Gary Paul Nabhan
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American environmentalist and ethnobotanist
Gary Paul Nabhan's Rankings
Gary Paul Nabhanearth-sciences Degrees
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Environmental Science
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Gary Paul Nabhanbiology Degrees
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Earth Sciences Biology
Gary Paul Nabhan's Degrees
- Bachelors Environmental Studies Prescott College
- Masters Plant Sciences University of Arizona
- PhD Arid Lands Resource Sciences University of Arizona
Why Is Gary Paul Nabhan Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Gary Paul Nabhan is an agricultural ecologist, Ethnobotanist, Ecumenical Franciscan Brother, and author whose work has focused primarily on the plants and cultures of the desert Southwest. He is considered a pioneer in the local food movement and the heirloom seed saving movement.
Gary Paul Nabhan's Published Works
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Published Works
- The Forgotten Pollinators (1996) (777)
- The Geography of Childhood: Why Children Need Wild Places (1994) (323)
- Restoration Biology: A Population Biology Perspective (1997) (291)
- Seed dispersal: Directed deterrence by capsaicin in chillies (2001) (254)
- Agrivoltaics provide mutual benefits across the food–energy–water nexus in drylands (2019) (221)
- Multiple lines of evidence for the origin of domesticated chili pepper, Capsicum annuum, in Mexico (2014) (191)
- Services provided by pollinators (1997) (178)
- The importance of Olneya tesota as a nurse plant in the Sonoran Desert (1996) (122)
- Trumpet Flowers of the Sonoran Desert: Floral Biology of Peniocereus Cacti and Sacred Datura (2003) (115)
- Enduring Seeds: Native American Agriculture and Wild Plant Conservation (1990) (109)
- Coming Home to Eat: The Pleasures and Politics of Local Food (2001) (89)
- In Situ Conservation of Wild Chiles and Their Biotic Associates (1999) (83)
- Cultures of Habitat: On Nature, Culture, and Story (1997) (70)
- The Importance of Indigenous Knowledge in Curbing the Loss of Language and Biodiversity (2016) (66)
- Crop genetic erosion: understanding and responding to loss of crop diversity. (2021) (61)
- Gathering the Desert (1985) (55)
- Genetic diversity and similarity revealed via molecular analysis among and within an in situ population and ex situ accessions of chiltepín (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum) (2002) (52)
- Nurse Plant and Floral Biology of a Rare Night-Blooming Cereus, Peniocereus striatus (Brandegee) F. Buxbaum (1994) (50)
- Plants and Protected Areas: A Guide to In-Situ Management (2001) (49)
- Stitching the West Back Together: Conservation of Working Landscapes (2014) (46)
- Why Some Like It Hot: Food, Genes, and Cultural Diversity (2004) (46)
- Living fencerows of the Rio San Miguel, Sonora, Mexico: Traditional technology for floodplain management (1977) (44)
- Teparies in southwestern North America (2008) (40)
- The ecology of floodwater farming in arid southwestern North America (1979) (39)
- Agrobiodiversity change in a saharan desert oasis, 1919–2006: Historic shifts in tasiwit (Berber) and Bedouin crop inventories of Siwa, Egypt (2007) (37)
- Evolution and Diversity of Phaseolus acutifolius Genetic Resources (1988) (36)
- Borders Out of Register: Edge Effects in the U.S.–Mexico Foodshed (2016) (36)
- Native crop diversity in Aridoamerica: Conservation of regional gene pools (1985) (36)
- Ironwood : an ecological and cultural keystone of the Sonoran Desert (1994) (36)
- Guiding principles to welcome rain into your life and landscape (2009) (31)
- Desert As Context: The Hohokam Environment (1991) (27)
- Managing cultural resources in Sonoran Desert biosphere reserves (1990) (27)
- The Pollination Crisis (1996) (26)
- Modelled distributions and conservation status of the wild relatives of chile peppers (Capsicum L.) (2019) (26)
- Beef and Beyond: Paying for Ecosystem Services on Western US Rangelands (2011) (24)
- Ethnoecology: Bridging Disciplines, Cultures and Species (2009) (24)
- Distributions, conservation status, and abiotic stress tolerance potential of wild cucurbits ( Cucurbita L.) (2019) (23)
- Where Our Food Comes From: Retracing Nikolay Vavilov's Quest to End Famine (2008) (23)
- The Desert Smells Like Rain: A Naturalist in Papago Indian Country (1984) (23)
- The Conservation of New World Mutualisms (1993) (22)
- 'Ak-ciñ 'arroyo mouth' and the environmental setting of the Papago Indian fields in the Sonoran Desert (1986) (20)
- Papago indian desert agriculture and water control in the sonoran desert, 1697–1934 (1986) (20)
- Shifts in Plant Chemical Defenses of Chile Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Due to Domestication in Mesoamerica (2018) (19)
- Perspectives in Ethnobiology: Ethnophenology and Climate Change (2010) (19)
- Papago Indian floodwater fields and Tepary bean protein yields (1980) (18)
- Biocultural and Ecogastronomic Restoration: The Renewing America’s Food Traditions Alliance (2010) (18)
- Cross-Pollinations: The Marriage of Science and Poetry (2004) (18)
- The Dangers of Reductionism in Biodiversity Conservation (1995) (18)
- Safeguarding Species, Languages, and Cultures in the Time of Diversity Loss: From the Colorado Plateau to Global Hotspots (2002) (18)
- Papago fields : arid lands ethnobotany and agricultural ecology (1983) (18)
- Variation in composition of hopi indian beans (1985) (18)
- Wild Phaseolus ecogeography in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico : areographic techniques for targeting and conserving species diversity (1990) (17)
- Panicum sonorum in Sonoran Desert agriculture (2008) (17)
- Legumes in the Papago-Pima Indian Diet and Ecological Niche (1979) (16)
- Tepary Beans, O'Odham Farmers and Desert Fields (1983) (16)
- Desert oases as genetic refugia of heritage crops: persistence of forgotten fruits in the Mission orchards of Baja California, Mexico. (2010) (15)
- An Aridamerican model for agriculture in a hotter, water scarce world (2020) (15)
- Plant Domestication and Folk‐Biological Change: The Upper Piman/Devil's Claw Example (1987) (15)
- Ethnobiology for a Diverse World: Microbial Ethnobiology and the Loss of Distinctive Food Cultures (2010) (14)
- Invasive plants: their occurrence and possible impact on the Central Gulf Coast of Sonora and the Midriff Islands in the Sea of Cortés. (2002) (14)
- Ethnobiology for a Diverse World Ethnobiology Emerging From a Time of Crisis (2011) (14)
- Food Security, Biodiversity and Human Health: Ethnobiology as a Predictive Science (2014) (14)
- Ethnobiology for A Diverse World Defining New Disciplinary Trajectories: Mixing Political Ecology with Ethnobiology (2011) (14)
- Hands-On Ecological Restoration as a Nature-Based Health Intervention: Reciprocal Restoration for People and Ecosystems (2020) (13)
- Nectar Trails of Migratory Pollinators Restoring Corridors on Private Lands (2001) (12)
- Effects of Exploitation and Park Boundaries on Legume Trees in the Sonoran Desert (1999) (12)
- Oases of the Baja California peninsula as sacred spaces of agrobiodiversity persistence (2016) (12)
- Traditional Fermented Beverages of Mexico: A Biocultural Unseen Foodscape (2021) (12)
- Conservationists and Forest Service join forces to save wild chiles. (1990) (11)
- Genetic Variation and Distribution of Pacific Crabapple (2012) (11)
- Domesticated Proboscidea parviflora: a potential oilseed crop for arid lands (1981) (11)
- Baja California peninsula oases: An agro-biodiversity of isolation and integration (2013) (11)
- Singing the turtles to sea : The comcáac (Seri) art and science of reptiles (2003) (10)
- Wild desert relatives of crops: their direct uses as food (1985) (10)
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Endangered Species Recovery: Is Ethnobiology for the Birds? (2012) (9)
- Food Chain Restoration for Pollinators: Regional Habitat Recovery Strategies Involving Protected Areas of the Southwest (2016) (9)
- New crops for small farmers in marginal lands? Wild chiles as a case study. (1990) (9)
- Trans Situ Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives (2019) (9)
- Songbirds, Truffles, and Wolves: An American Naturalist in Italy (1993) (8)
- Wild beans of the greater southwest:Phaseolus metcalfei andP. ritensis (2008) (8)
- Last Water on the Devil's Highway: A Cultural and Natural History of Tinajas Altas (2011) (8)
- Pesticide disruption of interactions between rare plants and their pollinators: Chemically induced habitat fragmentation in the United States-Mexico borderlands? (1996) (8)
- Ethnobiology for A Diverse World: Autobiology? The Traditional Ecological, Agricultural and Culinary Knowledge of US! (2013) (8)
- The Desert Smells Like Rain: A Naturalist in O'odham Country (2016) (8)
- Ammobroma sonorae, an endangered parasitic plant in extremely arid North America. (1980) (7)
- Native American crop diversity, genetic resource conservation, and the policy of neglect (1985) (7)
- Tepary bean domestication: ecological and nutritional changes during Phaseolus acutifolius evolution (1978) (7)
- Restoring and Re-storying the Landscape (1991) (7)
- Cumin, Camels, and Caravans: A Spice Odyssey (2014) (7)
- Composition of sonoran desert foods used by Tohono O'Odham and Pima Indians (1996) (6)
- Destruction of an Ancient Indigenous Cultural Landscape: An Epitaph from Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (2003) (6)
- Food, Genes, and Culture: Eating Right for Your Origins (2013) (6)
- Where biological and cultural diversity converge: safeguarding endemic species and languages on the Colorado Plateau. (2002) (5)
- Mission and Modern Citrus Species Diversity of Baja California Peninsula Oases (2014) (5)
- Sonoran Desert oases: plants, birds and native people. (1983) (5)
- Viable Seeds from Prehistoric Caches? Archaeobotanical Remains in Southwestern Folklore (1977) (5)
- Connecting mountain islands and desert seas: Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago II: Plenary abstracts (2005) (5)
- Where Ancient Stories Guide Children Home. (1997) (5)
- Historic Precedents to Collaborative Conservation in Working Landscapes (2014) (4)
- The Desert Smells Like Rain (2022) (4)
- Ethnobotany of Devil's Claw (Proboscidea parviflora ssp. parviflora: Martyniaceae) in the Greater Southwest (1986) (4)
- Food from the Radical Center (2018) (4)
- Proximate and Ultimate Threats to Endangered Species (1994) (4)
- Reflecting on Ethnobiology from 1978 to 2018: A Dedication to Steve Weber (2018) (3)
- Amaranth cultivation in the U. S. southwest and northwest Mexico. (1980) (3)
- Effects of Water, Nitrogen and Competition on Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Field-grown Tepary Bean (1991) (3)
- Palmilla (Nolina) fiber: a native plant industry in arid and semi-arid U.S./Mexico borderlands (1985) (3)
- Crops from U.S. food supply chains will never look nor taste the same again (2020) (3)
- Chasing Chiles: Hot Spots along the Pepper Trail (2011) (3)
- Why Chilies Are Hot. (1997) (2)
- Diabetes, Diet, and Native American Foraging Traditions (2013) (2)
- Agroecosystem Diversity: A Model from the Sonoran Desert (2019) (2)
- Cumin, Camels, and Caravans (2019) (2)
- Pre-hispanic occupance in the valley of Sonora, Mexico: Archeological confirmation of early Spanish reports , (Tucson: University Of Arizona Press, 1988. Pp. viii+88. $24.95) (1989) (2)
- Rooting Out the Causes of Disease (2013) (2)
- Payments for Ecosystem Services (2014) (2)
- Toward Integrated Conservation of North America's Crop Wild Relatives (2020) (1)
- Before the Wilderness: Environmental Management by Native Californians. Thomas C. Blackburn and Kat Anderson, eds (1995) (1)
- Biocultural Restoration of Sacred Sites, Earth Day, and Restoration Ecology’s Patron Saint (2020) (1)
- Vascular Plants of a Desert Oasis: Flora and Ethnobotany of Quitobaquito, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona (2018) (1)
- Comparing Wild and Cultivated Food Plant Richness Between the Arid American and the Mesoamerican Centers of Diversity, as Means to Advance Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the Face of Climate Change (2022) (1)
- The Rapture of Discovering (How Wrong We Can Be). (1995) (1)
- A Fig by Any Other Name (2010) (1)
- Counting Sheep: 20 Ways of Seeing Desert Bighorn (1994) (1)
- Health Benefits of the Diverse Volatile Oils in Native Plants of Ancient Ironwood-Giant Cactus Forests of the Sonoran Desert: An Adaptation to Climate Change? (2022) (1)
- A hunger for company (2007) (0)
- Dealing with Migration Headaches (2013) (0)
- Remedies for a New West: Healing Landscapes, Histories, and Cultures Patricia Nelson Limerick, Andrew Cowell and Sharon K. Collinge, editors. 2009. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Paper, $35.00. ISBN 978-0-8165-2599-7. 320 pages. (2010) (0)
- Scratchboard Opposites (2019) (0)
- Mission and Modern Citrus Species Diversity of Baja California Peninsula Oases (2014) (0)
- Tasting a Sense of Place in the Arid West (2011) (0)
- Waving Arms at the Blind by W. M. Ransom (review) (2017) (0)
- Reconnecting the Health of the People with the Health of the Land (2013) (0)
- Aromas Emanating from the Driest of Places (2014) (0)
- At the Edge of Extinction: Useful Plants of the Border States of the United States and Mexico (1986) (0)
- Farming in the Radical Center (2018) (0)
- The Wild , the Domesticated , and the Coyote-Tainted : The Trickster and the Tricked in Hunter-Gatherer versus Farmer Folklore (2012) (0)
- Searching for the Ancestral Diet (2013) (0)
- Heritage Farming in the Southwest (2010) (0)
- Kaicka. Seed Saving the Papage-Pima Way. A Guide for Desert Gardeners and Farmers. Sourcebook. (1981) (0)
- Remedies for a New West: Healing Landscapes, Histories, and Cultures (review) (2010) (0)
- Petroglyphs by Sam Hamill, and: The Catch by George Bowering, and: Selected Poems by Lucien Stryk (review) (2017) (0)
- Books received (2004) (0)
- The Sonoran Desert. (1986) (0)
- Restorying the land (2012) (0)
- Earth Day at 50 (2020) (0)
- A Land Divided (2018) (0)
- Urban Growers and Rare Fruits (2018) (0)
- Using natural desert ecosystems as models for agroforestry: the gray, spiney revolution (1987) (0)
- Introduction: Conservation You Can Taste (2018) (0)
- Agnese Nelms Haury: No Armchair Traveler, She (2017) (0)
- Todd LeVasseur, Pramod Parajuli, and Norman Wirzba (eds.), Religion and Sustainable Agriculture: World Spiritual Traditions and Food Ethics (2018) (0)
- Biodiversity in Agriculture: Agrobiodiversity Shifts on Three Continents Since Vavilov and Harlan: Assessing Causes, Processes, and Implications for Food Security (2012) (0)
- North Book by Jim Green (review) (2017) (0)
- Discovering Why Some Don’t Like It Hot (2013) (0)
- Rooting Out the Causes of Disease: Why Diabetes is So Common Among Desert Dwellers* (2018) (0)
- Finding a Bean for Your Genes and a Buffer Against Malaria (2013) (0)
- Southwestern Indian Sunflowers (1979) (0)
- Return of the Pollinators (2018) (0)
- Jane Mt. Pleasant (2005) (0)
- You Can Go Home Again (2018) (0)
- LA Vida Nortena: Photographs of Sonora, Mexico (1998) (0)
- Preventing Nonnative Species Invasions (2002) (0)
- Replenishing Water and Wealth (2018) (0)
- Desert ironwood primer : biodiversity and uses associated with ancient legume and cactus forests (2000) (0)
- Bringing Back the Bison (2018) (0)
- Strange Birds Flock Together (2018) (0)
- Will Work for Dirt (2018) (0)
- The Rapture of Discovering (1995) (0)
- The Shaping and Shipping Away of Mediterranean Cuisines (2013) (0)
- Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished Livestock Production (2014) (0)
- Front Cover (2020) (0)
- Crops from U.S. food supply chains will never look nor taste the same again (2020) (0)
- Don't desert the earth (2017) (0)
- Herders of Many Cultures (2018) (0)
- Jesus for Farmers and Fishers (0)
- When Desert Tortoises Talk, Indians Listen: (2019) (0)
- Senses of Place—y de Placer—in Baja Arizona (2014) (0)
- Discerning the Histories Encoded in Our Bodies (2013) (0)
- Can Alterna * ve Financing Strategies Foster Farm and Food System Innova * on ? An Exploratory Comparison of Arizona and New Mexico (2016) (0)
- In mother nature's drugstore (1993) (0)
- Sorcerers' Apprentice: In the underworld of Aztec shamans, an anthropologist uncovers a viper's nest of feuds, poisons and gleeful murder (1996) (0)
- A Bat Man in the Tropics (2017) (0)
- Book reviews (1987) (0)
- Oases of the Baja California peninsula as sacred spaces of agrobiodiversity persistence (2015) (0)
- Native crops of the greater Southwest. (1980) (0)
- Teach a Community to Fish (2018) (0)
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