Gabriel Kotliar
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Argentine-American physicist
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Gabriel Kotliar's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Buenos Aires
Why Is Gabriel Kotliar Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Gabriel Kotliar is a physicist at Rutgers University in the United States, where he is Board of Governors Professor of Physics. Early life Kotliar was born in Argentina. He studied in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, where he received a B.Sc. degree in Physics and Mathematics in 1979, followed by an M.Sc. in Physics under the tutelage of Daniel Amit in 1980. He then moved to Princeton University, where he received his PhD in Physics in 1983 while working with Prof. Philip Warren Anderson.
Gabriel Kotliar's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated fermion systems and the limit of infinite dimensions (1996) (4089)
- Electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory (2005) (1441)
- Hubbard model in infinite dimensions. (1992) (627)
- New functional integral approach to strongly correlated Fermi systems: The Gutzwiller approximation as a saddle point. (1986) (603)
- Kinetic frustration and the nature of the magnetic and paramagnetic states in iron pnictides and iron chalcogenides. (2011) (533)
- Strongly Correlated Materials: Insights From Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (2004) (532)
- Peierls distortion as a route to high thermoelectric performance in In4Se3-δ crystals (2009) (458)
- Frequency-dependent local interactions and low-energy effective models from electronic structure calculations (2004) (400)
- Correlated electrons in δ-plutonium within a dynamical mean-field picture (2001) (360)
- Cellular Dynamical Mean Field Approach to Strongly Correlated Systems (2000) (354)
- Superexchange mechanism and d-wave superconductivity. (1988) (344)
- Correlated electronic structure of LaO1-xFxFeAs. (2008) (317)
- Finite-temperature magnetism of transition metals: an ab initio dynamical mean-field theory. (2001) (285)
- Coherence–incoherence crossover in the normal state of iron oxypnictides and importance of Hund's rule coupling (2008) (283)
- Resonating valence bonds and d-wave superconductivity. (1988) (262)
- Two energy scales and two distinct quasiparticle dynamics in the superconducting state of underdoped cuprates (2006) (230)
- Mott transition in the d= (1993) (197)
- Magnetism and charge dynamics in iron pnictides (2010) (183)
- Calculated Phonon Spectra of Plutonium at High Temperatures (2003) (178)
- Cluster dynamical mean field theory of the Mott transition. (2008) (173)
- Fluctuating valence in a correlated solid and the anomalous properties of δ-plutonium (2007) (156)
- Optical conductivity in Mott-Hubbard systems. (1995) (155)
- Gutzwiller projection for bosons. (1991) (152)
- New Iterative Perturbation Scheme for Lattice Models with Arbitrary Filling. (1995) (151)
- Pseudogap induced by short-range spin correlations in a doped Mott insulator (2005) (148)
- Arrested Kondo effect and hidden order in URu 2 Si 2 (2009) (144)
- Modeling the Localized-to-Itinerant Electronic Transition in the Heavy Fermion System CeIrIn5 (2007) (143)
- Disorder-Driven Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Kondo Alloys (1996) (140)
- Ground state theory of delta-Pu (1999) (139)
- A first-order Mott transition in LixCoO2 (2004) (137)
- Vanadium dioxide: a Peierls-Mott insulator stable against disorder. (2012) (125)
- Mean Field Theory of the Mott-Anderson Transition (1996) (122)
- Extended dynamical mean-field theory and GW method (2002) (121)
- Mott-Hubbard transition in infinite dimensions. II. (1994) (121)
- The Metal-Insulator Transition in Correlated Disordered Systems (1996) (120)
- Landau theory of the finite temperature mott transition (2000) (119)
- How bad metals turn good: spectroscopic signatures of resilient quasiparticles. (2012) (118)
- Kondo disorder: a possible route towards non-Fermi-liquid behaviour (1996) (118)
- Spin dynamics and orbital-antiphase pairing symmetry in iron-based superconductors (2013) (117)
- Strength of correlations in electron- and hole-doped cuprates (2010) (114)
- Coherence-incoherence crossover and the mass-renormalization puzzles in Sr(2)RuO(4). (2010) (111)
- Evidence of strong correlations and coherence-incoherence crossover in the iron pnictide superconductor KFe2As2. (2013) (111)
- Fermi arcs and hidden zeros of the Green function in the pseudogap state (2005) (111)
- Transfer of spectral weight in spectroscopies of correlated electron systems. (1995) (107)
- Mott-Hubbard transition in infinite dimensions. (1992) (106)
- Strongly correlated superconductivity : A plaquette dynamical mean-field theory study (2007) (104)
- Dynamical breakup of the fermi surface in a doped Mott insulator. (2004) (101)
- Importance of correlation effects on magnetic anisotropy in Fe and Ni. (2000) (100)
- Anomalous superconductivity and its competition with antiferromagnetism in doped Mott insulators (2005) (97)
- Thermoelectric Response Near the Density Driven Mott Transition (1998) (96)
- Cluster dynamical mean field analysis of the mott transition. (2003) (93)
- Rotationally invariant slave-boson formalism and momentum dependence of the quasiparticle weight (2007) (92)
- Pseudogap opening and formation of Fermi arcs as an orbital-selective Mott transition in momentum space (2009) (92)
- One-dimensional spin-glass model with long-range random interactions (1983) (90)
- Kondo effect in disordered systems. (1992) (89)
- Interplay of Mott transition and ferromagnetism in the orbitally degenerate Hubbard model (1996) (89)
- Nature of magnetic excitations in superconducting BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 (2012) (86)
- Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon coupling: Applications of GW and screened hybrid functional to bismuthates, chloronitrides, and other high-Tc superconductors (2011) (85)
- Giant magnetoresistance in the half-metallic double-perovskite ferrimagnet Mn2FeReO6. (2015) (84)
- Critical behavior near the Mott transition in the Hubbard model. (1995) (83)
- Phase Transition in a Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Spin-Glass (1984) (83)
- Scaling of the transition temperature of hole-doped cuprate superconductors with the charge-transfer energy (2011) (83)
- The valence-fluctuating ground state of plutonium (2015) (82)
- Electronic correlation and transport properties of nuclear fuel materials (2010) (80)
- Fractional power-law behavior and its origin in iron-chalcogenide and ruthenate superconductors: Insights from first-principles calculations (2012) (79)
- Competition between d -wave superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in the two-dimensional Hubbard model (2006) (75)
- Superconductivity, phase separation, and charge-transfer instability in the U= (1990) (74)
- Metal-Insulator Transition in VO_{2}: A DFT+DMFT Perspective. (2015) (74)
- Thermal transport for many-body tight-binding models (2002) (73)
- Nonlocal Coulomb interactions and metal-insulator transition in Ti2O3: a cluster LDA+DMFT approach. (2003) (68)
- Signatures of electronic correlations in iron silicide (2011) (66)
- Spectral density functionals for electronic structure calculations (2001) (66)
- Superconducting order from disorder in 2H-TaSe2−xSx (2017) (66)
- Linear response calculations of lattice dynamics in strongly correlated systems. (2002) (65)
- Effect of long range coulomb interactions on the mott transition (2000) (65)
- Apical oxygens and correlation strength in electron- and hole-doped copper oxides (2010) (65)
- Self consistent GW determination of the interaction strength: application to the iron arsenide superconductors (2010) (64)
- Fermi surface topology and negative longitudinal magnetoresistance observed in the semimetal NbAs 2 (2016) (63)
- Magnetic anisotropic effects and electronic correlations in MnBi ferromagnet (2014) (62)
- Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Plus Numerical Renormalization-Group Study of Spin-Orbital Separation in a Three-Band Hund Metal. (2015) (62)
- Many-body effects in iron pnictides and chalcogenides: nonlocal versus dynamic origin of effective masses. (2012) (62)
- Thermopower of correlated semiconductors: Application to FeAs 2 and FeSb 2 (2010) (62)
- Fermi liquid description of La2−xSrxCuO4 (1988) (61)
- Mean-field analysis of two antiferromagnetically coupled Anderson impurities. (1989) (61)
- Many-body electronic structure of americium metal. (2005) (61)
- Mott transition at large orbital degeneracy: Dynamical mean-field theory (2002) (60)
- Fermi-liquid theory of interacting disordered systems and the scaling theory of the metal-insulator transition. (1987) (60)
- Computational modeling of actinide materials and complexes (2010) (58)
- The alpha--> gamma transition in Ce: a theoretical view from optical spectroscopy. (2004) (58)
- Doping dependence of spin excitations and its correlations with high-temperature superconductivity in iron pnictides (2013) (57)
- Coulomb correlations and the Wigner–Mott transition (2008) (56)
- Compressibility divergence and the finite temperature Mott transition. (2002) (56)
- Correlation induced insulator to metal transitions. (1993) (54)
- Electronic coherence in delta-Pu: a dynamical mean-field theory study. (2008) (54)
- Cluster methods for strongly correlated electron systems (2001) (54)
- Electronic structure of Pu and Am metals by self-consistent relativistic GWmethod (2011) (53)
- Landau theory of the Mott transition in the fully frustrated Hubbard model in infinite dimensions (1999) (53)
- Fermi-liquid parameters and superconducting instabilities of a generalized t-J model. (1990) (53)
- Iron pnictides and chalcogenides: a new paradigm for superconductivity (2022) (52)
- Layered transition-metal pnictide SrMnBi 2 with metallic blocking layer (2011) (52)
- Anderson localization and the theory of dirty superconductors. (1985) (52)
- Phase Diagram and Electronic Structure of Praseodymium and Plutonium (2015) (51)
- First-principles treatment of Mott insulators: linearized QSGW+DMFT approach (2015) (51)
- Superconducting instabilities in the large-U limit of a generalized Hubbard model. (1988) (51)
- Bulk magnetic order in a two-dimensional Ni1+/Ni2+ (d9/d8) nickelate, isoelectronic with superconducting cuprates. (2010) (50)
- Effects of strain on the electronic structure of VO_2 (2010) (50)
- Doping dependence of the redistribution of optical spectral weight in Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+δ (2006) (50)
- Temperature-dependent Fermi surface evolution in heavy fermion CeIrIn5. (2011) (49)
- Hidden Fermi liquid, scattering rate saturation, and Nernst effect: a dynamical mean-field theory perspective. (2013) (49)
- The coherence-incoherence crossover and the mass-renormalization puzzles in Sr2RuO4 (2010) (49)
- Nodal-antinodal dichotomy and the two gaps of a superconducting doped Mott insulator. (2007) (49)
- Hundness versus Mottness in a three-band Hubbard–Hund model: On the origin of strong correlations in Hund metals (2018) (49)
- Electronic correlations and unconventional spectral weight transfer in the high-temperature pnictide BaFe(2-x)Co(x)As(2) superconductor using infrared spectroscopy. (2012) (48)
- Orbital selective and tunable Kondo effect of magnetic adatoms on graphene: Correlated electronic structure calculations (2010) (48)
- Toward a predictive theory of correlated materials (2018) (48)
- Synthesis and Properties of Charge-Ordered Thallium Halide Perovskites, CsTl+0.5Tl3+0.5X3 (X = F or Cl): Theoretical Precursors for Superconductivity? (2013) (48)
- Magnetotransport properties of the single-crystalline nodal-line semimetal candidates CaTX(T=Ag,Cd;X=As,Ge) (2017) (47)
- Covalency in transition-metal oxides within all-electron dynamical mean-field theory (2013) (47)
- Disorder screening in strongly correlated systems. (2003) (46)
- Dynamical mean-field theory for molecular electronics: Electronic structure and transport properties (2010) (46)
- Site-selective electronic correlation in α-plutonium metal (2013) (46)
- Transport Properties of Metallic Ruthenates: A DFT+DMFT Investigation. (2015) (45)
- Cluster-dynamical mean-field theory of the density-driven Mott transition in the one-dimensional Hubbard model (2004) (45)
- Many-body approximation scheme beyond GW. (2003) (45)
- Ground-state properties of simple elements from GW calculations (2009) (44)
- Falicov-Kimball model and the breaking of Fermi-liquid theory in infinite dimensions. (1992) (44)
- Invar model for δ-phase Pu: thermal expansion, elastic and magnetic properties (2006) (44)
- Optical weights and waterfalls in doped charge-transfer insulators: A local density approximation and dynamical mean-field theory study of La2−xSrxCuO4 (2008) (43)
