Frank Knight
Most Influential Person Across History
American economist
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Frank Knight's Degrees
- PhD Economics Cornell University
Why Is Frank Knight Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Frank Hyneman Knight was an American economist who spent most of his career at the University of Chicago, where he became one of the founders of the Chicago School. Nobel laureates Milton Friedman, George Stigler and James M. Buchanan were all students of Knight at Chicago. Ronald Coase said that Knight, without teaching him, was a major influence on his thinking. F.A. Hayek considered Knight to be one of the major figures in preserving and promoting classical liberal thought in the twentieth century.
Frank Knight's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (13203)
- Some Fallacies in the Interpretation of Social Cost (1924) (912)
- Diminishing Returns from Investment (1944) (134)
- Profit and Entrepreneurial Functions (1942) (127)
- Intelligence And Democratic Action (1960) (111)
- Freedom And Reform (1947) (109)
- "What is Truth" in Economics? (1940) (109)
- Cost of Production and Price over Long and Short Periods (1921) (99)
- Freedom and reform : essays in economics and social philosophy (1948) (88)
- Anthropology and Economics (1941) (72)
- Economic Psychology and the Value Problem (1925) (70)
- Nassau Senior and Classical Economics. (1938) (68)
- The Rights of Man and Natural Law (1944) (65)
- Capital, Time, and the Interest Rate (1934) (64)
- Professor Hayek and the Theory of Investment (1935) (57)
- Imperfect Competition (1939) (55)
- Social Causation (1943) (54)
- The Ricardian theory of production and distribution (1935) (53)
- The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest: I (1936) (53)
- Ethics and Economic Reform (1939) (50)
- Unemployment: and Mr. Keynes's Revolution in Economic Theory (1937) (50)
- The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays. (1936) (49)
- Laissez Faire: Pro and Con (1967) (46)
- Realism and Relevance in the Theory of Demand (1944) (41)
- The Economic Order And Religion (1979) (40)
- The Ricardian theory of production and distribution (1935) (36)
- The Newer Economics and the Control of Economic Activity (1932) (33)
- On Decreasing Cost and Comparative Cost: A Rejoinder (1925) (29)
- Ethics and Economic Reform. I. The Ethics of Liberalism (1939) (27)
- On the History and Method of Economics: Selected Essays. (1957) (25)
- Professor Fisher's Interest Theory: A Case in Point (1931) (25)
- The Sickness of Liberal Society (1946) (25)
- The Theory of Investment Once More: Mr. Boulding and the Austrians (1935) (23)
- A Suggestion for Simplifying the Statement of the General Theory of Price (1928) (23)
- The Meaning of Democracy: Its Politico-Economic Structure and Ideals (1941) (23)
- Freedom as Fact and Criterion (1929) (22)
- Ethics and Economic Reform. III. Christianity (1939) (22)
- The Business Cycle, Interest, and Money: A Methodological Approach (1941) (21)
- Virtue and Knowledge: The View of Professor Polanyi (1949) (20)
- Abstract Economics as Absolute Ethics (1966) (19)
- Professor Mises and the Theory of Capital (1941) (19)
- Theory of Economic Policy and the History of Doctrine (1953) (18)
- Intellectual Confusion on Morals and Economics (1935) (18)
- Neglected Factors in the Problem of Normal Interest (1916) (18)
- Pragmatism and Social Action (1936) (16)
- Socialism: The Nature of the Problem (1940) (16)
- Human Nature and World Democracy (1944) (16)
- "The Common Sense of Political Economy" (Wicksteed Reprinted) (1934) (15)
- Social Science and Social Action (1935) (14)
- Lippmann's The Good Society (1938) (14)
- On the Theory of Capital: In Reply to Mr. Kaldor (1938) (13)
- Some Books on Fundamentals (1923) (13)
- Social Science and the Political Trend (1934) (12)
- A Note on Professor Clark's Illustration of Marginal Productivity (1925) (12)
- The Significance and Basic Postulates of Economic Theory: A Rejoinder (1941) (12)
- The economic organization with an article : notes on cost and utility (1951) (11)
- Freedom Through Law (1952) (11)
- Book Review:The Place of Science in Modern Civilization Thorstein Veblen (1920) (11)
- The Role of the Individual in the Economic World of the Future (1941) (11)
- Free Society: Its Basic Nature and Problem (1948) (10)
- Bertrand Russell on Power (1939) (10)
- The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest: II (1936) (10)
- Note on Dr. Lange's Interest Theory (1937) (9)
- Professor Parsons on Economic Motivation (1940) (8)
- Risk, uncertainty and profit : with an additional introductory essay hitherto unpublished (1957) (8)
- Schumpeter's History of Economics (1955) (8)
- The Concept of Normal Price in Value and Distribution (1917) (7)
- Theology and Education (1939) (7)
- World Justice, Socialism, and the Intellectuals (1949) (7)
- Freedom Under Planning (1946) (7)
- Professor Knight and the "Period of Production": Comment (1935) (7)
- The economic organization with an article : notes on utility and cost (1965) (5)
- Book Review:The Nature and Significance of Economic Science. Lionel Robbins (1934) (5)
- I, Me, My Self, and My Duties (1961) (5)
- Two Economists on Socialism (1938) (5)
- Natural Law: Last Refuge of the Bigot (1949) (5)
- The dilemma of liberalism (1933) (5)
- Science, Philosophy, and Social Procedure (1942) (5)
- Explorations in Economics. (1937) (5)
- Economic and Social Policy in Democratic Society (1950) (4)
- Social Economic Policy (1960) (4)
- Economic efficiency and social welfare (1946) (4)
- Book Review:The Philosophy of Henry George George R. Geiger (1933) (4)
- The Meaning of Freedom (1941) (4)
- Book Review:Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis Ludwig von Mises, J. Kahane (1938) (4)
- Professor Heimann on Religion and Economics (1948) (4)
- Salvation by Science: The Gospel According to Professor Lundberg (1947) (4)
- Six Criticisms of "The Arbitrary as Basis for Rational Morality" (1933) (3)
- A Note on Professor Clark's Illustration of Marginal Productivity: Rejoinder (1925) (3)
- The Economy of Human Energy. By Thomas Nixon Carver. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925. xvi, 287 pp. $3.00 (1925) (3)
- Social Science (1972) (3)
- Theory of Valuation.John Dewey (1940) (3)
- Homan's Contemporary Economic Thought (1928) (3)
- The Nature and Significance of Economic Science. Lionel Robbins (1934) (3)
- Methodology in Economics: Part II (1961) (3)
- On the history and method of economics : selected essays (1958) (3)
- Comment on Mr. Slichter's Comment and on the Issues (1932) (2)
- Barbara Wootton on Economic Planning (1935) (2)
- The "Period of Production": A Final Word (1935) (2)
- Comment on Professor Parsons' Article (1950) (2)
- Social Science (1940) (2)
- Economic freedom and social responsibility (1952) (2)
- Economic freedom and social responsibility : an essay in economics and ethics (1952) (2)
- Is Group Choice a Part of Economics? Comment (1953) (2)
- Book Review:Economic Stabilization in an Unbalanced World Alvin Harvey Hansen (1933) (1)
- Book Review:An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith, Edwin Cannan (1938) (1)
- Professor R. B. Perry on Value (1955) (1)
- On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Papers by Oskar Lange and Fred M. Taylor.Oskar Lange , Fred M. Taylor , Benjamin E. Lippincott (1939) (1)
- Readings in the Social Control of Industry. (1943) (1)
- Comment on Mr. Bishop's Article (1946) (1)
- Professor Tawney: Essayist and Christian Socialist (1953) (1)
- The Development of Economics.William A. Scott (1934) (1)
- Nassau Senior: And Classical Economics. Marian Bowley (1939) (1)
- LITTLE, I. M. D. A Critique of Welfare Economics. Pp. 276. Oxford: Claren don Press (distributed in U. S. by Ox ford University Press), 1950. $3.50 (1951) (1)
- The History of Economics. Othmar Spann (1931) (1)
- What Is Liberty?Dorothy Fosdick (1940) (1)
- A Biologist Solves the Social Problem (1938) (1)
- Social Purpose. H. W. J. Hetherington , J. H. MuirheadOutlines of Social Philosophy. J. S. Mackenzie (1919) (1)
- Making Goods and Making Money. Horace Taylor (1930) (1)
- A Planned Society. George Soule (1933) (1)
- Philosophy and History: A Symposium. Sidney Hook (1964) (1)
- The Social Philosophy and Institutions of the West (1959) (1)
- The Economic Problem. R. G. Hawtrey (1928) (1)
- Pseudo-Scientific Method in Economics: A Reply (1933) (1)
- Economics 305. Economics from an Institutionalist Standpoint, Winter 1937 (1981) (1)
- Sources Of Responsibility In Democracy (1959) (1)
- Book Review:An Introduction to Social Psychology Charles A. Ellwood (1918) (0)
- Book Review:The Backward Art of Spending Money; and Other Essays. Wesley C. Mitchell (1938) (0)
- Ends and Means. Aldous Huxley (1939) (0)
- Book Review:The Conception of Surplus in Theoretical Economics Amiyakumar Dasgupta (1944) (0)
- The Institutional Theory of Economics.Radhakamal Mukerjee (1943) (0)
- Modern Democracy. Carl L. Becker (1941) (0)
- Book Review:The Ideal Foundations of Economic Thought: Three Essays on the Philosophy of Economics W. Stark (1945) (0)
- Philosophy and History@@@Philosophy and History. A Symposium. (1964) (0)
- Truth in the Religions (1965) (0)
- A History of Economic Thought.Erich Roll (1940) (0)
- Book Review:Ethics and Social Policy. Wayne A. R. Leys (1942) (0)
- Book Review:The Science of Social Adjustment Sir Josiah Stamp (1938) (0)
- Book Review:The Socialism of Today William English Walling, J. G. Phelps Stokes, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Harry W. Laidler (1918) (0)
- The World of Adam Smith.@@@Intelligence and Democratic Action. (1961) (0)
- Book Review:Economic Theory and Correct Occupational Distribution Harold F. Clark (1933) (0)
- A History of Economic Ideas. Edmund Whittaker (1941) (0)
- Book Review:The Crisis of Our Age: The Social and Cultural Outlook Pitrim A. Sorokin (1942) (0)
- Polity and Economy: An Interpretation of the Views of Adam Smith. By Joseph Cropsey. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1957. Pp. xiii, 101. Guilders 9.50.) (1958) (0)
- Work and History. Paul SchreckerMeaning in History. Karl Löwith (1950) (0)
- Economics And Ethics. By J. A. R. Marriott. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, x + 293 pp. $5.00 (1924) (0)
- II. The Free Society: Historical Background (1960) (0)
- Modern Economic Society.Sumner H. Slichter (1932) (0)
- Escape from Freedom.Erich Fromm (1942) (0)
- Book Review:Civilization. George P. Adams, William R. Dennes, Stephen C. Pepper (1944) (0)
- MAYER, JOSEPH. Social Science Principles in the Light of Scientific Method. Pp. xxii, 573. Durham: Duke University Press, 1941. $4.00 (1942) (0)
- The Measurement of Economic Value: Reply by Reviewer (1927) (0)
- Plain Talks on Economics. By Fabian Franklin. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1924, ix, 353 pp. $3.00 (0)
- Book Review:Society and Nature: A Sociological Inquiry. Hans Kelsen (1944) (0)
- The Politics of Mercantilism. Philip W. Buck (1942) (0)
- Christianity and Economics. Josiah Stamp (1940) (0)
- Economics and Welfare (1951) (0)
- The Plans of Men. Leonard W. Doob (1940) (0)
- Book Review:Religion, Science and Society in the Modern World. Alexander D. Lindsay (1943) (0)
- A Dialectic of Morals.Mortimer J. Adler (1942) (0)
- Justice and World Society.Laurence Stapleton (1944) (0)
- Preface to Social Economics.John Maurice Clark (1937) (0)
- Intelligence and democratie action (1960) (0)
- Book Review:Sur Sismondi: quelques considerations sur sa doctrine economique et sociale, a l'occasion du centenaire de sa mort L. Ledermann (1943) (0)
- Book Review:The Marxian Theory of the State Sherman H. M. Chang (1932) (0)
- Social Economic Planning in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Report of Delegation from the U.S.S.R. to the World Economic Congress in Amsterdam, August 23-29, 1931. V. V. Obolensky-Ossinsky , S. L. Ronin , A. Gayster , I. A. Kraval (1933) (0)
- The Impact of the Union. Eight Economist Theorists Evaluate the Labor Union Movement (1952) (0)
- Book Review:Contemporary Economic Systems--Their Analysis and Historical Background. Earle R. Sikes (1940) (0)
- VI. Can the Mind Solve the Problems Raised by Its Liberation (1960) (0)
- Book Review:The Church and the Liberal Society. Emmet John Hughes (1944) (0)
- Adler's A Dialectic of Morals (1942) (0)
- Book Review:Economic Progress and Social Security. Allan G. B. Fisher (1946) (0)
- Philosophy and Sociology (1959) (0)
- Business and Capitalism.N. S. B. Gras (1940) (0)
- I. The Quest for Rational Norms (1960) (0)
- Book Review:Economics and Human Behavior: A Reply to Social Psychologists P. Sargent Florence (1929) (0)
- A History of Economic Thought. Eric Roll (1943) (0)
- The Online Library of Liberty (0)
- Book Review:Education for Citizen Responsibilities: The Roles of Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology Franklin L. Burdette (1943) (0)
- Book Review:The Evolution of the Classical Wage Theory Michael T. Wermel (1940) (0)
- The Uses of Reason.Arthur E. Murphy (1944) (0)
- Book Review:The Lasting Elements of Individualism. William Ernest Hocking (1937) (0)
- Organization Engineering.Henry Dennison (1931) (0)
- Book Review:The Economic Problem R. G. Hawtrey (0)
- Back Matter (1965) (0)
- Book Review:Political Liberty: A History of the Conception in the Middle Ages and Modern Times A. J. Carlyle (1942) (0)
- A Word of Explanation (1967) (0)
- The Economics Of A Food Supply. By W. O. Hedrick, Ph.D. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1924, xiv, 336 pp. $2.50 (1924) (0)
- Book Review:Social Thought from Lore to Science Harry Elmer Barnes, Howard Becker, Emile Benoit-Smullyan (1939) (0)
- Book Review:The Federal Trade Commission. Thomas C. Blaisdell, Jr. (1933) (0)
- An Introduction to Statistical Methods. Horace Secrist (1918) (0)
- Authority and the Individual. (1938) (0)
- Book Review:Business and Modern Society. Malcolm P. McNair, Howard T. Lewis (1939) (0)
- Book Review:A Conception of Authority: An Introductory Study. Kenneth D. Benne (1944) (0)
- Book Review:Peace Plans and American Choices: The Pros and Cons of World Order Arthur C. Millspaugh (1943) (0)
- Book Review:The Rise and Decline of Liberalism Thomas P. Neill (1956) (0)
- IV. The Economic Order: General Problems (1960) (0)
- V. The Ethics of Liberalism (1960) (0)
- Book Review:Papal Pronouncements on the Political Order Francis J. Powers (1952) (0)
- Economists on Economic Ethics (1937) (0)
- Economics and Cultural Change. Russell A. Dixon (1939) (0)
- Book Review:Authority and the Individual. (1938) (0)
- The Lasting Elements of Individualism.William Ernest Hocking (1937) (0)
- Heimann's History of Doctrine and Current Issues (1946) (0)
- The Lasting Elements of Individualism. William Ernest Hocking (1937) (0)
- Book Review:Theory of the Just Price: A Historical and Critical Study of the Problem of Economic Value Rudolf Kaulla (1942) (0)
- Book Review:Profits: Theoretical and Practical Aspects James P. Beddy (1942) (0)
- Economic Planning and International Order.Lionel Robbins (1938) (0)
- The Measurement of Economic Value. David Atkins (1927) (0)
- Book Review:Readings in the History of Economic Thought Samuel Howard Patterson (1933) (0)
- Scientific Research And Human Welfare. By Franklin Stewart Harris. With the Collaboration of Newbern I. Butt. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. Pp. x, 406 (1925) (0)
- Book Review:Economic Moralism: An Essay in Constructive Economics James Haldane Smith (0)
- Laissez Faire and After.O. Fred Boucke (1933) (0)
- Intelligence and Social Policy (1957) (0)
- III. The Economic Order: Structure (1960) (0)
- Jobs, Machines, and Capitalism. Arthur O. Dahlberg (1932) (0)
- The Dilemma of the Idealist.David Bryn-JonesEthics and Society: An Appraisal of Social Ideals.Melvin Rader (1951) (0)
- The Pragmatic Conception of Justice (1961) (0)
- The Nature of Historical Explanation. Patrick GardinerFreedom and History. Richard McKeon (1954) (0)
- Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium Theory.Robert Triffin (1941) (0)
- Book Review:Getting and Earning: A Study of Inequality. Raymond T. Bye, Ralph H. Blodgett (1938) (0)
- Economic Planning and International Order. Lionel Robbins (1938) (0)
- Interest as a Cost. Clinton H. Scovell (1925) (0)
- The Institution of Property.C. Reinold Noyes (1936) (0)
- Symposium on the Totalitarian State From the Standpoints of History, Political Science, Economics and Sociology. (1941) (0)
- Book Review:Economic and Social Conditions in France During the Eighteenth Century Henri See (1929) (0)
- Book Review:The Development of Economic Doctrine: An Introductory Survey Alexander Gray (1932) (0)
- Short Cuts to Justice and Happiness (1947) (0)
- Book Review:Two Systems: Socialist Economy and Capitalist Economy Eugene Varga (1940) (0)
- Book Review:Economics in the Twentieth Century Theo Suranyi-Unger (1932) (0)
- On a Problem in Pure Aesthetics Raised by Professor Lasswell (1936) (0)
- Book Review:The Theory of Free Competition. C. J. Ratzlaff (1936) (0)
- Principles of Economics. O. Fred Boucke (1927) (0)
- Industry and Humanity.W. L. Mackenzie King (1936) (0)
- Book Review:Weltanschaung, Science and Economy. Werner Sombart, Philip Johnson (1940) (0)
- Occupational Mobility.Omar Pancoast, Jr. (1942) (0)
- The Divine Right of Capital. (1947) (0)
- A Charter for the Social Sciences. Charles A. BeardAn Introduction to the History of the Social Sciences. Henry Johnson (1933) (0)
- Book Review:An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science. Lionel Robbins (1936) (0)
- Back Matter (1958) (0)
- Book Review:For the Good of All: War, Taxes and Politics in the Light of Ethical Principles. Gilbert M. Tucker (1944) (0)
- Book Review:Social Goals and Economic Institutions. Frank D. Graham (1943) (0)
- Book Review:Force and Freedom: Reflections on World History. Jacob Burckhardt (1944) (0)
- Fresh air and ventilation. By C.-E. A. Winslow. New York: E. P. Dutton & company, 1926. Pp. 182 (1926) (0)
- The Judgment of History. Marie Collins Swabey (1955) (0)
- Body ultrasonography: an amplification. (1980) (0)
- Book Review:Co-operation and the Future of Industry Leonard W. Woolf (1919) (0)
- Co-operation at Home and Abroad. C. R. FayLiberalism and Industry. Ramsey MuirThe Economics of Communism. Leo Pasvolsky (1922) (0)
- BURROWS, RAYMOND. The Problems and Practice of Economic Planning. Pp. ix, 280. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1937. 10s.6d (1937) (0)
- Book Review:The Evolution of Social Classes John W. McConnell (1943) (0)
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