Carter G. Woodson
African-American historian, writer, and journalist
Carter G. Woodson's Rankings
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Carter G. Woodson's Degrees
- Bachelors Literature University of Chicago
- Masters History University of Chicago
Why Is Carter G. Woodson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Carter Godwin Woodson was an American historian, author, journalist, and the founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History . He was one of the first scholars to study the history of the African diaspora, including African-American history. A founder of The Journal of Negro History in 1916, Woodson has been called the "father of black history." In February 1926, he launched the celebration of "Negro History Week," the precursor of Black History Month. Woodson was an important figure to the movement of Afrocentrism, due to his perspective of placing people of African descent at the center of the study of history and the human experience.
Carter G. Woodson's Published Works
Published Works
- The Mis-Education of the Negro (1933) (581)
- The Negro in our history (138)
- The history of the Negro church (108)
- Annual Report of the Director (1925) (97)
- A Century of Negro Migration (86)
- The Negro Wage Earner (1935) (52)
- The African Background Outlined (1936) (32)
- The Negroes of Cincinnati Prior to the Civil War (1916) (26)
- W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, Dusk of Dawn, an Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept (1940) (25)
- Negro Orators And Their Orations (24)
- The Negro Washerwoman, A Vanishing Figure (1930) (24)
- The mind of the Negro as reflected in letters written during the crisis, 1800-1860 (24)
- John Dollard, Caste and Class in a Southern Town (1949) (23)
- The Relations of Negroes and Indians in Massachusetts (1920) (22)
- The Beginnings of the Miscegenation of the Whites and Blacks (1918) (22)
- The Story of the Negro Retold (1935) (22)
- Negro makers of history (18)
- Insurance Business Among Negroes (1929) (16)
- Negro Life and History in our Schools (1919) (16)
- The Rural Negro (16)
- Freedom and Slavery in Appalachian America (1916) (15)
- Negro History Week (1926) (14)
- Ten Years of Collecting and Publishing the Records of the Negro (1925) (14)
- W. E. F. Ward, A History of the Gold CoastF. M. Bourret, The Gold Coast, a Survey of the Gold Coast and British Togoland, 1919-1946 (1949) (13)
- Free Negro Labor and Property Holding in Virginia, 1830–1860. By Luther Porter Jackson, Professor of History, Virginia State College. [The American Historical Association.] (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1942. Pp. xix, 270. $3.75.) (1943) (10)
- President's Committee on Civil Rights, To Secure These Rights. The Report of the President's Committee on Civil Rights (1948) (10)
- Edgar T. Thompson, ed., Race Relations and the Race Problem (1940) (10)
- Langston Hughes, Jim Crow's Last Stand (1943) (10)
- The Negro Professional Man and the Community (1935) (9)
- Thomas Jesse Jones (1950) (9)
- An Accounting for Twenty-Five Years (1940) (8)
- W. Bryant Mumford and J. Orde-Brown, Africans Learn to be French (1937) (8)
- Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery (1945) (8)
- Fifty Years of Negro Citizenship as Qualified by the United States Supreme Court (1921) (7)
- St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City (1946) (7)
- The Annual Report of the Director (1927) (6)
- Early Negro Education in West Virginia (1922) (6)
- J. Antonio Jarvis, The Virgin Islands and Their People (1945) (4)