- Orbital selective Fermi surface shifts and mechanism of high T(c) superconductivity in correlated AFeAs (A=Li, Na). (2012) (43)
- What is the valence of a correlated solid? The double life of delta-plutonium (2006) (43)
- Anderson localization and the theory of dirty superconductors. II. (1986) (42)
- Superconductivity in the americium metal as a function of pressure: probing the Mott transition. (2005) (42)
- Thermoelectric properties of the degenerate hubbard model (2001) (42)
- Long-Wavelength Behavior, Impurity Scattering and Magnetic Excitations in a Marginal Fermi Liquid (1991) (42)
- Electric-Field-Driven Resistive Switching in the Dissipative Hubbard Model. (2014) (41)
- Plutonium hexaboride is a correlated topological insulator. (2013) (41)
- Mott transition and Kondo screening in f-electron metals. (2005) (41)
- Signatures of Mottness and Hundness in archetypal correlated metals (2017) (41)
- From antiferromagnetic insulator to correlated metal in pressurized and doped LaMnPO (2011) (40)
- Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning (2016) (40)
- Critical behavior at the mott-anderson transition: a typical-medium theory perspective. (2008) (40)
- Thermal conductivity in disordered interacting-electron systems. (1987) (39)
- Cluster dynamical mean-field theories: Causality and classical limit (2003) (39)
- T=0 heavy-fermion quantum critical point as an orbital-selective Mott transition. (2008) (39)
- Slave Boson Theory of Orbital Differentiation with Crystal Field Effects: Application to UO_{2}. (2016) (39)
- Effect of Pnictogen Height on Spin Waves in Iron Pnictides (2014) (39)
- Mn2MnReO6: Synthesis and Magnetic Structure Determination of a New Transition-Metal-Only Double Perovskite Canted Antiferromagnet (2016) (39)
- Magnetic excitation spectra in BaFe2As2: a two-particle approach within a combination of the density functional theory and the dynamical mean-field theory method. (2011) (38)
- Doped Mott insulator: Results from mean-field theory. (1996) (38)
- Extended Hubbard model: Charge ordering and Wigner-Mott transition (2010) (38)
- Hund's metal physics: From SrNiO2 to LaNiO2 (2020) (38)
- Unveiling the Superconducting Mechanism of Ba_{0.51}K_{0.49}BiO_{3}. (2018) (37)
- Transport phenomena near the Mott transition. (1990) (36)
- Spectral functions in doped transition metal oxides (1996) (35)
- Cellular dynamical mean-field theory for the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model (2002) (34)
- Self-energies in itinerant magnets: A focus on Fe and Ni (2016) (33)
- Kondo effect and conductance of nanocontacts with magnetic impurities. (2009) (33)
- Low Energy Band Structure and Symmetries of UTe_{2} from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. (2019) (33)
- Na-induced correlations in NaxCoO2 (2006) (32)
- Dynamical mean-field theory investigation of specific heat and electronic structure of α - and δ -plutonium (2007) (32)
- Correlated materials design: prospects and challenges (2018) (32)
- Valence bond dynamical mean-field theory of doped Mott insulators with nodal/antinodal differentiation (2008) (32)
- Importance of many-body effects in the Kernel of hemoglobin for ligand binding. (2012) (32)
- Complex Landau-Ginzburg theory of the hidden order in URu2Si2 (2009) (32)
- Linearized self-consistent quasiparticle GW method: Application to semiconductors and simple metals (2016) (31)
- Non-Fermi-liquid behavior from two-dimensional antiferromagnetic fluctuations: A renormalization-group and large-N analysis (2003) (31)
- Effects of orbital degeneracy on the Mott transition in infinite dimensions. (1996) (31)
- Hubbard models with random hopping in d= (1993) (30)
- Superconductivity in the two-band Hubbard model in infinite dimensions (1993) (30)
- Extended dynamical mean field theory study of the periodic Anderson model. (2003) (30)
- Thermoelectric behavior near the magnetic quantum critical point (2001) (30)
- Optical conductivity and kinetic energy of the superconducting state: A cluster dynamical mean field study (2007) (30)
- Mean-field theories of cuprate superconductors: A systematic analysis. (1990) (29)
- Collective excitations, photoemission spectra, and optical gaps in strongly correlated Fermi systems. (1992) (29)
