Xavier Gabaix
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French economist
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Behavioral Economics
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Why Is Xavier Gabaix Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Xavier Gabaix is a French economist, currently the Pershing Square Professor of Economics and Finance at Harvard University. He has been listed among the top 8 young economists in the world by The Economist. He holds a B.A. in Mathematics from the Ecole Normale Supérieure, as well as a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.
Xavier Gabaix's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Why Has CEO Pay Increased so Much? (2006) (1940)
- Zipf's Law for Cities: An Explanation (1999) (1888)
- The Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations (2009) (1247)
- A theory of power-law distributions in financial market fluctuations (2003) (1187)
- Power Laws in Economics and Finance (2008) (1067)
- Variable Rare Disasters: An Exactly Solved Framework for Ten Puzzles in Macro-Finance (2007) (923)
- The Age of Reason: Financial Decisions over the Life Cycle and Implications for Regulation (2009) (746)
- A Sparsity-Based Model of Bounded Rationality (2011) (588)
- The Evolution of City Size Distributions (2004) (580)
- Costly Information Acquisition: Experimental Analysis of a Boundedly Rational Model (2006) (564)
- International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics (2014) (537)
- Rank − 1 / 2: A Simple Way to Improve the OLS Estimation of Tail Exponents (2007) (534)
- A Multiplicative Model of Optimal CEO Incentives in Market Equilibrium (2009) (532)
- Institutional Investors and Stock Market Volatility (2005) (506)
- Rare Disasters and Exchange Rates (2008) (456)
- The Area and Population of Cities: New Insights from a Different Perspective on Cities (2009) (366)
- The Dynamics of Inequality (2015) (338)
- The Great Diversification and its Undoing (2010) (312)
- Zipf's Law and the Growth of Cities (1999) (294)
- Power Laws in Economics: An Introduction (2016) (288)
- A Behavioral New Keynesian Model (2016) (285)
- Limits of Arbitrage: Theory and Evidence from the Mortgage-Backed Securities Market (2005) (265)
- The 6d Bias and the Equity Premium Puzzle (2001) (265)
- Executive Compensation: A Survey of Theory and Evidence (2017) (259)
- Behavioral Inattention (2017) (241)
- Dynamic CEO Compensation (2011) (239)
- Quantifying stock-price response to demand fluctuations. (2001) (234)
- Is CEO Pay Really Inefficient? A Survey of New Optimal Contracting Theories (2009) (217)
- Learning in the Credit Card Market (2008) (213)
- Optimal Taxation with Behavioral Agents (2015) (182)
- Executive Compensation: A Modern Primer (2015) (181)
- The Effect of Risk on the CEO Market (2010) (171)
- Variable Rare Disasters: A Tractable Theory of Ten Puzzles in Macro-finance (2008) (149)
- Scaling and correlation in financial time series (2000) (145)
- Tractability in Incentive Contracting (2009) (124)
- Price fluctuations, market activity and trading volume (2001) (117)
- CEO Pay and Firm Size: An Update after the Crisis (2013) (109)
- Bounded Rationality and Directed Cognition (2005) (109)
- Myopia and Discounting (2017) (105)
- A statistical physics view of financial fluctuations: Evidence for scaling and universality (2008) (103)
- A statistical physics view of financial fluctuations: Evidence for scaling and universality (2008) (103)
- Rank-1/2: A Simple Way to Improve the OLS Estimation of Tail Exponents (2007) (100)
- A Boundedly Rational Decision Algorithm (2000) (94)
- On the origin of power-law fluctuations in stock prices (2004) (94)
- Behavioral Macroeconomics Via Sparse Dynamic Programming (2015) (93)
- In Search of the Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Markets Hypothesis (2021) (87)
- Linearity-Generating Processes: A Modelling Tool Yielding Closed Forms for Asset Prices (2007) (81)
- The impact of competition on prices with numerous firms (2016) (74)
- Fuzzy Math and Red Ink: When the Opportunity Cost of Consumption is Not What it Seems (2007) (68)
- The Allocation of Attention: Theory and Evidence (2003) (68)
- Shrouded Attributes and Information Suppression in Competitive Markets (2004) (65)
- Similarities and differences between physics and economics (2001) (63)
- The Seven Properties of Good Models (2008) (51)
- A unified econophysics explanation for the power-law exponents of stock market activity (2007) (51)
- The 6D Bias and the Equity-Premium Puzzle (2001) (49)
- Understanding the cubic and half-cubic laws of financial fluctuations (2003) (48)
- Competitive Bundling (2015) (47)
- Disasterization: A Simple Way to Fix the Asset Pricing Properties of Macroeconomic Models (2011) (46)
- Granular Instrumental Variables (2020) (42)
- Corporate Governance in the Modern Financial Sector (2009) (40)
- A Calibratable Model of Optimal CEO Incentives in Market Equilibrium (2007) (40)
- Competition and Consumer Confusion (2004) (39)
- Dynamic Incentive Accounts (2009) (39)
- Trade Patterns, Trade Balances and Idiosyncratic Shocks (2007) (38)
- Economic Fluctuations and Statistical Physics: The Puzzle of Large Fluctuations (2006) (38)
- Price fluctuations and market activity (2001) (37)
- Extreme Value Theory and the Effects of Competition on Profits (2005) (32)
