Heidi Nepf
American engineer
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Heidi Nepf's Degrees
- PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Civil Engineering University of California, Davis
Why Is Heidi Nepf Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Heidi Nepf is an American engineer known for her research on fluid flows around aquatic vegetation. Education and career Nepf has a B.S. from Bucknell University and an M.S. from Stanford University . Nepf earned a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Stanford University in 1992 with a dissertation titled "The production and mixing effects of Langmuir circulations". Following her Ph.D., Nepf was a postdoctoral scholar at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and then joined the faculty of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993. As of 2021, she is the Donald and Martha Harleman Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Heidi Nepf's Published Works
Published Works
- Drag, turbulence, and diffusion in flow through emergent vegetation (1999) (1165)
- Flow and Transport in Regions with Aquatic Vegetation (2012) (724)
- Flow structure in depth-limited, vegetated flow (2000) (720)
- Mixing layers and coherent structures in vegetated aquatic flows (2002) (573)
- Hydrodynamics of vegetated channels (2012) (456)
- Laboratory Investigation of Mean Drag in a Random Array of Rigid, Emergent Cylinders (2008) (393)
- The Structure of the Shear Layer in Flows over Rigid and Flexible Canopies (2006) (341)
- The limited growth of vegetated shear layers (2004) (306)
- Retention time and dispersion associated with submerged aquatic canopies (2007) (304)
- Flow and transport in channels with submerged vegetation (2008) (284)
- Flow‐induced reconfiguration of buoyant and flexible aquatic vegetation (2011) (272)
- Interaction between flow, transport and vegetation spatial structure (2008) (250)
- Flow and deposition in and around a finite patch of vegetation (2010) (241)
- Shear instability and coherent structures in shallow flow adjacent to a porous layer (2007) (239)
- Prediction of velocity profiles and longitudinal dispersion in salt marsh vegetation (2006) (238)
- A model for diffusion within emergent vegetation (1997) (210)
- Vortex development behind a finite porous obstruction in a channel (2011) (183)
- A vortex‐based model of velocity and shear stress in a partially vegetated shallow channel (2008) (182)
- Lateral dispersion in random cylinder arrays at high Reynolds number (2008) (176)
- From the blade scale to the reach scale: A characterization of aquatic vegetative drag (2013) (175)
- Mass Transport in Vegetated Shear Flows (2005) (175)
- Flow adjustment and interior flow associated with a rectangular porous obstruction (2011) (172)
- Model and laboratory study of dispersion in flows with submerged vegetation (2007) (168)
- Wave‐induced velocities inside a model seagrass bed (2010) (167)
- The wake structure behind a porous obstruction and its implications for deposition near a finite patch of emergent vegetation (2012) (160)
- Observations of particle capture on a cylindrical collector: Implications for particle accumulation and removal in aquatic systems (2004) (150)
- Wave-induced dynamics of flexible blades (2015) (134)
- A study of model bivalve siphonal currents (1990) (132)
- Scalar transport in random cylinder arrays at moderate Reynolds number (2003) (131)
- Spatial distribution of deposition within a patch of vegetation (2011) (129)
- Breaking criteria and energy losses for three‐dimensional wave breaking (2002) (122)
- Intratidal variations in stratification and mixing in the Hudson estuary (1996) (121)
- Sediment patterns near a model patch of reedy emergent vegetation (2012) (121)
- Effects of Added Vegetation on Sand Bar Stability and Stream Hydrodynamics (2010) (118)
- Prediction of velocity profiles and longitudinal dispersion in emergent salt marsh vegetation (2005) (115)
- The Effects of Vegetation on Longitudinal Dispersion (1997) (115)
- Mean and turbulent velocity fields near rigid and flexible plants and the implications for deposition (2013) (114)
- Effect of a seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow on wave propagation (2012) (113)
- Flow adjustment at the leading edge of a submerged aquatic canopy (2013) (111)
- Vertical secondary flows in submersed plant‐like arrays (1999) (108)
- Sediment deposition within and around a finite patch of model vegetation over a range of channel velocity (2016) (102)
- Shallow Flows Over a Permeable Medium: The Hydrodynamics of Submerged Aquatic Canopies (2009) (89)
- Aquatic interfaces: a hydrodynamic and ecological perspective (2014) (84)
- Prediction of near-field shear dispersion in an emergent canopy with heterogeneous morphology (2006) (82)
