Allan H. MacDonald
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Canadian-American physicist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Allan H. MacDonald is a theoretical condensed matter physicist and the Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair Professor of Physics at The University of Texas at Austin. He was born in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, and attended local schools completing a B.S. at St. Francis Xavier University in 1973. He completed his physics at The University of Toronto in 1978, working with S.H. Vosko on relativistic generalizations of density functional theory, and on the application of density functional theory to magnetism in metals.
Allan H. MacDonald's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Anomalous hall effect (2009) (2360)
- Moiré bands in twisted double-layer graphene (2010) (1802)
- Observation of Majorana fermions in ferromagnetic atomic chains on a superconductor (2014) (1380)
- Universal intrinsic spin Hall effect. (2003) (1319)
- Superconductors, orbital magnets and correlated states in magic-angle bilayer graphene (2019) (926)
- Theory of ferromagnetic (III, Mn) V semiconductors (2006) (902)
- Spintronics and pseudospintronics in graphene and topological insulators. (2012) (817)
- Evidence for moiré excitons in van der Waals heterostructures (2018) (793)
- Intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interactions in graphene sheets (2006) (736)
- Photonic topological insulators. (2013) (704)
- Graphene: Exploring carbon flatland (2007) (698)
- Photonic Analogue of Two-dimensional Topological Insulators and Helical One-Way Edge Transport in Bi-Anisotropic Metamaterials (2012) (686)
- Ferromagnetic semiconductors: moving beyond (Ga,Mn)As (2005) (577)
- Anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic semiconductors. (2001) (548)
- Bose–Einstein condensation of excitons in bilayer electron systems (2004) (548)
- Capacitance of carbon-based electrical double-layer capacitors (2014) (535)
- Interface-Induced Phenomena in Magnetism. (2016) (508)
- Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene. (2006) (506)
- Ultrathin high-temperature oxidation-resistant coatings of hexagonal boron nitride (2013) (476)
- Quantum transport of massless Dirac fermions. (2006) (468)
- First principles calculation of anomalous Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic bcc Fe. (2003) (453)
- Simulation of Hubbard model physics in WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattices (2020) (421)
- Ab initio theory of gate induced gaps in graphene bilayers (2006) (420)
- Tunable moiré bands and strong correlations in small-twist-angle bilayer graphene (2017) (403)
- A linearised relativistic augmented-plane-wave method utilising approximate pure spin basis functions (1980) (395)
- Anomalous Hall effect arising from noncollinear antiferromagnetism. (2013) (389)
- A relativistic density functional formalism (1979) (357)
- Prospects for high temperature ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As semiconductors (2005) (345)
- Giant magneto-optical Kerr effect and universal Faraday effect in thin-film topological insulators. (2010) (337)
- Strong Coulomb drag and broken symmetry in double-layer graphene (2012) (319)
- Topological antiferromagnetic spintronics (2018) (313)
- Observation of Plasmarons in Quasi-Freestanding Doped Graphene (2010) (308)
- Strong interface-induced spin–orbit interaction in graphene on WS2 (2015) (302)
- Graphene bilayers with a twist (2020) (299)
- Hubbard Model Physics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moiré Bands. (2018) (293)
- Valley Chern numbers and boundary modes in gapped bilayer graphene (2013) (290)
- Theory of Phonon-Mediated Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene. (2018) (286)
- Spontaneous quantum Hall states in chirally stacked few-layer graphene systems. (2010) (261)
- Quantum anomalous Hall effect in graphene proximity coupled to an antiferromagnetic insulator. (2014) (255)
- Nonlinear spin current and magnetoresistance of molecular tunnel junctions. (2006) (240)
- Theory of magnetic anisotropy in III 1 − x Mn x V ferromagnets (2000) (240)
- Room-temperature superfluidity in graphene bilayers (2008) (234)
- Topological Insulators in Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers. (2018) (233)
- Antiferromagnetic metal spintronics (2005) (232)
- Origin of band gaps in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (2014) (231)
- Electronic cooling in graphene. (2009) (223)
- Band structure of ABC-stacked graphene trilayers (2010) (222)
- Direct measurement of exciton valley coherence in monolayer WSe2 (2015) (215)
- Magnetic and magnetic inverse spin Hall effects in a non-collinear antiferromagnet (2019) (210)
- Nature of the Correlated Insulator States in Twisted Bilayer Graphene. (2018) (210)
- Exciton band structure of monolayer MoS$_2$ (2015) (198)
- Interlayer coupling in ferromagnetic semiconductor superlattices (1998) (198)
- Transport spectroscopy of symmetry-broken insulating states in bilayer graphene. (2011) (197)
- Direct chemical conversion of graphene to boron- and nitrogen- and carbon-containing atomic layers (2014) (195)
- Graphene: Materially Better Carbon (2010) (194)
- Topological Exciton Bands in Moiré Heterojunctions. (2016) (188)
- Plasmons and the spectral function of graphene (2008) (187)
- Bilayer PseudoSpin Field-Effect Transistor (BiSFET): A Proposed New Logic Device (2009) (186)
- Quantized Hall effect and edge currents (1984) (182)
- High-resolution tunnelling spectroscopy of a graphene quartet (2010) (178)
- Theory of spin torques and giant magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic metals (2006) (175)
- The marvels of moiré materials (2021) (167)
- Theory of optical absorption by interlayer excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers (2017) (164)
- Double-occupancy errors, adiabaticity, and entanglement of spin qubits in quantum dots (2000) (154)
- Ab-Initio Theory of Moiré Superlattice Bands in Layered Two-Dimensional Materials (2013) (151)
- Correlated Insulating States in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene. (2019) (151)
- Quantum anomalous Hall effect in single-layer and bilayer graphene (2011) (151)
- Pseudospin magnetism in graphene (2007) (147)
- Many-body theory of trion absorption features in two-dimensional semiconductors (2016) (147)
- Electrical switching of magnetic order in an orbital Chern insulator (2020) (145)
- Topologically Protected Helical States in Minimally Twisted Bilayer Graphene. (2018) (144)
- Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional Dirac band: The link between the Kubo-Streda formula and the semiclassical Boltzmann equation approach (2006) (143)
- Electronic highways in bilayer graphene. (2011) (141)
- Electrical switching of the topological anomalous Hall effect in a non-collinear antiferromagnet above room temperature (2018) (141)
- Chiral decomposition in the electronic structure of graphene multilayers (2007) (141)
- Crystallization of the incompressible quantum-fluid state of a two-dimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field (1984) (140)
- Semiclassical spin transport in spin-orbit-coupled bands. (2003) (139)
- How to make a bilayer exciton condensate flow (2008) (139)
- Quantum dots in strong magnetic fields: stability criteria for the maximum density droplet (1993) (131)
- Extensions of the tetrahedron method for evaluating spectral properties of solids (1979) (131)
- Band offset and negative compressibility in graphene-MoS2 heterostructures. (2014) (131)
- Theory of spin-charge-coupled transport in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interactions (2003) (127)
- Quantum kinetic theory of current-induced torques in Rashba ferromagnets (2012) (126)
- Chirality and correlations in graphene. (2007) (125)
- Transport Between Twisted Graphene Layers (2010) (125)
- Effect of edge roughness on electronic transport in graphene nanoribbon channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (2007) (124)
- Energy gaps, magnetism, and electric-field effects in bilayer graphene nanoribbons (2008) (122)
- Moiré butterflies in twisted bilayer graphene (2011) (120)
- Magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr effects in topological insulator films and in other layered quantized Hall systems (2011) (119)
