
Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun

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Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun is a Chinese linguist of Manchu ethnicity who is known for her studies of the Manchu, Jurchen and Khitan languages and scripts. She is also known as a historian of the Liao and Jin dynasties. Her works include a grammar of Manchu , a dictionary of Jurchen , and a study of Khitan memorial inscriptions , as well as various studies on the phonology and grammar of the Khitan language.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun?

Aisin-Gioro Ulhicun is affiliated with the following schools: