Godfried Toussaint
Canadian computer scientist
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Computer Science Mathematics
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Godfried Theodore Patrick Toussaint was a Canadian computer scientist, a professor of computer science, and the head of the Computer Science Program at New York University Abu Dhabi in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He is considered to be the father of computational geometry in Canada. He did research on various aspects of computational geometry, discrete geometry, and their applications: pattern recognition , motion planning, visualization , knot theory , linkage reconfiguration, the art gallery problem, polygon triangulation, the largest empty circle problem, unimodality , and others. Other interests included meander , compass and straightedge constructions, instance-based learning, music information retrieval, and computational music theory.
Godfried Toussaint's Published Works
Published Works
- The relative neighbourhood graph of a finite planar set (1980) (1250)
- Relative neighborhood graphs and their relatives (1992) (615)
- Solving geometric problems with the rotating calipers (1983) (584)
- Bibliography on estimation of misclassification (1974) (338)
- Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Computing Nearest-Neighbour Decision Boundaries (2003) (207)
- An Optimal Algorithm for Determining the Visibility of a Polygon from an Edge (1981) (177)
- Computing the Width of a Set (1988) (166)
- The use of context in pattern recognition (1978) (144)
- A Fast Convex Hull Algorithm (1978) (138)
- The Geometry of Musical Rhythm (2013) (136)
- Movable Separability of Sets (1985) (127)
- A Comparison of Rhythmic Similarity Measures (2004) (113)
- On a convex hull algorithm for polygons and its application to triangulation problems (1982) (104)
- An efficient algorithm for decomposing a polygon into star-shaped polygons (1981) (96)
- Experiments in Text Recognition with the Modified Viterbi Algorithm (1979) (96)
- Geometric proximity graphs for improving nearest neighbor methods in instance-based learning and data mining (2005) (95)
- A Mathematical Analysis of African, Brazilian, and Cuban Clave Rhythms (2002) (94)
- Proximity Graphs for Nearest Neighbor Decision Rules: Recent Progress (2002) (90)
- Note on optimal selection of independent binary-valued features for pattern recognition (Corresp.) (1971) (83)
- A Graph-Theoretical Primal Sketch (1988) (82)
- Computing the link center of a simple polygon (2011) (80)
- Guarding Polyhedral Terrains (1997) (78)
- On the detection of structures in noisy pictures (1977) (78)
- The Euclidean Algorithm Generates Traditional Musical Rhythms (2005) (77)
- Approximating polygonal curves in two and three dimensions (1993) (75)
- Computing largest empty circles with location constraints (1983) (70)
- Computational Geometric Problems in Pattern Recognition (1982) (68)
- Classification and Phylogenetic Analysis of African Ternary Rhythm Timelines (2003) (66)
- El Compás Flamenco: A Phylogenetic Analysis (2004) (59)
- Computing geodesic properties inside a simple polygon (1989) (59)
- Converting triangulations to quadrangulations (1998) (58)
- Locked and unlocked polygonal chains in 3D (1998) (55)
- Space-efficient planar convex hull algorithms (2004) (55)
- A simple linear algorithm for intersecting convex polygons (1985) (54)
- Algorithms for bivariate medians and a fermat-torricelli problem for lines (2003) (53)
- Computational geometry and facility location (1990) (52)
- Slicing an ear using prune-and-search (1993) (51)
- The distance geometry of music (2007) (48)
- Algorithms for Computing Geometric Measures of Melodic Similarity (2006) (47)
- A bottom-up and top-down approach to using context in text recognition (1979) (44)
- Feasibility of Design in Stereolithography (1997) (44)
- Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in Three Dimensions (1999) (44)
- The Erdös-Nagy theorem and its ramifications (2005) (43)
- Sharper lower bounds for discrimination information in terms of variation (Corresp.) (1975) (42)
- Lower Bounds for Computing Statistical Depth (2002) (41)
- Computing the constrained Euclidean, geodesic and link centre of a simple polygon with applications (1996) (41)
- A historical note on convex hull finding algorithms (1985) (40)
- An efficient method for estimating the probability of misclassification applied to a problem in medical diagnosis. (1975) (39)
- Drawing Nice Projections of Objects in Space (1995) (39)
- Algorithms for Recognizing Contour-Traced Handprinted Characters (1970) (38)
- Results Obtained Using a Simple Character Recognition Procedure on Munson's Handprinted Data (1972) (38)
- Some Unsolved Problems on Proximity Graphs (1991) (37)
- Mathematical Measures of Syncopation (2005) (37)
- Filling Polyhedral Molds (1993) (36)
- The Aquarium Keeper's Problem (1991) (36)
- On Geometric Algorithms that use the Furthest-Point Voronoi Diagram (1985) (34)
- Quadrangulations of Planar Sets (1995) (34)
- No Quadrangulation is Extremely Odd (1995) (34)
- A note on reconfiguring tree linkages: trees can lock (2002) (33)
- Computational morphology : a computational geometric approach to the analysis of form (1988) (33)
- Computational geometric aspects of rhythm, melody, and voice-leading (2010) (33)
- Rhythm Complexity Measures: A Comparison of Mathematical Models of Human Perception and Performance (2008) (32)
- Efficient triangulation of simple polygons (1991) (32)
- Every Set of Disjoint Line Segments Admits a Binary Tree (1994) (32)
- The Graham scan triangulates simple polygons (1990) (32)
- Characterizing and efficiently computing quadrangulations of planar point sets (1997) (31)
- Geometric and computational aspects of polymer reconfiguration (2000) (31)
- Optimal algorithms for computing the minimum distance between two finite planar sets (1983) (30)
- A note on linear expected time algorithms for finding convex hulls (1981) (30)
- On the multimodality of distances in convex polygons (1982) (30)
- An Experimental Comparison of Formal Measures of rhythmic Syncopation (2007) (30)
- Some properties of Matusita's measure of affinity of several distributions (1974) (29)
- Shortest path solves edge-to-edge visibility in a polygon (1986) (29)
- On the ultimate convex hull algorithm in practice (1985) (29)
- Comments on "The Divergence and Bhattacharyya Distance Measures in Signal Selection" (1972) (28)
- Computing shortest paths for transportation of hazardous materials in continuous spaces (2005) (28)
- Shortest Path Solves Translation Separability of Polygons (1986) (28)
- Efficient Algorithms for Computing the Maximum Distance Between Two Finite Planar Sets (1983) (28)
- Growing a Tree from Its Branches (1995) (28)
- Some new algorithms and software implementation methods for pattern recognition research (1979) (27)
- Measuring Similarity between Flamenco Rhythmic Patterns (2009) (27)
- Reconfiguring convex polygons (2001) (27)
- Efficient Many-To-Many Point Matching in One Dimension (2007) (27)
- A simple O(n log n) algorithm for finding the maximum distance between two finite planar sets (1982) (26)
- Guard Placement in Rectilinear Polygons (1988) (26)
- A linear-time algorithm for solving the strong hidden-line problem in a simple polygon (1986) (26)
- An Improved Algorithm to Check for Polygon Similarity (1978) (25)
- Geometric and computational aspects of manufacturing processes (1996) (25)
- The Erd} Os-nagy Theorem and Its Ramiications (1999) (25)
- A new linear algorithm for triangulating monotone polygons (1984) (24)
- An O(n log n)-Time Algorithm for the Restriction Scaffold Assignment Problem (2005) (24)
- Probability of error, expected divergence, and the affinity of several distributions (1978) (24)
- Comments on 'A modified figure of merit for feature selection in pattern recognition' by Paul, J. E., Jr., et al (1971) (24)
- Computing the external geodesic diameter of a simple polygon (1990) (24)
- Mathematical Features for Recognizing Preference in Sub-saharan African Traditional Rhythm Timelines (2005) (24)
- On reconfiguring tree linkages: Trees can lock (1999) (21)
- A counterexample to an algorithm for computing monotone hulls of simple polygons (1983) (21)
- The Edit Distance as a Measure of Perceived Rhythmic Similarity (2011) (21)
- Linear Approximation of Simple Objects (1992) (21)
- Finding the minimum vertex distance between two disjoint convex polygons in linear time (1985) (21)
- Algorithmic, Geometric, and Combinatorial Problems in Computational Music Theory (2003) (21)
- Separation of two monotone polygons in linear time (1984) (20)
- Computing shortest transversals of sets (1992) (20)
- An algorithm for computing the restriction scaffold assignment problem in computational biology (2005) (20)
- Translating Polygons in the Plane (1985) (19)
- Feature evaluation criteria and contextual decoding algorithms in statistical pattern recognition. (1972) (19)
- Some Inequalities Between Distance Measures for Feature Evaluation (1972) (19)
- The Sensitivity of the Modified Viterbi Algorithm to the Source Statistics (1980) (19)
- Computing the Geodesic Center of a Simple Polygon (1987) (18)
- In-Place Planar Convex Hull Algorithms (2002) (18)
- The symmetric all-furthest- neighbor problem (1983) (18)
- The Pairwise Variability Index as a Tool in Musical Rhythm Analysis (2012) (18)
- Time- and storage-efficient implementation of an optimal planar convex hull algorithm (1983) (18)
- Computating the width of a set (1985) (18)
- Some Aperture-Angle Optimization Problems (2002) (18)
- Convex Hulls for Random Lines (1993) (18)
- A New Class of Stuck Unknots in Pol6 (1999) (17)
- Edge-guarding Orthogonal Polyhedra (2011) (17)
- On the sectional area of convex polytopes (1996) (17)
- Proximity-Graph Instance-Based Learning, Support Vector Machines, and High Dimensionality: An Empirical Comparison (2012) (17)
- Geometric Decision Rules for Instance-Based Learning Problems (2005) (17)
- Tetrahedralization of Simple and Non-Simple Polyhedra (1993) (16)
- Use of Contextual Constraints in Recognition of Contour-Traced Handprinted Characters (1970) (16)
- Flipturning Polygons (2000) (16)
- Computational Geometry and Morphology (1986) (16)
- Edge-unfolding nested polyhedral bands (2008) (16)
- On Removing Non-degeneracy Assumptions in Computational Geometry (1997) (16)
- Determining sector visibility of a polygon (1989) (15)
- Analysis of Emergent Beat-Class Sets in Steve Reich's "Clapping Music" and the Yoruba Bell Timeline (2021) (15)
- Complexity, convexity, and unimodality (1984) (15)
- Feasability of Design in Stereolithography (1993) (14)
- Geometric and computational aspects of gravity casting (1995) (14)
- Similaridad y evolución en la rítmica del flamenco: una incursión de la matemática computacional (2005) (14)
- A Counterexample to a Diameter Algorithm for Convex Polygons (1982) (14)
- On the role of kinesthetic thinking in computational geometry (2003) (14)
- An output-complexity-sensitive polygon triangulation algorithm (1990) (13)
- Computing a Geometric Measure of the Similarity Between two Melodies (2003) (13)
- Some functional lower bounds on the expected divergence for multihypothesis pattern recognition, communication, and radar systems (1971) (13)
- Convexifying polygons with simple projections (2001) (13)
- All Convex Polyhedra can be Clamped with Parallel Jaw Grippers (1996) (13)
- Anthropomorphic polygons (1991) (13)
- A Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Shortest Line Segment from Which a Polygon is Weakly Externally Visible (1991) (13)
- Structural properties of Euclidean rhythms (2009) (13)
- Flat-State Connectivity of Linkages under Dihedral Motions (2002) (13)
- The Sphere of Influence Graph: Theory and Applications (2014) (12)
- Aperture-Angle Optimization Problems in Three Dimensions (2002) (12)
- Subsymmetries Predict Auditory and Visual Pattern Complexity (2013) (12)
- Computational Geometric Aspects of Musical Rhythm (2004) (12)
- An optimal algorithm for computing the minimum vertex distance between two crossing convex polygons (1983) (12)
- Separability of pairs of polygons through single translations (1987) (12)
- On geodesic properties of polygons relevant to linear time triangulation (2005) (11)
- Simple Proofs of a Geometric Property of Four-Bar Linkages (2003) (11)
- A new class of stuck unknots in . (2001) (11)
- Finding Hamiltonian Circuits in Arrangements of Jordan Curves is NP-Complete (1994) (11)
- Simple polygons with an infinite sequence of deflations. (2001) (11)
- Open Problems in Geometric Methods for Instance-Based Learning (2002) (11)
- On Envelopes of Arrangements of Lines (1996) (11)
- Nice Perspective Projections (2001) (11)
- On the relation between rhythm complexity measures and human rhythmic performance (2008) (10)
- The Rhythm that Conquered the World : What Makes a “ Good ” Rhythm Good ? (2010) (10)
- Interlocking and Euclidean rhythms (2009) (10)
- Unravelling Roman mosaic meander patterns: a simple algorithm for their generation (2010) (10)
- An upper bound on the probability of misclassification in terms of Matusita's measure of affinity (1982) (10)
- An upper bound on the probability of misclassification in terms of the affinity (1977) (10)
- - 1-Solving Geometric Problems with the Rotating Calipers * (1983) (10)
- On computing simple circuits on a set of line segments (1986) (10)
- The Rotating Calipers: An Efficient, Multipurpose, Computational Tool (2016) (10)
- Open Guard Edges and Edge Guards in Simple Polygons (2011) (10)
- On Polyhedra Induced by Point Sets in Space (2003) (10)
- Measuring musical rhythm similarity : Transformation versus feature-based methods (2013) (10)
- A counterexample to Tomek's consistency theorem for a condensed nearest neighbor decision rule (1994) (9)
- Geometric and Computational Aspects of Injection Molding (1992) (9)
- Vertex Pops and Popturns (2007) (9)
- Computing shortest transversals of sets (extended abstract) (1991) (9)
- Complexity of computing nice viewpoints of objects in space (2000) (8)
- Hiding disks in folded polygons (1998) (8)
- Applications of a two-dimensional hidden-line algorithm to other geometric problems (1983) (8)
- Visibility between two edges of a simple polygon (1986) (8)
- On Speeding Up Support Vector Machines: Proximity Graphs Versus Random Sampling for Pre-Selection Condensation (2013) (8)
- The Distance Geometry of Deep Rhythms and Scales (2005) (7)
- 4. Applications 3. the Algorithm Slicing an Ear in Linear Time (1989) (7)
- Mathematical Models for Binarization and Ternarization of Musical Rhythm (2007) (7)
- Computational Polygonal Entanglement Theory (1999) (7)
- The Continuous Hexachordal Theorem (2009) (7)
- Unfolding polyhedral bands (2004) (7)
- Applications of the Relative Neighbourhood Graph (2014) (7)
- Machine recognition of independent and contextually constrained contour-traced handprinted characters (1969) (7)
- Faster Algorithms for Computing Distances between One-Dimensional Point Sets (2005) (7)
- Five Perspectives on Musical Rhythm (2015) (7)
- Mathematical Notation, Representation, and Visualization of Musical Rhythm: A Comparative Perspective (2012) (7)
- A counter-example to a convex hull algorithm for polygons (1991) (7)
- A Comparison of Rhythmic Dissimilarity Measures (2005) (6)
- Experimental results on quadrangulations of sets of fixed points (2002) (6)
- On flat-state connectivity of chains with fixed acute angles (2002) (6)
- Bayes classification rule for the general discrete case (1987) (6)
- A simple linear hidden-line algorithm for star-shaped polygons (1985) (6)
- Geometric Decision Rules for High Dimensions (6)
- Constrained Facility Location (2000) (6)
- Computing the Relative Neighbour Decomposition of a Simple Polygon (1988) (6)
- A new look at euclid’s second proposition (1993) (6)
- Computing signed permutations of polygons (2011) (6)
- Generating "Good" Musical Rhythms Algorithmically (2010) (6)
- Expressive Timbre and Timing in Rhythmic Performance: Analysis of Steve Reich’s Clapping Music (2015) (6)
- What is a Pattern (2014) (6)
- Computational geometry in two and a half dimensions (1994) (6)
- Computing shortest transversals (1991) (5)
- On a Simple Minkowski Metric Classifier (1970) (5)
- Some Upper Bounds on Error Probability for Multiclass Pattern Recognition (1971) (5)
- Geometric properties of musical rhythms (2006) (5)
- A Faster Algorithm for Computing the Link Distance Between Two Point Sets on the Real Line (2005) (5)
- A Simplified Heuristic Version of Raviv's Algorithm for Using Context in Text Recognition (1977) (5)
- Analysis of musical rhythm complexity measures in a cultural context (2008) (5)
- Comments on "Feature Selection with a Linear Dependence Measure" (1972) (5)
- Computing the Similarity of two Melodies (2003) (5)
- Curves in the Sand: Algorithmic Drawing (2006) (5)
- Constructing convex 3-polytopes from two triangulations of a polygon (2004) (5)
- Illuminating The Free Space Between Quadrilaterals With Point Light Sources (1994) (5)
- Computational Geometry and Computer Vision (1991) (5)
- On Triangulating Palm Polygons in Linear Time (1988) (5)
- The Pairwise Variability Index as a Measure of Rhythm Complexity 1 (2013) (4)
- On the application of the convex hull to histogram analysis in threshold selection (1983) (4)
- Minimum Many-to-Many Matchings for Computing the Distance Between Two Sequences (2011) (4)
- Feature Evaluation with Quadratic Mutual Information (1972) (4)
- On the separability of quadrilaterals in the plane by translations and rotations (2017) (4)
- On Computing General Position Views of Data in Three Dimensions (2002) (4)
- More Classes of Stuck Unknotted Hexagons (2004) (4)
- A Tessellation-Transformation Method for Categorizing and Generating Geometric Textile Design Patterns (2008) (4)
- Polynomial Representation of Classifiers with Independent Discrete-Valued Features (1972) (4)
- Computational geometry: Recent results relevant to pattern recognition (1987) (4)
- Cauchy's Arm Lemma on a Growing Sphere (2008) (4)
- Rhythmic similarity in Flamenco music: Comparing psychological and mathematical measures (2008) (4)
- Summary of Panel Discussion on Decision Theoretic Methods (1982) (4)
- Aperture angle optimization problems (1995) (3)
- Computing Visibility Properties of Polygons (1988) (3)
- Comments on "Feature Selection with a Linear Dependence Measure (1972) (3)
- Scanning the issue - Computational geometry (special issue intro.) (1992) (3)
- Perspective projections and removal of degeneracies (1998) (3)
- Spirograph Patterns and Circular Representations of Rhythm: Exploring Number Theory Concepts Through Visual, Tangible and Audible Representations (2009) (3)
- Bounded-degree polyhedronization of point sets (2010) (3)
- Perception of meter similarity in flamenco music (2007) (3)
- Measuring the complexity of two-dimensional binary patterns — Sub-symmetries versus Papentin complexity (2015) (3)
- Fast algorithms for computing the diameter of a finite planar set (1987) (3)
- Computing a Shortest Weakly Externally Visible Line Segment for a Simple Polygon (1999) (3)
- Deflating the Pentagon (2008) (2)
- A Dissimilarity Measure for Comparing Origami Crease Patterns (2015) (2)
- Subjective clustering and bibliography of books on pattern recognition (1975) (2)
- Quadrangles which cannot be separated with two hands (2016) (2)
- Pattern recognition (2004) (2)
- Finding Specified Sections of Arrangements: 2D Results (2002) (2)
- Polygons Flip Finitely: Flaws and a Fix (2006) (2)
- Geometric Graphs for Improving Nearest Neighbor Decision Rules (2003) (2)
- Modeling Musical Rhythm Mutations with Geometric Quantization (2015) (2)
- Perception of Rhythmic Similarity in Flamenco Music: Comparing Musicians and Non-Musicians. (2009) (2)
- Proximity-Graph-Based Tools for DNA Clustering (2009) (2)
- Processing Line Drawings (2)
- Some new algorithms and software implementation methods for pattern recognition research part II. software implementation methods (1979) (2)
- On the reachability region of a ladder in two convex polygons (1988) (2)
- A simple algorithm for constructing perfect monolinear sona tree drawings, and its application to visual art education (2009) (2)
- Measuring musical rhythm similarity: Edit distance versus minimum-weight many-to-many matchings (2016) (2)
- Evenness preserving operations on musical rhythms (2008) (2)
- Measuring Musical Rhythm Similarity - Statistical Features versus Transformation Methods (2013) (2)
- A simple proof of Pach's extremal theorem for convex polygons (1982) (2)
- Implicit Convex Polygons (2002) (2)
- Comments on "Error Bounds for a Contextual Recognition Procedure" (1972) (2)
- Convergence of the shadow sequence of inscribed polygons (2008) (2)
- Some Collision Avoidance Problems in the Plane (1988) (2)
- On the Computation of the Bivariate Median and the Fermat-Torricelli Problem for Lines (2001) (2)
- The marble frieze patterns of the cathedral of Siena: geometric structure, multi-stable perception and types of repetition (2011) (2)
- A Pumping Lemma for Homometric Rhythms (2008) (2)
- An Empirical Comparison of Support Vector Machines Versus Nearest Neighbour Methods for Machine Learning Applications (2014) (2)
- Psychology-based rhythmic transformations (2007) (1)
- Comments on "On a New Class of Bounds on Bayes' Risk in Multihypothesis Pattern Recognition" (1975) (1)
- Corrigendum to "An algorithm for computing the restriction Scaffold assignment problem in computational biology" [Inform Process Lett 95 (4) (2005) 466-471] (2007) (1)
- Speeding up Support Vector Machines - Probabilistic versus Nearest Neighbour Methods for Condensing Training Data (2014) (1)
- Interlocking Rhythms , Duration Interval Content , Cyclotomic Sets , and the Hexachordal Theorem (1)
- On the Question of Meter in African Rhythm: A Quantitative Mathematical Assessment (2013) (1)
- Computing Largest Empty Circles with Location Constraints 1 ' 2 (2004) (1)
- Comments on "The Extraction of Pattern Features from Imperfectly Identified Samples" (1974) (1)
- A counterexample to a dynamic algorithm for convex hulls of line arrangements (1991) (1)
- Comments on "A Comparison of Seven Techniques for Choosing Subsets of Pattern Recognition Properties" (1972) (1)
- Aperture-angle optimization problems in 3 dimensions (1998) (1)
- Measuring Irregularity in Symbolic Spike Trains: Application to Steve Reich's Clapping Music (2013) (1)
- An O(n log n)-Time Algorithm for the Restricted Scaffold Assignment (2005) (1)
- Phylogenetic Analysis of the Ancient Greek Paeonic Rhythms (2016) (1)
- Comments on "Theoretical Comparison of a Class of Feature Selection Criteria in Pattern Recognition" (1972) (1)
- The Iron Bells (2019) (1)
- On a class of O(n²) problems in . . . (1993) (1)
- Modelling collision of young continental plates: unstable versus stable slab dynamics (2003) (1)
- Motion Planning Problems with Boxes: An Introduction for Undergraduate Courses in Discrete Mathematics (2018) (1)
- Convexifying Polygons in 3D: a Survey (1)
- Addendum to "an improved algorithm to check for polygon similarity" (1979) (1)
- 3. Krasnoselskii-type Characterizations of Isothetic Star-shaped Polygons Characterizations of Convex and Star-shaped Polygons (1949) (1)
- Measuring Musical Rhythm Similarity: Further Experiments with the Many-to-Many Minimum-Weight Matching Distance (2016) (1)
- RHYTHMOS : An Interactive System for Exploring Notated Musical Rhythm (2005) (0)
- Almost Maximally Even Rhythms (2019) (0)
- C G ] 11 N ov 1 99 8 Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3 D ∗ T . Biedl (2008) (0)
- Constrainted facility location (1998) (0)
- Euclidean Rhythms, Euclidean Strings, and Well-Formed Rhythms (2019) (0)
- What Makes the Clave Son Such a Good Rhythm? (2019) (0)
- Minimum Many-to-Many Matchings for Computing the Distance Between Two Sequences (2014) (0)
- BOOK REVIEW (2007) (0)
- 8. References 6. Concluding Remarks 7. Acknowledgments (1992) (0)
- Dispersion Problems (2019) (0)
- A novel approach for ellipsoidal outer-approximation of the intersection region of ellipses in the plane (2017) (0)
- Meter and Metric Complexity (2019) (0)
- On Computing and Updating Triangulations (1985) (0)
- Visualization and Representation of Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Binarization, Ternarization, and Quantization of Rhythms (2019) (0)
- On Computing Complete Histograms of Images in Log (n) Steps Using Hypercubes (1989) (0)
- Evolution and Phylogenetic Analysis of Musical Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Syncopated Rhythms (2019) (0)
- C G ] 8 O ct 1 99 9 Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3 D ∗ T . Biedl (2008) (0)
- Reflection Rhythms, Elastic Rhythms, and Rhythmic Canons (2019) (0)
- The Wooden Claves (2016) (0)
- Complementary Rhythms (2019) (0)
- On the Origin, Evolution, and Migration of the Clave Son (2019) (0)
- Rhythm Combinatorics (2019) (0)
- Unfolding Polyhedral (2007) (0)
