Jagannath Prasad Das
Indian-Canadian psychologist
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Jagannath Prasad Das 's Degrees
- PhD Psychology Delhi University
- Masters Psychology Delhi University
- Bachelors Psychology Delhi University
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Why Is Jagannath Prasad Das Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jagannath Prasad Das is an Indo-Canadian educational psychologist specialized in educational psychology, intelligence and childhood development. Among his contributions to psychology are the PASS theory of intelligence and the Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System. Das was the Director of the JP Das Developmental Disabilities Centre at the University of Alberta. He formally retired in 1996, and is currently Emeritus Director of the Centre on Developmental and Learning Disabilities and Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. He is a member of the Royal Society of Canada, was inducted into the Order of Canada and has an Honorary Doctorate degree from the University of Vigo in Spain.
Jagannath Prasad Das 's Published Works
Published Works
- Cognitive Assessment System. (1997) (414)
- Simultaneous and successive synthesis: An alternative model for cognitive abilities. (1975) (358)
- Simultaneous and successive cognitive processes (1979) (345)
- Assessment of cognitive processes : the PASS theory of intelligence (1994) (325)
- Intelligence and learning (1981) (299)
- Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) Cognitive Processes as a Model for Intelligence (1990) (118)
- Planning-Arousal-Simultaneous-Successive (PASS): A Model for Assessment. (1988) (112)
- Structure of Cognitive Abilities: Evidence for Simultaneous and Successive Processing. (1973) (108)
- Assessment of cognitive processes (1993) (103)
- Reading Achievement, IQ, and Simultaneous-Successive Processing. (1977) (100)
- Revisiting the “Simple View of Reading” in a Group of Children With Poor Reading Comprehension (2009) (95)
- Patterns of cognitive ability in nonretarded and retarded children. (1972) (89)
- Auditory and visual memory span: cognitive processing by TMR individuals with Down syndrome or other etiologies. (1987) (81)
- Construct and Criterion-Related Validity of Planning, Simultaneous, and Successive Cognitive Processing Tasks (1987) (79)
- Cognitive planning: The psychological basis of intelligent behavior. (1998) (79)
- A Better Look at Intelligence (2002) (78)
- An Experiment on Cognitive Remediation of Word-Reading Difficulty (1995) (78)
- Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, Successive (PASS) Theory: A Revision of the Concept of Intelligence. (2005) (76)
- Relation between Planning and Simultaneous-Successive Processing (1980) (72)
- Comparing the contribution of two tests of working memory to reading in relation to phonological awareness and rapid naming speed (2008) (70)
- Planning: Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence (1980) (70)
- Theory and Research in Learning Disabilities (1982) (69)
- Varieties of Simultaneous and Successive Processing in Children. (1975) (67)
- Cognitive Strategies in Native Children: Analysis and Intervention. (1976) (65)
- Planning as a Factor in the Assessment of Cognitive Processes (1983) (60)
- Strategy Training and Reading Comprehension (1984) (57)
- Cognitive Patterns of Children with Dyslexia (1994) (57)
- Cognitive decline due to aging among persons with Down syndrome. (1995) (55)
- Cognitive Processing and Reading Difficulties: A Framework for Research. (1977) (54)
- Simultaneous-Successive Processing and Planning (1988) (52)
- Confirmatory factor analysis of planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive cognitive processing tasks (1991) (50)
- Remediating Reading Comprehension Difficulties: A Cognitive Processing Approach (2010) (49)
- What component of executive functions contributes to normal and impaired reading comprehension in young adults? (2016) (48)
- Planning ability and cognitive performance: The compensatory effects of a dynamic assessment approach (1990) (45)
- Cognitive processing by subgroups of moderately mentally retarded children. (1982) (45)
- Cultural Deprivation and Cognitive Competence (1973) (45)
- Information Processing and Human Abilities. (1978) (44)
- Assessment of cognitive decline associated with aging: a comparison of individuals with Down syndrome and other etiologies. (1995) (43)
- Cognitive education and reading disability (2000) (43)
- A Process Approach to Remediating Word-Decoding Deficiencies in Chapter 1 Children (1997) (42)
- Efficacy of a Cognitive Reading Remediation Program For At-Risk Children in Grade 1 (2000) (41)
- The Relationship between Learning Disability and Simultaneous-Successive Processing (1978) (41)
- Simultaneous and Successive Syntheses and Linguistic Processes (1978) (41)
- Two experiments on the dynamic assessment of planning (1993) (39)
- Simultaneous and Successive Processes and K-ABC (1984) (38)
- Correlates of Canadian native children's reading performance: From cognitive styles to cognitive processes (2007) (38)
- Innovative Programs for Improvement in Reading Through Cognitive Enhancement (2007) (37)
- Simultaneous and Successive Syntheses and Intelligence. (1977) (37)
- Latent factor structure of the Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System: a confirmatory factor analysis in a Chinese setting. (2011) (37)
- Simultaneous and successive processes, language and mental abilities. (1979) (36)
- Direct and indirect effects of executive function on reading comprehension in young adults (2018) (36)
- A cognitive approach to intelligence: Attention, coding and planning. (1990) (35)
- Mediated transfer of attitudes. (1963) (35)
- Children at Risk for Developing Reading Difficulties (2003) (35)
- Children's memory for phonemically confusable and nonconfusable letters: changes with age and reading ability. (1984) (32)
- Simultaneous-successive syntheses and planning in chinese readers. (1985) (31)
- Hierarchical factor solution of coding and planning processes: Any new insights?☆ (1983) (30)
- Cognitive processing, academic achievement, and WISC-R performance in EMR children. (1980) (30)
- Examining the effects of PASS cognitive processes on Chinese reading accuracy and fluency (2012) (30)
- Practical Implications of General Intelligence and PASS Cognitive Processes (2002) (29)
- Influence of Distal and Proximal Cognitive Processes on Word Reading (2008) (29)
- Measurement of attention deficit: correspondence between rating scales and tests of sustained and selective attention. (1992) (29)
- Performance of Good and Poor Readers on Cognitive Tasks (1984) (28)
- Cognitive processes separating good and poor readers when IQ is covaried (1990) (28)
- A Neo-Lurian Approach to Assessment and Remediation (1999) (26)
- Cognitive Processing Skills and Developmental Dyslexia in Chinese (2012) (26)
- Reading Disability and Its Relation to Information Integration (1982) (26)
- Assessment of Attention: Teachers' Rating Scales and Measures of Selective Attention (1992) (24)
- Cognitive Enhancement Training (COGENT©): What Is It? How Does It Work With a Group of Disadvantaged Children? (2006) (24)
- Reflections on Remediation and Transfer: A Vygotskian Perspective (1992) (23)
- Academic performance and cognitive processes in EMR children. (1978) (22)
- CHAPTER 2 – The Das–Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System in Theory and Practice (2001) (22)
- Individual Differences in Cognitive Processes of Planning: A Personality Variable? (1995) (22)
- Cognitive Planning and Executive Functions: Applications in Management and Education (2014) (21)
- Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia: An Interpretation for Teachers (2009) (21)
- Development of planning and its relation to other cognitive processes (1996) (21)
- The role of planning in different mathematical skills (2016) (20)
- Good and Poor Readers’ Word Naming Time, Memory Span, and Story Recall (1989) (20)
- Reading Comprehension in University Students: Relevance of PASS Theory of Intelligence. (2014) (20)
- Beyond a unidimensional scale of merit (1992) (20)
- Attention Checklist: A Rating Scale for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Adolescents (1989) (19)
- Differential learning and forgetting as a function of the social frame of reference. (1960) (19)
- Coding and Planning Processes (1981) (18)
- Performance of Canadian Native, Black and White Children on Some Cognitive and Personality Tests. (1975) (18)
- PASS: An Alternative Approach to Intelligence (1995) (17)
- The Pavlovian theory of hypnosis: an evaluation. (1958) (17)
- Simultaneous and successive processing in children with reading disability (1984) (17)
- Learning and recall under hypnosis and in the wake state. A comparison. (1961) (17)
- Structural components of reading time and recall for sentences in narratives : exploring changes with age and reading ability (1992) (16)
- Levels of planning predict different reading comprehension outcomes (2016) (16)
- Yoga and hypnosis. (1963) (16)
- The K-ABC, Coding, and Planning: An Investigation of Cognitive Processes. (1990) (16)
- Orientating responses of mentally retarded and normal subjects to word-signals. (1971) (15)
- Aspects of digit-span performance: naming time and order memory. (1985) (15)
- Some thoughts on two aspects of Vygotsky's work (1995) (15)
- The role of speech processes and memory in reading disability. (1994) (15)
- A Relationship Between Simultaneous-Successive Synthesis and Concrete Operational Thought (1984) (14)
- Development of verbal abilities in retarded and normal children as measured by Stroop test. (1969) (14)
- Extreme response set, internality-externality and performance. (1973) (14)
- Assessment of Attention, Simultaneous-Successive Coding, and Planning (1992) (14)
- Changes in Stroop-Test responses as a function of mental age. (1970) (14)
- Reading Disabled Children with Above-Average IQ (1988) (14)
- Identification and Remediation of Reading Difficulties Based on Successive Processing Deficits and Delay in General Reading (2002) (13)
- Relation Between Memory Span, Naming Time, Speech Rate, and Reading Competence (1991) (13)
- Some correlates of extreme response set. (1969) (13)
- Measuring Executive Function Deficits in Male Delinquents Using the Cognitive Assessment System (2007) (13)
- Measurement of dementia in individuals with mental retardation: Comparison based on PPVT and dementia rating scale (1995) (13)
- Book Review: Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) (1984) (13)
- Development of concrete operational thought and information coding in schooled and unschooled children (1984) (12)
- University Students With Poor Reading Comprehension (2015) (12)
- Attention, Attention Rating and Cognitive Assessment: A Review and a Study. (2008) (12)
- Cultural influences on the relation between executive functions and academic achievement (2020) (12)
- Cognitive planning and executive functions (2015) (12)
- Understanding versus suggestion in the judgement of literary passages. (1955) (12)
- Learning Math: Basic concepts, math difficulties, and suggestions for intervention (2004) (12)
- K-ABC Simultaneous-Sequential Scales and Prediction of Achievement in Reading and Mathematics (1989) (11)
- Cognitive Processing of Students with and without Hearing Loss (1995) (11)
- Study in Stereotypes of College Freshmen and Service Holders in Orissa, India, towards Themselves and Four Other Foreign Nationalities (1958) (10)
- Neurocognitive Approach to Remediation: The PREP Model (1994) (10)
- Memory for Spatial and Temporal Order in Deaf Children (1983) (10)
- Relation between semantic satiation and verbal conditioning. (1966) (10)
- Assessment of attention in school children: teachers' ratings related to tests of attention (2002) (10)
- The Structure of Speed of Processing Across Cultures (2018) (10)
- The Case of the Wrong Exemplar: A Reply to Humphreys. (1978) (10)
- A theory of hypnosis (1959) (10)
- Analysis of Cognitive Processing and Spelling Errors of Average Ability and Reading Disabled Children. (1992) (9)
- PASS theory of intelligence and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review (2020) (9)
- Development of Planning in Relation to Age, Attention, Simultaneous and Successive Processing (1994) (9)
- Factor analysis of a hypnotic scale. (1958) (9)
- IQ, socioeconomic status, and short-term memory. (1972) (9)
- Comparison of Cognitive Process Measures Across Three Cultural Samples: Some Surprises (2013) (9)
- Behavioural inhibition and hyperactivity: a commentary from alternative perspectives (2003) (9)
- Improving cognitive processes in preschool children: the COGEST programme (2015) (9)
- Cognitive and Reading Profiles of Two Samples of Canadian First Nations Children (2013) (8)
- Attention: Concept, Tests and Teacher Ratings (2002) (8)
- Skills Underlying Coloured Progressive Matrices. (1978) (8)
- Schooling, Literacy and Cognitive Development: A Study in Rural India (1989) (8)
- Acquisition and reversal of orienting responses to word signals. (1972) (8)
- Verbal conditioning and behaviour (1969) (8)
- Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Reading Intervention Programs for Children With Reading Disabilities (2008) (8)
- Cognitive performance of dysphasic students (1994) (8)
- The role of higher-order cognitive abilities as mediators of deficits in academic performance (1993) (8)
- Mental retardation and assessment of cognitive processes. (1996) (8)
- Aspects of Cognitive Competence and Managerial Behaviour (1995) (8)
- Body-sway suggestibility in paranoid and nonparanoid schizophrenics (1959) (7)
- Cognitive Profiles of Poor Readers in Oriya Language: Are They Similar to English Readers? (1996) (7)
- Persistence of acquired meaning in semantic conditioning (1965) (7)
- Coding, Planning and Mental Retardation: Theory, Evidence and Implications (1980) (7)
- Interpretations for a class on minority assessment (1985) (7)
- Luria's language theory within a cognitive theory: A Canadian perspective (1995) (6)
- The Uses of Attention. (1973) (6)
- A Reply to Kranzler and Weng's Shooting in the Dark (1995) (6)
- Program of arithmetic improvement by means of cognitive enhancement: an intervention in children with special educational needs. (2015) (6)
- Information Processing and Motivation as Determinants of Performance in Children with Learning Disabilities (1986) (6)
- Autonomic responses of retarded adolescents during anticipation and feedback in probability learning. (2008) (6)
- Body-sway suggestibility and semantic satiation. (1968) (6)
- Visual search, stimulus density, and subnormal intelligence. (1971) (6)
- Vigilance and verbal conditioning in the mildly and severely retarded. (1970) (6)
- Of Brain Divisions and Functions (1981) (5)
- The PASS to superior reading performance (2018) (5)
- The Development of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Orientation in Normal and Disabled Readers (1985) (5)
- Intellectual Abilities and Processes: An Exploratory Study with Implications for Person-Teaching Method Interactions (1979) (5)
- A Look at Intelligence as Cognitive Neuropsychological Processes : Is Luria Still Relevant? (2003) (5)
- A cognitive approach to diagnosis of early reading problems (1997) (5)
- Measuring Executive Functions in Female Delinquents Using the Cognitive Assessment System (2008) (5)
- Separating Planning and Attention (2005) (5)
- Comparison of deaf and hearing children on measures of selective attention in two age groups. (1993) (5)
- Relative effectiveness of electric shock and priase and reproof in verbal conditioning. (1962) (5)
- Verbal Conditioning and Behavior (1971) (5)
- Two-choice learning in children and adolescents under reward and nonreward conditions. (1963) (5)
- Comments on Paivio's imagery theory. (1976) (5)
- Cognitive and neuropsychological profiles of the elderly (1993) (5)
- Late Effects of Malnutrition on Cognitive Competence (1978) (4)
- Heart Rate, Recall, and Reaction-Time Measures of Levels of Processing (1978) (4)
- Malnutrition and Cognitive Functioning (1976) (4)
- Are Intellectual Processes Important in the Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD (2006) (4)
- Coding, Planning and Mental Retardation: Theory, Evidence and Implications. Part II. (1981) (4)
- Simultaneous-Successive Syntheses, Planning Strategies and Education: A Process Approach toward an Integrated Theory (1980) (4)
- Roles of Managers as Perceived by Business Students (1990) (4)
- Mental retardation for special educators (1978) (4)
- Search for intelligence by PASSing g. (2015) (4)
- Changes in GSR and Heart Rate during Listening to Tones, Words, and Nonsense Syllables (1977) (4)
- Coding, Attention, and Planning: A Cap for Every Head (1988) (4)
- Tower of London: What Level of Planning Does it Measure? (2017) (4)
- Acquisition and reversal in four subcultural groups generated by caste and class. (1970) (4)
- Methylphenidate and Problem Solving in Children with ADHD (2001) (4)
- Psychological science: Some impressions of the scene in Moscow. (1976) (4)
- Learning under conditions of hypnotically induced anxiety and nonanxiety. (1962) (4)
- The Relationship of Cognitive Processes With Reading and Mathematics Achievement in Intellectually Gifted Children (2020) (3)
- Some Developmental Trends in Children's Information-Processing Strategies (1990) (3)
- Developmental Normsfor the PASS (Planning-Attention- Simultaneous-Successive) Processes: Oriya Adaptation (1998) (3)
- Development of syllogistic reasoning in schooled and unschooled children. (1987) (3)
- Mental Retardation in India: A Review of Care, Training, Research, and Rehabilitation Programs (1968) (3)
- The Relevance of Psychology in a Developing Country: Examples from Cognitive Assessment (1992) (3)
- Development of a measure of extraversion and neuroticism for mentally retarded persons. (1986) (3)
- The Working Mind: An Introduction to Psychology (1998) (3)
- Body-sway suggestibility and mental deficiency. (1961) (3)
- Conditioning and hypnosis. (1958) (3)
- Discrimination of geometrical patterns in tribal, rural, and urban children. (1965) (3)
- Mathematical solution in the acquisition of a verbal CR. (1961) (3)
- Intelligence and Learning Disability: A Unified Approach. (1987) (3)
- Human abilities in cultural context: Caste and cognitive processes (1988) (3)
- Unity and diversity of views on intelligence and consciousness: Where the East meets the West (2009) (2)
- Cross-language contributions of rapid automatized naming to reading accuracy and fluency in young adults: evidence from eight languages representing different writing systems (2022) (2)
- On the Development of an Associative Response Time (RT) Measure for Semantic Satiation (1964) (2)
- Correlations Between Objective Tests of Attention and Third Factor in WISC-R (1993) (2)
- Lability in schizophrenia. (1959) (2)
- Mental Retardation and Learning. (1986) (2)
- Theories of Intelligence: Issues and Applications (2013) (2)
- Three Faces of Cognitive Processes (2015) (2)
- Cognitive Aging and Down Syndrome: An Interpretation (2003) (2)
- Cognitive Processes in the Context of PASS Theory (2010) (1)
- Prestige effects in body-sway suggestibility. (1960) (1)
- Rules and tools of intelligence: How IQ became obsolete (2019) (1)
- Hypnosis, verbal satiation, vigilance, and personality factors. (1964) (1)
- Remedial Training for the Amelioration of Cognitive Deficit in Children (2018) (1)
- Rational and Irrational in Managerial Behavior (2015) (1)
- Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes among Santhals (1962) (1)
- Some Comments on Testing Luria's Model: A Response to Cowart and McCallum (1990) (1)
- The essence of Luria's legacy (2010) (1)
- Lev S. Vygotsky and contemporary educational psychology (1995) (1)
- Examining the relation between PASS cognitive processes and superior reading and mathematics performance (2020) (1)
- Variations of the Orienting Response in Learning-Disabled Children (2021) (1)
- Brain-Based Approaches to the Study of Intelligence (2018) (1)
- Deconstructing Executive Functions (2015) (1)
- Life and Times of Vygotsky: A Daughter Remembers (2007) (1)
- Effect of signal satiation on signal detection in auditory vigilance (1968) (1)
- Flashbacks: Reminiscences from 40 Years with the J.P. Das Developmental Disabilities Centre. (2008) (0)
- Tower of London: What Level of Planning Does it Measure? (2017) (0)
- A Cognitive Framework for Tracing the Roots of Reading Disabilities Among University Students (2019) (0)
- A Detached View of Intelligence (1981) (0)
- Assessing Ability for Strategic Planning (1993) (0)
- Comparison of Cognitive Process Measures Across Three Cultural Samples: Some Surprises (2013) (0)
- Third Symposium on Progress in Research on Brain and Behavior “Advances in Research on Cerebral Laterality Effects” Toledo, Ohio April 8-9, 1988 (1988) (0)
- Supplementary report: semantic generalization in probability learning. (1962) (0)
- The story of PASS Theory: Origin and applications (2022) (0)
- Two Programs for Cognitive Strategy Training (2015) (0)
- Verbalization Enhances Planning: Application in Education (2015) (0)
- Assessments: History and Selected Studies (2015) (0)
- Development and persistence of acquired meaning in retarded and normal children (1970) (0)
- Cognitive Competence and Managerial Behavior (2015) (0)
- CHAPTER 10 – THE FUTURE (1969) (0)
- Planning in Writing: Compositions and Oral Narratives (2015) (0)
- Executive Functions, Planning, and Intelligence: Can Brain Localization Help? (2015) (0)
- Mental Retardation: Facts and Issues (1978) (0)
- Planning and Executive Function Tests: Ready for Use (2015) (0)
- Cultural Deprivation: Euphemism and Essense. (1971) (0)
- Validity Separating Planning and Attention : Evidential and Consequential (2006) (0)
- Cognitive Planning in the Context of PASS Theory (2015) (0)
- Revisits and Reprise (2015) (0)
- Models of Planning: Past and Current (2015) (0)
- The Influence of Emotions and Will (2015) (0)
- Planning and Decision Making: Training for Enhancement (2015) (0)
- Cultural influences on the relation between executive functions and academic achievement (2019) (0)
- Coding, planning and mental retardation. Part II: Theory, evidence and implication (1981) (0)
- Remembering Arthur Robert Jensen (August 24, 1923—October 22, 2012) (2013) (0)
- Cognitive Profiles and Early Reading Remediation of At-Risk Elementary School Students. (1996) (0)
- Cross-language contributions of rapid automatized naming to reading accuracy and fluency in young adults: evidence from eight languages representing different writing systems (2022) (0)
- Luria: An inspiring scientist provides a model to live by. (2003) (0)
- Reply of an eclectic to a developmentalist. (1973) (0)
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