- Strongly Correlated Systems in Infinite Dimensions and Their Zero Dimensional Counterparts (1992) (29)
- Role of hybridization in NaxCoO2 and the effect of hydration. (2003) (29)
- Orbital-differentiated coherence-incoherence crossover identified by photoemission spectroscopy in LiFeAs (2016) (29)
- A cellular dynamical mean field theory approach to Mottness (2006) (29)
- Shining light on transition-metal oxides: unveiling the hidden Fermi liquid. (2014) (29)
- Wigner-Mott scaling of transport near the two-dimensional metal-insulator transition (2011) (29)
- Cellular dynamical mean-field theory of the periodic Anderson model (2007) (28)
- Correlation-Enhanced Odd-Parity Interorbital Singlet Pairing in the Iron-Pnictide Superconductor LiFeAs. (2015) (28)
- ComDMFT: A massively parallel computer package for the electronic structure of correlated-electron systems (2018) (28)
- Approach to a stationary state in a driven Hubbard model coupled to a thermostat (2012) (28)
- Dephasing time in disordered systems. (1986) (28)
- Electronic structure and correlation effects in PuCoIn5 as compared to PuCoGa5 (2011) (28)
- Orbital Selective Spin Excitations and their Impact on Superconductivity of LiFe_{1-x}Co_{x}As. (2016) (27)
- Strong correlations and disorder in d= (1994) (27)
- Metallic non-Fermi-liquid phases of an extended Hubbard model in infinite dimensions. (1993) (26)
- Midgap states in doped Mott insulators in infinite dimensions. (1995) (26)
- Analytic theory of Hund's metals: A renormalization group perspective (2014) (26)
- Pairing Mechanism in Hund's Metal Superconductors and the Universality of the Superconducting Gap to Critical Temperature Ratio. (2018) (26)
- Rational material design of mixed-valent high-Tc superconductors (2013) (25)
- EDRIXS: An open source toolkit for simulating spectra of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (2018) (25)
- Dimensional crossover driven by an electric field. (2011) (25)
- A magnetic origin for high temperature superconductivity in iron pnictides (2013) (25)
- Valence fluctuations and quasiparticle multiplets in plutonium chalcogenides and pnictides (2009) (25)
- Highly dispersive electron relaxation and colossal thermoelectricity in the correlated semiconductor FeSb2 (2013) (24)
- Fermi-liquid and non-Fermi-liquid phases of an extended Hubbard model in infinite dimensions. (1993) (24)
- X-ray absorption branching ratio in actinides: LDA+DMFT approach (2008) (23)
- Quantum monte carlo study of strongly correlated electrons : Cellular dynamical mean-field theory (2006) (23)
- Low-Temperature Upper-Critical-Field Anomalies in Clean Superconductors. (1996) (22)
- Microscopic Theory of Resistive Switching in Ordered Insulators: Electronic versus Thermal Mechanisms. (2016) (22)
- γ-α isostructural transition in cerium. (2013) (22)
- Dynamic electronic correlation effects in NbO$_2$ as compared to VO$_2$ (2017) (22)
- Toulouse points and non-Fermi-liquid states in the mixed-valence regime of the generalized Anderson model. (1995) (21)
- Superconductivity driven by charge fluctuations in iron-pnictides (2011) (21)
- Structural and magnetic phase transitions in Ca 0.73 La 0.27 FeAs 2 with electron-overdoped FeAs layers (2015) (21)
- Dynamical mean-field theory, density-matrix embedding theory, and rotationally invariant slave bosons: A unified perspective (2017) (21)
- Dynamical mean–field studies of metal–insulator transitions (1997) (21)
- Two-Dimensional Massless Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnetic AFe_{2}As_{2} (A=Ba,Sr). (2017) (20)
- Half-Metallicity in Pb2CoReO6 Double Perovskite and High Magnetic Ordering Temperature in Pb2CrReO6 Perovskite (2015) (20)
- Rotationally invariant slave-boson and density matrix embedding theory: Unified framework and comparative study on the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Hubbard model (2018) (20)
- Electric polarization in correlated insulators (2013) (20)
- Dynamical mean-field theory study of Nagaoka ferromagnetism (2007) (20)
- Calculations of optical properties in strongly correlated materials (2002) (19)
- Flux-density wave and superconducting instability of the staggered-flux phase. (1990) (19)
- Decoupling method for dynamical mean-field theory calculations (2004) (19)
- Band Degeneracy and the Mott Transition: Dynamical Mean Field Study (1996) (19)
- Non-linear σ-model and CP(n−1) at 2 + ε dimensions (1980) (19)
- Magnetic-Field Induced Superconductor-Insulator Transition in the La2-xSrxCuO4 System. (1996) (19)
- Magnetotransport in the doped Mott insulator (1998) (18)
- Magnetic and structural phase diagram of CaMn2Sb2 (2012) (18)
- Electronic correlations in FeGa3 and the effect of hole doping on its magnetic properties (2014) (18)
- Avoided criticality in near-optimally doped high-temperature superconductors (2006) (18)
- α-γ transition in cerium: Magnetic form factor and dynamic magnetic susceptibility in dynamical mean-field theory (2014) (18)
- Driving the Electron Over the Edge (2003) (17)
- Orbital-selective Kondo lattice and enigmatic f electrons emerging from inside the antiferromagnetic phase of a heavy fermion (2019) (17)
- Exchange Stiffness and Macroscopic Anisotropy in Heisenberg Spin-Glasses (1984) (17)
- Strong-coupling solver for the quantum impurity model (2004) (17)
- Optical Properties of the Infinite-Layer La_{1-x}Sr_{x}NiO_{2} and Hidden Hund's Physics. (2020) (17)
- Dynamical correlations in multiorbital Hubbard models: fluctuation exchange approximations (2003) (17)
- Reply to "Comment on 'Cluster methods for strongly correlated electron systems' " (2005) (17)
- Combining the hybrid functional method with dynamical mean-field theory (2008) (17)
- Pattern selection in a boundary-layer model of dendritic growth in the presence of impurities. (1985) (17)
- Two-scale analysis of the SU(N) kondo model (1999) (17)
- Scaling behavior of an Anderson impurity close to the Mott-Anderson transition (2005) (17)
- Strong coupling theory for interacting lattice models (2004) (17)
- Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for constrained fermions: Application to the infinite-U Hubbard model. (1991) (17)
- Multi-patch model for transport properties of cuprate superconductors (2001) (16)
- Correlation-driven electronic multiferroicity in TMTTF 2 -X organic crystals (2014) (16)
- Collective excitations and spectral function in the Fermi-liquid state of the t-J model. (1991) (16)
- Electronic structure calculations of strongly correlated electron systems by the dynamical mean-field method (2006) (16)
- Understanding the heavy fermion phenomenology from a microscopic model. (2005) (15)
- Model of the electron-phonon interaction and optical conductivity of Ba(1-x)K(x)BiO(3) superconductors. (2012) (15)
- Interpolative approach for solving the Anderson impurity model (2004) (15)
- A comparative study of the electronic and magnetic properties of BaFe_2As_2 and BaMn_2As_2 using the Gutzwiller approximation (2011) (15)
- Semiclassical analysis of extended dynamical mean-field equations (2001) (15)
- Nonequilibrium mean-field theory of resistive phase transitions (2018) (15)
- Universal 2Δmax/kBTc scaling decoupled from the electronic coherence in iron-based superconductors (2018) (15)
- Local self-energy approach for electronic structure calculations. (2005) (15)
- Optical Conductivity of the t-J model within Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Theory (2006) (15)
- Mott Transition in a Metallic Liquid: Gutzwiller Molecular Dynamics Simulations. (2015) (15)
- Green functions for nearest‐ and next‐nearest‐neighbor hopping on the Bethe lattice (2005) (15)
- Screening of magnetic moments in PuAm alloy: local density approximation and dynamical mean field theory study. (2008) (15)
- One-Electron Physics of the Actinides (2007) (14)
- Compressibility of the Two-Dimensional Infinite-U Hubbard Model (1999) (14)
- Mean-field phase diagram of a two-band t-J model for CuO2 layers. (1991) (14)
- Orbital magnetization of correlated electrons with arbitrary band topology (2014) (14)
- Hall effect and magnetoresistance in copper oxide metals. (1996) (14)
- Neutron magnetic form factor in strongly correlated materials. (2010) (14)
- Phase separation, charge-transfer instability, and superconductivity in the three-band extended Hubbard model: Weak-coupling theory. (1991) (14)
- Charge collective modes and dynamic pairing in the three-band Hubbard model. II. Strong-coupling limit. (1993) (14)
- Tetragonal Cs1.17In0.81Cl3: A Charge-Ordered Indium Halide Perovskite Derivative (2019) (14)
- Superconductivity in the Mn5Si3-type Zr 5Sb3 system (2013) (14)
- Observation of antiferromagnetic order collapse in the pressurized insulator LaMnPO (2013) (14)
- From Hund's insulator to Fermi liquid: Optical spectroscopy study of K doping in BaMn 2 As 2 (2015) (14)
- Infinite-layer nickelates as Ni-eg Hund's metals (2020) (14)
- Instability of the long-range resonating-valence-bond state in the mean-field approach. (1989) (14)
- Kondo effect in monolayer and bilayer graphene: Physical realizations of the multichannel Kondo models (2013) (13)
- Phase diagram, energy scales, and nonlocal correlations in the Anderson lattice model (2011) (13)
- Incommensurate magnetism in FeAs strips: neutron scattering from CaFe(4)As(3). (2010) (13)
- Orbital differentiation in Hund metals (2019) (13)
- Temperature-dependent transport of correlated disordered electrons: Elastic vs. inelastic scattering (2003) (13)
- Superconductivity, phase separation and charge transfer instability in the U = ∞ limit of the three band model of the CuO2 planes (1991) (13)
- Electronic structure and magnetic properties of solids (2004) (12)
- Protected Fe valence in quasi-two-dimensional α-FeSi2 (2014) (12)
- Electronic structure and magnetic anisotropy of CrO$_2$ (2004) (12)
- The Local Impurity Self Consistent Approximation (LISA) to Strongly Correlated Fermion Systems and the Limit of Infinite Dimensions (1995) (12)
- Vacancy defect control of colossal thermopower in FeSb2 (2020) (12)
- Phase stability and large in-plane resistivity in the 112-type iron-based superconductor Ca$_{1-x}$La$_{x}$FeAs$_{2}$ (2016) (12)
- Critical behavior of the Hall coefficient near the mobility edge. (1992) (12)
- Analytical slave-spin mean-field approach to orbital selective Mott insulators (2017) (12)
- Non-Fermi liquid behavior as a consequence of Kondo disorder (1997) (12)
- Emergent low-energy bound states in the two-orbital Hubbard model (2017) (11)
- Impact of magnetic frustration on the Mott transition within a slave-boson mean-field theory (1999) (11)
- Tuning the charge-transfer energy in hole-doped cuprates (2013) (11)
- Fermi-liquid theory and divergences of the two-particle irreducible vertex in the periodic Anderson lattice (2020) (11)
- Global Phase Diagram of a Spin-Orbital Kondo Impurity Model and the Suppression of Fermi-Liquid Scale. (2019) (11)
- Model Hamiltonians and First Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (2001) (11)
- Origin of the charge gap in LaMnPO (2014) (11)
- Validity of the Local Approximation in Iron- Pnictides and Chalcogenides (2016) (11)
- Spin excitations in optimally P-doped BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 superconductor (2016) (11)
- Thermoelectrics Near the Mott Localization-Delocalization Transition (2009) (10)
- Low-Temperature Thermopower in CoSbS. (2019) (10)
- Effects of boson dispersion in fermion-boson coupled systems (2000) (10)
- Solution of local-field equations for self-generated glasses (2003) (10)
- Evolution of Spectral Functions in Doped Transition Metal Oxides (1996) (10)
- Uncovering Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Hund Metals: Conformal Field Theory Analysis of an SU(2)×SU(3) Spin-Orbital Kondo Model (2019) (10)
- Magneto-optical Sum Rules Close to the Mott Transition (1999) (10)
- Direct Detection of Dimer Orbitals in Ba_{5}AlIr_{2}O_{11}. (2018) (10)
- Correction to the heat-balance equation and its influence on velocity selection in dendritic growth. (1987) (9)
- Consequences of the local spin self-energy approximation on the heavy-fermion quantum phase transition (2005) (9)
- Sum-rules for Raman scattering off strongly correlated electron systems (2008) (9)
- High temperature singlet-based magnetism from Hund’s rule correlations (2019) (9)
- Correlation-driven metal-insulator transition in proximity to an iron-based superconductor (2017) (9)
- One-electron spectra and susceptibilities of 3D electron gas from self-consistent solutions of Hedin's equations (2017) (9)
- Study for material analogs of FeSb2 : Material design for thermoelectric materials (2018) (9)
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- Correlation, magnetization and conduction in iron pnictides and iron chalcogenides (2011) (0)
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