- Changing exchange bias in spin valves with an electric current. (2007) (119)
- Double Quantum Well Electron-Hole Systems in Strong Magnetic Fields (1990) (119)
- Carrier density and magnetism in graphene zigzag nanoribbons (2009) (118)
- Collective modes and skyrmion excitations in graphene SU"4… quantum Hall ferromagnets (2006) (117)
- Curie Temperature Trends in (III,Mn)V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors (2002) (116)
- Valley-Hall Kink and Edge States in Multilayer Graphene (2011) (114)
- Hall voltage and current distributions in an ideal two-dimensional system (1983) (113)
- Drude weight, plasmon dispersion, and a.c. conductivity in doped graphene sheets (2011) (113)
- Character of states near the Fermi level in (Ga,Mn)as : Impurity to valence band crossover (2007) (110)
- Theory of interedge superexchange in zigzag edge magnetism. (2008) (106)
- Electronic and magnetic properties of single-layer MPX$_3$ metal phosphorous trichalcogenides (2016) (106)
- Theory of t 2g electron-gas Rashba interactions (2013) (104)
- Electronic Structure of Multilayer Graphene (2008) (101)
- Transport studies of dual-gated ABC and ABA trilayer graphene: band gap opening and band structure tuning in very large perpendicular electric fields. (2013) (96)
- Velocity-modulation control of electron-wave propagation in graphene (2009) (95)
- Spontaneous inversion symmetry breaking in graphene bilayers (2010) (95)
- Local spectroscopy of moiré-induced electronic structure in gate-tunable twisted bilayer graphene (2015) (95)
- Charge and spin Hall conductivity in metallic graphene. (2006) (94)
- Topological superconductivity induced by ferromagnetic metal chains (2014) (93)
- Anomalous Hall effect in paramagnetic two-dimensional systems (2003) (90)
- First-order phase transitions in a quantum Hall ferromagnet (1999) (88)
- Superconductivity: Copper oxides get charged up (2001) (88)
- Pseudospin anisotropy classification of quantum Hall ferromagnets (2000) (86)
- Theory of magnetic properties and spin-wave dispersion for ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As (2001) (85)
- Double-layer graphene and topological insulator thin-film plasmons (2011) (85)
- Electron-phonon enhancement of electron-electron scattering in Al (1980) (84)
- Influence of a uniform current on collective magnetization dynamics in a ferromagnetic metal (2003) (84)
- Enhanced spin Seebeck effect signal due to spin-momentum locked topological surface states (2016) (83)
- Itinerant ferromagnetism in an ultracold atom fermi gas. (2005) (81)
- Transport properties of graphene nanoroads in boron nitride sheets. (2012) (78)
- Finite-temperature screening and the specific heat of doped graphene sheets (2008) (78)
- Long-distance spin transport through a graphene quantum Hall antiferromagnet (2018) (77)
- Monte Carlo Study of Ferromagnetism in (III,Mn)V Semiconductors (2000) (77)
- Decoherence processes during optical manipulation of excitonic qubits in semiconductor quantum dots (2004) (76)
- Quantum theory of quantum Hall smectics (1999) (76)
- Strongly Enhanced Tunneling at Total Charge Neutrality in Double-Bilayer Graphene-WSe_{2} Heterostructures. (2018) (75)
- Accurate tight-binding models for the π bands of bilayer graphene (2013) (75)
- Magnetic domains in III-V magnetic semiconductors (2001) (75)
- Revealing the electronic band structure of trilayer graphene on SiC: An angle-resolved photoemission study (2013) (75)
- Graphene for CMOS and Beyond CMOS Applications (2010) (74)
- Dc-transport properties of ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As semiconductors (2003) (73)
- Phonon renormalization in reconstructed MoS2 moiré superlattices (2020) (73)
- Dissipationless Spin Transport in Thin Film Ferromagnets (2000) (72)
- Observation of a nematic quantum Hall liquid on the surface of bismuth (2016) (72)
- Intra-Landau-level cyclotron resonance in bilayer graphene. (2008) (72)
- Theory of the SrTiO 3 surface state two-dimensional electron gas (2012) (71)
- Quantum Hall effects in graphene-based two-dimensional electron systems (2011) (71)
