Che-Ming Ko
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Che-Ming Kophysics Degrees
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Nuclear Physics
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Che-Ming Ko's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Physics National Taiwan University
Why Is Che-Ming Ko Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Che-Ming Ko is a Taiwanese physicist, focusing in nuclear theory, currently University Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University and an Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1994.
Che-Ming Ko's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Recent Progress and New Challenges in Isospin Physics with Heavy-Ion Reactions (2008) (798)
- Multiphase transport model for relativistic heavy ion collisions (2004) (707)
- Isospin Physics in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies (1997) (435)
- Parton coalescence and the antiproton/pion anomaly at RHIC. (2003) (409)
- Determination of the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy from isospin diffusion. (2004) (282)
- Quark coalescence for charmed mesons in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions (2003) (272)
- Partonic coalescence in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2003) (265)
- Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC-Last call for predictions (2007) (228)
- Multiphase transport model for relativistic nuclear collisions (2000) (176)
- Partonic effects on the elliptic flow at relativistic heavy ion collisions (2001) (170)
- Nuclear matter symmetry energy and the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei (2005) (156)
- Equation of State of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter and Collisions of Neutron-Rich Nuclei (1997) (152)
- Density slope of the nuclear symmetry energy from the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei (2010) (141)
- Model for J/ψ absorption in hadronic matter (1999) (119)
- Higher-order effects on the incompressibility of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter (2009) (117)
- Partonic effects on pion interferometry at the relativistic heavy-ion collider. (2002) (108)
- Transport theory of deeply inelastic heavy-ion collisions based on a random-matrix model. i. Derivation of the transport equation (1977) (108)
- Dilepton production at SPS energies (1995) (102)
- Medium effects in high energy heavy-ion collisions (1996) (100)
- Elliptic flow from a parton cascade (1999) (100)
- Exotic Hadrons from Heavy Ion Collisions (2017) (94)
- Charged particle rapidity distributions at relativistic energies (2000) (92)
- Isospin-dependent properties of asymmetric nuclear matter in relativistic mean field models (2007) (86)
- Understanding transport simulations of heavy-ion collisions at 100A and 400A MeV: Comparison of heavy-ion transport codes under controlled conditions (2016) (85)
- Identifying multiquark hadrons from heavy ion collisions. (2010) (81)
- Light cluster production in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions induced by neutron-rich nuclei (2003) (78)
- Λ hyperon polarization in relativistic heavy ion collisions from a chiral kinetic approach (2017) (77)
- Kaon production in relativistic nuclear collisions (1980) (74)
- Ratios of heavy baryons to heavy mesons in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions (2009) (73)
- Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Collision integral in a box (2017) (72)
- Studying Exotic Hadrons in Heavy Ion Collisions (2011) (72)
- Suppression of light nuclei production in collisions of small systems at the Large Hadron Collider (2018) (71)
- Light nuclei production as a probe of the QCD phase diagram (2018) (67)
- Light clusters production as a probe to nuclear symmetry energy (2003) (67)
- Revision of calculations for kaon production in relativistic nuclear collisions (1983) (66)
- Probing QCD critical fluctuations from light nuclei production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2017) (65)
- Dilepton as a probe of pion dynamics in heavy-ion collisions (1988) (64)
- Chemical and mechanical instability in hot isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter (1997) (63)
- Flavor ordering of elliptic flows at high transverse momentum. (2002) (62)
- Effects of in-medium vector meson masses on low-mass dileptons from SPS heavy-ion collisions (1996) (62)
- Dilepton production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at SPS energies (1996) (57)
- The relativistic transport model description of subthreshold kaon production in heavy-ion collisions (1994) (57)
- Elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions near the balance energy (1999) (57)