- The mulatto in the United States. Including a study of the rôle of mixed-blood races throughout the world. By Edward Byron Eeuter. (Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1918. 417 p. $2.50) (1920) (4)
- The Celebration of Negro History Week, 1927 (1927) (4)
- The Negro Professional Man and the Community. (1934) (4)
- The works of Francis J. Grimke, ̀ (1942) (3)
- President's Commission on Higher Education, Higher Education for Democracy (1948) (3)
- Harry R. Rudin, Germans in the Cameroons, 1884-1914, A Case Study in Modern Imperialism (1939) (3)
- Ruth Landes, The City of Women (1947) (3)
- Zora Neale Hurston, Tell My Horse (1939) (3)
- The Taxation of Negroes in Virginia. By Topton Ray Snavele. (University of Virginia, 1917. Pp. 97.) (1918) (3)
- Langston Hughes, The Big Sea, an Autobiography (1940) (3)
- Melville J. Herskovits, The Myth of the Negro Past (1942) (3)
- Nwankwo Chukwuemeka, African Dependencies: A Challenge to Western Democracy (1950) (2)
- Mary White Ovington, The Walls Came Tumbling Down (1947) (2)
- W. D. Weatherford, The Negro from Africa to America (1924) (2)
- Rudi Blesh, Shining Trumpets, A History of Jazz (1947) (2)
- Attitudes of the Iberian Peninsula (1935) (2)
- Notes on the Bakongo (1945) (2)
- Earnest Albert Hooton, Crime and the Man (1939) (2)
- Herbert Aptheker, The Negro in the Abolition Movement (1941) (2)
- Oswald Garrison Villard (1950) (2)
- Horace Mann Bond, The Education of the Negro in the American Social Order (1935) (2)
- Dr. Woodson Goes Wool-Gathering@@@The Mis-Education of the Negro. (1933) (2)
- E. Franklin Frazier, The Negro Family in the United States (1939) (2)
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History Held in New York City, November 8-12,1931 (2)
- Howard K. Beale, A History of Freedom of Teaching in American Schools (1941) (1)
- Oscar Handlin, Boston's Immigrants, 1790-1865, a Study in Acculturation (1942) (1)
- Some Attitudes in English Literature (1935) (1)
- David M. Potter, Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis (1943) (1)
- Abraham Epstein, The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh, a Study in Social Economics (1918) (1)
- Rebecca Hourwich Reyher, Zulu Woman (1948) (1)
- J. Holland Rose, A. P. Newton, E. A. Benians, and Eric A. Walker, eds., The Cambridge History of the British Empire, Volume VIII, South Africa (1938) (1)
- Walter Dyson, Howard University, the Capstone of Negro Education (1942) (1)
- Robert S. Fletcher, A History of Oberlin College From its Foundation through the Civil War (1943) (1)
- The Negro Artist Comes of Age (1945) (1)
- Charles S. Johnson, Elizabeth L. Allen, Horace M. Bond, Margaret McCullough, and Alma Forrest Polk, Into the Main Stream, a Survey of Best Practices in Race Relations (1947) (1)
- The disruption of Virginia (1)
- Frank Yerby, The Foxes of Harrow (1946) (1)
- Benjamin E. Mays, The Negro's God (1939) (1)
- George W. Brown, The Economic History of Liberia (1941) (1)
- E. G. Malherbe, Race Attitudes and Education, Hoernle Memorial Lecture, 1946 (1946) (1)
- Bernard Peyton Chamberlain, The Negro and Crime in Virginia (1938) (1)
- Ludwell Lee Montague, Haiti and the United States (1940) (1)
- T. Harry Williams, Lincoln and the Radicals (1942) (1)
- Melville J. Herskovits, Life in a Haitian Valley (1937) (1)
- Communications: The George Washington Bicentennial (1932) (1)
- Sinclair Lewis, Kingsblood Royal (1947) (1)
- Benjamin Brawley, The Negro in Literature and Art (1918) (1)
- Noel P. Gist, Secret Societies: A Cultural Study of Fraternalism in the United States (1941) (1)
- Robert C. Weaver, Negro Labor, a National Problem (1946) (1)
- Jacob R. Marcus, The Jew in the Medieval World, A Source Book, 315-1791 (1938) (1)
- Max Yergan and Paul Robeson, For a New Africa (1945) (1)
- Ellen Hellman, Problems of Bantu Youth (1941) (1)
- J. Saunders Redding, To Make a Poet Black (1939) (1)
- Arthur Huff Fauset, Sojourner Truth, God's Faithful Pilgrim (1938) (1)
- Frank Freidel, Francis Lieber, Nineteenth Century Liberal (1948) (1)
- Ralph Ray Fahrney, Horace Greeley and the Tribune in the Civil War (1937) (1)
- Paul Blanshard, Democracy and Empire in the Caribbean (1947) (1)
- Jefferson Davis Bragg, Louisiana in the Confederacy (1942) (1)
- Buell G. Gallagher with foreword by William H. Kilpatrick, American Caste and the Negro College (1939) (1)
- Edwin R. Embree and Julia Waxman, The Story of the Julius Rosenwald Fund (1949) (1)
- L. P. Jackson, A History of the Virginia State Teachers Association (1938) (1)
- Arthur S. Link, Wilson, the Road to the White House (1947) (1)
- Mercer Cook, Five French Negro Authors (1943) (1)
- J. A. Rogers, Sex and Race (1943) (1)
- Richard Hofstadter, The American Political Tradition (1948) (1)
- Correspondence (1920) (0)
- Lorenzo D. Turner, Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect (1949) (0)
- A. H. Maloney, Amber Gold (1947) (0)
- The Annual Report of the Director (1934) (0)
- Negro History Week The Third Year (1928) (0)
- V. B. Spratlin, Juan Latino, Slave and Humanist (1939) (0)
- Louise Biles Hill, Joseph E. Brown and the Confederacy (1940) (0)
- Charles E. Hall and Charles W. White, Negroes in the United States, 1920-1932 (1935) (0)
- Charles Groves Haines, The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government and Politics (1945) (0)
- Otto Klineberg, Characteristics of the American Negro (1944) (0)
- Alphonse B. Miller, Thaddeus Stevens (1939) (0)
- J. W. Blake, European Beginnings in West Africa, 1454-1578 (1938) (0)
- George W. Gray, Education on an International Scale (1941) (0)
- Donald Pierson, Negroes in Brazil (1942) (0)
- William K. Bell, A Business Primer for Negroes (1949) (0)
- William B. Hesseltine, A History of the South (1937) (0)
- John Becker, The Negro in American LifeKarl E. Downs, Meet the Negro: A Positive Picture of "America's Tenth Man" (1945) (0)
- Helen Tunnicliff Catterall, ed., Judicial Cases Concerning American Slavery and the Negro, Volume IV (1937) (0)
- F. Ernest Work, Ethiopia, a Pawn in European Diplomacy (1935) (0)
- Brailsford R. Brazeal, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (1946) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director for the Year 1922-23 (1923) (0)
- Charles S. Johnson, The Negro College Graduate (1938) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1936) (0)
- Edwin R. Embree, American Negroes, a Handbook (1942) (0)
- Benjamin Rush with Dagobert D. Runes, ed., The Selected Writings of Benjamin Rush (1948) (0)
- The Annual Report of the Director (1926) (0)
- Works of Francis James Grimke. (1943) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1942) (0)
- Helen Tunnicliff Catterall, ed., with additions by James J. Hayden, Judicial Cases Concerning American Slavery and the Negro (1938) (0)
- C. W. De Kiewiet, The Imperial Factor in South Africa (1938) (0)
- Fitzhugh Lee Styles, Negroes and the LawJune Purcell Guild, Black Laws of Virginia (1937) (0)
- Malcolm Ross, All Manner of Men (1948) (0)
- Henry Lee Swint, The Northern Teacher in the South, 1862-1870 (1941) (0)
- A Brief Biography of Booker Washington@@@Richard Allen, Apostle of Freedom@@@Sojourner Truth, God's Faithful Pilgrim (1939) (0)
- Reverdy C. Ransom and James H. Robinson, Year Book of Negro Churches (1940) (0)
- W. Lloyd Warner, A Black Civilization (1937) (0)
- Bess V. Ehrmann, Thenceforward and Forever Free (1946) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1946) (0)
- Carl Sandburg, Lincoln Collector: The Story of the Oliver R. Barrett Lincoln Collection (1950) (0)
- Samuel Denny Smith, The Negro in Congress (1940) (0)
- Frank J. Klingberg, Anglican Humanitarianism in Colonial New York (1941) (0)
- Donald Culross Peattie, Forward the Nation (1942) (0)
- Sidney Finkelstein, Jazz: A People's Music (1949) (0)
- Daniel A. Payne; [Preachers of versatile genius.] (0)
- Wylie Sypher, Guinea's Captive Kings (1942) (0)
- Earl Conrad, Jim Crow America (1947) (0)
- Charles Morrow Wilson, Middle America (1944) (0)
- Lillian G. Dabney, The History of Schools for Negroes in the District of Columbia, 1807-1947 (1950) (0)
- W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, Black Folk Then and Now (1939) (0)
- Rembert W. Patrick, Florida under Five Flags (1946) (0)
- Elam Franklin Dempsey, Atticus Green Haygood (1940) (0)
- Communications (1932) (0)
- Whitfeild, Theodore M. Slavery Agitation in Virginia 1829-1832. Pp. viii, 162. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1930. $1.75 (1931) (0)
- Rackham Holt, George Washington Carver (1943) (0)
- J. G. Randall, The Civil War and Reconstruction (1937) (0)
- J. D. Rheinallt Jones, The Future of South-West Africa (1947) (0)
- Walter F. White, The Rising Wind (1945) (0)
- Franz Boas, Race and Democratic Society (1946) (0)
- Mason Crum, Gullah, Negro Life in the Carolina Sea Islands (1941) (0)
- A Study Guide of the Negro@@@The African Background Outlined. (1936) (0)
- Rayford W. Logan, ed., The Attitude of the Southern White Press Toward Negro Suffrage, 1932-1940 (1941) (0)
- Samuel Tennenbaum, Why Men Hate (1947) (0)
- Philip Green Wright and Elizabeth Q. Wright, Elizur Wright, the Father of Life Insurance (1937) (0)
- Notes (1938) (0)
- Ira De A. Reid, The Negro Immigrant, His Background, Characteristics and Social Adjustment, 1899-1937 (1939) (0)
- William Stuart Nelson, ed., The Christian Way in Race Relations (1948) (0)
- John H. Paynter, Horse and Buggy Days with Uncle Sam (1943) (0)
- Taylor Cole and John H. Hallowell, eds., The Southern Political Scene, 1938-1948 (1949) (0)
- T. Arnold Hill, The Negro and Economic ReconstructionSterling Brown, Negro Poetry and DramaSterling Brown, The Negro in American Fiction (1938) (0)
- C. W. W. Greenidge, Forced Labour (1943) (0)
- Annual Report (1949) (0)
- R. Coupland, The Exploitation of East Africa, 1856-1890 (1941) (0)
- Claude McKay, Harlem: Negro Metropolis (1941) (0)
- A Social History of the American Negro. By Brawley Benjamin. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1921. Pp. 420.) (1923) (0)
- E. Franklin Frazier, The Negro in the United States (1949) (0)
- Harold Courlander, Haiti Singing (1940) (0)
- Thomas D. Clark, A History of Kentucky (1938) (0)
- Bishop Randall Albert Carter, Gathered Fragments (1940) (0)
- Lois A. C. Raphael, The Cape-to-Cairo Dream (1937) (0)
- Notes (1937) (0)
- Henry Hartwell, James Blair, and Edward Chilton, The Present State of Virginia, and the College (1941) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1935) (0)
- Booker T. Washington, The Story of the Negro (1941) (0)
- Rayford W. Logan, The Senate and the Versailles Mandate System (1946) (0)
- Louis Adamic, A Nation of Nations (1946) (0)
- S. M. Berthold, Thomas Paine: America's First Liberal (1938) (0)
- Charles H. Wilson, Sr., Education for Negroes in Mississippi Since 1910 (1947) (0)
- Dwight L. Dumond, Letters of James Gillespie Birney, 1831-1857 (1939) (0)