- Laboratory observations of mean flows under surface gravity waves (2007) (81)
- The onset of sediment transport in vegetated channels predicted by turbulent kinetic energy (2016) (79)
- Interaction between neighboring vegetation patches: Impact on flow and deposition (2014) (79)
- Bathymetry, stratification, and internal seiche structure (2000) (72)
- Estimation of the bed shear stress in vegetated and bare channels with smooth beds (2015) (65)
- Flow patterns around two neighboring patches of emergent vegetation and possible implications for deposition and vegetation growth (2015) (63)
- Observations of short‐circuiting flow paths within a free‐surface wetland in Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A. (2008) (62)
- Wave damping by flexible vegetation: Connecting individual blade dynamics to the meadow scale (2019) (60)
- A Comparison of Two- and Three-Dimensional Wave Breaking (1998) (60)
- Seagrass blade motion under waves and its impact on wave decay (2017) (59)
- Shallow Flows Over a Permeable Medium: The Hydrodynamics of Submerged Aquatic Canopies (2008) (57)
- Gravity currents in aquatic canopies (2005) (56)
- A Turbulence‐Based Bed‐Load Transport Model for Bare and Vegetated Channels (2018) (54)
- Vortex Structure and Sediment Deposition in the Wake behind a Finite Patch of Model Submerged Vegetation (2018) (52)
- Field observations of wave‐induced streaming through a submerged seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow (2013) (49)
- Vegetated Flow Dynamics (2013) (47)
- How vegetation in flows modifies the turbulent mixing and spreading of jets (2017) (42)
- Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Submerged Model Canopies Under Oscillatory Flow (2018) (41)
- Impact of Vegetation on Bed Load Transport Rate and Bedform Characteristics (2018) (40)
- Representation of Vegetation in Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models (2017) (40)
- Exchange flow between open water and floating vegetation (2011) (39)
- Discussion of “Laboratory Investigation of Mean Drag in a Random Array of Rigid, Emergent Cylinders” by Yukie Tanino and Heidi M. Nepf (2009) (39)
- Laboratory investigation of lateral dispersion within dense arrays of randomly distributed cylinders at transitional Reynolds number (2009) (37)
- 2.13 – Flow Over and Through Biota (2011) (37)
- Impact of height heterogeneity on canopy turbulence (2017) (35)
- Exchange dynamics of a shallow contaminated wetland (1997) (34)
- Velocity and Drag Evolution From the Leading Edge of a Model Mangrove Forest (2017) (34)
- Wake structure and sediment deposition behind models of submerged vegetation with and without flexible leaves (2018) (31)
- The motion of kelp blades and the surface renewal model (2011) (31)
- Mixing in deep zones within constructed treatment wetlands (2007) (29)
- The production of chemical heterogeneity in Upper Mystic Lake (2000) (29)
- Density‐driven exchange flow between open water and an aquatic canopy (2008) (29)
- From patch to channel scale: The evolution of emergent vegetation in a channel (2019) (29)
- Capillary interception of floating particles by surface-piercing vegetation. (2013) (29)
- Strong and weak, unsteady reconfiguration and its impact on turbulence structure within plant canopies (2014) (28)
- Large eddy simulation of flow and scalar transport in a vegetated channel (2016) (27)
- Blade dynamics in combined waves and current (2019) (27)
- Breaker-generated turbulence in and above a seagrass meadow (2012) (26)
- Modeling the hydraulic effect of transverse deep zones on the performance of short-circuiting constructed treatment wetlands (2009) (26)
- Longitudinal vortices beneath breaking waves (1995) (26)
- Numerical modeling study to compare the nutrient removal potential of different floating treatment island configurations in a stormwater pond (2018) (25)
- Vegetation wakes and wake interaction shaping aquatic landscape evolution (2014) (25)
- Exchange flow between a canopy and open water (2008) (24)
- Effects of blade flexural rigidity on drag force and mass transfer rates in model blades (2014) (23)
- Thermally driven exchange flow between open water and an aquatic canopy (2009) (23)
- Capillary trapping of buoyant particles within regions of emergent vegetation (2012) (22)
- Impact of Vegetation‐Generated Turbulence on the Critical, Near‐Bed, Wave‐Velocity for Sediment Resuspension (2019) (21)
- Influence of particle size and density, and channel velocity on the deposition patterns around a circular patch of model emergent vegetation (2016) (21)
- Transport in aquatic canopies (2007) (20)
- Turbulence and Bed Load Transport in Channels With Randomly Distributed Emergent Patches of Model Vegetation (2020) (20)
- Coherent Flow Structures in Vegetated Channels (2013) (20)
- Momentum and Energy Predict the Backwater Rise Generated by a Large Wood Jam (2020) (19)
- Floating treatment islands in series along a channel: The impact of island spacing on the velocity field and estimated mass removal. (2019) (19)
- Impact of current speed on mass flux to a model flexible seagrass blade (2016) (18)
- Turbulence and Particle Deposition Under Steady Flow Along a Submerged Seagrass Meadow (2020) (18)
- Comparison of drag and velocity in model mangrove forests with random and in-line tree distributions (2019) (18)
- Experimental Study of Wave‐Induced Longitudinal Vortices (1991) (18)
- The role of patch size in ecosystem engineering capacity: a case study of aquatic vegetation (2019) (17)
- Tidal Pumping of Salt in a Moderately Stratified Estuary (2013) (17)
- Flow‐induced reconfiguration of aquatic plants, including the impact of leaf sheltering (2020) (16)
- Turbulence‐mediated facilitation of resource uptake in patchy stream macrophytes (2018) (16)
- Evaluation of a random displacement model for predicting particle escape from canopies using a simple eddy diffusivity model (2016) (16)
- Measured and Predicted Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Flow Through Emergent Vegetation With Real Plant Morphology (2020) (14)
- Impact of Stem Size on Turbulence and Sediment Resuspension Under Unidirectional Flow (2021) (14)
- Effects of Vegetation Density and Wetland Aspect Ratio Variation on Hydraulic Efficiency of Wetlands (2016) (14)
- Dispersion of particles released at the leading edge of a crop canopy (2015) (13)
- Thermal mediation by littoral wetlands and impact on lake intrusion depth (2000) (13)
- Wave-induced reconfiguration of and drag on marsh plants (2021) (13)
- Experimental investigation of lateral dispersion in aquatic canopies (2007) (12)
- Evolution of flow velocity from the leading edge of 2-D and 3-D submerged canopies (2021) (12)
- Island topographies to reduce short-circuiting in stormwater detention ponds and treatment wetlands (2018) (12)
- Impact of exchange flows on wetland flushing (2001) (11)
- Wave dispersion on a sheared current (1994) (10)
- Free-surface gravity currents propagating in an open channel containing a porous layer at the free surface (2016) (10)
- Particle Retention in a Submerged Meadow and Its Variation Near the Leading Edge (2018) (10)
- Canopy-Mediated Hydrodynamics Contributes to Greater Allelic Richness in Seeds Produced Higher in Meadows of the Coastal Eelgrass Zostera marina (2019) (10)
- Feedback between vegetation, flow, and deposition: A study of artificial vegetation patch development (2021) (9)
- Wave‐Driven Sediment Resuspension Within a Model Eelgrass Meadow (2019) (9)
- Flow and wake characteristics associated with large wood to inform river restoration (2021) (8)
- A numerical study of the effect of wetland shape and inlet-outlet configuration on wetland performance (2017) (8)
- Thermal mediation in a natural littoral wetland: Measurements and modeling (2000) (8)
- Variation in contaminant removal efficiency in free-water surface wetlands with heterogeneous vegetation density (2020) (8)
- Estimating the Instantaneous Drag–Wind Relationship for a Horizontally Homogeneous Canopy (2016) (8)
- A joint velocity-intermittency analysis reveals similarity in the vertical structure of atmospheric and hydrospheric canopy turbulence (2019) (7)
- Turbulence Dictates Bedload Transport in Vegetated Channels Without Dependence on Stem Diameter and Arrangement (2021) (6)
- A simple‐wave damping model for flexible marsh plants (2021) (5)
- Fabrication of flexible blade models from a silicone‐based polymer to test the effect of surface corrugations on drag and blade motion (2015) (5)
- Competing effects of vegetation density on sedimentation in deltaic marshes (2022) (5)
- Longitudinal dispersion in vegetated channels (2006) (5)
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘Drag, turbulence, and diffusion in flow through emergent vegetation’ by H. M. Nepf”] (2000) (4)
- Logjams With a Lower Gap: Backwater Rise and Flow Distribution Beneath and Through Logjam Predicted by Two‐Box Momentum Balance (2021) (4)
- Reconfiguration of and drag on marsh plants in combined waves and current (2022) (4)
- Flow Structure in an Artificial Seagrass Meadow in Combined Wave-Current Conditions (2022) (4)
- Wave damping by flexible marsh plants influenced by current (2021) (4)
- Drag and Diffusivity Within Emergent Vegetation (1998) (4)
- Shear layers in partially vegetated channels: analogy to shallow water shear layers (2004) (4)
- Drag force and reconfiguration of cultivated Saccharina latissima in current (2021) (4)
- Seagrass blade motion under waves and its impact on 1 wave decay 2 (2017) (3)
- Efficient numerical representation of the impacts of flexible plant reconfiguration on canopy posture and hydrodynamic drag (2019) (3)
