Douglass North
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American economist
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Douglass North's Degrees
- PhD Economics University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Douglass North Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Douglass Cecil North was an American economist known for his work in economic history. Along with Robert Fogel, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1993. In the words of the Nobel Committee, North and Fogel "renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory and quantitative methods in order to explain economic and institutional change."
Douglass North's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance (1991) (31187)
- Structure and Change in Economic History (1983) (5572)
- Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England (1989) (4229)
- Competing Technologies , Increasing Returns , and Lock-In by Historical Events (3818)
- Understanding the Process of Economic Change (1999) (3495)
- Economic performance through time (2012) (3298)
- Shared Mental Models: Ideologies and Institutions (1994) (1994)
- The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History (1974) (1591)
- The role of institutions in the revival of trade: the law merchant (1990) (1570)
- Institutions, institutional change and economic performance: Cambridge university press. (1990) (1370)
- A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History (2006) (1298)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Economic performance (1990) (1162)
- A Transaction Cost Theory of Politics (1990) (996)
- The rise of the western world (1976) (826)
- Location Theory and Regional Economic Growth (1955) (797)
- Institutions and economic growth: An historical introduction (1989) (760)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth. (1972) (752)
- Institutions and Credible Commitment (1999) (619)
- Measuring the Transaction Sector in the American Economy, 1870-1970 (1986) (609)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. (1991) (483)
- The New Institutional Economics and Development (1993) (460)
- Empirical studies in institutional change (1996) (408)
- Institutions, Transaction Costs and Economic Growth (1987) (382)
- Limited Access Orders in the Developing World: A New Approach to the Problems of Development (2007) (366)
- Markets and Other Allocation Systems in History: The Challenge of Karl Polanyi. (1977) (352)
- Institutions and Economic Theory (1992) (307)
- Institutions and Economic Performance (1993) (293)
- Learning, Institutions, and Economic Performance (2004) (281)
- Five Propositions about Institutional Change (1993) (280)
- Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economic Performance (1992) (273)
- The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics to an Understanding of the Transition Problem (2005) (265)
- Violence and Social Orders (2011) (261)
- Institutional Change: A Framework of Analysis (1999) (261)
- An Economic Theory of the Growth of the Western World (1970) (246)
- Ocean Freight Rates and Economic Development 1730-1913 (1958) (237)
- Institutions, Ideology, and Economic Performance (1992) (215)
- Institutional Change and Economic Growth (1971) (212)
- Sources of Productivity Change in Ocean Shipping, 1600-1850 (1968) (206)
- Institutions and the Performance of Economies over Time (2005) (201)
- Structure and Performance: The Task of Economic History (1978) (188)
- Violence and Social Orders: Contents (2009) (185)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: A First Step Towards a Theory of Institutional Innovation (1970) (181)
- In the shadow of violence : politics, economics, and the problems of development (2012) (181)
- The Rise and Fall of the Manorial System: A Theoretical Model (1971) (178)
- In Search of the Holy Grail: Policy Convergence, Experimentation, and Economic Performance (2002) (176)
- The First Economic Revolution (1977) (170)
- Violence and Social Orders: The Conceptual Framework (2009) (151)
- Order, Disorder and Economic Change: Latin America vs. North America (2000) (148)
- Political Institutions and Financial Development (2007) (148)
- Government and the Cost of Exchange in History (1984) (148)
- A note on the economics of institutions (1996) (133)
- Where Have We Been and Where are We Going? (1996) (125)
- The Role of Institutions in Economic Development (2003) (123)
- A framework for analyzing the state in economic history (1979) (118)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Organizations, learning, and institutional change (1990) (118)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: Epilogue: economic performance through time (1996) (117)
- Agriculture in Regional Economic Growth (1959) (97)
- Institutions Institutional Change And Economic Performance Political Economy Of Institutions And Decisions (2018) (97)
- Growth and Welfare in the American Past: A New Economic History (1966) (97)
- The Rise of the Western World by Douglass C. North (1973) (90)
- The Political Economy of Merchant Empires: Institutions, Transaction Costs, and the Rise of Merchant Empires (1991) (90)
- Perspectives on Positive Political Economy: Institutions and a transaction-cost theory of exchange (1990) (89)
- Explaining Economic Change: The Interplay Between Cognition and Institutions (1997) (88)
- Institutions and the process of economic change (2005) (83)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: An introduction to institutions and institutional change (1990) (82)
- The growth of government in the United States: An economic historian's perspective (1985) (77)
- Governance, growth, and development decision-making (2008) (75)
- Institutions and Economic Growth: A Historical Introduction (2002) (72)
- Legally induced technical regress in the Washington salmon fishery (1996) (72)
- The Paradox of the West (1993) (66)
- Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economic History (2016) (66)
- Institutions and Economic Theory (1992) (61)
- Economics and Cognitive Science (1996) (60)
- The historical evolution of polities (1994) (60)
- What Do We Mean by Rationality (1993) (59)
- The New Institutional Economics (2016) (58)
- The Violence Trap: A Political-Economic Approach to the Problems of Development (2015) (57)
- Should Transaction Costs be Subtracted from Gross National Product? (1988) (52)
- Dealing with a Non-Ergodic World: Institutional Economics, Property Rights, and the Global Environment (1999) (51)
- Exports and Regional Economic Growth: A Reply (1956) (51)
- Institutions, Economic Growth and Free-dom: An Historical Introduction (1988) (50)
- The United States Balance of Payments, 1790-1860 (1960) (48)
- A revolution in economics (2000) (47)
- American Government Expenditures: A Historical Perspective (1982) (47)
- The Process of Economic Change (1997) (46)
- The Adam Smith Address: Economic Theory in a Dynamic Economic World (1995) (45)
- Institutions, Transaction Costs and Productivity in the Long Run (1993) (44)
- Limited Access Orders: An Introduction to the Conceptual Framework (2013) (44)
- A theory of economic change. (1983) (41)
- Beyond the New Economic History (1974) (41)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Enforcement (1990) (40)
- Big-Bang Transformations of Economic Systems - An Introductory Note (2000) (39)
- International Capital Flows and the Development of the American West (1956) (31)
- Economic Performance Through Time: The Limits to Knowledge (1996) (31)
- The New Economic History After Twenty Years (1977) (31)
- Transaction Cost in History. (1985) (30)
- Understanding Judicial Decision-Making: The Importance of Constraints on Non-Rational Deliberations (2008) (28)
- What is Missing from Political Economy (2008) (28)
- Is it worth making sense of Marx (1986) (27)
- Elements of Reason: Shared Mental Models: Ideologies and Institutions (2000) (24)
- A Transaction Cost Approach to the Historical Development of Polities and Economies (2016) (24)
- Government and the American Economy: A New History (2007) (24)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Cooperation: the theoretical problem (1990) (21)
- Constraints on institutional innovation: transaction costs, incentive compatibility, and historical considerations. (1994) (20)
- Limited Access Orders: Rethinking the Problems of Development and Violence (2009) (19)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: Constitutions and commitment: the evolution of institutions governing public choice in seventeenth-century England (1996) (18)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: THE THEORY DEVELOPED (1971) (18)
- Introduction: Institutional Analysis and Economic History (2000) (18)
- Life Insurance and Investment Banking at the Time of the Armstrong Investigation of 1905-1906 (1954) (18)
- The Evolution Of Efficient Markets In History (1994) (17)
- The Historical Evolution of Politics (2000) (17)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INSTITUTIONS AND DECISIONS (1996) (17)
- Introduction to Understanding the Process of Economic Change (2005) (16)
- Explorations in the New Economic History: Essays in Honor of Douglass C. North (1981) (16)
- Expert Panel Ranking (2009) (16)
- Encyclopedia of American economic history : studies of the principal movements and ideas (1981) (16)
- Toward a Property-Rights Theory of Exploitation (1982) (16)
- Wider Perspectives on Global Development (2005) (16)
- Economic History and Economic Theory: The New Economic History in America@@@The Reinterpretation of American Economic History@@@The Structure of the Cotton Economy of the Antebellum South@@@Institutional Change and American Economic Growth (1972) (16)
- Institutional Changes: A Framework of Analysis (1997) (15)
- Expert Panel Ranking (2009) (15)
- In the Shadow of Violence: Lessons for Limited Access Societies (2012) (15)
- In the Shadow of Violence (2013) (13)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: The path of institutional change (1990) (12)
- Cliometrics--Forty Years Later (1997) (12)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Institutions, economic theory, and economic performance (1990) (12)
- Comment on Stigler and Friedland, "The Literature of Economics: The Case of Berle and Means" (1983) (12)
- The Estimation of Shipping Earnings in Historical Studies of the Balance of Payments (1960) (11)
- The growth of the American economy to 1860 (1968) (11)
- Lessons: In the Shadow of Violence (2013) (11)
- Early National Income Estimates of the U. S. (1961) (9)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Institutions and transaction and transformation costs (1990) (8)
- Exports and economic growth (1980) (8)
- A Note on Professor Rostow's “Take‐off” into Self‐sustained Economic Growth (1958) (8)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Formal constraints (1990) (7)
- The Livelihood of Man. By Karl Polanyi. New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1977. Pp. lv + 280. $17.50. (1978) (7)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Stability and change in economic history (1990) (6)
- The evolution of modern institutions of growth (1996) (6)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Informal constraints (1990) (6)
- Cognitive Science and the Study of the “Rules of the Game” in a World of Uncertainty (2006) (6)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: The behavioral assumptions in a theory of institutions (1990) (6)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: The economics and politics of institutional change (1996) (6)
- A Recommendation on How to Intelligently Approach Emerging Problems in Intellectual Property Systems (2009) (6)
- The Institutional Foundations of East Asian Development: A Summary Evaluation (1998) (6)
- The role of institutions in economic development : Gunnar Myrdal lecture (2003) (5)
- In the Shadow of Violence: Lessons (2012) (5)
- What do we mean by rationality? (1993) (5)
- The Theoretical Tools of the Economic Historian (1982) (5)
- The Rise of the Western World: The Issue (1973) (5)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: A transaction cost theory of exchange (1990) (5)
- Toward an understanding of property rights (1996) (5)
- Coordination and Coercion: The Nature of Rules, Governments, States, and Social Dynamics (2012) (4)
- Measures and Men. By Witold Kula. Translated by Richard Szreter. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. Pp. 386. $39.50 (1987) (4)
- Economic Growth Revisited@@@Dynamics of Ascent: A History of the American Economy.@@@Growth & Welfare in the American Past: A New Economic History. (1974) (4)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Series editor's preface (1990) (4)
- The Rise of Western Capitalism (1973) (3)
- Reply to Professor D. Ringrose (1973) (3)
- Political Instability, Institutions, and Economic Growth (2006) (3)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance@@@Perspectives on Positive Political Economy (1992) (3)
- In the Shadow of Violence: A New Perspective on Development (2015) (3)
- In the Shadow of Violence: Limited Access Orders (2012) (3)
- From Limited Access to Open Access Order in Chile, Take Two (2012) (3)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Incorporating institutional analysis into economic history: prospects and puzzles (1990) (3)
- Capitalism and Economic Growth (2020) (3)
- Learning , Institutions , and Economic Performance processes (3)
- Property Rights in Land and Man (1973) (3)
- A Conversation with Douglass North (2015) (2)
- Industrialization in the United States (1815–60) (1963) (2)
- Partnership as a Means to Improve Economic Performance (2018) (2)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: References (1990) (2)
- Reply to “The First Economic Revolution” As Fiction (1982) (2)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: Regulation in a dynamic setting (1996) (2)
- Institutions and Economics (2017) (2)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: A theory of institutional change: concepts and causes (1971) (2)
- Structure and Change in Economic History [Book review] (1982) (2)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: Transaction costs and economic development (1996) (2)
- Chapter One. An Outline of the Process of Economic Change (2005) (2)
- Violence and Social Orders: Open Access Orders (2009) (2)
- Apprentissage, institutions et performance économique (2009) (2)
- Economic growth: What have we learned from the past? (1977) (2)
- Price controls, property rights, and institutional change (1996) (2)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. By Douglass C. North. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. viii + 152 pp. Cloth, $32.50; paper, $10.95.) (1992) (1)
- Violence and Social Orders: The Natural State (2009) (1)
- 1. Political Institutions and Financial Development (2007) (1)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: The labor force: organization and education (1971) (1)
- The Rise of the Western World: The Netherlands and Successful Economic Growth (1973) (1)
- Government & the American economy : a new history (2007) (1)
- The Rise of the Western World: Economic Conditions at the End of the Early Middle Ages (1973) (1)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: Impediments to institutional change in the former Soviet system (1996) (1)
- Glenn Porter, editor. Encyclopedia of American Economic History: Studies of the Principal Movements and Ideas. In three volumes. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1980. Pp. xii, 483; 487–893; 894–1,286 (1981) (1)
- The E ciency Frontier for Economic Growth: Evidence of a Nonlinear Frontier Relationship Between Volatility and Growth (1998) (1)
- On Kenneth Binmore’s Natural Justice (2006) (1)
- The Rise of the Western World: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (1973) (1)
- Change and Continuity in a Limited Access Order (2012) (1)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Land policy and American agriculture (1971) (1)
- Empirical Studies in Institutional Change: Regulating natural resources: the evolution of perverse property rights (1996) (1)
