Jane M. Olson
American epidemiologist
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Jane M. Olson's Degrees
- Bachelors Biology University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Epidemiology Johns Hopkins University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jane M. Olson was an American genetic epidemiologist and biostatistician, "best known internationally for her contributions to advanced statistical methods in genetic epidemiology". Early life and education Olson was born on 6 December 1952 in Concord, New Hampshire in 1952, the sixth of seven children. Her father was one of three medical doctors in the town. In 1974, she was awarded a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of New Hampshire. After graduating she worked as a research assistant in the Biophysics Research Laboratory at Harvard Medical School. Although originally intending to pursue a medical degree, in 1978 Olson began a graduate program in psychology at Wayne State University. For several years she worked as a biostatistician, and ultimately entered a graduate program in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan. She was awarded her M.S. in 1988 and then her Ph.D in 1991. Her work on segregation of the taste phenotype phenylthiocarbamide earned her a nomination for a student award at the 1988 meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics.
Jane M. Olson's Published Works
Published Works
- Mapping of a susceptibility locus for Crohn's disease on chromosome 16 (1996) (1046)
- Overview of QTL mapping software and introduction to Map Manager QT (1999) (491)
- Haseman and Elston revisited (2000) (324)
- Segregation at three loci explains familial and population risk in Hirschsprung disease (2002) (265)
- An autosomal screen for genes that predispose to celiac disease in the western counties of Ireland (1996) (192)
- Model-free linkage analysis with covariates confirms linkage of prostate cancer to chromosomes 1 and 4. (2001) (180)
- Genome scan of human systemic lupus erythematosus by regression modeling: evidence of linkage and epistasis at 4p16-15.2. (2000) (167)
- A general conditional-logistic model for affected-relative-pair linkage studies. (1999) (144)
- Genome Scan for Familial Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Using Sex and Family History as Covariates Suggests Genetic Heterogeneity and Identifies Linkage to Chromosome 19q13 (2004) (133)
- Genetic linkage analysis of multicase families with fibromyalgia syndrome. (1999) (126)
- Candidate-Gene Association Study of Mothers with Pre-Eclampsia, and Their Infants, Analyzing 775 SNPs in 190 Genes (2006) (114)
- The design, execution, and interpretation of genetic association studies to decipher complex diseases. (2002) (111)
- Intracranial aneurysms in Finnish families: confirmation of linkage and refinement of the interval to chromosome 19q13.3. (2004) (106)
- Dense genome-wide linkage analysis of rheumatoid arthritis, including covariates. (2004) (102)
- The fibromyalgia family study: a genome-wide linkage scan study. (2013) (100)
- Search for intracranial aneurysm susceptibility gene(s) using Finnish families (2002) (99)
- The Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND): design and methods. (2005) (96)
- The apolipoprotein E/CI/CII gene cluster and late-onset Alzheimer disease. (1994) (90)
- A second locus for very-late-onset Alzheimer disease: a genome scan reveals linkage to 20p and epistasis between 20p and the amyloid precursor protein region. (2002) (87)
- Linkage between quantitative trait and marker loci: Methods using all relative pairs (1993) (81)
- Alternative genetic models for the inheritance of the phenylthiocarbamide taste deficiency (1989) (81)
- Exact transmission‐disequilibrium tests with multiallelic markers (1997) (74)
- Linkage analysis of candidate loci for end-stage renal disease due to diabetic nephropathy. (2003) (71)
- MMP13 promoter polymorphism is associated with atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta of young black males. (2002) (71)
- The amyloid precursor protein locus and very-late-onset Alzheimer disease. (2001) (64)
- Ascertainment bias in the estimation of sibling genetic risk parameters (2000) (63)
- Biostatistical genetics and genetic epidemiology (2002) (63)
- Ascertainment adjustment: where does it take us? (2000) (62)
- Design and sample-size considerations in the detection of linkage disequilibrium with a disease locus. (1994) (48)
- Relationship estimation by Markov-process models in a sib-pair linkage study. (1999) (46)
