James J. Riley
American mechanical engineer, physicist
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Engineering Physics
James J. Riley's Degrees
- Masters Physics Stanford University
- PhD Mechanical Engineering California Institute of Technology
Why Is James J. Riley Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, James Joseph Riley is an American fluid dynamicist. He is PACCAR professor of engineering in the department of mechanical engineering of the University of Washington. Riley graduated from Rockhurst University in 1965. He received a PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1972. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was also elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2014 for contributions in analysis, modeling, and computations of transitioning and turbulent phenomena.
James J. Riley's Published Works
Published Works
- Equation of motion for a small rigid sphere in a nonuniform flow (1983) (2986)
- Available potential energy and mixing in density-stratified fluids (1995) (484)
- A subgrid model for equilibrium chemistry in turbulent flows (1994) (375)
- Secondary instability of a temporally growing mixing layer (1987) (374)
- Fluid Motions in the Presence of Strong Stable Stratification (2000) (308)
- Direct numerical simulations of a reacting mixing layer with chemical heat release (1985) (275)
- On the growth of turbulent regions in laminar boundary layers (1981) (228)
- Dynamics of turbulence strongly influenced by buoyancy (2003) (220)
- Mixing Efficiency in the Ocean. (2017) (205)
- Effects of heat release on the large-scale structure in turbulent mixing layers (1989) (187)
- Preliminary estimate of the cost of ethanol production for ssf technology (1992) (183)
- A laminar flamelet approach to subgrid-scale chemistry in turbulent flows (1997) (156)
- On the interaction of compliant coatings with boundary-layer flows (1984) (147)
- Direct numerical simulations of chemically reacting turbulent mixing layers (1986) (145)
- Internal wave—vortical mode interactions in strongly stratified flows (1991) (143)
- Subgrid-scale modeling for turbulent reacting flows (1998) (143)
- Stratified Turbulence: A Possible Interpretation of Some Geophysical Turbulence Measurements (2007) (131)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of a Perturbed, Turbulent Mixing Layer (1980) (118)
- Analysis of Turbulence Collapse in the Stably Stratified Surface Layer Using Direct Numerical Simulation (2011) (111)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent Reactive Plume on a Parallel Computer (1996) (109)
- Direct numerical simulation of laboratory experiments in isotropic turbulence (1998) (97)
- Direct numerical simulations of homogeneous turbulence in density‐stratified fluids (2008) (90)
- Instability and breakdown of internal gravity waves. I. Linear stability analysis (1996) (87)
- Bio-mimetic silicone cilia for microfluidic manipulation. (2009) (85)
- Instability of internal waves near a critical level (1992) (84)
- Effects of salinity on growth and evapotranspiration of Typha domingensis Pers. (1995) (84)
- Turbulent mixing in the oceanic boundary layer caused by internal wave reflection from sloping terrain (1996) (80)
- Self-sustained oscillations in variable-density round jets (2007) (71)
- The spread of a turbulent plane jet issuing into a parallel moving airstream (1967) (67)
- Testing of mixing models for Monte Carlo probability density function simulations (2005) (64)
- Salicornia bigelovii Torr.: a seawater-irrigated forage for goats (1992) (63)
- On the breakdown into turbulence of propagating internal waves (1996) (63)
- Stochastic modelling of inertial particle dispersion by subgrid motion for LES of high Reynolds number pipe flow (2007) (61)
- Inverse cascade in stably stratified rotating turbulence (1996) (60)
- The Dynamics of Turbulent Spots (1985) (58)
- Rotating free-shear flows. I. Linear stability analysis (1993) (57)
- Immunosensor towards low-cost, rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis. (2012) (54)
- Turbulent Dynamics of a Critically Reflecting Internal Gravity Wave (1998) (53)
- Investigation of Modeling for Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion (1998) (52)
