Douglas Medin
American psychologist
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Douglas Medin's Degrees
- PhD Psychology Stanford University
- Bachelors Psychology University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Douglas Medin Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Douglas L. "Doug" Medin is the Louis W. Menk Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Early life and education Medin first became interested in psychology when he was an eighth-grader in Algona, Iowa. During this time, he and his classmates were sorted into two groups depending on their singing abilities; Medin was assigned to the non-singers' group. He attended Moorhead State College, graduating in 1965 with a B.A. in psychology, and went on to receive his M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of South Dakota in 1966 and 1968, respectively. His Ph.D. thesis focused on the way that rhesus monkeys perceive shapes.
Douglas Medin's Published Works
Published Works
- Context theory of classification learning. (1978) (2905)
- The role of theories in conceptual coherence. (1985) (2630)
- Categories and concepts (1984) (1629)
- Respects for similarity (1993) (1188)
- Concepts and conceptual structure. (1989) (1096)
- SUSTAIN: a network model of category learning. (2004) (740)
- Concepts and concept formation. (1984) (615)
- Sinning Saints and Saintly Sinners (2009) (558)
- Comments on part I: psychological essentialism (1989) (526)
- Categorization and Reasoning among Tree Experts: Do All Roads Lead to Rome? (1997) (467)
- Cultural processes in science education: Supporting the navigation of multiple epistemologies (2010) (427)
- The role of covariation versus mechanism information in causal attribution (1995) (416)
- Family resemblance, conceptual cohesiveness, and category construction (1987) (414)
- Context and structure in conceptual combination (1988) (382)
- Sacred bounds on rational resolution of violent political conflict (2007) (359)
- The Tree of Life: Universal and Cultural Features of Folkbiological Taxonomies and Inductions (1997) (353)
- The native mind: biological categorization and reasoning in development and across cultures. (2004) (333)
- Relational similarity and the nonindependence of features in similarity judgments (1991) (311)
- The cultural mind: environmental decision making and cultural modeling within and across populations. (2005) (297)
- Problem structure and the use of base-rate information from experience. (1988) (295)
- Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature (2007) (295)
- The native mind and the cultural construction of nature. (2008) (279)
- Desettling Expectations in Science Education (2013) (278)
- Correlated symptoms and simulated medical classification. (1982) (277)
- Cultural and experiential differences in the development of folkbiological induction (2003) (267)
- Linear separability in classification learning. (1981) (255)
- On the Interaction of Theory and Data in Concept Learning (1994) (255)
- Expertise and category-based induction. (2000) (225)
- Given versus induced category representations: use of prototype and exemplar information in classification. (1984) (216)
- Are there kinds of concepts? (2000) (215)
- A relevance theory of induction (2003) (208)
- The specific character of abstract thought: Categorization, problem-solving, and induction: Volume 5 (1989) (207)
- Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Similarity Judgments with Semantically Rich Stimuli (1997) (206)
- Similarity Involving Attributes and Relations: Judgments of Similarity and Difference Are Not Inverses (1990) (205)
- Decision making from a cognitive perspective (1995) (194)
- Folkecology and commons management in the Maya Lowlands. (1999) (183)
- Time Course of Comparison (1994) (181)
- Similarity and Alignment in Choice (1995) (180)
- Strategies and classification learning (1981) (180)
- Comparison and choice: Relations between similarity processes and decision processes (1995) (171)
- Tall is typical: Central tendency, ideal dimensions, and graded category structure among tree experts and novices (2000) (168)
- Processes of Animal Memory (1976) (163)
- Concepts do more than categorize (1999) (162)
- Linear separability and concept learning: Context, relational properties, and concept naturalness (1986) (157)
