Gesine Reinert
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Professor of Statistics
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Gesine Reinert is a German statistician who is University Professor in Statistics at the University of Oxford. She is a Fellow of Keble College, Oxford, a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, and a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Her research concerns the probability theory and statistics of biological sequences and biological networks.
Gesine Reinert's Published Works
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Published Works
- Small worlds (2000) (959)
- Probabilistic and Statistical Properties of Words: An Overview (2000) (252)
- Stein's method and the zero bias transformation with application to simple random sampling (1997) (211)
- Alignment-Free Sequence Comparison (I): Statistics and Power (2009) (193)
- Multivariate normal approximation with Stein’s method of exchangeable pairs under a general linearity condition (2007) (176)
- New developments of alignment-free sequence comparison: measures, statistics and next-generation sequencing (2014) (148)
- Use of exchangeable pairs in the analysis of simulations (2004) (148)
- Stein's method for comparison of univariate distributions (2014) (134)
- Estimating the number of communities in a network (2016) (132)
- Alignment-Free Sequence Comparison (II): Theoretical Power of Comparison Statistics (2010) (110)
- Invariance Principles for Homogeneous Sums: Universality of Gaussian Wiener Chaos (2009) (109)
- Compound Poisson and Poisson Process Approximations for Occurrences of Multiple Words in Markov Chains (1998) (85)
- Deciphering chemotaxis pathways using cross species comparisons (2010) (79)
- Second order Poincaré inequalities and CLTs on Wiener space (2008) (76)
- Three general approaches to Stein's method (2005) (76)
- Approximating the epidemic curve (2013) (72)
- Chi-square approximation by Stein's method with application to Pearson's statistic (2015) (70)
- Poisson Process Approximation for Sequence Repeats and Sequencing by Hybridization (1996) (68)
- Alignment-Free Sequence Analysis and Applications. (2018) (68)
- Distributional Transformations, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Stein Characterizations (2005) (65)
- Stein's Method and Stochastic Analysis of Rademacher Functionals (2008) (64)
- Efficient method for estimating the number of communities in a network (2017) (61)
- Stein's Method for the Beta Distribution and the Pólya-Eggenberger Urn (2013) (60)
- Alignment-free protein interaction network comparison (2014) (50)
- New powerful statistics for alignment-free sequence comparison under a pattern transfer model. (2011) (44)
- Bias in Epidemiological Studies of Conflict Mortality (2006) (39)
- Predicting and Validating Protein Interactions Using Network Structure (2008) (38)
- Distances between nested densities and a measure of the impact of the prior in Bayesian statistics (2015) (34)
- Stein’s method for discrete Gibbs measures (2008) (34)
- Stein’s Method Meets Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments (2021) (31)
- How threshold behaviour affects the use of subgraphs for network comparison (2010) (29)
- Approximate Computation of Expectations: the Canonical Stein Operator (2014) (29)
- Inference of Markovian properties of molecular sequences from NGS data and applications to comparative genomics (2015) (26)
- i‐Patch: Interprotein contact prediction using local network information (2010) (26)
- The shortest distance in random multi‐type intersection graphs (2010) (25)
- Couplings for normal approximations with Stein's method (1997) (24)
- Risk in a Large Claims Insurance Market with Bipartite Graph Structure (2014) (24)
- Zero Biasing in One and Higher Dimensions, and Applications † ‡ (2004) (23)
- Identifying networks with common organizational principles (2017) (23)
- Iterates of expanding maps (2000) (23)
- Random subgraph counts and U-statistics: multivariate normal approximation via exchangeable pairs and embedding (2010) (22)
- A Weak Law of Large Numbers for Empirical Measures via Stein's Method (1995) (20)
- Approximating stationary distributions of fast mixing Glauber dynamics, with applications to exponential random graphs (2017) (20)
- Measuring rank robustness in scored protein interaction networks (2018) (18)
- Comparison of large networks with sub-sampling strategies (2016) (17)
- Stein’s method for the bootstrap (2004) (16)
- Anomaly Detection in Networks with Application to Financial Transaction Networks (2019) (16)
- First-order covariance inequalities via Stein’s method (2019) (16)
- Core–periphery structure in directed networks (2019) (16)
- Discrete small world networks (2003) (15)
- Bounds for the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio (2018) (15)
- Functional module detection through integration of single-cell RNA sequencing data with protein–protein interaction networks (2019) (15)
- Stein operators, kernels and discrepancies for multivariate continuous distributions (2018) (15)
- The Power of Detecting Enriched Patterns: An HMM Approach (2010) (14)
- Multiple alignment-free sequence comparison (2013) (13)
- The Asymptotic Evolution of the General Stochastic Epidemic (1995) (13)
- Poisson approximation of subgraph counts in stochastic block models and a graphon model (2015) (12)
- The Importance of Age and High Degree, in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks (2012) (12)
- Conditional risk measures in a bipartite market structure (2015) (12)
- Asymptotic Behaviour of Gossip Processes and Small-World Networks (2012) (11)
- Stein’s density method for multivariate continuous distributions (2021) (10)
- Large compound Poisson approximations for occurrences of multiple words (1999) (10)
- SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering (2021) (10)
- Hypergraphs for predicting essential genes using multiprotein complex data (2020) (10)
- Measuring rank robustness in scored protein interaction networks (2019) (9)
- Mutual information and variants for protein domain-domain contact prediction (2012) (9)
- Stein's method for the Beta distribution and the P\'olya-Eggenberger Urn (2012) (9)
- PyTorch Geometric Signed Directed: A Survey and Software on Graph Neural Networks for Signed and Directed Graphs (2022) (8)
- Stein’s Method Meets Computational Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments (2021) (8)
- Relaxing the Gaussian assumption in shrinkage and SURE in high dimension (2020) (8)
- On the Length of the Longest Exact Position Match in a Random Sequence (2007) (7)
- Detection and clustering of lead-lag networks for multivariate time series with an application to financial markets (7)
- Ruin probabilities for risk processes in a bipartite network (2018) (7)
- A statistical approach using network structure in the prediction of protein characteristics (2007) (7)
- Topological Methods for Characterising Spatial Networks: A Case Study in Tumour Vasculature (2019) (7)
- Total Variation Distance for Poisson Subset Numbers (2006) (6)
- A Stein Goodness-of-test for Exponential Random Graph Models (2021) (6)
- The rate of convergence of some asymptotically chi-square distributed statistics by Stein's method (2016) (6)
- A nonparametric significance test for sampled networks (2015) (6)
- Assessment of model fit via network comparison methods based on subgraph counts (2018) (6)
- Lead–lag detection and network clustering for multivariate time series with an application to the US equity market (2022) (6)
- Robust gene coexpression networks using signed distance correlation (2020) (6)
- CommWalker: correctly evaluating modules in molecular networks in light of annotation bias (2017) (6)
- Topology Characterises Tumour Vasculature (2019) (6)
- Barabási-Albert random graphs, scale-free distributions and bounds for approximation through Stein's method (2009) (6)
- COGENT: evaluating the consistency of gene co-expression networks (2020) (6)
- On infinite covariance expansions (2019) (5)
- Local Network Patterns in Protein-Protein Interfaces (2013) (5)
- The stationary distribution in the antivoter model: exact sampling and approximations (2004) (5)
- Protein Interaction Networks and Their Statistical Analysis (2011) (5)
- Bounds for the chi-square approximation of Friedman’s statistic by Stein’s method (2021) (5)
- A Stein Goodness of fit Test for Exponential Random Graph Models (2021) (5)
- GNNRank: Learning Global Rankings from Pairwise Comparisons via Directed Graph Neural Networks (2022) (5)
- Normal and Compound Poisson Approximations for Pattern Occurrences in NGS Reads (2012) (5)
- U-statistics and random subgraph counts: Multivariate normal approximation via exchangeable pairs and embedding (2009) (4)
- Correction: Small worlds (2004) (4)
- Joint Vertex Degrees in the Inhomogeneous Random Graph Model ℊ(n,{pij }) (2012) (3)
- DIGRAC: Digraph Clustering Based on Flow Imbalance (2021) (3)
- AgraSSt: Approximate Graph Stein Statistics for Interpretable Assessment of Implicit Graph Generators (2022) (3)
- Triad-Based Comparison and Signatures of Directed Networks (2018) (3)
- DIGRAC: Digraph Clustering with Flow Imbalance (2021) (3)
- Stein's Method for Epidemic Processes (2000) (3)
- MSGNN: A Spectral Graph Neural Network Based on a Novel Magnetic Signed Laplacian (2022) (2)
- Sampling bias due to structural heterogeneity and limited internal diffusion (2008) (2)
- Normal approximation for the posterior in exponential families (2022) (2)
- Poisson Process Approximation for Repeats in One Sequence and Its Application to Sequencing by Hybridization (1996) (2)
- A bound on the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem for renewal processes under second moment conditions (2018) (2)
- Trade Co-occurrence, Trade Flow Decomposition, and Conditional Order Imbalance in Equity Markets (2022) (2)
- A threshold theorem for the general stochastic epidemic via a discrete approach (1992) (2)
- Stein ’ s Method for Chisquare Approximations , Weak Law of Large Numbers , and Discrete Distributions from a Gibbs View Point (2003) (2)
- Probabilistic Aspects of Sequence Repeats and Sequencing by Hybridization (1997) (1)
- Joint Vertex Degrees in an Inhomogeneous Random Graph Model (2009) (1)
- On RKHS Choices for Assessing Graph Generators via Kernel Stein Statistics (2022) (1)
- Extracting Information from Gene Coexpression Networks of Rhizobium leguminosarum (2022) (1)
- Mutual information and variants for protein domain-domain contact prediction (2012) (1)
- Optimal resource allocation for multicast sessions in multi-hop wireless networks - Discussion (2008) (1)
- Multivariate Central Limit Theorems for Random Clique Complexes (2021) (1)
- A two-component copula with links to insurance (2014) (1)
- Title Deciphering chemotaxis pathways using cross species comparisons Permalink (2010) (1)
- Hitting probabilities for compound Poisson processes in a bipartite network (2018) (1)
- Co-Trading Networks for Modeling Dynamic Interdependency Structures and Estimating High-Dimensional Covariances in US Equity Markets (2023) (1)
- A Kernelised Stein Statistic for Assessing Implicit Generative Models (2022) (1)
- Stein-type covariance identities: Klaassen, Papathanasiou and Olkin-Shepp type bounds for arbitrary target distributions (2018) (1)
- i-Patch: inter protein contact prediction (2010) (1)
- Sampling bias in systems with structural heterogeneity and limited internal diffusion (2008) (1)
- Ranking of communities in multiplex spatiotemporal models of brain dynamics (2022) (0)
- Prediction in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks (2008) (0)
- Topological Analysis of Credit Data: Preliminary Findings (2022) (0)
- Investigating the specificity of the histidine kinase response regulator complexes using mutual information (2010) (0)
- Ranking of communities in multiplex spatiotemporal models of brain dynamics (2022) (0)
- Stein ’ s Method for the Bootstrap Dedicated to Charles Stein on the occasion of his 80 th birthday (2004) (0)
- Additional file 1 of Measuring rank robustness in scored protein interaction networks (2019) (0)
- Stein's Method for Poisson-Exponential Distributions (2022) (0)
- 0 30 40 20 v 1 1 A pr 2 00 3 Discrete small world networks (2003) (0)
- Estimating the correlation in network disturbance models (2020) (0)
- Total Variation Distance for Poisson (2005) (0)
- Stein Goodness-of-test for Exponential Random Graph Models Supplementary Material A Proofs and Additional Lemmas (2021) (0)
- Gaussian approximation of functionals: Malliavin calculus and Stein’s method (2011) (0)
- On Papathanasiou’s covariance expansions (2022) (0)
- A Multivariate CLT for Dissociated Sums with Applications to U -Statistics and Random Complexes (2021) (0)
- Role of mutual information for predicting contact residues in proteins (2012) (0)
- PyTorch Geometric Signed Directed: A Software Package on Graph Neural Networks for Signed and Directed Graphs (2022) (0)
- Functional module detection through integration of single-cell RNA sequencing data with protein–protein interaction networks (2020) (0)
- 6. Stein’s method for the bootstrap (2004) (0)
- Compound Poisson approximation of subgraph counts in stochastic block models with multiple edges (2017) (0)
- DAMNETS: A Deep Autoregressive Model for Generating Markovian Network Time Series (2022) (0)
- Generating weighted and thresholded gene coexpression networks using signed distance correlation (2021) (0)
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