John Searle
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American philosopher
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Why Is John Searle Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, John Rogers Searle is an American philosopher widely noted for contributions to the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and social philosophy. He began teaching at UC Berkeley in 1959, and was Willis S. and Marion Slusser Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language and Professor of the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley, until June 2019, when his status as professor emeritus was revoked because he was found to have violated the university's sexual harassment policies.
John Searle's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language (1970) (9747)
- Minds, brains, and programs (1980) (5073)
- The Construction of Social Reality (1997) (3182)
- The Rediscovery of the Mind (1992) (2845)
- Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind (1983) (2649)
- Intentionality: Name index (1983) (2353)
- A classification of illocutionary acts (1976) (2038)
- Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts (1979) (1921)
- Foundations of Illocutionary Logic (1985) (1291)
- Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization (2010) (1145)
- Expression and Meaning. (1982) (981)
- Rationality in Action (2001) (886)
- What is an institution? (2005) (815)
- Minds, Brains and Science (1988) (766)
- Expression and Meaning: A taxonomy of illocutionary acts (1975) (660)
- Expression and Meaning: Indirect speech acts (1979) (529)
- Consciousness, explanatory inversion, and cognitive science (1990) (521)
- What is a Speech Act (1996) (513)
- Mind: A Brief Introduction (2004) (511)
- Expression and Meaning: The logical status of fictional discourse (1975) (485)
- Consciousness and Language: Collective Intentions and Actions (2002) (462)
- Mind, Language, And Society: Philosophy In The Real World (1998) (450)
- How to derive ‘ought’ from ‘is’ (1964) (440)
- Speech Acts: Contents (1969) (356)
- How performatives work (1989) (318)
- Is the Brain a Digital Computer (1990) (267)
- The Intentionality of Intention and Action (1980) (267)
- The Background of Meaning (1980) (254)
- Austin on Locutionary and Illocutionary Acts (1968) (250)
- Social ontology: Some basic principles (2006) (229)
- Speech act theory and pragmatics (1980) (227)
- Neuroscience, Intentionality and Free Will: Reply to Habermas (2007) (218)
- II.—PROPER NAMES (1958) (165)
- Indeterminacy, Empiricism, and the First Person (1987) (164)
- Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality (2003) (157)
- What Is an Intentional State (1979) (132)
- Consciousness and Language (2002) (132)
- Social ontology (2006) (122)
- The Future of Philosophy (1999) (112)
- Minds, Brains and Science: The 1984 Reith Lectures (1984) (105)
- Chinese room argument (2006) (101)
- Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power (2006) (99)
- The Chinese room revisited (1982) (99)
- Biomedical informatics: changing what physicians need to know and how they learn. (2011) (95)
- An Illuminating Exchange The Construction of Social Reality (2003) (94)
- How to study consciousness scientifically. (1998) (90)
- Speech Acts and Illocutionary Logic (2005) (87)
- Intentionalistic Explanations in the Social Sciences (1991) (83)
- Language and social ontology (2008) (81)
- Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language (2007) (79)
- Expression and Meaning: Frontmatter (1979) (79)
- (on) Searle on Conversation: Compiled and Introduced by Herman Parret and Jef Verschueren (1992) (77)
- Why I Am Not a Property Dualist (2008) (77)
- Seeing Things as They Are: A Theory of Perception (2015) (76)
- "Las Meninas" and the Paradoxes of Pictorial Representation (1980) (73)
- Rationality and realism, what is at stake? (1993) (71)
- Metaphor and Thought: Metaphor (1993) (69)
- Rules and causation (1980) (69)
- The Construction of Social Reality: An Exchange (2000) (69)
- Meaning and Speech Acts (1962) (69)
- Who is computing with the brain? (1990) (66)
- What is Language? Some Preliminary Remarks* (2009) (60)
- Social Ontology and the Philosophy of Society (1998) (58)
- Responses to Critics of The Construction of Social Reality (1997) (57)
- Consciousness, Unconsciousness, and Intentionality (1989) (54)
- Gingival resistance to probing forces. II. The effect of inflammation and pressure on probe displacement in beagle dog gingivitis. (1989) (51)
- Consciousness, Unconsciousness and Intentionality (1991) (49)
- Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics (2016) (48)
- Referential and Attributive (1979) (47)
- Free Will as a Problem in Neurobiology (2001) (46)
- Consciousness and Language: Indeterminacy, Empiricism, and the First Person (2002) (46)
- Status functions and institutional facts: reply to Hindriks and Guala (2015) (43)
- Intentionality and its place in nature (1984) (42)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Selected Essays (2008) (41)
- Rationality in Action: A Symposium (2001) (40)
- Expression and Meaning: Metaphor (1979) (38)
- Computerized analysis of resting fetal heart rate tracings. (1988) (37)
- Précis of The Construction of Social Reality (1997) (36)
- Literary Theory and Its Discontents (1994) (36)
- Gingival Resistance to Probing Forces (1989) (33)
- Expression and Meaning: Literal meaning (1979) (33)
- The Explanation of Cognition (1997) (32)
- Chemotherapy of human carcinoma xenografts during pulsed magnetic field exposure. (1994) (32)
- How to study consciousness scientifically 1 Published on the World Wide Web on 24 November 1998. 1 (1998) (31)
- Theory of mind and Darwin’s legacy (2013) (30)
- The self as a problem in philosophy and neurobiology (2005) (29)
- Academic Freedom and Tenure: Ethical Issues (1997) (29)
- Money: Ontology and Deception (2017) (29)
- Dualism revisited (2007) (27)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Twenty-one years in the Chinese Room (2008) (26)
- Consciousness, the Brain and the Connection Principle: A Reply (1995) (25)
- Consciousness: What We Still Don't Know (2005) (25)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Name index (2008) (24)
- The Campus War (1972) (24)
- The Limits of Emergence: Reply to Tony Lawson (2016) (24)
- Intentionality and the Use of Language (1979) (24)
- In vitro cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines during pulsed magnetic field exposure. (1994) (24)
- The Problem of Consciousness (1993) (22)
- Maternal dietary substrates and human fetal biophysical activity. I. The effects of tryptophan and glucose on fetal breathing movements. (1986) (22)
- Contemporary Philosophy in the United States (2007) (22)
- The Social Construction of Reality (2014) (21)
- Russell's Objections to Frege's Theory of Sense and Reference (1958) (21)
- Gingival resistance to probing forces. I. Determination of optimal probe diameter. (1989) (21)
- Is There a Crisis in American Higher Education (1993) (21)
- The campus war : a sympathetic look at the university in agony (1971) (20)
- Reductionism and the Irreducibility of Consciousness (2008) (19)
- Speech Acts, Mind, and Social Reality (2002) (19)
- Electrophysiological changes in the primary sensory neuron following subchronic soman and sarin: alterations in sensory receptor function. (1987) (18)
- Computer-assisted assessment of the fetal biophysical profile. (1985) (18)
- Literal meaning (1978) (18)
- The Map and the Territory (2018) (16)
- Philosophy in a new century (2003) (16)
- Are There Social Objects (2014) (16)
- Searle versus Durkheim and the waves of thought (2006) (16)
- Essays on J. L. Austin (1973) (16)
- Replies To Critics of the Construction of Social Reality (1997) (16)
- Analytic Philosophy and Mental Phenomena (1981) (16)
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1980) (16)
- Thought and Language: The Explanation of Cognition (1998) (15)
- Effect of gingival wall on resistance to probing forces. (1995) (14)
- Cognitive science and the computer metaphor (1990) (14)
- Philosophy in a New Century: The self as a problem in philosophy and neurobiology (2008) (13)
- Philosophy in a New Century: The phenomenological illusion (2008) (13)
- Realism/Antirealism and Epistemology (1997) (12)
- Consciousness and the Problem of Free Will (2010) (12)
- An interpretation of pressure/volume interactions in the craniospinal axis. (1980) (12)
- Intentionality and Method (1981) (11)
- Development of an ambulatory recorder for evaluation of muscle tension-related low back pain and fatigue in soldiers' normal environments. (1991) (11)
- Consciousness and Language: Individual Intentionality and Social Phenomena in the Theory of Speech Acts (2002) (11)
- The Connection Principle and the Ontology of the Unconscious: A Reply to Fodor and Lepore (1994) (11)
- Fetal biophysical testing. The effects of prolonged maternal fasting and the oral glucose tolerance test. (1987) (11)
- Intentionality: The Intentionality of perception (1983) (11)
- An Approach to Intensive Care Monitoring That Combines Deterministic And Heuristic Techniques (1990) (11)
- Reality and social construction (2006) (10)
- Consciousness and Language: Contents (2002) (10)
- The Fetal Biophysical Profile: Antepartum Assessment Using A programmed Microcomputer (1986) (9)
- Meaning, mind and reality (2001) (9)
- Speech Acts: The structure of illocutionary acts (1969) (9)
- Conversations with John Searle (2005) (9)
- Reality and relativism (2006) (9)
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Language and Social Ontology (2009) (8)
- The critique of cognitive reason (1993) (8)
- Reliability of an ambulatory electromyographic activity device for musculoskeletal pain disorders. (1994) (8)
- Mental Causation, Conscious and Unconscious: A Reply to Anthonie Meijers (2000) (8)
- The Basic Reality and the Human Reality (2010) (7)
- Semiotics as a Theory of Representation (2020) (7)
- Desire, Deliberation and Action (2005) (7)
- Why the Connection Argument Doesn't Work@@@The Rediscovery of the Mind. (1995) (7)
- Patterns, symbols, and understanding (1985) (7)
- J. L. Austin (1911–1960) (2007) (7)
- Postmodernism and the Western Rationalist Tradition (2021) (6)
- The Classical Model of Rationality and its Weaknesses (2002) (6)
- Maternal dietary substrates and human fetal biophysical activity (1986) (6)
- Reply to Jacquette (1989) (6)
- Non-reductionism and John Searle’s The Rediscovery of the Mind (1995) (6)
- Grice on Meaning: 50 Years Later (2007) (6)
- La revolución de Chomsky en lingüística (1977) (6)
- Consciousness, attention and the Connection Principle (1993) (5)
- The Turing Test: 55 Years Later (2009) (5)
- Expression and Meaning: Referential and attributive (1979) (5)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Fact and value, “is” and “ought,” and reasons for action (2008) (5)
- Panel Discussion (1984) (5)
- Speech Acts: Expressions, meaning and speech acts (1969) (5)
- Human Social Reality and Language (2012) (5)
- Structure and Intention in Language: A Reply to Knapp and Michaels (1994) (4)
- Consciousness and Language: Skepticism About Rules and Intentionality (2002) (4)
- A Non-modal Conception of Secondary Properties ' (2010) (4)
- The mission of the university: Intellectual discovery or social transformation? (1994) (4)
- NST expert: an intelligent program for NST interpretation (1989) (4)
- An interpretation of pressure/volume interactions in the craniospinal axis. (1980) (3)
- Reply To Chris Fraser And Kai-Yee Wong (2008) (3)
- The Case for a Traditional Liberal Education. (1996) (3)
- What's Wrong with the Philosophy of Mind (1994) (3)
- Report on Analysis 'Problem' no. 9 (1956) (3)
- Lukes and ‘substantive social scientific work’ (2006) (3)
- Speech Acts: Reference as a speech act (1969) (3)
- Politics and the humanities (1999) (3)
- The realistic stance (1988) (3)
- Chapter 4. How Performatives Work (2001) (3)
- Consciousness as a Problem in Philosophy and Neurobiology (2014) (3)
- Insight and Error in Wittgenstein (2016) (3)
- Introduction: addressing the hard problem. (2014) (3)
- Clinical significance of fetal tachypnea during antepartum biophysical testing (1987) (3)
- Obstetrical Decision-riaking Based On Predictive Expert Analysis (1991) (3)
- Oxford Philosophy in the 1950s (2014) (3)
- Culture and fusion (2006) (3)
- Models and reality (1990) (3)
- Do we understand consciousness (1998) (3)
- Meaning as a Biological and Social Phenomenon (2012) (3)
- Intelligent Monitoring and Symbolic Representation of Clinical Knowledge: An Application in Acute Ventilatory Management (1992) (3)
- The causal powers of the brain: The necessity of sufficiency (1990) (3)
- Intentionality: The nature of Intentional states (1983) (3)
- Intentionality: Are meanings in the head? (1983) (3)
- Truth: a reconsieration of Strawson's views (1998) (3)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Is the brain a digital computer? (2008) (2)
- Speech Acts: Methods and scope (1969) (2)
- The Structure and Functions of Language (2014) (2)
- Effect of pressure on cerebrospinal fluid absorption in cats, baboons, and humans: comparison of the linear and logarithmic models. (1982) (2)
- The future of programming—whither APL? (1984) (2)
- The future of programming - whither APL? (1984) (2)
- The General Theory of Institutions and Institutional Facts (2010) (2)
- Expression and Meaning: Speech acts and recent linguistics (1979) (2)
- A simple calibrator for measuring the first derivative of pressure waveforms. (1972) (2)
- Deriving “ought” from “is” (1969) (2)
- Consciousness and Language: The Problem of Consciousness (2002) (2)
- Reconciling the Basic Reality and the Human Reality – Post Kantian Themes (2013) (2)
- Consciousness and Language: How to Study Consciousness Scientifically (2002) (2)
- Are there Non-Propositional Intentional States? (2018) (2)
- Implementing Uncertainty-based Prognostic Structures In NST-EXPERT (1990) (2)
- Consciousness and Language: The Explanation of Cognition (2002) (2)
- Two Questions on the Ontology of Money. An Imaginary Dialogue between John Rogers Searle and Maurizio Ferraris (2018) (2)
- How to Derive “Ought” from “Is” Revisited (2021) (2)
- Computers in ICU monitoring: An intelligent semantic-based method (1991) (1)
- Webcam-based Eye Gaze Tracking under Natural Head Movement (2018) (1)
- Consciousness and Language: Animal Minds (2002) (1)
- Intentionality: Proper names and Intentionality (1983) (1)
- Language as Biological and Social (2010) (1)
- LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Dialogue between (2008) (1)
- The Philosophy of Perception and the Bad Argument (2018) (1)
- Reply to “Normative Validity through Descriptive Acceptability? Why Searle’s Theory of Social Reality Is Incomplete” (2010) (1)
- The Normative Structure of Human Civilization (2016) (1)
- Consciousness, explanatory inversion and cognitive science (1993) (1)
- Reasoning in a Causal Gap@@@Rationality in Action (2003) (1)
- 1 Intentional Apple-choice Behaviors : When Amartya Sen Meets (2013) (1)
- On Hilary Putnam’s Farewell Lecture (2001) (1)
- Conclusion: We live in one world, and it all hangs together (2015) (1)
- Reply To Bo Mou (2008) (1)
- Consciousness and Language: Conversation (2002) (1)
- Chapter One. The Globalization Of Philosophy (2008) (1)
- Plateau Wave Etiology (1983) (1)
- Money, Social Ontology and Law (2019) (1)
- The Unity of the Proposition (2010) (1)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Social ontology: some basic principles (with a new addendum by the author) (2008) (1)
- Reply To Soraj Hongladarom (2008) (1)
- Some remarks about social ontology and law: an interview with John R. Searle (2017) (1)
- Reply To Chris Fraser (2008) (1)
- Two objections to methodological solipsism (1980) (1)
- Intentionality: Intentional causation (1983) (1)
- Consciousness and Language: Consciousness (2002) (1)
- How to study consciousness scienti®cally (1998) (1)
- How to study consciousness scienti®cally (1998) (1)
- La construction de la réalité sociale The Construction of Social Reality (2000) (1)
- "Las Meninas" y las paradojas de la representación pictórica (1995) (1)
- Unconsciousness and Intentionality (1)
- Interview - John Searle (2008) (1)
- Language and Meaning: How Language Works (2015) (0)
- Expression and Meaning: Bibliography (1979) (0)
- International books of the year--and the millennium (1999) (0)
- Reply to “More Than Words Can Say: Searle on the Constitution of Social Facts” (2010) (0)
- Reply To Kim-Chong Chong (2008) (0)
- 14. PROPER NAMES (1983) (0)
- Reply To Chung-Ying Cheng (2008) (0)
- Speech Acts: Predication (1969) (0)
- Meaning Protocol of the Forty Fourth Colloquy, 3 October 1982 (1983) (0)
- Consciousness and Language: Intentionalistic Explanations in the Social Sciences (2002) (0)
- Reply to “The Role of Declarations in the Construction of Social Reality” (2010) (0)
- A Comparison of MYCIN and INFERNO as reasoning Mechanisms (1985) (0)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Original place of publication of the essays (2008) (0)
- La revolución chomskyana en la lingüística (1981) (0)
- Free Will, Rationality, and Institutional Facts (2010) (0)
- The Bad Argument (2015) (0)
- Reply To Avrum Stroll (2008) (0)
- Intentionality: Epilogue: Intentionality and the brain (1983) (0)
- The validity of the dichotic listening technique as a measure of hemispheric specialization in male poor and average readers (1976) (0)
- Chairman's Opening Remarks (2008) (0)
- Reply to “Searle on External Realism” (2010) (0)
- FORCE, FICTION, FIT AND FELICITY: Narrative as a speech act (2003) (0)
- Report on Analysis 'Problem' No. 9 "Does it Make Sense to Suppose That All Events, Including Personal Experiences, Could Occur in Reverse?" (1956) (0)
- Reply To Yiu-Ming Fung (2008) (0)
- Reply To B. Jeannie Lum (2008) (0)
- Brain and mind: Chairman's opening remarks. (1979) (0)
- Recollections of J.L. Austin (2014) (0)
- Infinite loops and how to create them (1987) (0)
- How Perceptual Intentionality Works, Part One (2015) (0)
- Consciousness and Language: Analytic Philosophy and Mental Phenomena (2002) (0)
- The Future of Philosophy Rapid Response Email Alerting Service (1999) (0)
- Chomsky et la revolution linguistique (Chomsky and the Linguistic Revolution). (1973) (0)
- Freedom and Determinism (2008) (0)
- Classical Theories of Perception (2015) (0)
- Brain and mind: Chairman's closing remarks. (1979) (0)
- Expression and Meaning: Origins of the essays (1979) (0)
- The Logical Structure of Human Civilization (2014) (0)
- Reply to “Problems with Searle’s Account of Intrinsic Intentionality” (2010) (0)
- Philosophy in a New Century: The unity of the proposition (2008) (0)
- Computers In ICU Monitoring: An Intelligent Method (1991) (0)
- Alteration of the Optical Properties of PVD Coatings by Corrosion Induced Nanoscale Roughness (2014) (0)
- Chomsky y la revolución lingüística (1973) (0)
- Reply to “Acting on Gaps? John Searle’s Conception of Free Will” (2010) (0)
- Consciousness and Language: Introduction (2002) (0)
- Intentions, Actions and Explanations (2013) (0)
- Reply To Robert Allinson (2008) (0)
- Payne. Great Books in Philosophy. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003, xlv+ 308 pp., pb. $11.00. Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality, Frederick Schmitt (ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2003, ix+ 389 pp., $75.00, pb. $29.95 (2004) (0)
- The Construction of Social Reality. Anthony Freeman in conversation with John Searle (1995) (0)
- Reply to “Searle on Mental Causation: Biological Naturalism, or Something Near Enough” (2010) (0)
- The Myth of the Computer (1982) (0)
- EE Framework of Theories GENERIC GOAL F 1 , F 2 (2014) (0)
- 6. Two Concepts of Academic Freedom (1975) (0)
- Intentionality: How it Works (2015) (0)
- Collective Intentionality and the Assignment of Function (2010) (0)
- Reply To Yujian Zheng (2008) (0)
- Reply to “51 Years on: Searle on Proper Names Revisited” (2010) (0)
- Ontology of Consciousness , Mental Causation , and Holism in (2011) (0)
- Further Developments of the Argument Against the Bad Argument (2015) (0)
- What is to be done? (2006) (0)
- Book Review the Rediscovery of the Mind 1 (0)
- The verification of linguistic characterisations (1971) (0)
- Reply to “Searle’s Biological Naturalism: A Typology” (2010) (0)
- Speech Acts: Three fallacies in contemporary philosophy (1969) (0)
- Intentionality: Intensional reports of Intentional states and speech acts (1983) (0)
- Reply To A.P. Martinich (2008) (0)
- Could a machine think (2012) (0)
- The Problem of Consciousness1 (1994) (0)
- Ontology Is the Question (1996) (0)
- Consciousness and Language: How Performatives Work (2002) (0)
- IOTA3: the integration of Lotus spreadsheets and APL (1986) (0)
- FREE WILL Reply to Habermas (2007) (0)
- The basic reality and the human reality: Introductory chapter to the Münster's volume (2012) (0)
- The Mind and Computation (1995) (0)
- Derechos humanos = Human rights (2013) (0)
- The Purpose of This Book (2010) (0)
- Applications of the Theory: Human Rights (2015) (0)
- The Turing Test: fifty-five years later (2008) (0)
- Reply To A.T. Nuyen (2008) (0)
- Reply To Joel W. Krueger (2008) (0)
- John Searle - Slusser Professor of Philosophy (2013) (0)
- Towards the implementation of intelligent structures in intensive care monitoring: the advantages of the symbolic pre-processing (1990) (0)
- Grice on Meaining: 50 years later (2007) (0)
- Reply to “Trivial, Platitudinous, Boring? Searle on Conceptual Relativism” (2010) (0)
- Language and Meaning: Derived Intentionality (2015) (0)
- Expression and Meaning: Introduction (1979) (0)
- Le sens litteral (The Literal Meaning). (1979) (0)
- Intentionality: The Background (1983) (0)
- The Ontology of Human Civilization (2016) (0)
- Divisions , specialties , and subfields (0)
- The Philosophy of Language Bryan Magee Talked to John R. Searle (1977) (0)
- Reply To Marshall D. Willman (2008) (0)
- Philosophy 133, 001 - Fall 2010 - UC Berkeley - Philosophy of Language (2010) (0)
- CAN volume 21 issue 1 Cover and Back matter (1991) (0)
- Consciousness and Language: Intentionality and Its Place in Nature (2002) (0)
- The Intentionality of Perceptual Experiences (2015) (0)
- Speech Acts: Problems of reference (1969) (0)
- Philosophy in a New Century: Philosophy in a new century (2008) (0)
- Discussion: perception and memory. (1979) (0)
- Knowledge Representation In NST-expert (1990) (0)
- The Central Problem in Philosophy: The Basic Reality and the Human Reality (2015) (0)
- Reply to “Subjectivity as the Mark of the Mental” (2010) (0)
- I’m Sorry Dave, I Can’t Do that (1996) (0)
- Table of Contents. (2019) (0)
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