- Folkbiological reasoning from a cross-cultural developmental perspective: early essentialist notions are shaped by cultural beliefs. (2007) (154)
- A bird's eye view: biological categorization and reasoning within and across cultures (2002) (151)
- Why essences are essential in the psychology of concepts (2001) (146)
- A Two-Stage Model of Category Construction (1992) (139)
- The Costs and Benefits of Calculation and Moral Rules (2009) (135)
- Influence of deontological versus consequentialist orientations on act choices and framing effects: when principles are more important than consequences (2008) (132)
- Psychology out of the laboratory: the challenge of violent extremism. (2011) (130)
- Similarity in context (1997) (129)
- The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Volume 30 (1993) (128)
- Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons (2002) (124)
- A two-stage model of category construction ☆ (1992) (121)
- Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies (2004) (121)
- Concepts and categories: Memory, meaning, and metaphysics (2012) (115)
- Who's Asking?: Native Science, Western Science, and Science Education (2014) (110)
- Folkbiology of freshwater fish (2006) (110)
- Constraints and Preferences in Inductive Learning: An Experimental Study of Human and Machine Performance (1987) (110)
- Anthropocentrism is not the first step in children’s reasoning about the natural world (2010) (106)
- Relationships between item and category learning: Evidence that abstraction is not automatic (1983) (106)
- Protected values: No omission bias and no framing effects (2004) (104)
- What's So Essential About Essentialism? A Different Perspective on the Interaction of Perception, Language, and Conceptual Knowledge (1993) (101)
- Category cohesiveness, theories, and cognitive archeology. (1987) (101)
- Of cabbages and kings: Assessing the extendibility of natural object concept models to social things. (1984) (100)
- Are Morally Motivated Decision Makers Insensitive to the Consequences of Their Choices? (2007) (92)
- Innovations in Culturally Based Science Education Through Partnerships and Community (2010) (91)
- Culture and the Home-Field Disadvantage (2010) (91)
- Essentialism and Folkbiology: evidence from Brazil (2002) (88)
- Evaluation of exemplar-based generalization and the abstraction of categorical information. (1984) (84)
- Inductive reasoning in folkbiological thought. (1999) (83)
- Indeterminacy in the Grammar of Adult Language Learners (1996) (81)
- Concepts: static definitions or context -dependent representations? (1986) (81)
- Evolution and devolution of folkbiological knowledge (1999) (80)
- Construal levels and moral judgment: Some complications (2012) (79)
- Comment on "Memory storage and retrieval processes in category learning". (1986) (77)
- Culture and the quest for universal principles in moral reasoning. (2011) (76)
- A theory of context in discrimination learning (1975) (74)
- The cultural side of science communication (2014) (74)
- Sacred values and conflict over Iran’s nuclear program (2010) (73)
- Human-centeredness is Not a Universal Feature of Young Children's Reasoning: Culture and Experience Matter When Reasoning About Biological Entities. (2010) (72)
- Sensitivity to changes in base-rate information (1991) (72)
- Systems of (non-)diversity (2017) (70)
- Categorization and reasoning in relation to culture and expertise (2002) (69)
- Anthropology in Cognitive Science (2010) (67)
- Explanatory models of illness: A study of within-culture variation (2006) (65)
- Ideal is typical. (2005) (64)
- Form perception and pattern reproduction by monkeys. (1969) (62)
- Presentation order and recognition of categorically related examples (1994) (61)
- A psychological approach to concepts: Comments on Rey's “Concepts and stereotypes” (1984) (58)
- Should Anthropology Be Part of Cognitive Science? (2012) (58)
- Unmasking “Alive”: Children's Appreciation of a Concept Linking All Living Things (2009) (57)
- Humans (really) are animals: picture-book reading influences 5-year-old urban children’s construal of the relation between humans and non-human animals (2014) (57)
- Cultural differences in children's ecological reasoning and psychological closeness to nature: Evidence from menominee and european American children (2012) (57)
- Experience and Cultural Models Matter: Placing Firm Limits on Childhood Anthropocentrism (2007) (57)
- Naming Practices and the Acquisition of Key Biological Concepts (2008) (56)
- Teleological reasoning about nature: intentional design or relational perspectives? (2013) (55)
- Naming the Animals that Come to Mind: Effects of Culture and Experience on Category Fluency (2010) (53)
- Categorization processes and categorization perception (1987) (52)
- Harpoons and long sticks: the interaction of theory and similarity in rule induction (1991) (51)
- Broadening behavioral decision research: Multiple levels of cognitive processing (1999) (50)
- Ethnography and Experiments: Cultural Models and Expertise Effects Elicited with Experimental Research Techniques (2005) (47)
- 9 Basic Levels in Artificial and Natural Categories: Are All Basic Levels Created Equal? (1992) (47)
- Perspectives on culture and concepts. (2015) (46)
- The Native Mind : Biological Categorization , Reasoning , and Decision Making in Development and Across Cultures (2002) (43)
- Epistemological Models and Culture Conflict: Menominee and Euro‐American Hunters in Wisconsin (2007) (42)
- SUSTAIN: A Model of Human Category Learning (1998) (42)
- If Indigenous Peoples Stand with the Sciences, Will Scientists Stand with Us? (2018) (38)
- Relationships between similarity-based and explanation-based categorisation (1988) (38)
- Pressing questions in the study of psychological and behavioral diversity (2018) (37)
- Similarity of the perimeters in the Ebbinghaus illusion (1999) (36)
- Age differences in retention of concurrent discrimination problems in monkeys. (1973) (35)
- Why Folkbiology Matters: Resource Conflict Despite Shared Goals and Knowledge (2007) (33)
- Emerging sacred values: Iran’s nuclear program (2009) (33)
- Asymmetries of comparison (1999) (32)
- Categorization by humans and machines (1993) (32)
- The semantic side of decision making (1999) (31)
- Epistemologies in the Text of Children's Books: Native- and non-Native-authored books (2013) (31)
- Knowledge and action: Cultural models of nature and resource management in Mesoamerica (1997) (30)
- Should social scientists be distanced from or engaged with the people they study? (2018) (30)
- Culture, Categorization and Reasoning (2007) (29)
- Culture and Resource Conflict: Why Meanings Matter (2006) (29)
- Probability from similarity (2003) (28)
- Attending to Moral Values (2009) (27)
- Group Identity Salience in Sacred Value Based Cultural Conflict: An Examination of the Hindu-Muslim Identities in the Kashmir and Babri Mosque Issues (2009) (26)
- Emerging sacred values: The Iranian nuclear program. (2009) (26)
- A garden experiment revisited: inter-generational change in environmental perception and management of the Maya Lowlands, Guatemala (2013) (25)
- Wayfinding as a concept for understanding success among Native Americans in STEM: “learning how to map through life” (2019) (25)
- Cue-context interactions in discrimination, categorization, and memory (1985) (25)
- Language and Experience Influence Children's Biological Induction (2010) (25)
- The coincidence effect in similarity and choice (1997) (25)
- Conceptualizing agency: Folkpsychological and folkcommunicative perspectives on plants (2017) (24)
- Culture in the Classroom (2013) (24)
- Culture and Epistemologies: Putting Culture Back Into the Ecosystem (2013) (24)
- The Effects of Naming Practices on Children's Understanding of Living Things (2005) (23)
- Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 50: Moral Judgment and Decision Making (2009) (22)
- Stimulus similarity and retroactive interference and facilitation in monkey short-term memory. (1980) (22)
- Memory and cognitive processes (2002) (22)
- Unfolding Futures: Indigenous Ways of Knowing for the Twenty-First Century (2018) (21)
- Stimulus interaction and between-trials proactive interference in monkeys. (1981) (21)
- Seeing Cooperation or Competition: Ecological Interactions in Cultural Perspectives (2015) (21)
- Induction as conditional probability judgment (2007) (21)
- Trolley problems in context (2011) (20)
- Moral kinematics: The role of physical factors in moral judgments (2012) (20)
- Animal models and memory models (1976) (20)
- Role of reinforcement in discrimination learning set in monkeys (1972) (19)
- Learning to Bridge Between Perception and Cognition (1997) (19)