- Suspended Sediment Concentration Profile in a Typha Latifolia Canopy (2021) (3)
- A wave damping model for flexible marsh plants with leaves considering linear to weakly nonlinear wave conditions (2022) (3)
- Wave damping by seagrass meadows in combined wave‐current conditions (2022) (2)
- Long Term Behavior of Cable Stayed Bridges (2014) (2)
- The role of patch size in ecosystem engineering capacity: a case study of aquatic vegetation (2019) (2)
- Flow distribution and mass removal in floating treatment wetlands arranged in series and spanning the channel width (2022) (1)
- Lateral dispersion in vegetated flows: Reynolds-number dependence at transitional Reynolds numbers (2009) (1)
- Organism-scale interaction with hydraulic conditions (2022) (1)
- Effect of Emergent Aquatic Vegetation on Sediment Transport Within the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Outdoor StreamLab (2008) (1)
- Flow, deposition, and erosion near finite patches of vegetation (2010) (1)
- Velocity, Turbulence, and Sediment Deposition in a Channel Partially Filled With a Phragmites australis Canopy (2022) (1)
- Energy losses induced by channel-spanning brush accumulations (2019) (1)
- The incipient motion of sediment in a channel with model emergent vegetation (2016) (1)
- The Impact of Unsteady Reconfiguration on Turbulence Structure within a Flexible Canopy: Large-Eddy Simulation Study of a Cornfield (2014) (0)
- Impact of exchange flows on wetland flushing Hrund ( 3 . Andrad 6 ttir • and (2007) (0)
- A Method to Fabricate Kelp Models with Complex Morphologies to study the Effects on Drag (2015) (0)
- Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow inside flexible vegetation canopies (2016) (0)
- Keynote Lecture 5 (2010) (0)
- Vegetation‐Driven Seasonal Sediment Dynamics in a Freshwater Marsh of the Mississippi River Delta (2023) (0)
- How to design wood accumulation patches to increase flow variability and deposition – a flume study (2020) (0)
- Influence of blade motion on mass flux to a model seagrass blade (2015) (0)
- Morphological changes in kelp result in reduced drag and increased stability (2012) (0)
- Spatial heterogeneity in sediment and carbon accretion rates within a seagrass meadow correlated with the hydrodynamic intensity. (2022) (0)
- A Method to Fabricate Kelp Models with Complex Morphology to Study the Effect on Drag and Blade Motion (2015) (0)
- Vegetation-generated turbulence in combined wave-current canopy flows (2019) (0)
- A numerical study of the effect of wetland shape and inlet-1 outlet configuration on wetland performance 2 (2017) (0)
- Bed Shear Stress in Channels with Emergent Vegetation (2014) (0)
- Flow and Transport in regions with Aquatic Vegetation 1 2 (2013) (0)
- An experimental study of suspended sediment transport in a vegetated channel (2016) (0)
- Drag on Flexible, Slender Bodies Streamlined in Turbulent Flow (2011) (0)
- Comparative Analysis of Composting as a Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Process in India (2015) (0)
- Estimating Drag Coefficients for Dense Vegetation Canopies (2015) (0)
- Modeling the effect of wood accumulation patches on flow and morphology (2019) (0)
- Effect of submerged vegetation patch on hydrodynamics (2013) (0)
- Effects of vegetation density and aspect ratio on the hydraulic efficiency of wetlands (2015) (0)
- Shear-layers in partially vegetated channels (2004) (0)
- Impacts of the Reconfiguration of Flexible Plants on the Structure of Turbulence and Dispersion of Particles (2015) (0)
- Wave interaction with flexible vegetation: connecting individual blade dynamics to meadow scale wave decay (2019) (0)
- The Effects of Added Vegetation on Sand Bar Stability 1 and Stream Hydrodynamics 2 (2011) (0)
- On the dynamics of flexible blades in oscillatory flows (2015) (0)
- Vegetation Hydrodynamics - Recent Developments and Future Challenges (2014) (0)
- Patches in a side-by-side configuration: a description of the flow and deposition fields (2014) (0)
- 1.061 Transport Processes in the Environment, Fall 2002 (2002) (0)
- Sediment Pickup Rate in Bare and Vegetated Channels (2022) (0)
- How vegetation in flows modifies the turbulent mixing and spreading of jets (2017) (0)
- Flow over and within large-scale porous topography: Impact of surface heterogeneity on turbulence structure (2015) (0)
- Aquatic vegetation improves water quality via nutrient uptake and oxygen production (2012) (0)
- Flow Modification by Submerged Vegetation (2009) (0)
- 1.061 / 1.61 Transport Processes in the Environment, Fall 2004 (2004) (0)
- The Impact of Unsteady Reconfiguration on Turbulence Structure within a Flexible Canopy: Experimental Study of a Model Seagrass Meadow (2014) (0)
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