- Subthreshold antikaon production in nucleus-nucleus collisions (1994) (56)
- Kaon flow in heavy ion collisions (1995) (54)
- Heavy ions at the Future Circular Collider (2016) (52)
- ϕ and Ω production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions in a dynamical quark coalescence model (2006) (52)
- Heavy baryon/meson ratios in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2009) (51)
- Momentum anisotropies in the quark coalescence model (2004) (51)
- Dielectron production from nucleus-nucleus collisions (1990) (51)
- Effects of momentum-dependent nuclear potential on two-nucleon correlation functions and light cluster production in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions (2004) (50)
- Subthreshold kaon production and the nuclear equation of state (1994) (50)
- Triangular flow in heavy ion collisions in a multiphase transport model (2011) (49)
- Transport theories for heavy-ion collisions in the 1 A GeV regime (2004) (49)
- Phi meson production in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2002) (48)
- Analysis of dilepton production in Au+Au collisions at √[sNN]=200 GeV within the parton-hadron-string dynamics transport approach (2011) (47)
- Effects of symmetry energy on two-nucleon correlation functions in heavy-ion collisions induced by neutron-rich nuclei. (2002) (47)
- Hadronic scattering of charmed mesons (1999) (47)
- Effect of Resonance Decays on Hadron Elliptic Flows (2004) (46)
- Charm elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2005) (46)
- J / psi suppression in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions (2000) (45)
- Lambdac enhancement from strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma. (2007) (45)
- Modifications of the pion-production threshold in the nuclear medium in heavy ion collisions and the nuclear symmetry energy (2015) (44)
- Light (anti-)nuclei production and flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2015) (44)
- Pb-Pb collisions at √ sNN = 2.76 TeV in a multiphase transport model (2011) (43)
- Charmed exotics in heavy ion collisions (2007) (42)
- Antikaon production in nucleon- nucleon reactions near threshold (1996) (42)
- J/psi production in relativistic heavy ion collisions from a multiphase transport model (2002) (42)
- Partonic effects on higher-order anisotropic flows in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2003) (41)
- Kaon azimuthal distributions in heavy-ion collisions (1996) (40)
- Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Collision integral with pions and Δ resonances in a box (2019) (40)
- suppression in nuclear collisions at SPS energies (1996) (40)
- Parton coalescence at RHIC (2003) (40)
- Quark condensate in nuclear matter (1994) (39)
- Effects of hadronic potentials on elliptic flows in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2012) (39)
- Dilepton production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at top SPS energy within the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach (2011) (38)
- QCD sum rules for a rho meson in dense matter (1993) (38)
- Pseudorapidity dependence of anisotropic flows in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2004) (37)
- Low-mass dileptons and dropping rho meson mass (1998) (36)
- Effects of triangular flow on di-hadron azimuthal correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2010) (36)
- Medium effects on pion production in heavy ion collisions (2017) (36)
- Cross-section for charmonium absorption by nucleons (2001) (35)
- Kinetic equation with exact charge conservation. (2000) (35)
- Can dileptons reveal the in-medium properties of vector mesons? (1994) (35)
- Probing the nuclear symmetry energy with heavy-ion reactions induced by neutron-rich nuclei (2007) (35)
- Analytical relations between nuclear symmetry energy and single-nucleon potentials in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter (2010) (35)
- Elliptic flow splitting as a probe of the QCD phase structure at finite baryon chemical potential. (2013) (34)
- Transport theory of deeply inelastic heavy-ion collisions based on a random-matrix model. III. Calculation of cross sections. Comparison with the reaction Ar + Th (1979) (34)
- Nucleon and Delta resonances in K Sigma(1385) photoproduction from nucleons (2007) (34)
- Phi meson production in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies (1997) (33)
- Probing isospin- and momentum-dependent nuclear effective interactions in neutron-rich matter (2013) (33)
- Charmonium mass in nuclear matter (2002) (33)
- Medium effect on kaon production from heavy-ion collisions (1989) (32)
- Anomalous transport model study of chiral magnetic effects in heavy ion collisions (2016) (32)
- Spin Polarizations in a Covariant Angular-Momentum-Conserved Chiral Transport Model. (2019) (32)
- Isospin effects on two nucleon correlation functions in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies (2003) (32)
- Pentaquark baryon production at the relativistic heavy ion collider (2003) (32)
- A Microscopic, but not Self-consistent Approach to Nuclear Binding and Deformation Energies (1974) (32)
- Thermal charm production in a quark-gluon plasma in Pb-Pb collisions at s NN =5.5 TeV (2008) (31)
- Partonic mean-field effects on matter and antimatter elliptic flows (2012) (31)
- A Multi-Phase Transport model for nuclear collisions at RHIC (1999) (31)
- ϒ absorption in hadronic matter (2000) (31)
- Mean-field effects and apparent temperatures of nucleons and antinucleons (1991) (31)
- Phi meson mass in hot and dense matter (1994) (30)
- Cross sections for pentaquark baryon production from protons in reactions induced by hadrons and photons (2003) (30)
- Spectra and flow of light nuclei in relativistic heavy ion collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (2018) (30)
- Chiral kinetic approach to the chiral magnetic effect in isobaric collisions (2018) (30)
- Charm meson scattering cross-sections by pion and rho meson (2000) (30)
- Deuteron production and elliptic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2009) (29)
- Higher-order anisotropic flows and dihadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV in a multiphase transport model (2011) (29)
- Jet Fragmentation via Recombination of Parton Showers (2012) (29)
- Transport theory of deeply-inelastic heavy-ion collisions based on a random-matrix model II. Study of a one-dimensional model (1979) (28)
- Kaon production cross sections from baryon-baryon interactions (1995) (28)
- Effect of isovector-scalar meson on neutron-star matter in strong magnetic fields (2005) (28)
- Contributions of hyperon-hyperon scattering to subthreshold cascade production in heavy ion collisions (2012) (28)
- ETA production in heavy ion collisions (1989) (27)
- Jet conversions in a quark-gluon plasma (2006) (27)
- Azimuthal angle dependence of the longitudinal spin polarization in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2018) (27)
- Symmetry energy investigation with pion production from Sn+Sn systems (2020) (27)
- Antiflow of kaons in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2000) (26)
- Bottomonia suppression in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2011) (26)
- Charmonium production from hot hadronic matter (1998) (26)
- Multiphase transport model for heavy ion collisions at RHIC (2001) (26)
- Transport model comparison studies of intermediate-energy HI collisions (2022) (25)
- Nuclear dipole polarizability from mean-field modeling constrained by chiral effective field theory (2017) (25)
- Subthreshold K− production in high energy heavy ion collisions (1983) (25)
- A one-dimensional statistical model of friction in deeply inelastic heavy ion collisions (1976) (24)
- Medium effects on the flow of strange particles in heavy-ion collisions (2000) (24)
- Effect of the imaginary part of the pion self-energy on dilepton production in dense nuclear matter (1989) (24)
- In-situ acceleration of subrelativistic electrons in the Coma halo and the halo's influence on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (2006) (24)
- System size dependence of elliptic flows in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2005) (23)
- Effective hadronic Lagrangian for charm mesons (2000) (23)
- Seeing the QCD phase transition with phi mesons (1994) (23)
- Charmed hadron chemistry in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2019) (23)
- Hot medium effects on J /ψ production in p + Pb collisions at √ s NN = 5.02 TeV (2013) (22)
- Effect of final state interactions on subthreshold K− production in heavy-ion collisions☆ (1984) (22)
- High-energy behavior of the nuclear symmetry potential in asymmetric nuclear matter (2005) (22)
- $\Lambda$ Production From Anti-proton Annihilation in Nuclei (1987) (21)
- Energy dependence of pion in-medium effects on the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in heavy-ion collisions (2013) (21)
- Kaon interferometry at RHIC from the AMPT model (2003) (20)
- Dilepton production in proton-proton and Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76$ TeV (2012) (20)
- Dilepton production from pion-pion annihilation in a nuclear medium (1990) (20)
- Multistrange baryon production in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2001) (20)
- Cascade production from antikaon induced reactions on lambda and sigma (2002) (20)
- Evolution of the bulk properties of the hot dense matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2008) (19)
- Study of chiral vortical and magnetic effects in the anomalous transport model (2016) (19)
- Deuteron-nucleus collisions in a multiphase transport model (2003) (19)
- A note on the validity of the density matrix expansion (1975) (19)
- Multiplicity Scaling of Light Nuclei Production in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (2021) (18)
- Partonic effects on the elliptic flow at RHIC (2001) (18)
- Antiproton production from high energy heavy-ion collisions (1988) (18)
- Chemical freeze-out in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2017) (18)
- J/psi production and elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2010) (18)
- Excitation functions in central Au+Au collisions from SIS/GSI to AGS/Brookhaven (1996) (17)
- Baryon number fluctuation and the quark gluon plasma (2001) (17)
- Phi meson production in hadronic matter (1991) (17)
- Cascade production in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies (2003) (17)
- Rescattering effects on kaon energy spectra in heavy-ion collisions (1993) (17)
- Hadron production from quark coalescence and jet fragmentation (2004) (17)
- Charmonium production from nonequilibrium charm and anticharm quarks in quark-gluon plasma (2012) (17)
- Multi-quark hadrons from Heavy Ion Collisions (2011) (17)
- Charmonium production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2011) (17)
- Spinodal instabilities of baryon-rich quark matter in heavy ion collisions (2016) (17)
- Nuclear symmetry potential in the relativistic impulse approximation (2006) (17)
- Nucleon tunnelling model of mass diffusion in deep inelastic heavy ion collisions (1978) (17)
- Isospin-dependent pion in-medium effects on the charged-pion ratio in heavy ion collisions (2009) (16)
- Isospin- and momentum-dependent effective interactions for the baryon octet and the properties of hybrid stars (2010) (16)
- Free energy versus internal energy potential for heavy-quark systems at finite temperature (2013) (16)
- The absorptive P-wave pion-nucleus optical potential (1978) (16)
- Phi meson production cross sections in pion-baryon and baryon-baryon interactions (1996) (15)
- Spinodal instabilities of baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma in the Polyakov–Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model (2015) (15)
- Strangeness equilibration in heavy ion collisions (2001) (15)
- Charmed hadron production in an improved quark coalescence model (2019) (14)
- Density fluctuations in baryon-rich quark matter (2016) (14)
- Thermal effects on dilepton production from π-π annihilation (1995) (14)
- Elliptic flow of deuterons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2007) (14)
- Strangeness production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1992) (13)
- Charm elliptic flow at RHIC (2005) (13)
- Isospin relaxation time in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies (1998) (13)
- Density matrix expansion for the isospin- and momentum-dependent MDI interaction (2010) (13)
- Elliptic flow of light nuclei (2017) (13)
- Effects of energy conservation on equilibrium properties of hot asymmetric nuclear matter (2017) (12)
- K + production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1981) (12)
- Enhancement of low mass dileptons in SPS heavy ion collisions: Possible evidence for dropping rho meson mass in-medium (1996) (12)
- Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Mean-field dynamics in a box (2021) (12)
- Suppression of Heavy Quarks in Heavy-ion Collisions (2007) (12)
- Pentaquark ?+ production from the reaction ?p?p+K-?+ (2004) (11)
- Collision energy dependence of elliptic flow splitting between particles and their antiparticles from an extended multiphase transport model (2016) (11)
- Hypertriton production in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2018) (11)
- Probing the softest region of the nuclear equation of state (1998) (11)
- Antikaon production and medium effects in heavy-ion collisions at AGS (1998) (11)
- Relativistic Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model for high energy heavy ion collisions (1989) (10)
- Energy release from hadron-quark phase transition in neutron stars and the axial $w$-mode of gravitational waves (2010) (10)
- Effects of initial fluctuations on bottomonia suppression in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2011) (10)
- Constraining the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section from the width of nuclear giant dipole resonance (2020) (10)
- Seeing phi mesons through dileptons (1998) (10)
