
Jani Radebaugh

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American planetary scientist

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Jani Radebaugh
Earth Sciences
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Jani Radebaugh
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Planetary Science
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physics Degrees
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Why Is Jani Radebaugh Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jani Radebaugh is an American planetary scientist and professor of geology at Brigham Young University who specializes in field studies of planets. Radebaugh's research focuses on Saturn's moon Titan, Jupiter's moon Io, the Earth's Moon, Mars and Pluto. Radebaugh is a Science Team member of the Dragonfly mission to Titan, the IVO Io mission proposal, and the Mars Median project. She was an Associate Team Member of the Cassini-Huygens RADAR instrument from 2008 to 2017, and was a graduate student scientist for Io for the Galileo mission. She does science outreach through her work as an expert contributor to the Science/Discovery program How the Universe Works and other television and radio programs. In December 2012, Radebaugh and her colleagues on the Cassini mission announced the discovery of Vid Flumina, a liquid methane river on Saturn's moon Titan over long and resembling the Nile river.

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Jani Radebaugh's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jani Radebaugh?

Jani Radebaugh is affiliated with the following schools: