Emmanuel Candès
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French statistician
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- PhD Statistics Stanford University
Why Is Emmanuel Candès Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Emmanuel Jean Candès is a French statistician. He is a professor of statistics and electrical engineering at Stanford University, where he is also the Barnum-Simons Chair in Mathematics and Statistics. Candès is a 2017 MacArthur Fellow.
Emmanuel Candès's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information (2004) (15311)
- An Introduction To Compressive Sampling (2008) (9223)
- Stable signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements (2005) (7244)
- Decoding by linear programming (2005) (7123)
- Near-Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections: Universal Encoding Strategies? (2004) (6813)
- Robust principal component analysis? (2009) (6326)
- Exact Matrix Completion via Convex Optimization (2008) (5538)
- A Singular Value Thresholding Algorithm for Matrix Completion (2008) (5125)
- Enhancing Sparsity by Reweighted ℓ1 Minimization (2007) (4714)
- The restricted isometry property and its implications for compressed sensing (2008) (3706)
- The Dantzig selector: Statistical estimation when P is much larger than n (2005) (3509)
- Fast Discrete Curvelet Transforms (2006) (2641)
- The curvelet transform for image denoising (2001) (2555)
- The Power of Convex Relaxation: Near-Optimal Matrix Completion (2009) (2116)
- Sparsity and incoherence in compressive sampling (2006) (2079)
- Curvelets: A Surprisingly Effective Nonadaptive Representation for Objects with Edges (2000) (1795)
- New tight frames of curvelets and optimal representations of objects with piecewise C2 singularities (2004) (1675)
- Matrix Completion With Noise (2009) (1634)
- NESTA: A Fast and Accurate First-Order Method for Sparse Recovery (2009) (1210)
- PhaseLift: Exact and Stable Signal Recovery from Magnitude Measurements via Convex Programming (2011) (1198)
- Phase Retrieval via Wirtinger Flow: Theory and Algorithms (2014) (1124)
- Towards a Mathematical Theory of Super‐resolution (2012) (1084)
- 11-magic : Recovery of sparse signals via convex programming (2005) (998)
- Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion (2011) (979)
- A Differential Equation for Modeling Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Method: Theory and Insights (2014) (960)
- Ridgelets: a key to higher-dimensional intermittency? (1999) (948)
- Compressed Sensing with Coherent and Redundant Dictionaries (2010) (906)
- Templates for convex cone problems with applications to sparse signal recovery (2010) (687)
- Adaptive Restart for Accelerated Gradient Schemes (2012) (685)
- Controlling the false discovery rate via knockoffs (2014) (610)
- Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform (2003) (588)
- A Probabilistic and RIPless Theory of Compressed Sensing (2010) (571)
- Quantitative Robust Uncertainty Principles and Optimally Sparse Decompositions (2004) (569)
- Tight Oracle Inequalities for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery From a Minimal Number of Noisy Random Measurements (2011) (563)
- Low‐rank plus sparse matrix decomposition for accelerated dynamic MRI with separation of background and dynamic components (2015) (547)
- Solving Random Quadratic Systems of Equations Is Nearly as Easy as Solving Linear Systems (2015) (543)
- Near-ideal model selection by ℓ1 minimization (2008) (538)
- Stable Principal Component Pursuit (2010) (537)
- Panning for gold: ‘model‐X’ knockoffs for high dimensional controlled variable selection (2016) (460)
- A Geometric Analysis of Subspace Clustering with Outliers (2011) (399)
- An Introduction To Compressive Sampling [A sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common knowledge in data acquisition] (2008) (399)
- Super-Resolution from Noisy Data (2012) (383)
- Recovering edges in ill-posed inverse problems: optimality of curvelet frames (2002) (342)
- Compressive fluorescence microscopy for biological and hyperspectral imaging (2012) (332)
- New multiscale transforms, minimum total variation synthesis: applications to edge-preserving image reconstruction (2002) (315)
- Continuous curvelet transform (2003) (308)
- The curvelet representation of wave propagators is optimally sparse (2004) (306)
- Phase Retrieval from Coded Diffraction Patterns (2013) (306)
- Error correction via linear programming (2005) (301)
- Solving Quadratic Equations via PhaseLift When There Are About as Many Equations as Unknowns (2012) (298)
- Compressed Sensing With Quantized Measurements (2010) (296)
- Continuous curvelet transform: II. Discretization and frames (2005) (284)
- Signal recovery from random projections (2005) (276)
- Harmonic Analysis of Neural Networks (1999) (275)
- Astronomical image representation by the curvelet transform (2003) (271)
- New tight frames of curvelets and optimal representations of objects with C² singularities (2002) (265)
- Continuous Curvelet Transform : I . Resolution of the Wavefront Set (2003) (256)
- Conformalized Quantile Regression (2019) (240)
- Curvelets, multiresolution representation, and scaling laws (2000) (233)
- Unbiased Risk Estimates for Singular Value Thresholding and Spectral Estimators (2012) (208)
- Global testing under sparse alternatives: ANOVA, multiple comparisons and the higher criticism (2010) (206)
- A modern maximum-likelihood theory for high-dimensional logistic regression (2018) (186)
- Highly Robust Error Correction byConvex Programming (2006) (183)
- Tight oracle bounds for low-rank matrix recovery from a minimal number of random measurements (2010) (182)
- Detection of an anomalous cluster in a network (2010) (181)
- Predictive inference with the jackknife+ (2019) (161)
- Conformal Prediction Under Covariate Shift (2019) (161)
- 3D discrete curvelet transform (2005) (161)
- False Discoveries Occur Early on the Lasso Path (2015) (154)
- A knockoff filter for high-dimensional selective inference (2016) (139)
- SLOPE is Adaptive to Unknown Sparsity and Asymptotically Minimax (2015) (136)
- The limits of distribution-free conditional predictive inference (2019) (136)
- A Fast Butterfly Algorithm for the Computation of Fourier Integral Operators (2008) (135)
- On the Fundamental Limits of Adaptive Sensing (2011) (134)
- A Nonuniform Sampler for Wideband Spectrally-Sparse Environments (2012) (133)
- Exact low-rank matrix completion via convex optimization (2008) (126)
- Applications of Sparse Representation and Compressive Sensing (2010) (125)
- Curvelets and Fourier Integral Operators (2003) (122)
- Super-Resolution of Positive Sources: The Discrete Setup (2015) (121)
- Compressed sensing and robust recovery of low rank matrices (2008) (118)
- Curvelets and Curvilinear Integrals (2001) (115)
- Modern statistical estimation via oracle inequalities (2006) (115)
- Searching for a trail of evidence in a maze (2007) (110)
- Very high quality image restoration by combining wavelets and curvelets (2001) (110)
- How well can we estimate a sparse vector? (2011) (108)
- Statistical estimation and testing via the sorted L1 norm (2013) (105)
- The phase transition for the existence of the maximum likelihood estimate in high-dimensional logistic regression (2018) (102)
- Fast Computation of Fourier Integral Operators (2006) (101)
- Classification with Valid and Adaptive Coverage (2020) (98)
- Detecting highly oscillatory signals by chirplet path pursuit (2006) (98)
- Deep Knockoffs (2018) (97)
- Compressive Sampling [From the Guest Editors] (2008) (97)
- Controlling the Rate of GWAS False Discoveries (2016) (97)
- The likelihood ratio test in high-dimensional logistic regression is asymptotically a rescaled Chi-square (2017) (96)
- Simple bounds for recovering low-complexity models (2011) (88)
- Dense error correction for low-rank matrices via Principal Component Pursuit (2010) (88)
- Gene hunting with hidden Markov model knockoffs (2018) (88)
- A Compressed Sensing Parameter Extraction Platform for Radar Pulse Signal Acquisition (2012) (87)
- Robust inference with knockoffs (2018) (86)
- The Projected Power Method: An Efficient Algorithm for Joint Alignment from Pairwise Differences (2016) (85)
- Ridgelets: estimating with ridge functions (2003) (79)
- Design and implementation of a fully integrated compressed-sensing signal acquisition system (2012) (75)
- Monoscale Ridgelets for the Representation of Images with Edges (70)
- People Hearing Without Listening : ” An Introduction To Compressive Sampling (2007) (68)
- Randomized Algorithms for Low-Rank Matrix Factorizations: Sharp Performance Bounds (2013) (68)
- EigenPrism: inference for high dimensional signal‐to‐noise ratios (2015) (67)
- Mathematics of Sparsity (and a Few Other Things) (2014) (65)
- A 100MHz–2GHz 12.5x sub-Nyquist rate receiver in 90nm CMOS (2012) (62)
- Robust principal component analysis?: Recovering low-rank matrices from sparse errors (2010) (62)
- Multi-resolution localization of causal variants across the genome (2019) (62)
- Ridgelets and the Representation of Mutilated Sobolev Functions (2001) (60)
- Super-resolution via Transform-Invariant Group-Sparse Regularization (2013) (53)
- What is...a Curvelet (2003) (52)
- Conformal inference of counterfactuals and individual treatment effects (2020) (52)
- A comparison of some conformal quantile regression methods (2019) (52)
- Robust Signal Recovery from Incomplete Observations (2006) (52)
- Adaptive Conformal Inference Under Distribution Shift (2021) (51)
- The phase flow method (2006) (50)
- Metropolized Knockoff Sampling (2019) (48)
- Testing for outliers with conformal p-values (2021) (47)
- Digital Implementation of Ridgelet Packets (2003) (46)
- Fast geodesics computation with the phase flow method (2006) (44)
- Conformal prediction beyond exchangeability (2022) (43)
- Gene Hunting with Knockoffs for Hidden Markov Models (2017) (43)
- Learn then Test: Calibrating Predictive Algorithms to Achieve Risk Control (2021) (43)
- With Malice Towards None: Assessing Uncertainty via Equalized Coverage (2019) (42)
- Causal inference in genetic trio studies (2020) (38)
- Discussion: Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization (2012) (37)
- Curvelets and reconstruction of images from noisy radon data (2000) (34)
- Holographic phase retrieval and reference design (2019) (33)
- Inverse Problems Sparsity and incoherence in compressive sampling (2007) (31)
- A Power and Prediction Analysis for Knockoffs with Lasso Statistics (2017) (30)
- Conformalized Survival Analysis. (2021) (30)
- Encoding the ` p Ball from Limited Measurements (2006) (27)
- Encoding the /spl lscr//sub p/ ball from limited measurements (2006) (25)
- False discovery rate control in genome-wide association studies with population structure (2021) (24)
- Ridgelets and their Derivatives: Representation of Images with Edges (2000) (23)
- Simple Bounds for Low-complexity Model Reconstruction (2011) (23)
- Achieving Equalized Odds by Resampling Sensitive Attributes (2020) (22)
- Stable signal recovery from incomplete observations (2005) (20)
- Sensitivity analysis of individual treatment effects: A robust conformal inference approach (2021) (19)
- Derandomizing Knockoffs. (2020) (17)
- A Power Analysis for Knockoffs with the Lasso Coefficient-Difference Statistic (2020) (17)
- Knockoffs with side information (2020) (16)
- Single-photon sampling architecture for solid-state imaging sensors (2012) (14)
- The asymptotic distribution of the MLE in high-dimensional logistic models: Arbitrary covariance (2020) (14)
- Motion-guided low-rank plus sparse (L+S) reconstruction for free-breathing dynamic MRI (2013) (13)
- Multiscale Chirplets and Near-Optimal Recovery of Chirps (2002) (13)
- Dose optimization with first-order total-variation minimization for dense angularly sampled and sparse intensity modulated radiation therapy (DASSIM-RT). (2012) (13)
- Rejoinder: ‘Gene hunting with hidden Markov model knockoffs’ (2019) (11)
- New Ties between Computational Harmonic Analysis and Approximation Theory (2002) (11)
- Searching for consistent associations with a multi-environment knockoff filter (2021) (10)
- Conformal Inference for Online Prediction with Arbitrary Distribution Shifts (2022) (10)
- Low-rank + sparse (L+S) reconstruction for accelerated dynamic MRI with seperation of background and dynamic components (2013) (9)
- Distribution-free conditional median inference (2021) (8)
- Controlling the false discovery rate in GWAS with population structure (2020) (8)
- Accurate low-rank matrix recovery from a small number of linear measurements (2009) (8)
- Phase Retrieval from masked Fourier transforms (2013) (8)
- Compressive sensing: Principles and hardware implementations (2013) (8)
- J an 2 00 8 Near-ideal model selection by l 1 minimization (2008) (8)
- FDR control in GWAS with population structure (2020) (6)
- Improving IMRT delivery efficiency with reweighted L1-minimization for inverse planning. (2013) (5)
- A fast and accurate first-order algorithm for compressed sensing (2009) (5)
- Errata for Quantitative Robust Uncertainty Principles and Optimally Sparse Decompositions (2007) (4)
- Comments on Michael Jordan’s Essay “The AI Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet" (2019) (4)
- Dose optimization with first-order total-variation minimization for dense angularly sampled and sparse intensity modulated radiation therapy (DASSIM-RT). (2012) (4)
- Interpretable Classification of Bacterial Raman Spectra With Knockoff Wavelets (2020) (4)
- Dual-Reference Design for Holographic Coherent Diffraction Imaging (2019) (4)
- Dual-Reference Design for Holographic Phase Retrieval (2019) (4)
- Gravitational wave detection using multiscale chirplets (2008) (4)
- Curvelets , Warpings , and Optimal Representations of Fourier Integral Operators (2002) (3)
- Summary statistics knockoff inference empowers identification of putative causal variants in genome-wide association studies (2021) (3)
- The power of convex relaxation: the surprising stories of matrix completion and compressed sensing (2010) (3)
- Image Reconstruction With Ridgelets (2003) (3)
- On the construction of knockoffs in case–control studies (2018) (3)
- Randomized Algorithms for Low-Rank Matrix Factorizations: Sharp Performance Bounds (2014) (3)
- TFOCS v 1 . 2 user guide (2012) (2)
- Session TA1b: Compressive sensing (2008) (2)
- Publisher Correction: Multi-resolution localization of causal variants across the genome (2020) (2)
- From subspace clustering to full-rank matrix completion (2)
- Selection by Prediction with Conformal p-values (2022) (2)
- Interpretable Signal Analysis with Knockoffs Enhances Classification of Bacterial Raman Spectra (2020) (2)
- The likelihood ratio test in high-dimensional logistic regression is asymptotically a rescaled Chi-square (2019) (1)
- An Adaptively Resized Parametric Bootstrap for Inference in High-dimensional Generalized Linear Models (2022) (1)
- Geometrical Multiscale Analysis: Applications to Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations (2006) (1)
- Deploying the Conditional Randomization Test in High Multiplicity Problems (2021) (1)
- Error correction and convex programming (2007) (1)
- A single-photon sampling architecture for solid-state imaging (2012) (1)
- Multiscale Geometric Analysis: Theory, Applications, and Opportunities (2005) (1)
- Supplementary material to “Panning for gold: Model-X knock- offs for high-dimensional controlled variable selection” (2017) (1)
- Solving Quadratic Equations via PhaseLift When There Are About as Many Equations as Unknowns (2013) (1)
- Curvelets and Wave Equations: Theory and Potential for Scientific Computing (2005) (1)
- Permutation tests using arbitrary permutation distributions (2022) (1)
- Hyperspectral fluorescence microscopy based on compressed sensing (2012) (1)
- ar X iv : 0 80 6 . 44 17 v 1 [ gr-q c ] 2 7 Ju n 20 08 Gravitational wave detection using multiscale chirplets (2008) (0)
- Challenges in Geometry , Analysis and Computation : High Dimensional Synthesis (2012) (0)
- Implementation of Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks (2017) (0)
- PNAS Plus Significance Statements (2013) (0)
- Compressive Sampling: Sense-Less but Smart! (2007) (0)
- Efficient representation of object classes with applications to inverse problems (2001) (0)
- Low-rank plus sparse spatiotemporal MRI: Acceleration, background suppression, and motion learning (2016) (0)
- Simple bounds for recovering low-complexity models (2012) (0)
- Predictions about the choices of those who may take part in choosing such items as movies for rent can be accurately made with a relatively small number of examples. (2010) (0)
- Overparameterized ReLU Neural Networks Learn the Simplest Model: Neural Isometry and Phase Transitions (2022) (0)
- Multi-resolution localization of causal variants across the genome (2020) (0)
- Discussion of Gene Hunting with Hidden Markov Model Knockoffs (2018) (0)
- A Short Tour of Compressive Sensing (2014) (0)
- Supplementary Material for Deep Knockoffs (2019) (0)
- Supplementary Material for “Predictive Inference with the Jackknife+” (2021) (0)
- Image De-noising and Enhancement – A Comparative Study on Ultrasound TOFD Scans (2020) (0)
- Problem Statement : Underdetermined , Approximately Sparse , Noise (2005) (0)
- Super-Resolution from Noisy Data (2013) (0)
- Information Dynamics as Foundation for Network Management (2014) (0)
- 2019 IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award (2020) (0)
- A Discussion of Tse and Davidson (2022) “A Note on Universal Inference” (2023) (0)
- What Ron DeVore Means to Me (2023) (0)
- Elements of Modern Signal Processing Lecture 4 — January 14 , 2016 Prof (2016) (0)
- GhostKnockoff inference empowers identification of putative causal variants in genome-wide association studies (2022) (0)
- Hyperspectral fluorescence microscopy based on Compressive Sampling (2013) (0)
- Applied Harmonic Analysis, Massive Data Sets, Machine Learning, and Signal Processing (2016) (0)
- Permutation tests without subgroups (2022) (0)
- Generalized permutation tests (2022) (0)
- Research Statement Overview: My Research Interests Lie in Harmonic Analysis, Focusing on Sparse and Op- Timally Redundant Representation Systems. Recent Discoveries in Compressed Sensing By (2009) (0)
- Curvelets and Wave Equations Tutorial lecture notes MGA Program, IPAM, UCLA (2004) (0)
- Stats 300 C : Theory of Statistics Spring 2017 Lecture 7 — April 17 , 2017 (2017) (0)
- Stats 300 C : Theory of Statistics Spring 2017 Lecture 13 — May 1 , 2017 (2017) (0)
- A Power Analysis for Model-X Knockoffs with $\ell_{p}$-Regularized Statistics (2020) (0)
- Discussion of the Paper “Prediction, Estimation, and Attribution” by B. Efron (2020) (0)
- JMM 2019 Lecture Sampler (2019) (0)
- 1 2 Fe b 20 18 Robust inference with knockoffs (2018) (0)
- Publisher Correction: Multi-resolution localization of causal variants across the genome (2020) (0)
- Gray and Color Image C . ontrast Enhanceme 11 t by the Cllrvelet Transform (2009) (0)
- Sorted L1 Penalized Estimation [R package SLOPE version 0.3.2] (2020) (0)
- Sparse random structures: Analysis and Computations (2010) (0)
- ST ] 3 0 N ov 2 00 6 Sparsity and Incoherence in Compressive Sampling (2018) (0)
- Submitted to the Annals of Statistics ROBUST INFERENCE WITH KNOCKOFFS By Rina (2019) (0)
- De Finetti's Theorem and Related Results for Infinite Weighted Exchangeable Sequences (2023) (0)
- Sailing through Data: Discoveries and Mirages (2019) (0)
- Tractable Evaluation of Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator with Convex Regularizers (2022) (0)
- Adaptive Restart for Accelerated Gradient Schemes (2013) (0)
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