Daniel S. Fisher
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American physicist
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Daniel S. Fisher's Degrees
- Bachelors Physics Princeton University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Daniel S. Fisher is an American theoretical physicist working in statistical physics. Biography Daniel Fisher graduated from Cornell University with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics in 1975 and from Harvard University with a master's degree in physics in 1978 and a doctorate in physics in 1979 working with Bertrand Halperin. He then worked in the theoretical department at Bell Labs until 1987. In 1987 he became a professor of physics at Princeton University and in 1990 at Harvard. In 2005 he moved to Stanford University as a professor of applied physics.
Daniel S. Fisher's Published Works
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Published Works
- Boson localization and the superfluid-insulator transition. (1989) (1959)
- Thermal fluctuations, quenched disorder, phase transitions, and transport in type-II superconductors. (1991) (1420)
- Vortex-glass superconductivity: A possible new phase in bulk high-Tc oxides. (1989) (973)
- Transmission through barriers and resonant tunneling in an interacting one-dimensional electron gas. (1992) (689)
- Experimental evidence for vortex-glass superconductivity in Y-Ba-Cu-O. (1989) (620)
- Transport in a one-channel Luttinger liquid. (1992) (597)
- Equilibrium behavior of the spin-glass ordered phase. (1988) (549)
- Ordered phase of short-range Ising spin-glasses. (1986) (507)
- Beneficial Mutation–Selection Balance and the Effect of Linkage on Positive Selection (2006) (500)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin glasses. (1988) (470)
- Critical behavior of random transverse-field Ising spin chains. (1995) (452)
- Quantum phase transitions in disordered two-dimensional superconductors. (1990) (431)
- High-Throughput Sequencing of the Zebrafish Antibody Repertoire (2009) (417)
- Integer quantum Hall transition: An alternative approach and exact results. (1994) (411)
- Finite-size scaling and correlation lengths for disordered systems. (1986) (378)
- Random transverse field Ising spin chains. (1992) (367)
- Random antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains. (1994) (355)
- Quantitative evolutionary dynamics using high-resolution lineage tracking (2015) (336)
- Sliding charge-density waves as a dynamic critical phenomenon. (1984) (318)
- Lineage Structure of the Human Antibody Repertoire in Response to Influenza Vaccination (2013) (311)
- Presence of quantum diffusion in two dimensions: Universal resistance at the superconductor-insulator transition. (1990) (306)
- The Speed of Evolution and Maintenance of Variation in Asexual Populations (2007) (289)
- Observation of ultrahigh gradient electron acceleration by a self-modulated intense short laser pulse. (1995) (276)
- Scaling and critical slowing down in random-field Ising systems. (1986) (262)
- Specific heat of UPt3: Evidence for unconventional superconductivity. (1988) (253)
- Threshold critical dynamics of driven interfaces in random media. (1993) (231)
- Criticality in ionic fluids: Debye-Hückel theory, Bjerrum, and beyond. (1993) (228)
- The rate at which asexual populations cross fitness valleys. (2009) (221)
- The evolutionary dynamics and fitness landscape of clonal hematopoiesis (2020) (218)
- Dilute Bose gas in two dimensions. (1988) (211)
- Correspondence between two-dimensional bosons and a bulk superconductor in a magnetic field. (1989) (193)
- Quantum Brownian motion in a periodic potential. (1985) (192)
- Universal conductivity of two-dimensional films at the superconductor-insulator transition. (1991) (186)
- Weak-coupling phase diagram of the two-chain Hubbard model. (1995) (186)
- Development of a Comprehensive Genotype-to-Fitness Map of Adaptation-Driving Mutations in Yeast (2016) (174)
- The yang-yang anomaly in fluid criticality: experiment and scaling theory (2000) (174)
- Universality in the current decay and flux creep of Y-Ba-Cu-O high-temperature superconductors. (1990) (172)
- Nonequilibrium noise and fractional charge in the quantum Hall effect. (1994) (167)
- Randomness at the edge: Theory of quantum Hall transport at filling nu =2/3. (1994) (164)
- Interface fluctuations in disordered systems: 5- epsilon expansion and failure of dimensional reduction. (1986) (139)
- Impurity scattering and transport of fractional quantum Hall edge states. (1994) (135)
- Directed paths in a random potential. (1991) (133)
- Scaling regimes and functional renormalization for wetting transitions. (1987) (129)
- Wetting transitions: A functional renormalization-group approach. (1985) (125)
- Thermal transport in a Luttinger liquid. (1995) (123)
- Thermodynamic behavior of two-dimensional vesicles. (1987) (122)
- Fusion power production from TFTR plasmas fueled with deuterium and tritium. (1994) (114)
- First-order transitions breaking O(n) symmetry: Finite-size scaling. (1985) (110)
- Determinism and stochasticity during maturation of the zebrafish antibody repertoire (2011) (109)
- Fine-scale diversity and extensive recombination in a quasisexual bacterial population occupying a broad niche (2015) (108)
- Dissipative quantum tunneling in a biased double-well system at finite temperatures. (1985) (107)
- Effects of substituting calcium for yttrium on the properties of YBa2Cu3O7- delta. (1993) (103)
- Resonant tunneling between quantum Hall edge states. (1993) (103)
- Dynamics of droplet fluctuations in pure and random Ising systems. (1987) (101)
- Genetic Diversity and the Structure of Genealogies in Rapidly Adapting Populations (2012) (100)
- Motional Narrowing in Semiconductor Microcavities. (1996) (98)
- Mott transition in an anyon gas. (1993) (97)
- Rate of Adaptation in Large Sexual Populations (2010) (96)
- Acceleration of evolutionary spread by long-range dispersal (2014) (96)
- The Rate of Fitness-Valley Crossing in Sexual Populations (2010) (94)
- Structure of the self-trapped exciton in quartz. (1990) (93)
- Coexistence and criticality in size-asymmetric hard-core electrolytes (2000) (92)
- Denoising PCR-amplified metagenome data (2012) (89)
- Koch, Foglietti, and Fisher reply. (1990) (88)
- Adsorption and scanning-tunneling-microscope imaging of benzene on graphite and MoS2. (1993) (86)
- Critical behavior near the Mott transition in the Hubbard model. (1995) (83)
- Random fields, random anisotropies, nonlinear sigma models, and dimensional reduction. (1985) (82)
- Observation of separate vortex-melting and vortex-glass transitions in defect-enhanced YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals. (1992) (80)
- Beyond the two-fluid model: Transition from linear behavior to a velocity-independent force on a moving object in 3He-B. (1989) (80)
- Anyon superconductivity and the fractional quantum Hall effect. (1989) (80)
- Chiral surface states in the bulk quantum Hall effect. (1995) (78)
- Resonant tunneling in an interacting one-dimensional electron gas. (1992) (78)
- Density fluctuations in an electrolyte from generalized Debye-Hückel theory. (1996) (76)
- Electric-field and temperature tuning of exciton-photon coupling in quantum microcavity structures. (1995) (75)
- Structural study of alkali/simple metal adsorption: Rb and Na on Al(111). (1992) (74)
- Interrelationship of structural elements on TiO2(100)-(1 x 3). (1994) (72)
- Absence of spin diffusion in most random lattices. (1992) (72)
- The Balance Between Mutators and Nonmutators in Asexual Populations (2011) (71)
- Vortex variable-range-hopping resistivity in superconducting films. (1991) (71)
- Confinement and heating of a deuterium-tritium plasma. (1994) (68)
- Persistent spin precession in 3He-B in the regime of vanishing quasiparticle density. (1992) (67)
- Observation of ordered oxygen vacancies on TiO2(100)1 x 3 using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. (1992) (66)
- Residual energies after slow cooling of disordered systems. (1986) (66)
- Effects of quenched disorder on spin-1/2 quantum XXZ chains. (1992) (65)
- Top-site adsorption for potassium on Ni(111). (1992) (65)
- Dissipation and quantum fluctuations in granular superconductivity. (1987) (65)
- Quantum critical phenomena in charged superconductors. (1988) (64)
- Is short-range "critical" wetting a first-order transition? (1992) (64)
- Blackbody source and detector of ballistic quasiparticles in 3He-B: Emission angle from a wire moving at supercritical velocity. (1992) (63)
- Effective potentials, constraints, and critical wetting theory. (1991) (63)
- Temporal Order in Dirty Driven Periodic Media. (1995) (62)
- Random walks in two-dimensional random environments with constrained drift forces. (1985) (62)
