Amir Pnueli
Israeli computer scientist researching temporal logic, model checking, and concurrent systems
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Computer Science
Amir Pnueli's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Weizmann Institute of Science
- Bachelors Mathematics Tel Aviv University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Amir Pnueli was an Israeli computer scientist and the 1996 Turing Award recipient. Biography Pnueli was born in Nahalal, in the British Mandate of Palestine and received a Bachelor's degree in mathematics from the Technion in Haifa, and Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the Weizmann Institute of Science . His thesis was on the topic of "Calculation of Tides in the Ocean". He switched to computer science during a stint as a post-doctoral fellow at Stanford University. His works in computer science focused on temporal logic and model checking, particularly regarding fairness properties of concurrent systems.
Amir Pnueli's Published Works
Published Works
- The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems (1991) (4001)
- The temporal logic of programs (1977) (1923)
- On the synthesis of a reactive module (1989) (1487)
- Temporal verification of reactive systems - safety (1995) (1270)
- STATEMATE: a working environment for the development of complex reactive systems (1988) (1226)
- On the Development of Reactive Systems (1989) (1055)
- The Temporal Semantics of Concurrent Programs (1979) (818)
- Synthesis of Reactive(1) designs (2006) (789)
- On the temporal analysis of fairness (1980) (773)
- Temporal Verification of Reactive Systems (1995) (756)
- Checking that finite state concurrent programs satisfy their linear specification (1985) (749)
- The temporal logic of branching time (1981) (637)
- On the Synthesis of Discrete Controllers for Timed Systems (An Extended Abstract) (1995) (632)
- In Transition From Global to Modular Temporal Reasoning about Programs (1989) (552)
- The Glory of the Past (1985) (543)
- Applications of Temporal Logic to the Specification and Verification of Reactive Systems: A Survey of Current Trends (1986) (539)
- Translation Validation (1998) (530)
- Marked Directed Graphs (1971) (513)
- The Programming Language Ada Reference Manual American National Standards Institute, Inc. ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983 (1983) (494)
- From Timed to Hybrid Systems (1991) (458)
- On the Formal Semantics of Statecharts (Extended Abstract) (1987) (441)
- Distributed reactive systems are hard to synthesize (1990) (411)
- STATEMATE: a working environment for the development of complex reactive systems (1988) (392)
- Impartiality, Justice and Fairness: The Ethics of Concurrent Termination (1981) (323)
- What Good Are Digital Clocks? (1992) (322)
- Verification of concurrent programs, Part I: The temporal framework (1981) (313)
- A hierarchy of temporal properties (1987) (303)
- Timed Transition Systems (1991) (298)
- Symbolic Controller Synthesis for Discrete and Timed Systems (1994) (287)
- Transitive Orientation of Graphs and Identification of Permutation Graphs (1971) (274)
- Now you may compose temporal logic specifications (1984) (273)
- Completing the Temporal Picture (1989) (270)
- Controller Synthesis for Timed Automata 1 (1998) (264)
- What is in a Step: On the Semantics of Statecharts (1991) (261)
- Automatic Deductive Verification with Invisible Invariants (2001) (254)
- Reachability Analysis of Dynamical Systems Having Piecewise-Constant Derivatives (1995) (252)
- Effective synthesis of switching controllers for linear systems (2000) (251)
- Linear and Branching Structures in the Semantics and Logics of Reactive Systems (1985) (250)
- How to cook a temporal proof system for your pet language (1983) (239)
- Symbolic model checking with rich assertional languages (2001) (238)
- The anchored version of the temporal framework (1988) (220)
- Two Approaches to Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis (2018) (219)
- Advances in Cryptology — EUROCRYPT ’88 (2000) (217)
- PSL Model Checking and Run-Time Verification Via Testers (2006) (205)
- Verifying Hybrid Systems (1992) (201)
- A really abstract concurrent model and its temporal logic (1986) (199)
- Compositionality: The Significant Difference (1999) (196)
- Parameterized Verification with Automatically Computed Inductive Assertions (2001) (195)
- Temporal proof methodologies for real-time systems (1991) (182)
- Explicit clock temporal logic (1990) (177)
- Permutation Graphs and Transitive Graphs (1972) (176)
- Liveness with (0, 1, infty)-Counter Abstraction (2002) (174)
- Timed and Hybrid Statecharts and Their Textual Representation (1992) (173)
- Integration Graphs: A Class of Decidable Hybrid Systems (1992) (161)
- Adequate Proof Principles for Invariance and Liveness Properties of Concurrent Programs (1984) (160)
- Verification of concurrent programs: a temporal proof system (1983) (157)
- Synthesis Revisited: Generating Statechart Models from Scenario-Based Requirements (2005) (153)
- Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Program (1983) (149)
- Verification of multiprocess probabilistic protocols (1984) (143)
- Algorithmic Verification of Linear Temporal Logic Specifications (1998) (143)
- From MITL to Timed Automata (2006) (142)
- Smart Play-out of Behavioral Requirements (2002) (140)
- A hierarchy of temporal properties (invited paper, 1989) (1990) (133)
- Applications of Temporal Logic to the Specification of Real-time Systems (1988) (133)
- Specify, Compile, Run: Hardware from PSL (2007) (130)
- Symbolic Model Checking with Rich ssertional Languages (1997) (129)
- On the Synthesis of an Asynchronous Reactive Module (1989) (128)
- A framework for scheduler synthesis (1999) (127)
- Propositional Temporal Logics: Decidability and Completeness (2000) (126)
- Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Programs. (1982) (125)
- On the learnability of infinitary regular sets (1991) (123)
- Data-Structures for the Verification of Timed Automata (1997) (123)
- A Choppy Logic (1986) (120)
- Orthogonal Polyhedra: Representation and Computation (1999) (119)
- A Decision Algorithm for Full Propositional Temporal Logic (1993) (118)
- On the extremely fair treatment of probabilistic algorithms (1983) (117)
- Temporal Proof Methodologies for Timed Transition Systems (1994) (113)
- Formal Modeling of C. elegans Development: A Scenario-Based Approach (2003) (111)
- Checking Temporal Properties of Discrete, Timed and Continuous Behaviors (2008) (111)
- Verification of Concurrent Programs: Temporal Proof Principles (1981) (110)
- Characterization of Temporal Property Classes (1992) (110)
- Timing analysis of asynchronous circuits using timed automata (1995) (109)
- Probabilistic Verification (1993) (109)
- Some Progress in the Symbolic Verification of Timed Automata (1997) (109)
- Liveness with (0, 1, ∞)-counter abstraction (2002) (108)
- Temporal Logic for Scenario-Based Specifications (2005) (105)
- A Platform for Combining Deductive with Algorithmic Verification (1996) (103)
- A Compositional Real-Time Semantics of STATEMATE Designs (1997) (102)
- Specification and verification of concurrent programs by A∀automata (1987) (98)
- Faster Solutions of Rabin and Streett Games (2006) (97)
- Shape Analysis by Predicate Abstraction (2005) (97)
- Propositional Dynamic Logic of Nonregular Programs (1983) (96)
- Liveness and Acceleration in Parameterized Verification (2000) (92)
- Jtlv: A Framework for Developing Verification Algorithms (2010) (91)
- VOC: A Methodology for the Translation Validation of OptimizingCompilers (2003) (89)
- Control and data abstraction: the cornerstones of practical formal verification (2000) (89)
- CoVaC: Compiler Validation by Program Analysis of the Cross-Product (2008) (89)
- On Discretization of Delays in Timed Automata and Digital Circuits (1998) (88)
- Real Time Temporal Logic: Past, Present, Future (2005) (87)
- On the Temporal Basis of Fairness. (1980) (86)
- TVOC: A Translation Validator for Optimizing Compilers (2005) (82)
- Understanding UML: A Formal Semantics of Concurrency and Communication in Real-Time UML (2002) (82)
- Verification by Augmented Finitary Abstraction (2000) (82)
- Deterministic Propositional Dynamic Logic: Finite Models, Complexity, and Completeness (1982) (82)
- Temporal Verification Diagrams (1994) (82)
- Interactive presentation: Automatic hardware synthesis from specifications: a case study (2007) (81)
- Deciding Equality Formulas by Small Domains Instantiations (1999) (80)
- Temporal Logic in Specification (1987) (77)
- The Code Validation Tool (CVT) (1998) (77)
- The Modal Logic of Programs (1979) (72)
- Translation Validation for Synchronous Languages (1998) (69)
- VOC: A Translation Validator for Optimizing Compilers (2002) (69)
- Formalization of Properties of Functional Programs (1970) (68)
- Verification of Probabilistic Programs (1984) (68)
- Model checking and abstraction to the aid of parameterized systems (a survey) (2004) (67)
- The Small Model Property: How Small Can It Be? (2002) (66)
- Temporal Verification of Simulation and Refinement (1993) (66)
- The Safety-Progress Classification (1993) (66)
- Decidable Properties of Monadic Functional Schemas (1973) (66)
- Automatic Hardware Synthesis from Specifications: A Case Study (2007) (64)
- A compositional approach to CTL* verification (2005) (64)
- Network Invariants in Action (2002) (63)
- Compositional verification of real-time systems (1994) (62)
- Tools and rules for the practicing verifier (1990) (61)
- Bridging the gap between fair simulation and trace inclusion (2003) (61)
- Decidable Integration Graphs (1999) (59)
- A Linear-History Semantics for Languages for Distributed Programming (1984) (59)
- Verifying Correctness of Transactional Memories (2007) (59)
- Once and for all (1995) (58)
- Translation and Run-Time Validation of Loop Transformations (2005) (56)
- Liveness with invisible ranking (2004) (56)
- Clocked Transition Systems (1996) (55)
- A discrete-time UML semantics for concurrency and communication in safety-critical applications (2005) (54)
- On the Merits of Temporal Testers (2008) (54)
- Proving Precedence Properties: The Temporal Way (1983) (52)
- Verifying Clocked Transition Systems (1996) (49)
- Translation Validation: From SIGNAL to C (1999) (49)
- Revisiting Synthesis of GR(1) Specifications (2010) (48)
- Models for reactivity (1993) (48)
- Modularization and Abstraction: The Keys to Practical Formal Verification (1998) (48)
- From Falsification to Verification (2001) (48)
- On Synthesizing Controllers from Bounded-Response Properties (2007) (47)
- Verifying out-of-order executions (1997) (46)
- Proving Partial Order Properties (1994) (46)
- Reachability Analysis of Planar Multi-limear Systems (1993) (46)
- Towards Refining Temporal Specifications into Hybrid Systems (1992) (45)
- The grammar of dimensions in machine drawings (1988) (44)
- System Specification and Refinement in Temporal Logic (1992) (44)
- Verification of clocked and hybrid systems (1996) (44)
- Partial-order Methods for the Veriication of Concurrent Systems an Approach to the State-explosion Problem Th Ese Pr Esent Ee Par (1995) (43)
- A Deductive Proof System for CTL (2002) (41)
- A scenario-based approach to modeling development: a prototype model of C. elegans vulval fate specification. (2008) (41)
- Probabilistic Verification by Tableaux (1986) (40)
- Axiomatic approach to total correctness of programs (1973) (39)
- Complete Proof System for QPTL (2002) (39)
- What is in a step (1989) (39)
- An interleaving model for real-time (1990) (38)
- Use of a Nonprocedural Specification Language and Associated Program Generator in Software Development (1979) (38)
- Fair Termination Revisited-With Delay (1984) (37)
- Rooting UNITY (1989) (33)
- Proving Partial Order Liveness Properties (1990) (32)
- On Recognizable Timed Languages (2004) (32)
- Compilation of Nonprocedural Specifications into Computer Programs (1983) (31)
- Verifying Tomasulo's algorithm by refinement (1999) (31)
- TLPVS: A PVS-Based LTL Verification System (2003) (31)
- A complete proof systems for QPTL (1995) (31)
- Controller Synthesis from LSC Requirements (2009) (30)
- A Framework for the Synthesis of Reactive Modules (1988) (29)
- Beyond Regular Model Checking (2001) (29)
- Tight bounds on the complexity of cascaded decomposition of automata (1990) (29)
- Revised Lectures from the International Symposium on Compositionality: The Significant Difference (1997) (29)
- Low dimensional hybrid systems - decidable, undecidable, don't know (2012) (29)
- Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (2003) (28)
- A complete axiomatic system for proving deductions about recursive programs (1977) (28)
- Verification by Augmented Abstraction: The Automata-Theoretic View (2001) (28)
- Prooving Safety Properties of Hybrid Systems (1994) (27)
- Model Checking with Strong Fairness (2006) (27)
- Proving Termination of Prolog Programs (1985) (27)
- Separating Fairness and Well-Foundedness for the Analysis of Fair Discrete Systems (2005) (27)
- Mechanical Verification of Transactional Memories with Non-transactional Memory Accesses (2008) (27)
- Development of Hybrid Systems (1994) (27)
- A Comparison of Two Verification Methods for Speculative Instruction Execution (2000) (26)
- A proof method for cyclic programs (1978) (26)
- Compositionality : the significant difference : international symposium, COMPOS '97, Bad Malente, Germany, September 8-12, 1997 : revised lectures (1998) (26)
- A Formal Semantics for a UML Kernel Language (2001) (25)
- An exercise in the verification of multi-process programs (1990) (25)
- Temporal verification of carrier-sense local area network protocols (1984) (25)
- A temporal proof methodology for reactive systems (1990) (25)
- Rendezvous with ADA: a proof theoretical view (1982) (24)
- Verifying sequentially consistent memory (1994) (24)
- A Direct Algorithm for Checking Equivalence of LL(k) Grammars (1977) (24)
- Fair Synchronous Transition Systems and Their Liveness Proofs (1998) (24)
- Model-Checking and Abstraction to the Aid of Parameterized Systems (2002) (24)
- Towards Component Based Design of Hybrid Systems: Safety and Stability (2010) (24)
- Shape Analysis of Single-Parent Heaps (2007) (24)
- Liveness with Incomprehensible Ranking (2004) (23)
- Temporal Logic and Fair Discrete Systems (2018) (23)
- Translation and Run-Time Validation of Optimized Code (2002) (23)
- Temporal Specification and Verification of Reactive Modules (1992) (22)
- Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (1984) (22)
- Range Allocation for Separation Logic (2004) (22)
- Deductive Verification of UML Models in TLPVS (2004) (22)
- All You Need Is Compassion (2008) (22)
- Parameterized Verification by Probabilistic Abstraction (2003) (22)
- Spinors and scalars on Riemann surfaces (1994) (21)
- Specifying and proving serializability in temporal logic (1991) (21)
- Data-structures for the Veriication of Timed Automata ? (1997) (21)
- Smart play-out extended: time and forbidden elements (2004) (21)
- Proving refinement using transduction (1999) (21)
- Scheduling time-constrained instructions on pipelined processors (2001) (20)
- Verification of parameterized programs (1995) (20)
- Formalization of properties of recursively defined functions (1969) (20)
- Validation of Optimizing Compilers (2001) (20)
- Automatic Verification of Probabilistic Free Choice (2002) (20)
- Refining the Undecidability Frontier of Hybrid Automata (2005) (19)
- Specification and verification of VLSI systems (1989) (18)
- A Sound and Complete Deductive System for CTL* Verification (2008) (18)
- Very High Level Concurrent Programming (1987) (18)
- In and out of temporal logic (1993) (17)
- Termination of probabilistic concurrent programs: (extended abstract) (1982) (17)
- Monitoring Interfaces for Faults (2006) (17)
- IIV: An Invisible Invariant Verifier (2005) (17)
- On the Cascaded Decomposition of Automata, its Complexity and its Application to Logic (1994) (16)
- Modular Ranking Abstraction (2007) (16)
- Finite Models for Deterministic Propositional Dynamic Logic (1981) (16)
- System Speciication and Reenement in Temporal Logic (1995) (16)
- Scattering Matrices and Conductances of Leaky Tori (1994) (15)
- There Exit Decidable Context Free Propositional Dynamic Logics (1983) (15)
- On the Faithfulness of Formal Models (1991) (15)
- Is the Interesting Part of Process Logic Uninteresting? A Translation from PL to PDL (1984) (15)
- Is the interesting part of process logic uninteresting?: a translation from PL to PDL (1982) (15)
- TimeC: A Time Constraint Language for ILP Processor Compilation (2002) (15)
- Temporal Verification of Reactive Systems: Response (2010) (15)
- Validating software pipelining optimizations (2002) (15)
- How Vital is Liveness? Verifying Timing Properties of Reactive and Hybrid Systems (Extended Abstract) (1992) (15)
- Specification and Development of Reactive Systems (Invited Paper) (1986) (15)
- A fast algorithm for scheduling time-constrained instructions on processors with ILP (1998) (14)
- Liveness by Invisible Invariants (2006) (14)
- Herbrand Automata for Hardware Verification (1998) (14)
- Synthesis of programs from temporal property specifications (2009) (14)
- Specification and Verification of Concurrent Programs by forall-Automata (1987) (13)
- Verifying Liveness by Augmented Abstraction (1999) (13)
- Temporal Veri cation Diagrams ? (1994) (13)
- Specification and Implementation of Concurrently Accessed Data Structures: An Abstract Data Type Approach (1987) (13)
- Effective Synthesis of Asynchronous Systems from GR(1) Specifications (2012) (13)
- Verification of Data-Insensitive CIrcuits: An In-Order-Retirement Case Study (1998) (12)
- Smart play-out (2003) (12)
- Communication with directed logic variables (1991) (12)
- Propositional dynamic logic of context-free programs (1981) (12)
- Embedded Systems: Challenges in Specification and Verification (2002) (12)
- Once and for all [temporal logic] (1995) (12)
- Temporal Veri cation of Simulation andRe nement ? (1994) (11)
- A Compositional Approach to a CSP-like Language (1985) (11)
- A Perfect Verification: Combining Model Checking with Deductive Analysis to Verify Real-Life Software (1999) (11)
- A linear history semantics for distributed languages extended abstract (1980) (11)
- Formal Verification of the Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm (2000) (11)
- ReSIST: Resilience for Survivability in IST (2007) (11)
- Invisible Safety of Distributed Protocols (2006) (10)
- Time for Concurrency (1992) (10)
- Synchronous Languages (1994) (10)
- Verification of Concurrent Programs: Proving Eventualities by Well-Founded Ranking, (1982) (10)
- Automatic program generation in distributed cooperative computation (1984) (10)
- Free tidal oscillations in rotating flat basins of the form of rectangles and of sectors of circles (1968) (10)
- Discriminative Model Checking (2008) (10)
- On the scope of static checking in definitional languages (1984) (10)
- Data-Structures for the Veri cationof Timed Automata ? (1997) (9)
- Using Ghost Variables to Prove Refinement (1996) (9)
- Ranking Abstraction as Companion to Predicate Abstraction (2005) (9)
- Validation of Interprocedural Optimizations (2008) (9)
- Ranking Abstraction of Recursive Programs (2006) (9)
- Realizing an Equational Specification (1981) (8)
- Verification engineering: a future profession (1997) (8)
- Validating More Loop Optimizations (2005) (8)
- Hybrid systems : computation and control : 6th International Workshop, HSCC 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, April 3-5, 2003 : proceedings (2003) (8)
- Program analysis for compiler validation (2008) (8)
- Verification of Procedural Programs (2005) (8)
- A sense of life: computational and experimental investigations with models of biochemical and evolutionary processes. (2003) (8)
- A Sense of Life ∗ (2003) (7)
- Verification of Concurrent Programs. Part II. Temporal Proof Principles. (1981) (7)
- Reduced Functional Consistency of Uninterpreted Functions (2005) (7)
- The Code Validation Tool (CVT)– Automatic verification of code generated from synchronous languages (1998) (6)
- Verification of Transactional Memories that Support Non-Transactional Memory Accesses (2008) (6)
- Keynote Address: Abstraction, Composition, Symmetry, and a Little Deduction: The Remedies to State Explosion (2000) (6)
- An Adequate First Order Logic of Intervals (1998) (5)
- Erratum ("The small model property: how small can it be?" Volume 178, Number 1 [2002], pages 279-293) (2003) (5)
- Further Results on Propositional Dynamic Logic of Nonregular Programs (1981) (5)
- "Don't Care" Modeling: A Logical Framework for Developing Predictive System Models (2007) (5)
- Proving the Refuted: Symbolic Model Checkers as Proof Generators (2010) (5)
- Extracting Controllers for Timed Automata ? (2005) (5)
- Range Allocation for Equivalence Logic (2001) (5)
- PARLE '89 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (1989) (5)
- The Validity Problem of the 91-Function, (1968) (5)
- Effective Heterogeneous Design and Co-simulation 25 6. Acknowledgments (1995) (5)
- Verification Engineering: A Future Profession (A. M. Turing Award Lecture). (1997) (5)
- Ranking Abstraction as a Companion to Predicate Abstraction, (2005) (4)
- The ROBDD Size of Simple CNF Formulas (2003) (4)
- Translation Validation: From DC+ to C* (1998) (4)
- Veriication of Parameterized Programs (1995) (4)
- Translation Validation of Interprocedural Optimizations (2006) (4)
- An Invisible Invariant Verifier (2005) (4)
- Temporal Logic in Specification, Altrincham, UK, April 8-10, 1987, Proceedings (1989) (4)
- Symmetric and Economical Solutions to the Mutual Exclusion Problem in a Distributed System (Extended Abstract) (1983) (4)
- A Hierarchy of Temporal Properties (Abstract). (1987) (3)
- Bridging the E-Business Gap Through Formal Verification (1999) (3)
- Synchronous schemes and their decision problems (1980) (3)
- A Hardware Implementation of the CSP Primitives and its Verification (1984) (3)
- Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control (2003) (3)
- Shape analysis by augmentation, abstraction, and transformation (2007) (2)
- Automatic Programming of Finite State Linear Programs (1981) (2)
- Learning omega-Regular Languages from Queries and Counter-Examples (A Preliminary Report) (1989) (2)
- STATEMATE : A Working Development of Complex (2001) (2)
- Model Checking for Linear Temporal Logic: An Efficient Implementation (1990) (2)
- Abstraction for Liveness (2005) (2)
- Property-Based Logic Synthesis for Rapid Design Prototyping (Deliverable 2.2/1) (2005) (2)
- Two Decades of Temporal Logic: Achievements and Challenges (1997) (2)
- Verification of multi-linked heaps (2012) (2)
- Backtracking in recursive computations (1977) (1)
- Synthesizing reactive systems from LSC requirements using the play-engine (2007) (1)
- Validating the Translation of an Industrial Optimizing Compiler (2004) (1)
- Adiabatic charge transport, the eta invariant, and Hall conductance for spinors (1994) (1)
- A Stuttering-Robust Temporal Logic with ``Next'''' but without ``Previous'''' (1996) (1)
- Perspectives of Systems Informatics, 7th International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, PSI 2009, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 15-19, 2009. Revised Papers (2010) (1)
- Verifying Liveness Properties of Reactive Systems (Tutorial Abstract) (1997) (1)
- Proceedings of the 7th international Andrei Ershov Memorial conference on Perspectives of Systems Informatics (2006) (1)
- A Methodology for Deductive Verification of Out-of-Order Execution Systems Based on Predicted Values, (2001) (1)
- Specific Targeted Research Project Thematic Priority : Information Society Technologies Final Proposal for PSL Analog Extensions (2006) (1)
- Beyond Regular Model Checking (Extended Abstract) (2001) (1)
- Simple Programs and Their Decision Problems (1977) (1)
- Formal methods and tools for the development of distributed and real time systems : Esprit Project 3096 (SPEC) (1990) (1)
- Formal Methods and Tools for the Development of Distributed and Real Time Systems: SPEC -- Esprit Project 3096 (Extended Abstract) (1990) (1)
- Jurdzinski-ing Rabin and Streett (2005) (1)
- Applications of Formal Methods in Biology (2002) (1)
- Software Tools for Technology Transfer Manuscript No. Control and Data Abstraction: the Cornerstones of Practical Formal Veriication. Key Words: Formal Veriication -linear Temporal Logic -data Abstraction -control Abstraction -network In- Variant -model Checking -safety and Liveness Property -weak a (2007) (0)
- 8 Conclusion 7.4 Scenario B: Incremental Model Checking (1995) (0)
- Fonnal Methods and Tools for the Development of Distributed and Real Time Systems Computing Science Notes Formal Methods and Tools for the Development of Distributed and Real Time Systems * Spec -esprit Project 3096 (2001) (0)
- Keys in Formal Verification (2005) (0)
- Using Abstraction to Verify Arbitrary Temporal Properties (2008) (0)
- Deductive vs. Model-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Verification (Abstract of Invited Talk) (1998) (0)
- Termination of Probabilistic Programs (1983) (0)
- Reachabil i ty Analysis of Planar Multi-l inear Systems * (2005) (0)
- Logic and software engineering : international workshop in honor of Chih-Sung Tang : Beijing, 14-15 August 1995 (1996) (0)
- Amir Pnueli Memorial (2010) (0)
- Lecture 9a: Dense Time Specification Language Minimal Separation an Additional Example: Program Up-down (0)
- Subscription Information Order Information Back Issues Logic Journal of the Igpl (0)
- Rigorous development of embedded systems (2000) (0)
- Deductive Technologies For Software Development (0)
- Open architectures for formal reasoning and deductive technologies for software development (1994) (0)
- Enforcing nondeternism via linear time temporal logic using hiding (1989) (0)
- Representation clauses and implementation-dependent features (1983) (0)
- Transformational Development of Reactive Systems (2002) (0)
- Veriication of Reactive Systems Autumn 97: Lecture Notes (0)
- Invariance: Proof Methods (1995) (0)
- Sticks and stones: a coding scheme for parameterized verification (2001) (0)
- Lecture Notes for Cs Course: 96420-2 Enumerative Methods for Model Checking (1996) (0)
- Resilient Computing Courseware (2009) (0)
- 5 the User Interface (2007) (0)
- 2 Embedding LTL Properties in Branching Time Specification Syntax (2008) (0)
- Properties of Programs (1992) (0)
- Data-Struc tures for the Verif ication of T imed Automata * (0)
- OMEGA Correct development of Real-time systems IST-2001-33522 Title : Temporal Logic for Scenario-Based Specifications (2005) (0)
- Another Acknowledgements. Many Thanks To (1990) (0)
- Algorithmic Verification of General Formulas (1995) (0)
- Embedded Systems: Challenges in Specification and Verification (An Extended Abstract) (2002) (0)
- Proceedings on Temporal logic in specification (1987) (0)
- Solutions to Problem No.2 (1983) (0)
- Tides in oceans of the form of a cross (1968) (0)
- Modeling Real Concurrency (1992) (0)
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