Yang Huanming
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Chinese biologist
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Yang Huanming's Degrees
- Bachelors Biology Peking University
- Masters Biochemistry Peking University
- PhD Biochemistry Peking University
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Why Is Yang Huanming Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Yang Huanming , also known as Henry Yang, is a Chinese biologist, businessman and one of China's leading genetics researchers. He is Chairman and co-founder of the Beijing Genomics Institute, formerly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was elected as member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007, a foreign academician of Indian National Science Academy in 2009, a member of the German National Academy of Sciences in 2012, and foreign associate of the US National Academy of Science in 2014.
Yang Huanming's Published Works
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Published Works
- A global reference for human genetic variation (2015) (11857)
- A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing (2010) (9177)
- A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes (2012) (4798)
- A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs (2007) (4567)
- A Draft Sequence of the Rice Genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) (2002) (3468)
- De novo assembly of human genomes with massively parallel short read sequencing. (2010) (2729)
- Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution (2004) (2417)
- Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution (2014) (1889)
- International network of cancer genome projects (2010) (1839)
- Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds (2014) (1515)
- An integrated catalog of reference genes in the human gut microbiome (2014) (1431)
- Sequencing of 50 Human Exomes Reveals Adaptation to High Altitude (2010) (1283)
- The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. (2009) (1279)
- The oral and gut microbiomes are perturbed in rheumatoid arthritis and partly normalized after treatment (2015) (1109)
- A Draft Sequence of the Rice Genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica) (2002) (1101)
- The sequence and de novo assembly of the giant panda genome (2010) (1018)
- The diploid genome sequence of an Asian individual (2008) (977)
- SNP detection for massively parallel whole-genome resequencing. (2009) (957)
- The Genomes of Oryza sativa: A History of Duplications (2005) (900)
- Identification of genomic alterations in oesophageal squamous cell cancer (2014) (863)
- SOAPnuke: a MapReduce acceleration-supported software for integrated quality control and preprocessing of high-throughput sequencing data (2017) (851)
- Gut microbiome and serum metabolome alterations in obesity and after weight-loss intervention (2017) (825)
- Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation (2014) (811)
- The gut microbiome in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (2017) (810)
- Altitude adaptation in Tibet caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA (2014) (740)
- Draft genome sequence of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor farmers (2011) (718)
- Sparse whole genome sequencing identifies two loci for major depressive disorder (2015) (717)
- Aegilops tauschii draft genome sequence reveals a gene repertoire for wheat adaptation (2013) (681)
- Metagenomic analysis of faecal microbiome as a tool towards targeted non-invasive biomarkers for colorectal cancer (2015) (673)
- Frequent mutations of chromatin remodeling genes in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (2011) (664)
- Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu (2013) (652)
- The yak genome and adaptation to life at high altitude (2012) (640)
- The Schistosoma japonicum genome reveals features of host–parasite interplay (2009) (637)
- Single-Cell Exome Sequencing Reveals Single-Nucleotide Mutation Characteristics of a Kidney Tumor (2012) (636)
- Metagenome-wide analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in a large cohort of human gut microbiota (2013) (582)
- Single-Cell Exome Sequencing and Monoclonal Evolution of a JAK2-Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (2012) (519)
- Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life (2018) (492)
- The genetic legacy of the Mongols. (2003) (463)
- The microbiota continuum along the female reproductive tract and its relation to uterine-related diseases (2017) (453)
- Deep RNA sequencing at single base-pair resolution reveals high complexity of the rice transcriptome. (2010) (445)
- Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation among elite maize inbred lines (2010) (444)
- Detection of clinically relevant genetic variants in autism spectrum disorder by whole-genome sequencing. (2013) (443)
- A heterozygous moth genome provides insights into herbivory and detoxification (2013) (443)
- Integrated Profiling of MicroRNAs and mRNAs: MicroRNAs Located on Xq27.3 Associate with Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (2010) (435)
- Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing of bladder cancer identifies frequent alterations in genes involved in sister chromatid cohesion and segregation (2013) (423)
- Open-source genomic analysis of Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli O104:H4. (2011) (417)
- Whole-genome sequence of Schistosoma haematobium (2012) (386)
- Recovery of gut microbiota of healthy adults following antibiotic exposure (2018) (372)
- WEGO 2.0: a web tool for analyzing and plotting GO annotations, 2018 update (2018) (354)
- The Symbiodinium kawagutii genome illuminates dinoflagellate gene expression and coral symbiosis (2015) (353)
- The sequence and de novo assembly of the giant panda genome (2010) (341)
- The DNA Methylome of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (2010) (326)
- Complete Resequencing of 40 Genomes Reveals Domestication Events and Genes in Silkworm (Bombyx) (2009) (323)
- Resequencing of 200 human exomes identifies an excess of low-frequency non-synonymous coding variants (2010) (322)
- An atlas of the protein-coding genes in the human, pig, and mouse brain (2020) (312)
- Frequent mutations of genes encoding ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathway components in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (2011) (308)
- 1,520 reference genomes from cultivated human gut bacteria enable functional microbiome analyses (2019) (299)
- Pigs in sequence space: A 0.66X coverage pig genome survey based on shotgun sequencing (2005) (292)
- A genetic variation map for chicken with 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms. (2004) (279)
- Whole-genome sequencing of giant pandas provides insights into demographic history and local adaptation (2012) (278)
- Genome sequencing and comparison of two nonhuman primate animal models, the cynomolgus and Chinese rhesus macaques (2011) (276)
- Genomic Analyses Reveal Mutational Signatures and Frequently Altered Genes in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2015) (272)
- Ascaris suum draft genome (2011) (262)
- Analyses of gut microbiota and plasma bile acids enable stratification of patients for antidiabetic treatment (2017) (252)
- Draft genome sequence of the mulberry tree Morus notabilis (2013) (249)
- A Glimpse of Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome from Comparative Genomics of S. suis 2 Chinese Isolates (2007) (246)
- Low incidence of DNA sequence variation in human induced pluripotent stem cells generated by nonintegrating plasmid expression. (2012) (246)
- Complete genome sequence of Yersinia pestis strain 91001, an isolate avirulent to humans. (2004) (239)
- Building the sequence map of the human pan-genome (2010) (229)
- The structure and function of the global citrus rhizosphere microbiome (2018) (225)
- The Sinocyclocheilus cavefish genome provides insights into cave adaptation (2016) (225)
- Erratum: SOAPdenovo2: an empirically improved memory-efficient short-read de novo assembler (2015) (223)
- Shotgun Metagenomics of 250 Adult Twins Reveals Genetic and Environmental Impacts on the Gut Microbiome. (2016) (221)
- Genomic basis for RNA alterations in cancer (2020) (221)
- Phylogenomics reveals multiple losses of nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbiosis (2018) (217)
- Human Y Chromosome Base-Substitution Mutation Rate Measured by Direct Sequencing in a Deep-Rooting Pedigree (2009) (216)
- Genomes of Subaerial Zygnematophyceae Provide Insights into Land Plant Evolution (2019) (216)
- Camelid genomes reveal evolution and adaptation to desert environments (2014) (214)
- “Perfect” designer chromosome V and behavior of a ring derivative (2017) (213)
- Taxonomic structure and functional association of foxtail millet root microbiome (2017) (213)
- RNA-seq analysis of prostate cancer in the Chinese population identifies recurrent gene fusions, cancer-associated long noncoding RNAs and aberrant alternative splicings (2012) (210)
- Single-cell landscape of the ecosystem in early-relapse hepatocellular carcinoma (2020) (201)
- Male Demography in East Asia: A North–South Contrast in Human Population Expansion Times (2006) (199)
- Molecular Signatures of Major Depression (2015) (198)
- Draft genome of the living fossil Ginkgo biloba (2016) (198)
- Genome-wide characteristics of de novo mutations in autism (2016) (195)
- Bug mapping and fitness testing of chemically synthesized chromosome X (2017) (190)
- Exome Sequencing Identifies ZNF644 Mutations in High Myopia (2011) (178)
- SilkDB: a knowledgebase for silkworm biology and genomics (2004) (175)
- Genomic Analyses from Non-invasive Prenatal Testing Reveal Genetic Associations, Patterns of Viral Infections, and Chinese Population History (2018) (170)
- Spatiotemporal transcriptomic atlas of mouse organogenesis using DNA nanoball-patterned arrays (2021) (168)
- Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics (2020) (168)
- An Integrated Gene Expression Landscape Profiling Approach to Identify Lung Tumor Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity and Angiogenic Candidates. (2020) (165)
- Novel recurrently mutated genes and a prognostic mutation signature in colorectal cancer (2014) (163)
- Deep sequencing of the MHC region in the Chinese population contributes to studies of complex disease (2016) (161)
- Genome of wild olive and the evolution of oil biosynthesis (2017) (157)
- Rapid detection of structural variation in a human genome using nanochannel-based genome mapping technology (2014) (151)
- Engineering the ribosomal DNA in a megabase synthetic chromosome (2017) (150)
- Erratum: Genomic insights into salt adaptation in a desert poplar (2013) (150)
- An atlas of DNA methylomes in porcine adipose and muscle tissues (2012) (148)
- Initial whole-genome sequencing and analysis of the host genetic contribution to COVID-19 severity and susceptibility (2020) (142)
- Assessment of the cPAS-based BGISEQ-500 platform for metagenomic sequencing (2017) (142)
- Metagenome-wide association of gut microbiome features for schizophrenia (2020) (141)
- Transplantation of microbiota from drug-free patients with schizophrenia causes schizophrenia-like abnormal behaviors and dysregulated kynurenine metabolism in mice (2019) (140)
- 10KP: A phylodiverse genome sequencing plan (2018) (139)
- Deep functional analysis of synII, a 770-kilobase synthetic yeast chromosome (2017) (137)
- Novel loci and pathways significantly associated with longevity (2016) (136)
- Efficient and unique cobarcoding of second-generation sequencing reads from long DNA molecules enabling cost-effective and accurate sequencing, haplotyping, and de novo assembly (2019) (134)
- High-resolution mapping of genotype-phenotype relationships in cri du chat syndrome using array comparative genomic hybridization. (2005) (134)
- Structural variation in two human genomes mapped at single-nucleotide resolution by whole genome de novo assembly (2011) (134)
- MethyCancer: the database of human DNA methylation and cancer (2007) (132)
- Gut microbiome-related effects of berberine and probiotics on type 2 diabetes (the PREMOTE study) (2020) (131)
- Mudskipper genomes provide insights into the terrestrial adaptation of amphibious fishes (2014) (131)
- Gekko japonicus genome reveals evolution of adhesive toe pads and tail regeneration (2015) (129)
- Deconvolution of single-cell multi-omics layers reveals regulatory heterogeneity (2018) (127)
- Discovery of biclonal origin and a novel oncogene SLC12A5 in colon cancer by single-cell sequencing (2014) (127)
- Comparison of variations detection between whole-genome amplification methods used in single-cell resequencing (2015) (121)
- BGI-RIS: an integrated information resource and comparative analysis workbench for rice genomics (2004) (119)
- The sequence and analysis of a Chinese pig genome (2012) (119)
- Whole-genome and Transcriptome Sequencing of Prostate Cancer Identify New Genetic Alterations Driving Disease Progression. (2017) (119)
- Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Maps Endothelial Metabolic Plasticity in Pathological Angiogenesis. (2020) (118)
- ReAS: Recovery of Ancestral Sequences for Transposable Elements from the Unassembled Reads of a Whole Genome Shotgun (2005) (116)
- Chromosome-level reference genome and alternative splicing atlas of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) (2018) (116)
- Genomic heterogeneity of multiple synchronous lung cancer (2016) (114)
- A Comparison of Rice Chloroplast Genomes1[w] (2004) (114)
- Impact of early events and lifestyle on the gut microbiota and metabolic phenotypes in young school-age children (2019) (114)
- SARS-associated Coronavirus Transmitted from Human to Pig (2005) (111)
- SCRaMbLE generates designed combinatorial stochastic diversity in synthetic chromosomes (2016) (108)
- 3D organization of synthetic and scrambled chromosomes (2017) (108)
- High-fat feeding rather than obesity drives taxonomical and functional changes in the gut microbiota in mice (2017) (108)
- Erratum: Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome: International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium (Nature (2001) 409 (860-921)) (2001) (106)
- The Trw Type IV Secretion System of Bartonella Mediates Host-Specific Adhesion to Erythrocytes (2010) (104)
- Rapid Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Platform for Molecular Screening and Clinical Genotyping in Subjects with Hemoglobinopathies (2017) (104)
- Genomes of early-diverging streptophyte algae shed light on plant terrestrialization (2019) (103)
- Prophage Hunter: an integrative hunting tool for active prophages (2019) (102)
- Origin and evolution of new exons in rodents. (2005) (102)
- Single-cell sequencing analysis characterizes common and cell-lineage-specific mutations in a muscle-invasive bladder cancer (2012) (100)
- Origin and evolution of qingke barley in Tibet (2018) (99)
- Distinct Subtypes of Gastric Cancer Defined by Molecular Characterization Include Novel Mutational Signatures with Prognostic Capability. (2016) (99)
- Clinical outcome of preimplantation genetic diagnosis and screening using next generation sequencing (2014) (97)
- The draft genomes of five agriculturally important African orphan crops (2018) (95)
- The co-occurrence of mtDNA mutations on different oxidative phosphorylation subunits, not detected by haplogroup analysis, affects human longevity and is population specific (2013) (95)
- Multiple approaches for massively parallel sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genomes directly from clinical samples (2020) (90)
- A comparison of isolated circulating tumor cells and tissue biopsies using whole-genome sequencing in prostate cancer (2015) (88)
- Frequent alterations in cytoskeleton remodelling genes in primary and metastatic lung adenocarcinomas (2015) (88)
- Genome-wide sequencing of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) provides insights into molecular basis of its polyphenol-rich characteristics (2017) (88)
- Differential DNA methylation in discrete developmental stages of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis (2012) (88)
- Genomic signatures of near-extinction and rebirth of the crested ibis and other endangered bird species (2014) (86)
- Piglets cloned from induced pluripotent stem cells (2012) (86)
- Improved Peptide Retention Time Prediction in Liquid Chromatography through Deep Learning. (2018) (83)
- High efficiency of BRCA1 knockout using rAAV-mediated gene targeting: developing a pig model for breast cancer (2011) (82)
- The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) genome provides new insights into the evolution of an early lineage of teleosts (2016) (81)
- Executive summary of the synthesis report (2009) (80)
- A single bacterium restores the microbiome dysbiosis to protect bones from destruction in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis (2019) (80)
- Porcine transcriptome analysis based on 97 non-normalized cDNA libraries and assembly of 1,021,891 expressed sequence tags (2007) (79)
- Distinct gut metagenomics and metaproteomics signatures in prediabetics and treatment-naïve type 2 diabetics (2019) (78)
- Assessment of Immunoreactive Synthetic Peptides from the Structural Proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (2003) (77)
- Comparative mRNA and microRNA Expression Profiling of Three Genitourinary Cancers Reveals Common Hallmarks and Cancer-Specific Molecular Events (2011) (76)
- Mutations in ABCB6 cause dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria. (2013) (76)
- Recent spread of a Y-chromosomal lineage in northern China and Mongolia. (2005) (76)
- Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and constitutional delay of growth and puberty have distinct genetic architectures (2018) (75)
- Two Antarctic penguin genomes reveal insights into their evolutionary history and molecular changes related to the Antarctic environment (2014) (75)
- Association of PDE4B polymorphisms and schizophrenia in Northwestern Han Chinese (2012) (72)
- Saturated long-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria contribute to enhanced colonic motility in rats (2018) (72)
- Epidemic Clones, Oceanic Gene Pools, and Eco-LD in the Free Living Marine Pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus. (2014) (71)
- Consistent deregulation of gene expression between human and murine MLL rearrangement leukemias. (2009) (70)
- RePS: a sequence assembler that masks exact repeats identified from the shotgun data. (2002) (70)
- Resequencing 545 ginkgo genomes across the world reveals the evolutionary history of the living fossil (2019) (70)
- Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Study of a Hybrid Rice Strain (LYP9) and Its Parental Cultivars1[w] (2005) (70)
- Genomic analysis of liver cancer unveils novel driver genes and distinct prognostic features (2018) (69)
- Genetic Architecture and Selection of Chinese Cattle Revealed by Whole Genome Resequencing (2018) (66)
- T cell receptor β repertoires as novel diagnostic markers for systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis (2019) (66)
- De novo assembly of a haplotype-resolved human genome (2015) (65)
- Two distinct metacommunities characterize the gut microbiota in Crohn's disease patients (2017) (64)