- Interpreting asymmetries of projection in children's inductive reasoning (2007) (19)
- On the existence and occurrence of mediation in discrimination transfer: A critical note (1973) (18)
- When humans become animals: Development of the animal category in early childhood (2012) (18)
- Grounding principles for inferring agency: Two cultural perspectives (2017) (17)
- What does it mean to 'live' and 'die'? A cross-linguistic analysis of parent-child conversations in English and Indonesian. (2011) (17)
- Naming the Living Things: Linguistic, Experiential and Cultural Factors in Wichí and Spanish Speaking Children (2014) (17)
- Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder (2010) (17)
- Core Folkbiological Concepts: New Evidence from Wichí Children and Adults (2012) (17)
- Thinking about biology. Modular constraints on categorization and reasoning in the everyday life of Americans, Maya, and scientists (2002) (17)
- Children’s Play with a Forest Diorama as a Window into Ecological Cognition (2017) (17)
- Chapter 3 – Categorization (1999) (16)
- Structural Principles in Categorization (2019) (15)
- Perceptual Learning from Cross-modal Feedback (1997) (15)
- Measuring and training dimensional preferences. (1973) (14)
- Learning by Observing, Pitching in, and Being in Relations in the Natural World. (2015) (14)
- Psychological Science as a Complex System: Report Card (2017) (14)
- Chapter 13 – Concepts and Categorization (1998) (13)
- Proactive interference in monkeys: Delay and intersample interval effects are noncomparable (1980) (13)
- Cultural Differences in Belief Bias Associated with Deductive Reasoning? (2005) (12)
- One animal among many? Children's understanding of the relation between humans and nonhuman animals (2012) (12)
- Category Learning 1 Running head: A MODEL OF CATEGORY LEARNING SUSTAIN: A Network Model of Category Learning (2002) (11)
- Subproblem analysis of discrimination shift learning (1973) (11)
- Reasoning across cultures (2008) (11)
- Confusion errors in monkey short-term memory. (1971) (11)
- “Inhabitants of the Earth”: Reasoning About Folkbiological Concepts in Wichi Children and Adults (2016) (11)
- Modeling item and category learning (1998) (11)
- Causal Cognition and Culture (2017) (10)
- Culture and Epistemologies (2013) (10)
- Learning of ill-defined categories by monkeys. (1984) (10)
- Core knowledge, naming and the acquisition of the fundamental (folk)biologic concept ‘alive’. (2006) (9)
- The fiction and nonfiction of features: Volume IV (1994) (9)
- Effects of frequency on transfer performance after successive discrimination training (1971) (9)
- Inductive Reasoning: From Similarity to Chance (2007) (9)
- Relations: Language, Epistemologies, Categories, and Concepts (2015) (9)
- Strength vs. temporal-order information in delayed-matching-to-sample performance by monkeys (1979) (8)
- Particular points of view. (2014) (8)
- Is it more wrong to care less? The effects of “more” and “less” on the quantity (in) sensitivity of protected values (2008) (8)
- Retrieval of correlated predicates (1982) (8)
- Situating Giving Back for Native Americans Pursuing Careers in STEM: “You Don’t Just Take, You Give Something Back” (2019) (8)
- Emerging Trends in Culture and Concepts (2015) (8)
- Safe Takeoffs—Soft Landings (1990) (8)
- Culture and Cognition: The Role of Cognitive Anthropology in Anthropology and the Cognitive Sciences (2011) (8)
- Reference-point Reasoning and Comparison Asymmetries (2001) (8)
- Emerging attributes in monkey short-term memory. (1983) (8)
- Caring about framing effects (2006) (8)
- Color discrimination by rhesus monkeys (1967) (7)
- Turning Tides: Prospects for More Diversity in Cognitive Science (2012) (7)
- Safe Takeoffs - Soft Landings (1990) (7)
- Constant irrelevant cues and stimulus generalization in monkeys. (1973) (7)
- The comparative study of memory (1974) (7)
- Chapter 5 Attending to Moral Values (2009) (7)
- Relationships between similaritybased and explanation-based categorization (1988) (7)
- Does Cognitive Science Need Anthropology (2012) (7)
- Concepts and Categorization / 1 Concepts and Categories : Memory , Meaning , and Metaphysics (2015) (7)
- Perception of verticality by monkeys. (1965) (6)
- Rigor Without Rigor Mortis: The APS Board Discusses Research Integrity (2012) (6)
- A Dangerous Dichotomy: Basic and Applied Research (2012) (6)
