Carlo Beenakker
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Dutch physicist
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Carlo Beenakker's Degrees
- PhD Physics Leiden University
Why Is Carlo Beenakker Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Carlo Willem Joannes Beenakker is a professor at Leiden University and leader of the university's mesoscopic physics group, established in 1992. Early life and education Born in Leiden as the son of physicists Jan Beenakker and Elena Manaresi, Beenakker graduated from Leiden University in 1982 and obtained his doctorate two years later.
Carlo Beenakker's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Quantized conductance of point contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas. (1988) (2289)
- Random-matrix theory of quantum transport (1996) (1669)
- Search for Majorana Fermions in Superconductors (2011) (1274)
- Valley filter and valley valve in graphene (2006) (1182)
- Theory of Coulomb-blockade oscillations in the conductance of a quantum dot. (1991) (1100)
- Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures (2004) (974)
- Colloquium: Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in graphene (2007) (850)
- Sub-Poissonian shot noise in graphene. (2006) (588)
- Specular Andreev reflection in graphene. (2006) (479)
- Electrically detected interferometry of Majorana fermions in a topological insulator. (2009) (358)
- Andreev reflection in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions. (1994) (347)
- Universal limit of critical-current fluctuations in mesoscopic Josephson junctions. (1991) (338)
- Boundary conditions for Dirac fermions on a terminated honeycomb lattice (2007) (336)
- Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos (1997) (320)
- Josephson current through a superconducting quantum point contact shorter than the coherence length. (1991) (287)
- Suppression of shot noise in metallic diffusive conductors. (1992) (270)
- Splitting of a Cooper pair by a pair of Majorana bound states. (2008) (258)
- Coherent electron focusing with quantum point contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas. (1989) (247)
- Quantum transport in semiconductor-superconductor microjunctions. (1992) (223)
- Majorana fermions emerging from magnetic nanoparticles on a superconductor without spin-orbit coupling (2011) (220)
- Guiding-center-drift resonance in a periodically modulated two-dimensional electron gas. (1989) (219)
- Flux-controlled quantum computation with Majorana fermions (2013) (218)
- Ewald sum of the Rotne-Prager tensor (1986) (215)
- Diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension II (1984) (212)
- Coulomb-assisted braiding of Majorana fermions in a Josephson junction array (2011) (211)
- Josephson effect in ballistic graphene (2006) (209)
- Quantum ballistic and adiabatic electron transport studied with quantum point contacts. (1991) (204)
- Billiard model of a ballistic multiprobe conductor. (1989) (199)
- Theory of the topological anderson insulator. (2009) (197)
- One-parameter scaling at the dirac point in graphene. (2007) (195)
- Universal Quantum Signatures of Chaos in Ballistic Transport (1994) (195)
- Theory of the thermopower of a quantum dot. (1992) (194)
- Random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions and topological superconductors (2014) (187)
- A zero-voltage conductance peak from weak antilocalization in a Majorana nanowire (2012) (184)
- Diagrammatic method of integration over the unitary group, with applications to quantum transport in mesoscopic systems (1996) (177)
- Aharonov-Bohm effect and broken valley degeneracy in graphene rings (2007) (176)
- Quantum Goos-Hänchen effect in graphene. (2008) (176)
- The effective viscosity of a concentrated suspension of spheres (and its relation to diffusion) (1984) (175)
- Extremal transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure (2007) (173)
- Quantized conductance at the Majorana phase transition in a disordered superconducting wire. (2010) (169)
- Edge channels for the fractional quantum Hall effect. (1990) (163)
- Self-diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension (1983) (157)
- Charge detection enables free-electron quantum computation. (2004) (157)
- Golden rule decay versus Lyapunov decay of the quantum Loschmidt echo. (2001) (153)
- Quantized conductance of magnetoelectric subbands in ballistic point contacts. (1988) (152)
- Quantum point contact as a probe of a topological superconductor (2011) (151)
- Coulomb-Blockade Oscillations in the Thermopower of a Quantum Dot. (1993) (148)
- Anomalous integer quantum Hall effect in the ballistic regime with quantum point contacts. (1989) (137)
- Proposal for production and detection of entangled electron-hole pairs in a degenerate electron gas. (2003) (134)
- Voltage-probe and imaginary-potential models for dephasing in a chaotic quantum dot (1996) (132)
- Magnetic Breakdown and Klein Tunneling in a Type-II Weyl Semimetal. (2016) (129)
- Nonlinear conductance of quantum point contacts. (1989) (125)
- Quantum Point Contacts The quantization of ballistic electron transport through a constriction demonstrates that conduction is transmission. (1996) (122)
- Anomalously large conductance fluctuations in weakly disordered graphene (2006) (122)
- Theory of the valley-valve effect in graphene nanoribbons (2007) (122)
- Detection of valley polarization in graphene by a superconducting contact. (2006) (117)
- Quantum mechanical time-delay matrix in chaotic scattering. (1997) (115)
- Quantum shot noise (2003) (114)
- Quantum oscillations in the transverse voltage of a channel in the nonlinear transport regime. (1990) (109)
- Boundary scattering and weak localization of electrons in a magnetic field. (1988) (109)
- Majorana bound states without vortices in topological superconductors with electrostatic defects. (2010) (108)
- Ballistic transmission through a graphene bilayer (2006) (107)
- Electron-beam collimation with a quantum point contact. (1990) (107)
- Comment on "Conductance oscillations periodic in the density of a one-dimensional electron gas" (1989) (105)
- Coherent Electron Focussing in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. (1988) (105)
- Scattering formula for the topological quantum number of a disordered multimode wire (2011) (100)
- Anyonic interferometry without anyons: how a flux qubit can read out a topological qubit (2010) (95)
- The top-transmon: a hybrid superconducting qubit for parity-protected quantum computation (2011) (92)
- Magnetotransport and nonadditivity of point-contact resistances in series. (1989) (92)
- Thermo-electric properties of quantum point contacts (1992) (92)
- Flux-cancellation effect on narrow-channel magnetoresistance fluctuations. (1988) (87)
- Four-terminal magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron-gas constriction in the ballistic regime. (1988) (87)
- Thermal radiation and amplified spontaneous emission from a random medium (1998) (84)
- Machine-learning-assisted correction of correlated qubit errors in a topological code (2017) (84)
- Fermion-parity anomaly of the critical supercurrent in the quantum spin-Hall effect. (2012) (84)
- All-electronic coherent population trapping in quantum dots (2005) (82)
- A road to reality with topological superconductors (2016) (77)
- Coulomb-Blockade Oscillations in Semiconductor Nanostructures (1992) (77)
- Semiclassical theory of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors (1996) (73)
- Three “Universal” Mesoscopic Josephson Effects (2004) (73)
- Coulomb stability of the 4π-periodic Josephson effect of Majorana fermions (2011) (72)
- Exact solution for the distribution of transmission eigenvalues in a disordered wire and comparison with random-matrix theory. (1993) (72)
- Probability of reflection by a random laser. (1996) (70)
- Universality in the random-matrix theory of quantum transport. (1993) (70)
- Distribution of the quantum mechanical time-delay matrix for a chaotic cavity (1998) (68)
- Counting statistics of photons produced by electronic shot noise. (2000) (68)
- Theory of directed localization in one dimension. (1997) (68)
- QCD corrections to heavy-quark production in pp-bar collisions. (1989) (68)
- Doubled shot noise in disordered normal-metal-superconductor junctions. (1994) (66)
- Induced superconductivity distinguishes chaotic from integrable billiards (1996) (65)
- Nonlogarithmic repulsion of transmission eigenvalues in a disordered wire. (1993) (63)
- Decay of the Loschmidt echo for quantum states with sub-planck-scale structures. (2002) (63)
- Numerical simulation of diffusion-controlled droplet growth: Dynamical correlation effects. (1986) (62)
- Parity meter for charge qubits: An efficient quantum entangler (2006) (61)
- Localization of light: Dual symmetry between absorption and amplification. (1996) (61)
- Squark production at the Fermilab Tevatron. (1994) (59)
- Diffusion of spheres in suspension: Three-body hydrodynamic interaction effects (1982) (57)
- Universality of Brezin and Zee's spectral correlator (1993) (56)
- Three signatures of phase-coherent Andreev reflection. (1993) (54)
- Excitation gap of a graphene channel with superconducting boundaries (2006) (53)
- Quantum limit of the laser line width in chaotic cavities and statistics of residues of scattering matrix poles (1999) (53)
- Spatial potential distribution in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures under quantum Hall conditions studied with the linear electro-optic effect. (1991) (53)
- Valley-isospin dependence of the quantum Hall effect in a graphene p − n junction (2007) (52)
- Search for non-Abelian Majorana braiding statistics in superconductors (2019) (52)
- Measuring Trρn on single copies of ρ using random measurements. (2012) (51)
- Many-body characterization of particle-conserving topological superfluids. (2014) (51)
- Semiclassical theory of shot noise and its suppression in a conductor with deterministic scattering. (1991) (51)
- Finite difference method for transport properties of massless Dirac fermions (2008) (50)
- Quenching of the Hall effect. (1988) (50)
- Diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension : resummation of many-body hydrodynamic interactions (1983) (49)
- Giant Negative Magnetoresistance Driven by Spin-Orbit Coupling at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface. (2014) (49)
- Proposal for the detection and braiding of Majorana fermions in a quantum spin Hall insulator (2013) (49)
- Numerical simulation of a coarsening two-dimensional network. (1988) (49)
- Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Systems (1996) (48)
- Distribution of the reflection eigenvalues of a weakly absorbing chaotic cavity (1999) (47)
- Temperature-dependent third cumulant of tunneling noise. (2003) (47)
- Carbon nanotube vertical interconnects fabricated at temperatures as low as 350 °C (2014) (47)
- Spatial potential distribution in GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs heterostructures under quantum Hall conditions studied with the linear electro-optic effect (1992) (46)
- Semiclassical theory of shot-noise suppression. (1995) (46)
- Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots (2006) (46)
- Scattering theory of the chiral magnetic effect in a Weyl semimetal: interplay of bulk Weyl cones and surface Fermi arcs (2015) (46)
- Large Petermann factor in chaotic cavities with many scattering channels. (1999) (44)
- Coulomb-blockade oscillations in disordered quantum wires. (1992) (43)
- Is sedimentation container-shape dependent? (1985) (43)
- Hypersensitivity to perturbations of quantum-chaotic wave-packet dynamics. (2002) (42)
- Observation of the optical analogue of quantized conductance of a point contact (1991) (42)
- Spin-triplet supercurrent carried by quantum Hall edge states through a Josephson junction (2011) (42)
- Dynamical model for the quantum-to-classical crossover of shot noise (2003) (42)
- Quantum Hall effect in a one-dimensional dynamical system (2011) (41)
- Reflectionless tunneling through a double-barrier NS junction (1994) (41)
- Random-matrix theory of mesoscopic fluctuations in conductors and superconductors. (1993) (41)
- Antibunched photons emitted by a quantum point contact out of equilibrium. (2004) (41)
- Valley-momentum locking in a graphene superlattice with Y-shaped Kekulé bond texture (2017) (39)
- Effect of a voltage probe on the phase-coherent conductance of a ballistic chaotic cavity. (1994) (39)
- Universal gap fluctuations in the superconductor proximity effect. (2000) (38)
- Quantum Andreev map: a paradigm of quantum chaos in superconductivity. (2002) (37)
- Boundary Scattering Modified One-Dimensional Weak Localization in Submicron GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures (1988) (37)
- Correspondence between Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in bipolar graphene (2007) (37)
- Scaling theory of conduction through a normal-superconductor microbridge. (1994) (36)
- Reentrance effect in a graphene n-p-n junction coupled to a superconductor (2007) (36)
- Effective mass and tricritical point for lattice fermions localized by a random mass (2010) (36)
- Influence of Coulomb repulsion on the Aharonov-Bohm effect in a quantum dot. (1991) (36)
- Random-matrix theory of parametric correlations in the spectra of disordered metals and chaotic billiards (1993) (35)
- Neural network decoder for topological color codes with circuit level noise (2018) (35)
- Aharonov-Bohm effect in a singly connected point contact. (1988) (35)
- Lasing threshold and mode competition in chaotic cavities (1997) (35)
- Andreev billiards (2004) (34)
- Annihilation of colliding Bogoliubov quasiparticles reveals their Majorana nature. (2013) (34)
- Mesoscopic fluctuations in the shot-noise power of metals. (1992) (33)
- Chapter 2: Quantum Point Contacts (1992) (33)
- Two-photon speckle as a probe of multi-dimensional entanglement. (2009) (33)
- Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions: III. The influence of a plane wall (1984) (32)
- Theory of Ostwald ripening for open systems (1985) (32)
- Skipping Orbits, Traversing Trajectories, and Quantum Ballistic Transport in Microstructures (1989) (32)
- Andreev reflection from a topological superconductor with chiral symmetry (2012) (32)
- Distribution of parametric conductance derivatives of a quantum dot. (1997) (32)
- Quantum teleportation by particle-hole annihilation in the Fermi sea. (2003) (32)
- Quantum-limited shot noise in graphene (2006) (31)
- Dirac boundary condition at the reconstructed zigzag edge of graphene (2011) (31)
- Evolution of two-dimensional soap-film networks. (1986) (31)
- Resonant Josephson Current Through a Quantum Dot (2001) (31)
- Noiseless scattering states in a chaotic cavity (2003) (30)
- Fluctuating phase rigidity for a quantum chaotic system with partially broken time-reversal symmetry (1996) (30)
- Nonalgebraic length dependence of transmission through a chain of barriers with a Lévy spacing distribution (2008) (30)
- Emission of polarization-entangled microwave photons from a pair of quantum dots. (2005) (30)
- Random-matrix theory of Andreev reflection from a topological superconductor (2010) (29)
- Optimal spin-entangled electron-hole pair pump. (2005) (29)
- Hot-electron spectrometry with quantum point contacts. (1990) (29)
- Pseudodiffusive conduction at the Dirac point of a normal-superconductor junction in graphene (2006) (28)
- Brownian-motion model for parametric correlations in the spectra of disordered metals. (1993) (28)
- On the Smoluchowski paradox in a sedimenting suspension (1985) (28)
- Splitting of Andreev levels in a Josephson junction by spin-orbit coupling (2007) (28)
- Molecular transport in the nanometer regime. (1994) (28)
- Conductance distribution of a quantum dot with nonideal single-channel leads. (1994) (28)
- X-shaped and Y-shaped Andreev resonance profiles in a superconducting quantum dot (2014) (27)
- Mode interference effect in coherent electron focusing (1988) (27)
- Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems. (2002) (27)
- Chirality blockade of Andreev reflection in a magnetic Weyl semimetal (2017) (26)
- Proposed method for detection of the pseudospin-1/2 Berry phase in a photonic crystal with a Dirac spectrum (2008) (26)
- Quantum-limited linewidth of a chaotic laser cavity . (1999) (26)
- Entanglement in mesoscopic structures: Role of projection (2003) (26)
- Effect of dephasing on charge-counting statistics in chaotic cavities (2001) (26)
- Monte Carlo study of a model of diffusion-controlled reactions (1986) (25)
- Deterministic Creation and Braiding of Chiral Edge Vortices. (2018) (25)
- Propagation of squeezed radiation through amplifying or absorbing random media (1999) (25)
- Effect of the coupling to a superconductor on the level statistics of a metal grain in a magnetic field. (1996) (25)
- Quantum phase transitions of a disordered antiferromagnetic topological insulator (2013) (24)
- Adiabatic quantization of Andreev quantum billiard levels. (2003) (24)
- Absence of a metallic phase in charge-neutral graphene with a random gap (2010) (24)
- Quantum-to-classical crossover of mesoscopic conductance fluctuations (2003) (23)
- Statistical translation invariance protects a topological insulator from interactions. (2015) (23)
- Wigner-Poisson statistics of topological transitions in a Josephson junction. (2013) (23)
- Emergence of massless Dirac fermions in graphene's Hofstadter butterfly at switches of the quantum Hall phase connectivity. (2014) (23)
- Attractor-repeller pair of topological zero modes in a nonlinear quantum walk (2015) (23)
- Electron-hole entanglement in the Fermi sea (2005) (23)
- Random-matrix theory of thermal conduction in superconducting quantum dots (2010) (22)
- Quantum limit of the triplet proximity effect in half-metal - superconductor junctions (2008) (22)
- Excess noise for coherent radiation propagating through amplifying random media (1999) (22)
- Topological quantum number and critical exponent from conductance fluctuations at the quantum Hall plateau transition (2011) (22)
- Anomalous temperature dependence of the supercurrent through a chaotic Josephson junction (1996) (22)
- Superconductor-proximity effect in chaotic and integrable billiards (1996) (22)
- Bimodal conductance distribution of Kitaev edge modes in topological superconductors (2014) (22)
- Nonperturbative calculation of the probability distribution of plane-wave transmission through a disordered waveguide. (1995) (22)
- Giant backscattering peak in angle-resolved Andreev reflection. (1995) (21)
- Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions: IV. Wall-effects inside a spherical container (1985) (21)
- Erratum: ``Universal limit of critical-current fluctuations in mesoscopic Josephson junctions'' [Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3836 (1991)] (1992) (21)
- Domain wall in a chiral p-wave superconductor: a pathway for electrical current. (2009) (21)
- Anomalous power law of quantum reversibility for classically regular dynamics (2002) (21)
- Relation between entanglement measures and Bell inequalities for three qubits (2003) (21)
- Conductance fluctuations, weak localization, and shot noise for a ballistic constriction in a disordered wire. (1994) (20)
- Flat-lens focusing of electrons on the surface of a topological insulator (2010) (20)
- Sawtooth-like thermopower oscillations of a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime (1994) (20)
- PHOTON SHOT NOISE (1999) (20)
- Twisted Fermi surface of a thin-film Weyl semimetal (2017) (20)
- Thermopower of single-channel disordered and chaotic conductors (1997) (19)
- Microscopic versus mesoscopic local density of states in one-dimensional localization (2001) (19)
- Thermal metal-insulator transition in a helical topological superconductor (2012) (19)
- Distribution of voltage fluctuations in a current-biased conductor. (2002) (19)
- Applications of random matrix theory to condensed matter and optical physics (2009) (18)
- Sub-Poissonian shot noise in nondegenerate diffusive conductors (1998) (18)
- Excitation Spectrum of Andreev Billiards with a Mixed Phase Space (1998) (18)
- Superconductivity Provides Access to the Chiral Magnetic Effect of an Unpaired Weyl Cone. (2016) (18)
- Weyl-Majorana solenoid (2016) (18)
- Coulomb-blockade oscillations in a quantum dot (1991) (18)
- Magnetoconductance of two point contacts in series. (1990) (17)
- Calculation of the conductance of a graphene sheet using the Chalker-Coddington network model (2008) (17)
- Scattering theory of plasmon-assisted entanglement transfer and distillation (2002) (17)
- Disorder and magnetic-field-induced breakdown of helical edge conduction in an inverted electron-hole bilayer (2014) (17)
- Feedback of the electromagnetic environment on current and voltage fluctuations out of equilibrium (2003) (17)
- Even-odd flux quanta effect in the Fraunhofer oscillations of an edge-channel Josephson junction (2014) (17)
- Time-delay matrix, midgap spectral peak, and thermopower of an Andreev billiard (2014) (17)
- Transmission probability through a Lévy glass and comparison with a Lévy walk. (2011) (17)
- Hartman effect and spin precession in graphene (2009) (17)
- Quench dynamics of fermion-parity switches in a Josephson junction (2015) (17)
- Valley switch in a graphene superlattice due to pseudo-Andreev reflection (2018) (16)
- Low-high voltage duality in tunneling spectroscopy of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (2018) (16)
- The superconducting quantum point contact (2005) (16)
- Andreev reflection and the Josephson effect in a quantum point contact: An analogy with phase-conjugating resonators (1991) (16)
- Limits on deviations from Onsager-Casimir symmetry in the resistance of YBa2Cu3O7- delta. (1990) (15)
- Metallic phase of the quantum Hall effect in four-dimensional space. (2012) (15)
- Quantum optical communication rates through an amplifying random medium. (2002) (15)
- Extinction of coherent backscattering by a disordered photonic crystal with a Dirac spectrum (2008) (15)
- Effect of chiral symmetry on chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes. (2014) (14)
- Random-matrix theory of quantum size effects on nuclear magnetic resonance in metal particles. (1994) (14)
- Manipulation of photon statistics of highly degenerate incoherent radiation. (2001) (13)
- Radiative transfer theory for vacuum fluctuations (1999) (13)
- Adaptive Weight Estimator for Quantum Error Correction in a Time‐Dependent Environment (2017) (13)
- Geodesic scattering by surface deformations of a topological insulator (2010) (13)
- Coulomb-Blockade Oscillations in the Thermopower of a Quantum Dot (1993) (13)
- Why Does a Metal—Superconductor Junction Have a Resistance? (1999) (13)
- Two-dimensional Josephson vortex lattice and anomalously slow decay of the Fraunhofer oscillations in a ballistic SNS junction with a warped Fermi surface. (2016) (12)
- Non-Cayley-tree model for quasiparticle decay in a quantum dot (1998) (12)
- Quantum-to-classical crossover for Andreev billiards in a magnetic field (2005) (12)
- Photon Statistics of a Random Laser (1998) (12)
- Quantum Point Contacts and Coherent Electron Focusing (2005) (12)
- Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors. (2008) (12)
- Stub model for dephasing in a quantum dot (2005) (12)
- Numerical test of the theory of pseudo-diffusive transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure (2007) (12)
- Ehrenfest-time-dependent excitation gap in a chaotic Andreev billiard. (2002) (12)
- Exponential sensitivity to dephasing of electrical conduction through a quantum dot. (2004) (11)
- Activated transport through a quantum dot with extended edge channels. (1992) (11)
- Limits to error correction in quantum chaos. (2000) (11)
- Kinetic theory of shot noise in nondegenerate diffusive conductors (1999) (11)
- Topologically Protected Landau Level in the Vortex Lattice of a Weyl Superconductor. (2017) (11)
- Topologically protected charge transfer along the edge of a chiral p-wave superconductor. (2015) (10)
- Localization-induced coherent backscattering effect in wave dynamics. (2000) (10)
- Production and detection of three-qubit entanglement in the Fermi sea (2003) (10)
- An anisotropic U-shaped SF6-based plasma silicon trench etching investigation (1998) (10)
- Insensitivity to time-reversal symmetry breaking of universal conductance fluctuations with Andreev reflection. (1995) (10)
- Electromechanical noise in a diffusive conductor. (2001) (10)
- Phase-locked magnetoconductance oscillations as a probe of Majorana edge states (2013) (10)
- Weak localization coexisting with a magnetic field in a normal-metal-superconductor microbridge. (1995) (10)
- Weak localization of the open kicked rotator (2004) (10)
- Two-dimensional soap froths and polycrystalline networks: Why are large cells many-sided? (1987) (10)
- Polarization charge relaxation and the Coulomb staircase in ultrasmall double-barrier tunnel junctions (1993) (10)
- Localization landscape for Dirac fermions (2019) (10)
- Quasiclassical fluctuations of the superconductor proximity gap in a chaotic system (2003) (9)
- Reflection of light from a disordered medium backed by a phase-conjugating mirror (1997) (9)
- Photonic excess noise and wave localization (2000) (9)
- Scaling at the chaos threshold for interacting electrons in a quantum Dot (1999) (9)
- Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor (2009) (9)
- Principles of Solid State Electron Optics (1995) (9)
- Scattering theory of topological invariants in nodal superconductors (2012) (9)
- Long-Range Energy Level Interaction in Small Metallic Particles (1993) (8)
- Erratum: Voltage-probe and imaginary-potential models for dephasing in a chaotic quantum dot [Phys. Rev. B 55, 004695 (1997)] (2002) (8)
- Phase-dependent magnetoconductance fluctuations in a chaotic Josephson junction. (1996) (8)
- Transfer of entanglement from electrons to photons by optical selection rules (2005) (8)
- The power of random measurements: measuring Tr(\rho^n) on single copies of \rho (2011) (8)
- Nernst effect beyond the relaxation-time approximation (2011) (8)
- , Quantum Effects in Thermal and Thermo-Electric Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures (1993) (7)
- Transition from pure-state to mixed-state entanglement by random scattering (2004) (7)
- Coherent backscattering effect on wave dynamics in a random medium (2000) (7)
- Stroboscopic model of transport through a quantum dot with spin-orbit scattering (2005) (7)
- Long-range correlation of thermal radiation (1998) (7)
- Frequency dependence of the photonic noise spectrum in an absorbing or amplifying diffusive medium (2000) (7)
- Voltage probe model of spin decay in a chaotic quantum dot with applications to spin-flip noise and entanglement production (2005) (7)
- Effect of inelastic scattering on the average Coulomb-blockade peak height in quantum dots . (2000) (7)
- Voltage-probe-controlled breakdown of the quantum Hall effect. (1991) (7)
- Optical observation of angular momentum alignment in a heat-conducting gas. (1987) (7)
- Injection of Ballistic Hot Electrons and Cool Holes in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (1990) (7)
- Manufacturing uniform field silicon drift detector using double boron layer (2015) (6)
- Signature of wave localization in the time dependence of a reflected pulse (2000) (6)
- Voltage staircase in a current-biased quantum-dot Josephson junction (2021) (6)
- Fast Etching of Molding Compound by an Ar/O2/CF4 Plasma and Process Improvements for Semiconductor Package Decapsulation (2012) (6)
- Generalized eigenproblem without fermion doubling for Dirac fermions on a lattice (2021) (6)
- Minimal circuit for a flux-controlled Majorana qubit in a quantum spin-Hall insulator (2014) (6)
- Dynamics of localization in a waveguide (2000) (6)
- Conductance and supercurrent discontinuities in atomic size point contacts (1993) (6)
- Quantum theory of electromechanical noise and momentum transfer statistics (2002) (6)
- Berry phase and adiabaticity of a spin diffusing in a nonuniform magnetic field (1998) (6)
- Coulomb-blockade oscillations in quantum wires and dots (1992) (6)
- How spin-orbit interaction can cause electronic shot noise (2006) (5)
- Vector-mean-field theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect. (1992) (5)
- Excess conductance of a spin-filtering quantum dot (2006) (5)
- Universality of weak localization in disordered wires. (1993) (5)
- Electrical detection of the Majorana fusion rule for chiral edge vortices in a topological superconductor (2018) (5)
- High-ohmic resistors fabricated by PureB layer for silicon drift detectors applications (2015) (5)
- Multiple-path interferometer with a single quantum obstacle (2001) (5)
- Coulomb charging of a quantum dot in the presence of adiabatically transmitted edge channels (1993) (5)
- Effect of a tunnel barrier on the scattering from a Majorana bound state in an Andreev billiard (2015) (5)
- Reflectance fluctuations in an absorbing random waveguide (1996) (5)
- Time-resolved electrical detection of chiral edge vortex braiding (2019) (5)
- Thermo-electric properties of quantum point contacts (1992) (5)
- Entanglement Production in a Chaotic Quantum Dot (2003) (4)
- Deterministic quantum state transfer from an electronic charge qubit to a photonic polarization qubit (2006) (4)
- Pair correlation function of the one-dimensional Riesz gas (2022) (4)
- Spontaneous Emission in Chaotic Cavities (1997) (4)
- Many-body characterization of topological superconductivity: The Richardson-Gaudin-Kitaev chain (2014) (4)
- Wiedemann-Franz-type relation between shot noise and thermal conduction of Majorana surface states in a three-dimensional topological superconductor (2016) (4)
- Search for two-scale localization in disordered wires in a magnetic field (1999) (4)
- Dynamical Signatures of Ground‐State Degeneracy to Discriminate against Andreev Levels in a Majorana Fusion Experiment (2019) (4)
- Coulomb Blockade of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect (1991) (4)
- Semi-Classical Theory of Magnetoresistance Anomalies in Ballistic Multi-Probe Conductors (1990) (4)
- Reflectionless Klein tunneling of Dirac fermions: comparison of split-operator and staggered-lattice discretization of the Dirac equation (2022) (4)
- Metal-topological insulator transition in the quantum kicked rotator with Z 2 symmetry (2012) (4)
- Superconductivity in the mean-field anyon gas. (1991) (3)
- Half-integer charge injection by a Josephson junction without excess noise (2020) (3)
- Coulomb-Regulated Conductance Oscillations in a Disordered Quantum Wire (1992) (3)
- Entangled microwave photons from quantum dots (2005) (3)
- Hierarchical model for the scale-dependent velocity of waves in random media. (1999) (3)
- Bloch oscillations in the magnetoconductance of twisted bilayer graphene (2022) (3)
- Massless Dirac Fermions on a Space‐Time Lattice with a Topologically Protected Dirac Cone (2022) (3)
- Effect of charge renormalization on the electric and thermoelectric transport along the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor (2019) (3)
- Quantum Shot Noise Fluctuations in the flow of electrons signal the transition from particle to wave behavior . Published in revised form in Physics Today , May 2003 (2003) (3)
- Pfaffian Formula for Fermion Parity Fluctuations in a Superconductor and Application to Majorana Fusion Detection (2019) (3)
- Bringing order to the expanding fermion zoo (2016) (3)
- Momentum noise in a quantum point contact (2002) (3)
- Shot noise distinguishes Majorana fermions from vortices injected in the edge mode of a chiral p-wave superconductor (2020) (3)