- The mitochondrial genome of the thermal dimorphic fungus Penicillium marneffei is more closely related to those of molds than yeasts (2003) (63)
- The M Protein of SARS-CoV: Basic Structural and Immunological Properties (2003) (61)
- Polymorphisms of DNA repair genes: ADPRT, XRCC1, and XPD and cancer risk in genetic epidemiology. (2009) (60)
- Influenza Virus Database (IVDB): an integrated information resource and analysis platform for influenza virus research (2006) (60)
- An integrated chromatin accessibility and transcriptome landscape of human pre-implantation embryos (2019) (60)
- PSSMHCpan: a novel PSSM-based software for predicting class I peptide-HLA binding affinity (2017) (59)
- A chickpea genetic variation map based on the sequencing of 3,366 genomes (2021) (59)
- Determination of the ‘critical region’ for cat-like cry of Cri-du-chat syndrome and analysis of candidate genes by quantitative PCR (2005) (58)
- The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the clock (2022) (58)
- African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC): status of developing genomic resources for African orphan crops (2019) (57)
- The metagenome of the female upper reproductive tract (2018) (56)
- A gene catalogue of the Sprague-Dawley rat gut metagenome (2018) (56)
- Brain Endothelial Cells Maintain Lactate Homeostasis and Control Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. (2019) (56)
- Platypus and echidna genomes reveal mammalian biology and evolution (2021) (56)
- The trans-omics landscape of COVID-19 (2020) (55)
- The genomic landscape of Epstein-Barr virus-associated pulmonary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma (2019) (54)
- Genome sequence of a rice pest, the white-backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera) (2017) (53)
- Full-length single-cell RNA-seq applied to a viral human cancer: applications to HPV expression and splicing analysis in HeLa S3 cells (2015) (52)
- Integrative analyses of gene expression and DNA methylation profiles in breast cancer cell line models of tamoxifen-resistance indicate a potential role of cells with stem-like properties (2013) (52)
- Genomic and transcriptomic analysis unveils population evolution and development of pesticide resistance in fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (2020) (52)
- A draft sequence of the rice (Oryza sativa ssp.indica) genome (2001) (52)
- The evolutionary history of extinct and living lions (2020) (52)
- Sex- and age-related trajectories of the adult human gut microbiota shared across populations of different ethnicities (2021) (51)
- CRISPR-C: circularization of genes and chromosome by CRISPR in human cells (2018) (51)
- Association study of a new schizophrenia susceptibility locus of 10q24.32–33 in a Han Chinese population (2012) (51)
- Genome Sequencing Explores Complexity of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Recurrent Miscarriage. (2019) (49)
- Genomic Takeover by Transposable Elements in the Strawberry Poison Frog (2014) (48)
- The genome of Prasinoderma coloniale unveils the existence of a third phylum within green plants (2020) (48)
- Tracing the genetic footprints of vertebrate landing in non-teleost ray-finned fishes (2021) (48)
- ChickVD: a sequence variation database for the chicken genome (2004) (48)
- BS-SNPer: SNP calling in bisulfite-seq data (2015) (47)
- Clinical evaluation and mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis in three Chinese families with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. (2005) (47)
- Genome-wide determination of on-target and off-target characteristics for RNA-guided DNA methylation by dCas9 methyltransferases (2018) (47)
- A catalog of microbial genes from the bovine rumen unveils a specialized and diverse biomass-degrading environment (2019) (46)
- Comparison of efficiency of open pulled straw (OPS) and Cryotop vitrification for cryopreservation of in vitro matured pig oocytes. (2008) (46)
- Sex Differences in Genetic Associations With Longevity (2018) (46)
- Comprehensive genomic analysis of Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma reveals clinical relevance (2017) (45)
- The E Protein Is a Multifunctional Membrane Protein of SARS-CoV (2003) (45)
- Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in the United Arab Emirates reveals novel virus mutation, patterns of co-infection and tissue specific host responses (2021) (45)
- Osmotic stress induced by sodium chloride, sucrose or trehalose improves cryotolerance and developmental competence of porcine oocytes. (2009) (44)
- Direct ChIP-bisulfite sequencing reveals a role of H3K27me3 mediating aberrant hypermethylation of promoter CpG islands in cancer cells. (2014) (42)
- A Comparison of Rice Chloroplast Genomes (2004) (42)
- The YH database: the first Asian diploid genome database (2008) (42)
- Exome Capture Sequencing of Adenoma Reveals Genetic Alterations in Multiple Cellular Pathways at the Early Stage of Colorectal Tumorigenesis (2013) (41)
- Excess of Rare Variants in Genes that are Key Epigenetic Regulators of Spermatogenesis in the Patients with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia (2015) (41)
- Detecting novel low-abundant transcripts in Drosophila. (2005) (40)
- A novel affordable reagent for room temperature storage and transport of fecal samples for metagenomic analyses (2018) (40)
- Draft genome of the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius (2016) (40)
- High hydrostatic pressure treatment of porcine oocytes before handmade cloning improves developmental competence and cryosurvival. (2008) (40)
- Establishment of a Macaca fascicularis gut microbiome gene catalog and comparison with the human, pig, and mouse gut microbiomes (2018) (40)
- Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies Frequent Somatic Mutations in Cell-Cell Adhesion Genes in Chinese Patients with Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2015) (40)
- Haplotype-assisted accurate non-invasive fetal whole genome recovery through maternal plasma sequencing (2013) (40)
- Large field of view-spatially resolved transcriptomics at nanoscale resolution (2021) (39)
- Pseudogene accumulation might promote the adaptive microevolution of Yersinia pestis. (2005) (39)
- Piglets born from vitrified cloned blastocysts produced with a simplified method of delipation and nuclear transfer. (2007) (39)
- Cell transcriptomic atlas of the non-human primate Macaca fascicularis (2021) (38)
- Deep whole-genome sequencing of 90 Han Chinese genomes (2017) (38)
- Acquisition of docetaxel resistance in breast cancer cells reveals upregulation of ABCB1 expression as a key mediator of resistance accompanied by discrete upregulation of other specific genes and pathways (2015) (38)
- Chromosome level draft genomes of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), an alien invasive pest in China (2019) (37)
- An Integrated Gene Expression Landscape Profiling Approach to Identify Lung Tumor Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity and Angiogenic Candidates. (2020) (37)
- Integrated detection of both 5-mC and 5-hmC by high-throughput tag sequencing technology highlights methylation reprogramming of bivalent genes during cellular differentiation (2013) (37)
- An unusual haplotype structure on human chromosome 8p23 derived from the inversion polymorphism (2008) (37)
- Whole-genome resequencing of 445 Lactuca accessions reveals the domestication history of cultivated lettuce (2021) (36)
- Comparative Analysis of Immune Repertoires between Bactrian Camel's Conventional and Heavy-Chain Antibodies (2016) (36)
- A new massively parallel nanoball sequencing platform for whole exome research (2018) (36)
- PIRD: Pan immune repertoire database (2018) (36)
- The Cycas genome and the early evolution of seed plants (2022) (36)
- A Systematic Analysis on DNA Methylation and the Expression of Both mRNA and microRNA in Bladder Cancer (2011) (35)
- Whole-genome sequencing of 175 Mongolians uncovers population-specific genetic architecture and gene flow throughout North and East Asia (2018) (35)
- A draft genome assembly of the solar-powered sea slug Elysia chlorotica (2019) (35)
- Enhancing CRISPR-Cas9 gRNA efficiency prediction by data integration and deep learning (2021) (35)
- Lipidomic profiling reveals distinct differences in plasma lipid composition in healthy, prediabetic, and type 2 diabetic individuals (2017) (35)
- Single-nucleotide variations in the genes encoding the mitochondrial Hsp60/Hsp10 chaperone system and their disease-causing potential (2006) (35)
- High-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations (2020) (34)
- Multilayered molecular profiling supported the monoclonal origin of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2014) (34)
- An improved method for genome wide DNA methylation profiling correlated to transcription and genomic instability in two breast cancer cell lines (2009) (34)
- Evolution of multiple cell clones over a 29-year period of a CLL patient (2016) (33)
- Codon Usage Patterns in Corynebacterium glutamicum: Mutational Bias, Natural Selection and Amino Acid Conservation (2010) (32)
- A chromosome‐level genome of black rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii, provides insights into the evolution of live birth (2019) (32)
- Demographic History and Genetic Adaptation in the Himalayan Region Inferred from Genome-Wide SNP Genotypes of 49 Populations (2018) (31)
- Draft genome sequence of Solanum aethiopicum provides insights into disease resistance, drought tolerance, and the evolution of the genome (2019) (31)
- Intra-host variation and evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 populations in COVID-19 patients (2020) (31)
- The genome of the largest bony fish, ocean sunfish (Mola mola), provides insights into its fast growth rate (2016) (30)
- Omics‐based profiling of carcinoma of the breast and matched regional lymph node metastasis (2008) (30)
- Pilot study of expanded carrier screening for 11 recessive diseases in China: results from 10,476 ethnically diverse couples (2018) (30)
- Effect of Caloric Restriction on BMI, Gut Microbiota, and Blood Amino Acid Levels in Non-Obese Adults (2020) (30)
- A genome-wide association study for gut metagenome in Chinese adults illuminates complex diseases (2021) (29)
- Distinct biological ages of organs and systems identified from a multi-omics study. (2022) (29)
- Single-cell RNA-seq reveals dynamic transcriptome profiling in human early neural differentiation (2018) (29)
- Genomic sequencing and editing revealed the GRM8 signaling pathway as potential therapeutic targets of squamous cell lung cancer. (2019) (29)
- Initial data release and announcement of the 10,000 Fish Genomes Project (Fish10K) (2020) (28)
- Nationwide population genetic screening improves outcomes of newborn screening for hearing loss in China (2018) (28)
- Genome-wide identification of RNA editing in hepatocellular carcinoma. (2015) (28)
- Mendelian randomization analyses support causal relationships between blood metabolites and the gut microbiome (2021) (28)
- The Chromosome Level Genome and Genome-wide Association Study for the Agronomic Traits of Panax Notoginseng (2020) (28)
- Atomic force microscope investigation of large-circle DNA molecules. (2004) (27)
- The single-cell stereo-seq reveals region-specific cell subtypes and transcriptome profiling in Arabidopsis leaves. (2022) (27)
- Characterization of respiratory microbial dysbiosis in hospitalized COVID-19 patients (2021) (27)
- Revealing Alzheimer’s disease genes spectrum in the whole-genome by machine learning (2018) (26)
- Variation among 532 genomes unveils the origin and evolutionary history of a global insect herbivore (2020) (26)
- Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals dynamic changes in A-to-I RNA editome during early human embryogenesis (2016) (26)
- Digging More Missing Proteins Using an Enrichment Approach with ProteoMiner. (2017) (26)
- Alterations in the human gut microbiome associated with Helicobacter pylori infection (2019) (26)
- Selective targeting of the oncogenic KRAS G12S mutant allele by CRISPR/Cas9 induces efficient tumor regression (2020) (26)
- RED-ML: a novel, effective RNA editing detection method based on machine learning (2017) (26)
- Reagents for Isobaric Labeling Peptides in Quantitative Proteomics. (2018) (26)
- A protein chip approach for high‐throughput antigen identification and characterization (2007) (26)
- Reliable multiplex sequencing with rare index mis-assignment on DNB-based NGS platform (2018) (25)
- Announcing the Genome Atlas of Bamboo and Rattan (GABR) project: promoting research in evolution and in economically and ecologically beneficial plants (2017) (25)
- The molecular landscape of synchronous colorectal cancer reveals genetic heterogeneity (2018) (25)
- Identifying occult maternal malignancies from 1.93 million pregnant women undergoing noninvasive prenatal screening tests (2019) (25)
- The stepwise evolution of the exome during acquisition of docetaxel resistance in breast cancer cells (2016) (25)
- The Genome of a Mongolian Individual Reveals the Genetic Imprints of Mongolians on Modern Human Populations (2014) (25)
- Single-cell atlas of a non-human primate reveals new pathogenic mechanisms of COVID-19 (2020) (25)
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- Comparative Genomics Across Modern Bird Species Reveal Insights into Pan- avian Genome evolution and Trait Biodiversity (2014) (7)
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- Identification of Variable and Joining Germline Genes and Alleles for Rhesus Macaque from B Cell Receptor Repertoires (2019) (7)
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- Genomic Analyses Reveal Mutational Signatures and Frequently Altered Genes in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2020) (6)
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- A simple, rapid, and practical method for single-cell proteomics based on mass-adaptive coating of synthetic peptides. (2021) (2)
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- Efficient long single molecule sequencing for cost effective and accurate sequencing, haplotyping, and de novo assembly (2018) (1)
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- Additional file 7: of Impact of early events and lifestyle on the gut microbiota and metabolic phenotypes in young school-age children (2019) (0)
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