Brian Greene
American physicist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Brian Randolph Greene is an American theoretical physicist and mathematician. Greene was a physics professor at Cornell University from 19901995, and has been a professor at Columbia University since 1996 and chairman of the World Science Festival since co-founding it in 2008. Greene has worked on mirror symmetry, relating two different Calabi–Yau manifolds . He also described the flop transition, a mild form of topology change, showing that topology in string theory can change at the conifold point.
Brian Greene's Published Works
Published Works
- String theory. (1994) (3225)
- Duality in {Calabi-Yau} Moduli Space (1990) (627)
- Stringy Cosmic Strings and Noncompact Calabi-Yau Manifolds (1990) (459)
- The Elegant Universe (1999) (446)
- The elegant universe : superstrings, hidden dimensions, and the quest for the ultimate theory (2000) (372)
- Black hole condensation and the unification of string vacua (1995) (364)
- Orbifold resolution by D-branes (1997) (364)
- mirror manifolds and spacetime topology change in string theory (1993) (350)
- String Theory on Calabi-Yau Manifolds (1997) (349)
- Inflation as a probe of short distance physics (2001) (248)
- A three-generation superstring model: (I). Compactification and discrete symmetries (1986) (242)
- Mirror symmetry for two parameter models. I (1996) (226)
- Aspects of (2,0) string compactifications (1988) (207)
- Generic estimate of trans-Planckian modifications to the primordial power spectrum in inflation (2002) (206)
- Calabi-Yau manifolds and renormalization group flows (1989) (201)
- A three-generation superstring model: (II). Symmetry breaking and the low-energy theory (1986) (195)
- Mirror manifolds in higher dimension (1994) (179)
- Imprints of short distance physics on inflationary cosmology (2001) (167)
- Warped compactifications in M and F theory (2000) (165)
- Split attractor flows and the spectrum of BPS D-branes on the quintic (2001) (159)
- A Superstring Inspired Standard Model (1986) (156)
- Measuring small distances in N=2 sigma models (1993) (129)
- D3-branes on partial resolutions of abelian quotient singularities of Calabi–Yau threefolds (1999) (127)
- Remarks on inflation and noncommutative geometry (2000) (124)
- Multiple mirror manifolds and topology change in string theory (1993) (123)
- The monomial-divisor mirror map (1993) (121)
- Local behavior of Hodge structures at infinity (1997) (119)
- String windings in the early universe (2004) (116)
- Some Exact Results on the Superpotential from Calabi-Yau Compactifications (1988) (108)
- Inflaton decay and heavy particle production with negative coupling (1997) (96)
- A geometric realization of confinement (1996) (86)
- Dual cones and mirror symmetry for generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds (1996) (86)
- Mirror symmetry II (1996) (86)
- Baryogenesis, dark matter and the width of the Z (1992) (82)
- Cosmological String Gas on Orbifolds (2002) (77)
- Dark energy and stabilization of extra dimensions (2007) (76)
- Tumbling through a landscape: Evidence of instabilities in high-dimensional moduli spaces (2013) (68)
- Resolving singularities in (0,2) models (1996) (66)
- Brane gas cosmology in M theory: Late time behavior (2002) (63)
- On the geometric interpretation of N=2 superconformal theories (1994) (56)
- Decoupling in an expanding universe: backreaction barely constrains short distance effects in the cosmic microwave background (2004) (52)
- Black hole condensation and the web of Calabi-Yau manifolds (1995) (51)
- D-brane topology changing transitions (1997) (50)
- Metrics on D-brane Orbifolds (1997) (50)
- Brane gases in the early universe: thermodynamics and cosmology (2003) (47)
- The large scattering disk of NGC 6334B (1990) (47)
- Collapsing D-branes in Calabi–Yau moduli space I (2000) (46)
- Extracting new physics from the CMB (2005) (46)
- On the Hagedorn behaviour of pp-wave strings and N=4 SYM theory at finite R-charge density (2002) (46)
- 273 Yukawa couplings for a three-generation superstring model (1987) (45)
- Searching for three-generation Calabi-Yau manifolds (1987) (43)
- Universal correction to the inflationary vacuum (2005) (41)
- Small volumes in compactified string theory (1996) (40)
- D-branes on non-abelian threefold quotient singularities (1998) (38)
- Computational complexity of the landscape II - Cosmological considerations (2017) (38)
- Superstring models with SU(5) and SO(10) unifying groups (1986) (37)
- Supersymmetric cosmology with a gauge singlet (1986) (34)
- Cosmological moduli dynamics (2007) (34)
- Families of Quintic Calabi–Yau 3–Folds with Discrete Symmetries (2007) (31)
- Some Features of (0,2) Moduli Space (1997) (30)
- Conifolds and tunneling in the string landscape (2010) (29)
- Dynamical topology change in M theory (2000) (29)
- Bouncing and cyclic string gas cosmologies (2008) (24)
- New constructions of mirror manifolds: Probing moduli space far from Fermat points (1998) (24)
- Evaluation of 273 Yukawa couplings in a three-generation superstring model (1987) (24)
- D-particles on T^4/Z_n orbifolds and their resolutions (1998) (23)
- The EOS Space Debris Tracking System (2006) (23)
- F-theory and linear sigma models (1997) (23)
- Geometric singularities and spectra of Landau-Ginzburg models (1991) (22)
- Space–time topology change and stringy geometrya) (1994) (21)
- Kink Collisions in Curved Field Space (2014) (18)
- Smooth initial conditions from weak gravity (2009) (17)
- Resolution of orbifold singularities in string theory (1996) (17)
- Mirror Manifolds: A Brief Review and Progress Report (1991) (16)
- Couplings in the heterotic superconformal three generation model (1989) (16)
- Superconformal compactifications in weighted projective space (1990) (16)
- On the equivalence of the two most favoured Calabi-Yau compactifications (1987) (15)
- Dynamical decompactification and three large dimensions (2009) (14)
- Orbifold Euler characteristic (1996) (14)
- Picard-Fuchs equations, special geometry, and target space duality (1996) (13)
- On three dimensions as the preferred dimensionality of space via the Brandenberger-Vafa mechanism (2012) (12)
- Calculating endomorphism valued cohomology: Singlet spectrum in superstring models (1989) (12)
- Phases of = 2 theories in two dimensions (1996) (11)
- String theory on K3 surfaces (1996) (11)
- An effect of α′ corrections on racetrack inflation (2005) (11)
- The role of ₂ in Calabi-Yau classification–A preliminary survey (1996) (11)
- Lectures on quantum geometry (1995) (10)
- Fields, strings and duality : TASI 96, Boulder, Colorado, US, 2-28 June 1996 (1997) (9)
- Bubble Universe Dynamics After Free Passage (2013) (9)
- Constructing mirror manifolds (1997) (8)
- A bulk inflaton from large volume extra dimensions (2010) (8)
- Brane-world motion in compact dimensions (2011) (8)
- Dark Energy in String Theory (2015) (7)
- (2,2) AND (2,0) SUPERCONFORMAL ORBIFOLDS (1989) (7)
- Classical vs. Landau-Ginzburg geometry of compactification (1992) (6)
- K3 surfaces with involution and mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau manifolds (1996) (6)
- Space-time topology change: The Physics of Calabi-Yau moduli space (1993) (5)
- On the elliptic genus and mirror symmetry (1996) (5)
- Mirror Symmetry and Moduli Spaces of Superconformal Field Theories (1994) (5)
- NONPERTURBATIVE ASPECTS OF STRINGS, BRANES AND SUPERSYMMETRY: Proceedings of the Spring School on Nonperturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories; Proceedings of the Trieste Conference on Super-Five-Branes and Physics in 5 + 1 Dimensions (1999) (5)
- Proceedings of the 1999 Spring Workshop on Superstrings and Related Matters, the Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 22-30 March 1999 (2000) (5)
- Warped vacuum statistics (2012) (4)
- Exploring Spiral Inflation in String Theory (2013) (4)
- Thickening Calabi-Yau moduli spaces (1996) (4)
- The future of string theory: A conversation with Brian Greene (2006) (4)
- Holomorphic anomalies in topological field theories (1996) (4)
- An introduction to mirror manifolds (1998) (4)
- Superluminal propagation on a moving braneworld (2022) (3)
- Aspects of quantum geometry (1995) (3)
- Making enumerative predictions by means of mirror symmetry (1996) (3)
- Lectures on string theory in four-dimensions (1990) (3)
- Back to the future: Causality on a moving braneworld (2022) (2)
- The deformation space of Calabi-Yau -folds with canonical singularities can be obstructed (1996) (2)
- Random Field Theories in The Mirror Quintic Moduli Space (2016) (2)
- Inverse phase transitions: Does baryogenesis lead to dark matter? (1992) (2)
- Topology and Geometry in Superstring-Inspired Phenomenology (1987) (2)
- Aspects of Collapsing Cycles (2000) (2)
- Superstrings : Topology, geometry and phenomenology and astrophysical implications of supersymmetric models (1986) (2)
- Icarus at the Edge of Time (2008) (1)
- NASA and ESA Collaboration on Hexavalent Chrome Free Coatings (2017) (1)
- Supermanifolds, rigid manifolds, and mirror symmetry (1996) (1)
- Gauge symmetry breaking in superconformal orbifolds (1991) (1)
- The future of string theory. (2003) (1)
- Mirror symmetry constructions: A review (1996) (1)
- String Theory: The Basic Ideas (2001) (1)
- Introduction to duality (1996) (0)
- Mirror symmetry in higher and lower dimensions (Part IV) (1996) (0)
- Applied Mathematics (2019) (0)
- CU-TP-850 Metrics on D-brane Orbifolds (1997) (0)
- Geometry of Compactification (1992) (0)
- Public Utility Law (2008) (0)
- The Heart of Matter: Physicists are still asking, What's the universe made of? String theorists think they may know, and their new discipline is zeroing in on a theory of everything. (2000) (0)
- Trouble with physics: The roots of reality (2013) (0)
- Superconformal compactifications in weighted projective space (1991) (0)
- Numerical Evaluation of Accelerated-Assisted Entanglement Harvesting (2016) (0)
- Bubble Universe Dynamics After Free Passage (2015) (0)
- Fields, Strings and Duality: TASI 96Proceedings of the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (1997) (0)
- Kink Collisions in Curved Field Space (2015) (0)
- Q&A: Brian Greene on music and string theory. (2010) (0)
- Warped vacuum statistics (2012) (0)
- Scaling behavior on the space of Calabi-Yau manifolds (1996) (0)
- The structure of moduli space (Part II) (1996) (0)
- Construction of mirror manifolds (Part I) (1996) (0)
- Fe b 20 07 Cosmological Moduli Dynamics (2007) (0)
- Noncompact Calabi-Yau spaces and other nontrivial backgrounds for four-dimensional superstrings (1996) (0)
- Until the End of Time (2020) (0)
- Superstrings and Related Matters: Proceedings of the 1999 Spring Workshop (2000) (0)
- The Promise of String Cosmology (2003) (0)
- Enumerative issues and mirror symmetry (Part III) (1996) (0)
- Why String Theory Still Offers Hope We Can Unify Physics (2017) (0)
- ^65Cu(α,p) Reaction Cross Sections for Astrophysical Interest^ (2000) (0)
- Geometry and quantum field theory: A brief introduction (1997) (0)
- What can we do with string theory (2008) (0)
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Brian Greene is most known for their academic work in the field of physics. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
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