- Effect of spin-orbit coupling on the excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards (2006) (3)
- Hempel's dilemma and the physics of computation (2007) (3)
- Aharonov-Bohm effect for a valley-polarized current in graphene (2007) (3)
- Coherent electron focusing (1989) (3)
- Deconfinement of Majorana Vortex Modes Produces a Superconducting Landau Level. (2021) (2)
- On transport properties of concentrated suspensions (1984) (2)
- Conductance fluctuations in a disordered double-barrier junction. (1995) (2)
- Andreev-Bragg Reflection from an Amperian Superconductor. (2014) (2)
- Observation of excess conductance of a constricted electron gas in the fractional quantum Hall regime. (1992) (2)
- Crossover from weak localization to weak antilocalization in a disordered microbridge (2003) (2)
- Magnetic breakdown spectrum of a Kramers–Weyl semimetal (2020) (2)
- Universal chiral magnetic effect in the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor (2019) (2)
- Effects of disorder on the transmission of nodal fermions through a d-wave superconductor (2010) (2)
- Negative superfluid density : Mesoscopic fluctuations and reverse of the supercurrent through a disordered Josephson junction (2001) (2)
- Sub-Poissonian shot noise in a diffusive conductor (1994) (2)
- PureB multi-guard ring structures for detector applications (2016) (2)
- Dephasing of entangled electron-hole pairs in a degenerate electron gas (2003) (2)
- High-frequency dynamics of wave localization. (1999) (1)
- Coulomb stability of the $\mathbf{4\pi}$-periodic Josephson effect of Majorana fermions (2012) (1)
- Andreev levels in a single-channel conductor (2001) (1)
- Three " Universal " Mesoscopic Josephson Effects C (2005) (1)
- Study of a stroboscopic model of a quantum dot (2001) (1)
- Single-electron tunneling in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime (2016) (1)
- Superconducting Quantum Point Contacts and Other Mesoscopic Josephson Junctions (1992) (1)
- Exactly solvable scaling theory of conduction in disordered wires (1994) (1)
- Electron beams and waveguide modes: aspects of quantum ballistic transport (1989) (1)
- Method to preserve the chiral-symmetry protection of the zeroth Landau level on a two-dimensional lattice (2022) (1)
- Knowledge in Ferment (2007) (1)
- X-shaped and Y-shaped Andreev resonance profiles in a superconducting quantum dot (2014) (1)
- Observation of the optical analogue of the quantised conductance of a point contact (1991) (1)
- Light scattering by photonic crystals with a Dirac spectrum (2006) (1)
- Spatially resolved potential measurements under quantum Hall conditions by application of the linear electrooptic effect (1990) (1)
- Lateral electron transport through a quantum dot : Coulomb blockade and quantum transport (1992) (1)
- Entangled microwaves from quantum dots (2005) (1)
- Specular Andreev Reflection in Graphene (2006) (1)
- Quantum Shot Noise Fluctuations in the flow of electrons can Signal the transition from particlelike to wavelike behavior and signify the nature of Charge transport in mesoscopic Systems. (2003) (1)
- Single-mode delay time statistics for scattering by a chaotic cavity (2000) (1)
- Pseudodiffusive transmission of nodal Dirac fermions through a clean d -wave superconductor (2009) (1)
- Degradation of electron-hole entanglement by spin-orbit coupling (2006) (1)
- Introduction: Special issue dedicated to the memory of Markus Büttiker (1950–2013) (2016) (1)
- Beenakker and van Houten reply. (1989) (1)
- Superconductivity in nanostructures: andreev billiards and josephson junction qubits (2002) (1)
- Effects of spin-orbit coupling on quantum transport (2004) (1)
- Brightness of a phase-conjugating mirror behind a random medium (1996) (1)
- Dynamic effect of phase conjugation on wave localization (2001) (0)
- UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Charge detection enables free-electron quantum computation (2004) (0)
- Ballistic and adiabatic electron transport in 1 and 2 dimensions (1991) (0)
- Superconductor-proximity effect in chaotic and integrable billiards (1997) (0)
- Theoretical study of Two-Photon Speckle (2009) (0)
- VIth Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi, August 6-12 2006 Nanophysics: from fundamentals to applications Minimum conductivity and maximum Fano factor in mesoscopic graphene (2007) (0)
- Monte Carlo stutiy of a model of diffusion-controlled reactions (2005) (0)
- Quantum Goos-Ha¨nchen Effect in Graphene (2009) (0)
- Online Friedmann resource (2013) (0)
- Coherent backscattering from a quantum dot is insensitive to the Ehrenfest time (2004) (0)
- Book Review (1997) (0)
- Topological phase transition of a Josephson junction and its dynamics (2016) (0)
- Adiabatic transport in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime (1991) (0)
- Supercell symmetry modified spectral statistics of Kramers–Weyl fermions (2021) (0)
- Magnus effect on a Majorana zero-mode (2023) (0)
- Quantum Computing and the Onset of Quantum Chaotic Motion (2002) (0)
- Anomalously Low Threshold in Lasing Chaotic Cavities (1997) (0)
- Scattering problems involving electrons, photons, and Dirac fermions (2005) (0)
- 4pi periodic Josephson current through a Quantum Spin-Hall edge (2014) (0)
- How to braid mobile with immobile non-Abelian anyons in a topological superconductor (2018) (0)
