Zsolt Demetrovics
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Hungarian psychologist
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- PhD Psychology Eötvös Loránd University
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Published Works
- The relationship between addictive use of social media and video games and symptoms of psychiatric disorders: A large-scale cross-sectional study. (2016) (862)
- Problematic Social Media Use: Results from a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample (2017) (485)
- Preventing problematic internet use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Consensus guidance (2020) (482)
- Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing internet gaming disorder: a critical commentary on Petry et al. (2014). (2016) (395)
- Social networking addiction: an overview of preliminary findings (2014) (385)
- Exercise Addiction: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and Etiology (2012) (303)
- Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone; ‘meow meow’): chemical, pharmacological and clinical issues (2011) (296)
- The Conceptualisation and Measurement of DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder: The Development of the IGD-20 Test (2014) (290)
- Problematic Internet Use and Problematic Online Gaming Are Not the Same: Findings from a Large Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample (2014) (290)
- The three-factor model of Internet addiction: The development of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (2008) (289)
- Why do you play? The development of the motives for online gaming questionnaire (MOGQ) (2011) (273)
- Validation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) and evaluation of the nine DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder criteria. (2017) (257)
- The prevalence of compulsive buying: a meta-analysis. (2016) (237)
- Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective (2018) (202)
- Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of two exercise addiction measures: A population wide study (2012) (200)
- Internet Gaming Disorder and the DSM-5: Conceptualization, Debates, and Controversies (2015) (196)
- The Development of the Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire (POGQ) (2012) (190)
- Self-reported dependence on mobile phones in young adults: A European cross-cultural empirical survey (2017) (185)
- Emotional Intelligence and Addictions: A Systematic Review (2010) (181)
- The Mediating Effect of Gaming Motivation Between Psychiatric Symptoms and Problematic Online Gaming: An Online Survey (2015) (176)
- Manifesto for a European research network into Problematic Usage of the Internet (2018) (174)
- How to overcome taxonomical problems in the study of Internet use disorders and what to do with “smartphone addiction”? (2019) (171)
- Confirmation of the Three-Factor Model of Problematic Internet Use on Off-Line Adolescent and Adult Samples (2011) (169)
- Promoting innovation and excellence to face the rapid diffusion of Novel Psychoactive Substances in the EU: the outcomes of the ReDNet project (2013) (169)
- Cultural and gender convergence in adolescent drunkenness: evidence from 23 European and North American countries. (2010) (169)
- DSM-5 internet gaming disorder needs a unified approach to assessment (2014) (164)
- Variability in the prevalence of adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients: Results from an international multi-center study exploring DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria☆☆ (2013) (164)
- Characteristics and Psychiatric Symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder among Adults Using Self-Reported DSM-5 Criteria (2015) (161)
- Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS): Molecular Neurogenetic Evidence for Predisposition to Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) (2014) (161)
- Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder: A comprehensive systematic review. (2020) (157)
- The Development of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS) (2018) (157)
- Methodological and Conceptual Limitations in Exercise Addiction Research (2015) (153)
- Phenomenon of new drugs on the Internet: the case of ketamine derivative methoxetamine (2012) (152)
- Revisiting the Role of Impulsivity and Compulsivity in Problematic Sexual Behaviors (2018) (145)
- Following “the Roots” of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa): The Evolution of an Enhancer from a Traditional Use to Increase Work and Productivity in Southeast Asia to a Recreational Psychoactive Drug in Western Countries (2015) (144)
- Psychiatric comorbidity in treatment-seeking substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: results of the IASP study. (2014) (142)
- The Psychology of Esports: A Systematic Literature Review (2019) (140)
- Drinking motives and links to alcohol use in 13 European countries. (2014) (138)
- Which conditions should be considered as disorders in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) designation of “other specified disorders due to addictive behaviors”? (2020) (137)
- Validity of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) as a screener for adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients. (2013) (133)
- rsfMRI effects of KB220Z™ on neural pathways in reward circuitry of abstinent genotyped heroin addicts (2015) (129)
- Ten myths about work addiction (2018) (126)
- Bifactor structural model of symptom checklists: SCL-90-R and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in a non-clinical community sample (2014) (122)
- The Psychometric Properties of the Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS) (2017) (120)
- An Overview of Problematic Gaming (2015) (120)
- Problematic Online Behaviors among Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Associations between Cyberbullying Perpetration, Problematic Social Media Use, and Psychosocial Factors (2018) (119)
- A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence on the Near- and Far-Transfer Effects Among Children’s Executive Function Skills (2019) (115)
- Intense Video Gaming Is Not Essentially Problematic (2017) (110)
- Psychometric Properties of the Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire Short-Form and Prevalence of Problematic Online Gaming in a National Sample of Adolescents (2013) (108)
- Alcohol outcome expectancies and drinking motives mediate the association between sensation seeking and alcohol use among adolescents. (2008) (105)
- Behavioral addictions: Past, present and future. (2012) (105)
- Internet gaming disorder should qualify as a mental disorder (2018) (102)
- Psychometric Properties of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire Short-Form (PIUQ-SF-6) in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents (2016) (100)
- High-Frequency Pornography Use May Not Always Be Problematic. (2020) (99)
- The effects of synthetic cannabinoids on executive function (2017) (98)
- Dopamine in the Brain: Hypothesizing Surfeit or Deficit Links to Reward and Addiction (2015) (96)
- Genetic addiction risk score (GARS) ™, a predictor of vulnerability to opioid dependence. (2018) (96)
- Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities (2017) (96)
- Designer drugs on the internet: a phenomenon out-of-control? the emergence of hallucinogenic drug Bromo-Dragonfly. (2011) (93)
- Cross-cultural study of Problematic Internet Use in nine European countries (2018) (90)
- An empirical study on the motivations underlying augmented reality games: The case of Pokémon Go during and after Pokémon fever (2017) (87)
- International Consensus Statement on Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Substance Use Disorder Patients with Comorbid Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2018) (87)
- Psychometric properties of the Hungarian version of the original and the short form of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). (2011) (83)
- Substitutional potential of mephedrone: an analysis of the subjective effects (2013) (83)
- A cross-cultural re-evaluation of the Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI) in five countries (2015) (82)
- Do gaming motives mediate between psychiatric symptoms and problematic gaming? An empirical survey study (2017) (82)
- Psychopathological Symptoms and Gaming Motives in Disordered Gaming—A Psychometric Comparison between the WHO and APA Diagnostic Frameworks (2019) (77)
- Expert appraisal of criteria for assessing gaming disorder: an international Delphi study (2021) (76)
- Hypersexuality, Gender, and Sexual Orientation: A Large-Scale Psychometric Survey Study (2018) (76)
- Buying-shopping disorder—is there enough evidence to support its inclusion in ICD-11? (2019) (75)
- Problematic online gaming (2014) (75)
- Drinking motives mediate cultural differences but not gender differences in adolescent alcohol use. (2015) (75)
- Commentary on: Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research (2015) (74)
- Analysis of Problematic Smartphone Use Across Different Age Groups within the ‘Components Model of Addiction’ (2019) (74)
- 'Legal highs' an inappropriate term for 'Novel Psychoactive Drugs' in drug prevention and scientific debate. (2013) (72)
- Multivariate Analysis of Dopaminergic Gene Variants as Risk Factors of Heroin Dependence (2013) (72)