- Vortex-glass transition in three dimensions. (1991) (62)
- Critical behavior of charge-density waves below threshold: Numerical and scaling analysis. (1992) (60)
- Effective interface Hamiltonians for short-range critical wetting. (1993) (60)
- Specific-heat measurements on superconducting Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu and Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu oxides: Absence of a linear term in the specific heat of Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu oxides. (1988) (60)
- Angular dependence of the c-axis normal state magnetoresistance in single crystal Tl2Ba2CuO6. (1996) (60)
- Pressure dependence of the low-temperature specific heat of the heavy-fermion compound CeAl3. (1986) (58)
- Measurements of fast confined alphas on TFTR. (1995) (58)
- Specific heat of YBa2Cu3O7: Origin of the "linear" term and volume fraction of superconductivity. (1990) (57)
- Universality and interfaces at critical end points. (1990) (57)
- Universality, low-temperature properties, and finite-size scaling in quantum antiferromagnets. (1989) (56)
- Anomalous fluctuations of directed polymers in random media. (1993) (55)
- Coulombic criticality in general dimensions. (1994) (55)
- Long-range crossover and "nonuniversal" exponents in micellar solutions. (1986) (54)
- Large-N expansion of (4- epsilon )-dimensional oriented manifolds in random media. (1993) (53)
- Horizontal acquisition of divergent chromosomal DNA in bacteria: effects of mutator phenotypes. (2003) (50)
- Dynamics of sliding charge-density waves in 4- epsilon dimensions. (1992) (48)
- Ginzburg Criterion for Coulombic Criticality. (1996) (48)
- Two-dimensional Fermi liquid in the highly correlated regime: The second layer of 3He adsorbed on graphite. (1996) (48)
- Hidden Complexity of Yeast Adaptation under Simple Evolutionary Conditions (2018) (47)
- Potential Dark Matter Detector? The Detection of Low Energy Neutrons by Superfluid 3He. (1995) (47)
- Pressure dependence of spin-fluctuation effects in the specific heat of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3. (1986) (47)
- Asexual evolution waves: fluctuations and universality (2012) (47)
- Nitrogen interstitials in diamond. (1996) (46)
- Hall effect near the vortex-glass transition in high-temperature superconductors. (1992) (45)
- Interstitials, vacancies, and supersolid order in vortex crystals. (1993) (45)
- Quantum phase slips and superconductivity in granular films. (1986) (45)
- The dynamics of adaptive genetic diversity during the early stages of clonal evolution (2017) (45)
- Wetting in random systems. (1986) (43)
- Static and dynamic behavior of spin-glass films. (1987) (43)
- Dynamics of a heavy particle in a Luttinger liquid. (1995) (43)
- Criticality and superfluidity in a dilute Bose fluid. (1986) (43)
- Onset of superfluidity in random media. (1988) (43)
- Second harmonic generation of stimulated raman scattered light in underdense plasmas. (1995) (43)
- Spin-(1/2 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain: New results and insights. (1989) (42)
- Contacts and edge-state equilibration in the fractional quantum Hall effect. (1995) (41)
- Fluid interface tensions near critical end points. (1990) (41)
- Tunable fractal shapes in self-avoiding polygons and planar vesicles. (1990) (41)
- Effect of microstructure on the magnetic-field dependence of the local critical current density in YBa2Cu3O7- delta superconductors. (1992) (41)
- Scaling in spin-glasses. (1985) (40)
- Threshold behavior of a driven incommensurate harmonic chain. (1988) (39)
- Phase boundaries near critical end points. I. Thermodynamics and universality. (1991) (39)
- Piezoelectric-field effects on transition energies, oscillator strengths, and level widths in (111)B-grown (In,Ga)As/GaAs multiple quantum wells. (1993) (39)
- Transport properties of L1-xSrxMnO3 (L=Pr, Nd; 1/4 <~ x <~ 1/2). (1996) (38)
- Stabilization of extensive fine-scale diversity by ecologically driven spatiotemporal chaos (2020) (38)
- Rapid evolution of adaptive niche construction in experimental microbial populations (2014) (38)
- Exactly soluble model of fractional statistics. (1990) (38)
- Criticality and crossover in accessible regimes (2000) (37)
- Superluminous laser pulse in an active medium. (1993) (37)
- Current-voltage characteristics of two-dimensional vortex-glass models. (1994) (36)
- Truncation scheme for double-well systems with Ohmic dissipation. (1986) (36)
- Effects of the phase periodicity on the quantum dynamics of a resistively shunted Josephson junction. (1986) (35)
- Interfacial stiffness and the wetting parameter: The simple cubic Ising model. (1992) (35)
- Discrete scatterers and autocorrelations of multiply scattered light. (1991) (35)
- Domain-wall interactions and spatially modulated phases. (1986) (35)
- Photoemission studies of H2S, H2 and S adsorbed on Ru(110): evidence for an adsorbed SH species. Technical report (1979) (34)
- Two-dimensional Ising-like systems: Corrections to scaling in the Klauder and double-Gaussian models. (1985) (34)
- Fermi-energy-edge singularity in quantum wells containing more than one occupied subband. (1991) (33)
- Direct observation of the Andreev reflection of a beam of excitations in superfluid 3He-B. (1993) (33)
- Structural study of the submonolayer phases of potassium overlayers on Ni(100). (1992) (32)
- Atomic quadrupolar photoemission asymmetry parameters from a solid state measurement (2000) (32)
- Vacuum Rabi coupling enhancement and Zeeman splitting in semiconductor quantum microcavity structures in a high magnetic field. (1996) (32)
- Vortex glass phase and universal susceptibility variations in planar arrays of flux lines. (1993) (32)
- Dynamics of the normal to vortex-glass transition: Mean-field theory and fluctuations. (1992) (31)
- Hopping conductivity in fully oxygenated PrBa2Cu3Oy, YBa2Cu2CoOy, and PrBa2Cu2CoOy. (1994) (31)
- Stiffness instability in short-range critical wetting. (1993) (31)
- Unusual bifurcation of renormalization-group fixed points for interfacial transitions. (1986) (30)
- Resistivity and thermoelectric-power measurements of PrxY1-xBa2Cu3O7- delta up to 1200 K and an electronic-structure analysis. (1991) (29)
- Domain-wall interactions. I. General features and phase diagrams for spatially modulated phases. (1987) (29)
- Low Hubble constant from the physics of type Ia supernovae. (1995) (29)
- Critical behavior of sliding charge-density waves in 4- epsilon dimensions. (1992) (28)
- Domain-wall interactions. II. High-order phases in the axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising model. (1987) (28)
- Critical behavior of pinned charge-density waves below the threshold for sliding. (1991) (27)
- Frequency scaling of the lower-hybrid-current-drive density limit in tokamak plasmas. (1985) (26)
- Enhanced Raman forward scattering. (1996) (26)
- Midgap states in doped Mott insulators in infinite dimensions. (1995) (26)
- Low-temperature specific heat of antiferromagnetic EuNi5P3 and mixed-valent EuNi2P2 in magnetic fields to 7 T. (1995) (26)
- Zero-point motion and the isotope effect in oxide superconductors. (1988) (25)
- Particle velocity distributions and ionization processes in a gas-puff Z pinch. (1994) (25)
- Quantum oscillations and negative magnetoresistance in the organic metal beta "(BEDT-TTF)2AuBr2. (1988) (24)
- Cooper-pair tunneling into a quantum Hall fluid. (1993) (23)
- Size of an inflated vesicle in two dimensions. (1990) (22)
- Erratum: Lineage structure of the human antibody repertoire in response to influenza vaccination (Science Translational Medicine (2013) 5 (193er8)) (2013) (21)
- Experimental results on a gas-loaded, free-electron laser. (1988) (21)
- Resonantly enhanced quantum decay: A time-dependent Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approach. (1988) (20)
- Nonlinear fluid flow in random media: Critical phenomena near threshold. (1994) (20)
- Measurement of the intrinsic subgap dissipation in Josephson junctions. (1988) (20)
- Location of renormalization-group fixed points. (1986) (20)
- Synonymous mutations reveal genome-wide levels of positive selection in healthy tissues (2021) (19)
- Normal-state transport and magnetic properties of RNi2B2C (R=Y, Ho, La). (1995) (19)
- Surface-enhanced Brillouin scattering on silver films. (1985) (19)
- Primary and secondary nucleation of the transition between the A and B phases of superfluid 3He (2000) (19)
- Dynamical transition in sliding charge-density waves with quenched disorder. (1996) (19)
- Fundamental limits on the rate of bacterial growth and their influence on proteomic composition. (2021) (19)
- Channeling of electrons in Si produces intense quasimonochromatic, tunable, picosecond x-ray bursts. (1990) (18)
- Resonant observation of the Landau field in superfluid 3He-B by NMR. (1992) (18)
- Distortion of superfluid 3He-B as a function of magnetic field and the first-order transition to 3He-A at the T=0 limit. (1991) (18)
- Course 11 Evolutionary dynamics (2007) (17)
- High-gain X-band dielectric Cherenkov maser. (1990) (17)
- Dissipationless transport in low-density bilayer systems (1999) (17)
- Magnetic-ordering, hyperfine, and linear contributions to the low-temperature specific heat of (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7- delta. (1991) (17)
- T-3 temperature dependence and a length scale for the thermal boundary resistance between a saturated dilute 3He-4He solution and sintered silver. (1994) (16)
- Surface tension of the three-dimensional Ising model: A low-temperature series analysis. (1989) (16)
- Adaptive walks on high-dimensional fitness landscapes and seascapes with distance-dependent statistics. (2019) (16)
- Helium in Vycor, constrained randomness, and the Harris criterion. (1986) (16)
- Two-dimensional layered Ising models: Exact variational formulation and analysis. (1994) (15)
- Barriers to vortex-line cutting in high-Tc superconductors. (1995) (15)
- A model for the interplay between plastic tradeoffs and evolution in changing environments (2020) (15)
- Phase boundaries near critical end points. II. General spherical models. (1991) (15)
- Collective particle flow through random media. (1995) (14)
- Exact variational analysis of layered planar Ising models. (1993) (14)
- Magnetic-field-induced indirect gap in a modulation-doped quantum well. (1991) (13)
- Adaptive walks on high-dimensional fitness landscapes and seascapes with distance-dependent statistics (2018) (13)
- Hole filling in a narrow conduction band in YBa2Cu3-xCoxO7- delta (x <= 0.3). (1993) (13)
- Ground-state symmetry of a generalized polaron. (1986) (13)
- Resonant electron scattering due to the central cells of impurities observed in AlGaAs under hydrostatic pressure. (1987) (13)
- Leading the dog of selection by its mutational nose (2011) (12)
- Experimental elimination of plasma effects in a gas-loaded, free-electron laser. (1989) (12)
- Probing the ecological and evolutionary history of a thermophilic cyanobacterial population via statistical properties of its microdiversity (2018) (11)
- Internal dynamics of DNA probed by transient electric birefringence. (1992) (11)
- Disordered systems which escape the bound nu >= 2/d. (1988) (10)
- Fermi-energy edge singularity and excitonic enhancement associated with the second subband in asymmetric modulation-doped quantum wells. (1993) (10)
- Domain-wall interactions. III. High-order phases in the three-state chiral-clock model. (1987) (10)
- Rods to self-avoiding walks to trees in two dimensions. (1992) (9)
- Logarithmic effects on the critical behavior of superfluids in random media. (1990) (9)
- Stabilization of extensive fine-scale diversity by spatio-temporal chaos (2019) (8)
- Heat capacity of high-purity polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7 from 0.4 to 400 K in applied magnetic fields of 0 and 70 kG. (1991) (8)
- Probing the A-B Phase Interface in Superfluid 3He by Andreev Reflection of a Quasiparticle Beam. (1996) (8)
- Thermoelectric power and elastoresistance of TaSe3. (1987) (8)
- Rapid adaptation in large populations with very rare sex: Scalings and spontaneous oscillations. (2017) (8)
- The evolutionary dynamics and fitness landscape of clonal haematopoiesis (2019) (8)
- Finite-size effects in the spherical model of ferromagnetism: Zero-field susceptibility under antiperiodic boundary conditions. (1986) (8)
- Prospects for non-Fermi-liquid behavior of a two-level impurity in a metal. (1995) (7)
- Exponential, rather than power-law, temperature dependence of the damping of a vibrating-wire resonator in 3He-A at low temperatures. (1991) (7)
- Quantitative piezospectroscopy of neutral copper in germanium. (1985) (7)
- Magnetic-field dependence of the specific heat of YBa2Cu3O7. (1994) (7)
- Hole-quasiparticle resonant polaron coupling in quantum wells containing high densities of free carriers. (1992) (6)
- Wetting in a two-dimensional random-bond Ising model. (1989) (6)
- Localization of heavy particles in metals: reexamined. (1995) (5)
- Determination of the lateral energy variation for the uniaxial incommensurate phase of potassium on Ni(100). (1992) (5)
- Fundamental limits on the rate of bacterial growth (2020) (5)