- Economic fluctuations and statistical physics: Quantifying extremely rare and less rare events in finance (2007) (31)
- Economic fluctuations and statistical physics: Quantifying extremely rare and less rare events in finance (2007) (31)
- A theory of large fluctuations in stock market activity (2003) (30)
- Noise and Fluctuations in Econophysics and Finance (2005) (28)
- AS imple, Unified, Exactly Solved Framework for Ten Puzzles in Macro-Finance (2007) (24)
- Linearity-Generating Processes, Unspanned Stochastic Volatility, and Interest-Rate Option Pricing (2011) (22)
- On the Welfare Costs of Consumption Uncertainty made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters (2007) (21)
- A Sparsity-Based Model of Bounded Rationality , Applied to Basic Consumer and Equilibrium Theory ∗ (2012) (16)
- Quantifying economic fluctuations (2001) (15)
- Does Investment Skill Decline due to Cognitive Aging or Improve with Experience ? (2007) (15)
- Variable Rare Disasters: An Exactly Solved Model for Ten Puzzles in Macro-Finance (2008) (15)
- Quantifying and understanding the economics of large financial movements (2008) (15)
- Game Theory with Sparsity-Based Bounded Rationality ∗ (2011) (15)
- Power Laws and the Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations (2004) (13)
- Comment on "Networks and the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Exploration" (2015) (11)
- Sparse Dynamic Programming and Aggregate Fluctuations (2014) (11)
- A simple theory of the ''cubic'' laws of stock market activity ∗ (2002) (11)
- A New Challenge for Economics: 'The Frame Problem' (2003) (10)
- Fuzzy Math and Household Finance: Theory and Evidence (2007) (10)
- Tractability and Detail-Neutrality in Incentive Contracting (2009) (7)
- Power laws and the origins of aggregate fluctuations (2004) (7)
- Risk and the CEO Market: Why Do Some Large Firms Hire Highly-Paid, Low-Talent CEOS? (2010) (5)
- “ The Granular Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations ” : Supplementary Material (2010) (3)
- The Great Diversification (2010) (3)
- Discussion: The Loss Aversion/Narrow Framing Approach to the Equity Premium Puzzle (2008) (3)
- Boundedly Rational Dynamic Programming: Some Preliminary Results (2012) (2)
- Consumer Finance Protection (2011) (2)
- Chapter 7: Executive Summary (2009) (1)
- Online Appendix for “A Behavioral New Keynesian Model” (2018) (1)
- Detail-Independent Contracting, with an Application to CEO Incentives (2008) (1)
- Boundedly Rational Dynamic Programming : A Sparse Approach (2015) (1)
- Dynamics of Exchange Rates and Capital Flows (2015) (1)
- InactIon and adjustment : consequences for HouseHolds and fIrms † Optimal Inattention to the Stock Market (2007) (1)
- Comment (2016) (1)
- A Unified Theory of Ten Financial Puzzles (2006) (1)
- Linearity-Inducing Processes : A Modelling Tool Yielding Closed Forms for Asset Prices (2006) (0)
- Appendix 2 to “ The Dynamics of Inequality ” (2016) (0)
- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with Funding from Boston Library Consortium Iviember Libraries Massachusetts Instittite of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Why Has Ceo Pay Increased so Much? Why Has Ceo Pay Increased so Much? (2011) (0)
- Efficiency of linear estimators under heavy-tailedness: convolutions of [alpha]-symmetric distributions. (2006) (0)
- Appendix for Dynamic Incentive Accounts (2009) (0)
- Appendix to “ The Dynamics of Inequality ” (2016) (0)
- Editors' Summary (2010) (0)
- Appendix for “ Optimal Taxation with Behavioral Agents ” (2017) (0)
- Internet Appendix for Dynamic CEO Compensation (2011) (0)
- Detail-Independent Optimal Contracts, with an Application to CEO Incentives ∗ (2008) (0)
- Online Appendix for “A Sparsity-Based Model of Bounded Rationality” (2014) (0)
- Power Laws and the Mega-Idiosyncratic Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations Xavier (2004) (0)
- E . 1 Motivating Facts : the Evolution of Top Wealth Inequality (2016) (0)
- 0 50 81 18 v 1 1 7 A ug 2 00 5 Correlation filtering in financial time series (0)
- Quantifying economic ! uctuations (2010) (0)
- What ’ s Right , What ’ s WRong , and What ’ s Fixable (2010) (0)
- assesses the empirical validity of Zipf ’ s Law for cities , using new data on 73 countries and two estimation methods – OLS and the Hill estimator (2004) (0)
- A Primer on Tractable Incentive Contracts (2011) (0)
- 2 Complements on Endogenous Attention : Attention as a good 12 (2015) (0)
- Online Appendix to “International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics” (2015) (0)
- Boundedly Rational Dynamic Programming (2015) (0)
- Shrouded Attributes and the Curse of Educatoin (2004) (0)
- The Tractable 'Quadratic' Class of Growth and Interest Rate Processes (2006) (0)
- Appendix for Tractability in Incentive Contracting Not for Publication (2011) (0)
- Asset Demand of U.S. Households (2022) (0)
- Appendix for “ A Behavioral New Keynesian Model ” (2019) (0)
- Correlated Randomness: Rare and Not-so-Rare Events in Finance (2006) (0)
- The Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research Dynamic Incentive Accounts (2009) (0)
- VIII Additional Results VIII . A Complements on Optimal Tax with Heterogeneous Agents VIII . A . 1 Calibration : Optimal Ramsey Tax with Heterogeneous Agents (2019) (0)
- Appendix to “ International Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics ” (2015) (0)
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