (1968) (0)
- The Latest Publications of the Schools (1951) (0)
- Is the Mesha Inscription a Forgery (1945) (0)
- Onomasticon of Palestine, a New Method in Post-Biblical Topography (1937) (0)
- The Beit el-Mā Samaritan Inscription (1941) (0)
- LES DECOUVERTES DE RAS SHAMRA ET L'ANCIEN TESTAMENT. By René Dussaud. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1937. pp. 129. 30 francs. (1938) (0)
- Archaeological News from Syria (1934) (0)
- Books Recently Received by the Editor (1949) (0)
- Some Recent Books on Archaeological and Oriental Subjects (1949) (0)
- Some Recent Excavation Reports and Publications (1966) (0)
- Prospectus of the School in Jerusalem (1928) (0)
- Postscript to Professor May's Article (1945) (0)
- The Origin of the Name Cilicia (0)
- Recent Books on the Archaeology, Geography, and History of Western Asia (1939) (0)
- Book Review:Semitic Writing from Pictograph to Alphabet G. R. Driver (1951) (0)
- John Garstang in Memoriam (1956) (0)
- Topographical Researches in Judæa (1925) (0)
- Review Notices Continued from No. 185 (1967) (0)
- Benjamin Wisner Bacon and Lewis Bayles Paton, in Memoriam (1932) (0)
- Comments on Professor Garber's Article (1958) (0)
- Some Recently Received Books about the Dead Sea Scrolls (1962) (0)
- CLAUSES OF PROTECTION IN HITTITE VASSAL-TREATIES AND THE OLD TESTAMENT BY F. CHARLES FENSHAM Stellenbosch In a paper to be published in ZALYl we have promised to investigate into parallels between the obliteration of a common enemy in Hittite (0)
- The Babylonian Antediluvian Kings (0)
- Comments on Dr. Lacheman's Reply and the Scrolls (1949) (0)
- Notes on Father Jamme's Article (1963) (0)
- James Henry Breasted: In Memoriam (1936) (0)
- Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia@@@Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man. Vol. 2: Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia (1959) (0)
- Books Received for Review (1968) (0)
- Some Books Received by the Editor (Continued) (1956) (0)
- Divine Right in the Ancient East (1949) (0)
- The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Vol. XV (1936) (0)
- Some Books on the History and Civilization of the near East in the Second Millennium B. C. (1961) (0)
- The Archaeology of Western Asia at the Leyden Congress (1931) (0)
- Two Texts In I Corinthians (1970) (0)
- Some Books on the Bible in the Light of Archaeology (Continued) (1963) (0)
- 25. Proto-Mesopotamian Painted Ware from the Balikh Valley (1926) (0)
- Some Recent Publications Received by the Editor (1950) (0)
- The archaeology of Palestin (1949) (0)
- George Aaron Barton 1859-1942 (1942) (0)
- Books Received by the Editor (1940) (0)
- The Name and Nature of the Sumerian God Uttu (0)
- The Ancient near East at the Congress of Orientalists in Rome (1935) (0)
- Some Recent Books on Biblical Geography, Archaeology, Literature and History (Continued) (1959) (0)
- A Note on the Seal of the Servant of Ahaz (1941) (0)
- Some Recent Publications (1894) (0)
- A Note on the Name of the Forger of the Moabite Antiquities (1945) (0)
- The Amorite Form of the Name Ḫammurabi (1922) (0)
- The Decipherment of the Hittite Hieroglyphs (1934) (0)
- Mâri on the Upper Euphrates or in Eastern Babylonia? (1925) (0)
- Hittite Hieroglyphs, III. Ignace J. Gelb (1945) (0)
- Recent Publications Received by the Editor (1944) (0)
- Book Review: Jüdische Tradition in der Septuaginta (1949) (0)
- To Engedi and Masada (1925) (0)
- Cyrus Adler in Memoriam (1940) (0)
- Jour. Eg. Archaeol. (1939) (0)
- Hiqre miqra: be'urim hadasim bemiqra'ot: Yesa'yahu (Biblical Researches: New Interpretations in Biblical Passages: Isaiah) (1940) (0)
- Note on the Goddess Anat (1927) (0)
- Some Books Received by the Editor (Continued) (1956) (0)
- Three New Books of General Interest (1955) (0)
- Some Excavation Reports and Syntheses (1967) (0)
- Some Recently Received Books (1958) (0)
- Some Recent Excavation Reports and Publication of Finds (1966) (0)
- Manual of Archaeological Surveying@@@Ceramic Vocabulary of the Old Testament (1948) (0)
- Comment on Recently Received Publications (1947) (0)
- The Hebrew Stems dlk, grs, skh (0)
- Some Remarks on the Meaning of the Verb SḤR in Genesis (1961) (0)
- Menes and Narâm-Sin (1920) (0)
- The Third Campaign of Excavations at Tell Beit Mirsim (1930) (0)
- Some New Archaeological Books (1937) (0)
- Was the Patriarch Terah a Canaanite Moon-God? (1938) (0)
- On Dr. Gordis's Communication (1938) (0)
- Alien Registration- Albright, William F. (Houlton, Aroostook County) (1940) (0)
- Recent Books on Assyriology and Related Subjects (1957) (0)
- Ephraim A. Speiser (1965) (0)
- The Hebrew Nipael in the Light of Comparative Philology (1923) (0)
- Three New Publications of the Schools (1937) (0)
- Some Books and Journals Received from Abroad (1946) (0)
- The Dead sea Scrolls and Modern Scholarship. By Solomon Zeitlin. [Jewish Quarterly Review, Monograph Series, Volume III.] (Philadelphia: Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning. 1956. Pp. xvi, 154, plates.) (1956) (0)
- Essays in honour of Millar Burrows (1959) (0)
- Some Qatabanian Inscriptions Dedicating 'Daughters of God' (1955) (0)
- Observations on the Bethel Report (1935) (0)
- Commentarius in Librum Josue (Cursus Scripturae Sacrae, Sectio II, Vol. 5) (1940) (0)
- The Assumed Hebrew Stem skt, Be Silent (0)
- The Conclusion of Esarhaddon's Broken Prism (0)
- Anchor Bible: The Acts of the Apostles (1968) (0)
- The Apocryphal Literature: A Brief Introduction, by Charles Cutler Torrey. 151 pp. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1945. $3.00 (1946) (0)
- A Vow to Asherah in the Keret Epic (1944) (0)
- The Danish Excavations at Seilun—A Correction (1927) (0)
- A Retraction and Apology to Professor Gonzague Ryckmans (1964) (0)
- Publications Recently Received by the Editor (Continued) (1944) (0)
- Some Books on the Bible in the Light of Archaeology (Continued) (1962) (0)
- Open Letter to Alumni and Friends of the Schools (1957) (0)
- In Memory of Louis Hugues Vincent (1961) (0)
- Reports on Excavations in the Near and Middle East (Continued) (1960) (0)
- Thirty Years Ago: The News of the Dead Sea Scrolls Reaches ASOR Members (1977) (0)
- The Origin of the Alphabet and the Ugaritic ABC Again (1950) (0)
- Written Remains as Material for the Ancient Historian: Review Notices (1966) (0)
- New Light on Magan and Meluḫa@@@New Light on Magan and Meluha (0)
- A Propos of Criticism in Assyriology (1941) (0)
- Jewish Studies in Memory of George Alexander Kohut (1936) (0)
- William Frederick Badè (Jan. 22, 1871-March 4, 1936) (1936) (0)
- Robert Henry Pfeiffer in Memoriam (1958) (0)
- ARCHEOLOGY: Archaeology in the Holy Land. Kathleen M. Kenyon (1962) (0)
- From the Acting President's Desk (1952) (0)
- Some Books on Early Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy (1964) (0)
- Anathoth? (1936) (0)
- Ostraeon C 1101 of Samaria (1936) (0)
- Book Review: A Question about Origins (1964) (0)
- The Etymology of Še'ôl (1918) (0)
- The Bible and Archaeology (1941) (0)
- Some Recent Publications Received by the Editor (1950) (0)
- Recently Received Archaeological Books (1948) (0)
- The Chaldaean Conquest of Judah. A Rejoinder (1932) (0)
- The Excavation at Tell El-Ful (1922) (0)
- Some Recent Books on the Ancient Orient (1958) (0)
- Some Recent Archaeological and Oriental Publications (1948) (0)
- News of Excavations in Palestine (1936) (0)
- New Light on the Walls of Jerusalem in the New Testament Age (1941) (0)
- The Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. XI (1936) (0)
- Carl Herman Kraeling: In Memoriam (1970) (0)
- Some Books on the History and Archaeology of Palestine and Syria (1959) (0)
- Book Review: Modern Trends in Islam (1947) (0)
- George Ricker Berry, 1865-1945 (1945) (0)
- Some Notes on Recent Books (1935) (0)
- Books Recently Received by the Editor (1953) (0)
- A Note on the Chronology of the Second Millennium B.C. (1952) (0)
- Further Observations on the Name Anat-Attah (1925) (0)
- A New Decipherment of the Hittite Hieroglyphs (1932) (0)
- Book Review: The Old Testament and the Critics (1943) (0)
- Some Books Received by the Editor (1951) (0)
- New Light on Early Canaanite Language and Literature (1932) (0)
- The Town of Selle (Zaru) in the ‘Amarnah Tablets (1924) (0)
- The Assyrian Open-Court Building and the West Building of Tell Beit Mirsim (1958) (0)
- James Anderson Kelso in Memoriam (1951) (0)
- Some Recent Publications (1936) (0)
- In Memoriam Roger T. O'Callaghan, S. J. (1954) (0)
- A New Wall-Map of Palestine (1942) (0)
- Kizzuwatna and the Problem of Hittite Geography, Yale Oriental Series, Researches, Vol. XXII (1942) (0)
- Some Recent Archaeological Publications (1937) (0)
- Louis M. Rabinowitz in Memoriam (1957) (0)
- Mr. Harold Wiener (1929) (0)
- Acts of the Apostles (1967) (0)
- Books and monographs received by the editor (1941) (0)
- The Alishar Hüyük, Season of 1927. Part I@@@The Alishar Huyuk, Season of 1927. Part I (1931) (0)
- Some Recent Books on Biblical Geography, Archaeology, History and Literature (1959) (0)
- Some Unexplained Cuneiform Words (0)
- Comment on Recently Received Publications (1947) (0)
- Change of Editorship (1931) (0)
- The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim, Vol. II, The Bronze Age (1939) (0)
- Recent Works on the Topography and Archaeology of Jerusalem (1932) (0)
- Excavations at Jerusalem (1930) (0)
- Books Received by the Editor (1940) (0)
- Books on the Archaeology of Palestine, Syria and Phoenicia (1968) (0)
- Book Review: Semitic Studies in Memory of Immanuel Löw (1948) (0)
- The Name Rebecca (0)
- Reports of Excavations in the near and Middle East (Outside of Palestine and Syria Proper) (1961) (0)
- Studies in Memory of Moses Schorr, 1874-1941 (Qoves mada'i lezekher Moshe Shor) (1946) (0)
- Some Recent Books Received by the Editor (1940) (0)
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