Elizabeth Pisani
Journalist, epidemiologist; public health consultant
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Elizabeth Pisani is a British-American epidemiologist, public health consultant, author and journalist. She is an academic researcher and the director of Ternyata Ltd., a public health consultancy based in London, UK. Her research investigates the ways in which politics, economics and culture influence public health. This has included markets for substandard and falsified medicines and HIV. Before this, Pisani was a journalist who worked as a correspondent for Reuters in several Asian countries.
Elizabeth Pisani's Published Works
Published Works
- The cost of unsafe injections. (1999) (224)
- Age at first sex: understanding recent trends in African demographic surveys (2004) (199)
- Behavioral Surveillance Surveys BSS. Guidelines for repeated behavioral surveys in populations at risk of HIV. (2000) (186)
- HIV, syphilis infection, and sexual practices among transgenders, male sex workers, and other men who have sex with men in Jakarta, Indonesia (2004) (165)
- Back to basics in HIV prevention: focus on exposure (2003) (144)
- To stem HIV in Africa, prevent transmission to young women. (2001) (136)
- Sharing health data: good intentions are not enough. (2010) (120)
- HIV risk in Karachi and Lahore, Pakistan: an emerging epidemic in injecting and commercial sex networks (2007) (99)
- COVID-19 and risks to the supply and quality of tests, drugs, and vaccines (2020) (98)
- HIV surveillance among female sex workers. (2001) (98)
- Estimating the number of people at risk for and living with HIV in China in 2005: methods and results (2006) (95)
- Sexual Behavior Among Injection Drug Users in 3 Indonesian Cities Carries a High Potential for HIV Spread to Noninjectors (2003) (82)
- HIV Surveillance: A Global Perspective (2003) (68)
- Estimating the size of populations at risk for HIV: issues and methods. A joint UNAIDS / IMPACT / FHI workshop: report and conclusions. Updated. (2003) (61)
- Indonesia's road to universal health coverage: a political journey. (2016) (61)
- Beyond open data: realising the health benefits of sharing data (2016) (59)
- HIV, STIs, and sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (2004) (56)
- Indonesia's road to universal health coverage: a political journey (2016) (44)
- Time for fair trade in research data (2010) (39)
- Identifying market risk for substandard and falsified medicines: an analytic framework based on qualitative research in China, Indonesia, Turkey and Romania (2019) (37)
- HIV surveillance in hard-to-reach populations. (2001) (35)
- Estimation of levels and trends in age at first sex from surveys using survival analysis (2002) (33)
- AIDS in Asia: face the facts. A comprehensive analysis of the AIDS epidemics in Asia. (2004) (33)
- AIDS into the 21st century: Some critical considerations (2000) (31)
- Antimicrobial resistance : What does medicine quality have to do with it ? (2015) (26)
- Indonesia, Etc.: Exploring the Improbable Nation (2001) (26)
- Meeting the behavioural data collection needs of national HIV / AIDS and STD programmes. A joint IMPACT / FHI / UNAIDS workshop: report and conclusions. (1998) (19)
- Estimating the number of drug injectors in Indonesia (2006) (19)
- Why do Indonesian politicians promote shari’a laws? An analytic framework for Muslim-majority democracies (2017) (18)
- What drives HIV in Asia? A summary of trends in sexual and drug-taking behaviours. (2001) (17)
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in developing countries (2006) (15)
- Is Indonesia achieving universal health coverage? Secondary analysis of national data on insurance coverage, health spending and service availability (2021) (14)
- In the eye of the beholder: to make global health estimates useful, make them more socially robust (2017) (14)
- Basing policy on evidence: low HIV, STIs, and risk behaviour in Dili, East Timor argue for more focused interventions (2006) (13)
- How moves towards universal health coverage could encourage poor quality drugs: an essay by Elizabeth Pisani (2019) (11)
- Using HIV surveillance data: recent experiences and avenues for the future. (2005) (11)
- Sharing individual patient and parasite-level data through the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network platform: A qualitative case study (2017) (10)
- Challenges in maintaining medicine quality while aiming for universal health coverage: a qualitative analysis from Indonesia (2021) (9)
- In the eye of the beholder: to make global health estimates useful, make them more socially robust (2017) (9)
- HIV in China: 30 Years in Numbers (2017) (8)
- Data sharing in public health emergencies: A study of current policies, practices and infrastructure supporting the sharing of data to prevent and respond to epidemic and pandemic threats (2018) (8)