- A Model for the Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers in an Incompressible Stratified Flow (1998) (49)
- Rotating free-shear flows. Part 2. Numerical simulations (1995) (48)
- Characterization of mixing performance for bio-mimetic silicone cilia (2010) (47)
- Turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces in wakes in stably stratified fluids (2016) (47)
- On the velocity field associated with potential vorticity (1989) (45)
- Stellar Wind Paleontology: Shells and Halos of Planetary Nebulae (1990) (43)
- The Premixed Conditional Moment Closure Method Applied to Idealized Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors (2003) (41)
- Lagrangian coherent structures and inertial particle dynamics. (2015) (39)
- Fluid flow-assisted dielectrophoretic assembly of nanowires. (2007) (39)
- Progress in direct numerical simulations of turbulent reacting flows (1989) (37)
- Direct numerical solution of turbulent nonpremixed combustion with multistep hydrogen-oxygen kinetics (1997) (37)
- The relation of turbulent diffusivities to Lagrangian velocity statistics for the simplest shear flow (1974) (37)
- The effects of stable stratification on the decay of initially isotropic homogeneous turbulence (2018) (37)
- Seawater irrigation of halophytes for animal feed. (1995) (36)
- Direct Numerical Simulation Investigation of the Conditional Moment Closure Model for Nonpremixed Turbulent Reacting Flows (1993) (35)
- Numerical simulations of active stabilization of laminar boundary layers (1985) (32)
- Trace element composition of Atriplex grown with saline drainage water (1994) (31)
- The effects of walls on a compressible mixing layer (1989) (30)
- Reversing the flow: water and nutrients from the sea to the land (1993) (28)
- Dispersion and temperature statistics of inertial particles in isotropic turbulence (2010) (28)
- A Numerical Study of a Stably-Stratified Mixing Layer (1989) (26)
- Final Report on Turbulence Measurements for LES Workshop (2000) (26)
- Growth of Uncertainty in Decaying Isotropic Turbulence (1973) (26)
- Heavy particle dispersion from a point source in turbulent pipe flow (2008) (25)
- A Lagrangian study of scalar diffusion in isotropic turbulence with chemical reaction (2003) (25)
- A new Lagrangian flamelet model for local flame extinction and reignition (2004) (24)
- Direct numerical simulation of reacting scalar mixing layers (2001) (24)
- A study of Favre averaging in turbulent flows with chemical reaction (1991) (24)
- Halophyte irrigation: an overlooked strategy for management of membrane filtration concentrate (1997) (23)
- A longitudinal study of remodeling in a revised peripheral artery bypass graft using 3D ultrasound imaging and computational hemodynamics. (2011) (23)
- Review of Large-Eddy Simulation of Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion (2006) (23)
- Recent progress in stratified turbulence (2010) (23)
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows (1978) (23)
- A localized turbulent mixing layer in a uniformly stratified environment (2018) (22)
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent reacting flow using a reduced hydrogenoxygen mechanism (1993) (21)
- Some Current Issues In The Analysis Of Reacting Shear Layers: Computational Challenges (1992) (20)
- Investigation of the influence of the Reynolds number on extinction and reignition (2004) (20)
- Added-Mass Effect in Modeling of Cilia-Based Devices for Microfluidic Systems (2010) (19)
- The length‐scale dependence of scalar mixing (1991) (17)
- A study of inviscid, supersonic mixing layers using a second-order TVD scheme (1988) (17)
- Hairpin vortices and highly elongated flow structures in a stably stratified shear layer (2019) (17)
- A visual study of the growth and entrainment of turbulent spots. (1980) (17)
- A study of inviscid, supersonic mixing layers using a second-order total variational diminishing scheme (1989) (16)
- Reducing disk flutter by improving aerodynamic design of base castings (2000) (16)
- The heat balance of class A evaporation pan (1966) (16)
- Mixing Models for Large-Eddy Simulation of Nonpremixed Turbulent Combustion (2001) (16)
- Re-examining the thermal mixing layer with numerical simulations (2000) (16)
- North American halophytes: Potential use in animal husbandry (1994) (16)
- Three-dimensional electroconvective vortices in cross flow. (2019) (16)
- Inference of turbulence parameters from a ROMS simulation using the k-ε closure scheme (2013) (16)
- Hemodynamic conditions in a failing peripheral artery bypass graft. (2012) (15)
- Effects of stable stratification on turbulent/nonturbulent interfaces in turbulent mixing layers (2016) (14)
- Book Review: Turbulent combustion (2001) (14)
- Buoyancy-generated variable-density turbulence (1996) (14)
- On the dynamics of turbulence near a free surface (2017) (14)
- Should Structure Functions Be Used to Estimate Power Laws in Turbulence? A Comparative Study (2008) (13)
- Direct numerical simulations of turbulent shear flows (1981) (13)
- Halophytes in mixed feeds for livestock (1994) (13)
- Direct numerical simulations of the turbulent wake of an axisymmetric body (1979) (13)
- Energetics of Seamount Wakes. Part I: Energy Exchange (2020) (12)
- Mechanisms by which heat release affects the flow field in a chemically reacting, turbulent mixing layer (1987) (12)
- Small ruminant feeding trials on the Arabian peninsula with Salicornia bigelovii Torr. (1994) (12)
- Idealized headland simulation for tidal hydrokinetic turbine siting metrics (2010) (12)
- Confined compressible mixing layers. I - Three-dimensional instabilities (1989) (11)
- Enhanced bioreaction efficiency of a microfluidic mixer toward high-throughput and low-cost bioassays (2012) (10)
- Homogeneous turbulence in ferrofluids with a steady magnetic field (2008) (10)
- Direct Numerical Simulations of Intermittent Turbulence in the Very Stable Ekman Layer (2001) (10)
- Preliminary evaluation of Salicornia production and utilization in Kuwait (1993) (10)
- Dynamics of Cilia-Based Microfluidic Devices (2011) (9)
- Energetics of Seamount Wakes. Part II: Wave Fluxes (2020) (9)
- Turbulent entrainment across turbulent-nonturbulent interfaces in stably stratified mixing layers (2017) (9)
- On direct numerical simulations of turbulent reacting flows (1987) (8)
- Rotating magnetohydrodynamic free-shear flows. I. Linear stability analysis (2001) (8)
- Direct simulations of chemically reacting turbulent mixing layers (1988) (8)
- Numerical simulation of confined, spatially-developing mixing layers- Comparison to the temporal shear layer (1990) (7)
- Effects of an oscillating magnetic field on homogeneous ferrofluid turbulence. (2010) (7)
- Mungbean production under a changing climate - insights from growth physiology. (2017) (6)
- Turbulence in ferrofluids in channel flow with steady and oscillating magnetic fields. (2011) (6)
- A condition on the average Richardson number for weak non-linearity of internal gravity waves (2007) (5)
- Sustainable Vegetable Production to Sustain Food Security under Climate Change at Global Level (2018) (5)
- Scalar transport characteristics of the linear-eddy model (1998) (5)
- Energy Balance in Stably-Stratified, Wall-Bounded Turbulence (2018) (5)
- Water in Tanzania: A Role for Extension (2006) (5)
- Experts address the question: "What are the most important constraints to achieving food security in various parts of Africa?" (2008) (5)
- Stochastic Modelling of Fluid Velocity seen by Heavy Particles for Two-Phase LES of Non-Homogeneous and Anisotropic Turbulent Flows (2007) (4)
- On the kinematics of scalar iso-surfaces in decaying homogeneous, isotropic turbulence (2019) (4)
- A-priori testing of alpha regularisation models as subgrid-scale closures for large-eddy simulations (2013) (4)
- Secondary Instability of Free Shear Flows (1985) (4)
- Organized Structures in Strongly Stratified Flows (1991) (4)
- Reynolds and Froude Number Scaling in Stably-Stratified Flows (2004) (4)
- Interaction of Compliant Surfaces with Transitional and Turbulent Boundary Layers (1983) (4)
- Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Patches in Stably-Stratified Fluids (1990) (3)
- Large-eddy simulation of a reacting scalar mixing layer with arrhenius chemistry (2003) (3)
- Simulation of a water transfer tunnel at catchment scale in the Permo-Triassic Sandstone aquifer, UK (2012) (3)
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent H2-O2 combustion using reduced chemistry (1993) (3)
- Sensitivity of mixing layers to three-dimensional forcing (1988) (3)
- Effect of viscous-convective subrange on passive scalar statistics at high Reynolds number (2022) (2)
- Self-sustained oscillations in variable-density jets (2004) (2)
- Large-eddy simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion (1999) (2)
- An Arizona Guide to Water Quality and Uses (2014) (2)
- Turbulent Combustion Modelling (1999) (2)
- Direct numerical simulation of stationary particles in homogeneous turbulence decay: Application of the k–ε model (2009) (2)
- On the kinematics of scalar iso-surfaces in turbulent flow (2017) (2)
- An investigation of closure models for nonpremixed turbulent reacting flows (1993) (2)
- Confined compressible mixing layers. II - 3D Kelvin-Helmholtz: 2D Kelvin-Helmholtz interactions (1990) (2)
- RANS and LES of Particle Dispersion in Turbulent Pipe Flow: Simulations Versus Experimental Results (2006) (2)
- A priori testing of mixing models for Monte-Carlo PDF simulations (2003) (2)
- The conditional moment closure method for premixed turbulent combustion (2001) (1)
- A Voyage Through Turbulence: Stanley Corrsin (2011) (1)
- The direct numerical simulations of the turbulent wakes of axisymmetric bodies (1978) (1)
- Secondary global modes of variable-density jets (2008) (1)
- Review of Halophyte Feeding Trials with Ruminants (2015) (1)
- Mountains to climb: on the role of seamounts in upwelling of deep ocean waters (2021) (1)
- The response of solar radiation in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, to smoke from oil field fires in Kuwait (1992) (1)
- Relating one‐point concentration moments of a chemical reactant to the Lagrangian probability density (1973) (1)
- Calculation of pressure statistics in turbulent free shear flows by direct numerical simulation (1982) (1)
- Review of wind-turbine wake effects. Final report (1980) (1)
- Self-similarity of scalar isosurface area density in a temporal mixing layer (2022) (1)
- Toward Direct Numerical Simulations of the stratified turbulence inertial range (2016) (1)
- Two-dimensional shearless turulence mixing kinetic energy self diffusion, also in the presence of a stable stratification (2011) (1)
- On spectral energy transfer in strongly stratified flows (2009) (0)
- TEACHING Teaching Experience (2009) (0)
- Characteristics of turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces in wakes in stably-stratified fluidsO (2015) (0)
- On the dynamics of homogeneous turbulence near a surface (2011) (0)
- The Dynwnics of Thrbulent Spots (1985) (0)
- Survey of laboratory modeling of plume dynamics. Final report (1977) (0)
- Enhanced bioreaction efficiency of a microfluidic mixer toward high-throughput and low-cost bioassays (2011) (0)
- A numerical study of subgrid-scale effects on solid particle motion and heat transfer in a dilute, particle-laden turbulent flow. (2006) (0)
- How does turbulence mix a stratified fluid? (2022) (0)
- Analyzing the effectiveness of expository writing instruction with South Korean middle school students: a bounded case study approach (2011) (0)
- Evaluation of Closure Models of Turbulent Diffusion Flames (2000) (0)
- A Study of Wave-Vortex Interactions in Density-Stratified Fluids (1990) (0)
- The behavior of the temperature of small inertial particles in turbulent flow (2007) (0)
- Added-mass effect in modeling of cilia-based (vibrating cantilever-type) devices for microfluidic systems (2007) (0)
- Symposium on Geophysical Flows (1994) (0)
- Stability of reacting gas jets (2005) (0)
- The $k_h^{-5/3}$ energy spectrum in the open ocean: a new interpretation (2005) (0)
- A Priori Testing of Turbulent Mixing Models for Subgrid-scale Mixing and Reaction (2003) (0)
- Fluid manipulation by bio-mimetic cilia (2007) (0)
- A novel methodology for simulating low Mach number combustion (2012) (0)
- Lagrangian coherent structures and the dynamics of inertial particles (2014) (0)
- Turbine Siting Metrics for Simulated Tidal Flow in a Double-Silled Channel (2010) (0)
- Hemodynamic Simulations in Dialysis Access Fistulae (2010) (0)
- Visualization Study of Turbulent Spots. (1980) (0)
- Nonlinear internal wave interactions (2008) (0)
- Crop weather analysis based on minimum meteorological data for multiple cropping in the humid lowland tropics. (1980) (0)
- Turbulence in stably stratified fluids (2021) (0)
- The effect of stable stratification on initially homogeneous, isotripic turbulence (2017) (0)
- Tree mortality and Extreme Rainfall in the Amazon (2018) (0)
- Numerical Modeling for Tidal Hydrokinetic Turbine Siting (2010) (0)
- Turbulent Flow Past a Self-Propelled Vehicle. I. Formulation. Revision (1978) (0)
- Numerical analysis of 2D and 3D electrohydrodynamic convection instability with crossflow (2019) (0)
- Recent Progress on Turbulence in Density-Stratified Fluids (2001) (0)
- Large-Scale Disasters: Intermediate-scale dynamics of the upper troposphere and stratosphere (2008) (0)
- Numerical simulation of compressible, confined, spatially developingshear layers - Nonlinear interactions between instability modes (1991) (0)
- Incomplete Restoration of Homeostatic Shear Stress Within Arteriovenous Fistulae (2012) (0)
- On the kinematics of scalar iso-surfaces in a turbulent, temporally developing jet (2019) (0)
- Simultaneous heat balance and soil moisture measurements in Walnut Gulch (1963) (0)
- The effect of Prandtl number on decaying stratified turbulence (2023) (0)
- Initially Isotropic Turbulence Subjected to Stabilizing Stratification (2014) (0)
- The Effect of Coherent Modes on the Evolution of a Turbulent Mixing Layer (1986) (0)
- Overview of Mathematical Models—River Nile/High Aswan Dam (1990) (0)
- Probability Density Function Analysis of Turbulent Condensation Using GPU Hardware (2014) (0)
- Evaluation of environmental parameters in the humid tropics for crop scheduling purposes (1979) (0)
- DNS Study of the Reynolds Number Dependence in Extinction-Reignition of a Diffusion Flame. (2002) (0)
- Cilia device for microfluid manipulation (2008) (0)
- A Flamelet-Based Approach for Lagrangian Modeling of Chemically-Reactive Scalars Including Extinction and Reignition (2002) (0)
- Direct numerical simulations of stratified turbulence at higher Reynolds numbers (2008) (0)
- Direct numerical simulation of stationary particles in homogeneous turbulence decay : Application of the k – e model (2009) (0)
- Three-dimensional internal wave breaking at a critical level (1990) (0)
- Development of an Internal Wave Computer Code (1974) (0)
- Revolutionizing Higher Education in Agriculture: Framework, Principles and Agenda for Action (2002) (0)
- Raising a Green Umbrella: Parasols Collaborative Model for Sustainability at the University of Arizona (2008) (0)
- Promoting Campus Sustainability through Interdisciplinary Cooperation: The Greening of the University of Arizona Visitor Center (2008) (0)
- The Effect of Particles on the Dissipation of Dissipation Coefficient in the k-$\varepsilon $ Model (2008) (0)
- Effects of Buoyancy and Forcing on Transitioning and Turbulent Lifted Flames (2003) (0)
- Direct numerical simulation of reacting flows (1984) (0)
- Hemodynamic Simulation of an Arterial Bypass Graft: A Longitudinal Study of Remodeling (2010) (0)
- Direct Numerical Simulations of Very Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers (2012) (0)
- Effects of buoyancy and forcing on transitioning and turbulent circular jet flames (2003) (0)
- ©Copyright 2018 Syed Faisal Hemodynamics of endoscopic imaging of Chronic Total Occlusions (2018) (0)
- Low-distortion information propagation with noise suppression in swarm networks. (2023) (0)
- Turbulence in Strongly Stratified Flows (2010) (0)
- Direct Seawater Irrigation as a Major Food Production Technology for the Middle East (2019) (0)
- PDF Study of Round Turbulent Condensing Jet using GPU Hardware. (2014) (0)
- Hemodynamic Comparisons Between Different Anastomotic Configurations in Dialysis Access Fistulae (2011) (0)
- A Study of Water Wave Wakes of Washington State Ferries (2015) (0)
- The effect of viscosity gradients on the stability of the turbulent round jet (2013) (0)
- Highly sensitive and specific microtip-immunofluorescence sensor for rapid TB diagnosis (2011) (0)
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