- Cultural Epidemiology , and the Spirit of the Commons A Garden Experiment in the Maya Lowlands , 1991 – 2001 1 by (2002) (6)
- Theories, constraints, and cognition. (1992) (6)
- From community data to research archive: Partnering to increase and sustain capacity within a native organization (2017) (6)
- Comment on Gollin and Rosser (1974) (6)
- Cognition Beyond the Human: Cognitive Psychology and the New Animism (2020) (6)
- Basic levels in artificial and natural categories: Are all basic levels created equal?: Advances in Psychology, Vol. 93 (1992) (6)
- Concepts, categories, and semantic memory (2005) (6)
- Evidence for Short- and Long-Term Memory in Monkeys (1972) (6)
- Commentaries and Rejoinder on Žeželj and Jokić (2014) (2014) (5)
- Running head: EVOLUTION AND DEVOLUTION IN FOLKBIOLOGY Measuring the Evolution and Devolution of Folkbiological Knowledge (2001) (5)
- Agency concepts across cultures: How intuitive is folkpsychology? (2015) (5)
- Broadening Conceptualization of Native Identity as Foundational forSuccess among Native Americans in STEM (2017) (5)
- Perspective Taking, Diversity and Partnerships (2008) (5)
- Response latency and brightness judgments by monkeys (1970) (5)
- Concepts and categories: Meaning, memory, and metaphysics (2005) (5)
- Perspectives on the Ecology of Decision Modes (2010) (5)
- Cue selection for multiple-cue probability training (1971) (4)
- Memory theories: Past, present, and projected (1986) (4)
- Response factors in verbal learning and transfer (1972) (4)
- Partial information and choice behavior in differential reward magnitude learning (1972) (4)
- Broadening Behavioral Decision Research: Multiple Levels of Processing (1999) (4)
- Introduction to 30 th Anniversary Perspectives on Cognitive Science : Past , Present , and Future (2010) (3)
- Thinking and Deciding, Jonathan Baron, Cambridge University Press, 1988. (1990) (3)
- Chapter 1 - Memory1 (1974) (3)
- 3. The Classical View (1981) (3)
- Is it a Pocket or a Purse? Tighly Coupled Theory and Data Driven Learing (1991) (3)
- Purpose and conceptual functions: a framework for concept representation in humans and machines (1989) (3)
- Combining Empirical and Explanation-based Learning. Section of Incremental Version Space Merging: a General Framework for Concept (1992) (3)
- Journal of Consumer Psychology: Editorial note (2004) (3)
- Frequency and coding responses in verbal discrimination learning (1974) (3)
- Formation of a Successive (Sign-Differentiated-Position) Learning Set in Stumptail Monkeys (1968) (2)
- A Science We Can Believe In (2011) (2)
- Summary, Conclusions, and Implications (2014) (2)
- S-R separation with monkeys (1968) (2)
- Reward information and cue selection following multiple-cue probability learning (1973) (2)
- Position distinctiveness and successive discrimination learning (1974) (2)
- Theory of Mind in the Pacific: Reasoning Across Cultures. Jürg Wassman, Birgit Träuble, and Joachim Funke. Heidelberg, Germany: Universitätsverlag Winter. 2013. ix‐277 pp. (2015) (2)
- Reward pretraining and discrimination learning set (1974) (2)
- Conceptual change, relationships, and cultural epistemologies (2017) (2)
- Formal Approaches in Categorization: Comments on models and categorization theories: the razor's edge (2011) (2)
- Stimulus generalization in monkeys following discrimination training with gray stimuli (1974) (2)
- Hands on: Nonverbal communication in Native and non-Native American parent-child dyads during informal learning. (2021) (1)
- Modeling human category learning (1999) (1)
- Categorization, Typicality, and Shape Similarity (2019) (1)
- Exploring Cognitive Diversity Across Disciplines and Cultures (2013) (1)
- Developmental Study of Similarity Judgments Involving Dimensions (1977) (1)
- Monkeys as Perceivers (2014) (1)
- A Relevance Theory of Induction 1 Running Head : A Relevance Theory of Induction (2002) (1)
- Wayfinding as a concept for understanding success among Native Americans in STEM: “learning how to map through life” (2018) (1)
- Status of unchosen objects in discrimination learning by monkeys (1977) (1)
- The Moral Priorities of Rap Listeners (2018) (1)
- Culture in the Classrooms (2013) (1)
- Bridging the Gap: From Cognitive Anthropology to Cognitive Science (2010) (1)
- The Basic Level and Privilege in Relation to Goals , Theories , and Similarity (2001) (1)
- Decision Making: Volume 2: Memory and Cognitive Processes (2002) (1)
- Adjusting Retention Scores: Reply to Balogh and Zimmermann (1972) (1)
- Commentary on Žeželj and Jokić (2014) (2014) (1)
- A Context-Sensitive Theory of Discrimination Learning. (1973) (1)
- Culturally Based Science Education: Navigating Multiple Epistemologies (2014) (1)
- You have to Almost Know Something in Order to Learn it. (1989) (0)
- The Argument So Far (2014) (0)
- Complicating Cultural Models: Limitations of Distance (2014) (0)
- Nominations for the Editorship of Psychobiology (1992) (0)
- Learning and Cognition — Issues and Concepts : Concept Learning (2010) (0)
- Test bank to accompany cognitive psychology (1997) (0)
- Psychological Distance and Conceptions of Nature (2014) (0)
- Partnership in Community: Some Consequences (2014) (0)
- Cognitive Science and Education Research: Engaging Issues of Social Context (2008) (0)
- Running Head : Folkbiology of Freshwater Fish (2002) (0)
- Perspective Taking, Diversity and Partnerships: (412902008-004) (2008) (0)
- Teaching an introduction to Computer Science: selecting appropriate languages for CS0 and CS1 (2006) (0)
- Culture and Issues in Cultural Research (2014) (0)
- Staying With the Behavior Flow. (1976) (0)
- Learning to Learn in Children. (1972) (0)
- CogSci 2008 30th Anniversary Symposia - eScholarship (2008) (0)
- Distance, Perspective Taking, and Ecological Relations (2014) (0)
- Introduction: Who's Asking? (2014) (0)
- Categories and Taxonomies (2018) (0)
- Community-Based Science Education: Menominee Focus (2014) (0)
- Modeling the Effect of Category Use on Learning and Representation (2001) (0)
- Fields for Psychology (2011) (0)
- CommentaryíBaumard et al.: A mutualistic approach to morality (2013) (0)
- Much Ado About Francis Galton (2012) (0)
- 13 Relations : Language , Epistemologies , Categories , and Concepts (2010) (0)
- Culture and Mind: Cultural Models in Cognition (2005) (0)
- Memory: Modern research trends, Vol. 5 (1974) (0)
- 8. Summary and Implications (1981) (0)
- Dimensionality in the Similarity Judgments of Young Children. (1975) (0)
- 4. The Probabilistic View: Featural Approach (1981) (0)
- Maps, Models, and the Unity of Science (2014) (0)
- Contents Vol. 55, 2012 (2013) (0)
- Obituaries: Roger Todd Davis (1926-2000). (2003) (0)
- Editorial / A Note from the New Editor (2007) (0)
- Decision-Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy Progress (2002) (0)
- Books Received (2008) (0)
- Comparative psychology and human cognition (2014) (0)
- 6. The Probabilistic View: Holistic Approach (1981) (0)
- Non-mutualistic morality. (2013) (0)
- Science Reflects Who Does It (2014) (0)
- The Development of Comparative Perspectives on Memory. (1985) (0)
- Good science? We should all be asking (2015) (0)
- Mechanisms of Dislocation Grain Boundary Interaction (2002) (0)
- Sacred Bounds on Rational Conflict Resolution : The Middle East and Beyond (2006) (0)
- Lynch Tall is Typical 2 Tall is Typical : Central Tendency , Ideal Dimensions and Graded Category Structure Among Tree Experts (2001) (0)
- Effect of Exemplar Typicality on Naming Deficits in Aphasia (2001) (0)
- CogSci 2008 30th Anniversary Symposia (2008) (0)
- Learning and Thinking in Practice: Complex Systems Thinking "In the Wild" (2014) (0)
- Cultural Impacts on Cognition (2006) (0)
- Values Everywhere within Science (2014) (0)
- The Case of the Invisible Experimenter(s) (2011) (0)
- More Learning and Motivating. (1981) (0)
- 2. Preliminary Issues (1981) (0)
- 5. The Probabilistic View: Dimensional Approach (1981) (0)
- Everything Is Cultural (2012) (0)
- Community-Based Science Education: AIC Focus (2014) (0)
- Expertise and Category-Based Induction 1 Running Head : EXPERTISE AND CATEGORY-BASED INDUCTION Expertise and Category-Based Induction (2001) (0)
- A Brief History of Indian Education (2014) (0)
- Selective Attention in Animals: New Answers to Old Questions. (1971) (0)
- Commentry Episodic Components of Concept Learning and Representation, I.D. Nahinsky (1992) (0)
- Look to the field (2022) (0)
- Subject to Participation (2011) (0)
- Trolley problems in context – ERRATUM (2023) (0)
- New evidence from Wichí children and adults (2012) (0)
- Cognitive Science and Education Research: Engaging Issues of Social Context - eScholarship (2008) (0)
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