- Isospin splitting of pion elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2019) (9)
- DsJ(2317) meson production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions (2007) (9)
- Effects of QCD critical point on light nuclei production (2020) (9)
- $K / \pi$ Ratio From High-energy Heavy Ion Collisions (1989) (9)
- Excitation function of nucleon and pion elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1999) (9)
- Shear viscosity of neutron-rich nucleonic matter near its liquid–gas phase transition (2013) (9)
- Pion production in a transport model based on mean fields from chiral effective field theory (2018) (8)
- Quarkonium formation time in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2015) (8)
- K+ production in baryon-baryon and heavy-ion collisions (1997) (8)
- TeV in a multiphase transport model (2011) (8)
- Dilepton production in schematic causal viscous hydrodynamics (2010) (8)
- J/{psi} absorption by nucleons in the meson-exchange model (2007) (8)
- Nucleon flow and dilepton production in heavy-ion collisions (1997) (8)
- Nucleon and A resonances in KΣ(1385) photoproduction from nucleons (2008) (8)
- Thermal production of charm quarks in heavy ion collisions at the Future Circular Collider (2016) (8)
- Contribution of the reaction NY. -->. NNK to antikaon production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1984) (8)
- Pion multiplicity as a probe of the deconfinement transition in heavy-ion collisions (1992) (7)
- Enhanced production of strange baryons in high-energy nuclear collisions from a multiphase transport model (2020) (7)
- Pentaquark Θ+ production from photon–nucleon reactions (2003) (7)
- D(sJ)(2317) meson production at RHIC (2007) (7)
- Transport model study of deuteron production in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2010) (7)
- Partonic effects on pion interferometry at RHIC (2002) (7)
- Determining the Density Dependence of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy Using Heavy-Ion Reactions (2007) (7)
- Photoproduction of pentaquark cascades from nucleons (2003) (6)
- Pionic modes of excitation in continuum from the (p, n) reaction (1982) (6)
- Anisotropic flow in Cu+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV (2005) (6)
- Calculation of Kr and Xe induced deeply inelastic heavy-ion collisions with the help of a transport equation (1978) (6)
- Charm meson production from meson-nucleon scattering (2002) (6)
- Effect of three-body elastic scattering on heavy quark momentum degradation in the quark-gluon plasma (2006) (6)
- Eta absorption by mesons (2005) (6)
- Properties of strange quark stars with isovector interactions (2019) (6)
- Probing the partonic degrees of freedom in high multiplicity p-Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV (2021) (6)
- Constraining the EOS of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter and Properties of Neutron Stars with Heavy-Ion Reactions (2009) (6)
- Theoretical perspective on strangeness production (2018) (6)
- Charm production from proton–proton collisions (2003) (6)
- A new Approach to Deformation energy Calculations (1973) (6)
- A microscopic calculation of angular and energy distributions of light fragments in deeply inelastic heavy-ion reactions (1978) (6)
- Pion transparency in 500 MeV C(π, π′) reactions? (1996) (6)
- Charm elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at RHIC (2005) (5)
- Ξ production at AGS energies (2002) (5)
- Heavy quark correlations and the effective volume for quarkonia production (2014) (5)
- Yield ratio of hypertriton to light nuclei in heavy-ion collisions from = 4.9 GeV to 2.76 TeV (2020) (5)
- Exotic hadrons and hadron–hadron interactions in heavy-ion collisions (2013) (5)
- Partonic effects in heavy ion collisions at RHIC (2002) (5)
- Probing QCD critical fluctuations from the yield ratio of strange hadrons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2019) (5)
- Light nuclei production in a multiphase transport model for relativistic heavy ion collisions (2021) (5)
- Weak-Coupling Model for Pb-212 and Pb-204 (1973) (5)
- Quarkonium formation time in quark-gluon plasma (2013) (5)
- Enhancement of low-mt kaons in heavy ion collisions at AGS energies (1995) (5)
- Publisher's Note: Charmonium production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions [Phys. Rev. C 84, 034907 (2011)] (2011) (5)
- Excitation functions of stopping power and flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1997) (5)
- Probing the Partonic Degrees of Freedom in High-Multiplicity p-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV. (2019) (5)
- Effect of space-momentum correlations on the constituent quark number scaling of hadron elliptic flows (2005) (5)
- Beam Energy dependence of Light Nuclei Production in Au+Au Collisions (2020) (5)
- Gluon dissociation of J/ψ beyond the dipole approximation (2013) (5)
- {ital p}{sub {ital t}} dependence of transverse flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (1996) (4)
- Strangeness Production and Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions (1997) (4)
- Transport Model Studies of the Baryon-Rich Quark-Gluon Plasma formed in Heavy Ion Collisions (2010) (4)
- Status and promise of particle interferometry in heavy-ion collisions (2007) (4)
- Transition density and pressure in hot neutron stars (2010) (4)
- Spectra and flow of light nuclei in relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC (2018) (4)
- Isospin dependence of collective flow (1999) (4)
- Beam-energy dependence of the production of light nuclei in Au + Au collisions (2020) (4)
- Description of heavy ion collisions (1999) (4)
- Imprints of Nuclear Symmetry Energy on Properties of Neutron Stars (2011) (4)
- Partonic transport description of heavy ion collisions (2007) (4)
- Double phi peaks as a signature for the QCD phase transition (1994) (4)
- Partonic effects on anisotropic flows at RHIC (2004) (4)
- Unified model of deep inelastic heavy ion collisions: Collectivity and statistics (1978) (4)
- Hadronic Scattering of Charm Mesons (2009) (4)
- Relativistic kinetic approach to light nuclei production in high-energy nuclear collisions (2021) (4)
- Three-particle correlations in a multiphase transport model (2017) (4)
- Enhanced yield ratio of light nuclei in heavy ion collisions with a first-order chiral phase transition (2020) (4)
- Charged pion production from Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.4$ GeV in the Relativistic Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model (2021) (4)
- Effects of initial-state fluctuations on jet-energy loss (2012) (4)
- Dense Nuclear Matter Equation of State from Heavy-Ion Collisions (2023) (4)
- Charm production from photon–proton reactions in a hadronic model (2003) (4)
- Quantitative Jet and Electromagnetic Tomography (JET) of Extreme Phases of Matter in Heavy-ion Collisions (2016) (4)
- Charmonium in Nuclear Matter and Chiral Symmetry (2003) (3)
- Hadrons in dense matter (1995) (3)
- Jet flavor conversions in the quark-gluon plasma (2007) (3)
- Charmonium absorption cross section by nucleon (2001) (3)
- Heavy-ion collisions at LHC in a multiphase transport model (2007) (3)
- Light nuclei production in relativistic heavy ion collisions from the AMPT model (2020) (3)
- Nuclear matter properties at finite temperatures from effective interactions (2019) (3)
- Evolution of Λ polarization in the hadronic phase of heavy-ion collisions (2021) (3)
- k/π ratio from high-energy heavy-ion collisions (1989) (3)
- (Anti-)strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions (2015) (3)
- Quark coalescence at RHIC (2005) (3)
- 180/sup 0/ production of p, d, and t, and p-p correlation in p-nucleus collisions (1979) (3)
- Unveiling the dynamics of nucleosynthesis in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2022) (3)
- Heavy ion collisions (1981) (3)
- Effects of medium modification of pion production threshold in heavy ion collisions and the nuclear symmetry energy (2014) (3)
- QCD critical point from the Nambu–Jona-Lasino model with a scalar-vector interaction (2020) (3)
- Hadronization via Coalescence (2004) (3)
- Three-particle correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions in a multiphase transport model (2017) (3)
- A model for pion absorption in nuclei (1980) (3)
- Dilepton production from SIS to LHC energies (2012) (3)
- Jet Hadronization via Recombination of Parton Showers in Vacuum and in Medium (2015) (2)
- Rapidity and system size dependence of anisotropic flows in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2005) (2)
- Spin Asymmetry of J/psi in Peripheral Pb+Pb Collisions at LHC (2014) (2)
- Constraining the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy with heavy-ion reactions and its astrophysical im- pact (2008) (2)
- The effect of initial fluctuations on bottomonia suppression in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2011) (2)
- Local spin polarizations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2020) (2)
- Directed flow of neutral strange particles at AGS (1999) (2)
- Charmonium Production from the Hadronic phase (1998) (2)
- Diomega production in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2001) (2)
- Thermal Charm Production in Quark-Gluon Plasma at LHC (2007) (2)
- Heavy quark three-body collisional energy loss in QGP (2007) (2)
- The role of gluons in dilepton production from the quark–gluon plasma (1999) (2)