- Linkage analysis of human systemic lupus erythematosus-related traits: a principal component approach. (2001) (44)
- Regression Models for Linkage: Issues of Traits, Covariates, Heterogeneity, and Interaction (2003) (44)
- Genetic mapping of complex traits. (1999) (44)
- A genome screen of systemic lupus erythematosus using affected-relative-pair linkage analysis with covariates demonstrates genetic heterogeneity (2002) (39)
- Monte Carlo comparison of preliminary methods for ordering multiple genetic loci. (1990) (35)
- Robust multipoint linkage analysis: An extension of the Haseman‐Elston method (1994) (35)
- Evidence of linkage and association on chromosome 20 for late-onset Alzheimer disease (2004) (32)
- Increased prevalence of renal disease in systemic lupus erythematosus families with affected male relatives. (2002) (29)
- The weighted rank pairwise correlation statistic for linkage analysis: Simulation study and application to Alzheimer's disease (1994) (27)
- Multipoint linkage analysis using sib pairs: an interval mapping approach for dichotomous outcomes. (1995) (27)
- Likelihood-based models for genetic linkage analysis using affected sib pairs. (1997) (26)
- Genetic linkage of systemic lupus erythematosus to 13q32 in African American families with affected male members (2005) (21)
- Genetic Analysis Workshop 13: Analysis of Longitudinal Family Data for Complex Diseases and Related Risk Factors (2003) (20)
- Association within twin pairs for a dichotomous trait (1996) (18)
- Testing for homogeneity of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium using data sampled from several populations. (1996) (18)
- A family-based strategy to identify genes for diabetic nephropathy. (2001) (17)
- Tapasin gene polymorphism in systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: a family-based case–control study (2005) (16)
- Robust estimation of gene frequency and association parameters. (1994) (14)
- Correcting for ascertainment bias of relative‐risk estimates obtained using affected‐sib‐pair linkage data (2000) (14)
- Linkage of chromosome 1 markers to alcoholism‐related phenotypes by sib pair linkage analysis of principal components (1999) (13)
- Approximation of certain multivariate integrals (1991) (12)
- Locating the Genes Underlying a Simulated Complex Disease by Discriminant Analysis (2001) (12)
- Some empirical properties of an all‐relative‐pairs linkage test (1994) (12)
- Comparison of Three Methods for Obtaining Principal Components from Family Data in Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease (2001) (10)
- Effects of covariates: A summary of Group 5 contributions (2003) (10)
- Model‐free age‐of‐onset methods applied to the linkage of bipolar disorder (1997) (9)
- The Linkage Information Content Value of Polymorphism Genetic Markers in Model-Free Linkage Analysis (2002) (9)
- Interaction of gender and body mass index (BMI) reveals evidence of linkage for hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study (2003) (9)
- Confidence intervals for relative risk estimates from affected‐sib‐pair data (1997) (8)
- Analysis of quantitative risk factors for a common oligogenic disease (1995) (7)
- No excess of early onset cancer in family members of Wilms tumor patients (2001) (5)
- “Mixture models for linkage analysis of affected sibling pairs with covariates” (2002) (5)
- Using family history information to distinguish true and false positive model‐free linkage results (1998) (4)
- Prediction of Empirical p Values from Asymptotic p Values for Conditional Logistic Affected Relative Pair Linkage Analysis (2006) (4)
- Linkage analysis of Alzheimer's disease with methods using relative pairs (1993) (4)
- Discussion of Teng and Siegmund Article (1998) (4)
- Response to Epstein et al. (2002) (3)
- Using Overall Allele-Sharing to Detect the Presence of Large-Scale Data Errors and Parameter Misspecification in Sib-Pair Linkage Studies (2004) (3)
- The Fibromyalgia Family Study: A Genome-Scan Linkage Study (2013) (2)
- Linkage Analysis, Model-Free (2005) (1)
- Genetic Epidemiology: Preface (2001) (0)
- Introduction: Phenotype Definition (2001) (0)
- Relatives-based Nonparametric Analysis of Linkage (2006) (0)
- “Rejoinder” (2002) (0)
- Methods for the analysis of correlated censored data. (1991) (0)
- A note on the calculation of empirical P values from Monte Carlo procedures - Response (2002) (0)
- Candidate locus for familial abdominal aortic aneurysms by genome-wide DNA linkage analysis (2002) (0)
- Likelihood Modelling: Genetic Mapping of Complex Traits (2005) (0)
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