Dell Hymes
American anthropologist and linguist
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- Bachelors English Reed College
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Dell Hathaway Hymes was a linguist, sociolinguist, anthropologist, and folklorist who established disciplinary foundations for the comparative, ethnographic study of language use. His research focused upon the languages of the Pacific Northwest. He was one of the first to call the fourth subfield of anthropology "linguistic anthropology" instead of "anthropological linguistics". The terminological shift draws attention to the field's grounding in anthropology rather than in what, by that time, had already become an autonomous discipline . In 1972 Hymes founded the journal Language in Society and served as its editor for 22 years.
Dell Hymes's Published Works
Published Works
- Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach (1974) (2463)
- Directions in sociolinguistics;: The ethnography of communication (1973) (1560)
- Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life (2009) (1176)
- 2 On Communicative Competence (2011) (952)
- The Ethnography Of Speaking (1962) (630)
- Functions of Language in the Classroom (1985) (622)
- Ethnography, Linguistics, Narrative Inequality: Toward An Understanding Of Voice (1996) (601)
- Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Setting (1967) (572)
- Proxemics [and Comments and Replies] (1968) (478)
- Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication1 (1964) (470)
- Pidginization and Creolization of Languages. (1972) (412)
- "In vain I tried to tell you": Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics (1981) (251)
- Language in culture and society : a reader in linguistics and anthropology (1965) (243)
- Introduction: Toward Ethnographies of Communication (2008) (192)
- Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking: Ways of Speaking (1989) (191)
- Language in Education: Ethnolinguistic Essays (1980) (171)
- Foundations of Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach (1980) (161)
- Folklore's Nature and the Sun's Myth (1975) (137)
- Pidginization and Creolization of Languages (1973) (128)
- Language in Culture and Society: A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology. (1966) (109)
- Lexicostatistics So Far (1960) (103)
- Breakthrough into performance (2015) (92)
- Speech and Language: On the Origins and Foundations of Inequality among Speakers (1996) (88)
- Validity of Glottochronology (1964) (80)
- What is Ethnography (1996) (78)
- Context and Meaning in Cultural Anthropology (1967) (75)
- Discovering Oral Performance and Measured Verse in American Indian Narrative (1977) (69)
- Sociolinguistics: stability and consolidation (1984) (64)
- Essays in the History of Linguistic Anthropology (1983) (64)
- Invisible Careers: Women Civic Leaders from the Volunteer World. (1989) (62)
- Studies in the History of Linguistics: Traditions and Paradigms (1976) (60)
- The Ethnography of Communication (1966) (60)
- Discourse: scope without depth (1986) (58)
- The use of computers in anthropology (1965) (57)
- Narrative Form as a “Grammar” of Experience: Native Americans and a Glimpse of English * (1982) (56)
- Editorial Introduction to Language in Society (1972) (54)
- The Contribution of Folklore to Sociolinguistic Research (1971) (52)
- The concept of communicative competence revisited (1992) (51)
- Toward ethnographies of communication (2013) (47)
- Ethnography, Linguistics, Narrative Inequality (2015) (43)
- Language, Communication, Chimpanzees [and Comments and Reply] (1976) (42)
- Now I Know Only So Far: Essays in Ethnopoetics (2003) (42)
- Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in the United States (1983) (42)
- Language, self and society : a social history of language (1994) (37)
- Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life: Toward a Descriptive Theory (2008) (36)
- Social anthropology, sociolinguistics, and the ethnography of speaking (2013) (35)
- When Is Oral Narrative Poetry? Generative Form And Its Pragmatic Conditions (1998) (33)
- Language, Memory, and Selective Performance: Cultee's "Salmon's Myth" as Twice Told to Boas (1985) (33)
- Inequality in Language: Taking for Granted. (1992) (32)
- An Ethnographic Perspective (1973) (32)
- Linguistic Method in Ethnography: Its Development in the United States (1970) (31)
- Narrative Thinking and Storytelling Rights: A Folklorist’s Clue to a Critique of Education (1996) (28)
- Ethnopoetics, Oral-Formulaic Theory, and Editing Texts (1994) (28)
- Pidginization and Creolization of Languages: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of the West Indies Mona, Jamaica, April 1968 (1971) (28)
- Na-Déné and Positional Analysis of Categories† (1956) (28)
- Symbols and Society. (1956) (26)
- Language in Education: Ethnolinguistic Essays. Language and Ethnography Series. (1980) (25)
- Directions in (Ethno‐) Linguistic Theory1 (2009) (24)
- Ethnographic Monitoring of Children's Acquisition of Reading/Language Arts Skills In and Out of the Classroom. Volumes I, II, and III. Final Report. (1981) (22)
- Language Inculture and Society : A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology/Dell Hymes (1964) (22)
- Towards Linguistic Competence (1976) (21)
- On Erving Goffmann (1984) (21)
- Sapir, Competence, Voices (1979) (20)
- Ethnographic Semantics: A Preliminary Survey [and Comments and Replies] (1966) (19)
- Particle, Pause and Pattern in American Indian Narrative Verse (1980) (19)
- The "wife" who "goes out" like a man : Reinterpretation of a Clackamas Chinook myth (1968) (19)
- A Note on Athapaskan Glottochronology (1957) (17)
- Studies in Southwestern Ethnolinguistics; Meaning and History in the Languages of the American Southwest. (1968) (17)
- More on Lexicostatistics (1960) (17)
- How to Talk like a Bear in Takelma (1979) (16)
- From Space to Time in Tenses in Kiksht (1975) (16)
- The language of the Kathlamet Chinook (1955) (16)
- Ethnopoetics (1990) (15)
- Louis Simpson's ‘the deserted boy’☆ (1976) (15)
- A perspective for Linguistic Anthropology (2010) (14)
- The General Epistle of James (1986) (14)
- Language in Education: Forward to Fundamentals (1979) (13)
- Lingüistic Theory and the Functions of Speech (1974) (12)
- Thomas Paul's Sametl : Verse Analysis of a (Saanich) Chinook Jargon Text (1990) (11)
- Vocabulario siriono-castellano (1958) (11)
- Some Penutian Elements and the Penutian Hypothesis (1957) (11)
- Ethnolinguistic Study of Classroom Discourse. Final Report. (1982) (9)
- 1. Notes towards a History of Linguistic Anthropology (1983) (9)
- Evidence for Penutian in Lexical Sets with Initial *C- and *S- (1964) (9)
- The Rhetoric of Religion. Studies in Logology (1962) (9)
- Some North Pacific Coast Poems: A Problem in Anthropological Philology (1965) (8)
- Why linguistics needs the sociologist (2013) (8)
- Codeswitching: Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives (1989) (8)
- Austronesian Lexicostatistical Classification: A Review Article@@@A Lexicostatistical Classification of the Austronesian Languages (1966) (8)
- Pawnee, Blackfoot and Cheyenne (1963) (8)
- Linguistics, Language, and Communication. (1974) (8)
- Linguistic Features Peculiar to Chinookan Myths (1958) (8)
- Is poetics original and functional (1991) (8)
- Bernstein and Poetics (1996) (7)
- Stress Accent in Wishram Chinook (1956) (7)
- Verse Analysis of a Wasco Text: Hiram Smith's "At'Unaqa" (1980) (7)
- A Note on Ethnopoetics and Sociolinguistics (1987) (7)
- The emergence of sociolinguistics: A response to Samarin (2000) (7)
- Anthropology and poetry (1986) (6)
- 7. The Pre-war Prague School and Post-war American Anthropological Linguistics (1983) (6)
- The Americanist Tradition (1976) (5)
- Myth and Tale Titles of the Lower Chinook (1959) (5)
- Readings in Linguistics: The Development of Descriptive Linguistics in America Since 1925. Martin Joos (Ed.) (1958) (5)
- Breadfruit Cultivation Practices and Beliefs in the Marshall Islands (1961) (5)
- Ethnopoetics and Sociolinguistics: Three Stories by African-American Children (2003) (5)
- Bungling Host, Benevolent Host: Louis Simpson's "Deer and Coyote" (1984) (5)
- Reinventing Anthropology: Response to Kaplan and Donald (1975) (4)
- On “Anthropological Linguistics” and Congeners (1966) (4)
- Preface to a Neo-Firthian linguistics (1982) (4)
- On Hammel on Componential Analysis (1965) (4)
- 16. A theory of verbal irony and a Chinookan pattern of verbal exchange (1987) (4)
- Language in Society (2008) (4)
- Oral Patterns as a Resource in Children’s Writing: Ethnopoetic Notes (1996) (4)
- More on Issues in Economic Anthropology (1971) (4)
- Sung epic and Native American ethnopoetics (2000) (3)
- Some Points of Siuslaw Phonology (1966) (3)
- A pattern of verbal irony in Chinookan (1987) (3)
- The Earliest Clackamas Text (1984) (3)
- Modjeska on Sapir and Croce: A Comment (1969) (3)
- Indian Tales of North America—an Anthology for the Adult Reader. Tristram P. Coffin (Ed.) (1962) (3)
- “Myth of Nonacademic Anthropology” Criticized (1977) (3)
- Current Trends in Linguistics, Volume 13: Historiography of Linguistics (1979) (2)
- Stormy petrel in linguistics (1975) (2)
- Chinook Jargon as 'Mother's Tongue' (1972) (2)
- LINGUISTICS: The Gutenberg Galaxy: the Making of Typographic Man. Marshall McLuhan (1963) (2)
- Remembering Dell (2010) (2)
- In Five-Year Patterns (1980) (2)
- The Supposed Spanish Loanword in Hopi for 'Jaybird' (1956) (2)
- Comments on Soviet Semiotics and Criticism (1978) (2)
- Two Wasco Motifs (1953) (2)
- Custer and Linguistic Anthropology (1991) (2)
- Comments on analytical archaeology (1970) (2)
- LINGUISTICS: Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behavior. Kenneth L. Pike (1969) (2)
- The Discourse Patterning of a Takelma Text (1990) (2)
- Bernard Spolsky, Educational linguistics: An introduction . Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, 1978. Pp. viii + 191. (1980) (2)
- Identity and Difference in the Criticism of Native American Literature@@@Traditional American Indian Literatures: Texts and Interpretations (1983) (2)
- : Crow Texts . Robert H. Lowie. ; Crow Word Lists: Crow-English and English-Crow Vocabularies . Robert H. Lowie. (1962) (1)
- 8. Tradition and Paradigms (1983) (1)
- Language in Education: Forwards to Fundamentals. Keynote Addresses from the Horace Mann Lecture Series and the Paul Masoner International Lecture Series, 1972-1978. (1978) (1)
- On linguistic anthropology : essays in honor of Harry Hoijer, 1979 (1983) (1)
- Foreword by Dell Hymes (1979) (1)
- Verse Analysis of a Kathlamet Chinook Text Preserved by Franz Boas: Charles Cultee’s “Southwest Wind’s Myth” (1985) (1)
- Papers from the Symposium on American Indian Linguistics Held at Berkeley July 7, 1951 (1956) (1)
- De-centering linguistics (1979) (1)
- A Karok narrative dictated by Phoebe Maddux to J. P. Harrington (1998) (1)
- Peter Cole (ed.), Radical pragmatics . New York: Academic Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 328. (1983) (1)
- Government Involvement and the Future of Anthropological Field Research (1965) (1)
- From Anglo-American Publications (1961) (1)
- LINGUISTICS: How to Do Things With Words. John L. Austin (1965) (1)
- The Discourse Patterning of a Wishram Text (1990) (1)
- Tradition Trend in Archaeology and Linguistics (1958) (1)
- Frontier Norwegian in South Dakota: The situated poetics of Halvor O. Aune (1997) (1)
- Survivors and Renewers (2000) (1)
- Translation of Oral Narratives (2002) (1)
- On the Rate of Morpheme Decay in Arabic (1959) (1)
- Marta K. Johnson, ed. and trans. Recycling the Prague linguistic circle (linguistica extranea, studia, 6). Ann Arbor, Mich.: Karoma, 1978. xviii + 85 pp. (1982) (0)
- Symbols in Society. Hugh Dalziel Duncan. Oxford University Press, New York, 1968. xvi + 262 pp. $6.75 (1969) (0)
- Volume Information (1969) (0)
- 6 Breakthrough into Performance Revisited (1981) (0)
- J. S. Slotkin. Readings in Early Anthropology. (Also: Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, 40, distributed through Current Anthropology for the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., New York.) Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1965. Pp. xvii + 530. $9.75 (1967) (0)
- Comanche Texts@@@Pocomchi Texts with Grammatical Notes (1959) (0)
- LINGUISTICS: The Karok Language. William Bright (1958) (0)
- Ruth Wodak, Language behavior in therapy groups . Trans. by Andrew Smith. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1986. Pp. xv + 313. (First published as Das Wort in der Gruppe [1981].) (1989) (0)
- Messages from Around the World (1998) (0)
- Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach.@@@Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Use. (1977) (0)
- Book Review:Language of the Sierra Miwok L. S. Freeland (1954) (0)
- General, Applied, and Theoretical: The Social Philosophers: Community and Conflict in Western Thought. Robert Nisbet (1976) (0)
- Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration and Interpreta (2004) (0)
- Separation and Linkage in American Indian Linguistics, c. 1900 (1979) (0)
- A Note on Fishman's Review (1966) (0)
- LSY volume 42 issue 1 Cover and Back matter (2013) (0)
- Book Review:Perspectives in Linguistics: An Account of the Background of Modern Linguistics John T. Waterman (1965) (0)
- LINGUISTICS: Language and Learning. Janet A. Emig, James T. Fleming, and Helen M. Popp, eds (1966) (0)
- From Anglo American Publications (1961) (0)
- Sapir Files and Manuscripts (1973) (0)
- Linguistics: Operators and Nucleus: A Contribution to the Theory of Grammar. PIETER A. M. SEUREN (1972) (0)
- Discourse Analysis and Family Interaction. (1983) (0)
- LSY volume 42 issue 2 Cover and Back matter (2013) (0)
- 7. Report from an underdeveloped country (1996) (0)
- Crisis in Anthropology: View from Spring Hill, 1980 E. Adamson Hoebel, Richard Currier, and Susan Kaiser, eds (1983) (0)
- H. Coleman (ed.), Working with language: A multidisciplinary consideration of language use in work contexts (Contributions to the Sociology of Language 52). Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1989. Pp. xii + 617. (1990) (0)
- Chiefs and Traders: Indian Relations at Fort Nez Percés, 1818–1855. Theodore Stern (1996) (0)
- LINGUISTICS: Language: A Modern Synthesis. Joshua Whatmough (1958) (0)
- Alessandro Duranti(ed.). A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology(Blackwell Companions to Anthropology). Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. 2004. 635 pp. Hb (0631223525)£85.00/$124.95. (2005) (0)
- 1. SCOPE OF THE SUBJECT (1981) (0)
- President‐elect Says Board's Proposal “Organizes Diversity” (1982) (0)
- LSY volume 40 issue 3 Cover and Back matter (2011) (0)
- LSY volume 41 issue 4 Cover and Back matter (2012) (0)
- American-Spanish Semantics@@@American-Spanish Euphemisms (1961) (0)
- Kent Bach & Robert M. Harnish, Linguistic communication and speech acts , Cambridge, Mass. and London: MIT Press, 1979. Pp. xvii + 327. (1981) (0)
- From European Publications (1962) (0)
- Book Review:The Category of Person in Language Paul Forchheimer (1955) (0)
- Prosodies of Meaning: Literary Forms in Native North America. The 2002 Belcourt Lecture. Robert Bringhurst (2004) (0)
- A Response to Craig Mishler's Review of "In Vain I Tried to Tell You" (1984) (0)
- LINGUISTICS: Trends in Linguistics. Milka Ivić. Translated by Muriel Heppell (1966) (0)
- Volume Information (1966) (0)
- 10 Reading Clackamas Texts (1981) (0)
- Robert H. Lowie, Letters from Edward Sapir to Robert H. Lowie. Berkeley: Luella Cole Lowie, 1965, pp. 78 (1969) (0)
- Language as Social Resource: Essays. Allen Day Grimshaw , Anwar S. DilDiscourse Strategies.John J. Gumperz (1984) (0)
- From Anglo-American Publications (1962) (0)
- Linguistic Theory & Structural Stylistics (1982) (0)
- 34. Communicative Competence (1987) (0)
- LSY volume 41 issue 3 Cover and Back matter (2012) (0)
- Kam's Account of Transitional Unilateral Code-Switching. (1976) (0)
- Review of Dell Hymes, Ethnography, Linguistics, Narrative, Inequality: Toward an Understanding of Voice (1997) (0)
- Bibliography of the languages of native California (1982) (0)
- From Anglo American Publications (1961) (0)
- LSY volume 44 issue 3 Cover and Back matter (2015) (0)
- Antinomies for Eric (1999) (0)
- 4. PRINCIPAL FIGURES (1981) (0)
- 21. Toward Kawaiisu Poetics (2000) (0)
- The Americanist Tradition. Discussion (1976) (0)
- 4. Linguistic Method in Ethnography (1983) (0)
- 6. HISTORY OF PROBLEMS (1981) (0)
- Reply to Coult (1966) (0)
- LINGUISTICS: Clackamas Chinook Texts (Part I). Melville Jacobs (1958) (0)
- Mesa Grande 'Iipay oratory and narrative (1998) (0)
- Estudios Sobre Lengua y Cultura (Studies in Language and Culture). Mauricio Swadesh (1962) (0)
- Towards Linguistic Competence* Dell Hymes Three streams of activity (2015) (0)
- Comments: [Scarface vs. Scar-Face: The Problem of Versions] (1981) (0)
- Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics: Presented to Shiro Hattori on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. ROMAN JAKOBSON and SHIGEO KAWAMOTO (1971) (0)
- Imprecation against Two Cambridge Policemen for Disturbing Dave Sapir's Party: Imprecation Against Two Cambridge Policemen (2010) (0)
- Donald Lawrence Brenneis and Fred R. Myers (eds.), Dangerous words: Language and politics in the Pacific . New York and London: New York University Press, 1984. Pp. xii + 284. (1989) (0)
- From European Publications (1961) (0)
- Comments on ‘computers in archaeology’ (1971) (0)
- Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration and Interpretation (review) (2004) (0)
- 8. EPILOGUE, 1979 (1981) (0)
- LSY volume 41 issue 1 Cover and Back matter (2012) (0)
- The Native Americans: Prehistory and Ethnology of the North American Indians (1967) (0)
- Vivian Salmon. The study of language in 17th‐century England. (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science III; studies in the history of linguistics, vol. 17). Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V., 1979. x + 218 pp. Hfl. 65. (1982) (0)
- Cultee's Kathlamet "Salmon's Myth": As Twice-Told to Boas: Language, Memory and Selective Performance (1984) (0)
- Editorial introduction* (2010) (0)
- Port Orford: (found poem)1 (2009) (0)
- Secondary Significance of Gender in a Wishram Text (1985) (0)
- LSY volume 40 issue 5 Cover and Back matter (2011) (0)
- Peter Steiner, ed. The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929-1946, trans. John Burbank et al. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. 231 pp. $27.50 (1983) (0)
- Index to Analyzed Translations and English-Language Texts (1981) (0)
- Robert Bringhurst, A story as sharp as a knife: The classic Haida mythtellers and their world; Nine visits to the Mythworld: Ghandl of the Qayahl Llaanas; Being in being: The collected works of Skaay of the Qquuna Qiighawaay (2003) (0)
- Current Trends in Linguistics Volume III: Theoretical Foundations [and Comments and Replies]. Thomas A. Sebeok , Noam Chomsky (1968) (0)
- 2. Lexicostatistics and Glottochronology in the 19th Century (1983) (0)
- From European Publications (1961) (0)
- 3. The Americanist Tradition in Linguistics (1983) (0)
- Volume Information (1964) (0)
- A Pattern of Verbal Irony in Chinookan in Language and Humor. (1987) (0)
- Imprecation against Two Cambridge Policemen for Disturbing Dave Sapir's Party (2002) (0)
- LSY volume 40 issue 2 Cover and Back matter (2011) (0)
- Linguistics: Report of the Seventh Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Study. Paul L. Garvin (1958) (0)
- On the Nature of Myth: An Analysis of Some Recent Criticism (1953) (0)
- ETHNOLOGY AND GENERAL: Literature Among the Primitives. John Greenway (1965) (0)
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