- A framework for the evaluation of national AIDS programmes. (2000) (8)
- Reaching regional consensus on improved behavioural and serosurveillance for HIV: report from a regional conference in East Africa. (1998) (7)
- AIDS in Asia: A Continent in Peril (2006) (7)
- Dialysis dose in acute kidney injury and chronic dialysis (2010) (7)
- Indonesia in pieces (2014) (6)
- The socio-demographic impact of AIDS in Africa. 3-6 February 1997, Durban, South Africa. (1997) (5)
- Tilting at windmills and the evidence base on injecting drug use (2010) (5)
- Withholding access to research data – Authors' reply (2010) (5)
- What Makes a National Pharmaceutical Track and Trace System Succeed? Lessons From Turkey (2020) (5)
- Substandard and Falsified Medicines: Proposed Methods for Case Finding and Sentinel Surveillance (2021) (5)
- AIDS Comes to China (2017) (5)
- Fulfilling a Promise: Universal Care (2017) (4)
- Finding Those at Risk, China’s Way (2017) (4)
- Evolution of HIV/AIDS Epidemics in China (2019) (3)
- Sharing health research data in low-resource settings: Supporting necessary infrastructure and building on good practices (2018) (3)
- Supporting data for: Identifying market risk for substandard and falsified medicines: an analytic framework based on qualitative research in China, Indonesia, Turkey and Romania (2019) (2)
- Back to basics : putting the epidemiology back into planning and monitoring HIV prevention programmes : case studies in Indonesia. (2006) (2)
- African demographic surveys Age at first sex: understanding recent trends in (2005) (2)
- The National HIV Surveillance Program (2019) (2)
- AIDS Policy: China’s Tipping Point (2017) (2)
- Sharing Health Data: Good Intentions Are Not enough/Partage Des Donnees Sur la Sante : Les Bonnes Intentions Ne Suffisent pas/Intercambio De Datos Sanitarios: Las Buenas Intenciones No Son Suficientes (2010) (2)
- A systematic review of pooled procurement of medicines and vaccines: identifying elements of success (2022) (1)
- Building on the Past, Facing the Future (2017) (1)
- Supplementary material for Pisani et al: Substandard and falsified medicines: proposed methods for case finding and sentinel surveillance (2021) (1)
- China Takes Charge of a Changing Epidemic (2017) (1)
- AIDS treatment in Brazil: success beyond measure? Amy Nunn Foreword by Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso. (2009) (1)
- CHAPTER 10. Treating Ourselves to Trouble? The Impact of HIV Treatment in Africa: Lessons from the Industrial World (2019) (0)
- People versus politics at the 2020 Global Health Film Festival (2020) (0)
- HIV, STIs and risk behaviour in Dili, East Timor, 2003 (2009) (0)
- Commentary: one snip doesn't fit all. (2010) (0)
- Going viral through music (2017) (0)
- The AIDS Warriors (2017) (0)
- Withholding access to research data reply (2010) (0)
- AIDS strengthens its grip on the world. (1998) (0)
- Strengthening the Pharmaceutical System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2020) (0)
- Final report for the Implementing AIDS Prevention and Care (IMPACT) Project in East Timor April 2002 to December 2005. (2006) (0)
- Variation in price of cardiovascular and diabetes medicine in Indonesia, and relationship with quality: a mixed methods study in East Java. (2022) (0)
- TV soap schedules the AIDS message. Vietnam. (1996) (0)
- Why falsified medicines reach patients: an analysis of political and economic factors in Romania (2023) (0)
- Adult mortality and morbidity (1997) (0)
- Trends in reported age at first sex in Uganda: Response to M. Gersovitz (2007) (0)
- 2018 Global Health Film Festival: pictures of power and paternalism (2018) (0)
- Data and Decision-making Demography's Contribution to Understanding AIDS in Africa (2007) (0)
- Substandard and Falsified Medicines: Proposed Methods for Case Finding and Sentinel Surveillance (Preprint) (2021) (0)
- The Durban colloquium. A special report. (1997) (0)
- Brexit and medicine shortages: evidence from trade data (2019) (0)
- Continuity of CVD treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from East Java, Indonesia (2023) (0)
- National medicines policy development, Saudi Arabia (2022) (0)
- Dying of the light (2022) (0)
- No magic bullet Authors' reply (2008) (0)
- First things first: guidelines on management and coding of behavioural surveillance data. (1969) (0)
- Sex is fun, remember? (2008) (0)
- How women perceive their risk. Vietnam. (1996) (0)
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What Are Elizabeth Pisani's Academic Contributions?
Elizabeth Pisani is most known for their academic work in the field of medical. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and communications.
Elizabeth Pisani has made the following academic contributions: