Giorgio Parisi
Italian physicist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Giorgio Parisi is an Italian theoretical physicist, whose research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems. His best known contributions are the QCD evolution equations for parton densities, obtained with Guido Altarelli, known as the Altarelli–Parisi or DGLAP equations, the exact solution of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model of spin glasses, the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation describing dynamic scaling of growing interfaces, and the study of whirling flocks of birds. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Klaus Hasselmann and Syukuro Manabe for groundbreaking contributions to theory of complex systems, in particular "for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales".
Giorgio Parisi's Published Works
Published Works
- Asymptotic Freedom in Parton Language (1977) (4178)
- Spin Glass Theory and Beyond (1987) (3673)
- Interaction ruling animal collective behavior depends on topological rather than metric distance: Evidence from a field study (2007) (1604)
- Simulated tempering: a new Monte Carlo scheme (1992) (1580)
- Brownian motion (2005) (1241)
- Stochastic resonance in climatic change (1982) (964)
- Analytic and Algorithmic Solution of Random Satisfiability Problems (2002) (925)
- Planar diagrams (1978) (858)
- Statistical Field Theory (1988) (803)
- Infinite Number of Order Parameters for Spin-Glasses (1979) (781)
- Scale-free correlations in starling flocks (2009) (737)
- A sequence of approximated solutions to the S-K model for spin glasses (1980) (664)
- Random Magnetic Fields, Supersymmetry, and Negative Dimensions (1979) (649)
- Spin Glass Theory And Beyond: An Introduction To The Replica Method And Its Applications (1986) (647)
- Turbulence and predictability in geophysical fluid dynamics and climate dynamics (1985) (645)
- On the multifractal nature of fully developed turbulence and chaotic systems (1984) (603)
- The Bethe lattice spin glass revisited (2000) (600)
- The order parameter for spin glasses: a function on the interval 0-1 (1980) (564)
- Order parameter for spin-glasses (1983) (555)
- Glueball masses and string tension in lattice QCD (1987) (534)
- COVID-19 vaccines: where we stand and challenges ahead (2021) (510)
- Mean-field theory of hard sphere glasses and jamming (2008) (485)
- Bounds on the Fermions and Higgs Boson Masses in Grand Unified Theories (1979) (443)
- Exponential Hadronic Spectrum and Quark Liberation (1975) (437)
- Small Transverse Momentum Distributions in Hard Processes (1979) (407)
- Empirical investigation of starling flocks: a benchmark study in collective animal behaviour (2008) (397)
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications: Editorial note (2005) (375)
- Fractal free energy landscapes in structural glasses (2014) (345)
- Replica symmetry breaking and the nature of the spin glass phase (1984) (311)
- On complex probabilities (1983) (309)
- The Cavity Method at Zero Temperature (2002) (308)
- Critical Behavior of Branched Polymers and the Lee-Yang Edge Singularity (1981) (300)
- Nature of the Spin-Glass Phase (1984) (296)
- Numerical Estimates of Hadronic Masses in a Pure SU(3) Gauge Theory (1981) (266)
- Phonon interpretation of the ‘boson peak’ in supercooled liquids (2003) (260)
- A Theory of Stochastic Resonance in Climatic Change (1983) (259)
- Magnetic properties of spin glasses in a new mean field theory (1980) (249)
- Thermodynamics of glasses: a first principles computation (1998) (234)
- Replica field theory for random manifolds (1991) (230)
- A measurement of the string tension near the continuum limit (1983) (229)
- Supersymmetric field theories and stochastic differential equations (1982) (229)
- Glass and Jamming Transitions: From Exact Results to Finite-Dimensional Descriptions (2016) (227)
- Covariant expansion of the conformal four-point function (1972) (218)
- A proposal for Monte Carlo simulations of fermionic systems (1981) (206)
- Asymptotic behavior of the "true" self-avoiding walk (1983) (196)
- Bounds on the number and masses of quarks and leptons (1978) (191)
- Computer estimates of meson masses in SU (2) lattice gauge theory (1981) (190)
- Replicas and optimization (1985) (189)
- The shadow operator formalism for conformal algebra. Vacuum expectation values and operator products (1972) (186)
- The theory of non-renormalizable interactions: The large N expansion (1975) (170)
- Toward a mean field theory for spin glasses (1979) (169)
- A first-principle computation of the thermodynamics of glasses (1998) (167)
- Recipes for metastable states in spin glasses (1995) (165)
- Field-theoretic approach to second-order phase transitions in two- and three-dimensional systems (1980) (160)
- Replica field theory for deterministic models: II. A non-random spin glass with glassy behaviour (1994) (160)
- A memory which forgets (1986) (155)
- Off equilibrium dynamics and aging in unfrustrated systems (1994) (155)
- On non-linear susceptibility in supercooled liquids (2000) (154)
- On the solution of the random link matching problems (1987) (148)
- Measuring Equilibrium Properties in Aging Systems (1998) (147)
- P-adic numbers and replica symmetry breaking (1999) (146)
- Phase Diagram of Coupled Glassy Systems: A Mean-Field Study (1997) (144)
- Universal spectrum of normal modes in low-temperature glasses (2015) (143)
- Critical exponents of the three dimensional diluted Ising model (1998) (142)
- Summing large perturbative corrections in QCD (1980) (139)
- A simple expression for planar field theories (1982) (136)
- Field Theory, Disorder and Simulations (1992) (135)
- Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension. II. The high density regime and the Gardner transition. (2013) (134)
- Theory of non-linear susceptibility and correlation length in glasses and liquids (1999) (134)
- Scaling corrections: Site percolation and Ising model in three-dimensions (1998) (133)
- Maximally multipartite entangled states (2007) (131)
- Numerical Simulations of Spin Glass Systems (1997) (129)
- Geometric approach to the dynamic glass transition. (2001) (127)
- A replica analysis of the travelling salesman problem (1986) (127)
- Replica Symmetry Breaking in Short-Range Spin Glasses: Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Evidences (1999) (124)
- Asymmetric neural networks and the process of learning (1986) (123)
- On infrared divergences (1979) (123)
- Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic systems (1985) (123)
- SK Model: The Replica Solution without Replicas (1986) (121)
- Mean-field theory of randomly frustrated systems with finite connectivity (1987) (118)
- The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: 1. Empirical methods (2008) (118)
- Again on SU(3) glueball mass (1985) (117)
- Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension. III. The full replica symmetry breaking solution (2013) (116)
- Universal microstructure and mechanical stability of jammed packings. (2012) (113)
- Spectra of euclidean random matrices (1999) (111)
- Replica field theory for deterministic models: I. Binary sequences with low autocorrelation (1994) (111)
- Fast Monte Carlo algorithm for supercooled soft spheres. (2000) (111)
- Superinclusive cross sections (1978) (109)
- Growing timescales and lengthscales characterizing vibrations of amorphous solids (2015) (108)
- On the breaking of Bjorken scaling (1976) (107)
- Jamming criticality revealed by removing localized buckling excitations. (2014) (107)
- A simple model for the immune network. (1990) (107)
- Monte Carlo simulation of the massive Schwinger model (1981) (105)
- On low energy tests of QCD (1980) (105)
- Theoretical predictions for critical exponents at the λ-point of bose liquids (1971) (103)
- Complex zeros in the partition function of the four-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge model (1982) (103)
- Approach to equilibrium in a chain of nonlinear oscillators (1982) (103)
- Propagating waves in starling, Sturnus vulgaris, flocks under predation (2011) (102)
- Off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation in fragile glasses (1997) (102)
- A non-perturbative ambiguity free solution of a string model (1990) (102)
- On the one dimensional discretized string (1990) (100)
- A Simple hypothesis for the spin glass phase of the pnfinite-ranged SK model (1980) (99)
- On the p-adic five-point function (1988) (98)
- The simplest model of jamming (2015) (97)
- Mean-Field Equations for the Matching and the Travelling Salesman Problems (1986) (97)
- Instability of one-step replica-symmetry-broken phase in satisfiability problems (2003) (96)
- Singularities of the Borel transform in renormalizable theories (1978) (96)
- Critical exponents and large-order behavior of perturbation theory (1978) (95)
- The Response of Glassy Systems to Random Perturbations: A Bridge Between Equilibrium and Off-Equilibrium (1999) (93)
- Transverse momentum in Drell-Yan processes (1978) (93)
- The Supersymmetric One-dimensional String (1990) (93)
- A Conjecture on random bipartite matching (1998) (92)
- Random walk in a random environment and 1f noise (1983) (91)
- Violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in finite-dimensional spin glasses (1997) (91)
- Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension I. The free energy (2012) (91)
- Hopping and the Stokes–Einstein relation breakdown in simple glass formers (2014) (90)
- Thermodynamics of binary mixture glasses (1999) (89)
- Discrepancies from Asymptotic Series and Their Relation to Complex Classical Trajectories. (1978) (88)
- The Nature of the Spin Glass Phase (1987) (88)
- Barriers and metastable states as saddle points in the replica approach (1993) (87)
- The strategy for computing the hadronic mass spectrum (1984) (87)
- Critical exponents of the KPZ equation via multi-surface coding numerical simulations (2000) (86)
- Perturbation theory at large orders for a potential with degenerate minima (1977) (86)
- Correlation functions and computer simulations (II) (1981) (86)
- Theory of amorphous packings of binary mixtures of hard spheres. (2009) (84)
- Analyticity properties and asymptotic expansions of conformal covariant Green's functions (1974) (83)
- Statistical physics of structural glasses (2000) (83)
- Nature of the spin-glass phase at experimental length scales (2010) (83)
- Hadron production in e+e− collisions (1970) (82)
- Mean-field equations for spin models with orthogonal interaction matrices (1995) (82)
- Self avoiding walk and supersymmetry (1980) (81)
- The modular structure of Kauffman networks (1997) (80)
- A tentative replica study of the glass transition (1996) (80)
- The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: 2. Three-dimensional analysis (2008) (80)
- An In-Depth View of the Microscopic Dynamics of Ising Spin Glasses at Fixed Temperature (2008) (78)
- Field theory of fluctuations in glasses (2011) (78)
- Connected Network of Minima as a Model Glass: Long Time Dynamics (1998) (78)
- Random free energies in spin glasses (1985) (76)
- The ideal glass transition of hard spheres. (2005) (75)
- Glass transition and random close packing above three dimensions. (2011) (75)
- Complex Systems: a Physicist's Viewpoint (1999) (74)
- Shear bands as manifestation of a criticality in yielding amorphous solids (2017) (72)
- Numerical simulations of quantum chromodynamics (1983) (72)
- Off-equilibrium effective temperature in monatomic Lennard-Jones glass. (2000) (72)
- Temperature evolution and bifurcations of metastable states in mean-field spin glasses, with connections with structural glasses (1997) (71)
- Phase structure of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass (1998) (71)
- Universal Non-Debye Scaling in the Density of States of Amorphous Solids. (2015) (71)
- Constrained Boltzmann-Gibbs measures and effective potential for glasses in hypernetted chain approximation and numerical simulations (1998) (71)
- A simple parametrization of the Q2 dependence of the quark distributions in QCD (1979) (70)
- Relevant elements, magnetization and dynamical properties in Kauffman networks: a numerical study (1997) (70)
- A Scaling Hypothesis for the Euclidean Bipartite Matching Problem (2014) (70)
- Theory of Simple Glasses: Exact Solutions in Infinite Dimensions (2020) (69)
- Phase transitions of bipartite entanglement. (2007) (69)
- Lennard-Jones binary mixture: A thermodynamical approach to glass transition (2000) (68)
- Nonequivalence between conformal covariant Wilson expansion in Euclidean and Minkowski space (1972) (68)
- Width distributions and the upper critical dimension of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces. (2001) (68)
- Hausdorff dimensions and gauge theories (1979) (67)
- Universality of the SAT-UNSAT (jamming) threshold in non-convex continuous constraint satisfaction problems (2017) (67)
- Spatially balanced topological interaction grants optimal cohesion in flocking models (2012) (67)
- Glass transition and effective potential in the hypernetted chain approximation (1997) (66)
- Experimental limits on the values of anomalous dimensions (1973) (66)
- On intermittency in a cascade model for turbulence (1993) (66)
- Dimensional study of the caging order parameter at the glass transition (2012) (65)
- Effects of the random number generator on computer simulations (1985) (63)
- Strong coupling phase in lattice gauge theories at large dimension (1979) (63)
- Asymptotic behavior of the (1983) (62)
- Transverse Momentum of Muon Pairs Produced in Hadronic Collisions (1978) (62)
- Hadron spectroscopy in lattice QCD (1982) (62)
- Dilute one-dimensional spin glasses with power law decaying interactions. (2008) (61)
- Vibrational spectrum of topologically disordered systems. (2001) (61)
- Relations between short-range and long-range Ising models. (2014) (60)
- Nonequilibrium spin-glass dynamics from picoseconds to a tenth of a second. (2008) (59)
- Closing probabilities in the Kauffman model: an annealed computation (1995) (59)
- Asymptotic Estimates in Perturbation Theory (1977) (59)
- The Euclidean matching problem (1988) (56)
- New statistical tools for analyzing the structure of animal groups. (2008) (56)
- Study of a simple hypothesis for the mean-field theory of spin-glasses (1981) (56)
- Conformal invariance in perturbation theory (1972) (56)
- Dimensional dependence of the Stokes-Einstein relation and its violation. (2012) (55)
- On the masses of the glueballs in pure SU(2) lattice gauge theory (1982) (54)
- The Crossover Region Between Long-Range and Short-Range Interactions for the Critical Exponents (2014) (53)
- A numerical study of the critical line of Kauffman networks. (1997) (52)
- The Mpemba effect in spin glasses is a persistent memory effect (2018) (52)
- Calculation of critical indices (1971) (52)
- Thermodynamic glass transition in a spin glass without time-reversal symmetry (2012) (52)
- Asymptotic Estimates in Scalar Electrodynamics (1977) (51)
- Quantitative field theory of the glass transition (2012) (51)
- Ising spin-glass transition in a magnetic field outside the limit of validity of mean-field theory. (2009) (50)
- The proton and neutron magnetic moments in lattice QCD (1982) (50)
- On dynamical correlations in supercooled liquids (1999) (49)
- Complexity in Biology (1994) (49)
- Asymptotic Estimates in Quantum Electrodynamics (1977) (49)
- Canonical scaling and conformal invariance (1972) (49)
- Phase-separation perspective on dynamic heterogeneities in glass-forming liquids. (2010) (49)
- Expanding disc as a dynamical vacuum instability in reggeon field theory (1976) (48)
- Detailed predictions for the p-n structure functions in theories with computable large momenta behaviour (1974) (48)
- On the interpretation of 1/f noise (1983) (48)
- The backtracking survey propagation algorithm for solving random K-SAT problems (2015) (47)
- Amorphous packings of hard spheres for large space dimension (2006) (47)
- Spin glasses and fragile glasses: statics, dynamics, and complexity. (2006) (47)
- Scale invariance in disordered systems: the example of the random-field Ising model. (2002) (47)
- Critical parameters of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass (2013) (47)
- Numerical detection of the Gardner transition in a mean-field glass former. (2015) (47)
- Glassy transition in a disordered model for the RNA secondary structure. (1999) (46)
- Quark Imprisonment and Vacuum Repulsion (1975) (46)
- Phase transitions and metastability in the distribution of the bipartite entanglement of a large quantum system (2009) (46)
- Soft Modes, Localization, and Two-Level Systems in Spin Glasses. (2015) (45)
- On the replica approach to random directed polymers in two dimensions (1990) (45)
- On the formal equivalence of the TAP and thermodynamic methods in the SK model (2002) (45)
- The APE-100 Computer: (I) the Architecture (1993) (44)
- Interfaces in a random medium and replica symmetry breaking (1990) (44)
- The hadronic mass spectrum in quenched lattice QCD: β=5.7 (1989) (44)
- Ising exponents in the two-dimensional site-diluted Ising model (1997) (43)
- CERN heavy-ion facility design report (1993) (43)
- Replica symmetry breaking in and around six dimensions (2011) (43)
- On the probabilistic formulation of the replica approach to spin glasses (1998) (43)
- Random pinning glass model (2012) (43)
- Measures of critical exponents in the four-dimensional site percolation (1996) (42)
- String theory on the one dimensional lattice (1990) (42)
- Numerical estimate of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class in (2+1) dimensions. (2015) (42)
- Glueball masses and the loop-loop correlation functions (1987) (42)
- Loop expansion around the Bethe–Peierls approximation for lattice models (2005) (42)
- Vibrations in glasses and Euclidean random matrix theory (2001) (42)
- Critical behavior in the site-diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model (2000) (42)
- Monte Carlo simulations for the two-dimensional O(3) non-linear sigma model (1981) (42)
- The APE computer: An array processor optimized for lattice gauge theory simulations (1987) (41)
- Large deviations in the free energy of mean-field spin glasses. (2007) (40)
- 3d Ising Spin-Glasses in a Magnetic Field and Mean-Field Theory. (1990) (40)
- Probing the non-Debye low-frequency excitations in glasses through random pinning (2018) (39)
- Mean field theory for spin glasses (1980) (39)
- Statistical Physics and biology (1993) (39)
- Role of saddles in mean-field dynamics above the glass transition (2001) (39)
- Critical slowing down exponents of mode coupling theory. (2011) (39)
- Hierarchical random energy model of a spin glass. (2010) (39)
- On the origin of ultrametricity (1999) (39)
- On the static and dynamical transition in the mean-field Potts glass (1994) (39)
- XI. The Borel transform and the renormalization group (1979) (38)
- Janus II: A new generation application-driven computer for spin-system simulations (2013) (38)
- Equilibrium and off-equilibrium simulations of the Gaussian spin glass (1996) (38)
- Asymptotic estimates in perturbation theory with fermions (1977) (38)
- Quantum Mechanics (2009) (38)
- Static versus dynamic heterogeneities in the D = 3 Edwards-Anderson-Ising spin glass. (2010) (38)
- Interfaces and louver critical dimension in a spin glass model (1994) (37)
- Finite-size effect for hadron masses in lattice QCD (1992) (37)
- Random self-interacting chains: A mechanism for protein folding (1991) (37)
- Analytic computation of the instantaneous normal modes spectrum in low-density liquids (1999) (36)
- Critical dynamics in glassy systems. (2012) (36)
- Eden Model in Many Dimensions (1984) (35)
- Glasses and replicas (2009) (35)
- The replica method on and off equilibrium (1992) (35)
- A systematical improvement of the migdal recursion formula (1981) (34)
- Off-equilibrium dynamics at very low temperatures in three-dimensional spin glasses (1999) (34)
- Large-distance correlation functions for an SU(2) lattice gauge theory (1983) (34)
- The four-dimensional site-diluted Ising model: A finite-size scaling study (1997) (34)
- Universality in the off-equilibrium critical dynamics of the three-dimensional diluted Ising model. (1999) (34)
- Ensemble renormalization group for disordered systems (2011) (34)
- Growing length scales in a supercooled liquid close to an interface (2001) (34)
- On the approach to equilibrium of a Hamiltonian chain of anharmonic oscillators (1997) (33)
- Exponential tail of the electronic density of levels in a random potential (1980) (33)
- Charmed quarks and asymptotic freedom in neutrino scattering (1976) (33)
- Scattering lengths from fluctuations (1990) (33)
- On Surface Growth in Random Media (1992) (33)
- Low temperature behaviour of 3-D spin glasses in a magnetic field (1990) (33)
- An investigation of the hidden structure of states in a mean-field spin-glass model (1997) (32)
- Topological description of the aging dynamics in simple glasses. (2000) (32)
- On the Number of Metastable States in Spin Glasses (1995) (32)
- Overlap interfaces in hierarchical spin-glass models (2008) (32)
- On the 3D Ising spin glass (1993) (32)
- On local equilibrium equations for clustering states (2002) (31)
- On the origin of the boson peak (2003) (31)
- The 3-SAT problem with large number of clauses in the ∞-replica symmetry breaking scheme (2001) (31)
- Temperature chaos in 3D Ising spin glasses is driven by rare events (2013) (31)
- The hadronic mass spectrum in quenched lattice QCD: Results at β = 5.7 and β = 6.0 (1988) (31)
- A Monte Carlo simulation with an “improved” action for the O(3) non-linear sigma model (1983) (31)
- Effects of changing the boundary conditions on the ground state of Ising spin glasses (2000) (31)
- The dynamical structure factor in topologically disordered systems (2000) (30)
- Several results on the finite-size corrections in the Sherrington- Kirkpatrick spin-glass model (1993) (30)
- Manifolds in random media: two extreme cases (1992) (30)
- Improving the lattice action near the continuum limit (1982) (30)
- Reply to "Comment on `General Method to Determine Replica Symmetry Breaking Transitions'" (1998) (30)
- Matching Microscopic and Macroscopic Responses in Glasses. (2017) (30)
- On Non-Renormalizable Interactions (1977) (29)
- First evaluation of gAgV in lattice QCD in the quenched approximation (1982) (29)
- On self-consistency conditions in conformal covariant field theory (1972) (29)
- Critical finite-size corrections for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass (1993) (29)
- Finite-size corrections to the spectrum of regular random graphs: An analytical solution. (2014) (28)
- Prolegomena to any Future Computer Evaluation of the QCD Mass Spectrum (1984) (28)
- Mass dependent corrections to the Bjroken scaling law (1976) (28)
- Multipartite entanglement and frustration (2009) (28)
- Generalized off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in random Ising systems (1998) (28)
- On the relation between the renormalized and the bare coupling constant on the lattice (1980) (28)
- The three-dimensional Ising spin glass in an external magnetic field: the role of the silent majority (2014) (28)
- Anderson transition on the Bethe lattice: an approach with real energies (2018) (28)
- Effects of a bulk perturbation on the ground state of 3D Ising spin glasses. (2000) (27)
- Anderson localization in Euclidean random matrices (2004) (27)
- Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson model. (2006) (27)
- Kob-Andersen model: a nonstandard mechanism for the glassy transition. (2001) (27)
- Classical statistical mechanics approach to multipartite entanglement (2010) (27)
- Boundary effects and hadron masses in lattice QCD (1983) (26)
- The perturbative expansion and the infinite coupling limit (1977) (26)
- Asymptotic predictions for exclusive processes (1979) (26)
- Structural glasses: Flying to the bottom. (2013) (26)
- Mean-field model for the density of states of jammed soft spheres. (2018) (26)
- β=6.0 quenched Wilson fermions (1991) (26)
- Large-scale assessment of research outputs through a weighted combination of bibliometric indicators (2016) (26)
- On the Most Compact Regular Lattices in Large Dimensions: A Statistical Mechanical Approach (2007) (26)
- Short-time aging in binary glasses (1997) (26)
- A modified Eguchi-Kawai model (1982) (25)
- On the finite size corrections to some random matching problems (2002) (25)
- The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: Part II, three-dimensional analysis (2008) (25)
- Benchmarking GPU and CPU codes for Heisenberg spin glass over-relaxation (2011) (25)
- The jamming transition in high dimension: an analytical study of the TAP equations and the effective thermodynamic potential (2016) (25)
- Entanglement critical length at the many-body localization transition (2016) (25)
- Numerical study of metastable States in ising spin glasses. (2003) (25)
- On a mechanism for explicit replica symmetry breaking (1989) (24)
- Dynamical transition in the D=3 Edwards-Anderson spin glass in an external magnetic field. (2013) (24)
- Recent progresses in gauge theories (1980) (24)
- Spin-glass complexity. (2003) (23)
- Renormalization group computation of the critical exponents of hierarchical spin glasses. (2010) (23)
- Stochastic Stability (2000) (23)
- The deconfining phase transition in lattice gauge SU(3) (1989) (23)
- Complex singularities in the specific heat of the SU(2) lattice gauge model (1981) (23)
- On the approach to the equilibrium and the equilibrium properties of a glass-forming model (1997) (23)
- Numerical study of a short-range p-spin glass model in three dimensions (1998) (23)
- Configurational entropy of polydisperse supercooled liquids. (2018) (23)
- On the distribution of the overlaps at given disorder (2004) (23)
- Brillouin and boson peaks in glasses from vector Euclidean random matrix theory (2003) (23)
- The physics of the glass transition (2000) (22)
- Site-diluted three-dimensional Ising model with long-range correlated disorder (1999) (22)
- Dynamics of the four-dimensional spin glass in a magnetic field (1998) (22)
- Reconfigurable computing for Monte Carlo simulations: Results and prospects of the Janus project (2012) (22)
- Evidence for Supersymmetry in the Random-Field Ising Model at D=5. (2019) (22)
- Non-perturbative effects in spin glasses (2015) (22)
- An empirical study of large, naturally occurring starling flocks: a benchmark in collective animal behaviour (2008) (22)
- Zero-temperature responses of a 3D spin glass in a magnetic field. (2001) (22)
- Euclidean random matrices: solved and open problems (2005) (22)
- Simulation of three-dimensional Ising spin glass model using three replicas: Study of Binder cumulants (1996) (22)
- Liquid-glass transition in equilibrium. (2013) (22)
- Extensive numerical simulations of weighted matchings: Total length and distribution of links in the optimal solution (1991) (22)
- Spin Glass Theory (1987) (22)
- Universality classes of critical points in constrained glasses (2013) (21)
- Staggered fermions at β = 5.7: Smeared operators on large lattices (1990) (21)
- Symanzik's improvement program (1985) (21)
- Mean Field Dynamical Exponents in Finite-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass (1997) (21)
- Near-optimal configurations in mean-field disordered systems. (2003) (21)
- Neural potentials as stimuli for attractor neural networks (1990) (21)
- D-dimensional arrays of Josephson junctions, spin glasses and q-deformed harmonic oscillators (1994) (21)
- A new proposal for the determination of the renormalization group trajectories by the Monte Carlo renormalization group method (1986) (21)
- Complexity in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model in the annealed approximation (2003) (21)
- Static replica approach to critical correlations in glassy systems. (2012) (21)
- Aging Rate of Spin Glasses from Simulations Matches Experiments. (2018) (20)
- On the link between strong and weak coupling expansions for the SU(2) lattice gauge theory (1981) (20)
- Statistical mechanics of multipartite entanglement (2008) (20)
- Manipulating intensity and phase distribution of composite Laguerre-Gaussian beams. (2014) (20)
- Deep inelastic scattering in a field theory with computable large-momenta behaviour (1973) (20)
- Random walks with short-range interaction and mean-field behavior (1994) (20)
- Structure of metastable states in spin glasses by means of a three replica potential (1996) (20)
- Entropy-driven phase transitions of entanglement (2013) (20)
- Multisurface coding simulations of the restricted solid-on-solid model in four dimensions. (2012) (20)
- Some considerations of finite-dimensional spin glasses (2007) (20)
- Finite-size corrections to disordered Ising models on random regular graphs. (2014) (19)
- A statics-dynamics equivalence through the fluctuation–dissipation ratio provides a window into the spin-glass phase from nonequilibrium measurements (2016) (19)
- Large deviations of the free energy in diluted mean-field spin-glass (2009) (19)
- Cross-correlations of American baby names (2014) (19)
- Support for the value 5/2 for the spin glass lower critical dimension at zero magnetic field (2017) (19)
- 90/spl deg/-apart-stem RFQ structure for wide range of frequencies (1993) (19)
- Renormalization-group computation of the critical exponents of hierarchical spin glasses: large-scale behavior and divergence of the correlation length. (2010) (19)
- Scaling in lattice QCD: Glueball masses and string tension (1988) (19)
- A numerical investigation of the overlap distribution among pure states in the spin glass phase (1984) (19)
- The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: Part I, empirical methods (2008) (19)
- Statistical distribution of the local purity in a large quantum system (2011) (18)
- Polymers with long-range self-repulsion: a variational approach (1991) (18)
- Long Covid: where we stand and challenges ahead (2022) (18)
- On toy ageing (1993) (18)
- Anomalous dimensions in one‐dimensional quantum field theory (1973) (18)
- Jamming transition of randomly pinned systems (2012) (18)
- Scaling law for the maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponent of infinite product of random matrices (1986) (18)
- Conference registration: how people react to a deadline (2007) (18)
- Random magnetic fields and instantons in replica space (1992) (18)
- Large-scale structure of randomly jammed spheres. (2017) (17)
- Computing the hadronic mass spectrum. Eight is better than one (1985) (17)
- Comment on "Evidence of non-mean-field-like low-temperature behavior in the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model". (2012) (17)
- How to measure the dimension of the parton field (1973) (17)
- General theorem on the divergence of vortex beams (2016) (17)
- Numerical Evidence of a Critical Line in the 4d Ising Spin Glass (1993) (17)
- Slow dynamics in glasses (1994) (17)
- Continuous phase transition in a spin-glass model without time-reversal symmetry. (1998) (17)
- The fully frustrated hypercubic model is glassy and aging at large D (1994) (17)
- On the Phase Structure of the 3D Edwards Anderson Spin Glass (1998) (17)
- k-core percolation in four dimensions. (2006) (17)
- On the out-of-equilibrium order parameter in long-range spin-glasses (1994) (17)
- On the survey-propagation equations for the random K-satisfiability problem (2002) (17)
- Universal critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising spin glass (2016) (16)
- The 3D Z3 spin model and the deconfinement transition in QCD: A problem of universality (1989) (16)
- Dynamic variational study of chaos: spin glasses in three dimensions (2017) (16)
- Some remarks on the survey decimation algorithm for K-satisfiability (2003) (16)
- Thermodynamics of a Tiling Model (1999) (16)
- A backtracking survey propagation algorithm for K-satisfiability (2003) (16)
- Supersymmetric complexity in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. (2003) (16)
- Temperature chaos is a non-local effect (2016) (16)
- On the Spectrum of the One-Dimensional String (1990) (16)
- The physical Meaning of Replica Symmetry Breaking (2002) (16)
- On the solution of a ‘solvable’ model of an ideal glass of hard spheres displaying a jamming transition (2010) (16)
- Four-dimensional Ising spin glass: scaling within the spin-glass phase (1993) (16)
- Relaxation, closing probabilities and transition from oscillatory to chaotic attractors in asymmetric neural networks (1998) (16)
- Spin glasses on Bethe lattices for large coordination number (2002) (15)
- Glassy critical points and the random field Ising model (2012) (15)
- Loop expansion around the Bethe approximation through the M-layer construction (2017) (15)
- Generating functionals, Ward identities and scalar mesons (1970) (15)
- Euclidean random matrices, the glass transition and the boson peak (2002) (15)
- Spin glasses and replicas (1984) (15)
- Quasi-equilibrium in glassy dynamics: a liquid theory approach (2012) (15)
- Long-Range Spin-Spin Forces in Gauge Theories (1981) (15)
- Glassy Potts model: A disordered Potts model without a ferromagnetic phase (1999) (14)
- Numerical estiamtes for the spectrum of quantum chromodynamics (1983) (14)
- A study of activated processes in soft-sphere glass (1997) (14)
- A non perturbative definition of 2D quantum gravity (1990) (14)
- Free-energy cost for ultrametricity violations in spin glasses (1993) (14)
- 1/f noise, disorder and dimensionality (1984) (14)
- Mean field theory of spin glasses: statics and dynamics (2007) (14)
- Spin glass phase in the four-state three-dimensional Potts model (2008) (14)
- Weighted mean-field theory for the random field Ising model (1994) (14)
- Quenched computation of the dependence of complexity on the free energy in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (2004) (14)
- Asymptotic Estimates of Feynman Diagrams (1977) (14)
- Eigenstates and limit cycles in the SK model (1988) (14)
- Finite size corrections to random Boolean networks (2006) (14)
- Sample-to-sample fluctuations of the overlap distributions in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass (2011) (14)
- On the high-density expansion for Euclidean random matrices (2010) (14)
- From APE to APE-100: From 1 to 100 gflops in lattice gauge theory simulations (1989) (14)
- On supersymmetry breaking in the computation of the complexity (2004) (14)
- On the range of validity of the 6-ε expansion for percolation (1981) (14)
- β=6.0 staggered quenched fermions (1991) (14)
- Attractors in fully asymmetric neural networks (1997) (14)
- Field theories and growth models (1985) (14)
- Dynamical critical exponents for the mean-field Potts glass. (2012) (14)
- The string tension in gauge theories. A suggestion for a new measurement method (1992) (13)
- Four-dimensional spin glasses in a magnetic field have a mean-field-like phase (1997) (13)
- The de Ahneida-Thouless line in the four dimensional Ising spin glass (1993) (13)
- On Polymers with Long-Range Repulsive Forces. (1991) (13)
- 3D spin glass and 2D ferromagnetic XY model: a comparison (1997) (13)
- Structure of correlations in three dimensional spin glasses. (2009) (13)
- A group theoretical derivation of the Gribov-Lipatov reciprocity relation (1973) (13)
- Universality and deviations in disordered systems (2009) (13)
- Large deviations of correlation functions in random magnets (2013) (13)
- Highly optimized simulations on single- and multi-GPU systems of the 3D Ising spin glass model (2014) (13)
- The Marginally Stable Bethe Lattice Spin Glass Revisited (2016) (13)
- Recent rigorous results support the predictions of spontaneously broken replica symmetry for realistic spin glasses (1996) (13)
- Ising M-p-spin mean-field model for the structural glass: Continuous versus discontinuous transition (2010) (13)
- Long-range random-field Ising model: Phase transition threshold and equivalence of short and long ranges (2013) (13)
- Asymptotic aging in structural glasses (2003) (13)
- Finite-dimensional corrections to the mean field in a short-range p-spin glassy model (1998) (13)
- Finite-size corrections to disordered systems on Erdös-Rényi random graphs (2013) (13)
- Vibrational spectra in glasses (2001) (13)
- Critical behavior of three-dimensional disordered Potts models with many states (2010) (13)
- Theory of the depinning transition in charge density waves. (1991) (12)
- Self-averaging correlation functions in the mean field theory of spin glasses (1984) (12)
- On the SU(3) topological charge in lattice gauge theories (1985) (12)
- Fluctuation-induced second-order phase transitions (1981) (12)
- Chaos in temperature in diluted mean-field spin-glass (2010) (12)
- Multi-GPU codes for spin systems simulations (2012) (12)
- The role of the Becchi–Rouet–Stora–Tyutin supersymmetry in the calculation of the complexity for the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model (2003) (12)
- Phase diagram of glassy systems in an external field (1997) (12)
- Neighborhood preferences in random matching problems (2000) (12)
- Deep inelastic scattering and the nature of partons (1970) (12)
- Against temperature chaos in naive Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations (2000) (12)
- Erratum: Diluted mean-field spin-glass models at criticality (2014) (12)
- Quasi-equilibrium in glassy dynamics: an algebraic view (2012) (12)
- Analytical solution of the Monte Carlo dynamics of a simple spin-glass model (1995) (12)
- Soft modes in jammed hard spheres (I): Mean field theory of the isostatic transition (2014) (12)
- Critical properties of a three-dimensional p-spin model (1998) (12)
- Theory of continuum percolation III. Low density expansion (1996) (12)
- 90"-apart-stem RFQ Structure for Wide Range of Frequencies (1993) (12)
- Out-of-equilibrium finite-size method for critical behavior analyses. (2015) (12)
- Construction and Commissioning of the RFQ for the CERN Lead-Ion Facility (1994) (12)
- A mean-field hard-spheres model of glass (1995) (12)
- Attraction basins in discretized maps (1997) (12)
- Quantum Mechanics: Quantum observables and states (2009) (11)
- The K-SAT Problem in a Simple Limit (2000) (11)
- A numerical study of the overlap probability distribution and its sample-to-sample fluctuations in a mean-field model (2011) (11)
- Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems (2003) (11)
- Phase transition analysis in Z2 and U(1) lattice gauge theories (1981) (11)
- Numerical results on a hypercubic cell spin glass model (1991) (11)
- Optical computation of a spin glass dynamics with tunable complexity (2020) (11)
- On renormalizability of not renormalizable theories (1973) (11)
- The quenched mass spectrum in lattice QCD on a 1 Gigaflops computer (1992) (11)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fluctuations in a spin-glass model with one replica symmetry breaking (1996) (11)
- Replica symmetry breaking in four-dimensional spin glasses (1993) (11)
- Replica Method and Finite Volume Corrections (2009) (11)
- Numerical indications for the existence of a thermodynamic transition in binary glasses (1997) (11)
- An experiment-oriented analysis of 2D spin-glass dynamics: a twelve time-decades scaling study (2018) (11)
- Long-Range Anomalous Decay of the Correlation in Jammed Packings. (2020) (11)
- On the branching structure of the tree of states in spin glasses (1993) (11)
- The Mean Field Theory of Spin Glasses: The Heuristic Replica Approach and Recent Rigorous Results (2009) (11)
- The random field XY model on sparse random graphs shows replica symmetry breaking and marginally stable ferromagnetism (2019) (11)
- Mosaic length and finite interaction-range effects in a one-dimensional random energy model (2007) (11)
- Replica Theory and Spin Glasses (2014) (11)
- Calorimetric glass transition in a mean-field theory approach (2014) (10)
- Temperature chaos is present in off-equilibrium spin-glass dynamics (2020) (10)
- A variational approach to directed polymers (1992) (10)
- Strong ergodicity breaking in aging of mean-field spin glasses (2019) (10)
- Gauge Theories, Spin Glasses and Real Glasses (1994) (10)
- Comment on ``Evidence for the Droplet Picture of Spin Glasses'' (1998) (10)
- Optimal subgrid scheme for shell models of turbulence. (2017) (10)
- The deconfining phase transition and the glueball channels in pure gauge QCD (1989) (10)
- Replica theory and large-D Josephson junction hypercubic models (1995) (10)
- Ultrametricity in an inhomogeneous simplest spin glass model (1992) (10)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Small window overlaps are effective probes of replica symmetry breaking in three-dimensional spin glasses (1998) (10)
- The ape with a small jump (1990) (10)
- Staggered fermions and rotation-gauge invariance (1984) (10)
- Generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation and effective temperature upon heating a deeply supercooled liquid. (2012) (10)
- Cavity method for supersymmetry-breaking spin glasses (2004) (10)
- Exploratory study of the glassy landscape near jamming. (2019) (10)
- The remanent magnetization in Spin-Glass models (1993) (9)
- On the origine of the Boson peak Giorgio Parisi (2003) (9)
- On the Probabilistic Approach to the Random Satisfiability Problem (2003) (9)
- Generalized off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in random Ising systems (1999) (9)
- Generalization of rules by neural nets (1992) (9)
- Pagnani, Parisi, and Ricci-Tersenghi Reply: (2001) (9)
- Properties of the perturbative expansion around the mode-coupling dynamical transition in glasses (2010) (9)
- The Physical Basis of the Asymptotic Estimates in Perturbation Theory (1979) (9)
- Transition between localized and extended states in the hierarchical Anderson model (2013) (9)
- Statistical mechanics of heteropolymer folding (1992) (9)
- Course 7 Computing the number of metastable states in infinite-range models (2006) (9)
- An introduction to the immune network (1994) (9)
- Numerical Construction of the Aizenman-Wehr Metastate. (2017) (9)
- Critical indices for the spherical model from conformal covariant self consistency conditions (1972) (9)
- Theory of stretched exponential relaxation and critical behavior at depinning for charge density waves (1991) (9)
- Numerical simulations of the dynamical behavior of the SK model (1997) (9)
- Spin-glass dynamics in the presence of a magnetic field: exploration of microscopic properties (2021) (9)
- A replica approach to glassy hard spheres (2009) (9)
- One-loop diagrams in the Random Euclidean Matching Problem (2016) (9)
- Non trivial overlap distributions at zero temperature (2000) (9)
- On the replica method for glassy systems (1998) (8)
- Thus spoke Galileo: The great scientist's ideas and their relevance to the present day (2006) (8)
- Ageing in spin-glasses in three, four and infinite dimensions (2003) (8)
- A new computation of the correlation length near the deconfining transition in SU(3) (1989) (8)
- Ensemble renormalization group for the random-field hierarchical model. (2014) (8)
- Robustness of mean field theory for hard sphere models. (2018) (8)
- High temperature expansion without lattice (1978) (8)
- The Janus Project: Boosting Spin-Glass Simulations Using FPGAs (2013) (8)
- On the stationary points of the TAP free energy (1997) (8)
- Entanglement entropy of the long-range Dyson hierarchical model (2019) (8)
- Slow dynamics of glassy systems (1997) (8)
- Theory and numerical simulation of computationally difficult systems (1992) (8)
- Conformal symmetry at lightlike distances and asymptotic behaviour of electromagnetic form factors (1972) (8)
- Local spin glass order in 1D (2006) (8)
- Glasses, replicas and all that (2003) (8)
- Two Spaces Looking for a Geometer (2002) (8)
- Constraint Optimization and Statistical Mechanics (2003) (8)
- Metastable configurations on the Bethe lattice. (2002) (8)
- Non-exponential relaxation time scales in disordered systems: An application to protein dynamics (1992) (8)
- A new approach for the analytic computation of the instantaneous normal modes spectrum (1999) (7)
- Renormalization flow of the hierarchical Anderson model at weak disorder (2013) (7)
- On the replica scenario for the glass transition (2009) (7)
- Impact of jamming criticality on low-temperature anomalies in structural glasses (2019) (7)
- On the High Density Behavior of Hamming Codes with Fixed Minimum Distance (2006) (7)
- Attractor Neural Networks (1994) (7)
- Maximal mean-field solutions in the random field Ising model: the pattern of the symmetry breaking (1993) (7)
- On the number of limit cycles in asymmetric neural networks (2018) (7)
- Comment on "ising spin glasses in a magnetic field". (1998) (7)
- Two-loop corrections to large order behavior of φ4 theory (2017) (7)
- Values of fundamental constants (1975) (7)
- The magnetic properties of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model for spin glasses (2006) (7)
- Renormalization group approach to spin glass systems (2001) (7)
- General consequences of conformal algebra (1973) (7)
- Out-of-equilibrium 2D Ising spin glass: almost, but not quite, a free-field theory (2018) (7)
- Governments: Balance research funds across Europe (2016) (7)
- On the two-steps relaxation of mean-field glasses: p-spin model (2012) (7)
- RFQ-, Chopping- and Funneling-Studies for the ESS-Injector-Linac (1996) (7)
- Some negative results for avoiding lattice fermionic doubling (1983) (7)
- Intermittency Correction to the Obukhov-Corrsin Theory of a Passive Scalar (1992) (7)
- Is the 3104 MeV vector meson the φc or the W0? (1974) (7)
- Scaling Law Describes the Spin-Glass Response in Theory, Experiments, and Simulations. (2020) (7)
- Reply to Melrose's comment on 'on the multifractal nature of fully developed turbulence and chaotic systems' (1986) (6)
- Two signals from B cells control the expansion of T cells: only one is immunologically specific. (1988) (6)
- Analysis of the end regions of the CERN lead-ion 4-rod RFQ (1993) (6)
- The Heisenberg spin glass model on GPU: myths and actual facts (2010) (6)
- Phase Diagram for a Ferromagnetic System with Potts Symmetry in Four Dimensions (1987) (6)
- On the 1/D expansion for directed polymers (1997) (6)
- Properties of the two-dimensional O(N)θ-models and the high-temperature expansion (1980) (6)
- On infrared divergences in spin glasses (1995) (6)
- Spin glasses on the hypercube (2009) (6)
- Fragility in p-spin models. (2004) (6)
- Some remarks on the connection between replicas and dynamics (1983) (6)
- On computer simulations for spin glasses to test mean field predictions (1991) (6)
- Diluted mean-field spin-glass models at criticality (2014) (6)
- On The Mean Field Theory of Random Heteropolymers (1992) (6)
- On the replica approach to spin-glass theory (1995) (6)
- The use of optimized Monte Carlo methods for studying spin glasses (2000) (6)
- Relation between Heterogeneous Frozen Regions in Supercooled Liquids and Non-Debye Spectrum in the Corresponding Glasses. (2019) (6)
- Field theory and the physics of disordered systems (2011) (6)
- Reply: Pagnani, Parisi, and Ricci-Tersenghi (2001) (6)
- Finite-size effects in the microscopic critical properties of jammed configurations: A comprehensive study of the effects of different types of disorder. (2020) (6)
- The Hierarchical Random Energy Model (2009) (6)
- Off-equilibrium fluctuation dissipation relation in binary mixtures (1997) (6)
- Anomalous finite size corrections in random field models (2014) (5)
- The Ape with a small mass (1990) (5)
- Spin glasses, complexity and all that (1993) (5)
- On the survey-propagation equations in random constraint satisfiability problems (2008) (5)
- Erratum: Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic systems (Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (1985) 18 (2157-2165)) (1985) (5)
- Statistical properties of Random Matrices and the replica method (1997) (5)
- Critical slowing down exponents in structural glasses: Random orthogonal and related models (2012) (5)
- Mean field theory of the glass transition and jamming of hard spheres (2008) (5)
- Quantitative field theory of the glass transition (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(2012) 109, 46 (18725-18730)) (2013) (5)
- New ideas in glass transitions (1997) (5)
- Spin glasses theory (1986) (5)
- Delocalization transition in low energy excitation modes of vector spin glasses (2021) (5)
- Local overlaps, heterogeneities and the local fluctuation dissipation relations (2002) (5)
- Quark confinement in quantum field theory (1975) (5)