- Inclusion of Gaming Disorder in ICD has more advantages than disadvantages (2017) (71)
- Typology and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Massively Multiplayer Online Game Players (2013) (70)
- Common Neurogenetic Diagnosis and Meso-Limbic Manipulation of Hypodopaminergic Function in Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Changing the Recovery Landscape (2016) (70)
- Drug, nicotine, and alcohol use among exercisers: Does substance addiction co-occur with exercise addiction?☆☆☆ (2017) (70)
- Drinking motives among Spanish and Hungarian young adults: a cross-national study. (2011) (70)
- Transition to injecting 3,4-methylene-dioxy-pyrovalerone (MDPV) among needle exchange program participants in Hungary (2013) (68)
- Analyzing the Links Between Problematic Social Media Use, Dark Triad Traits, and Self-esteem (2018) (67)
- The difficulties in emotion regulation scale: factor structure in chronic pain patients. (2014) (66)
- The mediating effect of motivations between psychiatric distress and gaming disorder among esport gamers and recreational gamers. (2019) (65)
- The emergence of Exercise Addiction, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and other image-related psychopathological correlates in fitness settings: A cross sectional study (2019) (65)
- Measuring compulsive buying behaviour: Psychometric validity of three different scales and prevalence in the general population and in shopping centres (2015) (64)
- The mediating effect of self-esteem, depression and anxiety between satisfaction with body appearance and problematic internet use (2013) (61)
- Review: The involvement of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in reported sexual assaults: a systematic review (2010) (61)
- Assessment of Problematic Internet Use and Online Video Gaming (2014) (60)
- Potential of an Interactive Drug Prevention Mobile Phone App (Once Upon a High): Questionnaire Study Among Students (2018) (60)
- Hypothesizing that, A Pro-Dopamine Regulator (KB220Z) Should Optimize, but Not Hyper-Activate the Activity of Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR-1) and Induce Anti-Craving of Psychostimulants in the Long-Term (2016) (57)
- The development of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder Scale (CSBD-19): An ICD-11 based screening measure across three languages (2020) (57)
- Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10): Measurement Invariance and Cross-Cultural Validation Across Seven Language-Based Samples (2019) (56)
- The genetics of problem and pathological gambling: a systematic review. (2014) (55)
- Novel psychoactive substance use among treatment‐seeking opiate users: The role of life events and psychiatric symptoms (2017) (54)
- Individual and country-level effects of cannabis-related perceptions on cannabis use. A multilevel study among adolescents in 32 European countries. (2013) (53)
- Additive effects of serotonergic and dopaminergic polymorphisms on trait impulsivity (2012) (53)
- Why do people watch pornography? The motivational basis of pornography use. (2020) (50)
- Neurogenetic and epigenetic correlates of adolescent predisposition to and risk for addictive behaviors as a function of prefrontal cortex dysregulation. (2015) (50)
- Work Addiction, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, Burn-Out, and Global Burden of Disease: Implications from the ICD-11 (2020) (50)
- Utility of Web search query data in testing theoretical assumptions about mephedrone (2017) (49)
- The pervasive role of sex mindset: Beliefs about the malleability of sexual life is linked to higher levels of relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction and lower levels of problematic pornography use (2017) (49)
- Gender Differences in the Association Between Cyberbullying Victimization and Perpetration: The Role of Anger Rumination and Traditional Bullying Experiences (2020) (49)
- Psychoactive Substance Use and Problematic Internet Use as Predictors of Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization (2017) (47)
- Computer-based programmes for the prevention and management of illicit recreational drug use: a systematic review. (2014) (47)
- The Psychometric Properties of the Hypersexual Behavior Inventory Using a Large-Scale Nonclinical Sample (2018) (46)
- Global self-esteem and method effects: Competing factor structures, longitudinal invariance, and response styles in adolescents (2014) (46)
- Investigating the Associations Of Adult ADHD Symptoms, Hypersexuality, and Problematic Pornography Use Among Men and Women on a Largescale, Non-Clinical Sample. (2019) (45)
- An Empirical Investigation of Dance Addiction (2015) (45)
- Are sexual functioning problems associated with frequent pornography use and/or problematic pornography use? Results from a large community survey including males and females. (2020) (44)
- Why Do You Dance? Development of the Dance Motivation Inventory (DMI) (2015) (44)
- The Short Version of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-6): A Reliable and Valid Measure in General and Treatment-Seeking Populations (2020) (42)
- The Role of Passion in Exercise Addiction, Exercise Volume, and Exercise Intensity in Long-term Exercisers (2018) (41)
- Association between Novelty Seeking of opiate-dependent patients and the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val(158)Met polymorphism. (2010) (41)
- Compulsive Buying—Features and Characteristics of Addiction (2016) (40)
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Nine-Item Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ-9) in Nine European Samples of Internet Users (2019) (39)
- Prevalence and construct validity of compulsive buying disorder in shopping mall visitors (2015) (39)
- Childhood Emotional Trauma and Cyberbullying Perpetration Among Emerging Adults: A Multiple Mediation Model of the Role of Problematic Social Media Use and Psychopathology (2018) (39)
- Temporal associations between morningness/eveningness, problematic social media use, psychological distress and daytime sleepiness: Mediated roles of sleep quality and insomnia among young adults (2020) (38)
- Measurement Invariance of the Short Version of the Problematic Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire (PMPUQ-SV) across Eight Languages (2018) (38)
- Epidemiological Challenges in the Study of Behavioral Addictions: a Call for High Standard Methodologies (2019) (37)
- The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Problem Gaming Among Adolescents: A Nationally Representative Survey Study (2019) (37)
- Beyond the myths about work addiction: Toward a consensus on definition and trajectories for future studies on problematic overworking (2019) (37)
- Pathological grooming: Evidence for a single factor behind trichotillomania, skin picking and nail biting (2017) (37)
- The Food and Drug Addiction Epidemic: Targeting Dopamine Homeostasis. (2017) (35)
- Co-occurrences of substance use and other potentially addictive behaviors: Epidemiological results from the Psychological and Genetic Factors of the Addictive Behaviors (PGA) Study (2020) (35)
- Alcohol use in the first three years of bereavement: a national representative survey (2012) (34)
- Confirmation of the three-factor model of the Assessing Emotions Scale (AES): Verification of the theoretical starting point (2010) (34)
- Why Do You Drink Caffeine? The Development of the Motives for Caffeine Consumption Questionnaire (MCCQ) and Its Relationship with Gender, Age and the Types of Caffeinated Beverages (2017) (34)
- Analyzing Models of Work Addiction: Single Factor and Bi-Factor Models of the Bergen Work Addiction Scale (2016) (33)
- Cross-Cultural Validation of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale in Four Forms and Eight Languages (2019) (33)
- Psychology and Exercise (2019) (32)
- The association of celebrity worship with problematic Internet use, maladaptive daydreaming, and desire for fame (2018) (32)
- Why do festival goers drink? Assessment of drinking motives using the DMQ-R SF in a recreational setting. (2011) (31)
- Exercise addiction and personality: a two-decade systematic review of the empirical literature (1995-2015) (2017) (31)
- Persistence and Subtype Stability of ADHD Among Substance Use Disorder Treatment Seekers (2019) (31)
- Problematic use of the internet during the COVID-19 pandemic: Good practices and mental health recommendations (2021) (30)
- Problematic and Non-Problematic Pornography Use Among LGBTQ Adolescents: a Systematic Literature Review (2019) (30)
- Online and offline video game use in adolescents: measurement invariance and problem severity (2017) (29)
- Using the Neuroadaptagen KB200z™ to Ameliorate Terrifying, Lucid Nightmares in RDS Patients: the Role of Enhanced, Brain-Reward, Functional Connectivity and Dopaminergic Homeostasis (2015) (29)
- Trait Emotional Intelligence and Internet Gaming Disorder Among Gamers: The Mediating Role of Online Gaming Motives and Moderating Role of Age Groups (2019) (29)
- Morbid exercise behavior: Addiction or psychological escape? (2018) (28)
- Denial of smoking‐related risk among pregnant smokers (2010) (26)
- Gaming Disorder Is a Disorder due to Addictive Behaviors: Evidence from Behavioral and Neuroscientific Studies Addressing Cue Reactivity and Craving, Executive Functions, and Decision-Making (2019) (25)
- Symptoms of Problematic Pornography Use in a Sample of Treatment Considering and Treatment Non-Considering Men: A Network Approach. (2020) (25)
- Childhood trauma exposure in substance use disorder patients with and without ADHD. (2017) (25)
- [Exercise addiction: a literature review]. (2008) (25)
- Psychological aspects of the polycystic ovary syndrome (2014) (25)
- Cross-cultural confirmation of bi-factor models of a symptom distress measure: Symptom Checklist-90-Revised in clinical samples (2016) (24)
- International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder (2020) (24)
- Career as a Professional Gamer: Gaming Motives as Predictors of Career Plans to Become a Professional Esport Player (2020) (24)
- Gambling in Western and Eastern Europe: The Example of Hungary (2012) (24)
- The two-faceted nature of impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder and substance use disorder. (2016) (23)
- Meditation interventions efficiently reduce cortisol levels of at-risk samples: a meta-analysis (2020) (23)
- Substance use disorder a bio-directional subset of reward deficiency syndrome. (2017) (23)
- A two-study validation of a single-item measure of relationship satisfaction: RAS-1 (2020) (23)
- Internet addiction and functional brain networks: task-related fMRI study (2019) (22)
- Problematic Gaming Behavior Among Finnish Junior High School Students: Relation to Socio-Demographics and Gaming Behavior Characteristics (2018) (22)
- Exercise and Use of Enhancement Drugs at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicultural Study on Coping Strategies During Self-Isolation and Related Risks (2021) (22)
- Enhancing sexual desire and experience: an investigation of the sexual correlates of gamma‐hydroxybutyrate (GHB) use (2015) (22)
- Tracing 20 years of research on problematic use of the internet and social media: Theoretical models, assessment tools, and an agenda for future work. (2021) (22)
- Health and Social Problems Associated with Recent Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Use Amongst Marginalised, Nightlife and Online Users in Six European Countries (2017) (21)
- Prevalence of problematic internet use in Slovenia (2016) (21)
- Is there any difference in patterns of use and psychiatric symptom status between injectors and non‐injectors of mephedrone? (2015) (21)
- Smoking outcome expectancies: A multiple indicator and multiple cause (MIMIC) model. (2010) (20)
- Psychometric Properties of the Cannabis Abuse Screening Test in Hungarian Samples of Adolescents and Young Adults (2013) (19)
- Further exploration of the SUPPS-P impulsive behavior scale’s factor structure: Evidence from a large Hungarian sample (2020) (19)
- The diagnostic pitfalls of surveys: if you score positive on a test of addiction, you still have a good chance not to be addicted. A response to Billieux et al. 2015 (2015) (19)
- The Relationship Between Personality Traits, Psychopathological Symptoms, and Problematic Internet Use: A Complex Mediation Model (2019) (19)
- Psychometric characteristics of the Emotional Quotient Inventory, Youth Version, Short Form, in Hungarian high school students. (2012) (19)
- A pozitív és negatív affektivitás skála (PANAS) eredeti és rövidített változatának pszichometriai jellemzői (2011) (18)
- Work addiction and personality: A meta-analytic study (2020) (18)
- Properties of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-18) in community and subclinical samples in China and Hungary. (2020) (17)
- Gender-Related Differences in Associations Between Sexual Abuse and Hypersexuality. (2020) (17)
- Coupling Neurogenetics (GARS™) and a Nutrigenomic Based Dopaminergic Agonist to Treat Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Targeting Polymorphic Reward Genes for Carbohydrate Addiction Algorithms (2015) (17)
- Exercise Addiction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: an International Study Confirming the Need for Considering Passion and Perfectionism (2020) (17)
- Hypothesizing Music Intervention Enhances Brain Functional Connectivity Involving Dopaminergic Recruitment: Common Neuro-correlates to Abusable Drugs (2017) (17)
- Confirmation of the Chinese Version of the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire Short Form (PIUQ-SF) (2017) (16)
- Caffeine use disorder: An item-response theory analysis of proposed DSM-5 criteria. (2018) (16)
- Pro-Dopamine Regulator – (KB220) to Balance Brain Reward Circuitry in Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) (2017) (16)
- Exercise addiction – the emergence of a new disorder (2014) (15)
- Identifying Types of Eco-Anxiety, Eco-Guilt, Eco-Grief, and Eco-Coping in a Climate-Sensitive Population: A Qualitative Study (2022) (15)
