David Hollenbach
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Religious Studies Philosophy
David Hollenbach's Degrees
- Bachelors Philosophy Boston College
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Why Is David Hollenbach Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Rev. David Hollenbach, S.J. is a Jesuit priest, professor, author, and moral theologian currently serving as the Pedro Arrupe Distinguished Research Professor of the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. He is a consultant to the Jesuit Refugee Service and is the recipient of the John Courtney Murray Award from the Catholic Theological Society of America in 1998.
David Hollenbach's Published Works
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Published Works
- Claims in Conflict: Retrieving and Renewing the Catholic Human Rights Tradition (1979) (86)
- The Common Good Revisited (1989) (77)
- The Global Face of Public Faith: Politics, Human Rights, and Christian Ethics (2003) (37)
- Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants (2010) (20)
- Catholicism and liberalism : contributions to American public philosophy (1994) (20)
- Borders and Duties to the Displaced: Ethical Perspectives on the Refugee Protection System (2016) (19)
- Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Bishops' Pastoral Letter on the Economy (1987) (18)
- Public Theology in America: Some Questions for Catholicism after John Courtney Murray (1976) (16)
- Catholicism and Liberalism: A communitarian reconstruction of human rights: contributions from Catholic tradition (1994) (16)
- “ Religion and Spirituality : Strangers , Rivals , or Partners ? ” (2002) (16)
- Religion and Political Life (1991) (15)
- Christian Social Ethics after the Cold War (1992) (14)
- Claims in Conflict (1981) (13)
- Nuclear ethics: A Christian moral argument (1983) (13)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: The eclipse of the public (2002) (12)
- Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa (2008) (9)
- Human dignity in Catholic thought (2014) (9)
- Religion and Forced Migration (2014) (9)
- Corporate Investments, Ethics, and Evangelical Poverty: A Challenge to American Religious Orders (1973) (8)
- American Catholics and liberalism, 1789–1960 (1994) (7)
- Catholic social thought, the city, and liberal America (1994) (6)
- Justice, peace, and human rights (1988) (6)
- Human Rights and Religious Faith in the Middle East: Reflections of a Christian Theologian (1982) (5)
- The common good and issues in U.S. Politics: A critical Catholic approach (2008) (4)
- The hard lessons of Kakuma (2004) (4)
- Human Dignity: Experience and History, Practical Reason and Faith (2013) (4)
- Migration as a Challenge for Theological Ethics (2011) (4)
- Catholicism and Liberalism: Afterword: a community of freedom (1994) (4)
- Religion in public (2002) (3)
- Theology and Philosophy in Public: A Symposium on John Courtney Murray's Unfinished Agenda (1979) (3)
- "Economic Justice for All" Twenty Years Later (2008) (3)
- Religious freedom, morality, and law: John Courtney Murray Today (2012) (3)
- The Rights of Refugees in a Globalizing World (2008) (2)
- War and Peace in American Catholic Thought: A Heritage Abandoned? (1987) (2)
- The challenges of Jesuit global education: responses to poverty and displacement (2020) (2)
- Welcoming Refugees and Migrants: Catholic Narratives and the Challenge of Inclusion (2020) (2)
- Social Ethics Under the Sign of the Cross (1996) (2)
- Human Rights and Interreligious Dialogue: The Challenge to Mission in a Pluralistic World (1982) (2)
- Human rights, justice, and the world church (2006) (2)
- Developing a moral conscience in Jesuit higher education (1999) (2)
- Human Rights in Catholic Social Thought: A Living Tradition and Some Urgent Challenges Today (2019) (1)
- Catholic Higher Education in a Globalizing World (2000) (1)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: The global common good (2002) (1)
- Whither Nuclear Deterrence? The Moral Debate Continues (1986) (1)
- Catholicism and Liberalism: Preface (1994) (1)
- Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War: The Shape of the Catholic Debate (1982) (1)
- Religious Nationalism, a Global Ethic, and the Culture of Encounter (2022) (1)
- A balancing act: Catholic teaching on the church's rightsand the rights of all (2012) (1)
- The Glory of God and the Global Common Good: Solidarity in a Turbulent World (2017) (1)
- Human rights in Catholic thought: A new synthesis (2005) (1)
- Notes on Moral Theology: 1987 (1988) (1)
- The life of the human community (2002) (1)
- Catholics as Citizens: Pastoral Challenges and Opportunities (2000) (1)
- Book Review: Christian Mission and Social Justice (1980) (0)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: Christianity in a community of freedom (2002) (0)
- Moral Theology: Future Agenda for Catholic Moral Theology (2013) (0)
- Critical Notice : Catholicism and liberalism , (2012) (0)
- The Challenges of a World of Inequalities for Christians Today (2021) (0)
- Catholicism and Liberalism: HISTORICAL CONFLICTS AND DEVELOPMENTS (1994) (0)
- Principles for a Catholic Morality: By Timothy E. O'Connell New York, Seabury, 1978. 233 pp. $11.95 (1979) (0)
- Catholicism and Liberalism: Contributions to American Public Philosophy. (1995) (0)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: Poverty Justice and the good of the city (2002) (0)
- Book Review: Toward a Discipline of Social Ethics: Essays in Honor of Walter George Muelder (1973) (0)
- 'Economic justice for all' twenty years later: Keynote address at Symposium on Catholic social teaching on the market, the state, and the law, Villanova University School of Law, September 21, 2007 (2008) (0)
- People/Profits: The Ethics of Investment: Edited by Charles W. Powers: New York, Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1972. 214 pp. $2.95 (1974) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Conscience in Jesuit Higher Education (2000) (0)
- Book Review: Catholic Social Teaching, 1891—Present: A Historical, Theological, and Ethical Analysis (2003) (0)
- Officers of the Society (2015) (0)
- Corruption and inaction leave Kenya on the brink (2009) (0)
- Book Review: Religious Life and the Poor. Liberation Theology Perspectives (1961) (0)
- The Santa Clara Lectures " 1 D . mago ei : Does the Symbol Have a Future " (2018) (0)
- The Catholic University, human suffering, and the crisis of humanism today (1997) (0)
- Recovering the commonweal (2002) (0)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: Preface (2002) (0)
- Challenges to Religious Freedom in the USA: Some Lessons from Global Crises (2020) (0)
- Problems tolerance cannot handle (2002) (0)
- Sustaining Catholic Social Engagement: A Key Role for Movements in the Church Today (2013) (0)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: Note on websites (2002) (0)
- Loving Humanity While Accepting Real People: A Critique and a Cautious Affirmation (2010) (0)
- The Church in the World: The Politics of Justice (1982) (0)
- A Response to Denise Ackermann (2012) (0)
- More than one way of dying: Living conditions of forcibly displaced people violate human rights (2007) (0)
- Pacem in Terris at 50: Catholics and Human Rights in the 21st Century (2013) (0)
- U.S. walks tightrope on Sudan and Uganda (2009) (0)
- Notes on Moral Theology: 1984 (1985) (0)
- Creating South Sudan: The challenges of nation-building (2011) (0)
- On Being a Catholic Feminist (2018) (0)
- Joy and hope, grief and anguish (2005) (0)
- Human rights in social development (1997) (0)
- Book Review: The Ethics of Freedom (1976) (0)
- The Common Good and Christian Ethics: Intellectual solidarity (2002) (0)
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