- Legal Change in Economic Analysis (2005) (1)
- Bibliography of Douglass C. North's Publications, 1950-1993 (1994) (1)
- Critical Realism and Institutionalism : Integrating the Scientific Method of John R . Commons (2006) (1)
- ‘ Natural ’ States and the Development of Democracy (2013) (1)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: A theory of institutional innovation: description, analogy, specification (1971) (1)
- The Sources of Economic Growth in The United States and the Alternatives Before Us . By Edward F. Denison. New York: Committee for Economic Development, 1962. Pp. 308. $4.00 (paperback). (1963) (1)
- American Economic Growth and Institutional Change (1973) (1)
- The Rise of the Western World: Preface (1973) (1)
- Violence and Social Orders: Preface (2009) (1)
- Violence and Social Orders: A New Research Agenda for the Social Sciences (2009) (1)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Institutional change in the service industries (1971) (0)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Changes in the institutional environment: exogenous shifts and arrangemental innovation (1971) (0)
- The Rise of the Western World: An Overview (1973) (0)
- Douglass C. North: Interviewed by Gary D. Libecap, John S. Lyons and Samuel H. Williamson (2008) (0)
- The Rise of the Western World: England (1973) (0)
- CHAPTER FIVE Institutional Change in American Economic History (1994) (0)
- Economic growth in history and in theory (2016) (0)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Organization and reorganization in the financial markets: savings and investment in the American economy, 1820–1950 (1971) (0)
- Chapter Twelve. Improving Economic Performance (2005) (0)
- Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Stability and institutional change (1990) (0)
- Limited Government and Liberal Markets: (2021) (0)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Transportation developments and economic growth (1971) (0)
- Violence and Social Orders: The Transition from Limited to Open Access Orders: The Doorstep Conditions (2009) (0)
- History and the analysis of arrangemental change: a look to the past with an eye to the future (1971) (0)
- The Emergence of a National Economy, 1775-1815@@@The Economic Growth of the United States, 1790-1860 (1963) (0)
- Merchants, Farmers, and Railroads. Lee Benson (1956) (0)
- sbs505010 1 (X 0) (0)
- Back Matter (1969) (0)
- The government, coercion, and the redistribution of income (1971) (0)
- Violence and Social Orders: The Transition Proper (2009) (0)
- Comment on the Riker paper (1987) (0)
- Comment on Bo Gustafsson's “The methodological problems of institutional economic history” (1998) (0)
- Violence and Social Orders: The Natural State Applied: English Land Law (2009) (0)
- The Rise of the Western World: The Early Modern Period (1973) (0)
- Fiscal Policy and Property Rights (1973) (0)
- Violence and Social Orders: References (2009) (0)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Economies of scale, unsuccessful cartelization, and external costs: some sidelights on the growth of manufacturing in the United States (1971) (0)
- How the West Grew Rich: The Economic Transformation of the Industrial World. By Rosenberg Nathan and Birdzell L. E. Jr., (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1986. Pp. xii + 353. $19.95.) (1986) (0)
- The First Industrial Revolution. By Phyllis Deane. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. vii, 295. $8.00 (clothbound); $2.95 (paperback) (1966) (0)
- O książce Douglassa C. Northa "Understanding the process of economic change" / Zygmunt Mazurkiewicz. (2010) (0)
- New Directions in Political Economy: An Approach from Anthropology . Edited by Madeline Barbara Léons and Frances Rothstein. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xxvii, 350. $25.00. (1979) (0)
- Institutional Change and American Economic Growth: Preface (1971) (0)
- The Rise of the Western World: Thirteenth-Century Europe (1973) (0)
- The changing public–private mix (1971) (0)
- The Spatial And Interregional Frame Work Of The U.S. Economy (2005) (0)
- Political Institutions and Financial Development: A Summary (2013) (0)
- The politics of institutional change in a representative democracy (1996) (0)
- BOOK REVIEWS (2006) (0)
- General and Miscellaneous (1982) (0)
- Critical Realism and Institutionalism: Integrating the Scientific Method of John R. Commons and (2005) (0)
- American Economic Association Economic Performance Through Time (2007) (0)
- The Rise of the Western World: The High Middle Ages: A Frontier Movement (1973) (0)
- Constituciones y compromiso: la evolución de las instituciones públicas gubernamentales en la Inglaterra del siglo XVII (1997) (0)
- Book Review:Economics and World History: Myths and Paradoxes. Paul Bairoch (1995) (0)
- Law and economics in historical perspective (2007) (0)
- The Rise of the Western World: France and Spain – The Also-Rans (1973) (0)
- Agenda For A History Of Management Policies Towards Labor In The United States (1956) (0)
- SUMMARY : Informal institutions and economic development (2011) (0)
- Institutional Bases for Capitalist Growth (2021) (0)
- The Vital One: Essays in Honor of Jonathan R. T. Hughes . Edited by Joel Mokyr. Research in Economic History Supplement 6. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1991. (1992) (0)
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