Charles Fefferman
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American mathematician
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Charles Fefferman's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Princeton University
- Bachelors Mathematics University of Maryland, College Park
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Why Is Charles Fefferman Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Charles Louis Fefferman is an American mathematician at Princeton University, where he is currently the Herbert E. Jones, Jr. '43 University Professor of Mathematics. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1978 for his contributions to mathematical analysis.
Charles Fefferman's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Hp spaces of several variables (1972) (2607)
- Weighted norm inequalities for maximal functions and singular integrals (1974) (1053)
- Inequalities for strongly singular convolution operators (1970) (542)
- Some Maximal Inequalities (1971) (509)
- The Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains (1974) (447)
- The Ambient Metric (2007) (437)
- Nodal sets of eigenfunctions on Reimannian manifolds (1988) (409)
- Monge-Ampere equations, the Bergman kernel, and geometry of pseudoconvex domains* (1976) (393)
- The Multiplier Problem for the Ball (1971) (384)
- On the Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains (1974) (374)
- Characterizations of bounded mean oscillation (1971) (336)
- the uncertainty principle (1983) (302)
- Wave packets and fourier integral operators (1978) (300)
- Testing the Manifold Hypothesis (2013) (294)
- Geometric constraints on potentially singular solutions for the 3-D Euler equations (1996) (287)
- A note on spherical summation multipliers (1973) (231)
- Honeycomb Lattice Potentials and Dirac Points (2012) (195)
- Parabolic invariant theory in complex analysis (1979) (187)
- $Q$-Curvature and Poincaré Metrics (2001) (185)
- On Local Solvability of Linear Partial Differential Equations (1973) (183)
- C., L^2 cohomology and index theorem for the Bergman metric (1983) (175)
- Higher order commutator estimates and local existence for the non-resistive MHD equations and related models (2014) (172)
- On the convergence of multiple Fourier series (1971) (161)
- Rayleigh-Taylor breakdown for the Muskat problem with applications to water waves (2011) (147)
- Fundamental solutions for second order subelliptic operators (1986) (146)
- Interpolation between ^{} spaces: the real method (1974) (146)
- Ambient metric construction of Q-curvature in conformal and CR geometries (2003) (145)
- On the divergence of multiple Fourier series (1971) (144)
- Relativistic Stability of Matter - I (1986) (139)
- Whitney’s extension problem for $C^m$ (2006) (136)
- A sharp form of Whitney's extension theorem (2005) (136)
- Strictly pseudoconvex domains in $C^n$ (1983) (127)
- Finite time singularities for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations (2011) (119)
- Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series (1973) (119)
- Can one learn history from the allelic spectrum? (2008) (116)
- Wave Packets in Honeycomb Structures and Two-Dimensional Dirac Equations (2012) (116)
- Nodal sets for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on surfaces (1990) (112)
- Growth of solutions for QG and 2D Euler equations (2001) (110)
- On positivity of pseudo-differential operators. (1978) (110)
- Hölder estimates on domains of complex dimension two and on three dimensional CR manifolds (1988) (108)
- A weighted norm inequality for singular integrals (1976) (100)
- Whitney’s extension problems and interpolation of data (2008) (100)
- Lp bounds for pseudo-differential operators (1973) (99)
- Breakdown of Smoothness for the Muskat Problem (2012) (93)
- The uncertainty principle and sharp gårding inequalities (1981) (92)
- C m extension by linear operators (2007) (88)
- Local Existence for the Non-Resistive MHD Equations in Nearly Optimal Sobolev Spaces (2016) (87)
- On the energy of a large atom (1990) (86)
- Regularity of Coupled Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Fokker-Planck and Navier-Stokes Systems (2006) (78)
- Nodal Sets of Eigenfunctions: Riemannian Manifolds With Boundary (1990) (72)
- Interpolation and extrapolation of smooth functions by linear operators (2005) (72)
- Fitting a $C^m$-Smooth Function to Data II (2009) (71)
- On the Dirac and Schwinger Corrections to the Ground-State Energy of an Atom (1994) (68)
- On the Collapse of Tubes Carried¶by 3D Incompressible Flows (2001) (66)
- Correction to "Monge-Ampere Equations, the Bergman Kernel, and Geometry of Pseudoconvex Domains" (1976) (65)
- Honeycomb Schrödinger Operators in the Strong Binding Regime (2016) (63)
- Edge States in Honeycomb Structures (2015) (63)
- Fitting a Cm-smooth function to data, III (2009) (60)
- Topologically protected states in one-dimensional continuous systems and Dirac points (2014) (59)
- On Squirt Singularities in Hydrodynamics (2004) (58)
- Asymptotic neutrality of large ions (1990) (57)
- Hölder estimates on CR manifolds with a diagonalizable Levi form (1990) (57)
- A Generalized Sharp Whitney Theorem for Jets (2005) (57)
- On the absence of splash singularities in the case of two-fluid interfaces (2013) (57)
- Juhl's formulae for GJMS operators and Q-curvatures (2012) (53)
- Topologically Protected States in One-Dimensional Systems (2014) (51)
- Fitting a Cm-Smooth Function to Data (2005) (51)
- Aperiodicity of the Hamiltonian flow in the Thomas-Fermi potential. (1993) (49)
- Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of ordinary differential operators (1992) (49)
- Extension of C-Smooth Functions by Linear Operators (2004) (47)
- The Density in a One-Dimensional Potential (1994) (46)
- Two nonequivalent conditions for weight functions (1974) (46)
- The thermodynamic limit for a crystal (1985) (46)
- Sobolev extension by linear operators (2012) (44)
- Splash Singularities for the One-Phase Muskat Problem in Stable Regimes (2013) (43)
- The Eigenvalue Sum of a One-Dimensional Potential (1994) (42)
- Stability of Ultraviolet-Cutoff¶Quantum Electrodynamics with Non-Relativistic Matter (1997) (41)
- A Radon-Nikodym theorem for finitely additive set functions (1967) (38)
- Splash singularity for water waves (2011) (38)
- The N-body problem in quantum mechanics (1986) (37)
- The Atomic and Molecular Nature of Matter. (1985) (36)
- Finiteness Principles for Smooth Selection (2015) (36)
- Almost sharp fronts for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. (2004) (36)
- Scalars convected by a two‐dimensional incompressible flow (2002) (35)
- Behavior of several two-dimensional fluid equations in singular scenarios (2001) (35)
- Interpolation of data by smooth non-negative functions (2016) (34)
- Reconstructing a neural net from its output (1994) (34)
- Simultaneous approximation in Lebesgue and Sobolev norms via eigenspaces (2019) (34)
- A spherical surface measure inequality for convex sets (1972) (32)
- Stability of Coulomb systems in a magnetic field. (1995) (31)
- Finite time singularities for water waves with surface tension (2012) (31)
- Maximal seminorms on Weak $L^{1}$ (1981) (30)
- The canonical seminorm on Weak L (1984) (29)
- The Ambient Metric (AM-178) (2011) (29)
- Scaling exponents in fluid turbulence: some analytic results (1994) (29)
- Defect Modes for Dislocated Periodic Media (2018) (28)
- Nodal domains and growth of harmonic functions on noncompact manifolds (1992) (28)
- An upper bound for the number of electrons in a large ion. (1989) (28)
- Fitting a Putative Manifold to Noisy Data (2018) (27)
- Interval Arithmetic in Quantum Mechanics (1996) (27)
- Turning waves and breakdown for incompressible flows (2010) (27)
- Extension of $C^{m, \omega}$-Smooth Functions by Linear Operators (2009) (26)
- Reconstruction and Interpolation of Manifolds. I: The Geometric Whitney Problem (2015) (26)
- Bifurcations of edge states—topologically protected and non-protected—in continuous 2D honeycomb structures (2015) (24)
- Analytic Sharp Fronts for the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation (2011) (24)
- The Density in a Three-Dimensional Radial Potential (1995) (24)
- A Lieb-Thirring Bound for a Magnetic Pauli Hamiltonian (1997) (24)
- Waves in Honeycomb Structures (2012) (23)
- An example related to Whitney extension with almost minimal $C^m$ norm (2009) (23)
- Recovering a Feed-Forward Net From Its Output (1993) (23)
- An Easy Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (1967) (22)
- Estimates for double Hilbert transform (1972) (22)
- Almost Sharp Fronts for SQG: The Limit Equations (2012) (22)
- Estimates of Kernels on Three-Dimensional CR Manifolds. (1988) (21)
- On electrons and nuclei in a magnetic field (1996) (21)
- The Eigenvalue Sum for a Three-Dimensional Radial Potential (1996) (21)
- Splash Singularities for the Free Boundary Navier-Stokes Equations (2015) (21)
- The Structure of Linear Extension Operators for $C^m$ (2007) (19)
- Lower bounds for Schrödinger equations (1982) (18)
- Fitting a Sobolev function to data I (2014) (18)
- Continuous Solutions of Linear Equations (2013) (18)
- On hypoellipticity of second order operators (1976) (18)
- The $C^m$ Norm of a Function with Prescribed Jets II (2009) (17)
- The Brenner-Hochster-Koll\'ar and Whitney Problems for Vector-valued Functions and Jets (2012) (16)
- Essays on Fourier analysis in honor of Elias M. Stein (1995) (16)
- Photonic realization of topologically protected bound states in domain-wall waveguide arrays (2016) (15)
- The spine of an SQG almost-sharp front (2012) (15)
- A local Bernstein inequality on real algebraic varieties (1996) (15)
- The Jet of an Interpolant on a Finite Set (2011) (14)
- The C Norm of a Function with Prescribed Jets I (2010) (14)
- Bernstein's inequality on algebraic curves (1993) (14)
- Sharp Finiteness Principles For Lipschitz Selections (2017) (14)
- Weyl sums and atomic energy oscillations (1995) (13)
- Continuum Schroedinger Operators for Sharply Terminated Graphene-Like Structures (2018) (12)
- Construction of Almost-Sharp Fronts for the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation (2015) (12)
- Bernstein’s inequality and the resolution of spaces of analytic functions (1995) (12)
- Potato Chip Singularities of 3D Flows (2001) (12)
- Lp spaces over finitely additive measures (1968) (12)
- Fitting Smooth Functions to Data (2020) (12)
- A BMO theorem for -distorted diffeomorphisms on ℝD and an application to comparing manifolds of speech and sound (2012) (11)
- Edge States of continuum Schroedinger operators for sharply terminated honeycomb structures (2018) (11)
- On the asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of a pseudo-differential operator. (1980) (11)
- Smooth Interpolation of Data by Efficient Algorithms (2013) (11)
- Stability of nonrelativistic quantum mechanical matter coupled to the (ultraviolet cutoff) radiation field. (1996) (10)
- Convergence on almost every line for functions with gradient in $L^p({\bf R}^n)$ (1974) (9)
- A number-theoretic estimate for the thomas-fermi density (1996) (9)
- Symplectic geometry and positivity of pseudo-differential operators. (1982) (9)
- A Lieb-Thirring bound for a magnetic Pauli Hamiltonian, II (1999) (9)
- Structural stability for the splash singularities of the water waves problem (2014) (9)
- Fitting a manifold of large reach to noisy data (2019) (8)
- A geometrical constraint for capillary jet breakup (2004) (8)
- Classes of spatially inhomogeneous pseudodifferential operators. (1973) (8)
- The Structure of Sobolev Extension Operators (2012) (8)
- The Energy Asymptotics of Large Coulomb Systems (1992) (7)
- Reconstruction of a Riemannian Manifold from Noisy Intrinsic Distances (2019) (7)
- A trigonometric sum relevant to the nonrelativistic theory of atoms. (1994) (7)
- Lower Bound on Quantum Tunneling for Strong Magnetic Fields (2020) (7)
- Advances in Analysis: The Legacy of Elias M. Stein (2014) (7)
- Scalars convected by a 2D incompressible flow (2001) (7)
- Singular integral operators with complex homogeneity (1979) (7)
- Stability of matter with magnetic fields (1997) (6)
- Selected theorems by Eli Stein (2014) (6)
- A planar face on the unit sphere of the multiplier space _{}, 1<<∞ (1972) (6)
- A Planar Face on the Unit Sphere of the Multiplier Space M p , 1 < p < ∞ (1972) (5)
- No-splash theorems for fluid interfaces (2014) (5)
- Continuous linear combinations of polynomials (2011) (5)
- Interpolation by linear programming I (2011) (5)
- Generators for the $C^m$-closures of ideals (2019) (5)
- Solutions to a system of equations for $C^m$ functions (2019) (5)
- On the lowest eigenvalue of a pseudo-differential operator. (1979) (5)
- Erratum: Pointwise convergence of Fourier series (1997) (5)
- Nearly optimal interpolation of data in $C^2 (\mathbb{R}^2)$. Part I (2012) (5)
- $C^{m}$ semialgebraic sections over the plane (2021) (4)
- Drops: The collapse of capillary jets (2002) (4)
- Extensions, interpolation and matching in $R^D$ (2014) (4)
- Analysis and applications: The mathematical work of Elias Stein (2020) (4)
- Pseudo-differential operators with positive symbols (1981) (4)
- A note on joint analyticity (1999) (3)
- L(2) Cohomology of the Bergman metric. (1983) (3)
- On L p Estimates of the Cauchy-Riemann Equation (1995) (3)
- Reconstruction and interpolation of manifolds II: Inverse problems for Riemannian manifolds with partial distance data (2021) (3)
- Some examples of C infty extension by linear operators. (2012) (3)
- Invariant Curves for Degenerate Hyperbolic Maps of the Plane (2021) (3)
- On Whitney Extensions of almost isometries with small distortion, Interpolation and Alignment in $\Bbb R^D$ (2014) (3)
- Non-conservation of Dimension in Divergence-Free Solutions of Passive and Active Scalar Systems (2019) (3)
- Some examples of C ∞ extension by linear operators (2012) (2)
- Efficient Algorithms for Approximate Smooth Selection (2019) (2)
- On the Whitney Extension-Interpolation-Alignment problem for almost isometries with small distortion in $\Bbb R^D$ (2014) (2)
- $C^2$ interpolation with range restriction (2021) (2)
- On Extensions of e Diffeomorphisms (2015) (2)
- The spin of the ground state of an atom (1996) (2)
- Optimal control with learning on the fly: a toy problem (2020) (2)
- The volume near the zeroes of a smooth function (2007) (2)
- The Euler and Navier-Stokes equations (2010) (2)
- Construction of Almost-Sharp Fronts for the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation (2015) (1)
- The Bergman Kernel in Quantum Mechanics (1999) (1)
- Extensions in $\mathbb R^D$ (2014) (1)
- Water Waves With or Without Surface Tension (2016) (1)
- On Smooth Whitney Extensions of almost isometries with small distortion, Interpolation and Alignment in $\Bbb R^D$-Part 1 (2014) (1)
- A local Bernstein inequality on real algebraic varieties (1996) (1)
- Local Existence for the Non-Resistive MHD Equations in Nearly Optimal Sobolev Spaces (2016) (1)
- Wave Packets in Honeycomb Structures and Two-Dimensional Dirac Equations (2013) (1)
- Classification of implication-closed ideals in certain rings of jets (2022) (1)
- The mathematics of large atoms (1995) (1)
- Examples concerning Whitney's Cm extension problem (2006) (1)
- THE A WORK OF (2007) (1)
- Editor's note on papers by Harvey-Lawson and by Luk-Yau (2000) (1)
- Sharp finiteness principles for Lipschitz selections: long version (2017) (1)
- Controlling unknown linear dynamics with bounded multiplicative regret (2021) (1)
- Edge states in rationally terminated honeycomb structures. (2022) (0)
- Linear extension operators for Sobolev spaces on uniform trees (2023) (0)
- C A ] 1 7 Ju l 2 02 1 C 2 Interpolation with Range Restriction (2021) (0)
- Optimal Control with Learning on the Fly: System with Unknown Drift (2022) (0)
- Chapter Four. Poincaré Metrics (2011) (0)
- PRELIMINARY VERSION Fitting a C m-Smooth Function to Data (2005) (0)
- Breakdown of Smoothness for the Muskat Problem (2013) (0)
- The work of terence tao (2006) (0)
- Sharp and almost-sharp fronts for the SQG equation (2012) (0)
- THEoREM 1. Let f = (f,, f ) be a sequence of functions on Rn. Form the sequence f*, whose hc-th term is the maximal function of fk. Then (2016) (0)
- A BMO theorem for $\epsilon$ distorted diffeomorphisms from $\mathbb R^D$ to $\mathbb R^D$ with applications to manifolds of speech and sound (2016) (0)
- On the Whitney distortion extension problem for $C^m(\mathbb R^n)$ and $C^{\infty}(\mathbb R^n)$ and its applications to interpolation and alignment of data in $\mathbb R^n$ (2015) (0)
- Almost Sharp Fronts for SQG: The Limit Equations (2012) (0)
- A BMO theorem for $\epsilon$ distorted diffeomorphisms on $\mathbb R^D$ and an application to comparing manifolds of speech and sound (2016) (0)
- The final oral exam (1992) (0)
- A property of ideals of jets of functions vanishing on a set (2022) (0)
- Sharp Finiteness Principles For Lipschitz Selections (2018) (0)
- One Selected Theorems by (2013) (0)
- Defect Modes for Dislocated Periodic Media (2020) (0)
- Chapter Nine. Scalar Invariants (2011) (0)
- Pseudo-differential operators with symbols admitting negative values (1981) (0)
- Finiteness Principle II (2013) (0)
- Chapter Eight. Jet Isomorphism (2011) (0)
- Louis Nirenberg (1925–2020) (2021) (0)
- WKB and the Periodic Table (1999) (0)
- 2 Estimates for solutions of the heat equation in Sobolev spaces 2 . 1 Energy estimates (2016) (0)
- Chapter Seven. Conformally Flat and Conformally Einstein Spaces (2011) (0)
- About the cover: Tribute to Elias Stein (2020) (0)
- Carleson's theorem (2010) (0)
- Princeton lectures in analysis by Ellias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi- A book review (2012) (0)
- Chapter One. Selected Theorems by Eli Stein (2014) (0)
- Finiteness Principles for Smooth Selection (2016) (0)
- Formation of Singularities in Fluid Interfaces (2012) (0)
- A Bounded mean oscillation (BMO) theorem for small distorted diffeomorphisms from $\mathbb R^D$ to $\mathbb R^D$ and PDE (2021) (0)
- Chapter Two. Ambient Metrics (2011) (0)
- Elias M. Stein (1931–2018) (2021) (0)
- On Euclidean Motions, Distorted Smooth Extensions, Alignment and Interpolation of Data in $\Bbb R^D$ (2014) (0)
- Chapter Six. Conformal Curvature Tensors (2011) (0)
- Edge States in Honeycomb Structures (2016) (0)
- On some singular convolution operators (1969) (0)
- Erratum: Fitting a $C^m$-smooth function to data II (2012) (0)
- III.23 The Euler and Navier–Stokes Equations (2010) (0)
- Discrete honeycombs, rational edges and edge states (2022) (0)
- Splash Singularities for the One-Phase Muskat Problem in Stable Regimes (2016) (0)
- Lower bounds for pseudo-differential operators (1982) (0)
- On Distorted Smooth Extensions, Euclidean Motions and Alignment and Interpolation of Data in $\mathbb R^D$ II (2014) (0)
- Number Theory and Atomic Densities (1999) (0)
- Conformal invariants (2019) (0)
- V.5 Carleson’s Theorem (2010) (0)
- 3 0 Ja n 20 01 Scalars convected by a 2 D incompressible flow (2001) (0)
- Anupperboundforthenumberofelectrons inalarge ion (1989) (0)
- Chapter Five. Self-dual Poincaré Metrics (2011) (0)
- Splash Singularities for the Free Boundary Navier-Stokes Equations (2019) (0)
- On the Atomic Energy Asymptotics (1992) (0)
- Weighted Norm Inequalities for Certain Pseudo-Differential Operators (2009) (0)
- Chapter Two. Eli’s Impact: A Case Study (2014) (0)
- Chapter Three. Formal Theory (2011) (0)
- Whitney problems for Sobolev functions (2013) (0)
- Masatake Kuranishi (1924–2021) (2022) (0)
- Cardinally Maximal Sets of Non‐Equivalent Order Types (1967) (0)
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