- A numerical study of diffusive shock acceleration of cosmic rays in supernova shocks (1985) (2)
- Elliptic flow splittings between particles and their antiparticles in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2020) (2)
- Effect of tunneling on the one-body proximity friction (1979) (2)
- Continuum and Line Emissions from the Galactic Ridge and Clusters : Problems of Interpretation and Ways of Solution(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era) (2007) (1)
- A Transport Model for Nuclear Reactions Induced by Radioactive Beams (2005) (1)
- Mean-field potential effects on particle and antiparticle elliptic flows in the beam-energy scan program at RHIC (2014) (1)
- Chapter 4 : Heavy Ions at the Future Circular Collider (2017) (1)
- Number of constituent quark scaling of elliptic flows in high multiplicity p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 5.02 TeV. (2020) (1)
- From $K^+$ in heavy-ion collisions to $K^-$ in kaonic atoms (1996) (1)
- Event-by-event bottomonia suppression in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2013) (1)
- A ug 2 00 0 Effective hadronic Lagrangian for charm mesons (2000) (1)
- A dynamical quark coalescence model for φ and Ω production in heavy‐ion collisions at RHIC (2006) (1)
- DsJ (2317) meson production at RHIC (2011) (1)
- Quarkonia production in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2013) (1)
- Enhancement of low-${m_t}$ kaons in AGS heavy-ion collisions (1994) (1)
- Evidence for Statistical Fluctuation in the Fragmentation of O-16 at Intermediate Energies (1980) (1)
- Solution of the Bohr Hamiltonian for J ≤ 20 (1976) (1)
- Light nuclei production in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76$ TeV (2017) (1)
- Model for J Õ c absorption in hadronic matter (2000) (1)
- Quarkonia production in heavy ion collisions (2013) (1)
- \Xi enhancement at AGS energies: A signature for the quark-gluon plasma? (2002) (1)
- Incompressibility of asymmetric nuclear matter (2009) (1)
- A ug 2 00 0 Model for J / ψ absorption in hadronic matter (2000) (1)
- Seeing phi meson through the dilepton spectra in heavy-ion collisions (1998) (1)
- Mean Field Effects in Heavy-Ion Collisions at AGS Energies (1995) (1)
- Anisotropic flows and dihadron correlations in heavy ion collisions (2011) (1)
- Charmonium production and elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (2011) (1)
- Probing the topological charge in QCD matter via multiplicity up–down asymmetry (2018) (1)
- Excitation Functions of Compression and Collective Flow in Central Au+Au Reactions from Bevalac/Sis to AGS (1996) (1)
- Transition Density and Pressure at the Inner Edge of Neutron Star Crusts (2009) (1)
- Number of constituent quark scaling of elliptic flows in high multiplicity p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV (2021) (1)
- Studying stiffness of nuclear symmetry energy through isospin diffusion in heavy-ion collisions (2004) (1)
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- Electromagnetic Probes of Dense Matter in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (1997) (0)
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- Thermal charm production at LHC (2008) (0)
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- Studying Diquark Structure of Heavy Baryons in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (2008) (0)
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- Probing the equation of state of neutron-rich matter with intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions (2006) (0)
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- Effects of initial state fluctuations on jet quenching (2013) (0)
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- Baryonic contributions to the dilepton spectra in relativistic heavy ion collisions (2000) (0)
- Charmonium production in heavy-ion collisions from SPS to LHC (2011) (0)
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- Hadrons in hot dense matter (1997) (0)
- Anomalous transport model study of chiral magnetic effects in heavy ion collisions (2016) (0)
- Pion Interferometry in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC (2002) (0)
- Contribution of mN = AK to subthreshold kaon production in heavy-ion collisions (2011) (0)
- Elliptic Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC (2002) (0)
- Chiral magnetic effect in the anomalous transport model (2017) (0)
- Constraining properties of neutron stars with heavy-ion reactions (2006) (0)
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- Event-by-event anti-deuteron multiplicity fluctuation in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV (2022) (0)
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