- Infinite volume extrapolation in the one-dimensional bond diluted Levy spin-glass model near its lower critical dimension (2014) (5)
- On the classification of learning machines (1992) (5)
- Local fluctuation dissipation relation (2002) (5)
- Critical exponents of the random field hierarchical model (2013) (5)
- Phase diagram of bipartite entanglement (2019) (5)
- Wide angle electron-positron bremsstrahlung at adone a new limit for the existence of a heavy electron (1973) (5)
- Loop expansion around the Bethe solution for the random magnetic field Ising ferromagnets at zero temperature (2019) (5)
- APE quenched spectrum (1991) (5)
- Comment on "Triviality of the ground state structure in Ising spin glasses". (2000) (5)
- Fluctuation-dissipation ratio in an aging glass at long times (2003) (5)
- The Replica Approach to Glasses (1997) (5)
- Planck's Legacy to Statistical Mechanics (2001) (5)
- Local excitations in mean-field spin glasses (2003) (4)
- The Boson peak and the phonons in glasses (2004) (4)
- Numerical study of barriers and valleys in the free-energy landscape of spin glasses (2018) (4)
- On the critical exponent α of the 5D random-field Ising model (2019) (4)
- Barriers between metastable states in the p-spin spherical model (1997) (4)
- Low-temperature anomalies in structural glasses: impact of jamming criticality (2018) (4)
- Fluctuations in the random-link matching problem. (2019) (4)
- Series expansion of the off-equilibrium mode coupling equations (1995) (4)
- Zero-temperature limit of the supersymmetry-breaking complexity in dilute spin-glass models (2004) (4)
- Crossover behavior of a one-dimensional random energy model (1998) (4)
- Crossovers in the two-dimensional Ising spin glass with ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour interactions (1998) (4)
- Spin glass theory: Numerical and experimental results in three-dimensional systems (2007) (4)
- A duality sum rule for deep inelastic scattering (1972) (4)
- Comparison Study of RFQ Structures for the Lead Ion Linac at CERN (4)
- On the four-dimensional diluted Ising model (1995) (4)
- The Cavity Method (1987) (4)
- Statistical mechanics of a two-dimensional system with long-range interactions (1997) (4)
- Inherent structures in m -component spin glasses (2014) (4)
- Random-link matching problems on random regular graphs (2019) (4)
- Testing replica predictions in experiments (1998) (4)
- Replica approach to glass transition and jammed states of hard spheres (2008) (4)
- Random Walks with Long-Range Self-Repulsion on Proper Time (1992) (4)
- New analysis of the free energy cost of interfaces in spin glasses (2018) (4)
- High temperature expansion and the reggeon calculus (1975) (4)
- The large-connectivity limit of bootstrap percolation (2014) (4)
- How we are leading a 3-XORSAT challenge: From the energy landscape to the algorithm and its efficient implementation on GPUs (2021) (4)
- Analytic and Algorithmic Solution of Random (2002) (4)
- Replica Field Theory of the Dynamical Transition in Glassy Systems (2011) (4)
- On the energy minima of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (2000) (4)
- On the convergence of iterative methods to compute the quark propagator in lattice gauge theory (1983) (3)
- Origin of the finite-size effect for the QCD hadron masses☆ (1993) (3)
- Development of the ITEP 27 MHz heavy ion RFQ (1997) (3)
- On the Number of Limit Cycles in Diluted Neural Networks (2020) (3)
- Trajectory Correction Algorithms on the latest Model of the CLIC Main LINAC (1996) (3)
- Ricci-Tersenghi et al. reply (2001) (3)
- Physics Complexity and Biology (2007) (3)
- Spatial correlation functions and dynamical exponents in very large samples of four-dimensional spin glasses. (2013) (3)
- Interface Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Model (2010) (3)
- On the single point field theories (1983) (3)
- Some remarks on the electronic states in disordered materials (1981) (3)
- A divergent correlation length in off-equilibrium glasses (1998) (3)
- Variational real space renormalization group and its application to frustrated systems (1982) (3)
- Trace identities for the Schröedinger operator and the WKB method (1982) (3)
- Unexpected Upper Critical Dimension for Spin Glass Models in a Field Predicted by the Loop Expansion around the Bethe Solution at Zero Temperature. (2021) (3)
- Inferring the particle-wise dynamics of amorphous solids from the local structure at the jamming point. (2019) (3)
- Erratum: Non-perturbative effects in spin glasses (2015) (3)
- Multi-point accelerometric detection and principal component analysis of heart sounds (2013) (3)
- Reply: Ricci-Tersenghi et al. (2001) (3)
- Mean field matching and TSP in pseudo-dimension 1 (2017) (3)
- Physics of glassy systems (1999) (3)
- Composite operators in cubic field theories and link-overlap fluctuations in spin-glass models (2015) (3)
- An FPGA-Based Supercomputer for Statistical Physics: The Weird Case of Janus (2013) (3)
- How Generic are the Robust Theoretical Aspects of Jamming in Hard Sphere Models? (2017) (3)
- Probing the Debye spectrum in glasses using small system sizes (2020) (3)
- Critical off-equilibrium dynamics in glassy systems (2012) (3)
- On the mean field approach to glassy systems (1997) (3)
- Course 3 Mean field theory of spin glasses: Statics and dynamics (2007) (3)
- Some recent developments in the theory of replica symmetry breaking (1992) (3)
- Low T dynamical properties of spin glasses smoothly extrapolate to T = 0 (2002) (3)
- Value of fundamental constants (1974) (3)
- Complexity in Biology: The Point of View of a Physicist (1994) (3)
- Large-N -approximated field theory for multipartite entanglement (2015) (3)
- Bond diluted Levy spin-glass model and a new finite-size scaling method to determine a phase transition (2010) (3)
- The random fractional matching problem (2018) (3)
- Spin Glasses in a Field Show a Phase Transition Varying the Distance among Real Replicas (And How to Exploit It to Find the Critical Line in a Field) (2020) (3)
- Renormalization group and free energy calculations for spin systems (1982) (3)
- Learning and memory in spin-glass-like immune networks (1993) (3)
- Conformal Field Theory and Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Turbulence (1995) (3)
- Effective forces in thermal amorphous solids with generic interactions. (2018) (3)
- Conformal-covariant Wilson expansion in perturbation theory (1973) (3)
- Gluon fragmentation functions from quark jets (1979) (3)
- Course 6: Glasses, Replicas and All That (2004) (3)
- On non linear external field effects in quasi-superconducting films (1972) (2)
- A simple method for computing electrodynamic processes of high order (1972) (2)
- Comment on "Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in the 3D Ising Spin Glass Model" (1999) (2)
- On the Anderson transition on the Bethe lattice (2018) (2)
- Quantum jamming: Critical properties of a quantum mechanical perceptron (2020) (2)
- One-loop topological expansion for spin glasses in the large connectivity limit (2017) (2)
- Off-equilibrium dynamics in the energy landscape of a simple model glass (2001) (2)
- The large-scale structure of randomly jammed particles (2017) (2)
- Theory meets experiment for the aging rate of spin glasses (2018) (2)
- Phase transitions of bipartite entanglement (2008) (2)
- Quantum Mechanics: Symmetries and conservation laws (2009) (2)
- Hard bremsstrahlung in e+e− collisions (1971) (2)
- Nonequilibrium spin glass dynamics with Janus (2009) (2)
- The one dimensional string on the lattice. A study of the spectrum of the transfer matrix (1991) (2)
- Randomness as a Source of Massless Particles (1980) (2)
- On the Emergence of Tree-like Structures in Complex Systems (1992) (2)
- On the Dynamics of the 4d Spin Glass in a magnetic field (1997) (2)
- Anomalous dimensions from a high temperature expansion without a lattice (1976) (2)
- Dynamical fluctuations in an exactly solvable model of spin glasses (1997) (2)
- Critical interface: Twisting spin glasses at Tc (2009) (2)
- On the possibility of obtaining a finite value for the proton-neutron mass difference (1973) (2)
- Quantum Mechanics: Quantum optics (2009) (2)
- A mean field theory for arrays of Josephson junctions (1996) (2)
- The Σ-term and the scale breaking (1971) (2)
- Application of p-adic analysis to models of breaking of replica symmetry (2017) (2)
- A heavy ion linac for the CERN accelerator complex (1992) (2)
- On the quantum few-body problem (1984) (2)
- Some considerations on nonrenormalizable interactions (1975) (2)
- The role of local structure in dynamical arrest (2015) (2)
- A Tiling Model for Glassy Systems (1999) (2)
- A note on weakly discontinuous dynamical transitions. (2012) (2)
- Historical and personal recollections of Guido Altarelli (2017) (2)
- Comment on ‘Real-space renormalization-group methods for hierarchical spin glasses’ (2019) (2)
- Considerations on particle dynamics in a heavy ion DTL (1997) (2)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: One-loop contribution to the dynamical exponents in spin glasses (1997) (2)
- The Point of View of a Physicist (2)
- On Critical Dynamics in Disordered Systems (2012) (2)
- Erratum : A simple hypothesis for the spin glass phase of the infinite-ranged SK model (1981) (2)
- Finite-volume corrections to the mean-field solution of the SK model (1992) (2)
- Critical behaviour of large scale dynamical heterogeneities in glasses: a complete theory (2010) (2)
- Explicit generation of the branching tree of states in spin glasses (2014) (2)
- A general method to determine replica symmetry breaking transitions (1998) (2)
- Magnetic-field symmetry breaking in spin glasses (2022) (2)
- Interaction of HIV infection with nervous tissue may play a crucial role in the development of AIDS. (1988) (2)
- Networks in immunology (1989) (2)
- Selected Papers of Daniel Amit (1938-2007) (2013) (2)
- Italy: scientists petition against biodynamic farming law (2021) (2)
- Monte Carlo simulations for statistical physics: Janus (2008) (1)
- Quasi equilibrium construction for the long time limit of glassy dynamics (2015) (1)
- Gauge invariance and dynamical symmetry breaking (1970) (1)
- Criticality and conformality in the random dimer model. (2020) (1)
- A pedagogical introduction to the replica method for glasses (1999) (1)
- Exact Solutions in Infinite Dimensions (1)
- Two-loop corrections to the large-order behavior of correlation functions in the one-dimensional N -vector model (2020) (1)
- Beam Dynamics Calculations for the Acceleration of Different Ions in a Heavy Ion Linac (1996) (1)
- Supersymmetry and Metastability in Disordered Systems (2005) (1)
- Reply to the Comment on `Glassy Transition in a Disordered Model for the RNA Secondary Structure' (2000) (1)
- Reliable determination of the order parameter for the D=3 Ising spin glass (2010) (1)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A numerical study of ultrametricity in finite-dimensional spin glasses (1996) (1)
- Spin Glass Simulations on the Janus Architecture: A Desperate Quest for Strong Scaling (2012) (1)
- Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson model : Reply to a comment by T. Jörg and F. Krzakala (2008) (1)
- A first principle computation of the low temperature thermodynamics of glasses (1998) (1)
- A note on rattlers in amorphous packings of binary mixtures of hard spheres. (2010) (1)
- Statistical mechanics of optimization problems (2006) (1)
- Acoustic vibration surface mapping method in cardiac evaluation (2008) (1)
- Strange hadrons in lattice QCD (1982) (1)
- Charge density waves and the replica method (1993) (1)
- On the mean life-time of the persistent current in a two-dimensional superconductor (1973) (1)
- Local spin glass order in 1D (2006) (1)
- Possible tests of scale invariance in very high-energy e+e− collisions (1973) (1)
- The overlap in glassy systems (2013) (1)
- Broken scale invariance,U3⊗U3 breaking and hadron Lagrangian structure (1971) (1)
- Glue ball masses and the chameleon gauge (1995) (1)
- On the physical origin of ultrametricity (1999) (1)
- On the origin of the boson peak (2003) (1)
- Facing Complexity (1987) (1)
- Statistical physics of structural glasses (2000) (1)
- Ising spin glass transition in magnetic field out of mean-field (2008) (1)
- Study of longitudinal fluctuations of the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model (2018) (1)
- Comment on ``Dynamical Heterogeneities in a Supercooled Lennard-Jones Liquid'' (1998) (1)
- On the Energy Minima of the SK Model (2000) (1)
- answer to the comment on "ultrametricity in the edwards-anderson model (2007) (1)
- Pinned particles stabilize the soft modes of a nearly jammed system (2012) (1)
- Study of the asymmetric Little model (1992) (1)
- Non-equilibrium fluctuation—dissipation relations in binary glasses (1997) (1)
- THE TAP APPROACH (1986) (1)
- Ultrametricity and long-range correlations in the Edwards-Anderson spin glass (2013) (1)
- Glass transition and random close packing in 3+ dimensions (2011) (1)
- Effect of Dilution on First Order Transitions: The Three Dimensional Three States Potts Model (1999) (1)
- The loop expansion around the Bethe solution at zero temperature predicts an upper critical dimension equal to 8 for spin glass models in a field (2021) (1)
- Scientific and personal recollections of Roberto Petronzio (2018) (1)
- Reply to Wiin‐Nielsen's comment on simple climate models with periodic and stochastic forcing (1984) (1)
- Imry-Ma criterion for long-range random field Ising model: short-/long-range equivalence in a field (2013) (1)
- Some alternatives for the lattice fermions (1983) (1)
- Effective potentials in glassy systems (1998) (1)
- Numerical test of the replica-symmetric Hamiltonian for correlations of the critical state of spin glasses in a field. (2021) (1)
- Universality class of the mode-locked glassy random laser (2022) (1)
- Against Temperature Chaos in Naive TAP Equations (2000) (1)
- Janus2: an FPGA-based supercomputer for spin glass simulations (2012) (1)
- Potential energy landscape of simple structural glasses (1998) (1)
- Investigation of beam stability in a high intensity drift tube linac for heavy ion inertial fusion (2001) (1)
- Complexity and Intelligence (2005) (1)
- Some considerations on non renormalizable interactions (1974) (1)
- Cavity Fields Approach in Spin Glasses; One Step Beyond (1990) (1)
- Temperature chaos and quenched heterogeneities. (2013) (1)
- Memory and rejuvenation in spin glasses: aging systems are ruled by more than one length scale (2022) (1)
- Toward a field theory of confinement (1976) (0)
- Comment on "Liquid Limits: The Glass Transition and Liquid-Gas Spinodal Boundaries of Metastable Liquids" (2000) (0)
- Ultrametric structure of finite dimensional spin glasses (1997) (0)
- J un 1 99 9 P-adic numbers and replica symmetry breaking March 24 , 2022 (2022) (0)
- Conformal Field Theory and Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Turbulence (1995) (0)
- Hard-sphere jamming through the lens of linear optimization. (2022) (0)
- The Marginally Stable Bethe Lattice Spin Glass Revisited (2017) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: The measurement problem in quantum mechanics (2009) (0)
- 0 60 73 76 v 3 19 F eb 2 00 7 Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model (2007) (0)
- TIME AND QM (2000) (0)
- N ov 2 01 3 epl draft Temperature chaos in 3 D Ising Spin Glasses is driven by rare events (2012) (0)
- 1 3 D ec 2 01 2 On Critical Dynamics in Glassy Systems (2012) (0)
- Probing the spin-glass phase with non-equilibrium measurements: statics-dynamics equivalence through the fluctuation-dissipation ratio (2016) (0)
- Nuclear Physics B225 [FS9] (1983) 475-496 © North-Holland Publishing Company CONSIDERATIONS ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF QCD (2002) (0)
- ReplicaField Theory forDeterministicM odels:Binary Sequenceswith Low Autocorrelation (2021) (0)
- Optical computation of the spin glass dynamics (2021) (0)
- Temperature chaos is present in off-equilibrium spin-glass dynamics (2021) (0)
- Possible tests of scale invariance in very high energy e$sup +$e$sup -$ collisions (1973) (0)
- Roberto Petronzio and the QCD (2017) (0)
- On the replica symmetry for random weighted matchings (1991) (0)
- 0 Thermodynamics of a Tiling Model (2000) (0)
- Phonons in supercooled liquids and the Boson-Peak (2003) (0)
- Infinite-temperature Inherent Structures in m-component Spin Glasses (2014) (0)
- Correlation functions of the anharmonic oscillator: Numerical verification of two-loop corrections to the large-order behavior (2021) (0)
- Testable QCD predictions for sphericity-like distributions in e+e− annihilation (1980) (0)
- The Hopfield Model and its Variations (1987) (0)
- Free-Energy Cost for Ultrametricity Violations in Spin Glasses (1993) (0)
- Experimental check of non linear effects in Al thin films close to Tc. (1972) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: Angular momentum and spin (2009) (0)
- Slow non-equilibrium dynamics (1995) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: From classical mechanics to quantum mechanics (2009) (0)
- Se p 20 00 Gluon distributions in nucleons and pions at a low resolution scale (2008) (0)
- An Introduction to Learning and Generalisation (1994) (0)
- The integration of community membership for the coral network of the Great Barrier Reef (2010) (0)
- A Time-varying Mixture Memory Multiplicative Error Model (2019) (0)
- 3 1 A ug 2 00 8 Overlap Interfaces in Hierarchical Spin-Glass models (2009) (0)
- Particle dynamics in a DTL for high intensity heavy ion beams for inertial fusion (1999) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: Quantum theory of open systems (2009) (0)
- On the Structure of the Phases in Lattice Gauge Theories (1980) (0)
- Computation of the Zero Temperature RSB parameter in Bethe Lattice Spin Glasses (2018) (0)
- Prebiotic Evolution and Spin Glasses (1987) (0)
- Jamming Criticality Revealed by Removing "Bucklers" (2014) (0)
- Numerical Simulations: Old and New Problems (1988) (0)
- cohesion in flocking models Spatially balanced topological interaction grants optimal (2014) (0)
- The APE100 project (2008) (0)
- On Symmetry Classification of Spin Nematics (2017) (0)
- Entanglement: non-separability (2009) (0)
- 5 a Simple Equality 4 Time Dependent Correlation Functions 2 the Numerical Simulation 3d Spin Glasses: Numerical Evidence for a Mean Field like Behavior at Low Temperature A (0)
- Nonequilibrium spin glass dynamics with the Janus computer (2009) (0)
- Heineman Prize Talk: Spin Glasses Between Mathematics and Physics (2005) (0)
- A model for the long time dynamics in a simple glass: Off-equilibrium properties (1999) (0)
- Spin Glasses and the Renormalization Group (1998) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: Perturbations and approximation methods (2009) (0)
- Lars Onsager Prize: The mean field solution for Hard Sphere Jamming and a new scenario for the low temperature landscape of glasses. (2016) (0)
- On Polymers with Long-Range Repulsive Forces (1991) (0)
- 2 T he large connectivity expansion (2022) (0)
- An Elementary Introduction to Computer Simulations of Hadronic Physics (1985) (0)
- Vibrations in glasses and Euclidean random matrix theory (2002) (0)
- The Glassy Potts Model (1998) (0)
- Brownian motors and glass-forming liquids , work production from out-of-equilibrium relaxation (2010) (0)
- de Almeida-Thouless line in the four dbnensional Ising spin The (0)
