William S. Laughlin
American anthropologist
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William S. Laughlin's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology University of Chicago
- Masters Anthropology University of Chicago
- Bachelors Anthropology University of Chicago
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, William S. Laughlin was an American anthropologist who carried on research and wrote about aboriginal peoples in the Aleutians and Greenland. William Sceva Laughlin was born in Canton, Missouri in 1919. He grew up in Salem, Oregon, where his father was a professor at Willamette University. His education included bachelor's and master's degrees in sociology, and master's and Ph.D. degrees in anthropology from Harvard University. His academic career in anthropology included professorships at the University of Oregon , the University of Wisconsin , and the University of Connecticut . His primary field of specialization was physical anthropology, including Aleutian-Siberian studies, human biology, population history and human evolution. Laughlin first came to Alaska in 1938 as a member of the Smithsonian Expedition to the Aleutian Islands, directed by Dr. Aleš Hrdlička. In 1948, he was the field director for the Peabody Museum's Expedition to the Aleutians. Over the years, he made over twenty trips to the Aleutians to study its peoples. His research there culminated in the publication in 1980 of his book, Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge. He also co-edited the book, The First Americans: Origins, Affinities and Adaptations, with Connecticut colleague, Albert B. Harper. Laughlin was a member or fellow of several professional societies, edited the American Journal for Physical Anthropology , and served on several scientific committees, including the U. S. National Committee for the International Biological Program, the Committee to Evaluate National Science Foundation Programs, and the Programs Advisory Committee of the National Institutes for Dental Research. William S. Laughlin died in Portland, Oregon, in 2001.
William S. Laughlin's Published Works
Published Works
- The Settlement of the Americas: A Comparison of the Linguistic, Dental, and Genetic Evidence [and Comments and Reply] (1986) (575)
- Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge (1981) (113)
- Isolate variation in Greenlandic Eskimo crania. (1956) (64)
- The First Americans: Origins, Affinities, and Adaptations. (1979) (60)
- The St. Lawrence Island Eskimos: genetic variation and genetic distance. (1981) (37)
- The Lamellar Flake Manufacturing Site on Anangula Island in the Aleutians (1954) (36)
- A New View of the History of the Aleutians (1951) (33)
- Comparison of bone apatite in osteoporotic and normal Eskimos (1983) (32)
- Bone mineral content in St. Lawrence Island Eskimos. (1984) (32)
- Osteological consequences of scalping. (1959) (31)
- Aleut Adaptation and Evolution (1973) (28)
- The paleopathology of an Aleutian mummy. (1981) (27)
- Anthropology in the Arctic: A Critique of Racial Typology and Normative Theory [and Comments and Reply] (1985) (26)
- Blood groups, morphology and population size of the Eskimos. (1950) (24)
- Klamath Prehistory: the Prehistory of the Culture of the Klamath Lake Area, Oregon (1956) (23)
- Preliminary Analysis of the Anangula Unifacial Core and Blade Industry (1966) (22)
- Distribution of albumin variants Naskapi amd Mexico among Aleuts, Frobisher Bay Eskimos, and Micmac, Naskapi, Mohawk, Omaha, and Apache Indians. (1978) (20)
- Physical growth of St. Lawrence Island Eskimos: body size, proportion, and composition. (1982) (20)
- The dating of Lantian man and his significance for analyzing trends in human evolution. (1973) (20)
- Bone Core Analysis of Baffin Island Skeletons (1981) (19)
- Human Anatomical Knowledge among the Aleutian Islanders (1956) (18)
- Aleuts and Eskimos: Survivors of the Bering land bridge coast (1979) (17)
- New approaches to the pre- and post-contact history of Arctic peoples. (1979) (17)
- Blood groups of Caddoan Indians of Oklahoma. (1960) (14)
- Inquiries into the Peopling of the New World: Development of Ideas and Recent Advances (1982) (13)
- Genetic variation in the Aleuts of the Pribilof Islands and the Eskimos of Kodiak Island. (1988) (12)
- Bone mineral and vitamin D in Aleutian Islanders. (1985) (11)
- The multiple bases of human adaptability and achievement: a species point of view. (1966) (11)
- Papers on the physical anthropology of the American Indian, delivered at the fourth Viking Fund summer seminar in physical anthropology, held at the Viking Fund, September, 1949 (1952) (11)
- Holocene History of Nikolski Bay, Alaska and Aleut Evolution (1973) (9)
- Early Siberians from Lake Baikal and Alaskan Population Affinities (1976) (9)
- Excavations in the Calapuya Mounds of the Willamette Valley, Oregon (1941) (8)
- Notes on an Aleutian Core and Blade Industry (1951) (8)
- Origins and Affinities of the First Americans (1977) (7)
- Studies in Aleutian-Kodiak Prehistory, Ecology and Anthropology (1966) (7)
- Contemporary Problems in the Anthropology of Southern Alaska (1952) (6)
- Rationale for the Collaborative Investigation of Aleut-Konyag Prehistory and Ecology (1962) (6)
- Neo-Aleut and Paleo-Aleut Prehistory (1958) (6)
- Kinship Terminology and Kindred among the Nunamiut Eskimo (1963) (5)
- Aspects of Current Physical Anthropology: Method and Theory (1960) (5)
- Revision of Aleutian Prehistory (1962) (5)
- Notes on the Archaeology of the Yamhill River, Willamette Valley, Oregon (1943) (5)
- A Probable Association of Mammoth and Artifacts in the Willamette Valley, Oregon (1941) (4)
- Blood group genetics of the Basques of Idaho. (1956) (4)
- Archaeological Investigations of Inland and Coastal Sites of the Katamai National Monument, Alaska (1961) (4)
- Anangula Blade Site Excavations, 1972 and 1973 (1974) (4)
- Circadian heart rate rhythmicity: comparison between an Eskimo and other population groups. (1981) (4)
- Archaeological Investigations On Umnak Island, Aleutians (1962) (3)
- The Purpose of Studying Eskimos and their Population Systems (1970) (3)
- Early racial and cultural identifications in southwestern Alaska. (1971) (3)
- Growth Studies On A Hybrid Population Of Eskimo-White Origin In Southwestern Alaska (1963) (3)
- Massacre at Chaluka (1984) (2)
- Paleo-Aleut Crania from Port Moller, Alaska Peninsula (1966) (2)
- Preliminary tests for presence of blood group substance in Tepexpan man. (1948) (2)
- Race: a population concept. (1966) (2)
- Supplementary Note on the Aleutian Core and Blade Industry (1952) (2)
- Russian‐American Bering Sea Relations: Research and Reciprocity (1985) (2)
- Burial of an Aged Chaluka Adult Male (1974) (2)
- Review: the Arctic and Subarctic By H.B Collins in Prehistoric Men In the New World, Edited By Jennings and Norbeck (1965) (1)
- The Eskimos and Aleuts, by Don E. Dumond (1978) (1)
- Notes and News-Arctic (1954) (1)
- Anangula and Chaluka Investigations of 1972 (1981) (1)
- Guide To Human Population Studies (1968) (1)
- The Eskimos. Kaj Birket-Smith. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. Foreword by C. Daryll Forde. Methuen, London; Humanities Press, New York, rev. ed., 1960. xiv + 419 pp. Illus. $6.50 (1961) (1)
- Aleut-Eskimo Community (1952) (1)
- Human Skeletal Material from Kawumkan Springs Midden (1956) (1)
- Earliest Aleutian Prehistory: the Anangula Island Core and Blade Site (1964) (1)
- Aleut Occupation and Sea Level Changes, Nikolski Bay, Alaska (1973) (1)
- Archaeological Investigations on Agattu, Aleutian Islands. Albert C. Spaulding. Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, The University of Michigan, No. 18, Ann Arbor, 1962. 47 pp., 31 plates. $2.00. (1963) (1)
- Trends in Aleutian Stone Artifacts (1956) (1)
- Aleutian ecosystem. (1970) (1)
- Joint Research By American and Soviet Archaeologists On the Island of Anangula (Aleutian Islands, Alaska) (1975) (0)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Classification and Human Evolution. Sherwood L. Washburn (ed.) (1964) (0)
- Dating and measurement of Aleut-Eskimo divergence (1997) (0)
- An Eskimo Village in the Modern World. Charles Campbell Hughes. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1960. xiv + 419 pp. Illus. $6.75 (1961) (0)
- The archaeology of Beringia. By F.H. West. New York: Columbia University Press. 1981. xviii + 268 pp., figures, tables, references, indices. $30.00 (cloth) (1983) (0)
- The science of man. By Titiev, Mischa. pp. 1–467. Henry Holt & Company, New York. 1954 (1954) (0)
- Aleut Information Matrix (1970) (0)
- Addendum: Excavations at Anangula Island, 1962 (1963) (0)
- Earliest Aleuts. in Early Man In the Western American Arctic-A Symposium (1963) (0)
- When the Wind Was a River: Aleut Evacuation in World War II, by Dean Kohlhoff (1996) (0)
- The Anangula Unifacial Core and Blade Industry of 8400 BP, from Abstracts of Papers, Anthropology Proceedings, Vol. 9 (Addenda), the Eleventh Pacific Scienic Congress, Tokyo, 1956 (1956) (0)
- Apparatus and method of duplication of keys. (1998) (0)
- Origins of Mongoloids and Eskimo-Aleut Cultures: Synthesis (1963) (0)
- Prevalence of hepatitis A and B markers in the Eskimos of Kodiak Island, Alaska. (1986) (0)
- Introduction (Aleutian Studies) (1966) (0)
- Human variation and origins : an introduction to human biology and evolution (1967) (0)
- The Archeology of Cape Denbigh, by J.L. Giddings (1965) (0)
- Kodiak Studies: Introduction (1966) (0)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: The Eskimo Skeleton: Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of the Aboriginal Greenlanders. Jørgen Balsleve Josrgensen (1955) (0)
- Chetco Archaeology. Joel V. Berreman. (General Series in Anthropology, No. 11, 40 pp., 7 figures, 10 plates. Menasha, Wisconsin. 1944.) (1944) (0)
- Delimitation and Components of the Aleutian Ecosystem (1970) (0)
- Bering Land Ice Age Eskimos (1989) (0)
- Dr N. A. Weber's entomological observations in northern Alaska, 1949 (1952) (0)
- Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations, Southwestern Umnak Island, Alaska, Carried out Under Permit 70-AK-040, by the University of Connecticut, 1971 and 1972 (1971) (0)
- Review: Archaeological Investigations On Agattu, Aleutian Islands, By Albert C. Spaulding (1963) (0)
- Manually operable pliers for crimping electrical connectors Huelsen (1958) (0)
- Eskimos of the Nushagak River: An Ethnographic History, by James W. VanStone (1969) (0)
- Konyag Physical Anthropology: Introduction (1966) (0)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Manual of Physical Anthropology. Juan Comas (1961) (0)
- Letter from William S. Laughlin to Joshua Lederberg (1959) (0)
- Comments [On the Upper Paleolithic and the New World By E F Greenman.] (1963) (0)
- Economics and Social Sciences. (Book Reviews: Communist China and Asia: Challenge to American Policy; People, Jobs and Economic Development. A case history of Puerto Rico supplemented by recent Mexican experiences) (1960) (0)
- Phase Analysis of Anangula Cores and Its Application To Lithic Studies (1979) (0)
- Identification of Early Eskimos in the Aleutians and Kodiak Island (1962) (0)
- Adaptability and human genetics. (1968) (0)
- Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations, Southwestern Umnak Island, Alaska, By the University of Connecticut, 1971 and 1972 (1972) (0)
- The Physical Anthropology of Ceylon. Ceylon National Museum's Ethnographic Series Publication No. 2. Howard W. Stoudt. P. E. P. Deraniyagala, Ed. The Museum, Colombo, Ceylon, 1961. 180 pp. Rs. 7.50 (1962) (0)
- Anthropological work in the Aleutian Islands, 1949 (1952) (0)
- Earnest Albert Hooton 1887-1954 (1954) (0)
- The Story of Tlingit Community: A Problem in the Relationship between Archeological, Ethnological, and Historical Methods. Frederica de Laguna. Smithsonian Institution, Washington; D.C., 1960 (order from Supt. of Documents, GPO, Washington 25). vii + 254 pp. Illus. $2 (1961) (0)
- Burial of an Aged Aleut Male (1972) (0)
- PRIMATOLOGY AND PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Evolutionary and Genetic Biology of Primates. Vol. II. John Buettner‐Janusch (1965) (0)
- Sea Level Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon Dating of the Anangula Unifacial Industry: 8400-7600 Bp (1973) (0)
- AAQ volume 20 issue 4 part 1 Cover and Back matter (1955) (0)
- Review: Arctic Area, By Henry B Collins (1955) (0)
- The greenland mummies. Edited by Peder Hart Hansen, Jorgen Meldgaard, and Jorgen Nordqvist. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1991. 192 pp. ISBN 1‐56098‐045‐1. $39.95 (cloth) (1991) (0)
- Burial of a Chaluka Aleut Child (1972) (0)
- Anangula: An 8,400 B.P Coastal Occupation in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska (1970) (0)
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