
David Willey

Most Influential Person Now

Physicist and entertainer

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physics Degrees
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Why Is David Willey Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, David G. Willey , known as the Mad Scientist, is a former physics instructor at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Physics has been a major interest in his life since he attended The Coleshill School and the John Port School in Etwall, Derbyshire. He has been presenting physics shows since the early 1980s. Willey is a scientific consultant for the skeptics group, C.S.I. . He also designs physics apparatus/equipment for the Science Kit Boreal Labs. In his spare time he enjoys hunting, woodworking, working with stained glass, and playing golf.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With David Willey ?

David Willey is affiliated with the following schools: