Henry Wynn
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British statistician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Henry Philip Wynn is a British statistician who has been a President of the Royal Statistical Society. He gained a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics from Oxford and a PhD in Mathematical Statistics from Imperial College, London. He was appointed a Lecturer and then Reader at Imperial College before moving to City University London in 1985 as Professor of Mathematical Statistics . At City he co-founded the Engineering Design Centre.
Henry Wynn's Published Works
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Published Works
- Screening, predicting, and computer experiments (1992) (672)
- The Sequential Generation of $D$-Optimum Experimental Designs (1970) (491)
- Maximum entropy sampling (1987) (380)
- Maximum entropy sampling and optimal Bayesian experimental design (2000) (257)
- Results in the Theory and Construction of D‐Optimum Experimental Designs (1972) (217)
- Experimental Design and Observation for Large Systems (1996) (209)
- Algebraic Statistics: Computational Commutative Algebra in Statistics (2000) (201)
- [Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments]: Rejoinder (1989) (186)
- Optimum Balanced Block and Latin Square Designs for Correlated Observations (1981) (157)
- Quality through design : experimental design, off-line quality control and Taguchi's contributions (1991) (142)
- Generalised confounding with Grobner bases (1996) (121)
- Algebraic and geometric methods in statistics (2009) (101)
- Differential algebra methods for the study of the structural identifiability of rational function state-space models in the biosciences. (2001) (98)
- The Convergence of General Step-Length Algorithms for Regular Optimum Design Criteria (1978) (89)
- G-majorization with applications to matrix orderings (1985) (80)
- Achieving Robust Design from Computer Simulations (2006) (71)
- Simultaneous Confidence Bands in Regression Analysis (1971) (65)
- Abstract tubes, improved inclusion-exclusion identities and inequalities and importance sampling (1997) (62)
- Lattice-based D-optimum design for Fourier regression (1997) (58)
- Data assimilation in the decision support system rodos. (2003) (56)
- Multivariate dispersion orderings (1995) (55)
- Assessing Nonsuperiority, Noninferiority, or Equivalence When Comparing Two Regression Models Over a Restricted Covariate Region (2009) (52)
- Optimum and Minimax Exact Treatment Designs for One-Dimensional Autoregressive Error Processes (1984) (49)
- Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability II (2001) (47)
- Collected Papers III (1985) (46)
- Bayesian Experimental Design and Shannon Information (1997) (43)
- Jack Carl Kiefer Collected Papers III: Design of Experiments. (1987) (40)
- Group Kernels for Gaussian Process Metamodels with Categorical Inputs (2018) (37)
- Moda 5 : advances in model-oriented data analysis and experimental design : proceedings of the 5th international workshop in Marseilles, France, June 22-26, 1998 (1998) (33)
- Nonlinear Matroid Optimization and Experimental Design (2007) (32)
- Optimum continuous block designs (1981) (30)
- Betti numbers and minimal free resolutions for multi-state system reliability bounds (2009) (29)
- Convex Sets of Finite Population Plans (1977) (28)
- Lattices and dual lattices in optimal experimental design for Fourier models (1998) (26)
- New approach to estimating variability in visual field data using an image processing technique. (1995) (26)
- The Role of Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery in Achieving 2050 Goals: A Policy Positioning Paper (2019) (26)
- Computational commutative algebra in discrete statistics (2000) (26)
- Monomial ideals and the Scarf complex for coherent systems in reliability theory (2004) (25)
- Computational algebraic algorithms for the reliability of generalized k-out-of-n and related systems (2011) (24)
- An exact confidence band for one-dimensional polynomial regression (1984) (23)
- The application of computational algebraic geometry to the analysis of designed experiments: a case study (1999) (22)
- Finitely Generated Cumulants (1999) (22)
- MODA 7 - advances in model-oriented design and analysis : proceedings of the 7th international workshop on Model-oriented design and analysis, held in Heeze, The Netherlands, June 14-18, 2004 (2004) (20)
- Tolerancing and optimization for model-based robust engineering design (1996) (20)
- A Global Selection Procedure for Polynomial Interpolators (2003) (20)
- Discussion: Jackknife, Bootstrap and Other Resampling Methods in Regression Analysis (1986) (20)
- Jack Kiefer's Contributions to Experimental Design (1984) (19)
- Minimal average degree aberration and the state polytope for experimental designs (2008) (19)
- Design function deployment — a design system for the future (1995) (18)
- Contracts, Business Models and Barriers to Investing in Low Temperature District Heating Projects (2019) (18)
- Integrals for one-sided confidence bounds: A general result (1975) (17)
- Risk Based Optimal Designs (1998) (17)
- Hilbert Functions in Design for Reliability (2015) (17)
- Statistics for engine optimization (2000) (17)
- Maximum Entropy Sampling and General Equivalence Theory (2004) (17)
- Mincut ideals of two-terminal networks (2010) (16)
- Information matrices for mixed effects models with applications to the optimality of repeated measurements designs (1992) (16)
- Simplicial variances, potentials and Mahalanobis distances (2018) (15)
- The fan of an experimental design (1999) (15)
- Sequential design of computer experiments (2015) (15)
- Gro¨bner basis strategies in regression (2000) (15)
- Feasible region approximation: a comparison of search cone and convex hull methods (2007) (14)
- Learning Functions and Approximate Bayesian Computation Design: ABCD (2014) (14)
- Minimax Purposive Survey Sampling Design (1977) (13)
- Gröbner bases and factorisation in discrete probability and Bayes (2001) (13)
- Principal components analysis in sensitivity studies of dynamic systems (2006) (13)
- A generalized golden-section algorithm for line search (1998) (12)
- A review of the ‘taguchi methods’ for off‐line quality control (1986) (12)
- Sensitivity analysis and identifiability for differential equation models (2001) (12)
- Asymptotic behaviour of a family of gradient algorithms in ℝd and Hilbert spaces (2006) (11)
- Cumulant varieties (2006) (11)
- Measuring the robustness of a network using minimal vertex covers (2014) (11)
- Renormalised Steepest Descent in Hilbert Space Converges to a Two-Point Attractor (2001) (11)
- Improved inclusion-exclusion inequalities for simplex and orthant arrangements (2001) (11)
- The chaotic behaviour of search algorithms (1993) (10)
- Experimental Design to Maximize Information (10)
- Approximate Bayesian Computation Design (ABCD), an Introduction (2013) (10)
- Operability Region Equivalence: Simultaneous Confidence Bands for the Equivalence of Two Regression Models over Restricted Regions (2007) (10)
- Grobner bases, abstract tubes, and inclusion-exclusion reliability bounds (2002) (10)
- Easy-to-construct confidence bands for comparing two simple linear regression lines (2007) (10)
- [Analysis of Variance Models in Orthogonal Designs]: Reply to Discussion (1984) (9)
- A Dynamical-System Analysis of the Optimum s-Gradient Algorithm (2009) (9)
- Empirical geodesic graphs and CAT(k) metrics for data analysis (2014) (9)
- Optimization strategies in robust engineering design and computer‐aided design (1993) (9)
- Slope modified confidence bands for a simple linear regression model (2006) (9)
- Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics: Contingency tables (2009) (9)
- Dynamic risk control for project development (2004) (9)
- Statistical inferences for linear regression models when the covariates have functional relationships: polynomial regression (2008) (9)
- Weak at the Knees? Arthroscopic Surgery Simulation User Requirements, Capturing the Psychological Impact of VR Innovation Through Risk-based Design (1999) (9)
- Dynamical Search - Applications of Dynamical Systems in Search and Optimization: Interdisciplinary Statistics (1999) (9)
- Mastermind as a Test-Bed for Search Algorithms (1993) (9)
- Polarization and depolarization of monomial ideals with application to multi-state system reliability (2018) (8)
- Autocorrelation-robust Design of Experiments (1983) (8)
- Extended generalised variances, with applications (2017) (8)
- Bond graph based sensitivity and uncertainty analysis modelling for micro-scale multiphysics robust engineering design (2008) (8)
- Stochastic orderings for discrete random variables (2008) (8)
- Efficient multicut enumeration of k-out-of-n: F and consecutive k-out-of-n: F systems (2017) (8)
- Extremal measures maximizing functionals based on simplicial volumes (2016) (8)
- Betti numbers of polynomial hierarchical models for experimental designs (2012) (8)
- Systematic sampling for autocorrelated superpopulations (1989) (8)
- Algebraic Reliability Based on Monomial Ideals: A Review (2012) (8)
- Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics: Introduction to non-parametric estimation (2009) (7)
- Dimensional Analysis Using Toric Ideals: Primitive Invariants (2014) (7)
- Smooth supersaturated models (2008) (7)
- Modelling Feasible Design Regions Using Lattice‐based Kernel Methods (2004) (7)
- Stochastic Analysis of Convergence via Dynamic Representation for a Class of Line-search Algorithms (1997) (7)
- Bregman divergences based on optimal design criteria and simplicial measures of dispersion (2018) (7)
- The Algebraic Method in Tree Percolation (2015) (7)
- Kantorovich-type inequalities for operators via D-optimal design theory (2005) (7)
- The theory of search from a statistical viewpoint (1994) (7)
- Cyclic majorization and smoothing operators (1996) (7)
- Subgroup Majorization (2013) (6)
- Types of signature analysis in reliability based on Hilbert series (2015) (6)
- Finite Sample Behaviour of an Ergodically Fast Line-Search Algorithm (1999) (6)
- Robust Design Using Computer Experiments (2006) (6)
- Resampling Generated Likelihoods (1988) (6)
- A majorization theorem for the C-matrices of binary designs (1980) (6)
- An Unbiased Estimator Under SRS of a Small Change in a Proportion (1976) (6)
- (U,V)-ordering and a duality theorem for risk aversion and Lorenz-type orderings (2011) (6)
- Robust engineering design post-Taguchi (1989) (6)
- Sequential Screening of Significant Variables of an Additive Model (1994) (6)
- Experimental design to maximise information (2001) (6)
- Conditional Orthogonality and Conditional Stochastic Realization (2003) (6)
- A prototype for decision support tool to help decision-makers with the strategy of handling the COVID-19 UK epidemic (2020) (5)
- An Introduction to Dynamical Search (2002) (5)
- Experimental Design Issues in Big Data: The Question of Bias (2017) (5)
- Bayes Nets of Time Series: Stochastic Realizations and Projections (2009) (5)
- Empirical modelling of diesel engine performance for robust engineering design (2000) (5)
- Independence number and the complexity of families of sets (1996) (5)
- Is statistics becoming the number one discipline for business and industry? (2010) (5)
- Response to James M. Lucas (1996) (5)
- Generic circuit response interpolation for robust design (1995) (5)
- An algebraic framework for bayes nets of time series (2007) (5)
- Studying Convergence of Gradient Algorithms Via Optimal Experimental Design Theory (2009) (5)
- Connected finite population sampling plans (1976) (4)
- Analysis of performance of symmetric second‐order line search algorithms through continued fractions (2001) (4)
- Achieving the Ergodically Optimal Convergence Rate for a One-Dimensional Minimization Problem (1995) (4)
- Gröbner Basis Methods in Polynomial Modelling (1998) (4)
- An inequality for certain bivariate probability integrals (1977) (4)
- Optimal experimental design that minimizes the width of simultaneous confidence bands (2017) (4)
- Approximation of probability density functions for SPDEs using truncated series expansions. (2018) (4)
- Gröbner Basis Methods in Mixture Experiments and Generalisations (2001) (4)
- Improving on Golden-Section Optimisation for Locally Symmetric Functions (1995) (4)
- The Scenario Culture (2019) (4)
- Controlled Versus Random Experimentation (1982) (4)
- The combinatorial characterization of certain connected 2×j×k three-way layouts (1977) (4)
- Independent collections of translates of boxes and a conjecture due to Grünbaum (1993) (4)
- Fractional power series and the method of dominant balances (2021) (3)
- Adaptive radial basis function emulators for robust design (2000) (3)
- Algebraic method in experimental design (2012) (3)
- "Building" exact confidence nets (2014) (3)
- Differential cumulants, hierarchical models and monomial ideals (2011) (3)
- Freedom of Statistical Information (1978) (3)
- Introduction to Kiefer (1959) Optimum Experimental Designs (1992) (3)
- Bivariate Dependence Orderings for Unordered Categorical Variables (2009) (3)
- Limiting second moments for transient states of Markov chains (1973) (3)
- Alexander Duality and Moments in Reliability Modelling (2003) (3)
- Head-hunter Methods for CEO Selection (2015) (3)
- The advanced theory of statistics, Vol. 3, 4th Edition, Kendall, Sir Maurice, Stuart, A. and Ord, J. K., High Wycombe: Charles Griffin, 1983. Price: £37.50. Pages: 780. (1985) (3)
- End-of-life management of electronics products through functional signature analysis (2004) (3)
- The algebra of Bonferroni bounds: discrete tubes and extensions (2005) (3)
- On the covariance function of stationary binary sequences with given mean (1993) (3)
- Should Statistics Be Professionalized (1980) (2)
- The Algebraic Method in Quadrature for Uncertainty Quantification (2016) (2)
- Differential algebra methods for the study of the structural identifiability of biological rational polynomial models (2000) (2)
- Algebraic solutions to the connectivity problem for m-way layouts: Interaction-contrast aliasing (2008) (2)
- Model-Based Contract Design for Low Energy Waste Heat Contracts: The Route to Pricing (2021) (2)
- [Final Report] Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) research network on planning complex infrastructure under uncertainty (2019) (2)
- Experimental and bond graph based sensitivity calculations for micro-scale robust engineering design (2005) (2)
- Lattice conditional independence models and Hibi ideals (2021) (2)
- Professor Gopal Kanji's retirement as editor of Journal of Applied Statistics (2008) (2)
- Cheap, robust and low carbon: comparing district heating scenarios using stochastic ordering (2020) (2)
- A theorem on independence (1993) (2)
- Computational algebraic methods in efficient estimation (2013) (2)
- Exact confidence nets based on finite reflection groups (2014) (2)
- Computational Algebraic Geometry in Industrial Experimental Design (1997) (2)
- Spherically Symmetric Probability Orderings Useful in Multiple Comparisons (1982) (2)
- Approximation of Probability Density Functions for PDEs with Random Parameters Using Truncated Series Expansions (2018) (2)
- Understanding Aliasing Using Gröbner Bases (2001) (2)
- Circuits for robust designs (2021) (2)
- Asymptotically Efficient Estimators for Algebraic Statistical Manifolds (2013) (2)
- Alexander duality in experimental designs (2013) (2)
- The foundation of experimental design and observation (1993) (2)
- Algebraic methods in statistics and probability II : AMS Special Session Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability, March 27-29, 2009, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL (2010) (2)
- A new approach to inter-rater agreement through stochastic orderings: the discrete case (2008) (2)
- Model-oriented data analysis : proceedings of the 3rd international workshop in Petrodvorets, Russia, May 25-30, 1992 (1993) (2)
- Comparing district heating options under uncertainty using stochastic ordering (2020) (2)
- Passive and Active Observation: Experimental Design Issues in Big Data (2017) (2)
- Computer Experiments for Concurrent Engineering (2000) (2)
- Optimal design for smooth supersaturated models (2014) (2)
- A mean first passage time genome rearrangement distance (2019) (1)
- Modelling Correlated Bernoulli Data Part I: Theory and Run Lengths (2022) (1)
- Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics: Frequently used notations and symbols (2009) (1)
- Probabilistic ordering of Scheffé polyhedra (1984) (1)
- End of Life Analysis (2005) (1)
- On Intersecting a Point Set with Euclidean Balls (1997) (1)
- Emulator technology in engineering design (1999) (1)
- Building a Bayesian decision support system for evaluating COVID-19 countermeasure strategies (2021) (1)
- Probability distortion with applications to investment bias (2020) (1)
- The Optimisation of Multivariate Robust Design Criteria (2002) (1)
- Sensitivity Analysis Modelling for Microscale Multiphysics Robust Engineering Design (2007) (1)
- Polarization and depolarization of monomial ideals with application to multi-state system reliability (2019) (1)
- Multi-stage step-wise group screening (1992) (1)
- A data assimilation methodology for the plume phase of a nuclear accident (1970) (1)
- Patterns in the Turkish reinsurance claim data, 1998–2002: An application of the extreme value theory (2006) (1)
- Algebraic algorithms for the reliability analysis of multi-state k-out-of-n systems (2019) (1)
- Dimensional analysis using toric ideals (2013) (1)
- The limiting variance function for design sequences (1976) (1)
- Modal validation of a cantilever-plate bimorph actuator illustrating sensitivity to 3D characterisation (2010) (1)
- Self-avoiding generating sequences for fourier lattice designs (2010) (1)
- Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics: Generalised design: interpolation and statistical modelling over varieties (2009) (1)
- Fast Fourier Emulators Based on Space{{lling Lattices (1995) (1)
- The advanced theory of statistics, Vol. 3, 4th ed., Maurice Kendall, A. Stuart, J.K. Ord (Eds.). High Wycombe, Griffin (1983), £37.50, pp. 780 (1986) (0)
- Sparse polynomial prediction (2023) (0)
- Betti numbers of polynomial hierarchical models for experimental designs (2012) (0)
- Comments on ‘Bayesian calibration of mathematical models’ by M. C. Kennedy and A. O’Hagan. (2001) (0)
- Efficient algorithms for the algebraic analysis of system reliability (2010) (0)
- Polynomial encoding of discrete probability using Gröbner bases (1999) (0)
- Gröbner bases in experimental design (2000) (0)
- Multi-Domain Optimisation Using Computer Experiments for Concurrent Engineering (1998) (0)
- The use of lattices in the design of high-dimensional experiments (1998) (0)
- Maximum Entropy Sampling for Derivative Information (2008) (0)
- The use of multiple models within an organisation (2020) (0)
- Uncertainty Quantification: a short review (2013) (0)
- Bregman divergences based on optimal design criteria and simplicial measures of dispersion (2019) (0)
- Statistical analysis via the curvature of data space (2015) (0)
- The ENBIS‐11 Anniversary special issue (2011) (0)
- The non-orthogonal design of experiments. Discussions. Reply (1990) (0)
- An extended Generalised Variance, with Applications (2014) (0)
- 1 Modal validation of a cantilever-plate bimorph actuator illustrating sensitivity to 3 D characterisation (2010) (0)
- Modelling Correlated Bernoulli Data Part II: Inference (2022) (0)
- A decision support system for liability in civil litigation: a case study from an insurance company (2021) (0)
- Alexander duality in experimental designs (2012) (0)
- An Introduction to Regression and Errors in Variables from an Algebraic Viewpoint (2009) (0)
- The Future for Honors Degree Courses in Mathematics - Statistics Degree Courses - Discussion (1992) (0)