- 22] for General Reviews on Spin Glasses See: Mean--eld Potts Glass Model: Initial Condition Eeects on Dynamics and Properties of Glassy Dynamical Transition and Aging in a Model without Disorder Preprint Cond-mat/9408079 4.1 Ferromagnetic Ordering with J 0 = 0 (1994) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: Entanglement: quantum information and computation (2009) (0)
- Boson peak in an harmonic scalar model (2001) (0)
- Parameter Study for a High Current Heavy Ion Linac (1998) (0)
- A pedagogical introduction to the replica method for fragile glasses (2008) (0)
- Two spaces looking for a geometer Giorgio Parisi (2002) (0)
- A pr 2 00 1 The Ksat problem in a simple limit (2008) (0)
- Theoretical progresses in off-equilibrium behavior of glassy systems (2011) (0)
- Phonons in supercooled liquids: a possible explanation for the (2003) (0)
- Combinatorial Optimization Problems (1987) (0)
- On Spin Glass Theory (1987) (0)
- Universal ratios in first-order transitions induced by fluctuations (1983) (0)
- Ergodicity: How Can It Be Broken? (2014) (0)
- Phase transitions and metastability in the distribution of the bipartite entanglement of a system of qubits (2009) (0)
- Ising spin glass on random graphs at zero temperature: Not all spins are glassy in the glassy phase (2022) (0)
- Scalingcorrections:site-percolation and Isingmodel in threedimensions (2021) (0)
- Memory and rejuvenation effects in spin glasses are governed by more than one length scale (2023) (0)
- A replica-symmetric Hamiltonian describes the correlations of the critical state of spin glasses in a field (and might be relevant for other glass formers too) (2022) (0)
- The phase transition of the four dimensional Ising spin glass in presence of a magnetic field is well described by a replica-symmetric field theory (2021) (0)
- Design Study of the Low Energy Part of the CERN Pb Ion Injector (0)
- Nobel Lecture: Multiple equilibria (2023) (0)
- SK Model: The Replica Solution without Replicas (1986) (0)
- CALiPPSO: A Linear Programming Algorithm for Jamming Hard Spheres (2022) (0)
- Equilibrium and o-equilibrium simulations of the 4 dGaussian spin (1996) (0)
- Erratum: Scaling above the upper critical dimension in Ising models [Phys. Rev. B 54, R3698 (1996)] (1997) (0)
- 2 5 O ct 2 00 1 Zero-temperature responses of a 3 D spin glass in a field (2022) (0)
- Brownian motion : A celebration (2005) (0)
- Interplay of Disorder and Fluctuations in Physical Systems - Celebrating the Science of Physics (2022) (0)
- Jamming and hard sphere glasses (2010) (0)
- The Crossover Region Between Long-Range and Short-Range Interactions for the Critical Exponents (2014) (0)
- Reconfigurable computing for Monte Carlo simulations: Results and prospects of the Janus project (2012) (0)
- On the Spectrum of the One-Dimensional String (1990) (0)
- Local fluctuation dissipation relation (2004) (0)
- On Surface Growth in Random Media (1992) (0)
- A simple modelfortheimmunenetwork (1990) (0)
- Thoughts on complex systems: an interview with Giorgio Parisi (2022) (0)
- Galileo in the gallery (2006) (0)
- Lecturers who Contributed to this volume (2006) (0)
- On the approach to equilibrium of a Hamiltonian chain of anharmonic oscillators (1997) (0)
- Atomic Liquids in Infinite Dimensions: Thermodynamics (2020) (0)
- Language discrimination and clustering via a neural network approach (2015) (0)
- Counting Glass States: The Complexity (2020) (0)
- Large-scale assessment of research outputs through a weighted combination of bibliometric indicators (2016) (0)
- 4c The meaning of temperature......... 58 4d The random energy model.......... 62 4e The spherical model.............. 70 (0)
- e+e− Annihilation into hadrons in the preasymptotic region and $$\mu ^ + \mu ^ - $$ production in proton collisionsproduction in proton collisions (1971) (0)
- Abstracts from the international conference on mathematical problems from the physics of fluids (1986) (0)
- The Gardner Transition (2020) (0)
- Atomic Liquids in Infinite Dimensions: Equilibrium Dynamics (2020) (0)
- N Ear Optim Al Congurations in M Ean Eld Disordered System S (0)
- A new approach for the analytic computation of the instantaneous normal modes spectrum (2000) (0)
- On non-linear susceptibility in supercooled liquids (2000) (0)
- On Spin Glass Theory (1987) (0)
- Simulated Tempering: A New Monte Carlo Scheme (1992) (0)
- Generalization of Rules by Neural Nets (1992) (0)
- Mean-Field Theory of Randomly Frustrated Systems with Finite Connectivity (1987) (0)
- Analytical solution of the Monte Carlo dynamics of a simple spin-glass model (1996) (0)
- Theory of the Depinning Transition in Charge Density Waves (1991) (0)
- 3d Ising Spin-Glasses in a Magnetic Field and Mean-Field Theory (1990) (0)
- Non-Exponential Relaxation Time Scales in Disordered Systems: An Application to Protein Dynamics (1994) (0)
- Cavity Fields Approach in Spin Glasses; One Step Beyond (1990) (0)
- Extensive Numerical Simulations of Weighted Matchings: Total Length and Distribution of Links in the Optimal Solution (1991) (0)
- On the Number of Metastable States in Spin Glasses (1995) (0)
- Intermittency Correction to the Obukhov-Corrsin Theory of a Passive Scalar (1992) (0)
- Ultrametricity in an Inhomogeneous Simplest Spin Glass Model (1992) (0)
- Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems (2004) (0)
- Local excitations in mean-field spin glasses (2004) (0)
- Exploring the configuration space of glassy models (1998) (0)
- Ising spin-glasses in a magnetic field in 3 dimensions (1990) (0)
- On the order of the deconfining phase transition in SU(3) LGT (1989) (0)
- Status of quenched QCD on ape computers (1990) (0)
- Off-Equilibrium Effective Temperature in Monatomic (2000) (0)
- Very large scale simulations of the RSOS model in four dimensions (2012) (0)
- Quenched Computation of the Complexity of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model (2003) (0)
- Application of D.F. and W.F. algorithms to the CLIC main linac divided in sectors (1995) (0)
- O n the R eplica A pproach to Spin G lass Talk given atFifth InternationalW orkshop on D isordered System s, A ndalo,February (2022) (0)
- Contucci et al. Reply (2008) (0)
- First Monte Carlo simulations for statistical physics : Janus (2008) (0)
- Breaking the Replica Symmetry (1987) (0)
- Corrigendum: The random field XY model on sparse random graphs shows replica symmetry breaking and marginally stable ferromagnetism (2019 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 284001) (2021) (0)
- J an 2 01 8 Scientific and personal recollections of Roberto Petronzio (2018) (0)
- Examples of quantum dynamics (2009) (0)
- Mean-Field Equations for the Matching and the Travelling Salesman Problems (1986) (0)
- Low-temperature glassy systems: Present understanding, open problems and future developments (2015) (0)
- O ct 2 01 6 Temperature chaos is a non-local effect (2016) (0)
- A Few Remarks on Low Dimensional String Theory (1991) (0)
- Numerical Evidence of a Critical Line in the 4d Ising Spin Glass (1993) (0)
- On the Replica Approach to Spin Glass Talk given at Fifth International Workshop on Disordered Systems , Andalo , February 1994 (2008) (0)
- Ju n 20 05 The ideal glass transition of Hard Spheres (2008) (0)
- The quenched mass spectrum in lattice QCD (1992) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: Identical particles (2009) (0)
- Fermi’s statistics (2004) (0)
- Complex systems : fractals, spin glasses and neural networks : proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems: Fractals, Spin Glasses and Neural Netwroks, I.C.T.P., Trieste, Italy, 2-6 July 1991 (1992) (0)
- Ja n 20 10 A phase-separation perspective on dynamic heterogeneities in glass-forming liquids (2009) (0)
- The APE Computer and first Physics results (1987) (0)
- On energy-momentum conservation (1984) (0)
- Hydrogen and helium atoms (2009) (0)
- Ju l 2 00 0 The Ksat problem in a simple limit (2008) (0)
- Scalable optical computation of the spin glass thermodynamics (2021) (0)
- APE project: a Gigaflop processor for lattice calculations (1985) (0)
- On the critical exponent α of the 5 D random – field Ising model (2019) (0)
- DMD based scalable computation of the spin glass thermodynamics (2021) (0)
- ec 2 00 0 Neighborhood preferences in random matching problems (2001) (0)
- Random Heteropolymers Folding (1991) (0)
- State measurement in quantum mechanics (2009) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics: Density matrix (2009) (0)
- And in Press on International Journal of High Speed Computing, and References Therein. for a General Discussion See E. Marinari, a Review Talk About (1993) (0)
- 0 11 04 41 v 1 2 1 O ct 2 00 1 Vibrations in glasses and Euclidean Random Matrix theory (2013) (0)
- Time and length for spin glasses (2018) (0)
- It has been shown that glasses prepared by physical vapour deposition have extraordinary stability. A computer algorithm that mimics such a process has now identified the optimal deposition temperature and the glasses' structural features. (2013) (0)
- Erratum: One-loop topological expansion for spin glasses in the large connectivity limit (2018) (0)
- Quasicrystals: fragments of history and future outlooks (2023) (0)
- Angular correlations of the decay products of two heavy leptons (1971) (0)
- Free energy expansion of the spin glass with finite connectivity for $\infty$ RSB (2020) (0)
- The Complementarity Principle (2000) (0)
- Fluctuations in a Spin Glass model with 1RSB (1996) (0)
- Phase Diagram for a Ferromagnetic System with Potts Symmetry in Four Dimensions (1987) (0)
- A soluble model for random directed polymers in the very long range limit. (1990) (0)
- Ju n 20 07 Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model (2019) (0)
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