- Jane Edna Hunter, A Nickel and a Prayer (1941) (0)
- Book Review:The Negro in Tennessee, 1865-1880. A. A. Taylor (1943) (0)
- Lorenzo Johnston Greene, The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776 (1943) (0)
- H. W., Something New Out of Africa (1936) (0)
- Harry Marlin Tinkcom, John White Geary (1940) (0)
- Julian Herman Lewis, The Biology of the Negro (1942) (0)
- R. Coupland, East Africa and its Invaders from the Earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856 (1941) (0)
- Trezzvant W. Anderson, Come Out Fighting (1946) (0)
- J. Roger Fredland, William W. Jeffries, Neville T. Kirk, Thomas F. McManus, Elmer B. Potter, Richard S. West, and Allan Westcott, American Sea Power Since 1775 (1947) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1940) (0)
- T. P. Christensen, The Discovery and Re-Discovery of America (1935) (0)
- Carl Sandburg, Storm Over the Land, a Profile of the Civil War (1943) (0)
- The National Committee on Segregation in the Nation's Capitol, Segregation in Washington (1949) (0)
- Nmamdi Azikiwe, Renascent Africa (1938) (0)
- George Pullen Jackson, White Spirituals in Southern Uplands (0)
- J. G. Randall, Lincoln the President (1946) (0)
- The Annual Report of the Director (1948) (0)
- Eslanda Goode Robeson, African Journey (1945) (0)
- R. H. W. Shepherd, ed., Literature for the South African Bantu (1936) (0)
- Douglass Southall Freeman, The South to Posterity (1940) (0)
- W. E. B. Du Bois, Color and Democracy: Colonies and Peace (1945) (0)
- Cedric Belfrage, A Faith to Free the People (1944) (0)
- Anne Parrish, A Clouded Star (1948) (0)
- Mercer Cook, Education in Haiti (1948) (0)
- Charles S. Johnson, ed., Statistical Atlas of Southern Counties (1941) (0)
- Lincoln and The Baltimore Plot, 1861. (1949) (0)
- Mercer Cook and Dantes Bellegarde, The Haitian-American Anthology: Haitian Readings from American Authors (1945) (0)
- I. F. Rerberg and M. P. Sokolnikov, Pushkin: A Collection of Articles and Essays on the Great Russian Poet (1941) (0)
- Harry Haygood, Negro Liberation (1949) (0)
- Booker T. Washington, builder of a civilization. By Emmett J. Scott and Lyman Beecher Stowe. (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page and company, 1917. 330 p. $2.00 net) (1918) (0)
- Nnamdi Azikiwe, Liberia in World Politics (1935) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1931) (0)
- Frank Loescher, The Protestant Church and the Negro (1948) (0)
- R. R. Wright, The Encyclopaedia of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (1949) (0)
- Arthur Young Lloyd, The Slavery Controversy, 1831-1860 (1940) (0)
- Annie Kendrick Walker, Tuskegee Institute and the Black Belt: A Portrait of a Race (1945) (0)
- W. C. Handy, ed., Unsung Americans Sung (1945) (0)
- William Jacob Walls, Joseph Charles Price (1943) (0)
- Philip S. Foner, ed., Frederick Douglass: Selections from His Writings (1945) (0)
- Melville J. Herskovits and Frances S. Herskovits, Trinidad Village (1947) (0)
- Norman Leys, The Colour Bar in East Africa (1941) (0)
- Louis M. Hacker, Benjamin B. Kendrick, and Helene S. Zahler, The United States Since 1865 (1949) (0)
- Maud Cuney-Hare, Negro Musicians and Their Music (1936) (0)
- Bell Irvin Wiley, Southern Negroes, 1861-1865 (1938) (0)
- Melville J. Herskovits, The Economic Life of Primitive Peoples (1940) (0)
- John Hope Franklin, The Free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860 (1943) (0)
- Bernard Mayo, Jefferson Himself (1943) (0)
- J. L. Whiting, Shop and Classes at Tuskegee (1942) (0)