- Quantum Hall Effect: A Perspective (1989) (70)
- Comment on special points for Brillouin-zone integrations (1978) (70)
- Resistance spikes and domain wall loops in Ising quantum Hall ferromagnets. (2001) (70)
- Strongly correlated excitonic insulator in atomic double layers (2021) (70)
- Graphene: A pseudochiral Fermi liquid (2007) (69)
- Functional Keldysh theory of spin torques (2007) (69)
- Nonadiabatic spin-transfer torque in real materials (2008) (68)
- Materials science: Graphene moiré mystery solved? (2011) (68)
- Density functional theory of graphene sheets (2008) (68)
- Thermally assisted current-driven domain-wall motion. (2006) (67)
- Collective Excitations, NMR, and Phase Transitions in Skyrme Crystals (1997) (67)
- Effective screening and the plasmaron bands in Graphene. (2011) (67)
- Quantum melting and absence of Bose-Einstein condensation in two-dimensional vortex matter. (2002) (66)
- Study of the driven damped pendulum: Application to Josephson junctions and charge-density-wave systems (1983) (66)
- Transition-metal dimers and physical limits on magnetic anisotropy. (2007) (66)
- Landau-level subband structure of electrons on a square lattice (1983) (66)
- Origin of universal optical conductivity and optical stacking sequence identification in multilayer graphene. (2009) (66)
- Coordinate shift in the semiclassical Boltzmann equation and the anomalous Hall effect (2005) (65)
- Lattice theory of pseudospin ferromagnetism in bilayer graphene: Competing interaction-induced quantum Hall states (2010) (64)
- Helical network model for twisted bilayer graphene (2018) (64)
- Two-dimensional chiral topological superconductivity in Shiba lattices (2016) (64)
- Accurate Gap Determination in Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene/ h-BN Moiré Superlattices. (2018) (64)
- Magnetization relaxation in (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors (2003) (64)
- Boltzmann theory of engineered anisotropic magnetoresistance in (Ga,Mn)As (2002) (63)
- Non-muffin-tin and relativistic interaction effects on the electronic structure of noble metals (1982) (63)
- Γ valley transition metal dichalcogenide moiré bands (2021) (63)
- Hydrodynamic theory of transport in doped graphene (2009) (62)
- Evidence for a spontaneous gapped state in ultraclean bilayer graphene (2012) (62)
- Theory of interlayer tunneling in bilayer quantum Hall ferromagnets. (2000) (62)
- Influence of a Transport Current on Magnetic Anisotropy (2009) (62)
- Magneto-optical and magnetoelectric effects of topological insulators in quantizing magnetic fields (2010) (61)
- Theory of Two-Dimensional Spatially Indirect Equilibrium Exciton Condensates (2015) (60)
- Edge spin accumulation in semiconductor two-dimensional hole gases (2005) (59)
- Theory of the magnetic-field-induced insulator in neutral graphene sheets (2009) (59)
- Influence of relativistic contributions to the effective potential on the electronic structure of Pd and Pt (1981) (59)
- Erratum: Visualization of geometric influences on proximity effects in heterogeneous superconductor thin films (2012) (59)
- Cavity quantum electrodynamics of strongly correlated electron systems: A no-go theorem for photon condensation (2019) (56)
- Hartree-Fock approximation for response functions and collective excitations in a two-dimensional electron gas with filled Landau levels (1985) (56)
- Hartree-Fock theory of Skyrmions in quantum Hall ferromagnets (1996) (54)
- Current-induced torques in magnetic metals: Beyond spin-transfer (2007) (54)
- Anomalous Hall antiferromagnets (2021) (53)
- Current-induced torques due to compensated antiferromagnets. (2007) (53)
- Limits on the Curie temperature of (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors (2000) (53)
- Magnetic Anisotropy in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets (1998) (52)
- Electronic transport through a double quantum dot in the spin-blockade regime: Theoretical models (2006) (51)
- Noncollinear ferromagnetism in (III,Mn)V semiconductors. (2001) (51)
- Moiré band model and band gaps of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (2017) (50)
- Current Partition at Topological Channel Intersections (2013) (49)
- Field-tilt Anisotropy Energy in Quantum Hall Stripe States (1999) (49)
- Ultrathin two-dimensional superconductivity with strong spin–orbit coupling (2016) (48)
- Strong correlation to weak correlation phase transition in bilayer quantum Hall systems. (2000) (48)
- Landau level mixing and the fractional quantum Hall effect (2013) (48)
- Optical control of topological quantum transport in semiconductors. (2007) (48)
- Introduction to the Physics of the Quantum Hall Regime (1994) (48)
- Broken-symmetry ground states in ν=2 bilayer quantum Hall systems (1999) (47)
- Ab initio giant magnetoresistance and current-induced torques in Cr/Au/Cr multilayers (2006) (47)
- Exploring graphene - Recent research advances - Foreword (2007) (46)
- Umklapp electron-electron scattering and the low-temperature electrical resistivity of the alkali metals (1981) (45)
- Fermi velocity enhancement in monolayer and bilayer graphene (2009) (44)
- Ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterojunction systems (2002) (44)
- Dynamical response functions and collective modes of bilayer graphene (2009) (44)
- Interband coherence response to electric fields in crystals: Berry-phase contributions and disorder effects (2017) (44)
- Drude weight, cyclotron resonance, and the Dicke model of graphene cavity QED. (2012) (43)
- Interaction-enhanced coherence between two-dimensional Dirac layers (2012) (43)
- Observation of Rydberg exciton polaritons and their condensate in a perovskite cavity (2018) (43)
- Beyond silicon: Carbon-based nanotechnology (2010) (42)
- Modulation of mechanical resonance by chemical potential oscillation in graphene (2015) (41)
- Theory of photon condensation in a spatially varying electromagnetic field (2020) (41)
- Bilayer Graphene’s Wicked, Twisted Road (2019) (41)
- Dynamics of magnetization coupled to a thermal bath of elastic modes (2005) (40)
- Engineering superfluidity in electron-hole double layers (1997) (40)
- Conduction-band edge and Shubnikov-de Haas effect in low-electron-density SrTiO3 (2013) (40)
- Dynamic Optical Tuning of Interlayer Interactions in the Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. (2017) (40)
- A novel platform for two-dimensional chiral topological superconductivity (2015) (40)
- Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas (2007) (40)
- Current-induced order parameter dynamics: Microscopic theory applied to Co ∕ Cu ∕ Co spin valves (2006) (40)
- Electron-electron interactions in decoupled graphene layers (2010) (39)
- Infrared conductivity of metallic (III,Mn)V ferromagnets (2002) (39)
- Tight-binding model for graphene π-bands from maximally localized Wannier functions (2013) (39)
- Competing zero-field Chern insulators in Superconducting Twisted Bilayer Graphene (2021) (38)
- Quantum Kinetic Theory of the Chiral Anomaly (2017) (38)
- Dependence of the intrinsic spin-Hall effect on spin-orbit interaction character (2005) (37)
- Quantized Casimir force. (2012) (37)
- Low-temperature magnetization of (Ga,Mn)As semiconductors (2005) (36)
- Anisotropic exchange interactions in III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors (2004) (36)
- Magnetoelectric coupling in zigzag graphene nanoribbons (2009) (35)
- Ab InitioCalculation of the Spin Susceptibility for the Alkali Metals Using the Density-Functional Formalism (1975) (35)
- Mn-doped Ga(As,P) and (Al,Ga)As ferromagnetic semiconductors (2006) (35)
- Coupling between edge and bulk in strong-field quantum dots (2002) (34)
- Disorder and ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors (2002) (34)
- Pressure-induced phase transitions and superconductivity in a black phosphorus single crystal (2018) (34)
- Nonvanishing spin Hall currents in disordered spin-orbit coupling systems (2004) (34)
- Spin-polarised relativistic exchange energies and potentials (1983) (33)
- Is there a dc Josephson effect in bilayer quantum Hall systems? (2001) (33)
- Spin density functional theory of the temperature-dependent spin susceptibility: Pd and Pt (1979) (33)
- Gilbert damping in conducting ferromagnets. II. Model tests of the torque-correlation formula (2008) (33)
- Magnetized topological insulator multilayers (2020) (33)
- The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Properties of an Incompressible Quantum Fluid (1988) (33)
- Frictional drag between quantum wells mediated by phonon exchange (1997) (32)
- Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for quantum wires (2001) (32)
- Distinguishing spontaneous quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene. (2011) (31)
- Infrared magneto-optical properties of (III,Mn)V ferromagetic semiconductors (2003) (31)
- Influence of structure on the phonon-limited resistivities of Li and Na (1980) (31)
- Realization of fully frustrated Josephson-junction arrays with cold atoms. (2005) (31)
- Finite conductivity minimum in bilayer graphene without charge inhomogeneities (2010) (30)
- Microscopic functional integral theory of quantum fluctuations in double-layer quantum Hall ferromagnets (2001) (30)
- Edge states and quantized Hall conductivity in a periodic potential (1984) (30)
- Nonlocal transport mediated by spin supercurrents (2014) (30)
- Coherently photoinduced ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors. (2003) (30)
- Inversion-layer width, electron-electron interactions, and the fractional quantum Hall effect (1984) (29)
- Exciton-polarons in doped semiconductors in a strong magnetic field (2017) (29)
- Trion valley coherence in monolayer semiconductors (2016) (29)
- Electronic cooling via interlayer Coulomb coupling in multilayer epitaxial graphene (2015) (29)
- Multi-Component Quantum Hall Systems: The Sum of their Parts and More (1995) (28)
- Broken SU(4) symmetry and the fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene. (2013) (28)
- Inelastic scattering in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin valves (2006) (28)
- Possible Kondo physics near a metal-insulator crossover in the a-site ordered perovskite CaCu3Ir4O12. (2013) (27)
- Incommensurate Ground State of Double-Layer Quantum Hall Systems (2001) (27)
- Hund's rules for the N=0 Landau levels of trilayer graphene (2012) (27)
- Electron-exciton interactions in the exciton-polaron problem (2020) (27)
- Topological Dirac States beyond π-Orbitals for Silicene on SiC(0001) Surface. (2017) (27)
- Interactions suppress quasiparticle tunneling at Hall bar constrictions. (2004) (27)
- Topological electromotive force from domain-wall dynamics in a ferromagnet (2010) (27)
- Superfluid properties of double-layer quantum Hall ferromagnets (2001) (27)
- Measuring electron—electron scattering rates through mutual friction (1994) (27)
- EPR and ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells. (2000) (27)
- Persistent spin currents in helimagnets (2003) (27)
- Electron-electron scattering and the thermal resistivity of simple metals (1980) (27)
- Weak-field Hall Resistivity and Spin/Valley Flavor Symmetry Breaking in MAtBG (2020) (27)
- Orbital and interlayer skyrmion crystals in bilayer graphene (2010) (27)
- Correlated electron-hole state in twisted double-bilayer graphene (2020) (27)
- Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene. (2021) (26)
- Theory of tunneling spectroscopy in ferromagnetic nanoparticles. (2000) (26)
- Multiple flat bands and topological Hofstadter butterfly in twisted bilayer graphene close to the second magic angle (2020) (26)
- Anomalous exciton condensation in graphene bilayers. (2009) (26)
- SO(5) symmetry in the quantum Hall effect in graphene (2014) (26)
- Modulation doping near Mott-insulator heterojunctions (2006) (26)
- Interlayer transport in bilayer quantum Hall systems. (2005) (25)
- Pseudospin order in monolayer, bilayer and double-layer graphene (2011) (25)
- Moiré commensurability and the quantum anomalous Hall effect in twisted bilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (2021) (25)
- Metal-insulator transition in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayer moiré superlattices (2020) (25)
- Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Reversal in Orbital Chern Insulators. (2020) (25)
- Gapped broken symmetry states in ABC-stacked trilayer graphene (2012) (25)
- Carrier- and strain-tunable intrinsic magnetism in two-dimensional MAX3 transition metal chalcogenides (2017) (25)
- Emerging exciton physics in transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers (2022) (25)
- Harmonic phonons and phonon-limited resistivities for Rb and Cs from first-principle pseudopotentials (1980) (25)
- Transport and particle-hole asymmetry in graphene on boron nitride (2015) (25)
- Influence of Landau-level mixing on the charge-density-wave state of a two-dimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field (1984) (24)
- Tight-binding study of electron-hole pair condensation in graphene bilayers: Gate control and system-parameter dependence (2010) (24)
- Gate-tunable exchange coupling between cobalt clusters on graphene (2013) (24)
- Field-domain spintronics in magnetic semiconductor multiple quantum wells (2001) (24)
- Critical currents of ideal quantum Hall superfluids (2003) (24)
- Density functional approximation for the quasiparticle properties of simple metals. II. Application to Li, Rb and Cs (1980) (24)
- Spatially indirect exciton condensate phases in double bilayer graphene (2016) (24)
- Influence of disorder on electron-hole pair condensation in graphene bilayers. (2008) (24)
- Laughlin states in higher Landau levels (1984) (23)
- Theory of spin transfer phenomena in magnetic metals and semiconductors (2006) (23)
- Resonant Photovoltaic Effect in Doped Magnetic Semiconductors. (2019) (23)
- The fractional hall effect in multi-component systems (1990) (23)
- Competing magnetic states in transition metal dichalcogenide moiré materials (2021) (23)
- Double-dot transport in the spin blockade regime (2007) (23)
- Bias-voltage-induced phase transition in bilayer quantum Hall ferromagnets (2001) (23)
- Ferromagnetic transition temperature enhancement in (Ga,Mn)As semiconductors by carbon codoping (2003) (23)
- Absence of skew scattering in two-dimensional systems: testing the origins of the anomalous Hall effect. (2007) (23)
- Spontaneous layer-pseudospin domain walls in bilayer graphene. (2014) (23)
- Electron-electron scattering between parallel two-dimensional electron gases (1992) (23)
- Finite Mean-Free-Paths and the Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Simple Metals (1981) (22)
- Quantum Hall superfluids in topological insulator thin films. (2011) (22)
- Density functional approximation for the quasiparticle properties of simple metals. I. Theory and electron gas calculations (1980) (22)
- Spin-polarized current oscillations in diluted magnetic semiconductor multiple quantum wells (2002) (22)
- Variational-principle density-functional evaluation of the spin susceptibility for the alkali metals (1976) (22)
- Ferromagnetism in (III,Mn) V Semiconductors (2001) (22)
- Universal phase diagram for vortex states of layered superconductors in strong magnetic fields (1997) (22)
- Electronic Structure of Single-Twist Trilayer Graphene (2019) (22)
- Ordering mechanism and quantum anomalous Hall effect of magnetically doped topological insulators (2017) (21)
- Periphery deformations and tunneling at correlated quantum Hall edges (1998) (21)
- Magnons and Skyrmions in fractional Hall ferromagnets (1998) (21)
- Giant field-like torque by the out-of-plane magnetic spin Hall effect in a topological antiferromagnet (2021) (21)
- Quantized Hall conductance in a relativistic two-dimensional electron gas (1983) (21)
- Lattice pseudospin model for ν=1 quantum Hall bilayers (2002) (21)
- Enhancement of photonic density of states in finite graphene multilayers (2013) (21)
- Elementary excitations of ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles (2003) (21)
- Fingerprints of Fragile Topology in the Hofstadter spectrum of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Close to the Second Magic Angle (2020) (21)
- Disorder and interactions in quantum Hall ferromagnets near nu=1. (2000) (21)
- Quantized Hall effect in a hexagonal periodic potential (1984) (20)
- Non-Drude optical conductivity of (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors (2002) (20)
- Magnetization orientation dependence of the quasiparticle spectrum and hysteresis in ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles (2002) (20)
- Orbital order in bilayer graphene at filling factor ν = − 1 (2010) (20)
- Spin excitations in metallic kagome lattice FeSn and CoSn (2021) (20)
- Magnetic properties of substitutional Mn in (110) GaAs surface and subsurface layers (2009) (20)
- Energy-Resolved Photoconductivity Mapping in a Monolayer-Bilayer WSe2 Lateral Heterostructure. (2018) (20)
- Competing ordered states in bilayer graphene (2012) (20)
- Unveiling defect-mediated carrier dynamics in monolayer semiconductors by spatiotemporal microwave imaging (2020) (20)
- Universal quenching of the superconducting state of two-dimensional nanosize Pb-island structures (2011) (20)
- Unidirectional Magneto-Resistance in Modulation-Doped Magnetic Topological Insulators. (2019) (19)
- Blockade and counterflow supercurrent in exciton-condensate Josephson junctions. (2009) (19)
- In-Plane Critical Magnetic Fields in Magic-Angle Twisted Trilayer Graphene. (2021) (19)
- Quantum anomalous Hall Majorana platform (2017) (19)
- Comment on "low-temperature resistivity and thermoelectric ratio of copper and gold" (1980) (19)
- Basic Research Needs Workshop on Quantum Materials for Energy Relevant Technology (2016) (19)
- SU(3) Quantum Hall Ferromagnetism in SnTe. (2015) (19)
- The Role of Electron-electron Interactions in Graphene ARPES Spectra (2007) (19)
- Gilbert damping in conducting ferromagnets. I. Kohn-Sham theory and atomic-scale inhomogeneity (2008) (18)
- Spin and charge Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters in quantum wires (2001) (18)
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- Theory of magnon transport in quantum Hall ferromagnet (2019) (0)
- Helical Network Model of the Twisted Graphene Bilayer (2018) (0)
- The electromagnetic field induced excitation of magnons in spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators (2015) (0)
- Erratum: Chern Numbers for Spin Models of Transition Metal Nanomagnets [Phys. Rev. Lett.91, 046805 (2003)] (2005) (0)
- Non-linear Transport in Quantum-Hall Smectics (2000) (0)
- Topological phases in a multi-band 2D electron gas. (2017) (0)
- Anomalous Landau quantization in intrinsic magnetic topological insulators (2022) (0)
- Magnetotransport of surface states in HfNiSn single crystals (2017) (0)
- Polariton Supercurrent Generation in Unipolar Electro-optic Devices (2017) (0)
- Quasi-particle Spectrum of a D-wave Vortex (1998) (0)
- Quantum Hall Stripe States in a Tilted Magnetic Field (2001) (0)
- A Scanning Tunneling Study of Twisted Bilayer Graphene (2014) (0)
- Mean-field Superconductivity in Dirac-cone at high magnetic field (2017) (0)
- Orbital order and spin waves in the Kugel-Khomskii model (2007) (0)
- Tunable Moir\'{e} Bands in Minimally Twisted Bilayer Graphene. (2017) (0)
- Tunneling current characteristics in bilayer quantum Hall systems (2001) (0)
- Spontaneous valley ordering in SnTe (001) surface states (2015) (0)
- Trion valley coherence in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (2018) (0)
- Chern-number spin Hamiltonians for magnetic nanoclusters by ab-initio methods (2006) (0)
- Giant magnetic anisotropy and Berry phases in transition-metal dimers (2007) (0)
- Band Structure of ABC-Stacked Graphene Trilayers | NIST (2010) (0)
- Hysteresis and first-order phase transition in the two-dimensional electron gas (2000) (0)
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- Substrate Coupling, Transport, and Exchange Interactions of Graphene on Boron Nitride (2014) (0)
- Photoinduced Anomalous Hall Effect in 2‐Dimensional Hole Gases (2010) (0)
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- Anomalous Hall Effect Arising form Noncollinear Antiferromagnetism: Mn3Ir as an Example (2014) (0)
- Magic angle twisted bilayer graphene: strong correlations and Landau level (2019) (0)
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- Fluctuations and Disorder in DMS Ferromagnets (2002) (0)
- Superfluid Properties of Quantum Hall Ferromagnets (2000) (0)
- Microscopic Spin-Orbit Torque in 3d-5d Transition Metal Bilayers Based on Tight-Binding Model (2018) (0)
- Silicon Donor Array as a Disordered One-Dimensional Electron Gas (2021) (0)
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