Aaron John Sharp
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American botanist and bryologist
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Why Is Aaron John Sharp Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Aaron John Sharp , known professionally as Jack Sharp, was an American botanist and bryologist, considered an expert on mosses. Early life Sharp was raised on a dairy farm near East Liberty, Ohio. He attended Ohio Wesleyan University and earned his degree in botany in 1927. After receiving his undergraduate degree, Sharp was introduced to bryology by George Elwood Nichols while taking his classes at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Sharp earned his M.S. from the University of Oklahoma while studying under Paul Sears in 1929.
Aaron John Sharp's Published Works
Published Works
- Textbook of Dendrology (1960) (439)
- The Moss Flora of Mexico (1993) (311)
- Characteristics of the Vegetation in Certain Temperate Regions of Eastern Mexico (1950) (157)
- Illustrated Moss Flora of Japan. Part 2 (1988) (98)
- Atlas of the Japanese Flora: An Introduction to Plant Sociology of East Asia (1973) (92)
- How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts (1980) (56)
- Taxonomic and Ecological Studies of Eastern Tennessee Bryophytes (1939) (51)
- A Unique Vegetational Area in Tamaulipas (1951) (44)
- Bryophytic Unions of Certain Forest Types of the Great Smoky Mountains (1938) (34)
- Contributions to the Lichen Flora of North America. II. The Lichen Flora of the Great Smoky Mountains (1942) (33)
- A Remarkably Reduced Vascular Plant in the United States (1963) (32)
- Plant Taxonomy, Methods and Principles. (1963) (23)
- Some fungi common to the highlands of Mexico and Guatemala and eastern United States (1948) (20)
- Behavior and Weight Loss of Feeder Calves in a Railcar Modified for Feeding and Watering in Transit (1981) (19)
- Lichens in "Packets" of Lacewing Larvae (Chrysopidae) (1971) (16)
- Results of a bryogeographical expedition to East Africa in 1968-4- (1988) (12)
- Observations on the Reproduction and Development of the Gametophyte of Tetraphis pellucida in Culture (1962) (11)
- Phytogeographical correlations between the bryophytes of Eastern Asia and North America (1972) (10)
- Some Lichens from the Southern Appalachians and Mexico (1968) (10)
- A Preliminary Statement Concerning Mosses Common to Japan and Mexico (1965) (9)
- Vascular Epiphytes in the Great Smoky Mountains (1957) (6)
- The Systematic Position and Distribution of Treubia nana (1966) (6)
- Additional Mosses from Mexico of Geographical Significance (1975) (5)
- Southern Appalachian Bryophytes in Europe (1941) (5)
- Some Historical Factors and the Distribution of Southern Appalachian Bryophytes (1941) (4)
- British Mosses and Liverworts (1956) (4)
- Morphology of the urban moss,Tortula pagorum in sterile culture (1984) (4)
- An Unusual Substrate for Knothole Moss, Anacamptodon splachnoides (1981) (4)
- Some Pteridophytes from Tamaulipas (1954) (4)
- The Mosses of the Kodiak Archipelago (1980) (4)
- Additional Mosses from Costa Rica and Mexico (1973) (4)
- A New Method for Mounting Evergreen Conifer Twigs with Deciduous Leaves (1964) (3)
- Three New Mosses from Tennessee (1933) (3)
- Efficacy of an oral larvicide in controlling horse bots. (1981) (3)
- Leskea and Pseudoleskea (1934) (2)
- Bryophytes of Southeastern Oklahoma I. A Preliminary List with Notes (1930) (2)
- The Bromeliaceae of Brazil.Lyman B. Smith (1957) (2)
- Mosses of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. I@@@Mosses of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. I (1982) (2)
- Fungi That Decay Ponderosa Pine Robert L. Gilbertson (1975) (2)
- Hygrohypnum steerei sp. nov. from Mexico (1978) (2)
- Two Species of Bryoerythrophyllum (Pottiaceae) New to Mexico (1981) (2)
- Molendoa sendtneriana in the United States (1958) (1)
- Bartramidula in the United States (1936) (1)
- Interesting Bryophytes, Mainly of the Southern Appalachians (1936) (1)
- Geographical relationships in the bryoflora of Mexico (Proceedings of the World Conference of Bryology,Tokyo,Japan,May 23-28,1983 -2-) -- (Biogeography) (1984) (1)
- Jamesonia alstonii in Oaxaca, Mexico (1971) (1)
- Tovara in Mexico (1952) (1)
- Keys to the Phyla of Organisms including Keys to the Orders of the Plant Kingdom (1940) (1)
- Acrobolbus in the United States (1936) (1)
- Crassicosta, a new genus of Amblystegiaceae from Northern Mexico (1984) (1)
- Factors in the distribution of Hyophila tortula and an extension in its known range to include Michigan (1955) (1)
- Elements in the Tennessee flora with tropical relationships (1955) (1)
- A Lichen as a Substratum for Mosses (1930) (1)
- Extension of the Ranges for Three Rare Mosses (1930) (1)
- Gentiana austromontana, a new species from the southern Appalachians (1964) (1)
- A New Variety of Ilex vomitoria from Southern Mexico (1950) (1)
- Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology T. Elliott Weier C. Ralph Stocking Michael G. Barbour Thomas L. Rost (1983) (1)
- Some Hepaticae from the Mountain Lake Region of Virginia (1944) (1)
- Experimental Railcar for Cattle Transport (1981) (1)
- Bryological Notes from Mexico, III (1946) (1)
- Notes on Tennessee Ferns (1933) (1)
- Liverworts of Southern Michigan.William Campbell Steere (1940) (1)
- Another Coastal Plain Sphagnum in Tennessee (1947) (1)
- Some hepatics with interesting distributions (1987) (1)
- The Compleat Botanist: Trained botanists with a broad background and a liberal education are urgently needed by society. (1964) (1)
- Bryophyta Exsiccata. Fasciculus I (No. 1-50) (1978) (0)
- The University of California Botanical Garden Expeditions to the Andes (1935-1952), with Observations on the Phytogeography of Peru.T. H. Goodspeed , H. E. Stork (1957) (0)
- The Role of Biology in Conservation Education (1949) (0)
- A History of Conservation and Philosophy of Resource Use in the U. S. (1965) (0)
- A new station for Lygodium palmatum. (1982) (0)
- Tributes to Winona H. Welch (1988) (0)
- Plant Reproductive Ecology Mary F. Willson (1985) (0)
- Streptopogonjuarezii n. sp. and Trematodon norrisii n. sp (1986) (0)
- Caroline Coventry Haynes (1858-1951) (1955) (0)
- Leucobryum incurvifolium in the United States (1980) (0)
- Field Guide for a Geobotanic Transect To Fall Creek Falls, Tennessee (1973) (0)
- Responsibilities and opportunities of the taxonomist today (1962) (0)
- Book Review:Mosses. A New Approach to the Identification of Common Species. E. T. Bodenberg (1956) (0)
- The Occurrence of Bryum coronatum in Michigan (1961) (0)
- Manual of Leafy Mosses of the Arctic USSR (1962) (0)
- Book Review:Ferns of Tennessee, with the Fern Allies Excluded. Jesse M. Shaver (1956) (0)
- Studies of Vegetation in Two Areas of Mexico (1969) (0)
- Some Moss Reports for Michigan (1963) (0)
- The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America East of the Hundredth Meridian. Rudolf M. Schuster (1981) (0)
- Preissia quadrata in Tennessee (1975) (0)
- Berchemia Scandens (Hill) K. Koch (Rhamnaceae) in Chiapas: Detailed Locality Data (1966) (0)
- Two Species of Bryoerythrophyllum (Pottiaceae) (1981) (0)
- The Use of Physical Concepts in Teaching Biology (1948) (0)
- Bryum richardsii sp.nov. (1983) (0)
- Trichomanes Petersii A. Gray in Tennessee (1931) (0)
- The Plant Kingdom: Evolution and Form Samuel R. Rushforth (1976) (0)
- British Mosses and Liverworts. An Introductory Work, with Full Descriptions and Figures of Over 200 Species, and Keys for the Identification of All Except the Very Rare Species.E. Vernon Watson (1956) (0)
- Lycopodium crassum in Mexico (1974) (0)
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