Yasunori Nomura
Most Influential Person Now
Theoretical physicist
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Yasunori Nomura's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Tokyo
- Bachelors Physics University of Tokyo
Why Is Yasunori Nomura Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Yasunori Nomura is a theoretical physicist working on particle physics, quantum gravity, and cosmology. He is a professor of physics at University of California, Berkeley, a senior faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a senior research scientist at Riken, and an affiliate member at Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. Since 2015, he has been the director of the Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics.
Yasunori Nomura's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Higgs as a holographic pseudo-Goldstone boson (2003) (505)
- Gauge unification in higher dimensions (2001) (395)
- Supersymmetry, Naturalness, and Signatures at the LHC (2006) (247)
- Dark Matter through the Axion Portal (2008) (207)
- A Solution to the Supersymmetric Fine-Tuning Problem within theMSSM (2005) (203)
- Unification of Higgs and gauge fields in five dimensions (2002) (197)
- Supersymmetry without a Light Higgs Boson (2006) (190)
- Constrained standard model from a compact extra dimension (2000) (188)
- Spread Supersymmetry (2011) (166)
- A composite model for the 750 GeV diphoton excess (2015) (158)
- Inflationary paradigm after Planck 2013 (2013) (157)
- Natural Little Hierarchy from Partially Goldstone Twin Higgs (2005) (143)
- Dark matter signals from cascade annihilations (2009) (138)
- Gauge-Higgs unification in higher dimensions (2001) (133)
- Gauge mediation simplified. (2006) (130)
- SO(10) unified theories in six-dimensions (2001) (120)
- A finely-predicted Higgs boson mass from a finely-tuned weak scale (2009) (119)
- Finite radiative electroweak symmetry breaking from the bulk (2001) (108)
- Direct-transmission models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking (1997) (107)
- Complementarity endures: no firewall for an infalling observer (2012) (102)
- Higgsless theory of electroweak symmetry breaking from warped space (2003) (101)
- Low-scale seesaw mechanisms for light neutrinos (2000) (99)
- Gauge Coupling Unification from Unified Theories in Higher Dimensions (2001) (96)
- More visible effects of the hidden sector (2007) (94)
- Physical theories, eternal inflation, and the quantum universe (2011) (93)
- Spread Supersymmetry with $ \widetilde{W} $ LSP: gluino and dark matter signals (2012) (92)
- Cosmic Signals from the Hidden Sector (2009) (90)
- A complete theory of grand unification in five dimensions (2002) (90)
- Models of Scherk-Schwarz Symmetry Breaking in 5D: Classification and Calculability (2001) (89)
- Holographic theories of electroweak symmetry breaking without a Higgs boson (2003) (87)
- Wilson lines and symmetry breaking on orbifolds (2001) (85)
- Warped supersymmetric grand unification (2002) (81)
- Black holes, information, and Hilbert space for quantum gravity (2012) (81)
- Bimaximal neutrino mixing in SO(10) GUT (1998) (79)
- Information paradox and its resolution in de Sitter holography (2021) (76)
- Simple Scheme for Gauge Mediation (2007) (75)
- Evidence for the Multiverse in the Standard Model and Beyond (2007) (75)
- What can the observation of nonzero curvature tell us (2012) (72)
- Supersymmetry with light stops (2012) (69)
- Weak gravity conjecture in the AdS/CFT correspondence (2015) (69)
- Viable ultraviolet insensitive supersymmetry breaking (2000) (67)
- GUT breaking on the brane (2001) (65)
- Softly Broken Supersymmetric Desert from Orbifold Compactification (2001) (60)
- Composite models for the 750 GeV diphoton excess (2016) (60)
- Strongly coupled grand unification in higher dimensions (2001) (54)
- Toward a Holographic Theory for General Spacetimes (2016) (54)
- 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric unification (2015) (51)
- Pulling the boundary into the bulk (2018) (51)
- Quintessence axion potential induced by electroweak instanton effects (2000) (50)