- Loving the love of boys: Motives for consuming yaoi media (2018) (15)
- The 21-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Revised (BIS-R-21): An alternative three-factor model (2020) (15)
- Risk Factors for Borderline Personality Disorder in Treatment Seeking Patients with a Substance Use Disorder: An International Multicenter Study (2015) (15)
- Maladaptive Rumination Mediates the Relationship between Self-Esteem, Perfectionism, and Work Addiction: A Largescale Survey Study (2020) (15)
- GHB-involved crimes among intoxicated patients. (2017) (14)
- Why do people use new psychoactive substances? Development of a new measurement tool in six European countries (2020) (14)
- Epidemiology of Smoking in the Hungarian Population, Based on National Representative Data (2011) (14)
- SCL-90-R emotional distress ratings in substance use and impulse control disorders: One-factor, oblique first-order, higher-order, and bi-factor models compared (2017) (14)
- The Effects of Trait Emotional Intelligence on Adolescent Substance Use: Findings From a Hungarian Representative Survey (2019) (14)
- Creativity and Psychoactive Substance Use: A Systematic Review (2017) (14)
- Mental Health Support in the Time of Crisis: Are We Prepared? Experiences With the COVID-19 Counselling Programme in Hungary (2021) (13)
- The psychological and genetic factors of the addictive behaviors (PGA) study (2018) (13)
- Advances in problematic usage of the internet research - A narrative review by experts from the European network for problematic usage of the internet. (2022) (13)
- Hands-off: Feasibility and preliminary results of a two-armed randomized controlled trial of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problematic pornography use (2021) (13)
- Different drinking motives, different adverse consequences? Evidence among adolescents from 10 European countries (2017) (13)
- [Development and psychometric validation of the Brief Smartphone Addiction Scale (BSAS) with schoolchidren]. (2016) (13)
- Testedzésfüggoség: a sportolás mint addikció. (2008) (13)
- Autism, Problematic Internet Use and Gaming Disorder: A Systematic Review (2021) (13)
- Co-morbidity of drug addiction: An analysis of epidemiological data and possible etiological models (2009) (12)
- An Empirically Based Typology of Alcohol Users in a Community Sample Using Latent Class Analysis (2019) (12)
- [Epidemiology of smoking in Hungary--a representative national study]. (2010) (12)
- Direct and Indirect Symptom Severity Indicators of Alcohol Dependence and the Personality Concept of the Biosocial Model (2014) (12)
- Who complies with coronavirus disease 2019 precautions and who does not? (2021) (12)
- Differential Diagnosis in Patients with Substance Use Disorder and/or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Using Continuous Performance Test (2020) (12)
- Early experience with Suboxone maintenance therapy in Hungary. (2009) (12)
- [The role of emotional intelligence in addiction disorders]. (2010) (11)
- Neuronutrient Amino-Acid Therapy Protects Against Reward Deficiency Syndrome: Dopaminergic Key to Homeostasis and Neuroplasticity. (2016) (11)
- A Four-Factor Model of Work Addiction: The Development of the Work Addiction Risk Test Revised (2019) (11)
- Addictive behaviors in Hungary: the methodology and sample description of the National Survey on Addiction Problems in Hungary (NSAPH) (2009) (11)
- Hands-off: Study protocol of a two-armed randomized controlled trial of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problematic pornography use (2020) (11)
- Development and validation of the Reward Deficiency Syndrome Questionnaire (RDSQ-29) (2022) (10)
- Tanning addiction: conceptualization, assessment and correlates (2018) (10)
- Neurogenetics of acute and chronic opiate/opioid abstinence: treating symptoms and the cause. (2017) (10)
- The negative consequences of hypersexuality: Revisiting the factor structure of the Hypersexual Behavior Consequences Scale and its correlates in a large, non-clinical sample (2020) (10)
- Different aspects of impulsivity in chronic alcohol use disorder with and without comorbid problem gambling (2020) (10)
- Dark Triad of Personality and Problematic Smartphone Use: A Preliminary Study on the Mediating Role of Fear of Missing Out (2021) (10)
- The International Collaboration on ADHD and Substance Abuse (ICASA): Mission, Results, and Future Activities (2020) (10)
- A path analytic review of the association between psychiatric symptoms and celebrity worship: The mediating role of maladaptive daydreaming and desire for fame (2019) (10)
- Role of Personality Characteristics and Sexual Orientation in the Risk for Sexual Addiction Among Israeli Men: Validation of a Hebrew Sex Addiction Scale (2019) (10)