- Classification of Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Advances in Computational Geometry for Document Analysis (1994) (0)
- Comments on "A Dynamic Programming Approach to the Selection of Pattern Features" (1971) (0)
- ■ Binarization, Ternarization, and Quantization of Rhythms (2016) (0)
- Experimental Comparison of Quadrangulation Algorithms for Sets of Points the time complexity and use of few (2022) (0)
- Reconstructing points on a circle from labeled distances (2009) (0)
- Isochrony, Tempo, and Performance (2019) (0)
- Further comments on "On divergence and probabaility of error in pattern recognition" (1980) (0)
- On Measuring the Complexity of Musical Rhythm (2018) (0)
- C G ] 2 9 Se p 20 00 On Reconfiguring Tree Linkages : Trees can Lock (2019) (0)
- The Distance Geometry of Rhythm (2019) (0)
- Teaching Geometry via Musical Rhythm (2007) (0)
- Reflection Rhythms and Rhythmic Canons (2016) (0)
- 313. Generalisations of π: some applications (1974) (0)
- Contemporary Mathematics All Polygons Flip Finitely (2007) (0)
- Robust Dictionary Lookup in Multiple Noisy Orthographies (2017) (0)
- Grouping and Meter as Features of Rhythm Similarity (2019) (0)
- 6. Other Properties of Arrangements 5. the Girth of an Arrangement 4. the Envelope of an Arrangement 3. Maximal Vectors of Arrangements 2. Convex Hulls of Arrangements Computing Morphological Properties of Ar- Rangements of Lines (1991) (0)
- Six Distinguished Rhythm Timelines (2019) (0)
- Msn-support Help (2001) (0)
- Shelling Rhythms (2019) (0)
- 4. Conclusion 5. Acknowledgment 3. the Width in Three Dimensions 2. the Width in Two Dimensions Computing the Width of a Set (1988) (0)
- Toggle Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Phantom Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Homometric Rhythms and Crystallography (2019) (0)
- Binary and Ternary Rhythms (2016) (0)
- Cross-disciplinary and Multi-cultural Perspectives on Musical Rhythm (2015) (0)
- Necklaces and Bracelets (2016) (0)
- Moving a Chair through a Door: A Tutorial on Local Spatial Reasoning in Algorithmic Robotics (2018) (0)
- Musical rhythm and computational mathematics (2005) (0)
- Rhythms with an Odd Number of Pulses (2019) (0)
- Rhythm Complexity (2019) (0)
- Prunning can solve from facility location to visibility (2007) (0)
- The Isomorphism Between Rhythms and Scales (2019) (0)
- Rhythmic Grouping (2019) (0)
- Review of 'Progress in Pattern Recognition' (Kanal, L.N., and Rosenfeld, A., Eds.; 1981) (1983) (0)
- Matchstick Games: On Removing a Matchstick Without Disturbing the Others (2018) (0)
- Phase Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Regular and Irregular Rhythms (2019) (0)
- Comment on "The relationship between the equivocation and other probabilistic distance measures used for feature selection" (1973) (0)
- A novel approach for ellipsoidal outer-approximation of the intersection region of ellipses in the plane (2017) (0)
- Rhythmic Oddity (2019) (0)
- Glass Patterns Provide a Litmus Test for the Detection of Dotted Straight Lines in Noise (2017) (0)
- 4.3 a Data Structuring Approach (1994) (0)
- 7. Acknowledgments 8. References 6. Concluding Remarks (1981) (0)
- Computational Geometry: Recent Developments (1989) (0)
- Computing Signed Permutations of Polygon (2011) (0)
- Computational geometry (2005) (0)
- Timelines, Ostinatos, and Meter (2019) (0)
- Flat Rhythms and Radio Astronomy (2019) (0)
- Characterizations of Star-Shaped, L-Convex, and Convex Polygons (2013) (0)
- Offbeat Rhythms (2019) (0)
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- 6. Concluding Remarks 7. Acknowledgments 8. References 5. Lower Bounds 4. the Case of Two Convex Polygons: the Minimization Problem (0)
- Simple Deterministic Algorithms for Generating “Good” Musical Rhythms (2017) (0)
- Comment on "On divergence and probability of error in pattern recognition" (1980) (0)
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- Symmetric Rhythms (2019) (0)
- 4. Conclusion 5. Acknowledgment 3. the Width in Three Dimensions 2. the Width in Two Dimensions Computing the Width of a Set (1988) (0)
- Rhythmic Similarity and Dissimilarity (2019) (0)
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