András Hajnal
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Hungarian set theorist
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Set Theory
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András Hajnal's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Eötvös Loránd University
Why Is András Hajnal Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, András Hajnal was a professor of mathematics at Rutgers University and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences known for his work in set theory and combinatorics. Biography Hajnal was born on 13 May 1931, in Budapest, Hungary.
András Hajnal's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
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Published Works
- On chromatic number of graphs and set-systems (1966) (465)
- Threshold circuits of bounded depth (1987) (407)
- Partition relations for cardinal numbers (1965) (277)
- Ramsey-type theorems (1989) (247)
- On the maximal number of independent circuits in a graph (1963) (195)
- On a property of families of sets (1964) (159)
- On decomposition of graphs (1967) (150)
- Combinatorial Set Theory: Partition Relations for Cardinals (2012) (145)
- A Cure for the Telephone Disease (1972) (95)
- A Theorem on k-Saturated Graphs (1965) (87)
- More results on Ramsey—Turán type problems (1983) (75)
- Inequalities for Cardinal Powers (1975) (75)
- Some remarks on simple tournaments (1972) (74)
- A proof (involving Martin's axiom) of a partition relation (1973) (70)
- A separable normal topological group need not be Lindelöf (1976) (70)
- Discrete subspaces of topological spaces, II (1969) (69)
- On the structure of set-mappings (1958) (69)
- Coloring graphs with locally few colors (1986) (65)
- On the communication complexity of graph properties (1988) (64)
- On Ramsey Like Theorems , Problems and Results (2005) (61)
- Finite and infinite sets (1984) (61)
- On spanned subgraphs of graphs (1977) (50)
- A Ramsey-type theorem for bipartite graphs (2000) (50)
- Proof of a conjecture of B. Ruziewicz (1961) (49)
- On hereditarily α-Lindelöf and α-separable spaces, II (1974) (47)
- Splitting strongly almost disjoint families (1986) (45)
- Some remarks on set theory. IX. Combinatorial problems in measure theory and set theory. (1964) (42)
- Set Mappings, Partitions, and Chromatic Numbers (1975) (41)
- Some results and problems on set theory (1960) (39)
- The chromatic number of the product of two ℵ1-chromatic graphs can be countable (1985) (33)
- On a consistency theorem connected with the generalized continuum problem (1964) (32)
- A Generalization of the Erdös-Ko-Rado Theorem on Finite Set Systems (1973) (32)
- Some remarks on a property of topological cardinal functions (1969) (30)
- A Tribute to Paul Erdős: List of contributors (1990) (30)
- Simple one-point extensions of tournaments (1972) (28)
- On a classification of denumerable order types and an application to the partition calculus (1962) (28)
- Discrete Subspaces of Topological Spaces1)1)A preliminary report containing the main results of this paper appeared in the Doklady Akad. Nauk. SSSR (see [1]). (1967) (27)
- Turán-Ramsey theorems and simple asymptotically extremal structures (1993) (26)
- On the complete subgraphs of graphs defined by systems of sets (1966) (26)
- Turán-Ramsey Theorems and Kp-Independence Numbers (1994) (24)
- Chromatic number of finite and infinite graphs and hypergraphs (1985) (24)
- What must and what need not be contained in a graph of uncountable chromatic number? (1984) (22)
- A negative partition relation. (1971) (22)
- A consistency result concerning hereditarily α-separable spaces (1973) (22)
- Some remarks concerning our paper „On the structure of set-mappings” —Non-existence of a two-valued σ-measure for the first uncountable inaccessible cardinal (1962) (22)
- Embedding graphs into colored graphs (1988) (22)
- On sets of almost disjoint subsets of a set (1968) (21)
- Having a small weight is determined by the small subspaces (1980) (20)
- Review: Richard Montague, Fraenkel's Addition to the Axioms of Zermelo (1966) (19)
- A consistency result concerning hereditarily α-Lindelöf spaces (1973) (18)
- On Almost Bipartite Large Chromatic Graphs (1982) (18)
- A consequence of Martin's axiom (1971) (17)
- On the number of distinct induced subgraphs of a graph (1989) (17)
- Extensions of the Erdős—Rado Theorem (1993) (16)
- Remarks on the cardinality of compact spaces and their Lindelöf subspaces (1976) (15)
- Infinite and finite sets : to Paul Erdős on his 60th birthday (1975) (14)
- Polarized partition relations (2001) (14)
- On some combinatorial problems involving large cardinals (1970) (13)
- Regressive partition relations for infinite cardinals (1987) (12)
- Weakly Separated Subspaces and Networks (1979) (12)
- On a metric generalization of ramsey’s theorem (1995) (12)
- Embedding theorems for graphs establishing negative partition relations (1978) (12)
- Conflict free colorings of (strongly) almost disjoint set-systems (2010) (12)
- Ordinary partition relations for ordinal numbers (1971) (11)
- On the cardinality of certain Hausdorff spaces (1992) (11)
- A partition relation for successors of Large Cardinals (2003) (10)
- A strongly non-Ramsey order type (1997) (10)
- Rainbow Ramsey theorems for colorings establishing negative partition relations (2008) (9)
- More sets, graphs and numbers : a salute to Vera Sós and András Hajnal (2006) (9)
- On a Problem of B . Jónsson (2004) (8)
- Set Theory: Introduction (1999) (8)
- Set mappings and polarized partition relations bY (1969) (8)
- Monochromatic paths in infinite coloured graphs (1984) (8)
- Remarks on the theorem of W. P. Hanf (1964) (8)
- Partition theorems for the power set (2016) (7)
- When is a Pixley-Roy hyperspace CCC? (1982) (7)
- Infinite combinatorics (1996) (7)
- Chain conditions in free products of lattices with infinitary operations. (1979) (7)
- Local constraints ensuring small representing sets (1991) (7)
- Some Remarks on the Simultaneous Chromatic Number (2003) (6)
- Interval covers of a linearly ordered set (1994) (6)
- Partitioning the pairs and triples of topological spaces (1990) (6)
- Complete subgraphs of infinite multipartite graphs and antichains in partially ordered sets (1986) (6)
- Strongly almost disjoint familes, revisited (2000) (6)
- True Embedding Partition Relations (1993) (6)
- On set systems having paradoxical covering properties (1978) (6)
- Intersection properties of open sets (1985) (6)
- Some higher-gap examples in combinatorial set theory (1987) (5)
- Embedding finite graphs into graphs colored with infinitely many colors (1991) (5)
- A Tribute to Paul Erdős: On the number of certain subgraphs of graphs without large cliques and independent subsets (1990) (5)
- On square-compact cardinals (1973) (5)
- A remark on the homogeneity of infinite permutation groups (1990) (5)
- Polarized Partition Relations for Ordinal Numbers (1971) (5)
- Ordinal Partition Behavior of Finite Powers of Cardinals (1993) (5)
- On the products of weakly Lindelöf spaces (1975) (5)
- Ramsey graphs contain many distinct induced subgraphs (1991) (4)
- Set Theory: Frontmatter (1999) (4)
- A problem on well ordered sets (1969) (4)
- Sets, Graphs and Numbers: A Birthday Salute to Vera T. Sos and Andras Hajnal (1992) (4)
- On discrete subspaces of product spaces (1972) (3)
- On CCC boolean algebras and partial orders (1997) (3)
- Remarks on Darboux functions (1969) (3)
- Obligatory subsystems of triple systems (2008) (3)
- Research problems (1975) (3)
- Some theorems for scattered ordered sets (1971) (3)
- Some remarks on set theory XI (1974) (3)
- LAJOS PUKANSZKY (1928-1996) (1998) (2)
- Set Theory: Transfinite induction and recursion. Some consequences of the Axiom of Choice, the Wellordering Theorem (1999) (2)
- Combinatorics, Geometry and Probability: Turán–Ramsey Theorems and Kp -Independence Numbers (1997) (2)
- Roux‐en‐Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Increases The Response Of Central Vagal Neurons To Satiety Neuropeptides (2012) (2)
- Roux‐en‐Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Alters the Membrane Properties of Brainstem Neurons (2012) (1)
- Strongly almost disjoint families, II (1998) (1)
- Some results and problems on certain polarized partitions (1970) (1)
- Paul Erdős' Set Theory (2013) (1)
- Research problems (1975) (1)
- The chromatic number of the product of two Alef i - Chromatic Graphs can be countable (1985) (1)
- Set Theory: Ordered Sets. Order Types. Ordinals (1999) (1)
- Two consistency results in topology (1972) (1)
- On saturated almost disjoint families (1987) (1)
- Set Theory: Real-valued measurable cardinals, saturated ideals (1999) (0)
- Research problems (1977) (0)
- Set Theory: Measurable cardinals (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Weakly compact and Ramsey cardinals (1999) (0)
- Research problems (2020) (0)
- Set Theory: Comparison of cardinals (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Hints for solving problems marked with * in Part I (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Proofs of relative consistency. The method of interpretation (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Set mappings (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Preface (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Bibliography (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Properties of the power operation (1999) (0)
- An elementary combinatorial theorem with an application to axiomatic set theory (2022) (0)
- Set Theory: A sketch of the development. Definitions of simple operations and properties (continued) (1999) (0)
- Cut-sets in infinite graphs and partial orders (1993) (0)
- Research problems (1973) (0)
- On isotone maps on a countable lattice (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Δ-systems (1999) (0)
- Research problems (1973) (0)
- Set Theory: A sketch of the development. Basic theorems, the introduction of ω and ℝ (continued) (1999) (0)
- Paul Erdös is seventy (1983) (0)
- Research problems (1975) (0)
- Set Theory: Powers of singular cardinals. Shelah's Theorem (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Properties of wellordered sets. Good sets. The ordinal operation (1999) (0)
- Cover Image (2018) (0)
- Research problems (1975) (0)
- In memory of László Kalmár (2007) (0)
- Research problems (1976) (0)
- On the Tightness of Product Spaces (1978) (0)
- Set Theory: Countable cardinal, continuum cardinal (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: The Zermelo–Fraenkel axiom system of set theory (1999) (0)
- Research problems (1974) (0)
- Set Theory: Definition of concepts; extension of the language (1999) (0)
- Research problems (1973) (0)
- Research problems (1976) (0)
- Set Theory: Examples (1999) (0)
- Scott Dana. The notion of rank in set-theory. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957 , 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 267–269. (1966) (0)
- Set Theory: The role of the Axiom of Regularity (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Notation, conventions (1999) (0)
- Research problems (2020) (0)
- Set Theory: Inaccessible cardinals. Mahlo cardinals (1999) (0)
- A Tribute to Paul Erdős: Preface (1990) (0)
- Set Theory: A sketch of the development. Metatheorems (1999) (0)
- Research problems (1974) (0)
- Some new algebraic equivalents of the Axiom of Choice (2022) (0)
- Research problems (1978) (0)
- Research problems (1974) (0)
- Set Theory: Definition of the cardinality operation. Properties of cardinalities. The cofinality operation (1999) (0)
- Choral works for male voices (2001) (0)
- Set Theory: Definition of equivalence. The concept of cardinality. The Axiom of Choice (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Operations with sets and cardinals (1999) (0)
- My Early Encounters With Szemerédi (2010) (0)
- Set Theory: Properties of the power operation. Results on the singular cardinal problem (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Proofs of relative consistency. The method of models (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Contents (1999) (0)
- Thanks to Reviewers of Volume 53 (2013) (0)
- Review: Azriel Levy, Y. Bar-Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin, A. Robinson, Comparing the Axioms of Local and Universal Choice (1966) (0)
- Review: Dana Scott, The Notion of Rank in Set-Theory (1966) (0)
- Research problems (1976) (0)
- Preface (1996) (0)
- Research problem (1973) (0)
- Putnam Hilary. Axioms of class existence. Summaries of talks presented at the Summer Institute for Symbolic Logic, Cornell University, 1957, 2nd edn., Communications Research Division, Institute for Defense Analyses, Princeton, N.J., 1960, pp. 271–274. (1966) (0)
- Set Theory: Stationary sets (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: The square-bracket symbol. Strengthenings of the Ramsey counterexamples (1999) (0)
- Extensions of the Erd˝ Os-rado Theorem (1993) (0)
- Set Theory: Ramsey's Theorem and its generalizations. Partition calculus (1999) (0)
- Set Theory: Hints for solving problems of Part II (1999) (0)
- Review: Hilary Putnam, Axioms of Class Existence (1966) (0)
- Research problems (1977) (0)
- Set Theory: The ZFC axiom system. A weakening of the Axiom of Choice. Remarks on the theorems of Sections 2–7 (1999) (0)
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