- Approximate Bayes Computation Designs: ABCD (2013) (0)
- The theory of construction of optimum experimental designs (1970) (0)
- Search (1991) (0)
- Approximation of Probability Density Functions for PDEs with Random Parameters Using Truncated Series Expansions (2021) (0)
- Optimal experimental design and quadratic optimization (2008) (0)
- Discrimination between Gaussian process models: active learning and static constructions (2023) (0)
- Search Methods and Observer Logics (1994) (0)
- Editorial: quality and reliability engineering international special issue (2012) (0)
- A discussion on adaptive designs for computer experiments (2019) (0)
- Achieving robust deisgn from computer simulations (2006) (0)
- A mean first passage time genome rearrangement distance (2020) (0)
- Non-dimensional Newton-Puiseux Expansions (2021) (0)
- Quality Through Robust Design (1991) (0)
- Bernoulli Extended generalised variances , with applications (2017) (0)
- Generalised aberration for space filling designs (2007) (0)
- Decision Support for COVID-19 Policy Including Poverty Drivers (2021) (0)
- Commentary on Papers [23], [26], [28], [31], [88], [96], [98] (1985) (0)
- Two-level factors: logic, reliability, design (2000) (0)
- Adaptive Experimental Design for Path-following Performance Assessment of Unmanned Vehicles (2016) (0)
- A Note on Approximate D-Optimal Designs for G × 2 M (1988) (0)
- Confidence bands for regression: the independence point method (2005) (0)
- Circuit bases for randomisation (2021) (0)
- Polynomial Ideals, Monomial Bases and a Divided Difference Formula (2005) (0)
- Generation of all randomizations using circuits (2022) (0)
- Some Convergence Properties of the Steepest Descent Algorithm Revealed by Renormalisation (2001) (0)
- Section — Invariant Numbers and Generalised Golden Section Optimization Algorithms* (1998) (0)
- Statistics Degree Courses (1992) (0)
- An Independence Point Method of Confidence Band Construction for Multiple Linear Regression Models (2012) (0)
- Discussion of Paper by T. Tjur (1984) (0)
- Controlled Versus “Random” Experiments: A Principle (2016) (0)
- Mercantilist Development in Russia: The Legitimacy of State Power, State Identity, and the Energy Charter Regime (1990--2010) (2011) (0)
- Statistician's plight (1978) (0)
- Robust Solutions in Engineering Design: stochastic simulation versus DACE (2004) (0)
- [Is Industrial Statistics Out of Control?]: Comment (1993) (0)
- Jack Carl Kiefer: Collected Papers, Vols I, II, III. (1987) (0)
- Quantum statistics and measures of quantum information (2009) (0)
- Empirical geodesic graphs and CAT(k) metrics for data analysis (2019) (0)
- Optimal experimental design and quadratic optimisation (2006) (0)
- Computational commutative algebra for tight network reliability bounds (2013) (0)
- Beyond haptic feedback (2020) (0)
- Active Discrimination Learning for Gaussian Process Models (2022) (0)
- Decision Support for COVID-19 Policy Including Poverty Drivers (2021) (0)
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Inequality and Corporate Governance (2015) (0)
- Extremal measures maximizing functionals based on simplicial volumes (2016) (0)
- The quantization of the attention function under a Bayes information theoretic model (2001) (0)
- Algebraic analysis of two-terminal networks (2012) (0)
- Project: the risk planning process, final technical report (2001) (0)
- The ENBIS‐11 Quality and Reliability Engineering International Special Issue (2012) (0)
- Majorisation as a theory for uncertainty (2020) (0)
- Propagating uncertainty in a network of energy models (2022) (0)
- A decision support system for liability in civil litigation: a case study from an insurance company (2021) (0)
- The Algebraic method in experimental design: Betti numbers and interactions (2010) (0)
- MODA 5-Advances in Model-Oriented Data Anal- ysis and Experimental Design, edited by A. C. (2000) (0)
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