- Comparative Effectiveness of Mind-Body Exercise Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for College Students with Problematic Smartphone Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2020) (10)
- Hypothesizing Balancing Endorphinergic and Glutaminergic Systems to Treat and Prevent Relapse to Reward Deficiency Behaviors: Coupling D-Phenylalanine and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) as a Novel Therapeutic Modality (2015) (10)
- Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview Study on Personal Experiences of People with Multiple Selves (2017) (9)
- Prevalence of problematic Internet use during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (2022) (9)
- An Exploratory Study on Motivational Predictors in Internet Gaming Disorder Among Peruvian Gamers (2018) (9)
- Decoding and reasoning mental states in major depression and social anxiety disorder (2020) (9)
- Perseverative thoughts and subjective health complaints in adolescence: Mediating effects of perceived stress and negative affects (2015) (9)
- Targeting the problem of treatment non-adherence among mentally ill patients: The impact of loss, grief and stigma (2020) (9)
- Hypothesizing that a Pro-Dopaminergic Regulator (KB220z™ Liquid Variant) can Induce “Dopamine Homeostasis” and Provide Adjunctive Detoxification Benefits in Opiate/Opioid Dependence (2016) (9)
- Measuring Psychological Inflexibility in Children and Adolescents: Evaluating the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (2018) (9)
- Gender Moderates the Partial Mediation of Impulsivity in the Relationship Between Psychiatric Distress and Problematic Online Gaming: Online Survey (2019) (9)
- Logic, evidence and consensus: Towards a more constructive debate on gaming disorder (2019) (9)
- Psychometric Properties of the Nine-Item Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ-9) in a Lithuanian Sample of Students (2020) (8)
- Anger rumination and unjust world beliefs moderate the association between cyberbullying victimization and psychiatric symptoms (2018) (8)
- Obsessive and harmonious passion in physically active Spanish and Hungarian men and women: A brief report on cultural and gender differences. (2018) (8)
- Association between smoking behaviour and genetic variants of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (2016) (8)
- Borderline personality disorder and compulsive buying: A multivariate etiological model. (2016) (8)
- Spirituality mediates state anxiety but not trait anxiety and depression in alcohol recovery (2016) (8)
- Non-adherence to preventive behaviours during the COVID-19 epidemic: findings from a community study (2021) (8)
- Early developmental, temperamental and educational problems in ‘substance use disorder’ patients with and without ADHD. Does ADHD make a difference? (2015) (8)
- Morningness-eveningness and caffeine consumption: A largescale path-analysis study (2019) (8)
- A mixed-methods analysis of online NPS user discussion in Hungary (2017) (8)
- A longitudinal study of adaption to prison after initial incarceration (2019) (8)
- Exploring the Relationship Between Mental Well-Being, Exercise Routines, and the Intake of Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Comparison Across Sport Disciplines (2021) (8)
- Alcohol consumption and risk for feeding and eating disorders in adolescence: The mediating role of drinking motives. (2020) (7)
- Shame in Borderline Personality Disorder: Meta-Analysis. (2021) (7)
- Self-Perceived Mate Value Is Poorly Predicted by Demographic Variables (2019) (7)
- Exercise Dependence in Amateur Competitors and Non-Competitor Recreational Exercisers (2017) (7)
- Novel Psychoactive Substances and Behavioral Addictions (2014) (7)
- A new avenue to reach out for the stars: The association of celebrity worship with problematic and nonproblematic social media use. (2020) (7)
- Social rejection towards mentally ill people in Hungary between 2001 and 2015: Has there been any change? (2018) (7)
- The developmental trajectory of executive functions and their stress sensitivity in adolescence. (2019) (7)
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Global Severity Profiles in Treatment-Seeking Patients with Substance Use Disorders (2020) (7)
- Chapter 97 – Exercise Addiction (2016) (7)
- An international cross-sectional investigation on social media, fitspiration content exposure, and related risks during the COVID-19 self-isolation period (2022) (7)
- Empirically Based Classification of Peer Violence in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents: a Latent Class Analysis (2020) (6)
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