Frank Kelly
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British mathematician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Francis Patrick Kelly, CBE, FRS is Professor of the Mathematics of Systems at the Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge. He served as Master of Christ's College, Cambridge from 2006 to 2016.
Frank Kelly 's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Rate control for communication networks: shadow prices, proportional fairness and stability (1998) (5690)
- Charging and rate control for elastic traffic (1997) (3087)
- Reversibility and Stochastic Networks (1980) (1555)
- Resource pricing and the evolution of congestion control (1999) (630)
- Blocking probabilities in large circuit-switched networks (1986) (626)
- Effective bandwidths at multi-class queues (1991) (526)
- Stochastic Models of Computer Communication Systems (1985) (336)
- Stability of end-to-end algorithms for joint routing and rate control (2005) (325)
- Mathematical Modelling of the Internet (2001) (316)
- Modelling incentives for collaboration in mobile ad hoc networks (2004) (303)
- Routing in circuit-switched networks: optimization, shadow prices and decentralization (1988) (285)
- Markov Point Processes (1977) (260)
- Networks of queues with customers of different types (1975) (247)
- Stochastic networks : theory and applications (1996) (246)
- Fairness and Stability of End-to-End Congestion Control (2003) (237)
- HPCC: high precision congestion control (2019) (237)
- Models for a self–managed Internet (2000) (235)
- A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Call Admission Control in ATM Networks (1995) (228)
- Distributed connection acceptance control for a connectionless network (1999) (224)
- A note on Strauss's model for clustering (1976) (217)
- Distributed admission control (2000) (213)
- Networks of queues (1976) (191)
- A paradox of congestion in a queuing network (1990) (174)
- A Combinatorial Auction with Multiple Winners for Universal Service (2000) (171)
- Dynamic routing in open queueing networks: Brownian models, cut constraints and resource pooling (1993) (156)
- Stochastic networks (1995) (151)
- Mathematical modeling of the Internet (1999) (145)
- Fluid model for a network operating under a fair bandwidth-sharing policy (2004) (135)
- Charging and Accounting for Bursty Connections (1995) (131)
- Routing and Capacity Allocation in Networks with Trunk Reservation (1990) (128)
- Network routing (1991) (125)
- Dynamic Alternative Routing - Modelling and Behaviour (1988) (124)
- On tariffs, policing and admission control for multiservice networks (1993) (122)
- Dynamic Routing in Fully Connected Networks (1990) (103)
- A study of simple usage‐based charging schemes for broadband networks (1998) (98)
- State space collapse and diffusion approximation for a network operating under a fair bandwidth sharing policy (2009) (98)
- Computational Complexity of Loss Networks (1994) (94)
- Measurement-Based Usage Charges in Comminucations Networks (2000) (92)
- Braess's paradox in a loss network (1997) (78)
- Sojourn times in closed queueing networks (1983) (76)
- Fixed-Point Models for the End-to-End Performance Analysis of IP Networks (2000) (73)
- Fixed point models of loss networks (1989) (68)
- Continuous time Markov processes (2014) (59)
- Stability and fairness of explicit congestion control with small buffers (2008) (55)
- The Product Form for Sojourn Time Distributions in Cyclic Exponential Queues (1984) (54)
- On critically loaded loss networks (1989) (53)
- Come the revolution—network dimensioning, service costing and pricing in a packet switched environment (2004) (53)
- Charging schemes for multiservice networks (1996) (53)
- Charging and Rate Control for Elastic Traac (1997) (53)
- The Number of Packets Transmitted by Collision Detect Random Access Schemes (1987) (51)
- Fair internet traffic integration: network flow models and analysis (2004) (51)
- Multi-Armed Bandits with Discount Factor Near One: The Bernoulli Case (1981) (50)
- Resource pooling in congested networks: proportional fairness and product form (2009) (49)
- Eigenvalue Inequalities for Products of Matrix Exponentials (1982) (46)
- Limit theorems for loss networks with diverse routing (1989) (45)
- Dynamic alternative routing (1995) (44)
- Exact results for the Moran neutral allele model (1977) (43)
- A Contract and Balancing Mechanism for Sharing Capacity in a Communication Network (2005) (43)
- Notes on Eeective Bandwidths (1996) (42)
- The throughput of a series of buffers (1982) (41)
- The Mathematics of Traffic in Networks (2006) (38)
- Bounds on the Performance of Dynamic Routing Schemes for Highly Connected Networks (1994) (37)
- On packet marking at priority queues (2002) (36)
- Tariffs and effective bandwidths in multiservice networks (1994) (35)
- Tariffing in the new IP/ATM environment (1997) (32)
- Probability, Statistics and Analysis: Invariant measures and the q-matrix (1983) (32)
- Network Programming Methods for Loss Networks (Invited Paper) (1995) (31)
- Networks of Quasi-Reversible Nodes (1982) (31)
- Dynamic routing in multiparented networks (1993) (31)
- One-Dimensional Circuit-Switched Networks (1987) (31)
- Statistical aspects of storage systems modelling in energy networks (2012) (30)
- An approach to service level agreements for IP networks with differentiated services (2000) (29)
- Fluid and Brownian approximations for an Internet congestion control model (2004) (27)
- Mathematical models in finance (1994) (27)
- How a group reaches agreement: A stochastic model (1982) (25)
- A Remark on Search and Sequencing Problems (1982) (25)
- Probability, statistics and optimisation : a tribute to Peter Whittle (1995) (24)
- The departure process from a queueing system (1976) (24)
- The Clifford Paterson Lecture, 1995 Modelling communication networks, present and future (1996) (23)
- Dynamic Routing in Stochastic Networks (1995) (23)
- Critical behaviour in charging of electric vehicles (2015) (21)
- A network flow model for mixtures of file transfers and streaming traffic (2003) (20)
- A Markov Model of a Limit Order Book: Thresholds, Recurrence, and Trading Strategies (2015) (20)
- HPCC (2019) (19)
- Real time alpha-fairness based traffic engineering (2014) (19)
- On stochastic population models in genetics (1976) (19)
- The asymptotic behaviour of an invasion process (1977) (17)
- The Politics of Curriculum. (2000) (17)
- Probability and Mathematical Genetics: Heavy traffic on a controlled motorway (2010) (16)
- Probability, Statistics and Optimization (1996) (16)
- On a class of approximations for closed queueing networks (1989) (15)
- The Dependence of Sojourn Times in Closed Queueing Networks (1983) (14)
- Blocking, reordering, and the throughput of a series of servers (1984) (11)
- Next-Generation Internet Architectures and Protocols: Explicit congestion control: charging, fairness, and admission management (2011) (11)
- Product form stationary distributions for diffusion approximations to a flow-level model operating under a proportional fair sharing policy (2007) (10)
- Dimensioning playout buffers from an ATM network (1994) (9)
- 1 Explicit Congestion Control : charging , fairness and admission management (2010) (9)
- An investigation of proportionally fair ramp metering (2011) (9)
- Blocking and routing in circuit-switched networks (1986) (9)
- On optimal search with unknown detection probabilities (1982) (7)
- An asymptotic analysis of blocking (1984) (7)
- Providing incentives in providerless networks (2004) (7)
- On Auto-repeat Facilities and Telephone Network Performance (1986) (6)
- A combinatorial auction with multiple winners for COLR [submitted ex parte 18 March 1997 by Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, before the U.S. Federal Communications Commission re CC Docket No. 96-45 Federal State Board on Universal Science] (1997) (6)
- Mathematical Models of Multiservice Networks (1993) (6)
- Congestion control in charging of electric vehicles (2015) (5)
- Segregating the Input to a Series of Buffers (1985) (5)
- When Are Cyber Blackouts in Modern Service Networks Likely? (2020) (5)
- Efficient Advert Assignment (2014) (4)
- Stochastic models with electrical analogues (1976) (3)
- Mathematical models in finance - Preface (1994) (3)
- Erratum - A Contract and Balancing Mechanism for Sharing Capacity in a Communication Network (2007) (3)
- Incentivized optimal advert assignment via utility decomposition (2014) (3)
- The Cliiord Paterson Lecture, 1995 Modelling Communication Networks, Present and Future (1995) (2)
- The culture of enquiry (1997) (2)
- Optimal resource allocation for multicast sessions in multi-hop wireless networks - Discussion (2008) (1)
- Preface. Modelling and control of transport and communication networks. (2008) (1)
- Stochastic Networks Part Iii Lent 2011 (2012) (1)
- Instability in a Communication Network (1987) (1)
- CPC volume 4 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1995) (0)
- Mathematics for Operations Research (2003) (0)
- Clothes Made Locally (2017) (0)
- The concept of plastic form (1965) (0)
- College without a cell phone (2012) (0)
- CPC volume 3 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1994) (0)
- Artifacts of Schooling (2013) (0)
- CPC volume 2 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1993) (0)
- Sample letter for service (2012) (0)
- CPC volume 2 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1993) (0)
- CPC volume 4 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1995) (0)
- CPC volume 1 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1992) (0)
- CPC volume 1 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1992) (0)
- Healing Mass Schedule 2014 (2015) (0)
- CPC volume 2 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1993) (0)
- Cover letter for secretarial assistant typing (2012) (0)
- CPC volume 3 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1994) (0)
- Peter Whittle, 1927–2021 (2021) (0)
- Stochastic Networks: Loss networks (2014) (0)
- CPC volume 2 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1993) (0)
- 1 0 Se p 20 14 Efficient Advert Assignment (2014) (0)
- Deposited in DRO : 05 October 2018 Version of attached le : Accepted Version Peer-review status of attached (2018) (0)
- The Eisenstein Reciprocity Law (2005) (0)
- CDC plenary: "Network control: Modeling the internet" (2008) (0)
- Arrangement and procedural system in a two-way satellite to the creation of a self-picking (2001) (0)
- Coaxial sensors for large area temperature monitoring (1981) (0)
- Flow level Internet models (2014) (0)
- United States Patent ( 19 ) Kelly et al . ( 54 ) ROUTING OF NETWORK TRAFFIC (2017) (0)
- Interfaces between terminal users, satellite and central empfangsstazionen in a two-way satellite communication system (2001) (0)
- Arrangement and method for controlling the bandwidth of a callback channel communication system in a two-way satellite (2001) (0)
- Random access networks (2014) (0)
- Stochastic Networks: References (2014) (0)
- Response to: 2.3 and 3.4 GHz spectrum award: Consultation on a 3.4 GHz band plan, varying UK Broadband Limited’s licence and a call for inputs on other aspects of the award (2013) (0)
- Routing and Capacity Allocation in Queueing and Loss Networks (1987) (0)
- Stochastic Networks: Foster–Lyapunov criteria (2014) (0)
- Predictable vFabric on informative data plane (2022) (0)
- Collective Effects and Performance of Algorithmic Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies (2018) (0)
- Arrangement and method for controlling the bandwidth of a recall channel in a two-way satellite communication system (2001) (0)
- Arrangement and method for controlling the bandwidth in a two-way satellite Komunikationssystem (2002) (0)
- Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Information Flows through Networks: Models and Algorithms (2010) (0)
- Little's law (2014) (0)
- A Fluid Model of a Traffic Network with Information Feedback and Onramp Controls (2021) (0)
- VII.4 The Mathematics of Traffic in Networks (2010) (0)
- Distributed control of routing in circuit-switched networks (1986) (0)
- Oxygen cylinder storage: a reply (2021) (0)
- These shoes are made for working. (1982) (0)
- CPC volume 3 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1994) (0)
- CPC volume 4 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1995) (0)
- Internet congestion control (2014) (0)
- Strength, pride and soul (2012) (0)
- Sample hardship letter (2012) (0)
- General outline for a targeted cover letter (2012) (0)
- A Different Drum (2018) (0)
- Method and apparatus system in a two-way satellite for aligning an antenna (2001) (0)
- CPC volume 4 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1995) (0)
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