- Relaxing the upper bound on the mass of the lightest supersymmetric Higgs boson (2004) (49)
- Flavorful Supersymmetry (2007) (48)
- Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime Locality, and Gravity (2011) (46)
- 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric unification II (2016) (46)
- A note on (no) firewalls: the entropy argument (2012) (44)
- Grand Unification in Higher Dimensions (2002) (44)
- A definitive signal of multiple supersymmetry breaking (2010) (43)
- Multiverse Understanding of Cosmological Coincidences (2009) (43)
- Natural effective supersymmetry (2000) (42)
- Superheavy dark matter with discrete gauge symmetries (1998) (41)
- Comments on holographic entanglement entropy in TT deformed conformal field theories (2019) (41)
- A minimally fine-tuned supersymmetric standard model (2005) (40)
- Spread Supersymmetry with ˜ W LSP: gluino and dark matter signals (2013) (40)
- Holographic Grand Unification (2006) (40)
- R symmetry and the μ problem (2002) (38)
- Spacetime from unentanglement (2017) (37)
- New approach to the micro--Bmicro problem of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. (2009) (37)
- Compact Supersymmetry (2012) (37)
- Grand unification, axion, and inflation in Intermediate Scale Supersymmetry (2014) (36)
- Grand unification and intermediate scale supersymmetry (2013) (36)
- Pure Natural Inflation (2017) (36)
- Flavorful Supersymmetry from Higher Dimensions (2008) (35)
- Radiative electroweak symmetry breaking from a quasi-localized top quark (2002) (35)
- DUSEL Theory White Paper (2008) (35)
- A New Approach to mu-Bmu (2008) (32)
- Axion Isocurvature and Magnetic Monopoles. (2015) (32)
- Phenomenological aspects of a direct-transmission model of dynamical supersymmetry breaking with the gravitino mass m 3 / 2 1 keV (1997) (29)
- Black Hole Interior in Quantum Gravity. (2014) (29)
- Explicit Supersymmetry Breaking on Boundaries of Warped Extra Dimensions (2003) (29)
- Supersymmetry from typicality: TeV-scale gauginos and PeV-scale squarks and sleptons. (2014) (29)
- Naturally flavorful supersymmetry at the LHC (2008) (28)
- Long-lived superheavy particles in dynamical supersymmetry-breaking models in supergravity (1999) (28)
- Spectrum of TeV particles in warped supersymmetric grand unification (2003) (27)
- The Static Quantum Multiverse (2012) (27)
- Supersymmetric fine-tuning problem and TeV-scale exotic scalars (2005) (26)
- Long lived superheavy dark matter with discrete gauge symmetries (1998) (26)
- Large squark and slepton masses for the first-two generations in the anomalous U(1) SUSY breaking models (1998) (26)
- Spacetime and universal soft modes: Black holes and beyond (2019) (24)
- Acceleressence: Dark energy from a phase transition at the seesaw scale (2004) (24)
- Ensemble from coarse graining: Reconstructing the interior of an evaporating black hole (2020) (24)
- Light Chiral Dark Sector (2016) (24)
- Black holes or firewalls: A theory of horizons (2013) (24)
- Entropy of a vacuum: What does the covariant entropy count? (2013) (23)
- Chiral Dark Sector. (2016) (22)
- Reanalyzing an evaporating black hole (2018) (22)
- Evolving Dark Energy with w Deviating from -1 (2005) (22)
- Environmentally selected WIMP dark matter with high-scale supersymmetry breaking (2009) (21)
- Multiverse in an inverted island (2021) (21)
- Spacetime Equals Entanglement (2016) (21)
- Minimally Fine-Tuned Supersymmetric Standard Models with Intermediate-Scale Supersymmetry Breaking (2005) (20)
- Unification of weak and hypercharge interactions at the TeV scale (2002) (20)
- Supersymmetry with Small mu: Connections between Naturalness, Dark Matter, and (Possibly) Flavor (2006) (19)
- Warped Supersymmetric Unification with Non-Unified Superparticle Spectrum (2004) (18)
- Higgs Descendants (2011) (18)
- Dark Matter before the LHC in a Natural Supersymmetric Standard Model (2005) (18)
- Coarse-graining holographic states: A semiclassical flow in general spacetimes (2020) (18)
- Low energy description of quantum gravity and complementarity (2013) (18)
- SO(10) and SU(6) unified theories on an elongated rectangle (2002) (18)
- Supersymmetric Unification in Warped Space (2004) (17)
- Hidden Pion Varieties in Composite Models for Diphoton Resonances (2016) (17)
- μB-driven electroweak symmetry breaking (2005) (16)
- Interior of a unitarily evaporating black hole (2019) (16)
- The Cosmological Constant in the Quantum Multiverse (2011) (16)
- A simple and realistic model of supersymmetry breaking - eScholarship (2007) (15)
- Black hole interior in unitary gauge construction (2020) (15)
- Relativeness in quantum gravity: limitations and frame dependence of semiclassical descriptions (2014) (15)
- A Constrained Standard Model : Effects of Fayet-Iliopoulos Terms(SUMMER INSTITUTE 2001, Session 2: Phenomenology) (2001) (14)
- Grand unification scale generation through the anomalous U(1) breaking (1999) (14)
- Variations on Supersymmetry Breaking and Neutrino Spectra (ニュートリノをめぐって) (2000) (14)
- Matter Unification in Warped Supersymmetric SO(10) (2004) (13)
- Area law unification and the holographic event horizon (2018) (13)
- Why Firewalls Need Not Exist (2016) (12)
- Classical spacetimes as amplified information in holographic quantum theories (2017) (12)
- Gauge mediation models with neutralino dark matter (2001) (11)
- Phenomenology of a Constrained Standard Model from an Extra Dimension (2001) (11)
- Assessment of macular function of glaucomatous eyes by multifocal electroretinograms (2012) (11)
- Weak Gravity Conjecture in AdS/CFT (2015) (11)
- Outer entropy and quasilocal energy (2018) (11)
- Tensor Modes in Pure Natural Inflation (2017) (11)
- A Gauge Mediation Model of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking without Color Instability (1997) (10)
- Quantum Mechanics, Gravity, and the Multiverse (2012) (10)
- Black holes, entropies, and semiclassical spacetime in quantum gravity (2014) (10)
- From the black hole conundrum to the structure of quantum gravity (2020) (9)
- Gauge-mediation model of dynamical SUSY breaking with a wide range of the gravitino mass (1999) (9)
- Singlet portal to the hidden sector (2010) (9)
- Cosmological Constants as Messenger between Branes (1999) (8)
- Quark and lepton mass matrices in the SO(10) grand unified theory with generation flipping (1999) (8)
- Mass generation for an ultralight axion (1999) (7)
- A note on Boltzmann brains (2015) (6)
- Bulk U(1) messenger (2000) (6)
- Constrained Standard Model from Extra Dimension (2001) (5)
- Butterfly velocities for holographic theories of general spacetimes (2017) (4)
- Predictive supersymmetry from criticality (2006) (4)
- Supersymmetry without the desert (2006) (4)
- Black hole and de Sitter microstructures from a semiclassical perspective (2022) (3)
- Quantum Physics, Mini Black Holes, and the Multiverse: Debunking Common Misconceptions in Theoretical Physics (2018) (3)
- Composite models for the 750GeV diphoton excess (2016) (3)
- Dark matter signals from cascade annihilations (2009) (3)
- GGI Workshop Beyond the Standard Model after the first run of the LHC (2014) (3)
- Flat-space Quantum Gravity in AdS/CFT (2015) (2)
- Flat-space quantum gravity in the AdS /CFT correspondence (2016) (2)
- A Relation on gaugino masses in a supersymmetric SO(10)(GUT) x SO(6)(H) unified model (1999) (1)
- Decoupling Solution to the Supersymmetric Flavor Problem without Color Instability (1999) (1)
- Unified Theories in Six Dimensions (2001) (1)
- The Quantum Multiverse. (2017) (1)
- DUSEL-related Science at LBNL -- Program and Opportunities (2010) (1)
- Extra Material: The Equations Behind the Words (2010) (1)
- Acceleressence: dark energy from a phase transition at the seesaw scale (2004) (0)
- 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric unification (2016) (0)
- The Singular Quantum (2018) (0)
- Pure Natural Inflation (2017) (0)
- The Basic Picture (2018) (0)
- Predictive Supersymmetry from Criticality Yasunori Nomura and David Poland (2006) (0)
- Ju n 20 18 Pulling the Boundary into the Bulk (2018) (0)
- Title Hidden pion varieties in composite models for diphoton resonances Permalink (2016) (0)
- Direct-Transmission Models of Dynamical Supersymmetry (1997) (0)
- Spread Supersymmetry (2012) (0)