- Classical and quantum optics (2018) (0)
- O ct 2 00 5 Electron-hole entanglement in the Fermi sea (2005) (0)
- Pseudo-superconductivity in bipolar graphene (2007) (0)
- All-electronic coherent population trapping in quantum dots (2006) (0)
- Brillouin zone doubling causes fermion doubling for a staggered lattice discretization of the Dirac equation (2022) (0)
- Proximity induced topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions (2016) (0)
- Computation of quantum-transport properties by random-matrix theory (1993) (0)
- in the Fraunhofer oscillations of an edge-channel (2015) (0)
- Reply to “Comment on ‘Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems’ ” (2003) (0)
- Majorana Gun: An On-Demand Single-Majorana Fermion Source (2015) (0)
- Andreev reflection in graphene (2007) (0)
- Transmission in Disordered Multi-Mode Waveguides with Gain and Loss (1997) (0)
- Optimal quantum entanglement pump (2005) (0)
- Chiral delay-time statistics and the dynamics of chaotic scattering from Majorana zero-modes (2014) (0)
- Quantum effects in thermal and thermo-electric transport in semiconductor nanostructures (1993) (0)
- Magnetic field-induced breakdown of helical conduction in an InAs/GaSb bilayer (2015) (0)
- from a topological superconductor with chiral symmetry (2012) (0)
- Erratum: Disorder and magnetic-field-induced breakdown of helical edge conduction in an inverted electron-hole bilayer [Phys. Rev. B89, 161403(R) (2014)] (2014) (0)
- Semiclassical Electron Transport in case of Spin-Orbit Interaction: a Way to Spin-Polarize the Current (2005) (0)
- Chirality inversion of Majorana edge modes in a Fu–Kane heterostructure (2021) (0)
- Effect of surface curvature on conductivity in 3D topological insulator (2010) (0)
- Topologically protected zero modes in electronic and optical systems (2013) (0)
- Shot-Noise in Non-Degenerate Semiconductors with Energy-Dependent Elastic Scattering (1999) (0)
- The power of random measurements: measuring Trρ on single copies of ρ (2020) (0)
- Reply to comment of S. Tomsovic and E.J. Heller on Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems (2003) (0)
- 9 60 91 00 v 2 2 4 Se p 19 96 Fluctuating “ order parameter ” for a quantum chaotic system with partially broken time-reversal symmetry (2021) (0)
- Flux-controlled quantum computation with Majorana zero modes (2014) (0)
- Reply to comment of G. Kirczenow on the theories of the quenching of the Hall effect (1989) (0)
- Thermal and thermo-electric transport properties of quantum point contacts (1993) (0)
- Phase separation and pattern formation (1985) (0)
- Book reviewSupersymmetry in disorder and chaos: by K. Efetov Cambridge University Press, 1997. £65.00 hbk (xiii + 441 pages) ISBN 0 521 47097 8 (1997) (0)
- Selective backscattering and the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect (1992) (0)
- Accuracy of the diffusion equation with extrapolated-boundary condition for transmittance of light through a turbid medium (2008) (0)
- Magnetoresistance of narrow GaAs-(Al,Ga)As heterostructures in the quasi-ballistic regime (1988) (0)
- Thanks to 2011 Reviewers (2012) (0)
- Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport: A magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length (2022) (0)
- Theory of Ostwald ripening for open Systems 0 (2005) (0)
- Towards quantum computation with Majorana fermions (2012) (0)
- Chiral charge transfer along magnetic field lines in a Weyl superconductor (2021) (0)
- Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Systems Proceedings of the XVI Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics (2005) (0)
- Conductance and mobility of charge carriers in graphene on silicon carbide — (2008) (0)
- Tangent fermions: Dirac or Majorana fermions on a lattice without fermion doubling (2023) (0)
- Induced superconductivity distinguishes chaotic from integrable billiards (1996) (0)
- Oscillating Transverse Voltage in a Channel with Quantum Point Contact Voltage Probes (1991) (0)
- Oscillatory thermopower of a quantum point contact (1991) (0)
- Quantum and Classical Ballistic Transport in Constricted Two-Dimensional Electron Gases (1988) (0)
- Quantum irreversibility for chaotic systems with external perturbation : decay of the Loschmidt echo (2002) (0)
- Quantum Wires and Ballistic Point Contacts (1989) (0)
- Quantum ballistic electron transport in a constricted two-dimensional electron gas (1988) (0)
- Coherent backscattering effect on wave dynamics in a random medium (2000) (0)
- Anomalous power law of quantum reversibility for classically regular dynamics (2003) (0)
- Brightness of a phase-conjugating mirror behind a random medium (1997) (0)
- Long-Range Energy Level Interaction in Small Metallic Particles (1993) (0)
- How spin-orbit interaction can cause electronic shot noise (2006) (0)
- Universal Quantum Signatures of Chaos in Ballistic Transport (1994) (0)
- Coherent Electron Focussing in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (1988) (0)
- Mode Interference Effect in Coherent Electron Focusing (1988) (0)
- 1999 Scaling at the chaos threshold in an interacting quantum dot (2021) (0)
- On the production and transfer of entangled electrons and photons (2002) (0)
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