- Envelope evolution of a laser pulse in an active medium. (1995) (5)
- High-field Zeeman effect of shallow acceptors in germanium. (1993) (5)
- Gd interactions in (Ce,Gd)Al3. (1988) (5)
- Correlation functions of the Ising spin glass on the Bethe lattice. (1989) (4)
- Temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time in copper metal to below 10 microK. (1994) (4)
- Mode locking in quantum-Hall-effect point contacts. (1995) (4)
- Lower critical dimensions of stochastic nonequilibrium ferromagnetic Ising systems. (1989) (4)
- Comment on "Interaction of magnetoexcitons and two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime" (1991) (4)
- Synonymous mutations reveal genome-wide driver mutation rates in healthy tissues (2020) (4)
- Nonlinear transport and 1/f alpha noise in insulators. (1992) (4)
- Theory of photoluminescence of magnetopolarons in quantum wells containing high densities of electrons. (1995) (4)
- Comment on "Excitonic recombination of degenerate two-dimensional electrons with localized photoexcited holes in a single heterojunction quantum well" (1994) (3)
- Transport properties of TaSe3. (1988) (3)
- High Throughput Sequencing of the Human Antibody Repertoire in Response to Influenza Vaccination (2012) (3)
- A Mechanistic Study of the Dihydroflavin Reductive Cleavage of the Dihydroflavin-Tetrahydronaphthalene Epoxide Adducts. (2000) (3)
- Random coupling crossover in Ising ferromagnets. (1988) (2)
- Measurement of the energy gap of YBa2Cu (1987) (2)
- Use of a narrow-gap prewell for the optical study of charge buildup and the Fermi-energy edge singularity in a double-barrier resonant-tunneling structure. (1994) (2)
- Modeling the interplay between plastic tradeoffs and evolution in changing environments (2019) (2)
- Crossover of the spectral weight function: A new interpretation of some neutron scattering data. (1988) (1)
- Population genetics of polymorphism and divergence in rapidly evolving populations (2021) (1)
- Denoising PCR-amplified metagenome data (2012) (1)
- Tunneling spectroscopy of hole plasmons in a valence-band quantum well. (1996) (1)
- 1 EX / 3-6 Joint experiments tailoring the plasma evolution to maximise pedestal performance (2016) (1)
- Rapid adaptation in large populations with very rare sex: scalings and spontaneous oscillations (2017) (1)
- Quantitative evolutionary dynamics of one million barcoded lineages (2015) (1)
- Spectroscopy and piezospectroscopy of the Lyman transitions and Fano resonances of indium in silicon. (1996) (1)
- Magnetoplasmon emission versus Landau-level scattering in resonant tunneling through double-barrier structures. (1995) (0)
- Non-redundant requirement for CXCR3 chemokine receptor in T cell trafficking across tumor vascular gateways (P2137) (2013) (0)
- Iv. Conclusions B. Random-u Model (0)
- Fast gas-ionization wave in a laser beam (2008) (0)
- Discussion on "Metallurgical post-mortem examinations" at the Sheffield Section of the Institution (0)
- Magnetotransport and Fermi-surface topology of (1992) (0)
- The dynamics of adaptive genetic diversity during the early stages of clonal evolution (2018) (0)
- Unveiling adaptation using high-resolution lineage tracking (2013) (0)
- Can Evolution Be Understood Quantitatively (2006) (0)
- Dendritic cells act through IL-6 to enhance naïve T cell trafficking across high endothelial venules during adaptive immunity (173.18) (2012) (0)
- High Throughput Sequencing of the Human Antibody Repertoire in Response to Influenza Vaccination (58.14) (2012) (0)
- Plastic tradeoffs in evolution: a simple theoretical model (2019) (0)
- Rates of evolution with and without sex (2010) (0)
- Phase transition preceding magnetic long-range order in the double perovskite Ba 2 (2019) (0)
- Inevitability of Red Queen evolution driven by organismic complexity and simple feedback via environmental modification (2021) (0)
- my LEq-/ c P-% 4 %-AC Losses in Bi-2223 Tapes and in the lkA Transmission Line Model (2000) (0)
- Stabilization of fine-scale host-pathogen diversity by spatiotemporal chaos (2019) (0)
- Eco-evolutionary Dynamics at High Diversity (2018) (0)
- Spatiotemporal Ecological Chaos Enables Gradual Evolutionary Diversification Without Niches or Tradeoffs (2022) (0)
- Superconducting films of Tb1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7- delta. (1992) (0)
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