Janet E. Helms
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American psychologist
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Janet E. Helms's Degrees
- PhD Counseling Psychology Boston College
- Masters Counseling Psychology Boston College
- Bachelors Psychology University of Massachusetts Boston
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Why Is Janet E. Helms Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Janet E. Helms is an American research psychologist known for her study of ethnic minority issues. A scholar, author and educator, she is most known for her racial identity theory that is applied to multiple disciplines, including education and law. She received the 2006 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology from the American Psychological Association.
Janet E. Helms's Published Works
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Published Works
- Black and White Racial Identity: Theory, Research, and Practice (1990) (1985)
- Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists. (2003) (1763)
- An update of Helm's White and people of color racial identity models. (1995) (1016)
- Toward a Theoretical Explanation of the Effects of Race on Counseling A Black and White Model (1984) (622)
- The Influence of Black Students' Racial Identity Attitudes on Preferences for Counselor's Race. (1981) (557)
- Training Counseling Psychologists as Social Justice Agents (2004) (508)
- The meaning of race in psychology and how to change it: a methodological perspective. (2005) (464)
- Using Race and Culture in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory and Process (1998) (433)
- Why is there no study of cultural equivalence in standardized cognitive ability testing (1992) (410)
- Relation of Racial Identity Attitudes to Self-Actualization and Affective States of Black Students. (1985) (387)
- Cultural mistrust, opinions about mental illness, and Black students' attitudes toward seeking psychological help from White counselors. (1994) (283)
- Treating Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficients as Data in Counseling Research (2006) (268)
- Effects of Therapist Response Modes in Brief Psychotherapy. (1988) (266)
- Attitudes of Racial Identity and Self-Esteem of Black Students: An Exploratory Investigation. (1985) (248)
- The stages of Black identity development: Nigrescence models. (1991) (218)
- Some better practices for measuring racial and ethnic identity constructs. (2007) (199)
- Relationships of White and Black racial identity attitudes and demographic similarity to counselor preferences. (1991) (168)
- The conceptualization of racial identity and other "racial" constructs. (1994) (168)
- Implications of Racial Identity Theory for Vocational Psychology (1994) (166)
- Do “Womanist” Identity Attitudes Influence College Women's Self‐Esteem and Perceptions of Environmental Bias? (1992) (158)
- Race is not ethnicity. (1997) (146)
- Considering Some Methodological Issues in Racial Identity Counseling Research (1989) (136)
- Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma: Enhancing Professional Training (2010) (131)
- Development of a System for Categorizing Client Reactions to Therapist Interventions. (1988) (124)
- Visible Racial/Ethnic Group Supervisees' Satisfaction with Cross-Cultural Supervision as Predicted by Relationship Characteristics. (1988) (122)
- Racism and Ethnoviolence as Trauma Enhancing Professional and Research Training (2012) (120)
- Racial identity and reflected appraisals as influences on Asian Americans' racial adjustment. (2001) (117)
- Consumer entitlement theory and measurement (2005) (102)
- The Relationship Between Racism and Racial Identity for White Americans: A Profile Analysis (2004) (97)
- Expanding racial identity theory to cover counseling process. (1986) (94)
- The Relationship of Black Value-Orientations to Racial Identity Attitudes. (1987) (88)
- A Pragmatic View of Social Justice (2003) (85)
- I also Said, "White Racial Identity Influences White Researchers" (1993) (83)
- Fairness is not validity or cultural bias in racial-group assessment: a quantitative perspective. (2006) (78)
- A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Strengths of Black Youths (2008) (73)
- An examination of people of color supervision dyads: Racial identity matters as much as race. (2010) (68)
- Research in Counseling Psychology: Prospects and Recommendations (1988) (61)
- The Relationship Between Racial Identity Attitudes and Social Class (1988) (59)
- How Multiculturalism Obscures Racial Factors in the Therapy Process: Comment on Ridley et al. (1994), Sodowsky et al. (1994), Ottavi et al. (1994), and Thompson et al. (1994). (1994) (58)
- How "multiculturalism" obscures race and culture as differential aspects of counseling competency. (1997) (56)
- Another Meta-Analysis of the White Racial Identity Scale's Cronbach Alphas: Implications for Validity. (1999) (51)
- Implications of Behrens (1997) for the validity of the White Racial Identity Attitude Scale. (1997) (48)
- The Challenge of Making Whiteness Visible: Reactions to Four Whiteness Articles (2017) (46)
- Social and Psychological Perspectives on Ethnic and Racial Identity (2002) (45)
- Influence of Counselors' Marital Status, Sex, and Age on College and Noncollege Women's Counselor Preferences. (1976) (42)
- Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms Among Black American Men: Moderated-Mediation Effects of Ethnicity and Self-Esteem (2016) (41)
- The Counseling Process as Defined by Relationship Types: A Test of Helms's Interactional Model (1992) (41)
- Overview and Introduction: Testing and Assessing African Americans: “Unbiased” Tests are Still Unfair (2012) (37)
- An examination of the evidence in culturally adapted evidence-based or empirically supported interventions (2015) (36)
- Effects of discrimination on Chinese, Pilipino, and Vietnamese Americans' mental and physical health. (2012) (34)
- First Annual Diversity Challenge: “How to Survive Teaching Courses on Race and Culture” (2003) (34)
- Warts and All (2004) (33)
- Racial Identity and Career Assessment (1994) (32)
- Recent reliability reporting practices in Psychological Assessment: recognizing the people behind the data. (2011) (32)
- Becoming an Advocate: Processes and Outcomes of a Relationship-Centered Advocacy Training Model ψ (2018) (32)
- A remedy for the black-white test-score disparity. (2002) (31)
- Effect of Disabled Counselors' Self-Disclosures on Client Perceptions of the Counselor. (1986) (24)
- A Comparison of Two Types of Counseling Analogues. (1976) (22)
- The Relationship of the Racial Identity Attitudes of Black Men to Perceptions of “Parallel” Counseling Dyads (1994) (22)
- Training international students from developing nations as psychologists: A challenge for American psychology. (1978) (19)
- Using the People of Color Racial Identity Attitude Scale among Asian American college students: an exploratory factor analysis. (2009) (19)
- 4. Toward A Methodology For Measuring And Assessing Racial As Distinguished From Ethnic Identity (2017) (18)
- Stereotype threat might explain the Black-White test-score difference. (2005) (17)
- A Legacy of Eugenics Underlies Racial-Group Comparisons in Intelligence Testing (2012) (17)
- Racial Identity Attitude Scale (RIAS) 1985 (1996) (17)
- Validity Generalization of the Men's Form of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank with Academically Able Women. (1975) (16)
- Counselor Reactions to Female Clients: Generalizing from Analogue Research to a Counseling Setting. (1978) (16)
- Eurocentricism Strikes in Strange Ways and in Unusual Places (1989) (12)
- Taking Action Against Racism in a Post-Racism Era (2015) (12)
- White Racial Identity Attitude Scale (2014) (11)
- Does the Womanist Identity Model Predict Aspects of Psychological Functioning in Black South African Women? (1997) (11)
- Exploring Relationships of Cultural, Gender, and Personal Identity among Latinos and Latinas. (1996) (11)
- The Intersection of Multicultural and Cross-National Movements in the United States: A Complementary Role to Promote Culturally Sensitive Research, Training, and Practice (2012) (10)
- At Long Last-Paradigms for Cultural Psychology Research (1989) (10)
- Ethical Issues When White Researchers Study ALANA1 and Immigrant People and Communities (2006) (9)
- A Longitudinal Model of School Climate, Social Justice Orientation, and Academic Outcomes among Latina/o Students (2017) (8)
- The 2003 Leona Tyler Award Address (2004) (8)
- Black Women (1979) (7)
- A Comparison of the Locus of Control and Anxiety Level of African, Black American, and White American College Students. (1980) (7)
- Why Is There Still No Study of Cultural Equivalence in Standardized Cognitive Ability Tests (2008) (7)
- More Psychologists Discover the Wheel: A Reaction to Views by Penn et al. on Ethnic Preference (1993) (7)
- Implications for social policy of variability in racial groups. (2008) (6)
- Cultural Bias in Psychological Testing (2010) (6)
- Effect of Counselor's Age and Physical Attractiveness on Evaluations of Female Counselors. (1982) (6)
- Fair and Valid Use of Educational Testing in Grades K-12. (2003) (6)
- Defense of tests prevents objective consideration of validity and fairness. (2009) (5)
- The Influence of Counselors' Age and Sex on College Students' Counselor Preference. (1977) (5)
- Let's Talk about Race: Evaluating a College Interracial Discussion Group on Race. (2018) (5)
- Factors Contributing to the Attrition of Precollege Minority Students Prior to Freshman Year. (1975) (4)
- Exploring the role of context on racially responsive supervision: The racial identity social interaction model. (2020) (4)
- Implementing fairness in racial-group assessment requires assessment of individuals. (2007) (3)
- The Relationship Between Psychological Development Issues and Anticipated Self-Disclosure. (1986) (2)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology Minutes of Midwinter Executive Committee Meeting February 3-4, 1988 (1989) (2)
- Who trains applied psychologists from developing countries (1982) (2)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology Minutes of Incoming Executive Committee Meeting Atlanta, Georgia August 15, 1988 (1989) (2)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology (1990) (2)
- The Relationship between Racial Identity Attitudes and Socioeconomic Status. (1984) (2)
- Celebrating 25 Years of the Janet E. Helms Mentoring Award (2016) (2)
- Racial Dynamics in Counselor Training: The Racial Identity Social Interaction Model (2020) (1)
- Differential effects of prestructuring client's expectation of counselor empathy on client's anxiety and evaluation of the counselor using two types of analogues (1975) (1)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology Minutes of Annual Business Meeting Atlanta, Georgia August 14, 1988 (1989) (1)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology Minutes of the Outgoing Executive Board Friday, August 10, 1990 Boston, MA (1992) (1)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology (1990) (1)
- Black Racial Identity Attitude Scale (2017) (1)
- A Remedy for the Black-White Test-Score Disparity [Comment] (2002) (1)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology (1990) (1)
- Black or White Colleges: Which Path Leads to Academic Survival? (1993) (0)
- Perceptions of a sex-fair counselor and her client. (1979) (0)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting and Awards Presentation Sunday, August 12, 1990 (3:00 to 3:50 p.m.) Boston Sheraton Hotel Boston, MA (1992) (0)
- Letter to the Editor (1989) (0)
- 4. Toward A MethodologyFor Measuring AndAssessing Racial AsDistinguished FromEthnic Identity (1996) (0)
- My Black Is Beautiful: (655492012-001) (2012) (0)
- Chapter 10. How Racial-Group Comparisons Create Misinformation in Depression Research: Using Racial Identity Theory to Conceptualize Health Disparities (2019) (0)
- APA Division 17 Division of Counseling Psychology Minutes of Outgoing Executive Committee Meeting Atlanta, Georgia August 12, 1988 (1989) (0)
- Using Measurement Instruments With Diverse Populations: A Review of Equivalence and Bias Issues in Measurement: (663412011-001) (2011) (0)
- Ethnic Minority Identity: A View from Another Continent. (1993) (0)
- Effect of Type of Problem and Type of Analogue on Preference for Counselor's Sex. (1979) (0)
- Review of Psychological Interventions and Research with Latino Populations. (1998) (0)
- Speaking of Fairness in Testing. Commentary (2007) (0)
- Relationship Between Womanist Identity Attitudes and Body Image in Black Women: (652832012-001) (2012) (0)
- Book Review (1991) (0)
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