Jan Philip Solovej
Danish mathematician and physicist
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Mathematics Physics
Jan Philip Solovej's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Copenhagen
- Masters Physics University of Copenhagen
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jan Philip Solovej is a Danish mathematician and mathematical physicist working on the mathematical theory of quantum mechanics. He is a professor at University of Copenhagen. Biography Solovej obtained his Ph.D. in 1989 from Princeton University with the thesis on "Universality in the Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsäcker Model of Atoms and Molecules" supervised by Elliott H. Lieb. As a post-doctoral researcher, he went to the University of Michigan in 1989/90 and to the University of Toronto in 1990. In 1991 he was a member at the Institute for Advanced Study. From 1991 to 1995, he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University. From 1995 to 1997, he was a research professor at the University of Aarhus. Since 1997, he has been a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Copenhagen. Since 2016, he has been the Centre leader of VILLUM Centre of Excellence for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory .
Jan Philip Solovej's Published Works
Published Works
- Quantum Dots (1993) (647)
- The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation (2005) (525)
- Generalized Hartree-Fock theory and the Hubbard model (1993) (228)
- Bogoliubov Spectrum of Interacting Bose Gases (2012) (151)
- Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: II. Semiclassical regions (1994) (128)
- Proof of the ionization conjecture in a reduced Hartree-Fock model (1991) (122)
- Asymptotics of heavy atoms in high magnetic fields: I. Lowest landau band regions (1994) (105)
- Ground State Energy of the Two-Component Charged Bose Gas (2003) (99)
- Ground State Energy of the One-Component Charged Bose Gas (2000) (92)
- The BCS Functional for General Pair Interactions (2007) (85)
- The ionization conjecture in Hartree-Fock theory (2000) (77)
- Bose-Einstein quantum phase transition in an optical lattice model (2004) (77)
- Microscopic Derivation of Ginzburg-Landau Theory (2011) (77)
- The mean‐field approximation in quantum electrodynamics: The no‐photon case (2005) (75)
- Upper Bounds to the Ground State Energies of the One- and Two-Component Charged Bose Gases (2004) (68)
- Relativistic Scott correction for atoms and molecules (2008) (60)
- The energy of dilute Bose gases (2019) (57)
- Hardy and Lieb-Thirring Inequalities for Anyons (2011) (53)
- The kernel of Dirac operators on $\S^3$ and $\R^3$ (2000) (52)
- Stability and instability of relativistic electrons in classical electromagnetic fields (1996) (52)
- Proof of an entropy conjecture for Bloch coherent spin states and its generalizations (2012) (51)
- Ground-state energy of the low-density Fermi gas (2004) (51)
- Bound on the ionization energy of large atoms (1990) (50)
- Diagonalization of bosonic quadratic Hamiltonians by Bogoliubov transformations (2015) (49)
- Semiclassical Eigenvalue Estimates for the Pauli Operator with Strong Non-Homogeneous Magnetic Fields (1997) (48)
- Local Exclusion and Lieb–Thirring Inequalities for Intermediate and Fractional Statistics (2013) (42)
- The Thermodynamic Limit of Quantum Coulomb Systems. Part II. Applications (2008) (42)
- Minimization method for relativistic electrons in a mean-field approximation of quantum electrodynamics (2007) (42)
- A New Coherent States Approach to Semiclassics Which Gives Scott’s Correction (2002) (39)
- The semi-classical limit of large fermionic systems (2015) (38)
- The ground state of the Bose gas (2002) (33)
- Asymptotics for Bosonic atoms (1990) (32)
- Local exclusion principle for identical particles obeying intermediate and fractional statistics (2012) (31)
- Quantum coherent operators: A generalization of coherent states (1991) (28)
- Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields:¶The High Field Limit at Fixed Nuclear Charge (1999) (28)
- The Thermodynamic Limit of Quantum Coulomb Systems Part I. General Theory (2008) (28)
- The Bogoliubov Free Energy Functional I: Existence of Minimizers and Phase Diagram (2015) (28)
- Universality in the Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsäcker model of atoms and molecules (1990) (28)
- The Second-Order Correction to the Ground State Energy of the Dilute Bose Gas (2019) (28)
- The Bogoliubov Free Energy Functional II: The Dilute Limit (2015) (27)
- The Dirac–Frenkel Principle for Reduced Density Matrices, and the Bogoliubov–de Gennes Equations (2017) (27)
- Asymptotic neutrality of diatomic molecules (1990) (25)
- Stability of Relativistic Matter with Magnetic Fields (1997) (25)
- A Simple 2nd Order Lower Bound to the Energy of Dilute Bose Gases (2019) (24)
- Upper bound on the free energy of the spin 1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnet (1991) (21)
- On asymptotic limits for the quantum Heisenberg model (1990) (21)
- Semiclassical eigenvalue estimates for the Pauli operator with strong nonhomogeneous magnetic fields, I: Nonasymptotic Lieb-Thirring–type estimate (1999) (21)
- The energy of dilute Bose gases II: the general case (2021) (19)
- Uniform Lieb-Thirring Inequality for the Three-Dimensional Pauli Operator with a Strong Non-Homogeneous Magnetic Field (2003) (19)
- Ground State Energy of Large Atoms in a Self-Generated Magnetic Field (2009) (18)
- The External Field Dependence of the BCS Critical Temperature (2014) (18)
- Lieb-Thirring Bounds for Interacting Bose Gases (2014) (18)
- Magnetic Lieb—Thirring Inequalities with Optimal Dependence on the Field Strength (2003) (18)
- The External Field Dependence of the BCS Critical Temperature (2016) (17)
- Random walk representations of the Heisenberg model (1991) (16)
- Counting eigenvalues using coherent states with an application to Dirac and Schrödinger operators in the semi-classical limit (1996) (16)
- Scott Correction for Large Atoms and Molecules in a Self-Generated Magnetic Field (2011) (15)
- Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models (2004) (15)
- Second Order Semiclassics with Self-Generated Magnetic Fields (2011) (15)
- Wehrl-type coherent state entropy inequalities for SU(1,1) and its $AX+B$ subgroup (2021) (15)
- Derivation of Ginzburg-Landau Theory for a One-dimensional System with Contact Interaction (2011) (15)
- Many Body Quantum Mechanics (2007) (14)
- Friedrichs Extension and Min–Max Principle for Operators with a Gap (2018) (14)
- The Quantum-Mechanical Many-Body Problem: The Bose Gas (2004) (14)
- Stability and semiclassics in self-generated fields (2011) (13)
- Ground-state energy of the low-density Fermi gas (13 pages) (2005) (12)
- Relativistic Scott correction in self-generated magnetic fields (2011) (12)
- Ground state energy of a dilute two-dimensional Bose gas from the Bogoliubov free energy functional (2019) (11)
- Calculation of the critical temperature of a dilute Bose gas in the Bogoliubov approximation (2017) (10)
- A new look at Thomas–Fermi theory (2016) (10)
- Excess charge for pseudo-relativistic atoms in Hartree-Fock theory (2010) (9)
- Bose-Einstein Condensation as a Quantum Phase Transition in an Optical Lattice (2004) (9)
- Asymptotics for Two-Dimensional Atoms (2011) (8)
- Proof of the Wehrl-type Entropy Conjecture for Symmetric $${SU(N)}$$SU(N) Coherent States (2015) (8)
- The size of atoms in Hartree-Fock theory (1996) (8)
- Microscopic Derivation of the Ginzburg-Landau Model (2012) (8)
- Asymptotics of Natural and Artificial Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields (1997) (8)
- Self-adjointness and spectral properties of Dirac operators with magnetic links (2017) (7)
- Uniform convergence of the free energy of the classical Heisenberg model to that of the gaussian model (1991) (7)
- Existence of the D0−D4 Bound State: a Detailed Proof (2004) (7)
- Ground-State Energy of a Dilute Fermi Gas (2005) (7)
- The Energy of Charged Matter (2004) (7)
- Quantum many-body systems (2012) (6)
- Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb (2004) (6)
- Analysis of zero modes for Dirac operators with magnetic links (2016) (5)
- On the Asymptotic Exactness of Thomas-Fermi Theory in the Thermodynamic Limit (2000) (5)
- Spectral Flow for Dirac Operators with Magnetic Links (2017) (5)
- Atoms in the Magnetic Field of a Neutron Star (1993) (5)
- Proof of the Wehrl-type Entropy Conjecture for Symmetric SU ( N ) Coherent States (2016) (5)
- Existence of Travelling Wave Solutions to the Maxwell-Pauli and Maxwell-Schr\"odinger Systems (2014) (4)
- Local exclusion for intermediate and fractional statistics (2012) (3)
- On the kernel of SpinC Dirac operators on S 3 and R 3 (2000) (3)
- Atoms in strong magnetic elds: The high eld limit at xed nuclear charge (1999) (3)
- A Wehrl-type entropy inequality for the affine AX+B group (2019) (2)
- Some simple counterexamples to the Onsager lemma on metric spaces (1989) (2)
- The Independence on Boundary Conditions for the Thermodynamic Limit of Charged Systems (2004) (2)
- The BCS Model for General Pair Interactions (2007) (2)
- Stability of Matter (2006) (2)
- A Simple 2nd Order Lower Bound to the Energy of Dilute Bose Gases (2020) (2)
- The Thermodynamic Limit of Quantum (2008) (1)
- Ground state energy of dilute Bose gases in 1D (2022) (1)
- Introduction to Special Issue: In Honor of Elliott Lieb's 80th birthday (2012) (1)
- Statistical mechanics : selecta of Elliott H. Lieb (2004) (1)
- Quantum Coulomb Gases (2010) (1)
- Large atoms in large magnetic fields (1991) (1)
- New coherent states and a new proof of the Scott correction (2002) (1)
- Book Review: The stability of matter in quantum mechanics (2011) (1)
- Scott Correction for Large Atoms and Molecules in a Self-Generated Magnetic Field (2012) (1)
- A simple approach to Lieb--Thirring type inequalities (2023) (1)
- Behavior of the hartree-fock energy at short internuclear distances (2011) (1)
- Asymptotics for Two-Dimensional Atoms (2011) (0)
- A Survey by the Editors (2004) (0)
- The Bogoliubov Free Energy Functional II: The Dilute Limit (2017) (0)
- Local Exclusion and Lieb–Thirring Inequalities for Intermediate and Fractional Statistics (2013) (0)
- Think of the best ones by (2011) (0)
- Spectral flow of Dirac operators with magnetic cable knot (2019) (0)
- Before the Congress by Antti Kupiainen ( IAMP President ) (2012) (0)
- Foreword [The Öresund Symposium on Partial Differential Equations]. (2003) (0)
- Tasks ahead by Antti Kupiainen ( IAMP President ) (2012) (0)
- GAS AN D IT S CON DEN SAT ION (2006) (0)
- Spectral Flow for Dirac Operators with Magnetic Links (2019) (0)
- Hardy and Lieb-Thirring Inequalities for Anyons (2013) (0)
- Book review: Stability of Matter in Quantum Mechanics, by Elliott H. Lieb and Robert Seiringer (2011) (0)
- The Bogoliubov Free Energy Functional I: Existence of Minimizers and Phase Diagram (2018) (0)
- Mathematical Results on the Structure of Large Atoms (1998) (0)
- Entropy in Quantum Mechanics: Advances (2013) (0)
- Bounds for Interacting Bose Gases ∗ (2018) (0)
- The Dirac–Frenkel Principle for Reduced Density Matrices, and the Bogoliubov–de Gennes Equations (2018) (0)
- Quantum Phases of Cold Bosons in an Optical Lattice (2009) (0)
- The Second-Order Correction to the Ground State Energy of the Dilute Bose Gas (2020) (0)
- Quantum Many Body Systems: Cetraro, Italy 2010 (2012) (0)
- Second Order Semiclassics with Self-Generated Magnetic Fields (2011) (0)
- Referee acknowledgment for 2019 (2020) (0)
- Leading JMP into the Future (2019) (0)
- Atomic and Molecular Structure (1992) (0)
- The semi-classical limit of large fermionic systems (2018) (0)
- Lieb-Thirring Bounds for Interacting Bose Gases (2015) (0)
- The Ground State of the Bose GasE (2009) (0)
- Referee acknowledgment for 2018 (2019) (0)
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