Henry Jenkins
American media scholar
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Henry Guy Jenkins III is an American media scholar and Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, and Cinematic Arts, a joint professorship at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the USC School of Cinematic Arts. He also has a joint faculty appointment with the USC Rossier School of Education. Previously, Jenkins was the Peter de Florez Professor of Humanities as well as co-founder and co-director of the Comparative Media Studies program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . He has also served on the technical advisory board at ZeniMax Media, parent company of video game publisher Bethesda Softworks. In 2013, he was appointed to the board that selects the prestigious Peabody Award winners.
Henry Jenkins's Published Works
Published Works
- Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century (2006) (4142)
- Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (2006) (3099)
- Textual Poachers: Television Fans & Participatory Culture (1992) (1480)
- Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture (2013) (1195)
- Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers: Exploring Participatory Culture (2006) (1008)
- Game Design as Narrative Architecture (2003) (667)
- From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: gender and computer games (1998) (597)
- The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence (2004) (570)
- Environmental Detectives: PDAs as a window into a virtual simulated world (2002) (419)
- Science fiction audiences: watching Doctor Who and Star Trek. (1995) (239)
- Participatory Culture in a Networked Era: A Conversation on Youth, Learning, Commerce, and Politics (2015) (236)
- Star Trek rerun, reread, rewritten: Fan writing as textual poaching (1988) (222)
- The Children's Culture Reader (2020) (209)
- Chess for girls? Feminism and computer games (1998) (208)
- “Complete freedom of movement”: video games as gendered play spaces (1998) (176)
- Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment: An annotated syllabus (2010) (171)
- Editorial Convergence Culture (2008) (153)
- Theorizing participatory intensities (2013) (133)
- Entering the education arcade (2003) (131)
- Design Principles of Next-Generation Digital Gaming for Education. (2003) (126)
- Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers (2022) (118)
- “Cultural Acupuncture”: Fan Activism and the Harry Potter Alliance (2011) (116)
- Democracy and new media (2004) (115)
- Rethinking ‘Rethinking Convergence/Culture’ (2014) (115)
- Rethinking media change : the aesthetics of transition (2003) (111)
- What Made Pistachio Nuts?: Early Sound Comedy and the Vaudeville Aesthetic (1992) (97)
- The Wow Climax: Tracing the Emotional Impact of Popular Culture (2006) (93)
- Up, up, and away! The power and potential of fan activism (2012) (63)
- Hop on pop : the politics and pleasures of popular culture (2003) (53)
- Participatory Culture in a Networked Era (2016) (51)
- 1 From Quake Grrls to Desperate Housewives: A Decade of Gender and Computer Games (2011) (50)
- Spreadable Media: How Audiences Create Value and Meaning in a Networked Economy (2011) (48)
- Steel Chair to the Head: The Pleasure and Pain of Professional Wrestling (2004) (48)
- Classical Hollywood Comedy (1994) (48)
- Spreadable Media (2020) (44)
- “Never Trust a Snake”: WWF Wrestling as Masculine Melodrama (2004) (43)
- Reading in a Participatory Culture: Remixing Moby-Dick in the English Classroom (2013) (43)
- Voices from the combat zone: Game Grrlz talk back (1998) (39)
- By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism (2016) (37)
- Participations: Dialogues on the Participatory Promise of Contemporary Culture and Politics — Introduction (2014) (34)
- From Serious Games to Serious Gaming (2009) (33)
- Out of the closet and into the universe (2005) (30)
- Participations: Dialogues on the Participatory Promise of Contemporary Culture & Politics. Part 3: Politics (2014) (30)
- Editorial (2008) (28)
- Popular culture and the civic imagination : case studies of creative social change (2020) (26)
- From YouTube to YouNiversity. (2007) (26)
- From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Further Reflections (2003) (26)
- Same Bat Channel/Different Bat Times: Mass Culture and Popular Memory: The Many Lives of Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media (1991) (24)
- The Education Arcade (2012) (24)
- Getting into the Game (2005) (24)
- The poachers and the stormtroopers: cultural convergence in the digital age (2002) (22)
- Fandom studies as I see it (2014) (22)
- Pie and Chase: Gag, Spectacle and Narrative in Slapstick Comedy (2013) (22)
- The War Between Effects and Meaning: Rethinking the Video Game Violence Debate (2013) (19)
- The Work of Theory in the Age of Digital Transformation (2007) (19)
- 6. Pop Cosmopolitanism: Mapping Cultural Flows in an Age of Media Convergence (2019) (18)
- Superpowered Fans: The many worlds of San Diego's Comic-Con (2012) (18)
- Defining Popular Culture (2003) (17)
- ‘Just Men in Tights’: Rewriting Silver Age Comics in an Era of Multiplicity (2009) (16)
- Science Fiction Audiences: Watching Star Trek and Doctor Who (1995) (16)
- “x logic”: Repositioning Nintendo in children's lives (1993) (16)
- “Going Bonkers!”: Children, Play and Pee-wee (1988) (16)
- Media Literacy ‐ Who Needs It? (2008) (16)
- Fandom, Negotiation, and Participatory Culture (2018) (15)
- Can Public Education Coexist with Participatory Culture (2012) (13)
- “People from that Part of the World”: The Politics of Dislocation (2006) (12)
- New Literacies in an Age of Participatory Culture (2013) (11)
- A Forum on Digital Storytelling| Interview with Henry Jenkins (2017) (11)
- Wired TV: Laboring Over an Interactive Future (2014) (11)
- Multiculturalism, Appropriation, and the New Media Literacies: Remixing Moby Dick (2010) (11)
- The Culture That Sticks to Your Skin: A Manifesto for a New Cultural Studies (2003) (11)
- Consumer movements, brand activism, and the participatory politics of media: A conversation (2021) (10)
- Transmedia Logics and Locations (2016) (10)
- Archival, Ephemeral, and Residual: The Functions of Early Comics in Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers (2013) (10)
- Romantic Love and Friendship: The Redefinition of Gender Relations in Screwball Comedy (2013) (10)
- ‘Art Happens not in Isolation, But in Community’: The Collective Literacies of Media Fandom (2019) (10)
- From New Media Literacies to New Media Expertise (2013) (8)
- The kids are all right online (2001) (8)
- Star Trek Fans and Costume Art (1996) (7)
- “If I Could Speak With Your Sound”: Fan Music, Textual Proximity, and Liminal Identification (1990) (6)
- "Shall We Make It for New York or for Distribution?": Eddie Cantor, "Whoopee", and Regional Resistance to the Talkies (1990) (6)
- Democracy and New Media (Media in Transition) (2004) (5)
- “No Matter How Small”: The Democratic Imagination of Dr. Seuss (2003) (5)
- Between Theory and Practice: The GAMBIT Experience (2008) (5)
- Negotiating fandom : The Politics of Racebending (2017) (5)
- Video as Ambience: Reception and Aesthetics of Flat-Screen Video Display (2007) (5)
- Participations| Part 1: CREATIVITY (2014) (5)
- Short Controlled Bursts: Affect and Aliens (2009) (4)
- “Get a Life!”: Fans, Poachers, Nomads (2003) (4)
- 'I Have a Bad Feeling About This' : A Conversation about Star Wars and the History of Transmedia (2018) (4)
- Where the future meets the past (2008) (4)
- Participations| Part 5: PLATFORMS (2014) (4)
- Entrevista a Henry Jenkins (2010) (3)
- Scribbling in the Margins: Fan Readers/Fan Writers (2012) (3)
- Public Intellectuals in the New-Media Landscape. (2008) (3)
- Wandering Through the Labyrinth: An Interview with USC’s Marsha Kinder by Henry Jenkins (2015) (2015) (3)
- Applied Humanism: The Re:constructions Project (2004) (3)
- ‘Applied Game Theory’: Innovation, Diversity, Experimentation in Contemporary Game Design (2008) (2)
- “All Over the Map:” Building (and Rebuilding) (2014) (2)
- Roundtable: Comics and Methodology (2017) (2)
- “It’s Not a Fairy Tale Anymore”: Gender, Genre, Beauty and the Beast (2012) (2)
- Participations| Part 3: POLITICS (2014) (2)
- Death-Defying Heroes (2013) (2)
- “Layers of Meaning”: Fan Music Video and the Poetics of Poaching (2012) (2)
- “Don't Become Too Intimate With That Terrible Woman!”: Unruly Wives, Female Comic Performance and So Long Letty (1991) (2)
- Participatory Culture: From Co-Creating Brand Meaning to Changing the World (2014) (2)
- But why is Doctor Who so attractive (2005) (2)
- I was a (pre-)teenage monster (2012) (2)
- Participation? It’s Complicated (A Response to Martin Butler) (2016) (2)
- Same Bat Channel, Different Bat Times (2015) (2)
- What 'Black Panther' Can Teach Us About the Civic Imagination (2018) (1)
- Science Fiction as Media Theory: Teaching The Space Merchants (1952) (2019) (1)
- Afterword, Part I: Wrestling with Theory, Grappling with Politics (2020) (1)
- Foreword: “I Have a Bad Feeling About This” (2018) (1)
- The Wow Climax (2022) (1)
- Mel Brooks, Vulgar Modernism, and Comic Remediation (2012) (1)
- Convergence Culture, Revisited (2018) (1)
- Review: Tele-Ology: Studies in Television by John Hartley (1993) (1)
- USC Annenberg Center Speaker Series - Henry Jenkins on "From YouTube to YouNiversity: Learning and Playing in an Age of Participatory Culture" (2007) (1)
- Confronting horror, embracing fantasy: A conversation about Lovecraft Country and radical imagination in higher education (2022) (1)
- On cinema and convergence (2018) (1)
- The More We Know (2012) (1)
- Henry Jenkins on John Fiske (2016) (1)
- Beyond the Star Trek phenomenon (2005) (1)
- To Understand the Futures of Film-going, We Must Know Its Histories (2017) (1)
- Afterword, Part II: Growing up and Growing More Risqué (2020) (1)
- 35. Making Media: Observations and Futures (2019) (0)
- Unfiction: the Triumph of the Quoditian (2013) (0)
- The open laptop exam: Refl ections and speculations (2014) (0)
- Media Education for the Twenty-First Century (2012) (0)
- How Texts become Real (2012) (0)
- Television and children's culture (1994) (0)
- Author Meets Critics—Spreadable Media (2018) (0)
- Ever More Desperate Attempts (2012) (0)
- Convergence Culture (2020) (0)
- Flying cars and bigots: projecting post-COVID-19 worlds through the atlas of the civic imagination as refuge for hope (2021) (0)
- FIRSTPHE ? SSN Game Design as Narrative Architecture (2010) (0)
- Forum part I: creativity: participations: dialogues on the participatory promise of contemporary culture and politics (2014) (0)
- Hints on butter-making. (0)
- Television Dollars and Digital Pennies (2012) (0)
- Cinema History Criticism : new paradigms in film studies (1994) (0)
- Why Twin Peaks? (2020) (0)
- Reading Popular History: The Atlanta Child Murders (1987) (0)
- Transmedia Storytelling (2015) (0)
- Not Just Child's Play (1999) (0)
- Non-Compliants, Brimpers, and She-Romps (2020) (0)
- "What Does God Need with a Starship?" (2022) (0)
- The Ancient Art of Falling Down Vaudeville Cinema between Hollywood and China : A Conversation between Christopher Rea and Henry Jenkins (2017) (0)
- A Roundtable on Kids’ Media (2016) (0)
- What's Your iCue? (2012) (0)
- Enhanced Memory: “The Entire History of You” (2019) (0)
- 8. “I Like to Sock Myself in the Face”: Reconsidering “Vulgar Modernism” (2019) (0)
- Book Reviews (2004) (0)
- Confessions of an academic blogger (2019) (0)
- Hokum! The Early Sound Slapstick Short and Depression-Era Mass Culture by Rob King (review) (2018) (0)
- Advertising in Popular Culture: Fredric Brown's "Pi in the Sky" (2022) (0)
- Is YouTube truly the future? [Newspaper Article] (2008) (0)
- Best Contemporary Mainstream Superhero Comics Writer: Brian Michael Bendis (2008) (0)
- An Education Revolution (2012) (0)
- The open laptop exam: Reflections and speculations: The role of games and social media in higher educa (2014) (0)
- Tales of Manhattan (2021) (0)
- The Making of a Comic Star: Buster Keaton and The Saphead (2013) (0)
- Technology and popular culture (1992) (0)
- : Tele-Ology: Studies in Television . John Hartley. (1993) (0)
- “Matter, Dark Matter, Doesn’t Matter” (2020) (0)
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