- Black and White@@@The Negro in Modern Industrial Society.@@@Negro Membership in American Labor Unions.@@@The Negro Wage Earner.@@@The Black Worker.@@@Black Manhattan.@@@Black America.@@@The Negro in Washington.@@@Negro: National Asset or Liability.@@@Race Mixture. (1931) (0)
- Joseph J. Williams, The Maroons of Jamaica (1939) (0)
- Adelaide L. Fries, Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, Volume VI, 1793 to 1808 (1943) (0)
- Richard Nelson Current, Old Thad Stevens (1943) (0)
- James A. Porter, Modern Negro Art (1944) (0)
- Mission to Haiti: Report of the United Nations Mission of Technical Assistance to the Republic of Haiti (1950) (0)
- Jeanette P. Nichols and Roy F. Nichols, The Republic of the United States, a History. Volume I (1942) (0)
- Making a Living in Africa (1945) (0)
- J. G. Randall, Lincoln and the South (1946) (0)
- Charles Henry Huberich and Roscoe Pound, The Political and Legislative History of Liberia (1948) (0)
- Frank J. Klingberg, Main Currents in English History (1944) (0)
- Charles W. Cansler, Three Generations (1940) (0)
- Jeannette P. Nichols and Roy F. Nichols, The Growth of American Democracy (1939) (0)
- Henry Noble MacCracken and Charles Gordon Post, Fair PlayRuth Benedict and Mildred Ellis, Race and Cultural Relations (1943) (0)
- Ruhl J. Barnett, ed., The Record of American Diplomacy (1947) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1928) (0)
- Francis Mitchell, Grown-Up Liberia (1947) (0)
- F. Treadwell Smith, An Experiment in Modifying Attitudes Toward the Negro (1944) (0)
- T. H. Tetens, Know Your Enemy (1944) (0)
- Rachel Davis DuBois, Build Together Americans (1945) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1941) (0)
- Communications (1927) (0)
- Frank J. Klingberg, Old Sherry, Portrait of a Virginia Family (1940) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1937) (0)
- Richard C. Thurnwald and Hilde Thurnwald, Black and White in East Africa, the Fabric of a New Civilization (1936) (0)
- Lloyd C. M. Hare, Lucretia Mott (1938) (0)
- Addie Waite Hunton, William Alphaeus Hunton (1938) (0)
- William Warren Sweet, The American Churches, an Interpretation (1948) (0)
- Compiled by Howard Cecil Perkins, Northern Editorials on Secession. Two Volumes (1942) (0)
- Notes (1940) (0)
- Notes (1933) (0)
- Lydia Parrish with an Introduction by Olin Downes, Slave Songs of the Georgia Islands (1942) (0)
- Herbert Aptheker, Essays in the History of the American Negro (1946) (0)
- William B. Hesseltine, The South in American History (1943) (0)
- Notes (1932) (0)
- Earl Leslie Griggs, Thomas Clarkson, the Friend of Slaves (1938) (0)
- Raymond Leslie Buell, Liberia: A Century of Survival, 1847-1947 (1947) (0)
- E. Merlton Coulter, ed., The Course of the South to Secession (1940) (0)
- Joseph A. Pierce, Negro Business and Business Education (1948) (0)
- A High School Text for Negro History@@@The Story of the Negro Retold. (1936) (0)
- Arthur Furr, Democracy's Negroes (1947) (0)
- Howard W. Odum, Race and Rumors of Race (1944) (0)
- John Latouche and Andre Cauvin, The Congo (1945) (0)
- Book Review:American Catholic Opinion in the Slavery Controversy Madeline Hooke Rice (1944) (0)
- Anson Phelps Stokes, Thomas Jesse Jones, J. D. Rheinallt Jones, and L. A. Roy, Progress in Negro Status and Race Relations, 1911-1946 the Thirty-five Year Report of the Phelps Stokes Fund (1949) (0)
- John Woolman, Quaker friend of thee Negro. (0)
- USO Divisions of the National Board Y. W. C. A., Experiments in Democracy (1945) (0)
- Arthur Ramos with Richard Pattee, transl., The Negro in Brazil (1939) (0)
- Arna Bontemps and Raymond Lufkin, illust., The Story of the Negro (1948) (0)
- Basil Mathews, Consider Africa (1936) (0)