- Hierarchy from Partially Goldstone Twin Higgs (2008) (0)
- Supersymmetric Unification in Warped Space Yasunori Nomura (2004) (0)
- The Plural Quanta: Expanding the Wavefunction (2018) (0)
- UCB-PTH-01 / 08 LBNL-47610 Gauge Unification in Higher Dimensions (2003) (0)
- Black hole complementarity and the emergence of classical worlds (2013) (0)
- Complementarity endures: no firewall for an infalling observer (2013) (0)
- Potential Induced by Electroweak Instanton Effects (2000) (0)
- Title Flat-space quantum gravity in the AdS / CFT correspondence (2016) (0)
- Relativeness in quantum gravity: limitations and frame dependence of semiclassical descriptions (2015) (0)
- The quantum multiverse. (cover story) (2017) (0)
- Practical Education for a Graduate School of Engineering and Incubation Lab. & Factory (2009) (0)
- M ay 2 00 8 UCB-PTH-08 / 03 Flavorful Supersymmetry from Higher Dimensions (2018) (0)
- Accessed Terms of Use Detailed Terms Goldstini (2010) (0)
- Supersymmetry from Typicality (2014) (0)
- 26 Non-WIMP dark matter Conveners : (2013) (0)
- Fe b 20 00 KEK-TH-676 YITP-00-12 UT-879 Natural Effective Supersymmetry (2000) (0)
- The Bipolar Quantum: Wave-Particle Duality (2018) (0)
- Human Resources Theory and the Personnel Cost : Human Relations through the M&A Cases (2007) (0)
- High Energy Physics Quantum Information Science Awards Abstracts Towards Directional Detection of WIMP Dark Matter using Spectroscopy of Quantum Defects in Diamond (2019) (0)
- Symmetry and the μ Problem (2002) (0)
- Symmetry Breaking, Unification, and Theories Beyond the Standard Model (2009) (0)
- Physics in the News (2018) (0)
- Evolving dark energy with w not = -1. (2005) (0)
- Wilson lines and symmetry breaking on orbifolds - eScholarship (2002) (0)
- Quantum Soccer: The Double-Slit Experiment (2018) (0)
- Eternally Inflating Multiverse and Many Worlds in Quantum Mechanics: Same Concept ? (2018) (0)
- Report of the subgroup on alternative models and new ideas (2002) (0)
- Relation to Observation (2018) (0)
- Where the Weird Things Are (2018) (0)
- Gauge-Higgs Unification in Higher Dimensions (2004) (0)
- Butterfly velocities for holographic theories of general spacetimes (2017) (0)
- Black holes, entropies, and semiclassical spacetime in quantum gravity (2014) (0)
- A composite model for the 750 GeV diphoton excess (2016) (0)
- Why firewalls need not exist (2016) (0)
- Area law unification and the holographic event horizon (2018) (0)
- Particle Colliders and the Universe (2018) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics, Spacetime Locality, and Gravity (2013) (0)
- Evolving Dark Energy with w 6 = − 1 (2022) (0)
- Ja n 20 02 Report of the Subgroup on Alternative Models and New Ideas (2018) (0)
- Demystifying the Multiverse (2018) (0)
- A ug 2 00 2 LBNL-48641 UCB-PTH-01 / 27 Wilson Lines and Symmetry Breaking on Orbifolds (2002) (0)
- Quantum Physics, Mini Black Holes and the Multiverse: Debunking Common Misconceptions in Physics (2018) (0)
- Title Tensor modes in pure natural inflation Permalink (2018) (0)
- Grand unification and intermediate scale supersymmetry (2014) (0)
- UCB-PTH-02 / 55 LBNL-51782 FERMILAB-Conf-02 / 322-T Grand Unification in Higher Dimensions (2002) (0)
- The “Spooky” Quantum: Nonlocality (2018) (0)
- 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric uni(cid:12)cation II (2016) (0)
- A pr 2 01 1 UCB-PTH-11 / 02 Physical Theories , Eternal Inflation , and Quantum Universe (2013) (0)
- Title Grand unification and intermediate scale supersymmetry (2014) (0)
- Grand unification, axion, and inflation in Intermediate Scale Supersymmetry (2014) (0)
- The Multiverse--Emerging New View in Fundamental Physics (2014) (0)
- UCB-PTH-05 / 28 LBNL-58858 μ B-driven Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (2005) (0)
- Supersymmetry with light stops (2012) (0)
- Mini Black Holes (2018) (0)
- J ul 2 00 1 SNS-PH-01-12 UCB-PTH-01 / 23 LBNL-48257 Models of Scherk-Schwarz Symmetry Breaking in 5 D : Classification and Calculability (2001) (0)
- 750 GeV diphotons: implications for supersymmetric unification II (2016) (0)
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