West Virginia State University
West Virginia State University Featured Rankings
- #1 Best Small Colleges in West Virginia
- #1 Best Liberal Arts Colleges in West Virginia 2022
- #2 West Virginia's Best Online Colleges 2022
- #3 Best Colleges in West Virginia 2022
- #3 WV Public Colleges
- #3 West Virginia's Best Online Master's Degrees
- #3 Most Affordable Colleges in West Virginia
- #4 Most Influential US Universities by State
- #11 HBCU Online Master's Programs
- #12 Best Online HBCUs
- #13 Online Bachelor’s in Health Science
- #19 Online Bachelor’s in English
- #30 Most Influential HBCUs
- #38 Online Master’s in Education
About West Virginia State University
According to Wikipedia, West Virginia State University is a public historically black, land-grant university in Institute, West Virginia. Founded in 1891 as the West Virginia Colored Institute, it is one of the original 19 land-grant colleges and universities established by the second Morrill Act of 1890, which evolved as a diverse and inclusive campus. Following desegregation, WVSU's student population slowly became more white than black. As of 2017, WVSU's student body was 75% white and only 8% African-American.
West Virginia State University's Online Degrees
BS in Business Administration
Degree Concentrations
- Accounting
- Required Credits: 35
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
BS in Criminal Justice
- Required Credits: 120
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
MEd in Education
Degree Concentrations
- Instructional Leadership
- Required Credits: 36
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
BA in English
- Required Credits: 120
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
RBA in Regents Bachelor Of Arts
- Required Credits: 120
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
BS in Health Sciences
- Required Credits: 120
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
West Virginia State University Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information
Annual Applications | Acceptance | Graduation Rate | Median SAT Score | Median ACT Score |
2,775 | 96% | 35% | 952 | 19 |
How Much Does West Virginia State University Cost To Attend?
Tuition (in-state) | Fees (in-state) |
$8,856 | $575 |
How Much Do West Virginia State University Graduates Make?
If you graduate from West Virginia State University, then you can expect to earn an average of $33,800 per year. You also have a 82% chance of being employed after 10 years.
West Virginia State University's Demographics
Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.
Student Body | Under-Grads | Graduates |
4,164 | 4,001 | 163 |
Where is West Virginia State University?
West Virginia State University is located at Rte 25, Institute WV 25112-1000
How Safe is West Virginia State University?
West Virginia State University has a violent crime rate of less than .01% and a property crime rate of less than .01%.
What Is West Virginia State University Known For?
West Virginia State University is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:
- Mathematics
- Education
- Chemistry
- History
- Biology
- Social Work
- Political Science
- Engineering
- Nursing
- Economics
- Psychology
- Literature
- Criminal Justice
- Medical
- Communications
- Sociology
- Computer Science
West Virginia State University's Top Areas of Influence With Degrees Offered
Who Are West Virginia State University's Most Influential Alumni?
West Virginia State University's most influential alumni include professors and professionals in the fields of Mathematics, History, and Education. Here are some of West Virginia State University's most famous alumni:
- Katherine Johnson
- An African-American mathematician.
- Carter G. Woodson
- An African-American historian, writer, and journalist.
- Forest Dewey Dodrill
- An Open heart surgeon.
- Antoine Fuqua
- An American film director and producer.
- Margaret S. Collins
- An African-American child prodigy, entomologist.
- Mary Elizabeth Carnegie
- An American writer.
- Leander J. Shaw Jr.
- An American jurist.
- Oscar Holmes
- An American pilot, chemist and lawyer .
- Randall Engle
- An American psychologist.
- Sherine Obare
- A Dean of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro..
- Butch Miles
- An American jazz drummer .
- T. J. Anderson
- An African American composer, conductor, educator.