- Langston Hughes, Shakespeare in Harlem (1942) (0)
- J. E. S. Green, Rhodes Goes North (1937) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1932) (0)
- Annual Report (1939) (0)
- Joseph J. Williams, Africa's God, IX-South Africa (1938) (0)
- Communication (1924) (0)
- Rayford W. Logan, The Negro and the Post War World: A Primer (1946) (0)
- Merze Tate, The Disarmament Illusion (1943) (0)
- Gilberto Freyre, Brazil, An Interpretation (1946) (0)
- Spencer B. King, Jr., Selective Service in North Carolina (1949) (0)
- Melville J. Herskovits, Dahomey, An Ancient West African Kingdom (1938) (0)
- Henry Damon Davidson, Inching Along: An Autobiographical Story (1945) (0)
- The Republic of Liberia. By R. C. F. Maugham. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1920. Pp. 299.) (1921) (0)
- Vernon Lane Wharton with A. R. Newsome, ed., The Negro in Mississippi, 1865-1890 (1948) (0)
- Rebecca Chalmers Barton and Alain Locke, Witnesses for Freedom, Negro Americans in Autobiography (1948) (0)
- Harry Birdoff, The World's Greatest Hit (1948) (0)
- Margaret C. McCulloch, Fearless Advocate of the Right, the Life of Francis J. LeMoyne, M.D., 1798-1879 (1941) (0)
- Edward Eyre, European Civilization: Its Origin and Development (1935) (0)
- Octavio da Costa Eduardo, The Negro in Northern Brazil: A Study in Acculturation (1950) (0)
- Harry Thacker Burleigh (1950) (0)
- Carl Brent Swisher, Roger B. TaneyCharles W. Smith, Jr., Roger B. Taney: Jacksonian Jurist (1936) (0)
- W. E. B. DuBois and Guy B. Johnson, eds., prepared with the collaboration of E. Irene Diggs, Agnes C. I. Donohugh, Guion Johnson, Rayford W. Logan, L. D. Reddick, and Introduction by Anson Phelps-Stokes, The Encyclopedia of the Negro (1945) (0)
- Harvey Wish, George Fitzhugh, Propagandist of the Old South (1944) (0)
- Fred L. Brownlee, New Day Ascending (1947) (0)
- Norma B. Cuthbert, Lincoln and The Baltimore Plot, 1861 (1949) (0)
- Bernard Robb, Illustrated by Woodi Ishmael, Welcum Hinges (1942) (0)
- Benjamin Lee Gordon, Medicine Throughout Antiquity (1949) (0)
- Walter White, A Man Called White (1949) (0)
- Edward B. Reuter, The American Race Problem (1939) (0)
- Hortense Powdermaker, After Freedom (1939) (0)
- H. P. Junod, Bantu Heritage (1939) (0)
- A. A. Nwafor Orizu, Without Bitterness: Western Nations in Post-War Africa (1945) (0)
- Wood Gray, The Hidden Civil War (1943) (0)
- Alice Felt Tyler, Freedom's Ferment (1944) (0)
- Horace R. Cayton and George S. Mitchell, Black Workers and the New Unions (1939) (0)
- E. Franklin Frazier and Eric Williams, eds., The Economic Future of the Caribbean (1944) (0)
- Frank J. Klingberg, ed., Codrington Chronicle: An Experiment in Anglican Altruism on a Barbados Plantation, 1710-1834 (1949) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1930) (0)
- Harry Washington Greene, Holders of Doctorates Among Negroes (1946) (0)
- Vishnu V. Oak, The Negro's Adventure in General Business (1949) (0)
- Annual Report of the Director (1944) (0)
- B. A. Botkin, ed., Lay My Burden Down (1946) (0)
- Louis L. Snyder, Race, a History of Modern Ethnic Theories (1939) (0)
- Edwin R. Embree, Brown America (0)
- Malcolm R. Lovell with foreword by Rufus M. Jones, Two Quaker Sisters, Elizabeth Buffum Chace and Lucy Buffum Lovell (1939) (0)
- Anson Phelps Stokes, A Brief Biography of Booker Washington (1937) (0)
- E. C. Morris; [Head of the National Baptist Convention.] (0)
- Curtis Wiswell Garrison, ed., The United States, 1865-1900: A Survey of Current Literature with Abstracts of Unpublished Dissertations (1945) (0)
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