William J. Ripple
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William J. Ripple's Degrees
- PhD Zoology Oregon State University
- Masters Zoology Oregon State University
Why Is William J. Ripple Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, William J. Ripple is a professor of ecology at Oregon State University in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society. He is best known for his research on terrestrial trophic cascades, particularly the role of the gray wolf in North America as an apex predator and a keystone species that shapes food webs and landscape structures via “top-down” pressures.
William J. Ripple's Published Works
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Published Works
- Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth (2011) (3045)
- Status and Ecological Effects of the World’s Largest Carnivores (2014) (2383)
- World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice (2017) (819)
- Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change (2019) (795)
- Collapse of the world’s largest herbivores (2015) (784)
- The Rise of the Mesopredator (2009) (725)
- Wolves and the Ecology of Fear: Can Predation Risk Structure Ecosystems? (2004) (652)
- Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15 years after wolf reintroduction (2012) (593)
- The Landscape of Fear: Ecological Implications of Being Afraid~!2009-09-09~!2009-11-16~!2010-02-02~! (2010) (570)
- World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency (2019) (553)
- Range Contractions of North American Carnivores and Ungulates (2004) (450)
- Trophic cascades among wolves, elk and aspen on Yellowstone National Park’s northern range (2001) (418)
- Large predators and trophic cascades in terrestrial ecosystems of the western United States (2009) (383)
- Bushmeat hunting and extinction risk to the world's mammals (2016) (355)
- Wolf reintroduction, predation risk, and cottonwood recovery in Yellowstone National Park (2003) (329)
- Dynamics and Pattern of a Managed Coniferous Forest Landscape in Oregon (1994) (303)
- Global forest loss disproportionately erodes biodiversity in intact landscapes (2017) (302)
- Ruminants, climate change and climate policy (2014) (295)
- Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption. (2015) (287)
- Historic aspen recruitment, elk, and wolves in northern Yellowstone National Park, USA (2000) (286)
- Restoring Yellowstone’s aspen with wolves (2007) (269)
- The ecological effects of providing resource subsidies to predators (2015) (262)
- Scientists’ warning to humanity on the freshwater biodiversity crisis (2020) (250)
- Measuring forest landscape patterns in the cascade range of Oregon, USA (1991) (244)
- Range contractions of the world's large carnivores (2017) (211)
- Corrigendum: World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency (2019) (208)
- Linking a cougar decline, trophic cascade, and catastrophic regime shift in Zion National Park (2006) (208)
- Extinction risk is most acute for the world’s largest and smallest vertebrates (2017) (204)
- Managing conflict between large carnivores and livestock (2018) (202)
- What is a Trophic Cascade? (2016) (195)
- Carnivore conservation needs evidence-based livestock protection (2018) (187)
- Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future (2021) (177)
- Comparisons among vegetation indices and bandwise regression in a highly disturbed, heterogeneous landscape : Mount St. Helens, Washington (1998) (175)
- Saving the World's Terrestrial Megafauna (2016) (169)
- Linking wolves to willows via risk-sensitive foraging by ungulates in the northern Yellowstone ecosystem (2006) (154)
- Prey depletion as a threat to the world's large carnivores (2016) (148)
- Widespread mesopredator effects after wolf extirpation (2013) (146)
- Wolves, elk, willows, and trophic cascades in the upper Gallatin Range of Southwestern Montana, USA (2004) (145)
- Spectral reflectance relationships to leaf water stress (1986) (141)
- Determining successional stage of temperate coniferous forests with Landsat satellite data (1993) (137)
- Food habits of the world's grey wolves (2016) (135)
- The role of terrain in a fire mosaic of a temperate coniferous forest (1997) (132)
- A continental scale trophic cascade from wolves through coyotes to foxes. (2015) (129)
- Large predators limit herbivore densities in northern forest ecosystems (2012) (125)
- The wildlife snaring crisis: an insidious and pervasive threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia (2018) (123)
- Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals (2019) (108)
- The paradoxical extinction of the most charismatic animals (2018) (108)
- A comparison of shark and wolf research reveals similar behavioral responses by prey (2011) (103)
- Evaluation of approaches for forest cover estimation in the Pacific Northwest, USA, using remote sensing (2002) (103)
- Linking Top-Down Forces to the Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions (2010) (101)
- The impact of large terrestrial carnivores on Pleistocene ecosystems (2015) (99)
- Top predators constrain mesopredator distributions (2017) (99)
- Riparian vegetation recovery in Yellowstone: The first two decades after wolf reintroduction (2016) (97)
- Are we eating the world's megafauna to extinction? (2019) (97)
- Trophic cascades from wolves to grizzly bears in Yellowstone. (2014) (96)
- World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2021 (2021) (95)
- Trophic cascades involving cougar, mule deer, and black oaks in Yosemite National Park (2008) (91)
- The role of large predators in maintaining riparian plant communities and river morphology (2012) (90)
- Assessing wildfire effects with Landsat thematic mapper data (1998) (88)
- Novel trophic cascades: apex predators enable coexistence. (2015) (87)
- A preliminary comparison of Landsat Thematic Mapper and SPOT-1 HRV multispectral data for estimating coniferous forest volume (1991) (84)
- What is an apex predator (2015) (84)
- Analysis of conifer forest regeneration using Landsat Thematic Mapper data (1993) (83)
- River channel dynamics following extirpation of wolves in northwestern Yellowstone National Park, USA (2006) (76)
- The carbon opportunity cost of animal-sourced food production on land (2020) (76)
- The role of postfire coarse woody debris in aspen regeneration (2001) (76)
- Calculating Change Curves for Multitemporal Satellite Imagery: Mount St. Helens 1980–1995 (1999) (75)
- Substituting beans for beef as a contribution toward US climate change targets (2017) (74)
- Linking Wolves and Plants: Aldo Leopold on Trophic Cascades (2005) (72)
- Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration (2015) (70)
- Aspen age structure in the northern Yellowstone ecosystem: USA (2003) (68)
- Rewilding the world's large carnivores (2018) (68)
- Fine-scale predation risk on elk after wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park, USA (2008) (67)
- Restoring landscapes of fear with wolves in the Scottish Highlands (2009) (66)
- Recovering aspen follow changing elk dynamics in Yellowstone: evidence of a trophic cascade? (2015) (65)
- Wildlife-snaring crisis in Asian forests (2017) (64)
- Recovering Riparian Plant Communities with Wolves in Northern Yellowstone, U.S.A. (2008) (62)
- Reducing the environmental impact of global diets. (2018) (61)
- Infectious Agents Trigger Trophic Cascades. (2017) (60)
- Wolves, elk, and aspen in the winter range of Jasper National Park, Canada (2007) (59)
- Relative efforts of countries to conserve world's megafauna (2017) (59)
- Are wolves saving Yellowstone's aspen? A landscape-level test of a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade: comment. (2013) (59)
- Automated wildlife counts from remotely sensed imagery (2003) (58)
- Introduced megafauna are rewilding the Anthropocene (2018) (57)
- Old-growth and mature forests near spotted owl nests in western Oregon (1991) (56)
- Landscape composition and pattern around northern spotted owl nest sites in southwest Oregon (1997) (56)
- Hardwood tree decline following large carnivore loss on the Great Plains, USA (2007) (54)
- Large Predators, Deer, and Trophic Cascades in Boreal and Temperate Ecosystems (2010) (54)
- Wolves, trophic cascades, and rivers in the Olympic National Park, USA (2008) (53)
- Scientists' Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous and Local Knowledge Systems (2021) (53)
- The elephant (head) in the room: A critical look at trophy hunting (2019) (53)
- Towards a cohesive, holistic view of top predation: a definition, synthesis and perspective (2014) (51)
- The Roles of Large Top Predators in Coastal Ecosystems: New Insights from long Term Ecological Research (2013) (48)
- Transformational change: creating a safe operating space for humanity (2015) (48)
- Carbon sequestration and biodiversity co‐benefits of preserving forests in the western United States (2019) (46)
- Restoration of Riparian Areas Following the Removal of Cattle in the Northwestern Great Basin (2015) (46)
- Shrub encroachment is linked to extirpation of an apex predator (2017) (46)
- Conserving the World's Megafauna and Biodiversity: The Fierce Urgency of Now (2017) (43)
- Threats to biodiversity from cumulative human impacts in one of North America's last wildlife frontiers (2018) (41)
- Effects of bison on willow and cottonwood in northern Yellowstone National Park (2012) (41)
- Wildlife Encounters by Lewis and Clark: A Spatial Analysis of Interactions between Native Americans and Wildlife (2003) (40)
- Asymptotic reflectance characteristics of grass vegetation (1985) (40)
- Linkages between wolf presence and aspen recruitment in the Gallatin elk winter range of southwestern Montana, USA (2008) (39)
- Nature Divided, Scientists United: US–Mexico Border Wall Threatens Biodiversity and Binational Conservation (2018) (37)
- Large carnivores under assault in Alaska (2019) (36)
- A forest loss report card for the world’s protected areas (2021) (35)
- Integrating solutions to adapt cities for climate change. (2021) (35)
- Comparison of 7.5-minute and 1-degree digital elevation models (1990) (33)
- Large‐scale responses of herbivore prey to canid predators and primary productivity (2017) (33)
- Does Trophy Hunting Support Biodiversity? A Response to Di Minin et al. (2016) (32)
- Determining coniferous forest cover and forest fragmentation with NOAA-9 advanced very high resolution radiometer data (1994) (32)
- Trophic cascades linking wolves (Canis lupus), coyotes (Canis latrans), and small mammals (2012) (32)
- Historical forest patterns of Oregon's central Coast Range (2000) (32)
- Wolves, Elk, Bison, and Secondary Trophic Cascades in Yellowstone National Park (2010) (31)
- Mexican wolves, elk, and aspen in Arizona: Is there a trophic cascade? (2010) (30)
- Recoupling fire and aspen recruitment after wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park, USA (2008) (29)
- An introduction to digital methods in remote sensing of forested ecosystems: Focus on the Pacific Northwest, USA (1996) (28)
- Trophic cascades from wolves to alders in Yellowstone (2015) (28)
- Divergent patterns of riparian cottonwood recovery after the return of wolves in Yellowstone, USA (2015) (27)
- Grey wolf (Canis lupus) predation on livestock in relation to prey availability (2020) (27)
- Can restoring wolves aid in lynx recovery (2011) (26)
- After long-term decline, are aspen recovering in northern Yellowstone? (2014) (25)
- Learning from the past to prepare for the future: felids face continued threat from declining prey (2018) (25)
- Making a New Dog? (2017) (25)
- Global reforestation and biodiversity conservation (2020) (25)
- Fundamentals of geographic information systems : a compendium (1989) (24)
- Hypercarnivorous apex predator could provide ecosystem services by dispersing seeds (2016) (24)
- Aspen snag dynamics, cavity-nesting birds, and trophic cascades in Yellowstone's northern range (2008) (23)
- Trophic cascades at multiple spatial scales shape recovery of young aspen in Yellowstone (2018) (23)
- Scientists' warning on endangered food webs (2020) (22)
- Potential trophic cascades triggered by the barred owl range expansion (2016) (22)
- Scientists' warning to humanity on illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade (2021) (21)
- On using digital maps to assess wildlife habitat (2004) (21)
- Potential vegetation indices for determining global forest cover (1997) (20)
- A poor international standard for trap selectivity threatens carnivore conservation (2016) (20)
- Berry-producing shrub characteristics following wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park (2012) (20)
- Willow thickets protect young aspen from elk browsing after wolf reintroduction (2005) (19)
- Can large carnivores change streams via a trophic cascade? (2018) (19)
- Aspen stand conditions on elk winter ranges in the northern Yellowstone, USA (2005) (18)
- Hunted carnivores at outsized risk. (2015) (18)
- LANDSAT Thematic Mapper bands for characterizing fescue grass vegetation (1985) (18)
- Aspen recruitment in the Yellowstone region linked to reduced herbivory after large carnivore restoration (2018) (18)
- Aspen Stand Conditions on Elk Winter Ranges in the Northern Yellowstone Ecosystem , USA (2005) (17)
- Challenges and perspectives on tackling illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade (2021) (17)
- Bison limit ecosystem recovery in northern Yellowstone (2020) (17)
- Invisible megafauna (2018) (16)
- Neocolonial Conservation: Is Moving Rhinos to Australia Conservation or Intellectual Property Loss (2017) (16)
- Modeling Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) habitat in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. (2006) (16)
- Effects of bison on willow and cottonwood 4 in northern Yellowstone (2012) (16)
- Scientists call for renewed Paris pledges to transform agriculture. (2019) (16)
- Context dependence of elk (Cervus elaphus) vigilance and wolf (Canis lupus) predation risk (2014) (15)
- Long-term aspen dynamics, trophic cascades, and climate in northern Yellowstone National Park (2016) (15)
- Habitat use of sympatric prey suggests divergent anti-predator responses to recolonizing gray wolves (2018) (14)
- Carnivore coexistence: trophic cascades. (2015) (14)
- The role of scientists’ warning in shifting policy from growth to conservation economy (2018) (14)
- The Climate Emergency, Forests, and Transformative Change (2020) (14)
- Protecting Half the Planet and Transforming Human Systems Are Complementary Goals (2021) (14)
- Rapid Assessment of Riparian Cottonwood Recruitment: Middle Fork John Day River, Northeastern Oregon (2005) (13)
- Geographic information systems for resource management, a compendium (1987) (12)
- Strategic Forest Reserves can protect biodiversity in the western United States and mitigate climate change (2021) (12)
- Monitoring the dead as an ecosystem indicator (2021) (11)
- Scientists' warning on climate change and insects (2022) (11)
- Community Ecology and Conservation of Bear-Salmon Ecosystems (2020) (11)
- Solve the biodiversity crisis with funding (2019) (11)
- Constraints on vertebrate range size predict extinction risk (2019) (10)
- Simultaneously operating threats cannot predict extinction risk (2020) (10)
- The impact of thermal seasonality on terrestrial endotherm food web dynamics: a revision of the Exploitation Ecosystem Hypothesis (2020) (10)
- Predation risk, elk, and aspen: comment (2014) (10)
- An ecoregion‐based approach to restoring the world's intact large mammal assemblages (2021) (10)
- Scientists' warning against the society of waste. (2021) (9)
- Aspen patch and migratory bird relationships in the northern Yellowstone ecosystem (2007) (8)
- Refugia from browsing as reference sites for restoration planning (2005) (8)
- Invasive European wasps alter scavenging dynamics around carrion (2020) (8)
- Increasing beef production won't reduce emissions (2016) (8)
- Determining patch perimeters in raster image processing and geographic information systems (1996) (7)
- Scientists' warning of threats to mountains. (2022) (7)
- Rhino poaching may cause atypical trophic cascades (2016) (6)
- Scientists' warning of an imperiled ocean (2022) (6)
- Effects of predation risk on elk ( Cervus elaphus ) landscape use in a wolf ( Canis lupus ) dominated system (2015) (6)
- Wolves trigger a trophic cascade to berries as alternative food for grizzly bears. (2015) (6)
- Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: the first fifteen years after wolf reintroduction (supplementary data) (2011) (6)
- Remote sensing of leaf water status (1987) (6)
- Impacts of recolonizing gray wolves (Canis lupus) on survival and mortality in two sympatric ungulates (2018) (5)
- Scientists' warning on population. (2022) (5)
- Eating plants and planting forests for the climate (2019) (4)
- Six steps to integrate climate mitigation with adaptation for social justice (2022) (4)
- Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change (2019) (4)
- World scientists’ warnings into action, local to global (2021) (4)
- Glimmers of hope in large carnivore recoveries (2022) (4)
- When shooting a coyote kills a wolf: Mistaken identity or misguided management? (2015) (4)
- Wolves and lynx: Plausible ideas make for testable hypotheses (2012) (4)
- Estes Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth (2011) (4)
- Human population, social justice, and climate policy (2021) (4)
- Large carnivore extirpation linked to loss of overstory aspen in Yellowstone (2020) (3)
- Intergenerational Inequity: Stealing the Joy and Benefits of Nature From Our Children (2022) (3)
- Yellowstone’s Prehistoric Bison: A Comment on Keigley (2019) (2019) (3)
- A novel trophic cascade between cougars and feral donkeys shapes desert wetlands (2022) (3)
- Saving the World with Satire: A Response to Chapron et al. (2018) (3)
- Quadtree Data Structures for Geographic Information Systems (1989) (2)
- Grasshopper consumption by grey wolves and implications for ecosystems. (2020) (2)
- Reversing “Empty Forest Syndrome” in Southeast Asia (2017) (2)
- AIS spectra of desert shrub canopies (1986) (2)
- Correction to ‘Rewilding the world's large carnivores’ (2018) (2)
- Reply to Kalinkat et al.: Smallest terrestrial vertebrates are highly imperiled (2017) (2)
- Rewilding the American West (2022) (2)
- The influence of observational interdependence on spectral reflectance relationships with plant and soil variables (1986) (2)
- Zoonotic Diseases and Our Troubled Relationship With Nature (2022) (2)
- Predators reduce niche overlap between sympatric prey (2021) (2)
- Large species within carnivora are large carnivores (2018) (1)
- Landscape patterns around Northern Spotted Owl ( Strix occidentalis caurina ) nest sites in Oregon's central Coast Ranges (1997) (1)
- Aspen Overstory Recruitment in Northern Yellowstone National Park During the Last 200 Years (2001) (1)
- Eating away at climate change – substituting beans for beef to help meet US climate targets (2016) (1)
- Correction: Large carnivores under assault in Alaska (2019) (1)
- Smallest terrestrial vertebrates are highly imperiled (2017) (1)
- Response: Commentary: Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future (2021) (1)
- Echoes of the late Pleistocene in a novel trophic cascade between cougars and feral donkeys (2021) (1)
- We Need a Biologically Sound North American Conservation Plan (2017) (1)
- Wolf‐triggered trophic cascades and stream channel dynamics in Olympic National Park: a comment on East et al. (2017) (2018) (1)
- Many risky feedback loops amplify the need for climate action (2023) (1)
- Strategic reserves in Oregon’s forests for biodiversity, water, and carbon to mitigate and adapt to climate change (2022) (1)
- New Structural Complexity Metrics for Forests from Single Terrestrial Lidar Scans (2022) (1)
- Relationships between grass canopy characteristics and Landsat Thematic Mapper bands (1984) (0)
- Signature redacted for privacy. (2005) (0)
- Signature redacted for privacy. Abstract approved (1997) (0)
- In My Opinion Can Restoring Wolves Aid in Lynx Recovery ? (2011) (0)
- of the contiguous United States. Yellowstone National Park was not immune to wolf persecution (2010) (0)
- Habitat use of sympatric prey suggests divergent anti-predator responses to recolonizing gray wolves (2018) (0)
- Small mammal relative abundance within riparian ecosystems of the Blue Mountains (2022) (0)
- Supplementary material from "Rewilding the world's large carnivores" (2018) (0)
- Analysis of Land-Use Effects on Landscape Patterns and Biological Diversity in Pacific North Forests: 1972-1991 (1998) (0)
- Geographic information analysis: An ecological approach for the management of wildlife on the forest landscape (1995) (0)
- Author ' s personal copy Recoupling fire and aspen recruitment after wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park , USA (2008) (0)
- Aspen Recruitment and Stand Structure in the Gallatin Elk Winter Range of Southwest Montana (2004) (0)
- Skeletal and Dental Development Preserve Evidence of Energetic Stress in the Moose of Isle Royale (2019) (0)
- Linking Woives and Piants : Aido Leopold on Tropiiic Cascades (2005) (0)
- A poor international standard for trap selectivity threatens carnivore conservation (2016) (0)
- Aspen, Elk and Wolves in Yellowstone: Are Aspen Recovering Since the Return of Wolves (2012) (0)
- Forest Preservation Ranking and Vertebrate Species Richness, Western USA, 2020-2099 (2020) (0)
- Supporting Online Material for Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth (2011) (0)
- Trophic Cascades and Historic Aspen Recruitment in the Gallatin Elk Winter Range of Southwest Montana (2005) (0)
- RippleWilliam.Forestry.TrophicCascadesYellowstone.pdf (2017) (0)
- Short communication Restoring Yellowstone ’ s aspen with wolves (2007) (0)
- The wildlife snaring crisis: an insidious and pervasive threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia (2017) (0)
- Mechanisms underlying the repellent effects of predator odours in rodents View project (2016) (0)
- South Dakota State Planning Bureau's Remote Sensing Program (1980) (0)
- Putting a face on carbon with threatened forest primates (2022) (0)
- conservation needs evidence-based livestock protection. (2018) (0)
- When shooting a coyote kills a wolf: Mistaken identity or misguided management? (2015) (0)
- Scientists' Warning on Technology (2023) (0)
- Scientists warning on the ecological effects of radioactive leaks on ecosystems (2023) (0)
- A forest loss report card for the world’s protected areas (2021) (0)
- Remote Sensing of Aspen Change in Northern Yellowstone National Park (1997) (0)
- A poor international standard for trap selectivity threatens 1 carnivore conservation 2 3 4 (2017) (0)
- Revisiting trophic cascades and aspen recovery in northern Yellowstone (2023) (0)
- The History of Cougars in Yellowstone National Park (2022) (0)
- Bison influences on composition and diversity of riparian plant communities in Yellowstone National Park (2023) (0)
- Restoring Asia’s roar: Opportunities for tiger recovery across the historic range (2023) (0)
- Large predators limit herbivore densities in northern forest ecosystems (2012) (0)
- Title: A Landscape-Scale Analysis of Vegetation Recovery at (1998) (0)
- Title : Carbon sequestration and biodiversity co-benefits of preserving forests in the western USA RH : Carbon sequestration and biodiversity (2019) (0)
- Research in remote sensing of vegetation (1988) (0)
- Reply to Pincheira-Donoso and Hodgson: Both the largest and smallest vertebrates have elevated extinction risk (2018) (0)
- Trophic cascades and Yellowstone’s aspen: A reply to Fleming (2019) (2019) (0)
- A selected bibliography: Remote sensing applications in geography (1977) (0)
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